



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Mt. Leukens Road - #Mt.LeukensRoad

    Socal - Los Angeles County - La Canada/Flintridge NickNames: #Mt.LeukensRoad

    Use Angeles Crest Hwy. (CA 2) off the 210 Frwy. in La Canada. Drive up the Hwy. to the Angeles Crest Fire Station, on the left not far from the city. You can park near the fire station.
    Also check out Angeles Crest Fireroad - La Canada

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    • Trail UpdateRoad Is Fun-I rode the fr from the fire station today. Only rode as far as Earl Canyon Motorway as I am too out of shape.
      10b4me a 58 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Carve(Pro) from Alhambra, California


    • Trail UpdateLukens (not Leukens)-We rode up today for the first time in about three years. Started at Grizzly Flats and went to the top. There are a few slides and overgrown spots on Grizzly, but rideable. The vegetation is coming back nicely and the wildflowers were incredible. 13.7 miles in two hours fifty minutes.
      old gringo a 58 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateLukens (not Leukens)-We did this one on 5/17 from the Grizzly Flats (2N79?) road. We started around 8:45 which was way too late. The temperature had to be about 85 and quickly rose. And the gnats were the worst we have ever seen. I made it up to the main fire road (3.8 miles) then went back down. The hardier ones continued.
      old gringo a 55 year old


    • Trail UpdateLost In The San Gabriels-We attempted to go up to Lukens via Grizzly trailhead on June 16. We went down a fire road about 1.8 miles up to Grizzly Flat. It dead ends at about 1.1 miles. We went back up, then headed back to try another fire road approximately .8 mile from the trailhead. This was a good climb for about a mile then downhill to some huge rock slides. Not even a hike a bike. Then back to the vehicles for some electrolyte replacement.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateLukens Via Grizzly-We rode this on May 13. Conditions were near perfect, although a little humid. About two miles up the road there is a major construction project; shoring up the road at a point where it may slide. A little hike a bike to get around it.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateLukens-Absolutely perfect conditions today. We rode up Grizzly to the top of Lukens. The fire roads are in tip-top condition.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateLukens-We rode up tp Lukens today via Grizzly Flats. The road is in excellent condition. The winds were erratic; strong in some places, non-existent in others. The views were incredible.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateLukens (correct Spelling)-We rode Lukens from the ranger station on Saturday, December 9. The road is in great condition.
      old gringo a 54 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lukens-Can we get the spelling right on this place? We rode this today starting at the Grizzly Flats fire road. The guys said that the road up from the ranger station was still rutted. Great ride. Nice climb to the top. About 7 miles with an elevation gain of approximately 2,200 feet. The road is in great shape and very few others out there.
      old gringo a 53 year old


    • Trail UpdateAWESOME RIDE!!!-I noticed that nobody bothered sending a note or two in the past year or so, why?
      Me and a friend rode Saturday, 7-16-05. AWESOME! T'was a beautiful ride. Took us 2 hours to get to the top, from angeles crest ranger station, and 25 minutes back to starting point. Warning!!! Do not try turning on or using your cell phone on top where all those antennaes are, it will jam your cell and you won't be able to use it in a day. Maybe it's the magnetic field in the area (sorry if it's a stupid assumption). I'm also surprised to see very few riders and hikers (3 bikers & 5 hikers). I see way more at brown mountain. Maybe because this road is more challenging. There's also not enough parking at angeles crest ranger station.
      TTH of Duarte a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Titus RacerX 100 from Duarte, CA


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lukens-We rode this one this morning. The road is in
      pretty good shape considering the amount of rain
      that fell last week. There are a few sandy, rocky, or
      rutted spots.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 17 miles Elevation change: +2,500'
      Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateMr. Lukens-La Cuca and I rode from the Ranger Station on Saturday morning. Good trail conditions except for a few sandy turns but otherwise a high-speed descent. No fog at all on the ascent and when you see the peak from only a few miles into the ride it makes for a challenging climb from a mental standpoint.
      Ride distance: 14 Elevation change: 2700
      Truck Trail=100%
      Murphy a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sugar 3 from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lukens-Did this ride for the first time yesterday. The fire
      road from the ranger station is is great shape. A
      little sandy right after the gate and rocky in a couple
      of spots. The weather was strange; foggy on the
      west and clear on the east. Only saw seven other
      riders on the trip. Will definitely do this one again.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: +2,700
      Truck Trail=100%
      Gringo a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateGrizzly To Lukens-La Cuca and I rode to Mt. Lukens on Sunday from the Grizzly (2N79) starting point, a few miles more up highway 2. Started at 10:00, pretty hot but not unbearable. The total distance up from this point is 6.9 miles, versus 7.5 going straight up from the Angeles Crest fire station, and not all of the miles are climbing as well. The trail condition was great, probably because this stretch doesn't get as much use by both bikes and ranger vehicles. Not too steep but a good training climb. After about 3.1 miles you connect with Lukens where some cooler air hits you. I agree with others that have commented before that the 360 view from the top is incredible! The verdugos, mendenhall ridge, josephine, strawberry, mt. wilson, etc., can all be seen on a clear day. And having rode Brown mountain the week before, we were amazed to only see 2 other people during this ride. The downhill back to the fire station took us less than 24 minutes and was fast and very very fun. Will definately leave you with a grin on your face after this one.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14.4 Elevation change: 2400
      Truck Trail=100%
      Murphy a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sugar 3 from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateMt. Leukens To Grizzly To Hoyt-Climb , Climb , Climb and Climb some more !!! Started at the Ranger Station at 9:00 a.m. and climbed all the way to the top of Leukens. Took plenty of breaks on the way up to keep my heart from exploding. Got to the top and took a half hour break. The road up was in great condition except for a handfull of really sandy turns. Other then that it was an incredable climb to the top. The mild veiw through the brown layer of smog was nice. Started back down Leukens road. The ride down was great !!! We headed down to Grizzly and shot down Grizzly only to climb alittle more. We dropped down again and headed over to the Hoyt single tracks. Grizzly was in descent condition . . LOTS of rocks on the road and alittle over grown in places. The Hoyt single tracks were nice. It was a really rocky ride down the thin path. we made it to the driveway for the school there and climbed to the road. We rode on the road for a bit before taking another single track over to the Cleer Creek ranger station. We took a break after climbing yet some more on that last single track. After That it was smooth sailing on the paved road. We shot down about 5 miles back to the ranger station making it back there about 3:30 or so. All in all it was a great ride ! ALOT of climbing but enough downhill to make it worth it ! I strongly suggest this ride ! Make sure you have LOTS of water cause there isn't anywhere to fill up , also make sure y you have a couple power bars cause you will get hungry ! And dont forget to put on sun tan lotion! I got fried out there ! I rate this ride 4 motrin ! ! ! !
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 25.7 miles Elevation change: ALOT ! roughly 4,000 feet of climbing
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=80% Paved Path=5%
      Freaky one a 22 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Mongoose hardtail from Pomona


    • Trail UpdatePerfect Climb-Tortuga and I parked at the bottom of Grizzly Flat
      F.R. ( 2N79) and climbed to the top. It's a very
      enjoyable 7 mile, shady climb to the top of Lukens,
      with many awe inspiring views, especially on a
      clear Santa Ana day like today. While you're
      climbing you can see all the other rides in the area:
      Josephine Pk, Strawberry Pk, Mendenhall Ridge,
      Chilao, Mt. Lowe, Mt. Wilson, Brown Mt., Ken
      Burton, La Tuna Cyn, Hostetter F.R., etc. etc. The
      grade is perfect, gaining over 2000' in well over an
      hour. The way back is a very fast bomb, dropping
      the 2000' in around 25 minutes. I'd recommend
      this ride to anyone, as long as it's a clear day,
      otherwise, forget it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: +2000
      Dirt Road=100%
      Endo Verendo a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a FSR from Studio City


    • Trail UpdateEarl Motorway To Mt. Leukens-Starting out from the top of Palm Ave. in La Canada last Sunday, I headed up Earl Motorway toward Mt. Leukens. This was the second time I've ridden up this way and it was as steep as I remembered. On the first attempt, I went as far as the first concrete platform but this time I kept on climbing. At the intersection with Mt. Leukens Road, I turned left and headed for the summit. Thankfully, the grade lessens somewhat after the connector. I encountered a rattlesnake but was past it before it or I could react.
      The views from the top made the climb worthwhile, even though the horizon was obscured by smog. I'll have to do this again when the air is clearer.
      On the way down, I missed the Earl Motorway turnoff. I turned around and tried to climb back up to the junction. But after a couple of miles of backtracking and not reaching the intersection, I realized it would be quicker to continue down to Angeles Crest Hwy. and ride up Foothill Blvd. to Palm.
      A fun ride inspite of my screw-up!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 23 miles Elevation change: 3000
      Dirt Road=100%
      Jon Davies a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Pasadena


    • Trail UpdateMt. Leukens #2-Drive past the fire station for a few more miles to the large parking area on the left (see La Canada Fire Road description). Go around the locked gate and ride up the road. At the junction with the water tower, go left. Ride along a ridge, heading west toward the huge bulk of Mt. Leukens. Pass a road going right to Grizzly Flat and contiue up the north side of Mt. Leukens. This stretch of the road is shady and pleasant. The road does a switchback, then bends around to the east side of the mountain. A couple switchbacks later, this road meets the Leukens Road from the fire station. Continue up the long ridge to the final summit mass of the mountian. From the top, there are expansive views over the whole Los Angeles area and out to the ocean and the nearby islands. Just to the north is the immense void of Tajunga Canyon, and to the east the equally immense void of the Arroyo Seco. Return the way you came, or descend one of two other roads, one going west to Haines Canyon in Tajunga, the other leading back to the fire station.
      Dirt Road=100%
      Tom Kenney a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein Pinnacle from Reseda, CA URL:Tom's Page


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