



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Crystal Lake - #CrystalLake

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Azusa NickNames: #CrystalLake

    From the I-210 Freeway at the Highway CA-39 exit in Azusa, go north on CA-39, driving many miles, passing San Gabriel Res. along the way. Just past Falling Springs Resort, make a right on Crystal Lake Road. Drive to the entry kiosk and pay $5 here, or show them your pass, then drive to the hiker parking at the end of the road (past the store). Park here. Two things to be noted about the parking fees. One: The parking fee has been raised to $5. Two: On your way up the mountain there are signs saying that you need a permit to park, and there are two kiosks on the way up. Don't pay at them, they are only for if you want to park on the side of the road. Continue up CA-39 to the campground and then pay your $5 there. Thomas Guide page

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    • Trail UpdateCrystal Lake Road Now Open 4-11-After 9 long years - the roads and bridges are repaired and the road is open to Crystal Lake! The snack bar is now open too.
      AdamSa URL: http://www.wix.com/crystallakesnackbar/website


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Lake Website-
      Steve URL: http://www.crystallake.name/


    • Trail UpdateS Hawkin Fire Lookout Trail-Crystal lake area is close for all public uses (including bike trail); I confirmed with San Gabriel ranger station. Check with the ranger before going up there (626) 335-1251.


    • Trail UpdateRode up starting at noon. Don't ride this trail on a hot summer afternoon like I did. The smog was killing me today.
      Road is in same shape it's always been, good ride, but poor view due to low visibility (smog). Talked to the nice fire lookout volunteers for a bit.
      Fun, screaming, jarring ride back down the road to deer flats, then took the lost ridge trail- they just performed trail maintenance and it now has a few rock waterbars to negotiate, but still the preferred way for me to get back to my truck at the visitors center.
      Get a cold soda from the visitors center for 75 cents, you'll love it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: 2000
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=20%
      Sean a 26 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Rockhopper from la verne


    • Trail UpdateHawkin Fire Lookout-Started from Crystal Lake picnic parking lot around 11:00am. Wandering around the camping area and found the fire road lock gate. Weather was nearly perfect, and the scenery was awesome. Got to the Lookout around 12:15pm , and was invited to go up the Lookout house by the rangers. I was surprise to find out that the Lookout is fully operational and open to public most of the time(except when there is fire).
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: 2000?
      Paved Path=30% Truck Trail=70%
      a Weekend Warrior riding a GIANT Iguana from Monrovia,CA


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Lake-The weather couldn't have been more perfect this weekend, and the trails were great fun! This is a great ride to get away from the smog, etc in SoCal - just be sure to bring plenty of water if you're not used to the altitude. Check out our pictures/movies from the ride at the link below!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=40%
      Air Mapster a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek 990 from LA County URL: Crystal Lake: 06-10-2000


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Lake Map-I have posted a topo map of the area at my web site. The link is...



      Tom Kenney a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein Pinnacle from Reseda, CA URL: Tom's Page


    • Trail UpdateMt. Hawkins/Mt Islip-All trails are in great shape and the altitude of the rife gets you out of the smog and heat. When we rode on 8-1-98 the basin was at 100 deg. while we rode in a cool 75-80 deg. with clean air!!!


    • Trail UpdateThis weekend was spectacular!!!! There were no other riders or hikers that we saw all day. The temperature up there ranges from the mid-50's to the mid-70's depending on where the sun is. The roads are in good condition and the views are great once you get towards Hawkins lookout. All in all a great ride.
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=45% Paved Path=30%
      Eric Marti a 19 year old Weekend Warrior from Chino Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateHawkins Lookout/Hawkins Ridge-
      Hawkins Lookout Road
      From the hiker parking at about 6000 ft., ride around the locked gate and continue on the paved road, which switchbacks up through a closed campground in an open oak forest. The road continues west, then bends north. After a short descent, the road passes by the Deer Flat campground, a reservable group camp in a mixed fir and jeffry pine forest. Just before the upper loop of the campground, go right on a dirt road with a locked gate.
      The dirt road climbs across the mountainside for several miles, bending from east to south. Along the way, there are 2 water sources which are usually reliable all year. This water must be filtered or treated chemically! The grade lessens as the road does a long switchback around granite outcrops. From the switchback, a nearly level traverse ends at a saddle at 7600 ft.
      From the saddle, ride south on a steep section of road to the top of the peak on which sits the Hawkins Lookout. There is an old cabin which sits just south of the actual lookout tower. The whole site is protected for historic reasons, so the tower is fenced off and the cabin is well locked.
      Hawkins Ridge Trail
      From the saddle at 7600 ft. on the Hawkins Lookout Road, take an old, steep road north past an unimproved helipad. At the saddle past the helipad, the trail continues on the west side of the ridge, climbing moderately through jeffrey and ponderosa pines and glades of lupine and indian paintbrush.
      The trail becomes more difficult after passing a nice overlook to the west. Climb steeply on the east side of the ridge, then traverse across some rocky slopes and end at the Pacific Crest Trail junction. The Pacific Crest Trail is closed to bikes, so this is the end of the line. It's a very nice spot, though, at about 8000 ft. in mixed jeffry, ponderosa, and lodgepole pines, with excellent views in nearly all directions.
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=45% Paved Path=30%
      Tom Kenney a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein Pinnacle from Reseda, CA URL:Tom's Page


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