



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Zuma Ridge - #ZumaRidge

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Malibu NickNames: #ZumaRidge

    Take PCH to Busch Drive and head to the end of the road where the trail starts. Thomas Guide Page 667-D1

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    • Trail UpdateFUN FUN AND MORE FUN-A great workout if u do nonstop peddling till u get to the top it takes a bout a half hour then if your like me and like nonstop dh you get it al the way down to bush rd.. On the way down there are some rock portions but nothing technical and a few jumps. You can haul alot of speed if you dont use your brakes and honestly you relay dont need to if u ever feel like your going to fast there are tons of flat-side areas to stop out on. takes about 20 min nonstop dh. Great ride so much funny hucking down it.
      a Downhiller riding a KONA STINKY


    • Trail UpdateZuma Ridge/ Edison-Rode from Encinal Cyn., up Zuma ridge, down Edison, up and out to Kanan, then rode Backbone back to Encinal. Just over 13 miles total. Didn't see another human until we reached Kanan. This trail gets very little use. Its very over grow. Some great views from the higher elevations. Its a pretty touch climb out but I wouldn't recomend the trail unless you really like to get off the beaten path. Sights included two snakes, two ducklings at the river at bottom of Edison, and a momma bobcat with two kittens(cool).
      Good amount of poisin oak and I picked off 14 TICKS!!
      Once after I brushed some bushes, I spotted one on my leg and six on my shoe. Gotta get some repelent.
      We will file this one under,"once is enough"
      Rhino a 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant NRS from Simi Valley


    • Trail UpdateZuma Ridge-Had a chance to get in a workout before heading to the Mom's place for Mother's day dinner so I figured that a Zuma Ridge out and back would work up the appetite. Typical conditions today with breezy and cool at the start and inferno like as you doing the last grunt to Buzzards roost ranch at the apex of the climb. For those unfamiliar with this ride a very good comparison with the first 2.7 miles to the Edison fireroad would be the 2.7 mile ride from the bottom of the Mt. Wilson Toll road to Henninger Flats. Same distance and Zuma has about 50-60' more elevation gain. It's definitely a grinder no doubt but at least the surface conditions were fairly good up to Edison. Edison is a good place to take a break and fuel up and take in some views as the worst climbing is still to come up to Buzzard's roost. After a nice down hill for a 1/3 of a mile the serious climbing starts and this portion of the trail is in poor condition as always with loose conditions and lots of small rocks that suck away any decent momentum you can get turning the last mile into a real grind. You gain nearly 700' in the last mile with these crappy conditions which feel like riding on marbles at times. The total gain in the 4.2 miles from the start to the top of Buzzard's roost is 2043' by my computer. I dropped down to the Zuma ridge Backbone trailhead and then rode back up to the crest (another 700' climb)and back to the starting point. No other riders on the ride but some friendly hikers along the way. Make sure to bring lots of water on this ride whether it's the out and back variety or a loop dropping down Edison and through the Zuma connector.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 2800+
      Dirt Road=100%
      Old Bones riding a Intense Tracer


    • Trail UpdateZuma Ridge-So it's Sunday morning and I'm deciding where to ride on this scorching day. Figuring Zuma Ridge is close to the beach I decide to do this ride. Before leaving the house I turn on the Weather channel and see Pt. Mugu has a temp of 71 degrees with 100% humidity. Uh oh. A 71 dewpoint in So Cal is virtually unheard of. Hoping against hope there will be a decent onshore breeze I trek on down to Zuma from Thousand Oaks. At the trailhead it's about 75 with a nice breeze but a 1/4 mile up the trail the wind completely stops and the temp goes up, up, up. In fact it was brutally hot, probably a good 95 degree with humidity making the heat index over a 100. Think riding in Miami and having to climb 2500 feet along with it--ughhh. Somehow managed to get to Edison in middle ring with no stopping but by then I was melting. Took a break, rehydrated and went up to Buzzard's Roost before returning back as liquids were running short. While resting up top at the Buzzard's Roost area a SUV is coming up the trail from the north--I loved the look of the female passenger looking at me wondering about what type of masochist would be doing this ride in this weather. Why do any of us do it, I guess for the challenge. Bottom line is don't count on a cool ride up Zuma Ridge until this high pressure/weather inversion crap is gone.
      By the way I checked out a nice little singletrack which starts at the east end of the parking lot. This drops down a little over 200 feet to the canyon floor and hooks up with a number of other trails--all of them are illegal for bikes unfortunately except the one from the parking lot. Too bad because you could otherwise loop down the Ocean View trail and hook up back with the parking lot area without having to ride on Kanan after doing the Edison fireroad and Zuma connector trails. Maybe someday they will open up those singletracks for bikes. Also lots of vehicle and foot traffic near Zuma Beach so keep your eyes open.


    • Trail UpdateAlternate Descent To Beach-Makes a good car shuttle, or do any loop below to climb back up. We call this 'Trail Not'. Two cars: Park one on PCH at Zuma Beach near lifegaurd tower 6, other on Encinal Cyn Rd. at the water treatment plant, a few miles West of Kanan. Climb f.r. to Buzzards Roost Ranch. Do a high speed f.r. descent to saddle, Edison Rd. and trail junctions, and continue straight. On right 1/2 mile or less you see an ST on your right (West) with tall bushes on each side - Take it. The trail gets smaller and you pass the sign for which it was named 'Trail Not Maintained'. Ignore it and do a super-fun technical, steep and rutted drop. You descend some rolling ST and climb a short hill, then the trail goes off to the right. This drops down above the houses into some disced fields. Find the ST that descends to the paved flood control basin at the bottom. There is a gap in the fence. Work to your left and join up with city streets. Either straight or right goes to PCH near at Zuma and your car. Kanan is to the East up PCH. I think there is also an ST, leaving from a park North of the Zuma beach entrance to your East, but it might be closed to bikes.
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%


    • Trail UpdateAlternate Descent To Cavalleri-The Zuma Canyon Connector trail leaves the Edison road and drops southeast to a second dirt road. A left turn here takes you to Kanan along a virtually unused dirt road. A right (the way everybody seems to go) takes you down past the Ocean View Trail which, apparently, drops back over the ridge westward into Zuma Canyon. Continuing along the dirt road (it's the road visible up-slope from the two-lane landslide repair on Kanan) you come to a disked field next to some stables, where the "trail" (plowed up) makes a hard right to a water tank access road. This access road then descends between the stables and a tennis court to the high point of Cavalleri Drive. To get there from Kanan, ride around the left side of the gate across Cavalleri and up the short little hill to the tank road on the right. And give thanks to the creator of chain link fencing, because the dogs behind the fence alongside Cavalleri really, really WANT a piece of your leg.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Loop 12 miles Elevation change: ~2,200' from Cavalleri
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=10%


    • Trail UpdateZuma Ridge To Kanan-Dume Road-The Edison road Big Ship mentions drops east from Zuma Ridge into Zuma Canyon, losing ~1,000', then climbs ~900' southeast to the ridge just west of Kanan. The road curls around the ridgeline and heads back north, climbing a bit more, then dropping a bit, then climbing again and intersecting a trail on the right (east) with a sign which tells you that you've found the Zuma Connector Trail. The road continues north and used to drop all the way to Kanan, but was washed out eight or nine years ago, and I don't know if it ever got repaired. The Zuma Connector Trail, which is about 2-1/4 miles from Zuma Ridge, drops east and southeast down a shallow ridge, with a couple loose switchbacks, to another dirt road. Lots of traffic heads right at this intersection (Canyon View Trail, with another sign), which might go down to Cavalleri Drive or Bonsall, but I've never been that way. I turn left, which sees virtually no traffic and is pretty weedy, but eventually drops onto Kanan about 1-3/4 miles south of the Backbone Trail parking lot by Tunnel 1. Where it hits Kanan there's a gate, hard to see from Kanan at 50mph, that has a "National Park Service Property" sign on it. I just rode this loop in reverse this evening, Kanan to Edison road to Zuma Ridge to Backbone Trail, and the whole route is in pretty good shape. The only technical parts are loose sections from scattered rocks or torn up by a motorcycle. You're more likely to stop and admire the view than stop for technical challenges. Some of the rockfall on the road east of Zuma Canyon has left big divots in the road - they were really big rocks, like 10-14 feet long, and they must have bounced pretty hard. Some of the mustard hanging over and obscuring the track also hides nettles, so bring your Swiss Army Knife with tweezers just in case, but I didn't get any ticks. If you're planning to climb out of Zuma Canyon on a hot sunny day, bring A LOT of water.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Loop 9 miles Elevation change: ~2,000
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=10%


    • Trail UpdateZUMA RIDGE-Rode this on Sunday hoping it's close proximity to the ocean would keep things relatively cool on what was a scorching day inland--WRONG!!! Man, was it hot after the first half mile or so. In fact, by the time I reached Buzzard's Ranch, it must have been in the mid 90's. That's So Cal for you when the onshore breeze is so weak. You could do the same ride a couple days later and be socked in with fog and clouds. I have done this ride where the marine layer was creeping around the canyons--makes for interesting viewing as the swirls of clouds and mist are about you like some huge balls of cotton candy. No such luck on this furnace of a day.
      There is nothing special about this ride though the views up near the top are quite good. It's definitely a good workout and now that Backbone trail meets up with it it's worth doing. By the way, I'm curious if anyone has ridden down the Edison fire road (branches of to the right as your about 2 and a half miles in)which dives deep into the canyon and comes up the other side. There is a sign saying it's 5 miles to Kanan Road from the start of it but is there a gate blocking the other end at Kanan?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change: 3000'
      Dirt Road=100%
      THE BIG SHIP a 37 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateWent on the Backbone ride on Thanksgiving Day and had a blast. This was my first time in a while back in the saddle and the climbs about killed me. I went in at the Kanan Dume parking lot and over the tunnel. I continued about 4.5 miles in a then came out the same way. The end was fast and tight with killer switchbacks. The rolling hard packed single-track was a lot of fun. I only saw three other riders that day. I will definitely return for a longer ride in this area. Dan DCB 26 from Flagstaff, AZ Mountains to Redondo Beach shores. "GMAFC"
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 9miles Elevation change: 1500


    • Trail UpdateJust a note to the last entry. Every trail mentioned in the Backbone Deluxe description is open and legal for bikes. Several sections of the Backbone trail are closed to bikes, but the entire length from Encinal to Corral Cyn is legal, as are all the mentioned fire roads.
      Paul a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein from T.O.


    • Trail Updatedid you take any trails marked NO BIKES?STAY OFF THE TRAILS MARKED NO BIKES PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE


    • Trail UpdateBackbone Deluxe-If you don't like climbing stop reading this.

      For the rest of you, I headed up Zuma Ridge on Sunday to connect with the backbone, in and out of Encinal canyon, Latigo canyon, Newton canyon, Corral canyon, and down Puerco canyon. Sick ride.

      Leave a car at Puerco Canyon and PCH. Start at the Zuma Ridge Trailhead at the top of Busch Drive in Point Dume. Proceed up, and up, and up the Fire Road for 6 miles. Steep and boring.

      Look to your right and locate the Backbone Trailhead into Encinal. This leg is rolling with switchbacks, a waterfall on your left in the winter. Drops you down into an incredibly green forest, cross the bridge, and climb back out to the Kanan Dume parking lot.

      Pick up the trail on the west end of the lot with a steep 200 yards up and over the road bridge. A little more climbing then fairly basic riding in and out of Latigo.

      The trail continues across the street, a little more technical. A couple rock drop-offs, tighter switchbacks, and rock climbs out of Newton.

      Cross the fire road and head into Corral canyon. In my opinion the best leg on this ride. Rocky descents, tight switchbacks, rocky creek crossings, overall more technical than the first three canyons. Climb out to find the Corral canyon parking lot. Take the paved road about 1/4 mile and bust a left back onto the trail.

      This would be Mesa Peak Fire Road. A couple climbs on this heading southeast until you run smack into a steep 150 yard drop-off. Lean back and enjoy this surprise, or take the bailout on your right. This will bring to Puerco canyon fire road. High speed fire road descent to PCH. Watch for hikers on this leg.

      24 miles of climbing and canyons. The initial climb is quite taxing. This can be avoided by parking at the Kanan-Dume parking lot. Good luck to you. URL: Dusty Bottoms


    • Trail UpdateDan From T.O.-There is nothing challenging technically about this ride as it is all fire road. However if your looking for a good cardio workout with some nice views from the ridges this is a good trail for you. From the trailhead to Mulholland is about 6 miles one way. The first 2-2.75 miles are a steady climb but then it levels out and goes downhill a bit . Then comes some serious climbing up some switchbacks until you have gone about 4.25 miles to the very top. You will pass the Buzzards Ranch than start downhill to Mulholland. You can either go back the way you came(recommended) or ride east on Mulholland and turn right on Kanan back to PCH and back to Busch Dr. Be careful on Kanan as cars are whizzing by and the shoulder can get very narrow.
      Dirt Road=100%
      Dan from T.O. a Weekend Warrior riding a GIANT from Thousand Oaks


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