- Friday, February 14, 2025
Southern California Trails
- Socal(290)
- -> San Bernardino County(27)
- -> Yucaipa(4)
- -> Wash Trail
Wash Trail - #WashTrail
Socal - San Bernardino County - Yucaipa NickNames: #WashTrail
I-10 east exit University turn left turn right on lugonia proceed up lugonia after awhile lugonia turns into highway 38 keep going up highway 38 until you pass a ranger station about 1/5 of a mile past the rager station on the left you will see a dirt road if you pass the sce power station on the right you have gone to far. park along side the dirt road and ride about 100 yards down on the left you will see the trail look hard because it is kind of hard to see.
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- Trail UpdateThe high grass on the trail close to HWY 38 makes it very interesting taking corners, unless you have it memorized, you never know when one of those big rocks are right in the way. Lots of Coyotes out there, and there is a big hole (some animal made a home) on the single track below the ranger station. Still a great trail.
Flocktothewall a Weekend Warrior riding a Santa Cruz BlurPosted:08/05/2006
- Trail UpdateMentone Single Track-rode the trail today very overgrown in all areas lots of tall grass hard to find the trail by the pole line
a Weekend Warrior riding a santacruz litePosted:07/29/2006
- Trail UpdateBack to the trail at hand...
Watch out for snakes! Was on it today and saw a few sunning themselfs on the trail. I HATE SNAKES
a Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Blur from RedlandsPosted:05/10/2006
- Trail Updatesome of the lesser used trails are getting overtaken by the spring grass, ride em to keep the grass off, packed down on top from the rains.
- Trail UpdateWash Trail /mentone Singletrack-back in the saddle again after 6 months.alot of new trails up on the top of the wash trail look for them by the poles and at the top of the fire road kudos to the trail builders / the trail by saffire is posted so an alternate trail is along the fenceline.
riding a santacruz lite from redlandsPosted:04/02/2006
- Trail UpdateTrail was/is pretty overgrown in the lower areas, but still a fun ride, I just moved to redlands, found the trail & have been hitting it just about every weekend and some during the week. The lower parts (below and above greenspot) are getting pretty sandy from the dirtbikers making thier way around, but up top by the ranger station is a blast, fun little single track with great rocks and obstacles. Email me if your in the area and wanna ride any time.
Flocktothewall a 22 year old Cross-Country Rider from RedlandsPosted:11/23/2005
- Trail Updatea little burn out on the top of the new trail by the poles very open now good ride
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-rode the trail from saffire today via redlands the trail is a lil overgrown but not too bad ran across a lady when ridding through sffire and she said it was a posted no trespassing area anyone know about this
- Trail UpdateMentone Single Track-rode from saffire the trail is in need of maintenenceall parts of the trail have been eroded with the wash/stream flowing through parts of the trail. alot of washed out areas and over growth i guess the local riding club has not keep up the trail
- Trail Updatethe new jp trail is wearing in j and p did a good job on developing the trail hope everyone rides it and wears it in more
- Trail UpdateWash Trail /mentone Singletrack-back in the saddle again! after 3 months of cheesing road from saffire all the way up lots of water in certain areas the new trail is overgrown in some areas needs some maintainence but always a home town favorite of redlands riders
- Trail UpdateWash Ride....-Rode the wash last weekend... lots of water in river area after lower workout/upper workout right before you pop back onto the 38. Awesome ride though...
- Trail UpdateMetone Wash Trail-rode the trail today. found the new trail great job to the trail builders, need more bikes to forge trail. beginning of course by safire road blocked, and section by greenspot real soft due to being bulldozed but worth the ride up to the wash area.
Ride rating: Intermediate
fred a 41 year oldPosted:11/27/2004
- Trail UpdateTrail Conditions-Trails are in excellent condition - very open and fun since the fire. New trail developed on the Northside of the dirt road that follows the power poles.
- Trail UpdateWash Trail - Mentone-Rode the wash trail last weekend...11-28-03, 11-30-03. Very overgrown in alternate routes on single track but definetly rideable.
- Trail UpdateMentone Trail-i know its hot and everyones going up the mountain but this trusty old trail needs some maintenance very over grown wil try to work on it, the weed are killing my legs, on night rides it is much more diffcult to judge the trail and large rocks.
fred from redlandsPosted:07/13/2003
- Trail Updatethe trail was being worked on up by the ranger station once you reach the top hill but it looks like they stopped it was between the two trails that leads to the top , tha wash trail/ mentone loop/mills creek trail is very over grown now.
- Trail UpdatePlease give more information on the developing trail marked with red flags. I haven't seen any. Thanks
- Trail UpdateMillscreek-some new trails up around the ranger station being built by somebody, look for the red markers still in its infant stage but looks like it will be fun.
fred a 39 year old Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:03/01/2003
- Trail UpdateWash Trail-rode the trail for the 4th very hot even at 7am but its local so its always a good 13mile workout from the house
fred a 39 year oldPosted:07/07/2002
- Trail UpdateWash Trail-rode the trail at night this week, some alternate single track past saffire. very technical and sandy needs a good watering to make area good to ride, the whole trail is a bit soft but still fun. enjoy the trail the way it is. thanks
Ride rating: Intermediate
fred a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a santa cruz lightPosted:06/15/2002
- Trail UpdateWash Trail - Yucaipa-The Rutriders have been doing trail building and maintenance in this area for years, and have been doing a great job of it. These trail have had the rocky spots for years and up till now no one has altered them. Some people have recently done some new trail building to add some new variety to the area and that work has been appreciated by all because there are now new options and ways around boring dirt roads. The new trails have needed some alterations as they develope, but alternate routs do no destroy the original trail, they just give options. Some new riders to the area have chosen to remove technical rocks from develped trails because they have dificulty with them, or just because they like smooth riding. This is not trail maintenance, it is trail alteration without consideration to the many others who have been riding these trails for years and liked them. If someone didn't like an area, it would be better to build their own alternate route rather than destroy these fun sections that have been here for years.
P.S. I am not a rutrider, but these trails would not be as good as they are if it were not for them.
A long time biking enthusiast a 50 year old Cross-Country RiderPosted:05/26/2002
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-the rutriders meet every weds. night at 6pm off hwy 38 across from post office come ride with us and test youself we do make things very challeging our reputation says it all
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-In response to the “Rutrider": I’m sorry I spent hours and hours cutting away bushes and fixing erosion spots the bikes cause. Next time I guess I need to ask your permission to fix trails on Public Land. Any other Trails I can’t repair?
If you’re looking for more challenging spots to ride go over about 50 Yards to the dry riverbed. It’s full of rocks to challenge youPosted:05/17/2002
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-Please do not remove the rocks. Learn how to manuever past them. They make the singletrack much more exciting.
- Trail UpdateMentone Single Track-rode from saffire looks like someone is grooming the trails but in a bad way please leave the obstacles alone, leave this a challenging trail, stop removing rocks and adding dirt in the areas,. around the ranger station has been messed with too. its not fun if you cannot try the rock obstacles. some days you make them, some days not, just enjoy them!!!stop making it so easy even the area by the construction has been altered. rutriders rule
Ride rating: Novice
Singletrack=89% Dirt Road=11%
rutrider a Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:05/16/2002
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-Rode trail on Saturday. The trail is now in great shape because of the recent rains. The new trail, (Built by Pam & John), is now getting broken in quite well.
If you ride this from the bottom you can make an 11 Mile loop out of it with a 1000 ft elevation gain.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change: 1000
Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=15%
Milehigh a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher from CalimesaPosted:04/28/2002
- Trail UpdateMills Creek,mentone Singletrack,-new trail built by pam and john look for the pink ribbons on the edge of trail you can make aloop of the wash trail now.
Ride rating: Intermediate
fred a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a santa cruz light from redlandsPosted:04/15/2002
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-there are some new trails all around this trail (1) beginning at saffire follow trail to water pump look for orange spikes in ground and orange and pink tafs on bushes this leads back to original trail.(2) when on above wash trail by ranger station on small hill heading down look for turn out and follow pink markers on bushes and rocks there is some construction being done by the wall so you will have to take the street.
- Trail UpdateMentone Singletrack-this trail can begin in mentone. you would start at meriada and crafton behind homes follow trail to greenspot and continue on trail all the way to mentone beach (wash area)which is by the ranger station. all the nice singletrack is in that area. ride this almost every weekend from the house.trail is a good work out
Ride rating: Intermediate
fred a Weekend Warrior riding a santa cruz light from redlandsPosted:02/05/2002
- Trail UpdateWash Trail - Yucaipa-Well the trail builders have been at it again, some new stuff on the lower part of the wash trail (more into Mentone). Its still a bit rough, but is getting rode in quickly and should be great in the coming year!
mtnthc a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Litespeed OBEDPosted:01/10/2002
- Trail UpdateWash Trail - Yucaipa-Contruction has nuked part of the trail, but not to worry folks are working to keep um open! Lets hope some of the best part don't get destroyed.
mtnthc a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Litespeed ObedPosted:05/21/2001
- Trail UpdateWash Trail-This trail is really fun it is almost all single track it is tight and very fast. the first section of the trail is about 2-3 miles long it will end at the bottom of the dirt road that you started at follow the dirt road to the pavement and pedal west or up when you get to the top of the hill (where the new pavement is) you will see a gated road on your right turn onto the road and follow it past the construction as you pass the construction you will see a road on your left that is gated right by the gated road is a large blue house turn onto the gated road turn right onto the alley street you will be heading west down the road on your left you will see a blue metal house the trail is directly across from the house the second section of the trail is about 3 miles long and takes you down to greenspot road you can turn around here or keep on exploring
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 8-10 miles depending on route Elevation change: 1500 feet
Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=10% Paved Path=5%
Isaac Tait a 17 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale F-500Posted:01/18/2001