



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Trippett Ranch - #TrippettRanch

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Topanga NickNames: #TrippettRanch

    Take Topanga Canyon Bl. off Pacific Coast Hwy. (CA 1) north of Santa Monca, south of Malibu. Travel north about 5 miles to Entrada Rd., or south on Topanga Canyon Bl. from US 101. Stay on Entrada Rd., bearing left to Trippett Ranch day use pay parking lot. Taking the main trail left wil lead you towards Eagle Rock/Springs, and then The Hub. Taking the trail right will lead to the back of Paseo Miramar.

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    • General ReviewTrippett Ranch, Topanga St. Park-I have been up several times recently to The Hub and beyond starting on the Valley side. Conditions are great.

      old gringo a 63 old riding a Specialized Epic Comp 29er from Northridge Posted:11/23/2015

    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-Four years since the last post and same topic; the completely incompetent job the State Parks people are doing in "fixing" the fire roads. Most of the road from Trippett up to Eagle Rock and Eagle Springs to The Hub has been plowed and ruined. Let's hope for rain and lots of use to get them back into riding condition.
      old gringo a 62 year old Cross-Country Rider from Northridge


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-I am the only one that updates this place. The semi-annual plowing has begun. Many spots are very soft. Especially the road between The Hub and Eagle Junction. Watch your rear parts.
      old gringo a 58 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateZe Plow!! Ze Plow!!-The semi-annual plowing of the fire roads at Topanga State Park is underway. As of yesterday (8/16), Fire Road 30 from Mulholland to The Hub, Temescal from The Hub to about 2 miles south, and Eagle Springs have been messed up. Most of the work is adequate but there are loose spots, especially on Eagle Springs. Watch your rears.
      old gringo a 55 year old


    • Trail UpdateSome Other Clues-I rode on the moon once.
      I had a suit on.
      The trip there was very long. Not worth it.
      I ate franks and beans for lunch.
      The jumps there are amazing.
      On one jump I swear I cleared about 400 yards.
      That part was fun.

      I am now writing a guidebook for the area.


    • Trail UpdateMore Clues-
      1) I did not enter through any closed routes
      2) I was riding alone, but passed several others
      3) I rode up Backbone
      4) I did not ride any bike-closed trails

      The people I passed were all riding or hiking down Backbone - 2 cyclists in one party just above the Landslide, and 2 separate hikers between the Veggie Tunnel and the top.

      Dr Wellington Yueh


    • Trail UpdateKinda Sorta-I rode Backbone on Saturday, well after noon. Ain't sayin' how, and I was not alone...

      Dr Wellington Yueh


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-As of 10 AM on November 25, the whole park was closed due to the red flag alert. Bummer.
      old gringo a 55 year old


    • Trail UpdateTSP-Surprise, surprise. The plowing has started and, so far, so good. The roads had been graded from south of the Hub to about .8 miles north of the Hub as of 5/20.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateTSP-The powers-that-be have done their usual horseshoot job of plowing the fire roads. There are numerous soft spots (especially on turns), holes, and rocks.
      Old Gringo a 53 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateTSP-It was messy Saturday from The Hub going south towards Michael Lane. I went a little past the turn off to the foundation and had to go back, too.
      old gringo a 53 year old


    • Trail UpdateTrippett Ranch To Paseo Miramar-On Saturday I rode the right hand trail from the parking lot, about five miles up to the overlook where you can see Santa Monica and the bay. It was a bit muddy at the start, but most of the trail was in great condition. At one bend in the trail we saw a dozen quail, and on the way back down they were still there at the same bend.

      Afterward we tried the left trail from the parking lot, toward the Hub. After about a half mile, where the trail goes steeply uphill, it was so muddy we had to push the bikes. The mud clogged the forks and brake cables so badly the wheels wouldn't turn, and we finally gave up and came back down.
      Jim Nowatzki a 66 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Marin Hawk Hill from Northridge


    • Trail UpdateWhat? They graded it!? That really blows.
      Endo Verendo a 38 year old


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-The long-overdue grading of the Eagle Rock trail has been completed. Some sections are good; others are afu. Hopefully, the forecasted rains will help harden the loose areas
      Gringo a 53 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth, California


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-As expected, the recent rains have caused quite a
      bit of damage here. East Topanga Fire Road has
      two slides approximately one mile and one and a
      quarter miles south of the Trippett turn-off. The
      rock slide is rideable but the mud/tree slide farther
      down is not. There is also a downed tree on the
      climb up to The Hub. A few ruts and slides in other
      places but they are all rideable.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 20 miles Elevation change: + 2K?
      Truck Trail=100%
      Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-The fire roads seemed to have survived the last
      storm. There were a couple of wet spots this
      morning; the worst was the little pond on East
      Topanga Fire Road just east of the Trippett Ranch
      turn-off. Other than that, and a few ruts, the park is
      in good shape.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 21 miles Elevation change: + 1600'
      Dirt Road=100%
      Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateTopanga State Park-The fire road from just above the Trippett Ranch
      cut-off to Eagle Springs then up to The Hub has
      recently been graded. Watch out on the curves as
      there is lots of loose dirt and sand. CORBA was
      working on Rogers Road on Saturday. Thanks to
      all of them for their work.
      Gringo a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateTSP-Conditions were just about perfect yesterday.
      Dense fog with a bit of drizzle made it nice and
      cool. Started in Woodland Hills on Mulholland;
      went to FR #30, having to dodge about 500
      half-marathoners. Then to the Hub, Eagle Springs,
      past Trippett, to Parker Mesa Overlook. Back to the
      Hub, south a couple of miles, then back to the
      vehicle. Yes, it's all fire roads, but I think it's a great
      workout. Lots of climbing with just enough
      downhill to keep it interesting.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 28.3 miles Elevation change: 2K ??
      Dirt Road=100%
      Gringo a 50 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateTrippett Ranch/East Topanga Loop-Me and the boys did this cardio experience this hot and dusty day. This ride is about 18 miles and all fireroad with some paved portions--not the most exciting but a good workout nonethelessif you don't mind giving the singletrack the day off. This ride is in the book Mountain Biking Southern California's Best 100 Trails, specifically #48. The climb from Trippett Ranch to the Hub is about 3 miles of good climbing--kind of the horderve before the main course when you head up Paseo Miramar. It's been a while since I've done this route. At one time after El Nino the Eagle Springs trail was almost a singletrack with some technical spots, now it's been graded into a freeway. Same goes for the East Topanga fireroad that you take on the way back to Trippett Ranch. One downside to this ride is the several miles of pavement you ride between the bottom of Trailer and the end of the pavement up Paseo Miramar because of the increased chance of picking up a nail, etc. Sure enough got a flat riding down Palisades. We kind of debated where you rank Paseo Miramar with some of the other famous grunts in the Santa Monicas such as Bulldog, Hell Hill, the ride up to Calabasas peak near Redrock, etc. I still think Bulldog takes the prize though for shorter distance it's tough to beat Hell Hill. No doubt it's a grind up Paseo Miramar but you do often have the reward of seeing some Westside Hotties heading up and down from the Parker Mesa Overlook--unfortunately, the good looking ones stayed home today-arrgghh. Good cardio workout though for next week's epic at Mt. Pinos.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 18miles Elevation change: 3000'
      Dirt Road=80% Paved Path=20%
      Dan from T.O. a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GIANT


    • Trail UpdateTripett Ranch/Eagle Rock-Springs-Parked at the Ranch, paid $2.00 to the ever-friendly park staff. Headed up the path to the start of Eagle Rock, after this weeks storms there was a lot of washout and the ruts were as deep as your axle, best avoided at all costs, in the dips the sand and dirt had accumulated and my tires sank deep and fast. Passed a few hikers and pushed on up to Eagle Rock, most of the topsoil had washed away and I was left cycling up what was effectively an dried river bed, rocks and stones strewn all over the track. Hit Eagle Rock, which had its usual biker and hikers all over it. Headed on and reached the the four way junction, a sharp right and back on the Eagle Springs track, again lots of wash out. Rattled over the wash board and bounced all the way down, no hikers and only passed one horse rider, who claimed to be lost, at least she doesn’t have to propel herself uphill. Rejoined the path and blitzed back to the car park.

      A great short ride with lots of climbing as ever made up for the downhills. If you’ve only got an hour or so go for it.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 6.25miles Elevation change: 1000
      Dirt Road=100%
      Stuart B a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpy hardtail from From cold,wet and dark London UK all the way to Sunny, dry and warm LA


    • Trail UpdateReligious Experience-Foof. Parked at the bottom of Palisades Dr. at 6 pm last night, and rode up to Michael Ln. and up Trailer for one of the best fireroad/singletrack loops around. Got to the top of the climb a bit dehydrated (nothing fun about climbing Trailer), and looked out over LA basin- a really, really thick marine layer had rolled in, and as far as I could see in all directions was a sea of white below, blue skies above, and mountaintops poking through the clouds: Palos Verdes, Catalina, and the Santa Monicas. The sun set over a ridge to the west, and I let it rip down to Sunset, descending down sick-steep offshoots, sandstone, and canopied singletrack...

      Epic riding. Feels good to be alive.

      Be the ball.
      El Santo


    • Trail UpdateIf you decide to go right at the Tippet Ramch T you wont be sorry... This long fire road prooves to be a great cardio workout without the heart-attack that us downhillers may experience. This road has excellent climbs and decents and good straight-aways for fast riding. About 5 or 6 miles and you reach a beautiful cliff-like lookout, overlooking sunset beach and the santa monica bay. It doesnt get any better on a warm summer sunset... The ride back seems to me to be even more fun (slightly more downhill)... About 150 feet before the lookout there is a smaller trail that leads into pacific palasades and sunset cyn rd. Towards the lookout beware of hikers and joggers...
      Dirt Road=100%
      Jason Arnold a 26 year old Downhiller riding a GT Zasgar from Sun Valley, CA E-mail: Jspot101@aol


    • Trail UpdateEagle Rock Loop-Since the other file's empty, I'll fill you in. There's lots of good riding in Topanga State Park, only some of it originating at Trippet Ranch. The Eagle Rock Loop is a 6 mile loop that offers great views, good topography and 1000' of climbing. From the parking area, ride up the short steep fire road to the right and bear left at a T to reach the Latitude, another T with a mileage sign. You can go right, but for Eagle Rock head left. Climb steadily, sticking to the main fire road, to a gradual descent that brings you to a junction. Straight ahead and uphill leads to Eagle Rock. Downhill and right descends to Eagle Springs. The trail veering off left is the Musch Trail, verboten territory for bikes. The loop is easier (more gradually climbing) if you head to Eagle Springs (counterclockwise) but less scenic. Grunt up to Eagle Rock, continuing past it for another climb session, then descend to a four-way junction--The Hub. Left is Fire Road #30, a gentle 2 miles descent to Dirt Mulholland (popular but boring). Far right leads to the Trailer Canyon and the long Roger's Road singletrack (aka the Backbone Trail) that descends to Will Rogers. Your first right (signpost) drops to Eagle Springs. Follow this. Lots of downhill and a short bit of easy climbing lead back to the three-way junction. Retrace your steps to Trippet Ranch.
      Dirt Road=100%
      Steve Sosa a 33 year old riding a a trusty Trek 8000 from Los Angeles


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