



- Monday, March 31, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Toads Wild Ride - #ToadsWildRide

    Socal - Kern County - Bakersfield NickNames: #ToadsWildRide

    Hwy 178 to hart park. Across from shooting range is the parking. From the parking lot you can see where the trail starts.

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    • Trail UpdateHanglider Hill-a video of some trails near by. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlR5Z-g0Ln8 a crash at the end


    • Trail UpdateTOADS WILD RIDE AREA-95 degrees 1:30 PM , dry dusty conditions,
      way to much fun to Bonzai the hills, from Arizona good place to have a fun day of riding.
      No Moto-x to be seen probably to warm for them.
      You All need to get together and design a loop and get the town and county behind you.


    • Trail UpdateOfficially Named Murphy's Trail-Unless you guys are talking about that other smaller canyon to the west, this one is now part of the new "masterplanned community" called The Canyons, but fortunately they're not bulldozing it to build houses. It's now called Murphy's Trail.
      And it's awesome.
      I've never seen another trail like this anywhere.
      I rode it for the first time since summer this afternoon, then I waited until dark and rode it again by bike light, and it was crazy. The narrow canyon is shaped so that you can only see what's immediately ahead of you, so that you don't even need a light that can shine out for great distances. This makes for an incredibly thrilling and surreal night ride that I highly recommend.
      exteban a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a K2 Razorback from bakersfield


    • Trail UpdateAlternate Access-This area can also be accessed from the bike path that runs south from Alfred Harrell Highway, intersecting the highway at the entrance for the California Living Museum ("CALM"), between Hart Park and Lake Ming. The bike path continues south and intersects Paladino Drive about 1-3/4 miles east of Fairfax. The bike path is listed as "Morning Drive" on some maps, but it's not a road yet. The area west of the bike path is apparently open, but the area east of the bike path and a mile or so north of Paladino (south of the crest of the bike path) is private property, signed, and populated by large (and very FAST) dogs. Blissfully devoid of moto-x on weekdays, but descending some of these slopes by headlight is pretty spooky.


    • Trail Updatethe 1st part is the easy but when you get the banks and turns it gets alot harder when i rode it i was with my brother and one of my friends it was hard because they got in the way all the time.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      downhill killer a 13 year old Downhiller riding a old bettesy huffy from bakersfield ,Ca


    • Trail UpdateOn the occassions I am in town Toad's and it's
      offspring are pretty fun but they're kinda short. The
      fun factor kinda goes down when the trail is sandy
      and scrubs your speed. If there are any dirtheads
      out there that are willing, we should look into
      building some dirt jumps out there so the
      motocross guys don't have all the fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Gravydogg a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a yeti from L.A.


    • Trail UpdateToads Wild Ride-Havent taken this one in a bout a year but will be hitting it this weekend. From what I remember it is a BLAST! Not the prettiest scenery around- Well it is Bakersfield right? Plus you should be looking anywhere except in front of you trying to maneuver around misc. obstacles- Very technical and life-threatening if you want- YeeHaaaa! Rip it up!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 2 Elevation change:
      Steve a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Foes from Bakersfield, CA


    • Trail UpdateToads-Well I just got back from my first experience on Toads. I was intimidated at first but once you get the hang of it, its a great ride. I washed once, and the second time my feet ended up being above my head. : )
      I really liked my first brush with death. I recommend it to everyone passing by.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ben a 21 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Haro


    • Trail UpdateGrand Slam (part 3)-Third ride of the weekend and this place is severely overlooked and underrated. Granted, it is in Bakersfield, it is a small park, and it is infested with motocrossers. Beyond that it's incredible!

      The directions above are sort of vague. What you do from downtown is hop on the 178 east, get off at Mt. Vernon and head north. follow it out of town and it will turn towards the east. Keep going following the signs for Hart park. After a few miles the road you're on will run right through the park. Keep an eye on your right for the Kern County Sheriff shooting range. Park your car and get on your bike. Forget about the trail you will see that follows the road you were just on. Head toward the range and you will find that the park opens up behind the range.

      The first thing I saw when parking was a beautiful steep, rutted face with no tracks on it ending right in the parking area. I HAD to find a way up there. Anyway, as you get back into this canyon you will see moto-trails everywhere, easy climbs going up, and steep chutes heading down every face. I continued on my way back and the canyon got skinny. Really skinny. Once at the top you'll come to a road where you could head for a couple miles to your right or left. I turned my boat around to speed through Toad's the way I came up. High banked turns and berms have you speeding through this crevise with a big smile.

      Back at the bottom I had no trouble finding the proper route to the top of the face I had seen at the parking lot. This was by far my favorite stretch in the park. Super steep rutted run, with good traction. Somehow found a good line on my first trip down and was at my car with a gigantic smile.

      You could play in this park for hours, climbing and trying out all the numerous chutes. If you're in B-town give this place a look, and watch out for the dirt bikers.

      Good luck to you.
      Dusty Bottoms


    • Trail UpdateMr. Toad's Wild Ride/Hart Park-I've been riding the Santa Monicas for the past three years. Recently, I've had to work in Bakersfield on a temporary assignment and had the pleasure of riding Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Hart Park last week. This place is a blast! (except for the heat in Bakersfield!) This park has a lot of trails w/ all sorts of fun stuff --- like some sick and steep downhills, fast singletrack trails and some long climbs (like to the top of Hang Glider). I parked at the school on Panorama and Morningside(?).
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Jimbo a 34 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Calabasas, Ca


    • Trail UpdateToads Wild Ride-It's about a 2 mile climb to the summit then you drop down into the trail. Toads is a 2 mile downhill trail full of winding turns and obstacles to manuever. The canyon walls are just inches from you as you take blind corners and ride the side of the walls into high speed bliss. But a word of caution... Never ride up toads it's the cardinal sin of mountain biking in bakersfield. Plus, motorclyclists sometimes like to cruise through it and throw rocks all over the place and have been known to hit mountain bikers without even stoping.
      rock stompers a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a cannondale from bakersfield, ca


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