



- Thursday, February 13, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Southridge - #Southridge

    Socal - San Bernardino County - Fontana NickNames: #Southridge southridge race trial

    10 fwy exit cherry ave head south past kaiser high into southridge park. near ralphs mkt. go to park area or park in shopping center area. Trail begins in park area, follow small signs used for race head toward Mnt. very steep uphill climb. follow trail up hill an you will see singletrack that cuts through the Mnt. and rocks. Ends on pavement climb toward water tank and follow arrows toward top and another singletrack. decend down and follow arrows to next hill climb. Basically the course is mapped for you. End back at park. tough climb in beginning very technical singletracks.

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    • Trail UpdateTrails Are Dialed-Thanks to the hard working crew that put together the winter series, these trails are fast and smooth. Get out and ride, they will make you want to race.
      cycle56 a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Crux Blur XC from Colton, CA


    • Trail UpdateLookin' Good . . . . .-I moved outta state, am here to visit, and was reminded by Southridge how much I miss SoCal trails. Everything was in GREAT shape, the best I've ever seen it. I believe there's a new trail to the left of the water tower, pretty technical, a little soft/sandy. The course was great, but there are new homes toward the back, so you better know where you're going. The singletrack that starts to the right of where the course starts was in great shape, very well maintained. I need to visit home more often.
      big-D a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specalized Bit Hit from Chino originally, now a Hoosier in Indiana


    • Trail UpdateKicks Ass!-Been ridng Southridge for a couple years now. It's still a great trail al around. Great climbs, awesome single track and jumps here and there to boot. For some fun riding and good training, check out Southridge.
      aceazza a 30 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek 4900 Hardtail from Fontana, CA


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-course was rockin. nice jumps & rock faces definatly becoming a regular! practice hard and ride your ass off!
      crazymtbiker1 a 24 year old Downhiller riding a specialized enduro trail sx


    • Trail UpdateView A Mini Movie Of This Trail!-view a mini movie of this trail! urchannel.com http://www.urchannel.com/mountain%20bike%20trail%20guide.html
      eric hunter a 34 year old Racer riding a yeti arc from mammoth lakes ca United States URL: urchannel.com


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge Update-I was out there 2 weeks ago and trails are good. Just rode to water tower and a little on back part of race course. No one else around on a Saturday morning.


    • Trail UpdateStill There?-Has anoyne been to Southridge lately??? What are the conditions?????
      King Solomon a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale Jeckyl from Chino Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateI tried registering but kept getting error messages so I've decided to ask my question here. Can anyone tell me how I can find out when races are? I don't care to race, I just want to ride during the weekends, but don't wanna show up when a race is going on. Any contact info?
      I recently rode here for the first time and really enjoyed the course. Also the singletrack that heads to the right after the water tower, right before the hike-a-wall (which I wouldn't dare). It is very over-grown, but safe. I think that is more technical than the course itself.
      bigD 1 a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Big Hit Comp from Chino


    • Trail UpdateMethusila-RIDE HARD AND FAST PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!


    • Trail UpdateSong For Painfreak-In the green green hills of Fontucky,
      Painfreak plays like a monkey.
      With no seat on his post,
      and square tires.
      He likes to be called (yodle yodle)
      The ring of fire.



    • Trail UpdateTacky-Yes Fontucky has been accused of being tacky and our trails here prove it.We did the old xc course and the new course and both were superb.I washed out once because I went in to high and my tire slid down,but other then that a perfect ride.We also took a jaunt down the downhill course which is also very tacky and easier then some of the xc sections.Lots of people out there getting some practice in.The hills are very green right now and to tell the truth it almost looks foreign to me.The green, green hills of Fontucky....somebody should write a song.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateTechnical Riding-Rode here Tuesday the 21st:
      Did the steep climb(the one that starts before you hit the paved road that goes up to the water tower) that used to be included in the old XC races and rode to the top and back down the the back side that leads to the road which goes up to the watertower at the saddle. this trail is pretty overgrown and it seems like not many people try to ride this anymore. it's still doable , but quite rutted, conditions were good overall for a challenging ride. the singletrack just east of the water tower was a bit loose but very fun to fly down on. the singletrack at the very eastern part of the track that's on the northwest facing wall of the hill was a blast to do, conditions were really good, no slipping and sliding.

      Anyone doing this ride should try to include the super steep climb and doing that small loop before hitting the paved road that goes up to the water tower.

      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 7+miles per long lap Elevation change:
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      Epic Mtn Biker a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Epic Marathon from Ontario, CA


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge Yeah-This is the ultimate urban mountain bike park so many fun option. This
      place will teach you how to be a pro rider from steep technical climbs
      to fast technical downhills Few short slick rocks tight corners sandy
      great place to ride in the winter.
      a 33 year old riding a yeti from hollywood ca URL: www.urchannel.com


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge Yeah-This is the ultimate urban mountain bike park so many fun option. This
      place will teach you how to be a pro rider from steep technical climbs
      to fast technical downhills Few short slick rocks tight corners sandy
      great place to ride in the winter.
      a 33 year old riding a yeti from hollywood ca URL: www.urchannel.com


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge Yeah-This is the ultimate urban mountain bike park so many fun option. This
      place will teach you how to be a pro rider from steep technical climbs
      to fast technical downhills Few short slick rocks tight corners sandy
      great place to ride in the winter.
      a 33 year old riding a yeti from hollywood ca URL: urchannel.com


    • Trail UpdateAny Info On Course Conditions?-I just got back in town and was wondering how the conditions are on the Southridge XC course? Any body know?
      Rayzorx a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumper Pro Hardtail


    • Trail UpdateSRC Course-Great day for racing. Not too warm and no wind.

      The cats and dogs weren't evident today though. There are parts of the course that are like Moon dust. The last downhill section before the high speed drainage ditch has soom scarey ruts. But I suspect it will just get worst as the season progresses.

      Stayed and watched the Trials guys. They are awesome!

      Rayzorx a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumper Pro Hardtail from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateYep-It rain cats and almost dogs.Pretty wet.Should be great by tomarrow.
      Fontuckian from Fontucky


    • Trail UpdateRAIN??-Man I hope some of yesterday's rain fell on the course. It needs some moisture to pack it down in the hills.
      To the guy that fell down in front of me in the BM race, I hope you're OK. See ya in 2 weeks.

      Rayzorx a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumper Pro Hardtail from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateXC Course Work-FYI:
      The ricketty bridge by the drainage ditch has a nice plywood top on it now and has been spiked down. Just stay in the middle and you'll be fine. See ya on Sunday!

      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change:
      Rayzorx a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumper Pro Hardtail from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateThe DH Course-Is on the rock-laden hill in front of the water tower. They choose different paths down the hill and the finish is usually across the access road behind the homes at the end of the cul-de-sac. If you want to see the course(s) flagged and marked, head out to the site on the saturday before the race. I dont know if they are marking the course a week in advance or not but it is definitely marked on saturday. It has been a while since I have been there so I honestly dont know if they have changed the format but people (with trucks) shuttled riders to the top of the access road on saturdays....kid's dads, riders that arent riding, whatever. Check out the southridge website for next year's schedule. I dont think it is up yet but check anyway. Also, I think they changed to a paid practice where your shuttling is covered.

      Fontana is fun but it sucks if you crash there. There are a couple of nasty rock sections on the hill that face toward the gate to the water tower access road.
      JR riding a a gary littlejohn pit bike with tuff wheels


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge DH-Last time I was there the race started above the water tank and came down the front side of the hill. This was last year and they may have changed it.
      Dirtbikedude68 a Downhiller riding a Kona Stinky & a StabPrimo from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateDH Course?-rode here yesterday looking for the DH course. I have never been to a race here. There are so many trails so we could did not know where the Dh course is.

      Does anyone know if the DH course runs down the front side of the mountain (the side with the rock drops and steep rock sections), or the back side (the side with all the rutted, bumpy dirt trails)? or have they run the course on both sides?

      Please reply if you know. thanks.
      Joe a Downhiller


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-this ride is for the advance the beginning climb is a killer made only for mountain goats the trail was rut city it is hard to believe that they race here the trail can be fun but a definite workout.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      fred a Weekend Warrior riding a santa cruz light from redlands


    • Trail Update1st Time-I live here in Fontana,but have never rode here.I tried to find the place a couple of times but went the wrong way(you see I'm directionally challenged also).This place is FUN!,Most the trails are real short but they are defintely interesting.A lot of work for somebody like me who is still learning the finer points on how to fall downhill,oops ride downhill I meant.I found them to be very challenging and watched a couple other more experienced riders descend.On the way back a couple of guys with some strickly downhill stuff were really tearing it up,I stopped to watch and both guys ate it pretty bad.I had to push one guys bike back to the park ,which wasn't that far.The other guy looked to be in worse shape.Taco'ed rim,cracked helmet, cracked elbow pad,and a gash of about 4 inches that was bleeding quite a bit. I told him to keep pressure on it,but he was just having a hard time getting down the trail.We got to the park and a police officer just happened to be driving by,I flagged him down and he radio'ed for the paramedics.They came and I left.The guys bike I was pushing seemed to be going in and out of it all the way down to the park,I'm sure he had a concussion.His helmet wasn't cracked but was beat up.I went back up to the approximate spot where I had seen them go down and I could not believe what they had been trying to going down.ShIat it looked almost vertical ,riding on granite all the way down till they hit a granite slab on the bottom.Needless to say I took an easier line and had a blast cruising back down.I rode all the uphills I could find and it was really fun coming down.Next time I don't plan on walking so much.This isn't a place for beginners.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 9miles Elevation change: not much
      Singletrack= 85% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=10%
      Pain Freak a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized F/S M4 from Fontana,CA


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-This place is awesome. I played around for almost 2 hours and I did not have a chance to hit all the trails. This is the perfect place for people with hardtails and short-travel bikes. Freeriders and full on down hill rigs would be completly out their element.I do not recomend parking in the park because when I was there there was at least 3 or 4 guys that looked like they wanted to steal my car so I parked in the Ralphs parking lot across the street. If you have never been here the first time can be kind of confusing. When you enter the park you will notice a small hill with trails that go straight up the side, go up any of the trails you will come out on a dirt road go left the road will switch-back stay on the road. It will end and single trak will branch off to the left and the right I did not go left so enter at your own risk! The trail on the right goes toward a paved road, when you get to the paved road you will see a water tower head toward the water tower. as you are going up you will see trails on your right this is the downhill section I could not find the Xc section.
      the downhill trails start with a steep climb right beside the water tower. About 3/4 up the paved road you will see a trail off toward the left this is a fun steep loop the first part is all uphill it will take you to the top of the hill and then you will come down the same way you came up. This place is awesome you definatly have to check it out. bring lots of water because it can get really hot and wear glasses because grasshoppers are constantly flying up in your face I found this out the hard way!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: infinite Elevation change: 200-300 ft very steep though
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=8% Paved Path=2%
      Isaac a 18 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale F500 Candy Apple Red from Forest Falls


    • Trail UpdateRode both the XC and DH courses on Sunday. Still a little water run-off from recent rains; especially on the steep rock-climb section. Overall the trail is in great shape. Traction is superb. Few braking bumps and ruts to contend with on eastside desent after the water tower. All the greenery on the hill from the rain makes for a more scenic ride. Those who have ridden here in the summer know how non-descript it can be. The DH course is in fairly good shape as well. It will be groomed before the next race but is suitable for practice now. Only abused section is the right-hander after the rock jump near the start. This section is stil pretty rutted. If you have never ridden here now is the time to discover it while the course markers are still in place. There are several "intersections" that can be confusing to the first timer. The XC course is approximately a nine mile loop. The DH course starts between the two rocks that the trail follows once at the top of the water tower.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=15% Paved Path=10%
      Albacore a 24 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Rialto


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