- Saturday, February 15, 2025
Southern California Trails
- Socal(290)
- -> Orange County(27)
- -> Orange(4)
- -> Santiago Oaks Regional Park
Santiago Oaks Regional Park - #SantiagoOaksRegionalPark
Socal - Orange County - Orange NickNames: #SantiagoOaksRegionalPark
Exit east off of the 55 freeway at Katella Ave, go about 3 1/2 miles, onto Villa Park Rd then Santiago Canyon Rd, until you hit Windes Road. When you get this far, turn left (North), and follow the signs for about 3/4 of a mile. Parking is two dollars, but I just park about a half mile away in the residential area and ride in. For information you may contact: Santiago Oaks Regional Park, 2145 N. Windes Drive, Orange, CA 92669; (714) 538-4400. If it is a concern to you, you can pick up a map in the Ranger Station and use that to get around. Otherwise, explore! Thomas Guide page 770
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- Trail UpdateLong Or Short Loop-Road Santiago Canyon for the first time today. Went up mountain goat, down the chutes and back up the new chutes. Chutes were fun and can get technical. Great short loop or you can make it longer if you like. Parking is now 3 bones.
los5 a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a SC Heckler from MontebelloPosted:11/16/2010
- Trail UpdateAvoid Traffic And Ride-Instead of sitting on the 91 as a daily commute from the OC to the lovely Inland Empire I chose to stop off and grab a ride at this park. Holy smokes was it fun. The single track is in great shape and the park is great. This is a must hit place to ride if you like super sweet trails. Hats off to the park service for getting this place back in shape after the fires.
Cycle56 a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Bitchen Santa Cruz Blur XC from Rancho CucamongaPosted:04/02/2009
- Trail UpdateThe Trail Is Dry-No mud on the trail except at the very end and it's completely avoidable. Came across a pack of "cougars" on horse back. Six of them. They were hot. Can I trade my bike for a pony?
Rockslidea 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT I-Drive 5
- Trail UpdateFun, Fun, Fun-Was looking for trail conditions after latest rain. Can't believe last update was last year. Anyway. I rode it twice last weekend. The trail was dry but not to loose in most places. Some deep powdery sections, but no surprises. Didn't see any horses and few hikers. I bet it's gonna be nice and tacky after the rain. See you there.
Rockslide a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT I-Drive 5Posted:05/23/2008
- Trail UpdateWeir Canyon Loop Open?-The Weir Canyon Loop (Weir Canyon Trail and Anaheim Hills Trail) is open. The Fire Road is all open. The closed areas are well posted. Just last week some single track trails were marked with a Sign Stating "Not A County Trail". It was not clear to me that these were closed or just part of private property. Staying on the fire road is your bet bet. The conditions are dry but traction is still very good on most areas.
RollnStonea 48 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel from Cypress
- Trail UpdateWeir Canyon Loop Open?-Is the Weir canyon loop open?
- Trail UpdateWhat Downhills Are Open?-Chutes = Open.....Waterfall = Closed
The fire roads are open but almost all of the single-tracks are closed (except Chutes). Some fire roads were plowed and are still loose but rideable.
RollnStonea 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel from Cypress
- Trail UpdateWhat Downhills Are Open?-Sounds like Chutes is closed. Is Waterfall trail open? It's the trail that takes you down almos to the bottom of the dam where you cross on the way to the three bit@hs.
- Trail UpdatePost-burn Condition-I rode here on April 29th. We rode the 3 bith@hes to the top. The landscape is pretty wild as most of the hills are burned from the recent fire. With a little help from mother nature and people respecting the trails, the area should recover. Trail to the top (3 bit@hes was open), and a few trails at the top were open. Our usual route down the far side was closed, but we still rode some excellent single-track down. Bottom line, the area is in good riding condition given the recent fire and the burned landscape provides a different type of experience. Enjoy!
hridea 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a specialized from Irvine, CA
- Trail UpdateExactly what have I screamed about? I admit I have little tolerance for idiots, and may come down a little hard on them, but that's about it. What the hell are you talking about? I've been a regular on this site for 10 years. I know/have ridden with most of the other regulars here. Who the f*ck are you?
- Trail UpdateExplanation-GRide, you are an idiot. I guess it would take an idiot to need explanation so lets make you a double idiot. I will put my name so you have to think of something else to scream about. Or wise up and go away, but we all know that won't happen.
Steve from OCPosted:03/16/2007
- Trail UpdateYeah the fire joke was brilliant. "It does seem that GRide has the mentality to do something like that huh." Care to explain, or just another spineless anonysnipe?
- Trail UpdateLOL - Classic-Well done RollingStone. It does seem that GRide has the mentality to do something like that huh. Poor Fritz. We should pitch in and get him a hotwheels.
- Trail UpdateGRide Vs. Fritz-GRide - Was it you who burned Fritz' car and started that fire?
RollnStonea 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Flame Thrower from Santiago Oaks
- Trail UpdateYou're so right. You win the internet argument. Boy you sure taught me a lesson. Congratulations loser. Yay!
- Trail UpdateExactly the kind of respone I would expect. Thanks for the confirmation. Perhaps if you too had East Coast Clients and started work at 5:30am you could ride during the week as well. My work here is done. Everyone realizes you are the idiot and now I can go enjoy my ride.
And remember, you invited me out to discuss. I just told you the next time I was going to ride. Tomorrow expect warmer temperatures then normal and excellent riding conditions. Remember.... Fritz said it would.Posted:03/08/2007
- Trail UpdateThis reeks of troll, but ok. So if I'm such an idiot, what does that say about the guy who wasn't even involved who hops in on the post with his own insults and self-righteous two cents? Your criticism of my rudeness is invalidated by your own juvenile response. And your invitation is appreciated, but wouldn't the bike racks at 3:00 be more appropriate? Well, my angry little friend, unfortunately I cannot make your engagement due to prior commitments (i.e. a job). I'm glad that your life and priorities permit you the bandwidth to afford me so much attention, because I do love the attention. Alas, weekdays during business hours are no good for me. I again offer you my email address if you'd like to reschedule a more convenient time and venue.
- Trail UpdateOh Boy-GRide becomes more of an idiot with each post. I will be at Santiago on Thursday at 5pm if you wish to discuss further. Better to accept the fact that you are an idiot and not show. I would school you if you did. We both know you won't show though. Since you called me Fritz that is the name I will go by. Just look for Fritz when you get there.
- Trail UpdateI wouldn't normally blast a newbie, but it wasn't like he didn't know. "The trails were officially closed b/c of the recent rain, and the trails being muddy, but I was determined to go anyway." It's not a question of being a new rider and not knowing. He knew. He saw the sign and chose ignore it and go anyway. And to Fritz Coleman, thanks for the meteorology lesson. You should pay more attention. This is a La Nina year, which means late rain. I've included my email address below in case either of you anonymous tough guys want to continue this discussion offline or in person.
- Trail UpdateMarch = Rainy?-Thanks for the post Jack.
Such a better way of letting a new rider know what he might have done wrong. Not to mention that GRide must also be seasonally challenged. Last I checked March is the end of the rainy season in SoCal not the beginning. I bet his momma is proud.
- Trail UpdateWhat GRide Is Trying To Say-Only in the OC would someone think to blast a new rider for riding in the mud rather then trying to be nice and explain proper trail management. Sure what he did was wrong. But how many of us rode in the mud when we were just beginning.
Baracus, what the idiot GRide is trying to say is that it is best to avoid single tracks and fire roads that tend to get very muddy after a rain storm. The tracks left by your tires can cause a lot of damage on the road that lasts well into the dry season. Also, it gives fuel to the hikers that want to close particular trails to bikers. So it would be better to find either sandy or rocky trails that don’t get muddy or wait a few days before you ride after the next rain.
The more important thing Baracus is to keep riding and have fun. And no matter what, don’t become a total nimrod idiot of a human like GRide. At least you just made a mistake riding one day, GRide is a walking mistake. Have fun riding man….
Singletrack JackPosted:03/06/2007
- Trail UpdateGood job riding in the mud. I'm sure everyone will appreciate the ruts you left. Now that we're heading into the rainy season, the further erosion due to runoff being routed into your ruts will be appreciated also. Are you really that stupid?
- Trail UpdateUp After The Rain 2-27-07-Went up on my brother's bike - my first trail ever, actually. Had tons of fun.
Starts out crossing a little ravine going over a bunch of rocks, softball sized. After that, had to hike up about 20 stairs before you get to the actual trails. Once in, I just explored all over. The trails were officially closed b/c of the recent rain, and the trails being muddy, but I was determined to go anyway. Some parts quite muddy which got bad on uphills where I had to get off and hike it. Other areas quite dry and nice rides. Went to the top of the hills, hiking quite a bit but the ride down was great.
Nice single tracks, nice horse trails. For the most part, the trails were very clear, with the exception of the muddier areas, and a few areas that were pretty littered w/ horse crap. Easy to get around. Not sure what exact trails I was on, but had a good time exploring and found it easy to get back w/o a map. Go up when it dries out a bit, seems like a very fun trail.
Baracusa 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a My Brother's Diamondback from Orange County
- Trail UpdateSantiago/Weir-Trails are in great shape. 3 b's are in good shape. The trail to the right of 3 b's is in good shape, the chutes are good, the trail to the right of the chutes is in good shape. The Weir loop is in good shape after some earlier grading mishaps this year. Even some of the hiking trails off the ridgeline are in decent shape and ridable. All in all, best shape the parks been in a couple of years (aside from the construction going on in Irvine Park). F' yeah. Ride it while you got it.
donopro a Racer from OCPosted:12/08/2005
- Trail UpdateGreat Condition...-Rode Santiago Oaks several times this week. The trail is in excellent condition. Started at the Albertsons parking lot (Jamboree & Santiago Cyn Rd)then climbed up Chutes. Ya I know this was the hard way but seemed easier than climbing up the 3Bs. Coming down Chutes was awesome, the trail is perfect right now. Check out the link below, it has pictures & videos from my recent ride @ Santiado Oaks w/my friend who rips the trail.
http://www.js3images.com/mountainbike_splash.htmlRide HARD, Ride FAST!!!
Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a n Intense 5.5 from Corona, CA URL: http://www.js3images.com/mountainbike_splash.htmlPosted:11/26/2005
- Trail UpdateOaks Morning Ride...-Rode from the nature center up the 3 Bs. Friend had a Cannondale Jekyll and I was powerin up on a 40 lb hardtail. Actually cleaned all 3Bs. Never even got close to cleaning one hill before so hooray.
The downhill opposite the Chutes is pretty much covered with baseball/softball sized rocks that make it really challenging just to get down without eatin it. Plenty of technical sections and just a damn fun trail.
My favorite part of the trail by far is the singletrack right by the powerlines at the top. Feels like your just flowing through a half tunnel. Love this trail. Get out an enjoy!
a 25 year old riding a MC Rumble from La HabraPosted:11/15/2005
- Trail UpdateWeir Loop Is Not A Mess-The Weir Loop, including the connection to Santiago Oaks, is in great shape. No more sand.
rickkaneshredsa Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateYeah Baby!!-nice ride this AM, 3 biz-nitches up and over to Waterfall, up the biz-nitches again and out Chutes. Trails are in great shape, just a little loose in spots. This is a really fun loop!
Ezyrider2riding a spot from da beach
- Trail UpdateWeir Loop Is A Mess-Sand and loose dirt at every turn. Stick with the rest of Santiago Oaks/Chutes.
rickkaneshredsa Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateI was going to ride Weir Loop and the Chutes this weekend. Is there a problem with all of Weir, or just the trail between Weir and Robber's Roost?
rickkaneshredsa Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateThey do this every year, like clockwork. The dozer operators from the county don't know chit from shinola and tend to berm the outside of the road which helps with the rutting come winter.
They claim it is for fire saftey.
- Trail UpdateDozer Operator On Crack?-It looks like someone had a little too much fun aboard a dozer this week. The fireroads in Oaks and to Weir Canyon don't have any ruts anymore, just plenty of loose sand. The dozer plowed though all of the fireroads, not just through the ones with ruts. Even the ones that were built on sandstone are now covered with sand. Does anyone know why this was done??? It's not like the fireroads were overgrown. And they're not likely drivable due to all the loose sand. Heck, the roads were probably more drivable before the dozer came through. And biking down the roads is even harder than before, now that the ruts are HIDDEN under VERY loose sand. My front tire found a few. Thank God I went down the chutes last and left the park with a smile else I would have been very bitter.
sean a 27 year old Racer riding a Specialized whatever from LocalPosted:06/10/2005
- Trail UpdateB*tch Slapped-First time out in Santiago Oaks today. Nice early-morning weather, with the sun just starting to get things warm. Rode up the fabled three b*tches, cleaned the first and the last ones but that second uphill was intense, didn't have enough momentum to clean a rut and lost momentum and balance. Had to walk the rest of the way up. Got up to the top (Robber's Peak?) and enjoyed some delicious singletrack all the way down the mountain back to Jamboree I think it was. Then rode down Jamboree a bit and hit Peters Canyon. Peters reminds me of my own Fullerton Loop...especially the hordes of fellow bikers. Lovely trails y'all got, I'll definitely be back for another try at those b*tches.
The Flying M a Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 80 from FullertonPosted:05/15/2005
- Trail UpdateSantiago Creek Crossing At Dam-We as equestrian riders are wondering if anyone has heard when the creek crossing will be open or repaired. We arrive at step hill at the top of the dam and see a sign that appears to be a closed sign. This crossing was the service road/creek crossing, with three water drain pipes with compacked dirt. If you are a equestrian rider, have you crossed this area lately and is it safe. Any information would be helpful
Barbara Hend a 51 year oldPosted:04/07/2005
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks Trails-In response to cegrover a few posts below, the trail that you are asking about heads down into the canyon and then climbs up to a fire road on the other side. The singletrack descent is pretty fun. Some drops and twists and then a very steep drop into the canyon. Climbing out of the canyon is tough. I'm sure some people have done it without stopping. But, not me. I can't make the last pitch or two before the fireroad. Too steep, rutted, and loose. By the way, I haven't ridden this trail since the rains. So, I have no idea what shape it is in. Since it is quite steep, it could have a lot of erosion if it wasn't given TLC.
Anyway, the fireroad is the one that loops out of Weir Cyn and winds its way towards the base of Robber's Peak (the high point above 3 Bitches). So, when you get to the fireroad, you can turn left and climb a short ways (less than a mile) back to the bottom of the Chutes ridge or you can turn right and roll up and down towards the trailhead at the end of Hidden Canyon (or all the way into Weir Cyn).
By the way, I did a short ride here today. As noted below lots of high weeds. But, kudos to the crews that did trail maintenance. The singletrack that branches off to the left (when you are climbing the 3 Bitches) about half a mile past the 2nd gate and drops back into the lower Santiago Oaks Park at the bottom of the Bitches is in great shape. Back in Feb, this trail was a mess after the first climb. Lots of ruts from the rains. But, the ruts are mostly gone and there are several water bars to help with any more rains. Still some loose rocks and a wide, Luge-like rut down the middle. But, that's what makes it fun.
SSa 37 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Chumba Wumba Mamba & F4 from OC
- Trail UpdateThe Chutes Are In Good Shape!-Chutes is in good shape - nice ride today after taking too long off due to rain. The vegetation near the trail in all areas is pretty impressive, with lots of nice yellow wildflowers. Also, someone did some nice repair work toward the bottom of Chutes - thanks!!
1) Lower "wide singletrack" trail between Irvine Park and Santiago Oaks is under water close to the dam, but you can take an established shortcut to Santiago Creek Trail at the point where it gets wet, so there's no major detour.
2) Normally dry creekbed at the end of Chutes actually contains a small stream - easy crossing. This is my first Spring ride in this area - maybe this is normal...
3) Normally dry creekbed just before getting back to the pavement at Irvine Park is also wet, but an easy crossing.
Ride rating: Intermediate
cegrover a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '98 DBR from OC, CAPosted:04/02/2005
- Trail UpdateOther Trail Near Chutes?-One more thing - when you get to the top of the first little climb on the Chutes/Waterfall ridge, there's a chance to turn left on an established-looking trail instead of going right to either Chutes or Waterfall. Where does this go?
If I hadn't been so tired today after taking too long off from riding, I would have checked it out...
cegrover a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 98 DBR from OC, CAPosted:04/02/2005
- Trail UpdateUpper Dam Access-
I attended the RRTAC meeting again last night at Santiago Oaks and will post a synopsis of the meeting shortly; but I wanted to get some immediate information out to the riders who use this park.The access from the upper dam paved road where it meets the semi-steep dirt road leading down into the park is becoming an area of tension. Other users are complaining to the park staff and the Trails Commission about bikers catching air while entering the trail from the top of the dam.
Apparently signs have been put up at the top of the hill specifically to discourage riders from jumping their bikes at the top of this hill. The signs are currently in place in lieu of step-overs since this is also a maintenance and emergency access road.
I find it a little distressing when land managers need to resort to signs or barriers targeted at any specific group (especially bikers). This isn’t doing anything to help trail access for mountain bikers. No matter how much we stress at these meetings that the number of problem users in “any” user group is relatively small; it still leaves a bad impression in the minds of many and you can clearly hear this in their comments and tone.
If you ride this park, please make sure you enter this trail at a safe speed and be polite to the hikers and equestrians on the trail; and let your riding buddies and other riders you see know to exercise courtesy and caution on this trail and especially at the top of the dam where the signs are.
There is some positive movement in the County right now and opportunities for access and trail growth; but we need to keep our image as positive as possible.
Spread the word, and have fun on the trails.
JamRa 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a a few bikes from Capo
- Trail UpdateWrong Telephone Number!-Hello all - the phone number listed for this park is wrong. The number is 714-973-6620 or 714-973-6622. Happy riding!!! :)
Sara a Weekend Warrior from Newport BeachPosted:01/22/2005
- Trail UpdateHow Are The Chutes?-Just wondering if chutes are ready for action. I rode there back in
December on a solo ride and saw a freaking mountain lion on the ridge
before you drop down to the chutes. Crazy!
JD1212 a 29 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Haro from OrangePosted:01/20/2005
- Trail UpdateHow Are The Chutes?-Just wondering if chutes are ready for action. I rode there back in
December on a solo ride and saw a freaking mountain lion on the ridge
before you drop down to the chutes. Crazy!
JD1212 a 29 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Haro from OrangePosted:01/20/2005
- Trail UpdateI Found The Chutes!-nvm about that last post. i have been riding the bitches and not knowing it untill today. rode down bitch 1 and 2 on my BMX bike. yes, i said BMX bike. it was kinda scary but i made it through with only a few scratches. i cant wait to ride my new bike on xmas but my parents still wont give. email me for a ride!!!!!!!!!! i really need a ride buddy
nate a 14 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Weyless XP Pro 2004 from orange californiaPosted:12/12/2004
anyone wanna go for a ride with me and lead me too them?
nate a 14 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Weyless XP Pro 2004Posted:12/12/2004
- Trail UpdateRIDE WITH ME!-hey im 14 years old and live down the road from Santiago Park. i love to ride there and am just begining to mountain bike! anyone want to ride here with me email me or post here! i know a few good trails that i do on my Elf BMX bike that are pretty fun. I also know the way back to the Villa Park Dam that you can go up on if you dont like the law... so email me if you like to ride in this area and would like to go on a ride any day of the week. weekdays im at school so about 3:00 and and weekends im good for any time!
AIM: DeadlyStryker88
IRC:on server freenode channel #mandrake name DeadlyStryker
Ride rating: Beginner
Ride distance: 10 or less miles Elevation change:
Dirt Road=90% Paved Path=10%
Nate a 14 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a getting 05 specilized hardrock pro disc on xmas!!! from Orange CaliforniaPosted:12/07/2004
- Trail UpdateUnleashed Dog Attacks Equestrian-Heard on the news last night about this attack at Santiago Oaks. Dog had a collar but has not been caught. The horse was hurt pretty badly and the rider was thrown. The reporter says that leash laws are enforced strictly in this park...haha, well certainly not the case at AW. It was CH 7 news if anyone wants to follow up with the reporter.
BTW, I couldn't post in the regular forums...it wouldn't recognize my username. What's going on?
- Trail UpdateChutes Nov 14 2004-Okay, I posted before - my wife and I went back and found Chutes this time. Haven't done it before, so I'm not sure how the rain changed things. It's an awesome trail! 3 Bs remains a good workout and we walked more than I remembered last time - that area definitely has some new rain-induced ruts. I believe we hit the easier routes on a lot of chutes - maybe that's evidence that the harder routes are worse from the rain or just evidence of our riding level.
We traded bikes not quite halfway down, so I took the hardtail and did fine on the bottom portion of Chutes up until the sandy wash where I planted my front wheel in sand after the tiny drop and went over the bars!
This is a really great ride - we parked at Irvine park. It's a good workout on 3 Bs, fun downhill below Robber's, then a workout back to the ridgeline. The ridge itself is a nice, fun trail with some minor climbing, then Chutes is fun all the way down!
This was also my first ride with clipless pedals, so I was a little hesitant to also make it my first trip on Chutes.
Side note: I highly recommend Crank Brothers Mallets, because you get the benefits of both clipless and platform. I imagine the learning curve is much better (I used loose toe clips up until now)...
Ride distance: 6-ish miles Elevation change: Dunno
Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
Cegrover a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Me: 98 DBR V-Link 3.2, Wife: 01 Raleigh M80 from Huntington Beach, CAPosted:11/14/2004
- Trail UpdateA few of us went out and fixed the rut before sun up.
More trail work there in two weeks ( 11/13 ) to fix other rain damage. Be there.
GC URL: http://www.sharemtb.comPosted:10/30/2004
- Trail UpdateMap??-anyone got a map of santiago???
- Trail UpdateTrashed-The upper chute is pretty bad. About a 4" wide rut 6-10" deep. Not really rideable. The rest of the trail is rutted in some areas, but not nearly as bad as the upper section. Supposed to get lots more rain on Tuesday. I suspect it will only get worse.
Trail was dry on Sunday. 3 Bitches were really nice.
mtnbikej a Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:10/25/2004
- Trail UpdateConditions-Amyone ride oask since last rain...how are conditions ruts, etc on chutes, etc
- Trail UpdateGood Drop For Dh'ers-Ah... looking for that perfect trail where you can not only enjoy nature, but scare the beejeezus outta hikers, horseriders and wildlife. I know a great spot for downhilling, with a loooooooong drop - it's called the Hades Truck Trail; basically a loop trail that crosses the river Styx and ends in Perdition. Once you get there, your new riding buddy will be Lucifer himself (i.e. Ol' Scratch) - he invented DH, so you'll be sure to get along well...
- Trail UpdateLooking For A Good Route To Take-ok ive never been but i plan to go there on the next ride... we are decent climbers and love down hill. i would like to practice some drops as well.. anyone have a good route and or map??? a map would be great!
well if u got any ideas let me know!
BamBam a 21 year old riding a enduro and big hit soonPosted:10/22/2004
- Trail UpdateZips - chutes - johnson and johnson are all the same.
The trail the other rider mentioned is "not recommended" (that is the name).
If you climbed to the right after riding powerline, you went up Digby's. Mr. Wiggly is to the left.
What websites have more info on this park?
- Trail Update3 Bs, Waterfall And Various-My wife and I are new to 'serious' XC riding after years of occasional bike-path-type riding. Two weeks ago, we did Weir Canyon after parking at the dead-end and going to the cul-de-sac. Last weekend, we decided to park at Santiago and do Weir via 3 Bitches. We changed our minds and had a great time exploring. Here are some reviews and directions that I hope will help someone:
- 3 Bs was nice - did some walking, but it's not horrible.
- First go-round, we turned right before Robber's Peak (just before the fence) and then took the first right turn. This ended up turning into a fun, twisty singletrack, but we dead-ended at a 6+ foot drop-off. We tried a small trail to the left, but it ended up in pure cactus. We ended up hiking the bikes up a trail on the right, which took us back to the 3 Bs trail between the two gates. Web sites indicate we may have been on a trail called 'Wiggles' - any feedback?
- After going back past the gate and back to Robber's, we turned right again, then took the second right onto the 'proper' trail. This section was fun - nice downhill and a tough climb/walk.
- Once at the top, we changed our minds on Weir and went right at the trail sign (left goes to Weir Canyon Loop), knowing we were heading for Chutes. The ridge to the Chutes area was really fun.
- As we made our decision on the fly, we didn't have maps/notes on Chutes, so we mistakenly decided to take a right toward the dam after passing the two lefts that we now know go to Chutes. We also now know the right turn is Waterfall! We walked 90% of Waterfall - I really want to see someone ride down it some day...the advanced rating on this review is really for waterfall. My wife was on a hardtail, so making 10% was probably not bad at all for this trail.
- Once we got to the bottom, we headed toward Irvine Regional Park. We eventually took Roadrunner Loop and came to what we think was the end of Chutes (really sandy wash). We talked to a cyclist who indicated he'd just finished "Zips" and told us Chutes was by the dam. Is that right, or is "Zips" really Chutes? Just curious and wondering if someone is familiar with both.
I hope this help someone. Enjoy the rides!
Ride rating: Advanced
a Weekend Warrior riding a DBR V-Link 3.2Posted:10/20/2004
- Trail Updateshhhh.....perfect...to clean the whole park. you must be advanced.
Ride rating: Advanced
tires only a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a santa cruz heckler from orangePosted:07/25/2004
- Trail UpdateNo Sand!...-Hiked this trail on 3-13-04(with the fiance) and the 3 biznitches are so perfect for climbing. Virtually no sand. The path down the chutes is loose rock and almost no sand. Very intimidating and challenging. Trail is prime right now so givee it a try!
Lance a 24 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Kona Roast from La HabraPosted:03/17/2004
- Trail UpdateOutdoor Awareness Fair-Big kudos go out to the Trail Angels, SHARE, and all of the
other organizations that put together the effort to raise money
for the victims of the recent mountain lion attacks. I was glad
to be a part of it, and it was great to see 300+ people coming
together from various outdoor enthusiast areas to support the
event. As far as the trail conditions go, the climb up the three
Bs was dry and firm, and once you came down the Chutes it
got a little sandy from there. The rains coming in tonight
should be great for the conditions.
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
Singletrack=40% Truck Trail=60%
Chez a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Stumpjumper from TustinPosted:02/02/2004
- Trail UpdateLess Sand=more Speed!-I rode my Big Hit up the 3 b's and they were in the best shape I've seen them in awhile. There is a LOT less sand which makes climbing them much more manageable. Like the update below says, there are quite a few good size rocks strewn all over the trails once you get past Robber's Peak. If you can avoid those rocks, then the trail is in very good shape for plenty of speed. I saw one snake (non rattler), other than that I had the entire ride to myself.
RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR, Big Hit Expert from WestminsterPosted:12/02/2003
- Trail UpdateWhole Different Trail...-After the rain this trail has changed from challenging to very difficult(at least the chutes). All the sand has been washed out from between the rocks leaving a very technical descent down the chutes. Descending on a hardtail left me feeling humiliated. Trail has very little sand but lots of rocks the size of baseballs. Still just a great trail and is lots of fun. I do hate climbing the 3 Bitches though. Guess you gotta pay for the downhills.
Lance a 23 year old riding a Kona Roast from La HabraPosted:12/02/2003
- Trail UpdateMini Moto Mayhem-If you happen to see to punks on mini dirt riding in the park, let the rangers know about it. One of the bikes is red and the other blue, they live in the local neighborhood (Villa Park or near Serrano) and are tearing up the park.
Rangers have attempted to catch them with no success as of yet, but it is only a matter of time.
- Trail UpdateBeautiful...-Rode the trail on 9-6-03 at 5:50 in the morning to miss the heat going up the 3 biotches. I can only get 2/3 the way up on my heavy hardtail. Stopped at the 20 foot rock slab at the top and the view was incredible. Not a soul was on the trail. I have had real trouble finding the whole trail though. At least I know how to get to Chutes. Last time, 3 months ago I ate it hard and was off my bike for a month healing my shoulder. This time I had full pads and tried it again on my HT. I slipped twice but almost cleaned the whole chutes.
There is no better feeling than coming back to clean a place that kicked your ass before. This is an awesome trail. There is some really sweat single track if you take the right paths. I kinda explored since I didn't have an accurate map or a guide. By the way how do you get to the waterfalls?
Ride rating: Advanced
Lance a 23 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Kona Roast from FullertonPosted:09/08/2003
- Trail UpdateWaterfall-Ride along the ridge to get to waterfall is in good shape and fun as usual. The waterfall is fine also. The three b$t#% are very sandy, making it that much more difficult to climb and balance. At one point I did fall due to loss of traction while climbing.
The waterfall is pretty technical but there is always a line, that's what makes it so fun. Just gotta look ahead and focus.
In response to previous poster, I'd say Stairsteps in Aliso Woods Canyon is pretty technical as well, and Joplin trail in Cleveland National Forest is also due to its sheer lack of traction. And I haven't done it in a while, but Skyline in Corona had sections I couldn't clean. I am not familliar with San Gabriel. Anyoneelse knows any other technically challenging trails in OC?
Turtleman a Weekend Warrior from Weir CanyonPosted:06/20/2003
- Trail UpdateWaterfall-Finally cleaned waterfall dab-free after 3 months of nightmares and endos. A small personal victory. Probably take 3 more months to do it again. Ever look at a section for the first time and think "no way that's ridable" only to return subsequent times and get a little closer? Does anyone think that this trail is more techno than anything else in OC or San Gabriels? The best part about this trail is you can do laps up 3-B's and try over and over until boredom or crashing takes its toll. Trail is in great shape and mid-week is very empty. This is a great trail to practice tech skills.
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 14 Elevation change:
Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
mb a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Jekyll from OCPosted:01/24/2003
- Trail UpdateWeir Canyon To Santiago-I have been doing this loop for past two years. Because I live in Anaheim Hills, I enter the trail there, make my way to Chutes, go down to Irvine regional park, up the 3 bitches, and back to Anaheim hills. The trials are in good condition overall.
I wondering if anyone know of a short cut from bottom of Chutes to Santiago park? I always have to go around the overgrown river bed, by making a cross country route all the way to Irvine regional park, which is ok, but flat and little boring. I have explored the forest in the riverbed, but without finding any short quick route to the other side. Your help would be appreciated.
Have good ride.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Turtleman a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Weir canyonPosted:01/04/2003
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks-The Anaheim Hills loop as it is referred to in a trail map is the trail that contain 3 b's chutes, etc. I have been on this trail for 8 years and I have seen much erosion occur over that time. The ride is still a great skill tester with difficult up hill sections and some technical downhills. I rode the park today and the rain has made the rock sections much cleaner. Once on the ridge along side the irvine/santiogo oaks hit the rock jump it is a nice suprise. Good trail for novice to intermediate, although you will probally walk some of the steeper sections. An advanced rider will find it a good work out. A 1 loop can completed in an hour by a average rider(santiago only loop) and 1.5 hours on the santiago to invine back to santiago via santiago canyon to windes.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: Elevation change: decent amount
Slhgt420 a 22 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from OrangePosted:12/23/2002
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks West-I rode Santiago Oaks West on Thursday. Not the primary park, but the secondary area.
Not a ton of trails, but if you’re looking for steep, loose & rocky close to home, this is your place.
Every climb was steep, and had many volcanic rock steps to rob you of momentum. Lots of challenge. Especially if you’re testing new pedals like me – Timber!!!
This place is little used, so the singletracks were pretty overgrown. There is a lot of cactus here, and it’s hard to avoid - as my rear flat can attest to. To get to the top, you have to go up one of a few different steep paths. This isolation makes it a favorite of the kids from bordering High School – there is broken beer glass everywhere. When you get on top, face the school. From there, go left to the dead-end of the South ridge. There are two singletracks here that drop towards the school. The one on the left is nasty! Steep, steep shale & pumice with 1 foot drops again and again and again. There is cactus on both sides, giving you little room for error.
All in all, not that great, but certainly a place to test your skills.Ride rating: Advanced
BonAdoochee a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Orange CountyPosted:10/16/2002
- Trail UpdateWhat Else?-As you climb "three bitches", during the second hill, there is a single tract to the right that can either return you back to "bitches" or take you down into the canyon. But remember what goes down must come back up.
When you come up the service road and about to hit the pavement, to right is single tract that people often hike up after parking at the corner. If you go up this short single tract, to left there is a single tract, before you join the fire road. This one will take you up to Weir Canyon trail head "cul-de sac". But beware that last half of it is steep, loose hike a bike.
When you go up fire road from Weir canyon trail head, to the right there is single tract, right after you pass the highest point. This sincle tract has couple pretty steep sections and one section that briefly goes along a cliff side, but it's actually not that bad. Just be careful at the last steep section (I taco'd my front wheel here once) Taking this single tract is actually a short cut to the fire road on the other side of the hill, but it always provides me with a rush.
Turtleman a 39 year old Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:05/23/2002
- Trail UpdateWhat Else Out There Reply-In response to the previous post: From time to time I take the exact route you described but to add extra miles I ride back past the Albertson’s lot and do a figure eight loop at Peter's Canyon. It's not a technical ride but it has a couple short climbs and a couple sections of s/t and it allows me to finish up the ride at about 20 miles.
If you want more technical, don't turn left down Chutes but continue straight to Water Fall. Also, after the sand wash at the bottom of Chutes don't miss the s/t along the fence line and then there is another fun serpentine trail through the river bottom before leaving the park. There are too many intersecting trails in that last area so you will need someone to guide you the first time
Ride distance: 20 miles Elevation change:
Spiderman a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR xc Comp and an M400 Hardtail from Trabuco CanyonPosted:05/16/2002
- Trail UpdateWhatelse Is Out There?-I've been coming here on a regular basis for the past month or so. My ride usually goes like this...
Park at the Albertson Shopping Center and take the usual route to the dam, then up "3-bitches" to Robbers Peak, then take that "roller-coaster" single track that takes you into the canyon(enterance to the single track is on the left, right when you come down from Robbers Peak), from the service road I ride through the neighborhood uphill to the Wier Canyon trailhead in that cul-de-sac, then take that "roller-coaster" fireroad until it dumps me back at that service road and back track all the way to the base of Robbers Peak, then make a left and head down Chutes back to Irvine Regional and then car.
Is this the most common route? Are there other areas or trails that connect to this route that I can extend the ride?
While riding in the canyon, I have seen bunch of other single tracks...how do I get to those? Or are they off limits to MTBers.
P.S. I based my route off of the book MTBing OC by Vogel/Kuechlin...i think they called it the Ironman route.
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: Elevation change: Some
a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense from OC, CAPosted:05/16/2002
- Trail UpdateClasic Thursday Ride Is Back!-
Chirs time himself going up hill. 14mn50s. not bad. It felt good. As I reach the roust I see Boba starting DOW. I screem BOBBAAAAA. So he stops and say. Chirs from French. We talk and wait for others about 30-45 mintues...;-)
Then Danno and others practice DOW. Chirs fry to go up DOW fail twice. Boba try once and fail too. It very sandy.Then classicdownhill with man stops and retries on many techno sections.
Chirs cleans for first time as up the practice area before waterfall I start to like ups better. I am now thinking about upgrading to full XC, hardtail XTR litespeed bike.
Down waterfall, entrance of cliffs, then RHT. I not break my colarbone.
Back to cars and grub at Taco Mesa. We rip on DT for 45 mns, then we call him.
Chirs (good to ride with friends) fRide rating: Novice
Ride distance: 12 km Elevation change: 350 meters
Chirs a 34 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa cruz superlite from FrenchPosted:04/19/2002
- Trail UpdateCame up to Robbers Peak from Weir canyon, went down Waterfall, then up the "three bitches", and back to Weir canyon. The trails are in excellent condition. The short downhill single tract in Weir canyon is rutted in sections due to recent rain, especially the last steep down grade. Waterfall is in good condition. The three uphills as you climb toward the Robbers peak from Santiago Oaks park usually provides plenty of challenge. I salute the guy I saw on Specialized who blazed up these hills as if he was on motorcycle, and then turned around and went back down the help out his friend! I bonked at the end but overall another great ride at the trail.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Turtleman a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Mongoose Fairlane from anaheim hillsPosted:12/27/2001
- Trail UpdateOaks-I rode this a few times last week during the week, about 2:30 or so and nobody out there - which was expected for the most part, but not really fun.
The trail is awesome though. I took the snaking little singletrack after the fireroad from Chapman and then down the sandy wash, hike a bike up and into climbing the first chute. I had to try it 2, maybe 3 times until I cleaned it all the way past the little rock sections, up and above. Still can't climb clean "johnson and johnson" upper rock section, although I've seen it done by a monster named GMAN.
I didn't do the whole horse shoe loop. Rode the singletack to the top of lookout rock then came back down the fun chutes and rock drops.
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: Idunno Elevation change: Idunno
Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=35%
Dlk a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Huntington BeachPosted:10/06/2001
- Trail UpdateCrazy American Monsters-
Dude, I do this trail last night. My 19th thursday in a row. Thats mutant dediCATion I know!
I ride toads first, but someone try to cover trail at end so we bush wak and get dirty. Very dusty more dusty than ever before but I still no dab. Dusty so much I not see man stANDing on side.
Then I drop cliffs trail. Good carNAGe, but I ok. Tired to bush wak my way to lower water falls but get wasp nest. These crazy wasps they sting me many time. I count 5 times, 2 on leg and one on shoulder, maybe more times. I don't what what up with these americanized bees but they much different than ones back in french.
Plus before stAIRs drop these two snakes rise up high and braid themselves with one another. I see this on tv once. Some combat ritual or something, not mating kinda homo, but no snake get hurt. I wATch for a while then they stop and watch me, but I not brAID with friends so they get bored and goto bushes. Still rattle when I leave.
Good ride, dust cloud conditions, and crazy animals make for painful and exciting ride.
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change: 1000 feet
Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
Chirs a 33 year old riding a Superlight from FrenchPosted:08/16/2001
- Trail UpdateThanks There, Bro-So I bail out of one ride and now I'm a "wuss"? Is that any way to treat family?
ODB a 33 year old riding a years of abuse from his older brotherPosted:07/23/2001
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks-Rode this for the first time yesterday. Parked at Santiago Oaks Park proper($4 parking). Mucho fun and challenge. The climb to Robber's is everything Vogel says it is. Rode down the ridge trail and took the trail that returns you to the park(Sant. Oaks). Is this Waterfall? It drops you near the dam and was pretty tech in some sections. Did this twice and called it a day. Awesome ride even though ODB wussed out.
Ride rating: Advanced
Opus Kat a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR XC from PlacentiaPosted:07/23/2001
- Trail UpdateDownhill Trail-If you want a cool trail that can go down many other parts of santiago canyon, then drive around to the backside, there is a neighborhood by the construction sites where you can start riding right from the top.
Another thing about a comment about coffee and going to tustin market place, forget that. The best is Cyrano's Coffee on Chapman and Newport, to the side of the Ranch Market. Make sure you talk to Jim, he is a mountain biker, and the owner of the shop.Posted:07/14/2001
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks, Et Al-Did the Oaks + Barham + Irvine Regional loop (actually on Tuesday, 4/17...) Started from the Albertson's lot (coolest place for a loop ride). Took Santiago Creek Trail (fireroad) behind the cemetary and into Santiago Oaks proper. Main uphill fireroad to Robbers' Peak is nice and packed, not too rutted, but the second log is tougher these days since the step up is about 3" higher now. Pedal hard and get some speed coming up to this thing to make it over.
Once at Robber's Peak, took the frontside route off the peak -- nice and rutted and steep sandstone fireroad, but only about 40 yards long. There are about 4 lines down this techno stretch (not counting the wussy, trail-widening, non-techno by-pass lines on L&R sides of the road). I did my favorite line: the deep middle rut. It took 4 retries to finally clean this, as it is much deeper after the rains, and once slotted there are a few 12" high drop-offs to negotiate (while railed in an 8"-wide-by-6"-deep rut! Cool stuff...)
Enough diversion -- now it was down the infamous Waterfall. For some reason, Vogel and Kuechlin rated this a technical "11" (out of a possible 10), but don't let that scare you away. They also rated Direct Dial at A/W as a 10, but Waterfall is way easier than DD (which is not really a 10 out of 10, either; there are tougher ones out there.) For reference, Waterfall is only slightly tougher than Stair Steps at A/W (rated a 7 in their book), so give I'd give W-fall a 7.5, max, based on this scale. Enough nit-picking; the trail is still damn fun! The rocky sections are still there, of course, and the dirt chute sections have been mildly groomed by some considerate commando riders, so the bone-jarring 6"-wide-by-4"-deep HORSE HOOF PRINTS (craters) are mostly filled-in by now. (**Why is it that equestrians always seem to ride the trails at Oaks when it's still hoof-sucking mudpitville???? Let it dry out a bit, fer cryin' out loud!!!)
Whooped and hollered once into the flats, then huffed back up to Robbers Pk, dropped out the back, then took the left turn off Weir Ridge onto Chutes. Fast and smooth these days there, bro... Surprising few baby-heads and death-cookies fill the luge-like sections anymore, so let it out a bit. (Note: in 5+ years and hundreds of times dropping this gem, I have NEVER seen anyone -- hiker, horse, bike -- coming up this trail. But just in case, it's best to still slow down for the blind turns.)
Dropped into the sand wash, then walked up to IRP. Rode some fun little s-tracks inside IRP, then back out to the street and back to the car in the Albertson's lot. Schweeet, schweeet schtuff.
(BTW - don't bother with that cheezy coffee place in the Albertsons lot; drive a few miles south down Jamboree to Renaissance Cafe in Tustin Market Place -- way better java and WAY cooler service. Say "Hi" to the hot-lookin' fashionista manager chickie there named Amy. Tell her Femur Boy sent ya.)
Ride rating: Expert
Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: 1500?
Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=10%
MTB Addict a 42 year old riding a Superlight from South OCPosted:04/19/2001
- Trail UpdateA Correction...-...most of what everyone calls 'Santiago Oaks' (incl. Chutes, Waterfall, etc.) is really the Barham Ranch property owned by the Orange Unified School District. The county attempted to buy this as an addition to the regional park system, but OUSD is holding the property 'hostage' in return for school sites elsewhere. (The failure of OUSD to plan adequately for the future contributed to the school board recall election in progress.)
OUSD has threatened to sell this property to developers after over-paying for it in 1999. Just thought you should know...
DeRanger a Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateChutes Loop-Well I THOUGHT I could ride hills.... Rode the Chutes loop yesterday for the first time, while the family hung out in the park (a good setup if you have small kids and a wife that isn't into hills "that climb like NASA rockets"). The trails were chewed up pretty bad by the horse traffic and there were plenty of road apples, but the dust free with plently of bite.
The chutes section had LOTS of small rocks in the rutes. Overall the trail was in ok shape. it could use some riding while the ground is soft and some maintenance after the rains.
It looks like there are single tracks ALL OVER the place. Where do these go? it looked like every ridge had horse/ped/bike trails on them. If you've got a map email me..PLEASE.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 6.2 miles Elevation change: to the stratosphere and back
Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=30%
The Mighty Lipitor a Cross-Country Rider riding a 95 GT Zaskar from Lake ForestPosted:02/18/2001
- Trail UpdateCops On Bikes.-What you saw was probably a training ride for the bike cops.
abmtnbkr a Cross-Country Rider riding a KHS PROPosted:12/20/2000
- Trail UpdateCops On Bikes-They are patrolling the park-
james 07Posted:12/19/2000
- Trail UpdateNew Trails In Region-Hey! Now y'all now can know that Santiago/ Weir canyon is my backyard cause I live here on Tamarisk, facing Weir. There are 2 trails both at the ends of Ave. Santiago, and another at the end of Hidden Canyon (connects to Robbers pk. in some single track that I know) So if you see a 13 year old boy riding a Trek, (usually wearing Oakleys) stop me please and ask me for these trails, I will gladly show you the way. Ollie
Oliver Tan a 13 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2001 Trek 6700 from Anaheim HillsPosted:12/06/2000
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks-I was riding here the other day and I saw this guy and so i said hi and he like said hey and then i said nice ride and he like said yeah nice ride and then i said hey whats with the trails and he said like you know so i said yeah i know and then i said like thats cool and then he said something that was really dum so i said hey man whats your problem and he said you man your my problem so i liked threatend to kick his ass and then he started yelling and there was this other dude that started yellng and it made me mad and a little confused becasue he wasnt on a bike or anything he was just walking around. people are so dum.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 0 Elevation change: 0
biker a Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:08/30/2000
- Trail UpdateChutes-Just finished the "Chutes" loop. Conditions were thick dust everywhere. Also be careful of a wasp nest in the ground located at the bottom of "Chutes", just at the lip of the river bed where the two very sandy trails lead down. We regrouped there and 4 out of 6 of us got stung. Otherwise it was a great ride.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change: 1000 ft
Singletrack=50% Paved Path=1% Truck Trail=49%
Steve a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '97 Gary Fisher Joshua Z-1 from Huntington BeachPosted:08/30/2000
- Trail Update1st Time - Exploring-First time @ this park, even though I drive by it everyday to/fro work. Nice place, formidable climbs and cool singletrack, downright scarey at times. Reminiscent of Aliso/Wood singletrack only MUCH longer with more steeps.
Anyway, the posts are correct - some of those cool downhill singletracks turn in to torturous hike-a-bikes out, but still fun and worth it.
I think we ended going out via "Chutes", based on the descriptions posted by all. Does "Chutes" have like several different options about midway down? Left - Right - Center > Oh No! Which one is most fun?! That was kind of different, makes it tough to concentrate as you go darting by several different options.
Anyway, trails are pretty dusty, the climb we did was too soft at the start, then became doable (and done). The singletracks are challenging and exciting. If you have not tried this park, it is definitely worth your while to spend a few hours exploring. Looks like a person could put in some good miles, provided you don't mind those "hike-a-bikes"!
Are there any maps of this place?
Ride distance: 10 Elevation change: ???
MTB Fiend a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a ProFlex Animal from Lake ForestPosted:08/04/2000
- Trail UpdateParking Fee Increase-Last weekend parking fee was $4.00. Summer rates are here I guess.
- Trail UpdateNew Trails-I noticed some new singletrack trails in the area. Does anyone know the names of all these trails? Santiago Oaks is a fun place w/ great downhill singletrack! Try it, you'll like it.
CRL67 a DownhillerPosted:06/02/2000
- Trail UpdateWaterfall-Waterfall is an extreme trail. Scary, Rocky, Rutted, FUN! I don't know all the names of the trails in the park, but to get to Waterfall, head south from the Peak in Anaheim Hills. Just a bit after you see the two left hand turns that take you to Chutes, there will be a singletrack to the right. THis is waterfall.
It starts off pretty easy, but quicky becomes very steep and rocky. There are also sections with tight turns and BIG rock sections. Check it out!Also noticed that there are some newer singletracks just before reaching Chutes & Waterfall that go down the Canyon to the right. These are also fun trails, but I have not found an easy way out of that canyon yet.
Ride rating: Advanced
Homer a Weekend WarriorPosted:04/21/2000
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks Regional Park-Watch out for Skunks. Sometimes they hide in bushes and jump out and spray unsuspecting riders. I think it could be a ploy perpetrated by wealthy real estate developers who would like to see all mtn. bikers leave the area, but I can't prove it, yet. Anyhow, I've started riding with lethal skunk counter measures. If I see that skunk again, He's mine.
The riding is great, however. No stinking skunks or land developers could keep me away.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: on your left Elevation change: up, then down
Smelly Boy a 27 year old Downhiller riding a smelly bike from OrangePosted:04/08/2000
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks/Barham Ranch-I've ridden this area about 4 times in the past month. Normally, I start the ride on the Anaheim Hills side, because that's where I live, but it's better to start at Irvine Regional Park or Santiago Oaks. Here's a description of my normal ride starting at Irvine Regional Park...
Start heading north up any of the three trails on the East side of Irvine park. The middle one is the most fun because it's singletrack. Eventually you will reach the Dam. Don't cross the dam, but go straight and then down a short section. Make a right at the bottom of the short downhill and continue through part of Santiago Oaks Park. Take a right at the first chance you get and follow that trail along until you start a very steep climb. It's maybe a mile or two to the top (Robber's Peak). Take everyone's advice and go straight up the gravel road (don't go right because it's a heck of a climb out of that canyon). Once at the top, go straight and then to the right along the fence (stay left of the fence). YOu will see a singletrack. Take it and then go straight when it ends to the top of the next hill (heading south). There is a singletrack to the right just before reaching the top of this hill. I took it today - it's a fun singletrack, but there's no easy way out. It's a hike-a-bike climb out of there - there are many ways out. If you stay straight, then you will drop down a fun section that has rocks & stuff. Keep going straight for a while. You will then see some trails off the the left. These will take you to Chutes. Chutes is the most fun downhill section in the area. It's like riding down a twisty turning slide. At the bottom of chutes you cross a sandy dry river/creek bed. Climb out of there and go left up to a fireroad. The fireroad takes you back to Irvine Park. Have Fun!
BTW, the trails are in good condition right now. It seems like more and more people are riding this area than in the past.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
MTB1017 a ? year old riding a who cares? from Anaheim HillsPosted:04/06/2000
- Trail UpdateChutes 2-I also recently rode this trail.It was our first time to Santiago Oaks. Great ride. Plenty of payback for the "burner climb". I too would suggest avoiding Mr. Vogels advice in the OC MTB Guide about dropping down into the Canyon just below Robbers Peak. The trail heading back up is only about 20% rideable if that. (Is it just me or does he seem to be full of it in some of his "eval's" about what's makable and what's not?). Anyway, it was a blast. Charge the "Chutes" hard and fast for a good time. Stay left at the top of the first one, and don't go right at the river bottom, It's MUDDY!!! YUCK.
Ride rating: Intermediate
a 28 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT XCR, the only way to fly. from Lake ForestPosted:12/31/1999
- Trail UpdateChutes-I rode this trail Monday morning on my first visit ever to Santiago Oaks. Pretty damn fun. A relatively short climb up Oak Trail, but it's a burner, as Randy Vogel points out in the O.C. MTB guide. However, I think that next time I won't follow Mr. Vogel's recommendation to drop down into the canyon just below Robber's Peak -- a tedious hike-a-bike awaits to get up the other side (I presume the main trail goes up to the peak, then hooks up with the ridgeline singletrack). The chutes section was a blast, but with the extreme dryness it was like riding through a sea of powdered sugar in many sections. Should be fantastic after a little rain (like that's ever gonna come). And what about those other singletracks that branch off Oak on the way up? Are they worth the bother? I'll probably just go ahead and find out for myself. Got a lot of exploring to do in the Santiago Oaks/Weir Canyon/Irvine Regional area. Any recommendations would be appreciated -- especially those that include fast, twisty singletrack with ample opportunities to catch some air.
OverDaBars a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from PlacentiaPosted:12/21/1999
- Trail UpdateOff-limits?!?-Much of the singletrack north and east of the park may be sold to DEVELOPERS! Serrano Water District has a sweetheart deal with SunCal Developers to build about 700 homes on the Barham Ranch property. All trail users stand to lose big time if this goes through. Check out www.barhamranch.org and ACT! Write a letter, make a call, and be heard before this special place is gone for good. URL: http://www.barhamranch.org
- Trail UpdateChutes Plus-This is a neat loop with an extra singletrack loop in the middle. Climb from the parking lot up the Oak trail to Robber's roost (the top). Decend and then climb up/hike up (it's worth it) until you reach the next ridge with a fork at the top. Left continues toward Weir Canyon, right goes to the good singletrack. Go right. Take the first left off the ridge which is really intense, and dumps you back on the original trail. Go left and double back to the start of the singletrack. This time go straight out the ridge toward Irvine Park, about 1/4 mile. Turn left onto Chutes- the first 50 yards is very tough, although there are some easier routes around the big steps. There is also a very steep and sandy section around a curve about halfway down. (I locked it up and did an endo- be careful!) Continue on out to Irvine park and then take the Santiago Creek trail back past the dam to the parking lot. It's about 9 miles total with enough singletrack to make the climbing worthwhile. Found this ride in the Mountain Biking Orange County Book- it didn't talk about that first singletrack loop, though, just the Chutes. I noticed a few other singletracks on the way up the Oak trail. Anybody comment on them?
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change: 800 ft
Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=20%
Pete a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT Avalanche LE from Los AlamitosPosted:08/04/1999
- Trail UpdateThe first 1 1/2 hours were very boring, catered more toward equestrians. The terrain was very soft and made it very hard to climb. The longer we climbed and the closer we got to the dam (and furthur away from the valley) however, there was some very fun and intense singletrack. Butt off the seat and brakes were locked for almost 3/4 miles of single track!!
Singletrack=35% Dirt Road=60% Truck Trail=5%
jeff a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a stumpjumper from newport beachPosted:06/03/1999
- Trail UpdateThe first 1 1/2 hours around the valley were very boring, catered more toward equestrians. The terrain was very soft and made it very hard to climb. The longer we climbed and the closer we got to the dam (and furthur away from the valley) however, there was some very fun and intense singletrack. We stayed along the ridge that overlooked the dam and dared not to go further because we did not have a map w/ us and it was our first time there, but the 2nd valley looked like a lot of fun, I think it lead to Irvine regional park Butt off the seat on the back wheel and brakes were locked for almost 3/4 miles of single track!! Very Intense!
Singletrack=35% Dirt Road=60% Truck Trail=5%
Jeff Y. a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Stumpjumper from Newport BeachPosted:06/03/1999
- Trail UpdateWhat Ever You Want To Call It!-I've been riding here for years now and this is an awsome park. In the lower areas you'll find fire roads and little single track trails that are easy to barely moderate(these trails are reletively flat and just terrafirma), but for the more advanced riders that journey back into the hills there are great climes and really great fast technical single track descends(these are more of a really rough jagged sand stone, really easy to bend rims here). This park offers something for the beginner and the more advanced rider alike.
Singletrack=55% Dirt Road=15% Paved Path=15% Truck Trail=15%
Steve W. a 19 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS 3000ds from Orange city CAPosted:04/15/1999
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks, Anaheim Hills-The single/double track loop into Weir Canyon is very overgrown in spots. There are still a few stream crossings. There is a large home construction project going on. It looks like there might be some access problems if you ride to this part of the trail from the Serrano/Weir Canyon Blvd area. Hopefully the City of Anaheim will link up their trail network to it.
The trails along the upper east ridge above Santiago Oaks ridge are in great shape.Posted:06/16/1998
- Trail UpdateTristen & Joanne-Trail conditions have improved greatly from what other riders have told us. Our favorite ride is to take Santiago Creek Trail east to Oak trail. Oak Trail will climb for about 1/2 a mile until it exits the park. After exiting the park, climb another 3/4 mile until path forks. Veer right and climb up to Robber's Roost which travels along the ridge line. At this point it deadends at the now full dam, this is where we turn around and take the same trail back. For a longer ride take the path that drops left off the ridge line, you can ride throughout the Anaheim Hills for about 14 miles. If you don't want to climb up to Robber's Roost veer left at the fork and follow the steep, rocky singletrack back into Santiago Oaks Regional Park.
Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%Posted:06/14/1998
- Trail UpdateI just finally returned from what turned out to be a 6 hr ride on this trail. The trail can normally be riden from the top down to Irvine park. I recommend having a second car there to take you back. The problem is the "El Nino" storms have completely blocked all routes to the park once you have taken about a six mile down hill ride. DO NOT leave the trail attempting to go around the temporary lake. Ride, walk or crawl back to the top where you started. We left the trail and then spent the next 5 hours in the bottom of canyons and on the tops of hills trying to find another way out. The catus and under brush are so dense from the very wet winter, that my bike stayed on my shoulder for 4 of the 5 hours. It got to the point that we started conserving water just in case we needed to wait until morning for a rescue team. We finally found our way out. It's now 10:30pm and my companion is still in the emergency room having her 2 broken ribs (oh yea there's cliffs too) and mutiple cuts and catus puntures attended to. My companion has taken this ride many times and has never seen so many missing or blocked trails. It was my first time there and I look forward to going back once all trails are passable...'Cause it was a KILLER ride until the problems started.
Singletrack=90% Truck Trail=10%
a Weekend Warrior riding a Trek from Irvine, CAPosted:05/08/1998
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks Park-I rode through Santiago Oaks about 10 days ago. Santiago Creek is running very high and it cuts you off from Irvine Park. You can climb up on the ridge above Weir Canyon and decend south. I didn't ride down this but I bet its a mess from the rains. The trails leading north into Anaheim Hills are OK but there are a lot of ruts so be careful decending back into Santiago Oaks. I can't figure out the easy singletrack that runs through the middle of Santiago Oaks. It used to be open to bikes, it was closed, then opened, and now its closed again. They can't make up their minds. I can't figure out why they close it. There are very few trail users in there.
Ed a 36 year old Racer riding a Specialized from AnaheimPosted:03/31/1998
- Trail UpdateTrails Closed! El Nino damage
- Trail UpdateSantiago Oaks Regional Park-Down in the lower part of the park, next to the creek, or at least near it, the trails are very sandy. Once you get up on the hill a little bit, they smooth out and are quite nice. Watch out for horses and such around the bottom and on the trail systems leading into Anaheim Hills. There are about 7 or 8 miles of trails in the park itself and all of them are fun to do.
SingleTrack=15%, DirtRoad=60%, PavedPath=10% TruckRoad=15%
Mike a 17 year old cross-country rider from Orange, CAPosted:03/02/1998
- Trail UpdateChutes/Catcus Gorge-New Years Day on Chutes was outstanding. The trail is in some desperate need of rain as conditions were powder everywhere. Uphills were beyond difficult on all exposed trails and there was no traction, like riding on silica sand. Still wasps at the bottom of Catcus Gorge so don't hang out on the hill admiring your successes of a clean run, drop into the riverbed just below.
Great canyon on the east side of Chutes with a fantastic single track that skirted the barbed wire fence nearing Weir Canyon and dropped into the canyon heading back towards Robbers Peak. Head towards the look out point on Chutes and before you drop in to the left to Catcus Gorge, you will see a trail that takes you to this unnamed trail. It is a fantastic downhill on some very narrow singletrack.
Waterfall was...well...waterfall. Rode part of it on a hardtail but got nerves at the last drop. Decided I wanted to keep my helmet in tact and hiked. My rear rode the back tire all the way down. Whadda ride.
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: about 8 up and back Elevation change:
Grantboy a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 8000 from South OCPosted: