



- Saturday, February 22, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Redbox-Rincon Ranger Station - #Redbox-RinconRangerStation

    Socal - Los Angeles County - La Canada/Angeles Forest NickNames: #Redbox-RinconRangerStation

    Exit Angeles Crest Highway (2) from the 210 Frwy in La Canada/Flintridge. Take the 2 north (Angeles Crest Highway) about 15-20 miles, to the Mount Wilson Rd. and turn right. The trailhead is on your left at the Redbox Ranger Station. Thomas Guide page 505.

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    • Trail UpdateWhat trail are you talking about? Rincon-Redbox is a dirt road, not a trail. Did you try to ride the Gabrielino through upper West Fork? Or were you on some other trail?


    • Trail UpdateBeware The Purple Poodle-dog!-Rode this trail yesterday from Red Box... still pretty messy... lots of washouts and fallen trees... but the real danger is the PURPLE-POODLE DOG BUSHES! These bushes have sprouted throughout the burn area and all along the trail. They're as bad as poison oak. Maybe worse. I scrubbed when I got home and still got hit pretty hard. Not sure how long these beasties will be around, but I'd suggest you be careful if you're heading into the Angeles Forest!
      Air Al a 42 year old Weekend Warrior URL: http://www.venturacountytrails.org/News/0213-PoodleDogBush/NewsPage.htm


    • Trail UpdateRedbox To Rincon 21-Jan-08-We parked a car at the Rincon Ranger station and shuttled to Redbox. We left Redbox at 10:30. Great day for cycling, cool but not too cold. The first 5 miles to West Fork Camp were an easy down hill with several small stream crossings. We spent too long at West Fork having lunch. Started up toward Newcomb Pass and Shortcut saddle.
      Passed the road to Cogswell Reservoir. We should have taken it because it was getting late in the day but we wanted to ride along the ridge and didn't realize how steep the next section of the road was. The 'flat' sections on top of the ridge has small up and down hill portions.
      Our final shortcut way out was down to Monrovia Canyon, probably should have taken that one too, but we were on top and the pedaling was easy.
      The view from on top was amazing! To the south we could see the city, Monrovia, Arcadia, etc. To the North we could see the Twin Peaks, Mt. Baldy and a large monolith east of Twin Peaks. Awesome view!
      The last eight miles are all downhill with numerous rock gardens, several fallen cactus and two fallen trees. Finally got to the car about 5:45PM. Long day, more climbing than we thought but a fun day.
      Something Wicked a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Liquid from Pasadena


    • Trail UpdateSaturday Jan 19 2008-Rode Saturday!..
      Trail is overall good..
      some washed out areas on the trail...but still can get by...
      a couple fallen trees you have to carry your bike over....
      streams are on the high side from recent rains so its hard to bomb through them...have to carry your bike over those as well...
      watch those cliffs.....friend did an unintentional huck to rock bed below...all okay though.....
      tekknics a 100 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Norco DH, Chumba Freeride from CA


    • Trail UpdateRed Box To Rincon-We rode here on March 24. Much better on a beautiful spring day than in the summer. The road is in perfect shape and very little water in the stream crossings. The gnats are on vacation, too. The climb back up to Red Box was a killer still. 20 miles total.
      old gringo a 54 year old


    • Trail UpdateRed Box/Rincon-We rode this one on 7/2. The road is in great shape with all the four and two-wheel vehicles that have traveled it. There is lots of water in the stream crossings in the first six miles. I recommend not trying to climb back out of the canyon on a summer day.
      Gringo a 52 year old


    • Trail UpdateT.K. Rides Again...-Yes T.K. did it again, ripped the R.B. that little 4.5 mi jewel that she is. This trail is buffed 80-85%
      very fast!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      T.K. Mike a 89 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Liquid 30 from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateRED BOX TO RINCON-Attention everyone: Red Box to Rincon is is the
      opposite direction of Red Box to JPL. Your info on
      the Gabrielino trail is helpful but I would like to
      know about Red Box going southeast to Rincon
      Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateWhere Is Every One?-The T.K. riders riped R.B. to switzer on Sat. the thing was in great shape very fast little hike a bike through a fallen tree. Other than that get up there and have some fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      T.K. Mike a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a liquid 30 from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateWhere Is Every One?-The T.K. riders riped R.B. to switzer on Sat. the thing was in great shape very fast little hike a bike through a fallen tree. Other than that get up there and have some fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      T.K. Mike a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a liquid 30 from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateWhere Is Every One?-The T.K. riders riped R.B. to switzer on Sat. the thing was in great shape very fast little hike a bike through a fallen tree. Other than that get up there and have some fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      T.K. Mike a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a liquid 30 from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateRedbox Shuttle-Dropped off cars at parking lot below JPL and loaded all the bikes into shuttle. Drove up to Redbox ranger station. It was about 9 am and a bit cold, however we dressed for the occassion. Temp. was in the mid to low 40's and the clouds were all around us. The trail was damp with the morning dew which made it nice and grabby. Only 2-3 washouts where we had to hike and bike, but the colors were awsome. Lots of water and sand at the bottom, but overall it was a great ride. Lots of oak so beware...
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: 2500'
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=5%
      a Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Jekyl 1000sl from La Verne, CA.


    • Trail UpdateLong A$$ Ride-up mount lowe, took the road to red box and down to jpl. all trails were in tremendous shape. quite a few slides from the rains, but nothing too bad. from red box to jpl was particularly pretty. some of the trails were covered w/ leaves under a canopy of trees. stopped by a waterfall and took it all in for a while. some of the areas were very desolate and very peaceful. tremendous. what a great place to stab. i wanted to spoon, but seeing how it was 5 dudes riding, i resisted the urge. i will be back, next time with hot chicks so i can spoon and stab. i will also be in better shape so i won't be so tired.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Asian Fury a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Ellsworth from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateLong A$$ Ride-up mount lowe, took the road to red box and down to jpl. all trails were in tremendous shape. quite a few slides from the rains, but nothing too bad. from red box to jpl was particularly pretty. some of the trails were covered w/ leaves under a canopy of trees. stopped by a waterfall and took it all in for a while. some of the areas were very desolate and very peaceful. tremendous. what a great place to stab. i wanted to spoon, but seeing how it was 5 dudes riding, i resisted the urge. i will be back, next time with hot chicks so i can spoon and stab. i will also be in better shape so i won't be so tired.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Asian Fury a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Ellsworth from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateSorry Trailhead Police-I was unaware that I was posting at the wrong location. I thought you meant I used the wrong trail name.

      Now that I have my bearings straight I will post in the proper place.

      It's still a kick-a$$ ride though!


    • Trail UpdateOnce again Tbone manages to post on the wrong
      Trailhead. Or maybe he's just very directionally
      challenged? Please refer to link below.

      Thank You.
      Trailhead Police URL: The correct page


    • Trail UpdateRain's Couldn't Stop Us!-I rode this baby Saturday 4/16. We parked a car down at JPL and shuttled up to Red Box. It was foggy and cold around 8:30 in the morning. Don't forget your Adventure parking pass folks. They had forecast rain, but we needed to ride...so we decided to hit it. This time there were 4 of us. Chad was sportin' several layers of wind/water proofing and the rest of us just the regular gear. As we started to descend the bite in the air was very noticable. The trail conditions were awesome! It had rained a bit the night before so the dirt was sticky, but not soaked.
      After a couple of miles while still under the canopy, we could feel the drizzle making it's way through the leaves to us. It was actually quite awesome. Once we went thru the Switzers parking lot and began on that part of the trail, mother nature really kicked it up a notch. I had slowed to make sure one of the pack was still following. When I caught back up to the others they had gone under a bush for shelter. It started raining pretty bad. Stopping just made our already wet bodies even colder. As I was sitting there (just for a moment) I noticed little white specs showing up on my sleeves. Further investigation told me that it was actually hailing briefly! About this time I remembered I had a poncho in the Camelback, so I quickly pulled that baby out and covered up. On we forged. We really had to watch as the bushes were slouching into the trails with the weight of the water on them. This was both fun and dangerous. More than once was I hit in the face with a soaking branch. Don't forget about the poison oak!
      We proceeded on around the cliffs and over the rocks. The rain was hindering my vision and that made me ride cautiously....well somewhat. Once we got back down in the canyon under the trees it was better. However the rocky areas were that much more difficult to negotiate as they were very slippery. One mistake and you're eating granite for breakfast. This part of the ride was so beautiful in the rain. It is unbelievable how green it is there. I felt like I was in the Amazon or something.
      Near the bottom we saw a couple of guys riding some demo bikes from the JPL parking lot. By now the rain was behind us. We rode out and to the car where it was time to thaw. I couldn't feel my feet on the way back up to get the van. Boy did the heat felt great on the rest of me. Slept like a baby that night.
      This is the most awesome ride. If you haven't done this it is a must in my book. Technical and challenging. This tests you skills in rocks, fear of heights on the cliffs, ability to climb after a long downhill (although not much climbing)sand riding skill, fast singletrack rock negotiating, etc. awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15miles Elevation change: couple thousand feet
      Singletrack=95% Dirt Road=5%
      Tbone a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from Burbank


    • Trail UpdateRiding 4-10-04-I'll be taking this trail Saturday morning. Look for me on the yellow Cannondale.

      I look forward to hooking up with some other enthusiasts.

      Tbone a 34 year old riding a Cannondale from Burbank, CA


    • Trail UpdateWrong again Banzai rider. This trail heads East,
      not down toward Switzers and JPL. Redbox-JPL is
      a different trailhead post. Thank You.
      Trailhead Police


    • Trail UpdateTrailhead Police Need Life-Everyone and their grammas dog calls this trail Redbox-JPL, even though we all know it is technically the Gab.

      Get over it, find some other gross injustice in this life to defend.
      internal affairs mtb dept a Downhiller riding a devinci banzai


    • Trail UpdateWrong trailhead Tbone.
      Trailheads professor


    • Trail UpdateRedbox To JPL 4-3-04-This trail rocks! I went for the first time Saturday morning. It was around 9 in the morning and the brainy meteoroligists said it would rain that day so the fog was thick. (no rain all day)
      We started out at Redbox and proceeded thru this incredible rain forest down to Switzer picnic area. (4.5mi) We then rode back up Angeles Crest to our vehicle(4.5mi)to call it a day. Upon driving back down the mountain we stopped at the ranger station to check it out. We noticed a trail and found out it went down to Switzer falls . We decided to take it down and check it out. 2mi to the falls and 2mi back up to the car right?
      It was so awesome we just couldn't stop. We decided to ride all the way down. We encountered the most awesome views and better yet trail types. This trail goes thru sand, gravel, water, rocks and even boulders if you are so inclined. The technical levels were all according to what line I choose to take. It was quite challenging. I ended up bending me deraileur on the rocks, but it was worth it! There were some spots that required "hike-a-bike", but not many.
      I wouldn't want to ride this trail when it's hot out because I was told the bugs are unbearable. Aside from that downfall,I loved this ride. I am taking another group up this Saturday.
      So we rode all the way down and hitched back up to the car. I would reccomend doing the shuttle thing as it took us a while to get a ride. (Dirty bike guys you know) Total ridden was 19 miles and 5+ of that was unnecessary uphill for those of you lazy types. The straight shot is like 15 miles down to JPL.

      All in all a MUST DO in my book!
      Can't wait for Saturday as I'm upgrading to clipless

      By the way I want to get rid of my Spinergy rims. Anyone interested?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=2% Paved Path=5%
      Tbone a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from Burbank, CA


    • Trail UpdateThe Gab-Its been nearly two months since I last rode this trail and I decided to ride a bit of XC this past Sunday after the heavy rains. Let me begin by saying that the conditions on this trail are wonderful right now. You get some nice sticky contact on the sand and the sound of water rushing through the streams is priceless. Makes me appreciate these beautiful trails were allowed to ride on and get our MTB fix. Started my ride at 6:45 and on my descent I ran into only two hikers till I reached the base of the trail. Be prepared to get your feet wet! In some parts of the trail you have to cross the stream and its up to 2-3ft high. Bring an extra pair of socks and shoes cuz your going to need them.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      OlbaiD a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Stinky 4:20 from THC Heights


    • Trail UpdateGab..not Red Box!-It's the Gabrielino, not Red Box, that is the single track to Switzer's. There is no such thing as Red Box trail...There is a lot of history in them thar hills. Learn it. If you WANT the Red Box "trail", take the fire road down...then climb out. It's GOOD fun. I just never seem to see anyone in armour and a full face helmet doing it....?
      Bozo a 10 year old riding a huffy


    • Trail UpdateRed Box-took the red box trail this last weekend down to switzer's. i havent ridden it in about a year, but it reminded me of why i love this. seems some things have changed. theres a part where a small tree fell and the trail sort-of goes over and around the base of it where gravel and dirt had accumulated in its fall. there also seemed to be a lot more rocks on the upper part near RB which added a little more to it. but other than that its the same ride. still cant seem to make it down that one rocky and super-technical drop about half way down. any advice? also, if anyone knows the way down the trail past switzer's falls, i'd appreciate the info.


    • Trail UpdateRedbox To Rincon, Not JPL!!!!!-If you're going to take the time to update a trail, at least update the right one. Redbox->Switzers->JPL is the Gabrielino Trail. This trail (Redbox-Rincon) is a fire road that goes east from Redbox Station all the way to Rincon Station at the ORV area off Hwy 39 in the San Gabriel Canyon.

      the trailhead police (again)


    • Trail UpdateRed Box-this trail is killer. immediatly sends you off on a trip. very technical. i went with some expirienced friends and took along a couple of beginners who did pretty good. definatly NOT for beginners. leave you're seatpost at the car, you wont be using it. look out for the huge boulders near the start of the trail. watch out for rattle snakes on the side of the trails. very, very narrow single track. take lots of water, knee and shin guards. extremely satisfiying trail. have somebody drop you off at the top and meet you at the jpl parking. best part of my ride was when i saw somebody straight BOMBING the whole trial on a "pacific" k-mart special. sweet.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: lots Elevation change: lots
      Singletrack=100% Dirt Road=10% Paved Path=5% Truck Trail=1%
      Mr.E a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a StumpJumper from Lost Angeles


    • Trail UpdateREd Box/Rincon-I rode this trail yesterday, April 14. Conditions are
      very good for the first seven miles or so. Then
      there are some slides, rocks, and sandy curves.
      It's doable but just be a little more cautious than
      you would normally be on a fire road. I went as far
      as the road that goes down to Cogswell Dam
      (2N24?) and turned around.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 20 miles Elevation change: 2,000'+
      Dirt Road=97% Paved Path=3%
      Zaskarguy a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT Zaskar LE from Chatsworth


    • Trail UpdateRedbox-Switzer's-Check the Gabrielino/Arroyo Seco trailhead on this board, or MTBR Trails for info on Redbox-Switzer's or JPL.

      This trailhead is for the East side of Redbox-Rincon.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: mucho miles Elevation change: lots
      a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateHas anyone done the drop and ride from Red Box to Switzer/JPL lately? How are the trail conditions? Can you give me some directions? Couple of buddies and I are planning on doing it this coming weekend. I've done Red Box to Switzer, as well as the JPL/Gabrielino trails, however, I've never came down all the way from Red Box to JPL. Thanks for your help.

      Captain a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT from burbank


    • Trail UpdatePlease post about Redbox to Rincon, not Red Box
      to Switzers or JPL, that's the trail going the other
      Trailhead Police


    • Trail UpdateRedbox To Switzer-Rode the trail today. Snow on the top part of the trail makes the going hard but worth it. Once past the snow the trails perfect. No blocks, no wash outs, some low trees but no problems. watch your helmets.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 5 miles Elevation change:
      Paul G. a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Steel Trek 970 from Eagle Rock,CA


    • Trail UpdateIf you hate climbing, do the Red Box one way. Leave a car at the North end of Windsor ave (off the 210) and drive up Angeles Crest & park at the Red Box Station. Take the single track trail that starts at the west end of the lot near the hwy. Take at all the way through Switzer's campground (don't turn uphill or you'll be back where you started), up to the Falls and beyond. Don't turn off the trail down to the river, stay going uphill. This is 3/4 mile long light, but technical ascent. Then downhill single track all the down the canyon(s), one short climb, and you'll end up at your other car overlooking JPL. At's about 15 miles. Beware of POISON OAK!
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=15%
      Stevo a 34 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant ATX 760 from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateTriple M-When the trail is wet it can be more of a challange than a ride. Many land slides have wiped out parts of the trail. New rivers and streams have formed due to "El Nino". Past Switzer falls the canyon is extreamlywiped out. The river over rides the trail. This is not a beginers coarse.
      Singletrack=100% Dirt Road=90% Paved Path=10%
      Triple M a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose Tetra from El Monte ,CA


    • Trail UpdateRedbox-Rincon Trail-The Redbox-Rincon Trail begins at 4400 ft. at Redbox Station, is a 28 mile long round trip with a total elevation gain of 4700 ft. The fire road begins at a gate near the parking lot across the road from the ranger station. The trail decends 3200 ft. and bottoms out at the West Fork campground, about 6 miles from Redbox. Since this is the only way back remember that you'll have to retrace this in the opposite direction (a 1200 ft. climb for the last 6 miles of the ride). Virtually, the entire trail is covered by beautiful canyon oaks and big cone spruce trees and parallels the upper tributary of the West Fork of the San Gabriel River. In addition to the fire road there is also a highly technical Gabrieleno Trail which is a single track with several water crossings near the beginning. Once you arrive at the West Fork campground the ride is really just beginning. From the West Fork campground, which is the site of the first ranger station in the San Gabriels, the climb begins up to Monrovia Peak (5300 ft.) The grade isn't as steep as the Mt. Wilson Toll Rd. but its LONG and furtunately also covered by a continuous canopy of canyon oaks, bay laurels and big cone spruce trees. The trail never actually reaches the summit of Monrovia Peak but skirts along the east side of the peak before beginning to drop steeply down to the San Gabriel River Rd. (Hwy. 39). Turn around and go back the way you came unless you have another car waiting for along Hwy. 39, unless your a cycling God and wish to make a giant 45+ mile & 7000 ft. total elevation gain ride and loop back. Going back the way you came retraces your waffle print back to Redbox Station. Remember to save youself for the last 6 mile long 1200 ft. climb back to the parking lot. Unless you have a water filter, there are several streams, bring lots of water and food....you'll need it. Its not all that uncommon to see deer, as well as bear and mountain lion tracks, not to mention to panorama of the entire San Gabriel Wilderness on the back side of Mt. Wilson. Enjoy the ride!
      SingleTrack=25% DirtRoad=75%
      Bryan Gordon a 33 year old MtBer from LA {HELMUFS@aol.com}


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