



- Thursday, March 06, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Penasquitos - #Penasquitos

    Socal - San Diego County - San Diego NickNames: #Penasquitos

    I-5 to the Sorrento Valley exit. East on Sorrento Valley Boulevard for about 1 mile. Parking lot for trailhead is on south side of the road. Can also enter from Black Mountain Road at the east end of the trail.

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    • Trail UpdateRangers-They're handing out citations in the "nature reserve" at the entrance to the tunnels.


    • Trail UpdateMain Trail This Time-I rode the main trail yesterday and while it offers no real technical challenges, it is hilly and long enough to give a nice workout. There are several low-lying spots that have been filled with river rock and aggregate or are very rutted, but alternate routes have formed around most of them if you choose not to barrel through that. 3 or 4 good, steep climbs.

      The water crossings have been restored, although some are just a series of rocks and others have very poor approaches. The only other downside is the number of hikers who aren't used to sharing a trail and have to be asked to move over so you can pass. All in all it was an enjoyable ride in the canyon, mostly away from even views of the homes.
      FirstSarnt a 60 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Jamis Dakar XCR Comp from Encinitas, CA


    • Trail UpdatePenasquitos Canyon-This trail does not offer any real excitement for those who are looking to see what will break first, their heads or their bikes, but it does offer some nice views, with shady trail sections, occasional hills, and stream crossings. There are a few tricky areas with rocks and ruts. The trail under Black Mountain rd is flooded and deep enough to wet your shins, but you can ride through it, or portage around it on a small walk area above it.

      If you are bored by enjoying fresh air, sun, and somewhat country scenes, then go find something dangerous like Lake Calabasas in Vista. It has everything from sedate to death wish only.

      If you enjoy riding for the sake of riding, then the Penasquitos Canyon will be enjoyable. And You can keep going clear across the county.
      Old Grad a 65 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant Sedona from san marcos, ca


    • Trail UpdateThoughts-Many times the grasp of the English language speaks volumes about the value of ones opinion


    • Trail UpdateNo Good-There am nuthing good here, its all a flat and even people wakking and hortses, not radicul, I want shuttel!
      seaclasper a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Bensonhurst Bomber from Brooklyn


    • Trail UpdateGreat Alternate Trail-The trailhead at the west end was closed after the heavy recent rains, but the nearby bike shop recommended that I take the alternate trail across the creek. I parked behind the businesses on Sorrento Valley Blvd and rode a short stretch behind the parking lots to Vista Sorrento on an abandoned paved stretch of sidewalk, crossed the creek, and headed up the maintenance road on the north side.

      The first few hundred yards are on that road, but the rest of the ride to Canyonside Community Park (Black Mountain Rd, about 7 miles) is a blast. A mix of double and single track, a few easy hills, some rocks, a long sandy stretch, some narrow bridges. This isn't the wide superhighway of the main trail, this is cross country at its best. Gonzo hardcore riders might find it boring, but I'm not gonzo or hardcore. You can take it as fast or slow as you like.

      A couple of caveats: Whenever you come to a fork, stick to what looks like the main trail regardless of what the signs say. Several times I ended up on singletrack that went straight up the sides of the canyon toward the homes. Also, you will hit pedestrian traffic at several points, especially from the waterfall view to the park. Stop for horses to pass unless the riders wave you through; they have right of way. Dogs require leashes.

      I recommend this to anyone. I had a blast.
      First Sarnt a 60 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Jamis Dakar XCR Comp from Encinitas, CA


    • Trail UpdateLift Your Head Up-Another rider who doesn't know the area well. Try Google Earth and you'll find a few short but good climbs (especially on the western end). Sure... you may have to combine with some street riding. I have a 2 1/2 hour - 25 mile route with 7 climbs in this "lame ole" canyon. Maybe 20% street and 80% dirt - but it's in the middle of a big city and very convenient for a good workout. Just lift your head up and look.
      Stud a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Blur


      Joe Mangan a 19 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher King Fisher 8 inch from Scripps Ranch


    • Trail Updatetrail is closed


    • Trail Updatepix:http://www.uriasposten.net/pics/JP-011005-Muhammed-Westerga.jpg


    • Trail UpdateSanta Luz/Black Mountain-I haven't seen anybody post info on a cool trail that winds its way around Santa Luz. It's fairly new. Park at Black Mountain Community Park (open less than a year)then ride down into the trail area behind the park. You'll find a trail kiosk at a junction of trails behind the park, head southwest to find a single track that goes down the mountain, winding into the Santa Luz development. Follow it as it goes under Camino Del Sur and picks up again following a canyon in the development down to the border of Rancho Santa Fe. Hang a right at the power towers, and ride some up and down until it brings you around in a circle back to black mountain park. A good two hour ride that is easy to start but gets some good up and down as you continue. I live nearby and have only seen runners on the trail so don't know if its open to bikers, but I did it on a Saturday morning and didn't see anyone. The trail is pretty well marked. Haven't had a chance to explore all the trails, but looks like there are some that go back toward 4 S ranch and Rancho Bernardo.
      a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a ironhorse from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateBlack Mountain-OK, its not Penasquitos, but it's close. Just a quick update if you like riding in that area, most of the fun singletrack on the south side of the mountain (from Sundevil Way, for example) is totally graded over and is now loose dirt road and takes you through a barren area where the fire raged lo these many months. So, that's a bummer, but on the plus side, I did see a roadrunner!

      The rest of the mountain seems ok, didn't get to ride the great singletrack on the north side of the mountain...

      Seaclasper a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Subatomic Vaporizer from Horseshoe, Missour-a


    • Trail UpdateFun Afterwork Ride-If you live/work in SD, this is fun after work ride. And on the weekends you can make it a 20 miler. Sure, it's not a good as the rides east, but if you want to stay close to SD it's one of the better rides in the area. I ride this, mission trails and sycamore as my after work rides. I also combine the ride with Del Mar Mesa to add the singletrack and extra mileage. If you do stay on the canyon road the whole time, it's pretty boring. But adding the Del Mar Mesa part makes this a lot of fun. The trail is in fine shape.

      Start at the Penasquitos trailhead off the 5. Work your way up the road until you get to the creek crossing about 3.5 miles out. Cross the creek and you'll make a short climb along the electrical poles. Take a left at the top of the hill, ride around the new construction and then stay to your right. You'll eventually come to a little pond, take a right. You could take a left here at the pond, and that's the way you'll ride back to the canyon trail and the parking area on your way back down from the Mesa. Taking a right will lead you to the top of the mesa. Once you get to the top, explore the singletrack loops for a while before coming back down to the pond.
      sigha a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Jeckyll from La Jolla


    • Trail UpdatePunk!-Well, Mr. "Poway Woway" maybe you should try something other than granny gear. Let's ride!


    • Trail UpdateHey "Stud", I've ridden every conceivable portion of this little canyon and there is nothing there that is challenging or barely sweat-inducing.

      Enjoy the bike paths, punk.

      Poway Woway


    • Trail UpdateStud A Cross-Country Rider?-No time to be bored? Mr. Stud, does Patty know about your 2 hour sessions? Is she involved in that time frame? I think I've seen you out in the canyon chasing some guy who looks like he could be your little brother. He must be MR. STUD.
      I look forward to running into you and school you on your little 2 hour sessions.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 2miles Elevation change: 200
      TEACH a 69 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a KONA BLACK DAWG from ORANGE COUNTY


    • Trail UpdateStud A Cross-Country Rider?-No time to be bored? Mr. Stud, does Patty know about your 2 hour sessions? Is she involved in that time frame? I think I've seen you out in the canyon chasing some guy who looks like he could be your little brother. He must be MR. STUD.
      I look forward to running into you and school you on your little 2 hour sessions.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 2miles Elevation change: 200
      TEACH a 69 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a KONA BLACK DAWG from ORANGE COUNTY


    • Trail UpdatePoway Woway...-What a lame statement. Sure, if you stick to the road down the
      middle of the canyon that may be true (at least your "flat"
      statement). But I've got a 2 hour+ hammer session that takes you
      on a few ups and downs. Trust me, there's no time to be bored.
      For a convenient, hard and fun workout it definitely is worth it.
      And I do plenty of riding in the "hills to the east."
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 21 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Stud a Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz


    • Trail UpdateWhy? Why?-Why do people ride this place? It's flat as hell and boring. It's all mud during the winter too. Hike it for a leisurely Sunday afternoon and use your biking time in the hills to the east.

      Poway Woway a Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant


    • Trail UpdatePenasquitos (Canyon)-Have been riding these trails (north and south sides) for the last couple of years and it has seen better days. The recent rains have made a mess of things on the South side and the grading and repairs are something else. Lots of sand, gravel, ruts and mud. The North side is in pretty good shape and good for an easy ride.

      Hopefully the trails will stabilize and riding there will once again be a joy. On the North side the parks folks have opened more trails to bikes and they are doing they're best to make our ride better.

      MarcDiego a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a KHS Parts-is-Parts from Insane Diego


    • Trail UpdatePenasquitos (Canyon)-Have been riding these trails (north and south sides) for the last couple of years and it has seen better days. The recent rains have made a mess of things on the South side and the grading and repairs are something else. Lots of sand, gravel, ruts and mud. The North side is in pretty good shape and good for an easy ride.

      Hopefully the trails will stabilize and riding there will once again be a joy. On the North side the parks folks have opened more trails to bikes and they are doing they're best to make our ride better.

      MarcDiego a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a KHS Parts-is-Parts from Insane Diego


    • Trail UpdatePenasquitos (Canyon)-Have been riding these trails (north and south sides) for the last couple of years and it has seen better days. The recent rains have made a mess of things on the South side and the grading and repairs are something else. Lots of sand, gravel, ruts and mud. The North side is in pretty good shape and good for an easy ride.

      Hopefully the trails will stabilize and riding there will once again be a joy. On the North side the parks folks have opened more trails to bikes and they are doing they're best to make our ride better.

      MarcDiego a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a KHS Parts-is-Parts from Insane Diego


    • Trail UpdatePenasquitos-There are 2 sets of trails that are divided by a small creek that runs through the canyon. The creek expands after rain, so it's not always small. 1 set of trails on the more populated south side and another set of trails on the north side. Both sets of trails are mostly wide-beginner level trails, but some steep hills can challenge intermediate riders. Trail is shared with hikers, runners and horses.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 6 miles 1 way Elevation change: varies
      Singletrack=10% Truck Trail=90%
      Pam a 33 year old Weekend Warrior from San Diego


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