- Thursday, February 13, 2025
Southern California Trails
- Socal(290)
- -> Los Angeles County(114)
- -> Glendale(3)
- -> Mount Tom
Mount Tom - #MountTom
Socal - Los Angeles County - Glendale NickNames: #MountTom
Off the 2 (Glendale) Freeway, get off on Mountain. Take Mountain down to Verdugo. Go North (right) on Verdugo. It will split into Canada. Take the left fork, on Canada, past Verdugo park. AT the first signal (past McDonald's), turn left onto Sunshine. Take Sunshine as high as it goes. You will go through one stop sign, and at the next stop sign, you should be able to turn left, to keep going up higher. (I'm not sure of the street name). Park right before the curb turns into a red zone. (They painted the last half mile of the curb red to deter sex-crazed youth from enjoying this romantic spot.) Ride up to the big yellow gate, and there you are. Thomas Guide page 534 G7
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- Trail UpdateSandy After The Winter Rains-This is our 'go to' trail after work. Great trail for cardio for the average rider (warriors can single speed their way up; saw a bike shop employee do that). If you start around 6:45 pm during summer, you can usually get up and down without a light. Winter rides after work will require a light.
Beware the sand on the way down....looks like the winter rains deposited a lot of sand in some of the turns and other low spots. Almost bailed twice after hitting some unexpectedly.
If you're a first-timer, don't get too overzealous at the outset.....the last 1/8th mile is a killer. This trail connects to other trails that run along the ridge and can eventually get you back down to Brand Park....although there is a hellacious looking uphill to get over that way. All in all, a nice little fire road trail that is urbanly located and can meet a cardio need....
Scotucla a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Bullitt from Burbank, CAPosted:09/12/2010
- Trail UpdateWrong Directions, Cool Biketrail-You go up CANADA.. When you see verdugo park to your left, you will make a LEFT TURN on COLINA DR. Take the road up up UP UP and yes it turns into Sunshine.. but take it all the way up until you see the yellow Gate!
Park in the neighborhood, but beware of PERMITS ONLY SIGNS... we parked a block away and rode uphill..
JollyGreenSurfera Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher
- Trail UpdateErnman-The yellow gate is completely closed off. Is it okay to go over the gate with your bike? I was not sure if it was legal. When I was young we used to go there and just walk up the road, however, I'm not sure now.
ernmam a 40 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GIANT Reign 2 from Burbank, CAPosted:04/18/2005
- Trail UpdateHot & Smoggy-I will start off by saying that we are novices, but this mountian kicked our ass on Saturday. It all started off with bad gear. When we unloaded our bikes, we discovered 1 bent rear tire, 1 semi flat rear tire, and 1 brakepad that needed adjusting. On top of that we had a rider with us who hadn't ridden in 8 years. So we shouldn't have started anyway.
So then we started the uphill journey. It was right past noon and hot as hell. And smoggy as hell. They are right, there is no cover on this trail.
We didn't make it all the way up, but next time we will be ready....
reverend a 28 year old Weekend Warrior riding a CrappyPosted:04/12/2005
- Trail UpdateCats-I too agree that most sightings of mtn lions are mistaken identity; however, there were confirmed sightings by rangers within the boundaries Brand Park in 2003. Also, since bow hunting was outlawed in the Verdugos coupled our recent rain, makes sense that the deer population will soon explode. And mtn lions find deer particularly tasty.
All the right ingredients for a good summer/fall wildlife viewing in the Verdugos.
- Trail UpdateBobcat-Pointed ears - dead give-away for a Bobcat.
The post below is correct....completely different animals; and over 80% of reported mountain lion sightings are false sightings of bobcats, coyotes or domestic dogs.
Unfortunately even with a false sighting, the Park Rangers/land managers are obligated to put up warning notices because of our letigious society. This fuels the perception that mountain lions are a big problem.
Not to say that the warning signs shouldn't be taken seriously............certainly they should; but the odds of anyone encountering a mountain lion are still very small. I know several Rangers who have been in the system for over 18 years who have never personally caught sight of a lion. The majority of Rangers I know also have never actually seen one in the wild. Just the evidence left behind (prints & scat).
JamR a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a A few bikes from CapoPosted:03/03/2005
- Trail UpdateWrong!-Bobcats are not another name for Mountain Lions. They are completely different animals. Cougars & Pumas are other names for Mt. Lions. Check any zoology book.
Bender a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein Mantra from Santa ClaritaPosted:03/02/2005
- Trail UpdateSouth Beaudry Conditions-Rode up the motorway to where it hits South Beaudry and rode down on South Beaudry. The trail up was really sandy but not bad otherwise. There is some construction near the top where they are installing a new antenna for KROQ, so watch out.
I had never been down South Beaudry before, and it was a fun, fast ride, except for a few places where the rain left big ruts transverse to the trail that I wasn't skilled enough to bunny hop over (1-2+ feet across in places). The rest of the trail is in pretty decent shape, but make sure you carry enough speed to get across the ruts or else your front wheel is apt to get stuck and send you flying. Don't know if I'd ride up this way, but I rode up the North trail yesterday, and that was pretty cake.
I finished up my ride after dusk and didn't see any big cats. I was looking for tracks and saw a few dog prints, but no cat prints. BTW, cougars, mountain lions, and bobcats are different names for the same animal, so if you saw a big cat, it probably was a bobcat since there aren't any other big cats native to this area. Could have been a coyote. I've seen both in the hills above Whittier, and I'm sure there are some up here too.
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: no computer so i have no idea Elevation change: changes pretty quickly coming down
Dirt Road=100%
Keith a 22 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Kona Dawg Matic from Glendale, CAPosted:03/01/2005
- Trail UpdateI was listening to my cell phone messages,so I was completely stoped and not moving. I heard the sound of brush moving on the hillside where the fence is overlooking glendale. I thought it was a dear so I grabbed my handlebars (with bright lights on) pointed it in the direction and all I saw was it head before it ran. But it was no bobcat. The head was bigger than mine with big pointed ears. It was probably the size of a big german shepard.
BTW on Colina street the yellow gate to the begining of Mt. Tom there is a Mt.Lion warning. Saying don't hike alone Mt lions have been known to attack etc etc.
So, obviously they have been spotted in the area before.Posted:01/29/2005
- Trail UpdateMountain Lion?-You might have seen a bobcat, but a mountain lion in the Verdugos? That's kind of hard to accept. Then again,a mt lion was spotted in Griffith Park less than a year ago. What was its size and its reaction to your presence?
- Trail UpdateMountain Lion?-You might have seen a bobcat, but a mountain lion in the Verdugos? That's kind of hard to accept. Then again,a mt lion was spotted in Griffith Park less than a year ago. What was its size and its reaction to your presence?
- Trail UpdateMt. TOm-Went on my first night ride on this trail today and when I stoped at the top next to the gated area with the antenas I saw a Mt. Lion. I must have done this trial 50+ times in the daylight and never saw squat. So be careful especially at night!
BTW if anyone finds a lens cover for my sigma lights please send me an email. just my luck it fell of coming down right next to where the mt lion was and I was to freaked to stop and look in the dark.
Jason a 26 year old Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:01/27/2005
- Trail UpdateMt. TOm-Went on my first night ride on this trail today and when I stoped at the top next to the gated area with the antenas I saw a Mt. Lion. I must have done this trial 50+ times in the daylight and never saw squat. So be careful especially at night!
BTW if anyone finds a lens cover for my sigma lights please send me an email. just my luck it fell of coming down right next to where the mt lion was and I was to freaked to stop and look in the dark.
Jason a 26 year old Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:01/27/2005
- Trail UpdateBeaudry Canyon Loop-I've never gone up from Sunshine, but this is my regular, twice-a-week ride....
Park on Beaudry St. above the Country Club at the trailhead. About 1/2 mile up the fire road Y's left to Beaudry South and right to Beaudry North. North is definitely the easier and shorter climb but not easy by any means. Swithcback about 2 miles up. When you get to the water tower go about another 1/2 mile to the first left up to the red and white radio towers. This is where I usually stop and put on my helmet and lower my seatpost for the ride down Beaudry South. A very simple loop that takes you right back down to where you start. Not terribly technical or interesting except for the nice views and wildlife. Just a good workout ride and very convenient.
I have been down the "trail" called Viper. Fun, but I wouldn't do it alone.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 6 Elevation change: 1500?
Dirt Road=100%
moke a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a iDRIVE from La CrescentaPosted:02/10/2003
- Trail UpdateBrand Park Loop-So I put away the road bike, dusted off the mountain bike, and rode up Brand Park to Mount Tom last Sunday. It was a nice warm and sunny day and a great change from the gloomy weather that we’ve had all week. Great day for a climb! This is the first time I’ve been up in the Verdugos since the fires. Boy, its barren up there. The only signs of life that I came across with some black crows and the 2 legged and 2 wheeled types. With Angeles closed, I expected to see more people. I passed 2 riders pushing their hardtails up and 3 riders coming down. The road wasn’t too soft or rocky as it gets sometimes and climbing it was easy (at least for me). I rode it to the bench not in record time but without stopping or dabbing all the way and at about 10 beats below my lactate threshold most of the time. It was technically supposed to be a spin ride.
From the bench I usually turn left but turned right today to check out some offshoot named Viper. When I heard about it I was surprised that I’d never seen it. After finding it, I realized why I’d never seen it before. Is it rideable? After a bit of contemplation, I decided to stay on the road to the antennae since I was a little pressed for time, breaking in a new pair of pedals and shoes, low on water and HELL, I was a little frightened TOO. I’m more of a roadie/cautious/fire road kind of guy. I can climb pretty well but this descent looked like it might be a little beyond my ability, especially with only a thin layer of lycra between my skin and the rocks.
I proceeded up to the top hugging the trails to the right and then headed down to Sunshine. The downhill was very smooth. The XC Pros gripped much better that I was willing to give them credit for. I did get a couple of inches of air over some bumps on the way down. No small feat as there are few bumps big enough to launch a 205 pound rider on a 34 pound bike.
It sure was fun. I’d wished I’d had more time and a riding buddy with me. I’ll definitely be back to check it out. Maybe not before next season but its on the list and I’ll do it.
I made it back to pavement. It seems like I take a different route down each time I do this ride but never get lost. I made it to Glenoaks and back home to Burbank. It was a great ride that I look forward to doing again soon.
Happy Trails,
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: Elevation change: around 2500ft
Dirt Road=100%
BH a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Titus from BurbankPosted:11/05/2002
- Trail UpdateBeaudry South Loop-Located on Beaudry(see other posts for directions)
Hang a left as you climb the fireroad. It's the steep
way up to Sunshine and the Beaudry /Mt Tom
Loop. In the summer of '98 I nearly fainted from
heat exhaustion climbing this fireroad. Now its my
daily ride. Athletes like Tinker Juarez will easily
climb this in the middle chain ring with ease.
Everyone else will be using the granny. If you want
to build up your lungs and legs go this route. I
usually go up this way and ride to the Brand Park
Fireroad parkbench and go back down the same
way. The payoff is the downhill.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Dirt Road=100%
Mongoose a Cross-Country Rider riding a Mongoose G2 from MontrosePosted:07/23/2002
- Trail UpdateMT. TOM-The directions were a bit vague. Verdugo forks that we know. The street that forks to the left is La Canada (a spanish word). The street sign Sunshine Rd. is not very big. Verdugo park is right there on the left. The name of the street you should turn left on is Colina, if you are coming north on LA Canada. Colina is the light at the end of the park. Take this street (stay to the right and going up the hill) till you get to Polaris (stop sign). Start looking for parking on the right. Then go up about 100 yards on Sunshine to the yellow gate. Okay that's all I have to say about the directions. As for the trail, it was a good climb. I did not take it all the way though, but I was wondering where it would end. The turns on the way down are blind, so keep your hands on the brake. There are hikers and other riders on the trail so watch you speed. ALSO BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT THE WILDLIFE (especially the lizards on the road). The view is awesome. I will be going up again soon.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: ? Elevation change: steep @ times
Dirt Road=100%
Gunnedout a 28 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel 90 from Los Angeles, California URL: Mountain Bike ReviewPosted:05/05/2001
- Trail UpdateMt. Tom-Made it to the top via Beaudry Fireroad (1300 Beaudry Blvd) which is accessible near Oakmont Country Club. But you can also use Sunshine via Verdugo Park. At the top there are spectacular views of west SF Valley and Downtown LA. Try to find Silver Lake glimmering to the south. Deer, rabbits, and coyotes are often encountered; I usually see at least one every ride. The fireroad down is fast and fun. Just cool it on the blind corners (lots of hikers).
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change: Enough
Dirt Road=100%
Ghetto Ridah a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a K2 3000Posted:06/13/2000
- Trail UpdateMount. Tom-This trail kicks serious ass. you shouldn't go on it on hot days because there is not much shade, but other wise the trail is great. On the way up its pretty easy till the end where it gets steeper. at the top there is a great view of our smogy city. on the way back down its really fast and fun. its a great trail so try it.
Dirt Road=95% Paved Path=5%
a Weekend Warrior riding a Trek 950Posted:08/10/1998
- Trail UpdateVerdugo Mtns. From LaTuna Canyon-The El Nino rains have taken their toll on the fire roads, but they are rideable. Watch for some pretty deep ruts and erosion into the side of the roads.
Dirt Road=100%
a Weekend Warrior riding a KHS Pro from LaCanadaPosted:02/28/1998
- Trail UpdateVerdugo Mountains-At the towers and water tank above Verdugo Park/Sunshine Drive, the trail joins the Beaudry South Fireroad. Right takes you down a fairly un-maintained, rough-surface fire road to Beaudry Terrace (2 miles). Left takes you up to the red-and-white towers and then on to join the Beaudry North fire road (1 mile). At this point, right is again back to Beaudry Terrace (2 miles), or left continues along the spine of the Verdugo Mountains, with about ½ mile uphill bringing you to a seat, and then continuing on for some miles eventually reaching the highest point in the range at over 3,000ft. Great views over Los Angeles, the San Gabriels and the San Fernando Valley. At Thanksgiving 1996 you could see out to the Channel Islands, over 30 miles away!
Dirt Road=100%
John H.Posted:05/29/1997
- Trail UpdateMt. Tom-The trail is about four miles up, in and back. It ends at some radio towers and a cement platform (a water tank?) which provides a great place for some stretching and water before the trip back down. Great views!! It's a fire road the whole way, rather steep at the end, but a good workout with a fast and fun downhill. Not a good trail for hot days... very exposed.
Dirt Road=95% Paved Path=5%
Brandon Mercer a 22 year old Weekend Warrior from Pasadena, CA, USA .eduPosted:05/29/1997