



- Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Marshall Canyon - #MarshallCanyon

    Socal - Los Angeles County - La Verne NickNames: #MarshallCanyon bommer canyon,singletrack, killer

    You take the 210 Frwy East all the way to the end and get on Foothill Bl. At Wheeler make a left. At Via De Mansion make a right. At Orangewood make a right. The trail head is just as you cross the wash(creek). You can also park on Baseline where it crosses the wash.Park in the parking lot of the school on Baseline or as indicated on the posted signs....PLEASE do not cause the neighbors headaches. Thomas Guide page 570Sign

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    • Trail UpdateNice Weather-trail conditions good after 2 days of rain lastweek. we went late to avoid the crowds. still 100 walkers,horse and bikes together. but not bad. rode from oak mesa school upto the mills gate. perfect weather. not much poison oaks yet. still my favorite local trail.
      tree a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a kona stinky from la verne


    • Trail UpdateShare The Trail-Did a ride this morning. Trail conditions were great, weather is warm. Lots of hikers and riders. It has been awhile since riding up there. I hope the new found love for some new riders do not get this long time riding spot closed to bikes. Newbies need to realize that this is not a down hill area and that climbers have the right of way. Trails will possibly be ground up in month or 2 with all of the "hot doggers" skidding all over the place. Keep the speed down and keep the trails open.
      cycle 56 a 37 year old Racer riding a Santa Cruz Blur XC from Fontana


      fasteddie417 a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 2010 SPECIALIZED STUMPJUMPER EXPERT MODEL from LA VERNE


    • Trail UpdateRide 1-30-10-Trail conditions were great! Ground nice and tacky from recent rains a week ago and the ground is still moist especially the shaded ones. Lots of water crossing than usual probably run off from the top.

      Traction was great even with worn Panaracer Fire XC tires. Most if not all water crossings were an inch or two above the rim.

      Not too crowded on the way down which was great. Even saw a family of deer!

      dial tone a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Fisher Hi-Fi Plus from Duarte, CA


    • Trail UpdateGREAT RIDE-We rode this trail last sunday morning, about 3 hours after the rain stopped pouring. SO. MUCH. FUN! We started on the fire road at the top of Mills Ave. and then dropped down into the canyon. Everything was clean, beautiful and in fantastic shape. There was one stream crossing by the golf course where my front wheel sunk half way into the sand, but that was the only trouble all morning. Ride it!
      a 21 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 69er from Pomona, CA


    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride-I'm a La Verne local and I ride this trail a lot..(almost every day before class). It's an amazing trail and I really enjoy all of the single tracks that break off of the main fire road.. It gives me a heck of a lot of choices to 'shake' up my ride and make it interesting ever time I go out. It rained up there a few weeks ago, and there is still a lot of loose rocks and gravel from all of the run off (especially in the upper single tracks on the east canyon wall). The lower canyon is fantastic right now, I rode it today and have nothing to complain about. My only real complaint is all of the hikers and horses that thing they own the place, but it's always like that no matter what time you go out so my advice is to just get used to them interrupting your downhill run.
      mobindasingletrack a 18 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Kona Dawg / Cannondale f5 ht


    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride-Rode up the "main" canyon and then down the crazy single track with hits. Great conditions, not too much water, people, or equestrians. Single track with kickers is nutty fun. To those who can't ride without skidding, practice going easy on the brakes. You are tearing up the trails.
      cycle56 a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Blur XC from Rancho Cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateThe weekends are packed for horses, during the week not so bad at all. Once & while you will see a old lady riding her horse in the canyon. No she is not the living dead but she so out of it she will let the horse take her were ever she wants to go.


    • Trail UpdateMarshal canyon on Saturday was quick,dry conditions with overcast skies make for a great ride,I see a need to really get more on trail expierience at this trail before letting off the brakes,this is a fun trail,watch out for horses and this can be a cool spot for you to.There are a few shallow water crossings,so get ready to clean your ride after. Good luck.
      nervosa a 40 year old riding a cannondale from azusa


    • Trail UpdateGreat Sunday Ride-Trail conditions were epic. Crowds were a little heavy. Lots of walkers on the upper portion. A few but real nice equestrians. Hope that guy who I saw going way to fast on the single track and crashed is ok. Real bad split forehead. Next time slow down.
      Cylcle56 a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Super sweet Santa Cruz Blur XC from Rancho Cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateGreat First Experience-went up to marshall sunday morning 6-8-08 for the first time and it was a blast!!! trail conditions were good had different obsticales.there was a lil traffic with people running,riding bikes, and horse backing so beware. people there were very nice offered me help when i was changing a flat, but my group helped me out. i do recommend this trail to everyone but beginners beware i had a lil hard time going up...but coming downhill was a reward.. but that was my fist ride in 3 yrs thinking to go again tuesday morning ...
      a 23 year old Downhiller riding a GT FORCE 3.O


    • Trail UpdateTook my first ride up Marshall in about ten years not much has changed the creeks were flowing the trees were green the trail is in great shape looking foward to a long ride this weekend just got back into riding after a long lay off thanks to my boys look for us every weekend somewhere in so cal.


    • Trail UpdateNice Day For A Ride!-It's amazing what the rains a few weeks ago did to Marshall Canyon and the water crossings. Lots of fun with the erosion that took place. There were quite a few equestrians out this afternoon. More than I've ever seen. I love Marshall Canyon for its versatility. There's a little bit of everything. At the gate be sure to go right if your not continuin to Potato. Cut off to the right after the covered rest area and then take either one of two singetrack back down into Marshall Canyon. I prefer the second one because the jumps are better.
      a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Bionicon Golden Willow Scandium from Diamond Bar


    • Trail UpdateThe are going to shut down Clarmont side for this event.


    • Trail UpdateBad Day For Marshall Rides-I was chatting with some city workers on the trail this weekend, and they informed me that Next Sunday (10-14-07) there will be a large Equestrian event at Marshall Canyon. They are expecting about 150-200 horse riders that day. Not sure if the route they are taking will include Claremont Hills, but I'm guessing there will be some overflow traffic. I'd say it's a good day for other local favorites.
      alop a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Stumpjumper FSR from Fontana, Ca


    • Trail UpdateSweet As Can Be-Marshall Canyon has a little bit of everything from water crossings, switchbacks, single track, fireroad, downhill, jumps etc. This is one of the best places all around to ride for beginner to intermediate riders. I hadn't been here in about 10 years until about two months ago. I have been back three times since and had a blast. All the other riders were very friendly as were the hikers, joggers and equestrian people. Shy away from Saturday AM's as there are a lot of high school x-country teams training there and it makes for slow going at times. Have fun!!!
      Dirt Cowboy a 47 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2007 FOES FXR 2:1


    • Trail UpdateFun Ride-Been ridin' off and on for over twenty-three years, but this was my first time at Marshall Canyon. Tall Bob and I rode it today. Went as far as the claremont city limit sign. The downhill part of the single track was a lot of fun. will definitely be back.
      a 53 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from Alhambra


    • Trail Updateextreme fire danger
      Robbie a 37 year old


    • Trail UpdateClosed?-anyone know why the entrance on Orangewood is closed? is there any other way onto the trail besides up top?
      banksd1983 a Downhiller


    • Trail UpdateMahalo (thank You)-The trail conditions were good on Tuesday, May 1st until I got a flat. As I've done in the past, I pull over to fix the flat until I find out my pump is not working (hand pump...keepin it old school). Luckily I was near the golf course, so I didn't have that far of a walk to get to the road. A group of 3 mountain bikers were kind enough to help by filling my tire with air so I didn't have to wait for a ride. I would like to thank you 3 for the help and the CO2 cartridges you let me use! I am getting rid of the hand pump and getting the CO2 pump...Mahalo for the help and for letting me see the light!
      kaideezy a 73 year old riding a Kona from Da LV


    • Trail UpdateAhhhhhh!-You want to know the conditions. ;-) I have seen it much better. The lack of rain has made it pretty loose. Another Month and it will feel like September there. We are not at "Going Blind" levels yet, but that is not far off. Pray for more rain before the onslaught of Summer.


    • Trail UpdateRe: Update-HAHAHA! Very Funny.... What are the conditions?
      King Solomon


    • Trail UpdateYes-I was up there 3 days ago. Thanks for asking.
      Jockwa from Whitter


    • Trail UpdateUPDATE?-Has anyone been up Marshall Canyon lately????
      King Solomon a 33 year old Weekend Warrior from Corona, CA


    • Trail UpdateDusty And Loose-Most of marshall is really loose and dusty. Bring eyewear or risk going blind :)
      alop a 26 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Stumpjumper FSR from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMuddy Trails-alot this morning. a few cute of joggers
      alot of wannbe creek crossing, still fun
      a Weekend Warrior riding a Foes from Covina


      TREE68 a 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a KONA STINKY from LA VERNE


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Thank god it's Spring. Weather was beautiful, trail is in great condition due to the rains. Wildlife is abundant. Some puddles, but easily avoided. Had a stand-off with a bear for 15-20 minutes, just before bear junction. They don't seem to be very afraid of humans, so be careful. Great traction on both the lower half and upper half. Perfect weather, get out and ride.
      Robbie a 37 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-I rode the trail this afternoon, it was drizzling but it was still nice. The trail was clear and there were no bears
      Branden a Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Hardrock Pro from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBears And Bulldozers-Rode today for the first time in atleast 6 months and unfortunetly they were grading the whole upper half from the tunnel up... its so bad! Need to wait for it to get packed again. As I was starting on my way up to the where it meets with Claremont there was a small brown bear in the steam crossing. Not very big but mom might be around somewhere
      Sleepwalker a 25 year old Weekend Warrior riding a pieces of things stuck on a hardtail canondale from Glendora


    • Trail UpdateOvergrown-I rode this weekend and they have done a little bit of work to the trailhead. They have moved some dirt around by the start of the wash. The rest of the trail is overgrown with tall weeds that scratch up your legs when you ride through them. Watch out.
      Soundguy a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 4500 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Update-I was up there this morning. It was overcast and
      great day to do the whole trail. meet a few people
      up there, Big Dog Riders. I did'nt feel like a
      real slow poke.
      a 38 year old riding a Black Foes from Covina


    • Trail UpdateMy Guess-is you took the route around the big water tank.That trail now dead ends into the stream bed.To much sand down there and no trail at this time.You can take the fireroad thru the cut telephone poles and catch the singletrack again about a 1/4 mile up on the right by the fenced horse area. Take this way over to Claremont Wilderness Park and then catch the singletrack on the way back(look for the signs).
      Pain Freak


    • Trail UpdateWheres The Trail-Rode Saturday, Great ride, but I was unable to locate some of the trails. I ended up riding some plowed section to a house, then back tracting to the fire road. I know there use to be a trail there. Have many of the single tracks been washed out?
      Robbie Racer a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Stumpjumper from Claremont


    • Trail UpdateYou Forgot One Thing....-Watch out for all the Poison Oak!
      This coming from a guy that had it on his face.
      T.K. Castle Out!


    • Trail UpdateTIMBER-I rode this trail yesterday starting at the wash. It has changed so much. Still very much rideable though. Be prepared for long stream crossings and fallen trees covering the trail. In most cases trails have been made around the trees, if you can spot them. Always carry a spare tube with you too. I busted a tube on the way down and had to walk about 2 miles back. Definitely not as fun as riding back!!!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Soundguy a 25 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek 4500 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode on Sunday starting at the wash, through the normal route next to the golf course. The trail has definitely changed in a month. There are a few trees blocking the trail but easy to get around. A few places have mud that'll cause some slipping and sliding but nothing to worry about. The upper part of the trail is still fast.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      XC Rider from WC a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a StumpJumper Pro from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateBee Hive-forgot to post this...On the way up from Mesa school after you pass the stables and take the first single track climb to the right, which ends at the fire road by the big water tower, well, on this trail there is another tree branch hanging over the trail making it hard to pass even walking. We tried to brake off the branch but noticed that there is a bee hive on the tree so we left it alone. Just a note to anyone that passes by this part of the trail and attempts to remove this branch...you may get attacked


    • Trail UpdateMarshall...Marshall...Marshall-Went to Marshall today with my bud Bernie and had an awesome time (Henry and Mike, you missed out). We started at Mesa school on Wheeler and down the small single track downhill above the school. There was a lot more water than normal but nothing that was not rideable. There is a big section of the trail that was totally washed out by the rain forcing you to hike up on the side of the hill and back down. On the last stream crossing before the golf course the water has also done major damage but rideable by taking a 3 foot drop into the water (this was awesome on the way back). After the tunnel, there are two major trees that came down completely blocking the trail forcing you to walk through the over grown brush (not fun). The best thing to do here is to climb up to Esperanza St. at the tunnel, to the left and into the stables on the right and back down into the trail. The rest of the stream crossings are also damaged but rideable. It just made it that much more interesting and challenging. We made it to the first single track back down right before the yellow gate. It was very muddy and slippery but fun. Lost control once and almost made it down to water (would have been a nasty drop), but some how gained control, I guess I was going too fast to handle the muddy ruts. It was all fun after this with one minor mishap by Bernie; he went down as we were going back riding on the river bed where it is very loose with lots of sand. We finally got to the drop after the golf course and I was able to clean it twice. The drop is at the bottom of a small downhill trail which lands you right on the water. It felt pretty good. I can’t wait to go out there again, weather was perfect and there was hardly anyone out there.. It started to rain as soon as we got back to the parking lot. We’ll see how the day looks tomorrow.
      Vic a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a VT1 from Glendora


    • Trail UpdateBitchen-This trail is so cool. for the downhillers we got some downhill jump section, up above the trailhead. there is some drops just have to look for them. horse riders sometimes wach out. gets mucky after a rain or two. visit foothill bike shop in La Vern for more details. P.S. dont take down any laders jumps or fallen over trees, or I'll kill ya!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      skiny buff man a 17 year old Downhiller riding a Iron horse expert/freeride from apple valley


    • Trail UpdateYUCK! This Trail Is A Mess-Parked at Oak Mesa headed over the bridge and down to the entrance by the wash and when I got there it was closed and locked, crap. I decided to backtrack to the entrance in between the houses that is after or before the wash and the gate was opened, yeah. Rode down the hill unto the trail and got shocked, it looked like a wall of water slammed through the canyon. Areas of the trail have been washed out, trees are toppled over and big rocks exposed. I rode and hiked to right before the golf course where I called it quits. I was off the bike most of the time climbing over tree trunks and limbs; I guess that would be fun some days but not that day.
      Maccoi a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from BP


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon...-Saturday morning entered the canyon through the Claremont Wilderness Park which was better than I thought it was going to be after the rains we had, saw lots of little landslides, but nothing really too bad or impassable. The canyon after the switchbacks is impassable with the two big pipes blocking the way not to mention the rocks that have exposed themselves unless they are new... not sure which. Other than that the canyon was great the whole way down... a little more water in some spots than I remember in the past, but fun nonetheless. Great ride overall! Cheers!!
      Diane riding a Trek Fuel 90 WSD from Upland


    • Trail UpdateMC / CWP / Potato Mountain-i started from the bottom of Marshall Canyon on thru Claremont Wilderness Park then up to Potato Mountain.

      the ride on Marshall from Oak Mesa school parking lot to the top gate at the CWP was the best i've seen in a long time, the rains really did some work on the trail, it's as not as smooth as it used to be; adding in some ruts and some minor technical sections and a lots of mud. it's still very humid in some sections. some nice burms and mini dropoffs to deal with but ,all in all, very nice to beable to have it be a little challenging, the way down was a blast, great traction, and all the stream crossing were smooth.

      Claremont Wilderness Park was in super smooth condition. the entire loop was graded and as usual there were many hikers there.

      Potato Mountain was a great climb to do from the CWP it was gravely/loose in some sections but doable. the road (1N04) between CWP and the final fire road that goes up to Potato Mtn. had a severe wash out, taking out the road completely, a path is visible thru the mess so all you have to do is hike-a-bike. the way down was a blast.

      did this ride from the bottom of Marshall to CWP then straight up to Potato is a lot of climbing for the average biker, on the way back i did the CWP loop to add in more climbing then went down Marshall.

      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 22 miles Elevation change: 4000 +
      Singletrack=35% Dirt Road=65%
      Epic Mtn Biker a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Epic Marathon from Ontario, CA


    • Trail UpdateHike A Bike? No Way!-start the trail backwards and downhill it!!!
      awesome technical if you are up for it both uphill and downhill, but this will only last till the signs of lotsa rain wear away. then, the trail will be back to the gentle nature it's always had.

      killa!!! riding this trail for 10 years a 24 year old riding a kona


    • Trail UpdateGreat Riding-While some of the trails have been washed out (read washed away), the conditions really couldn't be better. The water crossings are a blast and traction is fantastic on the whole, but there are some really deep mud holes. My only caution is watch out for some of the bigger ruts. There is at least one section that the entire road is washed out. (6-10 feet drop, deadly if you don't see it coming). I did manage to go over the bars tring to avoid some other nasty ruts on a downhill. So have fun and enjoy: This what mountain biking is all about in So. Cal.
      CTD a Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Stumpie


    • Trail UpdateHaaHaHaaaaaa..-Henry that was a funny trail post..Your riding style sounds like me.
      Burg a 40's year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateNotice-Hi I am Henry De La Cruz. I never knew I was known as "almost made it to the top Henry". I'm normally knows as the big fat dude at the end of the group. Mr. Painfreak is a wierdo. He reffers to the fact that I was 1 mile short of Mt. Wilson. Yes I have been lying. I tell people I made it to the top. So shut up! I atribute todays skillful riding to my new shock set up. I should break shit and fix it again more often! Great ride though.
      Henry a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a VT1 from temple city


    • Trail UpdateNOTICE-Effective immediately.Mr De La Cruising will no longer be reffered to as "Almost made it to the top Henry", but will now be reffered to as "Mr. Clean".The guy is cleaning everything and he ain`t crashing much anymore either.
      Good and fun ride today guys,just what the doctor ordered.Marshall Cyn just keeps getting better and better as the rains keep coming.A lot of people are complaining about ruined trails.These people can`t see the forest through the trees.It just keeps getting better.We may have to walk a few sections or we may have to get off to cross a fallen tree,but in the end it just makes it all that much better.Eventually the lines will develop and we will find a way to either go over or around the logs and if we don`t ,so what.It just keeps getting better.I love mud.Not to worry about this trail as they grade it all the time and consider ruts and rocks in the trail a bad thing.It's starting to get some character again.

      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateMarshall (hike-a-bike) Canyon-Worst condition I have seen. Lots and lots of water and mud on the lower section and not to bad on the upper. Trees down and deep streams make it an interesting ride but fun none the less.
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Robbie a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall (hike-a-bike) Canyon-Worst condition I have seen. Lots and lots of water and mud on the lower section and not to bad on the upper. Trees down and deep streams make it an interesting ride but fun none the less.
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Robbie a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall (hike-a-bike) Canyon-Worst condition I have seen. Lots and lots of water and mud on the lower section and not to bad on the upper. Trees down and deep streams make it an interesting ride but fun none the less.
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Robbie a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateFun Ride-Rode up marshall canyon and the traction was great, the terrain had enough moisture to keep you on track for both climbing fast and descending even faster. trail and stream crossing were very smooth. Not much water running thru there right now, so that was a plus also. rode up to the gate at the claremont wilderness park, rode that loop coming up Burbank & encountered a lot of friendly hikers along the way. going down marshall canyon was great, tires hooked up really well, and saw two deer(they just ran off into the ravine).

      great time to ride Marshall Canyon.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 15. 5 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      Epic Mtn Biker a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Epic Marathon from Ontario, CA


    • Trail UpdateYou Can-(response to previous post)

      also continue on past Emerald and take the doubletrack the rest of the way to the concrete wash and it will take you all the way to Base line then ride back up Baseline to Towne Ave.adds a little more to the ride and is definetly worth it.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateBurbank!-I'm not versed in the many trails that begin at the top of Mills, but the Burbank trail is the one I wanted to point out here. If you take the 210 freeway, get off at Towne in Claremont, go North one block crossing over Baseline. Park your car in this residential neighborhood and ride Thompson Creek Trail about 3 miles up to Mills Rd. Turn left at the parking lot and it will put you at the base of a very short, fun climb. Cross Thompson Creek trail and turn left at the sand bed fork. This will put you immediately up a very steep grade for 1.8 miles. You will reach a fork near the top at about the 1.5 mile mark, go right to keep climbing. Just around the corner, you will see a pole stuck in the ground off the right side of the trail, just before it begins the descent. This is the finish of the climb. This is a local favorite and a braging right ride. See what kind of time you can do from the sand bed up to the pole. 18:00 min on a first ride is pretty good. But many shoot for 16,15,14, and there are even some studs somehow getting into the 13:00's. From here, you can follow the loop back to the parking lot at Mills, or you can descend to your first gate on the left. This will begin your journey over to the Marshal Canyon Trail. Follow the signs. Marshal Canyon will spit you out onto Emerald. Take Emerald down to Baseline, and enjoy the steady climb back to your car at Towne. Round trip for this ride is approximately 14 miles back to your car.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=30% Paved Path=30% Truck Trail=10%
      Benjamin Buchanan a 27 year old Racer riding a Gary Fisher HKEK+ from San Dimas, CA


    • Trail UpdateWent for a ride last night around 6:45. It was a bit chilly, but an awesome ride. All of the wet swampy parts dried up and left the trail a bit more interesting.


    • Trail UpdateIn Case Anyone Is Interested-Dear Mr. Mitchell:

      This is in response to your email regarding Marshall Canyon. The safety of all trail users is of utmost importance to us, and we appreciate hearing from concerned patrons. I asked Robert Soots, Special Operations Supervisor, to investigate your concern regarding grading of the Marshall Canyon multi-use trail.

      The Department's mission is to make the conditions of the trails safe for all users to enjoy. There are variations in soil conditions throughout the 134 miles of County multi-use trails; therefore, it is necessary to grade the terrain to prevent potential hazards to hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Grading is performed to eliminate tripping hazards, sink holes, and reduce and backfill eroded portions. We must also ensure that the water flow along the trail way does not cause problems during the rainy season. I have instructed Mr. Soots to monitor the area you mentioned and to take appropriate mitigating action as needed.

      We appreciate your concern and interest in Marshall Canyon trail. Should you have any further questions regarding Marshall Canyon or any of our trails, please contact me at (626) 369-8693 or Mr. Soots at (626) 330-3860.


      Boyd Horan

      Assistant Director

      Regional Facilities Agency

      c: Jay Gomez, Deputy, 5th District

      Russ Guiney, Interim Director, P&R

      Robert Soots



    • Trail UpdateThank You Pain-Mike, just when I start to think youre a nice guy, you say stuff like that. By the way, the dirt is fine. My shoulder and neck on the other hand are hurtin'. Hopefully it wont get worse come tomorrow at Mt. Sac. Good Luck by the way, pal! Oh and Marshall was fun.
      Henry a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a VT1 from Temple City


    • Trail UpdateI've Been-riding this trail now for awhile and I believe this is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen them do this.This seems to be the least amount of damage I've seen.With the recent rains,I'm sure has helped it a lot from when they first graded,but it's not that bad now with some of the exposed rocks and obstacles, it's even got some almost technical spots.Still all in all I still enjoy this little trail.Henry even managed to get close and personal with the dirt a couple of times.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateWent for a ride last night. More to check out the conditions than to actually ride. It's not too bad. There are some rutted bits and some parts that are like soup. Try to stay out of the wet parts and you'll be fine.


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon Night Ride-Rode last night, bombing down into the canyon was great. tires hooked up very well, the rain really improved the conditions of the trail. it doesn't look or feel like if it was recently cleared out with a bulldozer. Some new ruts, mini drop offs (erosion), washed out areas, made it more fun. the smoother parts combined with the damp terrain made for a great run at night.

      Rated advanced due to rain effects and for night riding
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Epic Mtn Biker a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Epic Marathon from Ontario, CA


    • Trail UpdateMARSHRALL CYN FREEWAY!!!!!!!-Started out at Mills, went up to Potato Mountain. Traction is very very good, some washed out areas but nothing really bad. The view from the top was killer. There was a middle aged rider that went up right behind us on an older bike.
      After the top we went down to the water tank and Mr. You, JT and I dropped in the Marshall Cyn. The trails are in good shape after the rain and not too many washed out areas.
      On the way down I was in the Diamond lane [this is reserved for light weight bikes only]

      Another week or two I will be able to take my son up there in the trailer. [Yes it is that wide]. I do miss the log crossings and the jumps; they even cleared the stream that had the tech section through the trees!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 22.5miles Elevation change:
      Mr Bonk a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek 9.9 from Fontana Ca


    • Trail UpdateI wonder what the trail is going to be like now.
      Has anyone ridden?


    • Trail UpdateIt Probably Is My Fault.-My wife tells me everything is my fault. I didn't exactly have anyone banging down my door to help out either. Use your head. Don't ride today.


    • Trail UpdatePainfreak-The wife is cool with your comments. She just says that next time you see her you will also see a horse riding on your ass! Its only abuse if you weigh more than the horse. Is this thing something that IMBA would be able to help out with next time? If they were to be contacted soon, maybe something could get scheduled next year before the plowing.
      Henry a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a VT1 from Temple City


    • Trail UpdateInnes's Fault!!!!!-It is all Innes fault, if he would have done the trail mantance in stead of posting it the horse people would never touched the trail.

      They where also mad because PF was the only one that could clear that tree.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Mr Bonk a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn SS with Spin wheels from the 909 and proud of it


    • Trail UpdateThems-horsey people got a whole lot of money behind them and the people who ride are very vocal.They were there first,I understand this and I agree that they should have a loud voice in the construction of the trail,but to render it almost unrideable, well, that just don't seem fair.Mountain bikers are by far and away the biggest trail users here,but get very little voice in the matter.
      Another thing....Can someone explain this to me:
      How does a person who abuses an animal by riding on it's back and forcing it to do what it doesn't want to do....Call themselves an animal lover?Riding horses is animal abuse,there's no other definition that I could think of.

      Sorry Henry,hope yor wife don't see this.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it. As a resident, I have complained about the wasted resources that were spent on this ridiculous effort.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it. As a resident, I have complained about the wasted resources that were spent on this ridiculous effort.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHere's The REAL Dirt (or Sand)-Marshall was just graded (first time in about 18mo - 2yrs)to accomodate 250 equestrians that rode the trail as part of the San Dimas Rodeo weekend. Was riding the trail that day and spoke with the city worker. Been ridin Marshall 3x a week for past 6 years and this is the worst condition I've seen it. Been over the bars 4x in the sand over the past 2 weeks. Rains on Sunday should help - growth this winter will return the trail to the way we all like it.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Murph a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel 90 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateOh Well Kiddies,-I guess I'll go anyways, still fun riding anywhere right? Supposedly its going to rain sunday. So lets see what happens. Mr. Freak, See you next week?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Henry a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a VT1 from Temple City


    • Trail UpdateSean Here-is just about right on.The lower portion is still within the city and is maintained for the most part by the city with the upper portions being managed by the county.The county has said before that the grading was done at the bequest of the city government of La Verne.I didn't post this before,but it was info I received a few years back the first time I asked them not to grade anymore, and to possibly let an IMBA crew or similar group come in and help maintain the trail.To remove those obstacles have really hurt the trail.I understand some of the horse riders couldn't get their horses to go over or around them and they requested that these be removed.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateTrails being firebreaks . . . um, no.
      After the last fires, researchers were
      saying that truly effective firebreaks
      would have to be 1/4 mile wide to be effective,
      assuming no firemen were on the break fighting
      the fire.
      Trucks use the roads up there to attack
      the fires.
      Firemen traverse through worse, steeper,
      terrain without trails all the time to
      acces/fight fires.
      I don't buy the fire/access argument.

      They do this to the trails every so often.
      I believe this has been addressed in the past
      and I believe someone discovered that it (the
      grading) is just routine trail maintenance and
      also it's done to soften up the trails for
      the equestrians (yikes).

      Last year, the City of LaVerne gated and
      closed all access to marshall canyon from any
      trail entrance within their city limits.
      Above the city limits, the park is owned/operated/
      maintained by the county of Los Angeles. The
      county NEVER closed their portion of the park,
      even the day after they put out the fires it was
      open, they just told me on the phone they recommended
      'not going up there.'

      Let's get our facts straight before cloggin up
      the 'trail update' board.
      Sean a 28 year old riding a KONA Bear from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMaybe...-I was riding a couple of weeks ago and ran into a trail worker posting signs for the equestrian campground, they had a large campout a few weeks ago. The worker mentioned that they had graded most of the trails for the equestrian group. He said that it sucked for the bikers and hikers but it was good for the horses. Ahwell I guess we have to deal with the sand and soft spots till it rains.
      On the bright side, the trail is less crowded.
      Maccoi a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale from BP


    • Trail UpdateFires!-The ability to gain quick access into the canyons would mean fires would not be able to spread as quickly as they did in the past. Although trucks wouldnt fit through the smaller trails, personnel would be able to move about without the hinderance of fallen trees and other obstacles. Who knows maybe some of the clearing would end up being a fire break which would give crews just enough time to gain control. Dont get me wrong man. I love this place. I love riding through here. Trust me once the rains have gone and spring comes in and new shit is growing everywhere, you'll enjoy this place. And if you dont like the job they did, try to get IMBA to come down and teach you about trail maintenance.


    • Trail UpdateIt's Necessary?-What, exactly, would cause the trails to close if they didn't grade?
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateFires Maybe?-I love this place as much as everyone else turst me. I went there a few day ago. A fireman buddy said it is necessary to keep the trails open. It needs to be done. Around here we cant count on rain, so they do this to get easier access. we all know once the rains come which by the way might be here sunday evertyhing will be packed down. So yes we complain that they "ruined" the trail, but this will help with firefiights. I was down about it too when they cleared out the logs that I used to try to jump and that little spot full of roots right across the creek. All the good stuff is gone. But we still have a place to ride. Look around you next time you go there, you will still find black stuff from the last fires.


    • Trail UpdateFires Maybe?-I love this place as much as everyone else turst me. I went there a few day ago. A fireman buddy said it is necessary to keep the trails open. It needs to be done. Around here we cant count on rain, so they do this to get easier access. we all know once the rains come which by the way might be here sunday evertyhing will be packed down. So yes we complain that they "ruined" the trail, but this will help with firefiights. I was down about it too when they cleared out the logs that I used to try to jump and that little spot full of roots right across the creek. All the good stuff is gone. But we still have a place to ride. Look around you next time you go there, you will still find black stuff from the last fires.


    • Trail UpdateNot La Verne City Park...-Sorry to butt in here, but Marshall Canyon is a county facility.

      http://lacounty.info/redistricting/loctng.htm Check under "Regional Parks".


    • Trail UpdateI Went-to this website and emailed to everyone that I thought could help in the drop down menu.I only got a couple of answers and I emailed them 3 or 4 times.Here's the address:

      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdatePain Freak...-If you could post an email address for the parks department, that would be great!


    • Trail UpdateMake A Difference-I wrote a brief letter or should I say email to parks and recreation in the city of La Verne and complained about what they've done to this trail a number of times.If some others might chime in, they may take it into consideration and leave it alone for a couple of years.I was told that if I'm not a resident,I don't really matter.But I have to believe if enough of us voiced a concern they'd stop doing this so often.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn Condition-It's like going to Glamis.
      Maccoi a Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from BP


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn Condition-Its all true,,had to see it for myself,,,their is more sand than a sandbox,,,Where are the "RAIN GODS"when you need them..should be ok after the rains..Cousin and I rode it this weekend ME=1 over the bars,, my Cousin=3over the bars,(SAND,SAND,SAND),,,Fun,,but, could be better..
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 21miles round trip Elevation change:
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=60%
      Frank a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale Hardtail from Montclair Calif.


    • Trail UpdateEverything-has been graded, EVERYTHING! They've left nothing untouched.
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateDon't Waste Your Time.-Marshall Canyon is a mess. It's like trying to ride your bike in the sand at the beach. Everything has been ploughed. It will be a long time before this trail is anywhere close to the quality it used to be.


    • Trail UpdateJumps And Stuff-Man! me and a friend found some area up above that someone really worked their ass off on. Really nice job fellas! I'd like to know when people go up there and do the thing. I was able to attempt a little bump, yehaw! Let me know when you go up there please.
      henry a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a VT1 from temple city


    • Trail UpdateIt's Open-And 90% of it has been graded.
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshal Cyn ..condition-Planning to do a ride this weekend,,,park open???
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Frank a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale hardtail from Montclair calif


    • Trail UpdateKiller Bees In Marshall?-Rode the trail this morning. The grading continues, ran into the tractor grading near the fork on the bottom half. On the way down near the end of the trail, I was stopped by an exterminator (bee exterminator) who warned me that there is an enormous bee hive near the large downed hollow tree. He expressed that it may be a Killer Bee hive due to the recent attacks. Enough about the bees, the trail is getting worse. The single track on the top half before the steep downhill section has been badly graded, its all sand and very loose. They ruined it again!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=50% Truck Trail=20%
      Robbie a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateKiller Bees In Marshall?-Rode the trail this morning. The grading continues, ran into the tractor grading near the fork on the bottom half. On the way down near the end of the trail, I was stopped by an exterminator (bee exterminator) who warned me that there is an enormous bee hive near the large downed hollow tree. He expressed that it may be a Killer Bee hive due to the recent attacks. Enough about the bees, the trail is getting worse. The single track on the top half before the steep downhill section has been badly graded, its all sand and very loose. They ruined it again!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=50% Truck Trail=20%
      Robbie a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateKing Of The Road-Man, I was just joking about driving on the trail. I just got back from a very dusty ride on in Marshall. Near the end, just past the golf course, some idiot was speeding along on his dirt bike. Watch out for motorized vehicles!


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn.-Well, all you cry babies whining about the obstacles on the trail got your wish. Thanks to all the grading, there is nothing left but lots of sand. Be careful what you wish for. The upper half isn't as bad. Lets just pray that the rains help this trail get back to the way it used to be, fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Robbie a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateGradeness-I'm going to start riding my road bike here. The trail has been graded from the bottom all of the way up to the equestrian training campground. It's likely only a matter of time before the upper singletrack trails are graded. :(
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateAnother One Bites The Dust-They did it 2 years ago, and now they've done it again. There's no more trail. I could drive my jeep up through there if I wanted to. A little trail maintenance like filling in some ruts and putting in some water bars is one thing, but plowing the whole damn thing is just wrong. It's not worth the trip anymore. Maybe I'll be able to get my wife riding again though.


    • Trail UpdateWell.....-they asked for it.I wonder how they'll like it now.I think they'll see what I mean when I ask that they leave it alone.Nice sand pit.Hell, you can fit two horses side by side now going down the trail,blocking runners,bikers, and hikers.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateYUCK!-They just created the Marshall Canyon highway, from the wash to the golf course the trail was graded. No more tree trunks, rocks, ruts, or interesting turns, it's all gone. It's going be a long time till all the loose sand and dirt gets packed down again. Awell, the rest of the trail is still good. Rode today up to the gate and took a right and did the Claremont loop also, definitly a good ride today.

      Mac a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work-I'm up for some trail work in Marshall. It could use it. Just let me know when and where.


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon...-Hey ghost... yeah buddy I'll help you get that downed tree out of the way. My biker buddy & I keep thinking that if we either get enough people together we could move it or if all else fails then break out the saw and let's go to town. You name the time and we'll be there. Preferably mid-week after 5pm or pick a weekend day... any other takers?? Let's get the trees out of the way so we can ride!!!!!! Other than that it is still a little wet and a tad muddy in sections, but it's all good! :)


    • Trail UpdateRode yesterday evening and the ride was awesome, except for all those gnats. I’ve been going to Marshall for years now and I still have not gotten use to those gnats.
      It looks like the rain did some good and took care of all the loose dust. It didn’t seem like I was riding though a dust cloud of Tang behind my buddies riding up yesterday. It felt like there was more traction yesterday also.
      Most of the water is gone going through the roller coaster, yeah!
      There was maintenance done to the trail, riding from Oak Mesa right after the wash they took out the logs that were imbedded in the dirt. It’s a shame they were fun, but all well such is progress.
      Haven’ fun at the canyon

      Mac a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale from BP


    • Trail UpdateMarshall-Rode it today, the gnats suck!! Yes there are downed trees, but leave them alone! If you can't ride around them or over them, don't ride. I have ridden these trails for many years, just let nature take its course.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateYah!-What is up with the down tree just before the tunnel? Who wants to help move it?


    • Trail UpdateActually...-There's one 1/8 down from it that's not really a jump. It's a downed tree...no way over it. Silly wabbit.
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateDood-Haven't you noticed the dirt piled up on the side of the log?It's a jump now.I'm no freekin wabbit.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdatePF Can Do It!-PF can do it with no problem!
      He rides there a few time each week!
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change:
      Mr Bonk a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateAnybody Else Unable To Log In?-Paging mod! - I cannot log in...........


    • Trail UpdatePainfreak-If you can bunnyhop your ass over that log, you'll be my hero! And I wanna be there when you try it baby. Hahahahaaaaaaaaa. ha
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 2 miles Elevation change: 8000ft
      Singletrack=100% Paved Path=74%
      Maniacal a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant VT1 from Temple City


    • Trail UpdateMost-mountain bikers I know would prefer to leave the tree/stones/rocks/obstacles right where they are.We either learn to ride over or around them or just accept them as part of the trail and climb on over.It adds to the character of the trail.If you want a buffed smoothed out trail with no obstacles, well, there are plenty of these all over southern California.I say let nature take it's course.
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Did the canyon Wed. night after work... I keep forgetting about that big huge stump that's blocking the path. I was movin' pretty good almost couldn't stop in time. Does anyone know if there are any plans to clear that out? It's got one section that sticks out like an arm that could pierce someone pretty good if you didn't stop in time. Any f.y.i.'s would be great. Heck I would be willing to go up there myself, but I don't have a chainsaw.


    • Trail UpdateThere's some sort of an outlet that pops out beside the dirt road just past the juvenile camp and that's
      where the water is coming from.


    • Trail UpdateMarshal/Cobal/Burbank-Best all around trail in the SGV. Has everything. Nice climb, fireroads, singletrack, log/dirt jumps, water crossings, and a complete assortment of wildlife. I believe all that water originates from the MC golfcourse sprinkler system.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      661 Nasty a 24 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Jamis Expert from Azusa, CA


    • Trail UpdateWent riding yesterday afternoon and boy was the water high going through the rollercoaster section. I would say it was up to my bottom bracket and real muddy and fast moving, yuck. But it did make it interesting. Where is all this water coming from?
      That bear sighting sign has been there for sometime already. I haven't spotted the momma bear and cub but if I did I sure hope it would be from a far.


    • Trail UpdateBear-Up at the "top" where the gate is and the 3 little wood stumps, there's a map with a posted sign from the Ranger saying "Mother Bear and Her Cub cited recently, proceed with caution." Bears in Marshall Canyon? Yikes.. not only have to worry about Mountain Lions but now bears... great....


    • Trail UpdateI've ridden this tral over the past three days and everything was as dry as a bone. Tonight I went and it was much different. It was like the flood gates were opened. Have fun. Try to stay dry.


    • Trail UpdateJust got back from an early morning ride. No one was there when I started, but the lot was packed when I got back. Trail conditions are great, but there is a huge, monster, tree down just after the golf course heading toward the wash. Be careful. Have fun!


    • Trail UpdateEverything is nice and smooth. There were about four trees down near the bottom on Friday, but they were gone last night. Have fun. Go ride.


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-The trail is in pretty good shape. There are a few soft spots. The log jup near the bottom of the canyon has become quite dangerous if you try to ride around it. There are two large holes that someone dug to build up the jump. Ride in the evening around 6:00; there aren't nearly as many people.


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Or maybe better stated "the freeway". If you want to ride the canyon on the wekend, you better ride early. Soooo many walkers/runners and bikes we thought we were in the wilderness park. Trails dry but in good condition. Have fun!!
      Middleaged a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized from LaVerne


    • Trail UpdateIt's now packed down nicely couple of loose spots ie. the river bed, a couple of place on the three bitches, and that cool downhill at the end of the switchback (dam horses).
      MtnbikeMike a 19 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateAnyone Ridden The Canyon Lately?-Going up on Saturday morning, just wondering if anyone has been through the canyon and has any updates? Last time I was through there it was still really loose and washed out... anyone know if it's been maintained recently?
      D a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK Fuel 90 WSD from Glendora


    • Trail UpdateOak Mesa To CHWP Loop-The grading has been packed down pretty well. There are still some loose places, but it's basically a highway now. The lower section before the fireroad and the singletracks are all about same as usual...although the ST's are getting rutted up a bit. There was a note up at the gate stating that a bear had been sighted @ 1:30pm by the picnic area on the La Verne side. I'm not sure where the picnic area is but bears are generally harmless. Go riding the weather is just about perfect!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 16 miles Elevation change: 1000
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      MtbCL a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Superlight from Covina


    • Trail UpdateThe singletrack's okay though.


    • Trail UpdateNoooooooooooo!-They've the unthinkable, the unnecessary; they've graded all of the fireroads in Marshall. It's ultra loose everywhere, climbing them sucks. When descending, it's interesting.

      Well, pray for rain.


    • Trail UpdateBears?-I've gotten over my fear of bears. Now it's West Nile Virus at Bonelli that I'm afraid of. I went for a night ride for the first time since seeing the bear. The trail is superb. The sandy spots are getting packed down nicely and there seems to be less water at the bottom. I can't wait to go again tonight.


      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      WINSTON a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 03 KONA STINKY from LAVERNE


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn-Hey, I know both Bernie and Ricardo and can feel his pain too. I actually ate it at the same location a few months ago when someone decided to put a 2x4 on the fallen tree. I ended up slicing my shin with my pedal. This time around I was able to do all the jumps without any mishaps. I was there this Saturday with my friend who was literally riding a tank. This was his first ride and he's now ready to invest on a real bike. Many thanks to the guys that helped us fix his chain. Been riding for almost a year at Marshall and we're yet to see bears.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 13 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      Victor a 30 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Hardtail Cannondale (F400) ready to upgrade from Glendora


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-I felt his pain too! I did something similar about a month and a half ago, just below the tunnel. Just a small issue of confusing luck with skill....we've all been there.

      The trails are in great shape; a little bit dry, but all rideable. Someone took the time to cut that tree a few weeks ago, plus ramped 3 other stumps with dirt, making it much easier for beginners but less of a challenge. I prefer having to deal with changing topography, even if I do eat it once in a while.

      We'll be back Saturday to do the Blair Witch Trail. Mr Bonk's leading the way.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: 1,000
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      Closet Roadie a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR from Upland


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cny.-I saw you guys going down; I felt your friend’s pain! But…You are right; you can tell the good season is almost here...a whole bunch of people enjoying the trail, parents with strollers, old people w/dogs and lots of joggers…which by the way bring me up to the question with all these people running around, who’s the right of way? I was going down –somewhere by the golf course, in the creek- fully engaged, in the water, between the rocks and this female jogger got pi$$ ‘coz I didn’t move out of her way...c’mon! anyway at the end was all good.
      Ride rating: Novice
      PibeRider a 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a K2 RzrBck Team from Covina


    • Trail UpdateMarshell Cyn-Rode up there this morning no bears but one bad crash!. Closet Rodie showed up and we meet Bernie and Richardo. this was Richardo's third ride so I did so personal training with him, like you don't eat pizza and beer the night before. he is a little on the heavy side but give him a few months on the bike and he will lose it. the trail conds and weather was perfert. you could tell spring is near with all of the hikers that were out. we were on the way down just below the golf course were the tree has fallen and a few weeks ago someone cut it. [if that was not illeage it should be] someone put dirt on one side so it makes a jump. this is not a good jump for a rookie. I heard a big snapping sound and there was Richardo on the ground. major pain big lump on his right sholder. you know what that means!.
      well we saw no bears but maybe Tuesday night we go hunting for Bear! [just looking]
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=95 % Dirt Road=5%
      Mr Bonk a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullitt from Funtucky ca


    • Trail UpdateChased A Baby Bear Cub...-.....on accident. After the 1st fire that scorched Marshall, I came around the corner and a baby bear cub was running down the trail as if we had scared it. I thought I was gonna be killed by mama bear. No mama in sight, must have been separated during the fire. You remember that, right CoMo?
      MtnbikeMike a 18 year old Racer riding a Diesel/Fuel/R-650 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBears..-I have yet to see a bear. Only deer, coyotes, bobcats, and your little stuff. I cant even count how many times I've been. I know they are there though, one come to my backyard at nigh often and takes down the bird feeders. Have fun.
      CoMo a 18 year old Racer riding a Jamis/KHS from La verne


    • Trail UpdateYes-There are bears in the area. Also seen them going up Potato and on the Cobal side of the Claremont Wilderness Park.
      a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateBear?-You serious?


    • Trail UpdateI've Been Telling...-people about the bears I've seen there.One in particular was the biggest bear that I've ever seen, but it was gold in color.I was also on the Thompson Bike trail last night,but I was running (tri training) not biking.Thats tonight,Yippee!
      Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909


    • Trail UpdateThe Usual Ride-I just got in from my usual night ride. Wilderness park to Marshall canyon and back to the lot via the Thompson Creek Trail. It was a bit colder than I would have liked, but the trail conditions were great, except for one thing. I almost plowed into a very large, very scary bear. It was a bit after the gate once I had come down the short singletrack trail to the creek bed. I almost ran right into it. We both turned and ran. I'm home safe and sound now, but it was pretty scary. Keep your eyes open and be safe!
      Innes a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon...-Wow, I guess some water did travel through the canyon! I could not get over all the sediment that has washed down through the hills. All I can say is I am stoaked that they graded the fire roads & kind of filled in on the trails, it sure does make for a smoother ride. So thanks to the people who fix up all that stuff up there, hopefully one day I will be able to join your crew & help out. It is still beautiful & green & lush and lovely as ever!! Really wet too! Awesome ride today!
      D a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK Fuel 90 WSD from Glendora


      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: mile15 MILES Elevation change: 900
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      TREE68/WINSTON a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a KONA STINKY from LAVERNE


    • Trail UpdatePretty Good Shape-Went to Bonelli and it was way too wet to ride. On the way home, I decided to stop at Marshall and check it out. There's a few soft spots and a couple wet spots, but overall it's in very good shape. Take the day off work tomorrow and go ride before it rains again.


      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 6 Elevation change: SOME
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      TREE68 a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 03 KONA STINKY from LAVERNE


    • Trail UpdateI was out riding Sunday morning, [yes I'm crazy] yes it was wet and a little muddy but rutted ? [could we be talking about the same place?] the only ruts are on the Fire Camp Trail and Blair Witch has one that will suck you up. I was up there for about 1 1/2 hours when I came back down you could not tell anyone had been up there. this is what is really great about Marshall, the ground gets soft when wet, but you really dont leave tire marks. this is why I ride there in the rain, Im a true Mud Puppy and yes when my son can ride he will be up there with me.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      Mr Bonk a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullitt from Mudtucky Ca
      Posted on 02-23-04



    • Trail UpdateWET AND MUDDY-I went to Marshall yesterday to video some of the effects of the rain for my science class. It is very rutted and muddy. A lot of rocks and gravel have been carried down into the lower part of the canyon. It's going to be rough riding for a while. I saw two guys riding. They were making some pretty deep ruts. Be kind. Don't ride when it's wet!


    • Trail UpdateThank you for noticing! I just placed a new cache today--very easy find.
      catrunr a Weekend Warrior riding a ancient Univega Alpina from La Verne


      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 6 Elevation change: SOME
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      winston a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 03 kona stinky from laverne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Your wreck was just a prelude of things to come....check out the Blair Witch Trail! I made sure the entertainment continued!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change: 1,000
      Closet Roadie a 51 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from Upland, CA


    • Trail UpdateNote To Self:-"Never...EVER...ride a wheelie while you're clipped in!!! Needless to say..."OUCH." I'm always glad to provide a comical show, however.
      Other than that, we had a good outing going up Marshall on Sunday. Brent, Lloyd, Mike, Dean, Dave, Victor, Sam and myself went up the Fire Camp trail, my personal favorite (yeah, right!) Dean and Dave continued on to Claremont wilderness. The rest of us then passed the Fire Camp and was headed up to The Blair Witch when I did something I thought I'd never do...quit. If I didn't think that my tail bone was broken I may have continued. I am...wuss-boy!
      Flying W a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateLower Marshal Cyn-overcast today,upper trail was clear.lower was very crowded.lots of horses. upper is washed out from last rain.some of the trail is gone.lots of sand.no bears
      or giant cats this time.good!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change: some
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      WINSTON a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 03 KONA STINKY-X from LAVERNE


    • Trail UpdateSneakyD In CWL & Marshall Canyon-CWLoop is closed... still. It was very rocky and had some minor land slides and some mushy left overs from the rains. The fires really destroyed the surrounding areas. Sorry Johnny Law, but I had to check it out for myself. I don't recommend risking the ticket to do so though. Anyway the canyon is still beautiful and wet and dirty and as fun as ever. For those who cannot jump a tree watch out for the fallen ones in your path! And I think I may have had a flying squirrel try to attack me? I know it was something!!
      SneakyD a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a mtnbike from SGV


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cnyn.-Excellent traction, muddy in some areas, perfect day for a ride, crisp and clear. Roller Coaster has somewhat disappeared. The trail is hard to find, lots of sand, but still lots of fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: yep
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateWOW-That last rain took out what was left of the singletrack that was left at the bottom of the canyon.You still have the option of riding the top side,but thats about as fun as riding fireroad through that section.The bottom is all sand.You can ride through it,but on a singlespeed it's not worth the effort.I did do it this time,but next time I'll either ride the high side or walk it through the bottom.Lot's of people out there for a weekday afternoon.They had the Claremont side closed too.The trail in the bottom is really gone now and I don't think they'll make a new one as they'd more then likely have to cut into the side of the hill.I hope so, but I don't think it'll happen.So if you thought this trail was crowded before wait till it warms up a little and then it'll be in the forefront in trail access issues.Good week day ride,but I'd avoid it on weekends.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: 1200
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Pain Freak from The 909


    • Trail UpdateA Big Public Thank You...-to the mtb'ers who first restored an upper Marshall Canyon switchback that had been obliterated by a firebreak last year--they used nothing but tree branches and their bare hands a few weeks ago, bringing it back to usability. They came back today and finished the job! Hikers, runners, equestrians, and mountain bikers will all benefit from these folks' present to us all! Thanks!
      catrunr from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateRE: Innes-2 Broken arms? I usually only break one body part at a time. How'd you break both arms?

      Rayzorx a 48 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Fuji Diamond 3 from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateBack Side-Did you ride the back side?Still a little bit of fun stuff over there.
      Pain Freak


    • Trail UpdateVery Smooth And Blackened...-For all of you newbies or beginners now is your chance to ride this area. The main trail has been smoothed over by all of the firework and equipment and is really in very good condition. There are almost no loose sections and all of the bumps and ruts are gone. The area seems much smaller with all of the under-brush gone.
      Ride distance: 5 miles Elevation change: 500 ft.
      mtbcl a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a SC SL from Covina


    • Trail UpdateHey Paul,-Thanks for the update.Is your wife "cooled" down yet?I went up today as I was getting a little stir crazy having not rode for three days.I had to jump the fence to get in.The bottom part is just like it was.I am amazed that we made it through this without this place getting scorched.I got to the water tower and then got a first hand view of the damage.It is very extensive on the top or upper half.I then descended back down into the creek area and was again amazed that even though it had burned here,there was no real damage.The fire fighters went in there and really made a stand.They left their hoses everywhere.The chemicals they used have spotted the area and you can see how hard they worked to protect this area.It's weird, all the lose litter (leaves and such) is all but gone.Burned away.But the trees are barely singed.It really gave me a big lift to go through there today.I had to turn around at roller coaster as I had to get back to work.I'll be back next week and ride all the way through to Claremont.Thank God, this place survived!
      Pain Freak a I dont want to talk about it year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02/Surly 1X1 (Mighty Whitey) from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateClose Call!-Went up this morning at 7:00, right after Mr. Bonk called me and said my back yard was on fire again! We were scheduled to meet at Oak Mesa School at 7:00 AM. Evidently the fire had spread to La Verne overnight, so I HAD to get a closer look. I went up Marshall, through the stream crossings, and up to Stevens Pasture (the flat-ish area north of the 2 water tanks.) As soon as I got there I saw the flames. They were about 300 yards southeast of the water tanks (that's the ridge directly above the very south end of the Roller Coaster) and I thought "close enough for me!" I continued south through the Pasture (towards the flames, like an idiot) and back down through the canyon. Don't even ask what the wife had to say when I got home!!!
      Let's see what happens when the smoke clears...both at home AND in the canyon!!!
      Ride distance: 2 miles Elevation change:
      Flying W a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBeginner Ride-Although this is really just a beginners type of ride,I find it enjoyable and use it a lot for a training type of ride.Using a singlespeed has opened a whole new bunch of challenges for me now that weren't there before.

      This place is probaly best to ride on a weekday as the amount of traffic is very heavy here.We have a lot of trail runners that practice on a regular basis and then the hikers, and ususally a lot of equestrians.But without a doubt MTB'ers far out number all other trail users combined.The biggest problem though is with the first timers or the newbies here.Because this is a "do-able" trail for them, they are here.What they are unfamiliar with is the basic rules of the trail.They just don't stop for anyone or anything.I literally had to yell at one kid to get off his bike.The horses were spooked,but under control and the lady was also telling them to walk.They didn't understand why they had to, even with the horse going around in circles.I told them they were the cause of the horse acting the way it was and the lady was telling them she wasn't going to be responsible if the horse kicked them.(Although in a court of law,she may find different).At this trail, the only signs (of which I'm not a big fan of)is of mountain lion warnings.This trail runs right up between homes that sit above it and it attracts a large number of people.If anyplace needed a list of the rules this would be it.The arrows showing the yeild sign is not understandable by some of these folks.We had to stop so many times on the way down it was just not worth the climb.I'll save this for the weekdays.The new fallen trees have really added to the character of the trail and just makes it more fun.The city of La Verne had told me that they were going to skip grading the singletrack this last year,but would clear up anything they considered a hazard.They repaired the fireroad and have been true to their word of leaving the rest alone.I do expect them back next year though.Darn shame though as the trail is becoming more and more closer to a real type of trail.
      Pain Freak a I dont want to talk about it year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02/Surly 1X1 (Mighty Whitey) from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMARSHALL CANYON-First time I've ridden in a little over 2 months due to two broken arms. A few things have changed, but still as fun as ever. Count your blessings and go ride!!!
      INNES a 25 year old from Claremont


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon To Cobalt-Lower Marshall Canyon, between Orangewood and Golden Hills is covered with downed trees - last count 6. Looks like our old maintenance crew had their budgets cut, as no clean up since last year's rains. Still a great ride, but upper Marshall Cyn in much better shape. Recommend this ride to any intermediate riders as you can leave La Verne going up Marshall, over to and down Cobalt or Burbank to Claremont Wilderness Park. A quick return on Thompson Creek Trail and this 15 mile ride can be easily done in 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: 1200
      Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=30% Paved Path=5%
      a Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 7000 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateFallen Tree-Hey Mike, Flying W and I were there, I think it was the first group, the guy you seen coming down on the Bullit was Tommy. The tree is huge!!!!!! go around it to the left on the way up you will a little less exposure to PO. I have no signs of it yet but give me a day or two more.
      The trails are in great cond. the switch back and upper shearwood forest need mantaince work.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      Mr Bonk a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek 9.9 from fontucky ca


    • Trail UpdateFallen Tree And Night Rides-There is a fallen tree below the golf course crossing. Kinda hard to go around and not walk thru P.O.

      Hey Flying W and Mr. Bonk, I thought I may have seen you guys. I saw 2 groups of riders that may have been you guys. The first may have been on the way up at the fallen tree. I recollect there being a blue Endure, a blue Liquid, and a Bullit(don't remember the color). I also saw a group of three when I was coming down; the only bike I noticed was the yellow Bullit w/ a huge DH fork on it. Was either group you guys? I was in red on the red Fuel.

      Also - for those who are interested. Foothill Cyclery is having wednesday night shop rides. Everyone is welcome. We usually meet at the shop at 7:00pm ad then drive to the Oak Mesa parking lot and then ride(that might be changing unless it is cleared. E-mail me if interested so I can get an idea of who's coming. For directions, either look under the shops page on this site, drop me an e-mail, or go to www.foothill-cyclery.com.
      MtnbikeMike a 18 year old Racer riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateTo Late-Thats almost my bed time.I get started over at the end of Towne Ave by about 5:15 or 5:30 at the latest.I'd wait around for an hour,but 6:45 is to late for me.So I'll just ride the Tour de Fontucky and take the road bike home tonight.
      Good seeing you guys out there Sunday.We almost did the same route.Sun King had to bail so it was just my son and I to finish up the ride.My son did pretty good,but cramped at the end.Made for a real slow ride back.We logged 22 miles.The trail has some good character about it now.But,I fear it's just a matter of time before they ruin it with their tractors again.The climb to potato was a nice addition also.I met a couple of other local riders up there from Claremont.I'll probaly ride there at lunch time today.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateOUCH!!!-Once again, Mr. Bonk, a very PAINFUL read!!!
      Anyways, Mr. Bonk and I hit the bottom of Marshall yesterday morning by 6:20. With me on the Enduro and Bonk on the Bullit, not two of the most famous climbing bikes around, but we managed to make it up to the saddle of Potato Mtn. in good enough time to beat the locals. Ran into Painfreak on our way down and he says he's bound for "12 Hours at The Summit!!" (If that implies that you're riding for 12 hours on that oxygen depleted hump...SEE YA!!!) I'm having a tough enough time at 2,000 feet.
      We're meeting at Oak Mesa School on Tuesday night at 6:45 to do Marshall and Potato again. Come one come all. Bonk's gonna kill me with his Trek 9.9 this time. Just "wait for me at the top", that's all I ask.
      Flying W a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized - Enduro from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn-Rode there this morning, early start 6:30am
      went up to the yellow gate [blue orange green red]
      Down the 3 bitches, down the switch backs. the 3 bitches are in great cond a little soft but very very fast. the switch backs are rutted and over grown!
      I really like that way. the end drop [or downhill] is a lot of fun when you have more then 4 inches [of travel]Bear juction is taking on a new look that is good. we then went down Roller coaster,this is in great shape, the only two things that are the same
      the small hill with the right hand turn , and the hill at the end. this trail lives up to it's name.
      watch out for the fallen tree after the river bed crossing. The stream crossins are as fun as always.
      as you ride down the trail at the end of the tunnel take the little jump at the edge of the trail.[ on the right] this will give you enough air to clear the hill. keep the speed up as you go up the next little hill hit the lip on the left you will clear the pipe easy. after the golf course the tree [log]is very do able.down the trail a little ways this area is a little ways is over grown , next the river crossing, cleared the tree roots with no problem. Flying W was all over , he went up the hill to prove he was a stud in the big ring. [look for him this week he will be there every day till he makes it] the logs crossings were fun, remember if your big rings hits the log it will wear down your ring, in a few months you will clear it [ or you will buy a new ring]with all of the changes from the fire and the rains it still one of the best trails around.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=95% Dirt Road=5%
      Mr Bonk a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Funtucky Ca


    • Trail UpdateWhere was the fire? A group of us rode today and did not notice any damage on the trails on the east side of the golf course. The oak trees seem to be dropping limbs though. The trail was blocked just after crossing the creek about 1/4 of a mile before the climb up near the water tower today and earlier in the week a limb had fallen near the horse coral.
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      BB a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateIt's Burning-As I speak errrrr... type this, the lower part, near the bottom it is burning. This sucks. First we lose some of the top of Marshall now the bottom. Though I don't know the extent of the damage done, this still can't be good. I don't want to draw conclusions but... it's probably someone setting off fireworks.

      Mike T a 18 year old Racer riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBugs And Prickly Plants-If you're gonna keep your eyes open, use sunglasses; there are lots of gnats. Also, watch out for the plants that line the trailside in selected areas; they hurt! BTW - I either must ride with my eyes closed or I haven't been in the right place at the right time to see a mountain lion. Well, I did chase a bobcat up the trail and a bear cub(unintentionally) down the trail. That incident was scary, right after the big fire. I didn't know if mama bear was around and I didn't stick around to find out.

      Mike T a 18 year old Racer riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateKeep Your Eyes Open-I ride here every morning. Nothing new and exciting, but I did see a mountain lion near the tunnel that goes under Esperanza. I just wanted to let people know so they can keep their eyes open.
      INNES a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Fuel from Claremont, CA


      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 8 MILES Elevation change: ?
      WINSTON GOTTE a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GIANT from LAVERNE


    • Trail UpdateConsider yourself lucky, PF! I rode this Saturday morning with 4 other guys (that you don't know) and I knew those logs were toooooo wet for me to try. Practiced my jumps in the Debris Basin, though. Thanks, presumably, goes to the energetic BMX'ers who put forth the elbow grease to build them. Good job on the doubles!!!
      On this note, my neighbor buddy attempted to clear these same logs early yesterday evening, 7'ish. He wound up dismounting, as well, but drove his left elbow up through his upper arm bone (hemerous?) splintering that, the doc said, "like an exploding cigar" and fractured it in three separate places. He'll have extensive surgery in a couple days, after the swelling goes down, and expects to be in a cast for 3 months!
      When that wood gets wet...respect it! I'm sure you noticed the lack of bark. Well, here's a new proverb for us all..."A tree with no bark, has plenty of bite."
      Flying W a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 03 Speciallized - Enduro from Laverne


    • Trail UpdateStart Or Finish (long)-I don't know if you'd call it the start or the finish,but to me I consider it the start.I'm talking about when you first ride in to the trail there is a fairly good size tree that blew over last storm this past winter.Some person/people built up enough dirt where you can ride up to get onto the tree/log and ride down the center of it (hopefully).At the other end they'd nailed some small pieces of wood to help with the dismounting of the tree.For the last couple of months I've been riding by this tree and thinking to myself,I really should try that,but it just never turned out to be the right day.
      Today was my middle sons birthday (26) and he agreed to go on a ride with me.The last time we went for a ride he ended up in the hospital with a concussion.But this is a new day with a much wiser son.
      We had done my entire training loop and everything was just flowing really well, so I get to the tree and decide todays the day!So without hesitation ,up I go.I was relaxed and riding it really nicely,but I wasn't peddeling and I was slowing down some.I looked foward and seen the nailed pieces of lumber and then it hit me that I hadn't visualized the dismount.I had no idea how I was supposed to ride off the end of this thing.Holy shiat,what now Batman?
      Well,by this time I had virtually no speed left and my decision was made for me as soon as I hit the lumber my front wheel spun sideways and sent me OTB.Now most of these types of OTB crashes don't do to much damage and today was par for the course,no real damage just some scraped knees and elbows and a little hurt ego,as my son had come rolling up on me just as I was being launched.The distance going over was without a doubt the highest I'd ever been ejected. The height of the tree and then going straight up,put me at about 6 to 7 feet and my son said I scared the poo-poo out of him.He thought for sure I was going for a broken bone or two.Man,I was so close to making it too.Next time I'm going to clean it.And I want to say thanks to the guys who built it up.One question though.How do you dismount from it? You can't wheely drop it because of the weird angle of the lumber,so how?
      Trail conditions were muddy,but they are going to grade the thing anyways.Lots of fun.I couldn't see out of my glasses a number of times.We were covered from head to toe in MUD!
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 /Quintana Roo TeQuilo from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Fathers Day morning, did the claremont loop to Marshall Canyon connect, took the first turnout, that's the best route so far, last time I rode the north turn out is still Jurassic Gorge as one rider put it. It's cool, some ruts, just jump & you'll be fine. A little wet, just enough to get your socks dirty. All in all it was a beautiful ride, always is in the canyon. Earlier the better, hikers are coming out in full force. I'm thinking about getting a bell...nah... (finished off with the Thompson trail back to the parking lot; good distance ride.)
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 13+ Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=25% Paved Path=50%
      D a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek Fuel 90 WSD from Upland


    • Trail UpdateBummer-Rode there last night.They've done the fireroads, but the singletrack is still okay. I know they need these roads open to fight fires,but I hope they leave the rest of it alone.They have it so soft that I took a dirt nap into it.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 /Quintana Roo TeQuilo from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateSo Sorry To Report...-Just walked up there--today it was bulldozed. Nature's improvements are history. The "Grand Canyon" near the Stephen's Ranch Road entrance is just a dip in the road. A small scummy pond is forming upstream of the washout above what I call Jurassic Gorge. An unnecessary facelift. Don't know about the lower part. I run more than I ride, but this benefits no one.
      catrunr from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateTrail Repair-I was riding Marshall a few weeks ago and an equestrian told me that the county is not going to do any trail maintenance this year. When she told me this I acted disappointed but I really wasn't. The trail is great. Why plow it?
      Mike T a 18 year old Racer riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBetter Then Ever-If you're riding over from the Claremont side take the Miller canyon cutoff and go down two of the three bitches. At the bottom here is a sweet little piece of singletrack with a couple of easy switchbacks and a couple of rollers thrown in.This is one of my most favorite parts of the whole area.It drops you out back into the fireroad,but there is a little side action along the way to the next singletrack.Doing it this way you really don't have to get off the bike at all.The next cavern made by the flood through this section is rideable. Just follow the lines from others.It's a steep drop,but definitely do-able, and also a lot of fun.I was worried they were going to grade the whole trail again like years past, I called the city of La Verne and they didn't have a time frame as to when they were going to grade.She said it was going to be graded again though.I asked who I might talk to ,to suggest that they leave a lot of it alone, and she said that she wasn't sure but would have someone call me back.That was a week ago and I still haven't heard anything.Eventually the sides will be broken in and a path will be created and it'll get easier and easier to make.We really don't need to keep bulldozing this trail year after year.It's still easily hiked and easily rode both by bike and horseback.Bulldozing just eliminates the character of the trail to me.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 /Quintana Roo TeQuilo from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Recently up and after all the rains we have had some flash floods completely wash out a couple of the trail crossings. The regular loop on the claremont side is cool, but if you make the transition to Marshall Canyon be prepared to dismount and carry your bike unless you think you can hyperspace it across. Some sections appx. 10-15ft. wide washed out, doable though if you don't mind the inconveinence of having to get off a couple times or so. Surprisingly the water level is pretty low. Look out for horses & fellow bikers from the opposite direction. If anyone happens to have any info. as to when the canyon might be repaired or any other info. please post it. Thank you!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8 Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      a Die-hard Enthusiast from SBC


    • Trail UpdateBulldozer-I was enjoying a nice ride through Marshall Canyon, thinking how nice it was that the foilage was so green and hoping they wouldn't grade it for a while when right before my eyes a bulldozer appeared. It's currently idle in a stream by the golf course but it looks ominous. Get your rides in soon before they turn natures great work into a manmade mess.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 16 miles Elevation change:
      BB a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a C-dale


    • Trail UpdateMARSHALL CYN-Was in there this morning with Mr U and JT.
      This place is not the same, The creek trail is now the Grand Canyon!!!!! I do mean GRAND.
      Roller coster is now the Beach trail, all sand [well 50% of it]the downed trees makes it a nice touch and great for jumping.We did not try the new single track but maybe next week. upper sherwood forest has a big drop at the end. Bear Junction just is not the same. We did go over to Girl Scout
      Upper Girl Scout is over grown but that did not stop us. Lower Girl Scout is very sweet like the cookies.
      This is a trail everyone should try.
      They have always said Marshall has everything now I think it is very true it does have everything
      and something for everyone.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Mr Bonk a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek vrx 400 from Funtucky Ca


    • Trail UpdateHey Crash,-I read where you said you were riding a Huffy.Were you the guy we rode with in the rain last Saturday.I think you said your name was Sam? Also with Tim and Phil.
      BTW the moniker Crash, is already in use here.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 /Quintana Roo TeQuilo from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateTechnical Marshall-I went for a ride a few days ago in marshall. The trails getting good, the view is great, and my personal favorite is that it's a little more technical. Nothing big but there is a cool tree that is now a ballence beam at the bottom of the trail, a few more jumps a couple of trees down... just overal even more fun.
      Sleepwalker a 22 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a a hardtail cannon from Glendora CA


    • Trail UpdateCrash-Rode Marshall Canyon on Saturday morning and the trail is looking nice. The aftermath of the rain is still visiable. Some ruts in the road caused some beginners to wipe out, but no major injuries. Just mudd on thier faces. No horses this weekend just a fair amount of runners and hikers. The trail is looking better and I highly recommend it to anyone who has riding experience and is looking for a good workout. Just don't forget your towel for afterwards the creeks are wet and you will have to bike through them. Doesn't matter the bike my Huffy is still in one piece.Remember don't crash!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=70% Paved Path=5%
      Crash a 23 year old Downhiller riding a Huffy Stone Mountain-Target Edition from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateNew Singletrack?-Where is this new singletrack?

      JJ a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Epic from Upland, CA


    • Trail UpdateThe Rain Has Come!!!-Rode up in Marshal Canyon yesterday and boy the rain has made some changes. The trail east of the water tank has been completely washed out and it has made for an interesting ride. All of the water crossings are full of water so get ready to hose your bike off after your ride. Lots of ruts on the fire roads. New single track will be popping up real soon, a couple of new down trees. Poison oak is going to be in full bloom this spring so be careful. Still one of the best places to ride in the San Gabriel Valley.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13 Elevation change: 2000
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Firedad a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale Jekyll 1000 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateRecent rains have done a fair amount of damage, but the entire trail is still ridable. All but one of the down trees have been cleared and there is water in most of the stream crossings.
      Surly a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '02 Giant AC from Pasadena


    • Trail UpdateWas out there on 2-16-03 and the entrance to marshall canyon was washed out! We were really bummed. Anyone know if it is still rideable???
      Bugger a Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Enduro from Chino


    • Trail UpdateEnd Of The Switchbacks-The downhill at the end of the switchbacks is a blast! It was more difficult when there were no tire tracks to follow, still fun though. Anyhoo, it is a blast to do the entire downhill coming off of the fire road. Instead if going down the switchbacks, continue down the fireroad and you'll eventually see some plowed dirt off to the side of the road (it's before the water tank thing, just keep an eye out for it, its not too far past the switchbacks). As for the downhill itself, its the same level of difficulty as the lower part, not as steep though. Hard to pick a line (lots of small ruts) but fun. Im gonna try to ride it at night with the light Santa brought me. Hopefully it'll be fun.
      Mike T a 17 year old Racer riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdatePlayed Today-Decided to take it easy today and enjoy the scenery as well as the ride. The trail is infinitely more fun with the rain "markings". Seems like most of the trees/branches that were across trail have been cleared but fortunately the rocks, mini-drops and gullies remain to make it a grin inducing ride. One section that could be dangerous if you're unaware is at the top of Marshall, the end of the first singletrack off of Miller Lateral (from Claremont Wilderness) is washed out with a drainage pipe exposed. Earlier this year someone crashed into a similar pipe further down the trail and got cut up pretty bad. So, with that warning in mind, it's all rideable and a heck of a lot of fun!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 18 miles Elevation change:
      BB a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a C-dale


    • Trail UpdateLove The Rain-I know they won't let it stay this way for long,but Marshall Canyon is turning into quite a nice ride.The recent rains have put some good deep ruts in the sides of the trail and a couple running through it.Some of these are 3 feet deep.We've got a couple of trees fallen over the trail which are rideable over with the right speed from both directions.(Really fun).One big oak tree blew down but it's on the side of the trail leading away from it.This was an oldie.Better then 200 years old. A little bit of the mountain sides where the Williams fire burned has started to move towards the singletrack,but mostly up above on the fireroads. The streams have widened out a lot.You have to pedal through about 30 feet of sand/mud in a couple of places and then still have enough momentum to drive up the side of the bank.It's only a few feet high,but it's soft and this improves the difficulty level.The rain also packed down some of the new fire break the fire crews made.This is a scary down hill, but oh, so fun.I made it almost all the way down but had picked up to much speed and lost it at the bottom.No blood, no foul.The ruts at the bottom are very misleading.Before we just used to follow tire tracks to follow someone elses line. Well, that's not possible any longer they all lead into fairly deep ruts. I love it. Again bringing the difficulty level up. Although this one did get me, still a whole lot of fun.The long term users of this beautful trail know it won't be long till they bring out the Bobcats and sanitize it again.So my friends, my suggestion is to get out there while the trails still have some character and let er rip. Easy on the downhill though,just like the previous poster said "This place sees a lot of traffic".
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: Elevation change: 1800
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a TURNER 02 from Fontucky,CA


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-my wife and I rode this Sunday Morning. What a great trail this is. The trail is in great shape. The last rain did a number on it. the Williams fire burnt all the vegitation above out, and the water is running through almost all the trails near the bottom. This trail is sure fun. The climbs are challenging but not taxing. The ride down is fast and fun. traffic is alittle heavy on the weekends. Lots of horses and hikers. I am sure glad this trail is close to home.
      Ride distance: miles 11 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Mxman85 a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn straight 6 from Alta Loma


    • Trail UpdateWET & WILD-Sorry Armando,I knew I messed up your name!!!
      Flying W you missed a good one!

      Hay Adams Ridge should be rideable now???
      Ride rating: Novice
      MrBonk a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Snata Cruz Bullit from Funtucky ca


    • Trail UpdateSay What?!!!-River bed trail? New single track? Better fill me in, Bonk. Maybe I SHOULD have donned my galloshes and gone with you this morning. Believe it or not my boy asked me why I didn't go riding this morning. I told him "as soon as I grow gills and fins!" Any mud slides up there today?
      Flying ( a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant - Warp from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateSay What?!!!-River bed trail? New single track? Better fill me in, Bonk. Maybe I SHOULD have donned my galloshes and gone with you this morning. Believe it or not my boy asked me why I didn't go riding this morning. I told him "as soon as I grow gills and fins!" Any mud slides up there today?
      Flying ( a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant - Warp from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateWET AND WILD-I was up there this morning, no other mud puppies.
      This place has changed in the last 48 hours.
      The new single track is very soft and the stream crossing at the bottom dont try to ride it, it is about 10inches deep.
      The river bed trail is not rideable and will not be for sometime, can you say killer ruts.
      I met 2 others riders that are as crazy as myself.
      Art and Arturo {I think}this was there second time up there so I showed them around. [ever see 2 guys crash on the sidewalk, on the golf course]
      you guys can ride with me anytime!!!!

      Give the trail about a week to dry out. the last time I did a ride that was close to this was chino hills
      back in the days before the closed it when it rained.
      Sammy and I walked a lot that day.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=mud %
      Mr Bonk a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Fontana Ca


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-The trail is in good shape. Could use a little rain just to wash off the foilage. I've been riding up in the early evenings and coming down in the dark with my Niterider HID Blowtorch. What a blast!!! Anybody interested in night rides contact me at ksam911dad@yahoo.com.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 10-20 miles Elevation change: 3000
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      a 45 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Jekyl 1000sl from La Verne, Ca.


    • Trail UpdateNew Downhill-I can't believe that no one has mentioned the neat little downhill portion at the end of the "Switchbacks." I noticed this on the way up to the gate yesterday afternoon and couldn't resist. The traction is great up here right now, believe it or not. The heavy trucks up there during the fire actually improved things. As for this new downhill; It's very short, "maybe" a hundred yards or so, and very loose but still rideable. Give it a rainy season and there's some possibility. I'm gonna make this a training loop of 2 to 3 times. Each loop is about 2 miles total. "Check it out!"
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Flying W a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant - Warp from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateAwesome Ride!-Started at a park near the concrete walled bridge. Not sure what park it was but it was a good place to park.
      It was a great ride, Marshall Canyon has a variety of terrain so its cool for a short jaunt or a hard hilly ride,There were only a few other bikers, no hikers and 3 horses. For being a Saturday i was surprised there were so few people. It was cool and overcast.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Nick Sanford a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT Avalanche 2.0 from Arcadia


    • Trail UpdateThe Witch Et Al-Road up to the Witch and down through the canyon. Actually took one of the newly exposed single tracks partway down. Alot of fun but really dry. I don't know if it was the fire or just the conditions but some areas were like powdered sugar. Once the rain comes lookout ... this will be one sweet ride. Now the best word to describe this place is just ... Surreal.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Hardtail Racer a Cross-Country Rider riding a Schwinn Moab


    • Trail UpdateUpper Firecamp?-For those of you who know know the area I'm talking about this is gonna be THE place to play!!! As I looked down from the Blair Witch House trail yesterday I soaked my front tire with drool. ENDLESS, ENDLESS, ENDLESS opportunities abound! We can solicit names for these "future" trails as they are groomed.
      Flying W a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant - Warp from La Verne


      DOUG a 28 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK FUEL from LA VERNE, CALIFORNIA


      Doug a 28 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek Fuel from La Verne, California


    • Trail UpdateClaremont Loop is closed. Rangers are on the lookout for people who try to sneak in. Lots of smoke and fire this morning on the Claremont hills. No word yet on whether the loop will also remain closed until end of fire season.

      Frequent Flyer a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateDoes anyone know if the Claremont Loop is rideable right now or do they have it all closed off? Also, is it too smokey to ride up there now? Any info on the Claremont trail and the Marshall Canyon trail would be great! I'd like to ride it Friday if possible!


    • Trail UpdateSmokey Night Ride-Went up Marshall alone last night at about 8:15. Went as far as the pasture and watched the embers for about 15 minutes. Still alot of spotty canyon fires but for the most part the thick brush is gone. I have emailed several guys already but for the rest of you think about this. While forest fires can be an awful thing (homes, personnal property, etc.) this fire will change the scope of our riding dramatically. As much of a nice "workout" that Marshall has been in the past there is now the opportunity to "create" some really fun rides. A word of caution, though. Don't make the mistake of being out here after a big rain!!!
      Flying W a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant Warp from La Verne


    • Trail UpdatePark Ranger-Told me they had set some backfires to prevent the fire from coming down into the residential area.She said it worked.The upper half had to go ,but the lower half with the trees made it.We lost some of it,but not all.The experimental forest up on the other side is toast though.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateRide In Hell?-Does anyone know if Marshall Canyon has turned to flames and charcoal? The news reports look pretty bad, but I can't get any specific info on Marshall Canyon. Anyone know?
      Mtncranker a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Titus Loco-Moto from La Mirada


    • Trail UpdateRIDE FROM HELL [ALMOST]-Was there yesterday, started @7:00am with Flying W and Mr U. we went up to the tunnel [most know were that is]then to the left to the stream crossings, [so call this rollercoster]up to the rock [the big rock on the south side of the trail] this is were you turn left [north] and go up prison camp [ or it is know as chain gang]we just up to the flat area.Flying W was hanging in there but not dead yet.
      We let some joggers go ahead of us but that only lasted about one min till we past them up.as you climb to the top of the short hill look to the right this will drop you in to Roller Coster [the horse people call this Shearwood Forest]we went down the hill and up the short climb to Bear Junction [this is the shaded area where 3 trails meet] we went up to the left about 50 yrds then to the right then a quick right and up the River trail [years a go this was the trail]we use to call the trail on the left short cut when they first made it.
      at the fire road we made a right turn [Flying W almost made it to the top of the river trail with out dabing]up the fire road to the y [I don't know the name of this one]we went ou the center trail Upper Shearwood forest.[to the far right is Ball buster,that story i will tell you later]Flying W started to walk after the climb started [ this is not for the WEAK!!!!!]Mr U and I made it to the top with no dabing good job Mr U!.
      After Flying W arrived to the top we had taken a short break then rode down the same trail with another group. when we got to the the river trail we turned right[ yes up that steep road no one ever goes up]onnce to the top we went straight to the Blair Witch Trail ,Flying W was now felling the Pain !!! he made it to the house.[and we did not call 911] on the way down we did the Clancy trail then a nice cruse back to the cars.

      The funny thing I went to Flying W's house after the ride when I pulled up his 3yr old came up to the car, I asked if his Daddy could play? he replyed he just got back from a hikeabike ride.
      [does he know is Daddy or what????]

      next week bring a lunch and power gel it will hurt!!!!

      Ride rating: Expert
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=80%
      Mr Bonk a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek 9.9 from Fontana California


    • Trail UpdateMr. Bonk-You've got mail....
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateOnly 3 Days!!!!-Ok Pain Freak, It's only 3 days and Flying W has already answered the questions.
      Want to play next Saturday am?
      We will do the Ride from Hell!!!!
      We want Flying W to feel the Pain [You know what I mean]
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Mr Bonk a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek 9.9 from Fontana California


    • Trail UpdateIt's Gonna Be Awhile-Hey Paul, you know Mr.Bonk is gonna take at least a couple weeks to reply.I found there is different names for the same areas here.Mr. Bonk has rode here longer here then anyone I know.So I'll go by his names.I just like riding up Mills down the first set of switch backs which dumps you out at Bear Junction to the fireroad for about 3/4 of a mile to the first singletrack you hit.take this to the first Y then go right and do the little whoops/jumps to the back part of Marshall.The empty out on to Baseline and ride to Towne Ave,then take Thompson Creek Bike trail back to Mills.Nice little 14 mile ride.It seems like you get more downhill for just a little climbing.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateTerminology, Etc.-OK, FrequentFlyer, we can't wait all weekend for Mr. Bonk to respond to this, so...
      "Sherwood Forest" is the canopied area of Marshall within which the "Roller Coaster" resides.
      The Roller Coaster is just south, about 300 yards, of "Bear Junction." This is the "T" in the trail coming up out of Marshall canyon just before you get up to the fire road. If you take a right (East) at Bear Junction you will wind up going up "The Switchbacks." The Switchbacks are by far the best portion of the entire Marshall Canyon ride...as long as you head "down" it. It's do-able going up but in the summer months it's soooooo loose from all the downhill abuse that you'll spin, and spin, and spin. Not MY idea of fun! Take a left at Bear Junction and about 40 yard on your right is the narrow (almost a single track) trail that, after about a hundred yards, takes you to the fire road. As you turn right on this road you'll go about, what, a half mile or so? to a point in a canopied portion of the road where two single tracks dump out from "up above" somewhere. The right-hand most single track is "Ball Buster." Mr. Bonk can go into much more detail but this ride resulted in NUMEROUS stitches in a VERY personal area of his anatomy. (OUCH!!!) While this trail only has a couple switchbacks it's a challenging climb but takes you to the bottom of the "Three Bitches." They're "Bitches" if you go up them but a BLAST coming down! To go down them, instead of up, stay on the fire road and ride up to the gate (EVERYONE knows where this is) take a right at the gate and continue up and down that road about a quarter mile or so and turn right at a hairpin turn that doubles you back above the road and over to the top of the "Three Bitches." Take this down but instead of turning right at the first single track (which is "Ball Buster") continue "up" the hill you're headed for. From the top of that hill (which Mr. Bonk refers to as "up and over" you go down about 50 yards and turn right at the single track. These are the "Switch Backs." For the best ride take this agressively. It seems that the slower guys go the more they crash (they call me "Flying W" for good reason!) Just make sure you get your body low in the turns and "throw" your body weight!!! These switch backs empty you out at "Bear Junction." Have fun, I hope this helps. Email me and I'll try to send you a map.

      Flying W a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant - Warp DS 3 from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateTranslation please Mr. Bonk.

      3 bitches, bear junction, ball buster, sherwood forest, etc are where?



    • Trail UpdateMARSHALL CYN / MILLS AVE-Rode there Monday with flying W and Sammy.
      Started at mills went up to the water tank then down
      the 3 bitches up and over then down the switch backs
      [this is the E ticket ride]then down roller coaster.
      then back up to Bear junction. there we meet 5 other
      riders that were going up the switch back, we talked them in to a funner ride up to the top then down the switch backs. We taken them to the junction were ball buster, upper sherewood forest meet, they went up ball buster and we whnt up too the next single track [short cut]then up to the yellow gate [sometimes its black and blue]down colbalt back to the parking lot.
      Sammy and I worked flying W.
      Till next week THE TRAINING RIDE!!!!!!!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=80%
      Mr Bonk a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek 9.9 from Fontana California


    • Trail UpdateNot An E But Still Fun-Marshall canyon per your route definitely isn't an E rating though it is a pleasant ride. There are some more challenging sections that can be found by exploring the area. It sounds like you came up the fireroad and onto Cobal at the gate.

      Heading towards Johnsons pasture, the next fireroad intersection on the right is Miller. There is a short but nice singletrack with a couple of switchbacks and some well positioned rocks where you can get some air if you chose on the right into Marshall canyon. If you pass this singletrack and go a little further on this fireroad, you get to a singletrack that is more challenging. It's steep in areas and has quite a few switchbacks with sandy corners (thanks to grading). This also drops you into Marshall canyon.

      Another more "E" area is Webb canyon singletrack located off of Johnson's pasture. InCycle in San Dimas has a free hand-drawn map of the area.

      To get up into the snow line, sounds like you're talking about Sunset Ridge. Look under Wheeler Ave in the trailhead section. It's a fireroad but much more primitive than Cobal/Burbank. Most do it as a downhill shuttle but it's possible to do it as loop if you've got good endurance.
      E-mail me if you need more info.
      DFO a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateNice Shady Trail-why Rated "E"-Hmm... At first I was a bit disappointed by the trail as it ran behind people's Backyards and a manmade water runoff drain and then hit the Cat Litter Box gravel at the start. But then the trail vastly improved as it joined the small creek and the shade from the trees. I was even more impressed as the trail joined up with the Cobal Fire Road. On the fire roads Very firm dirt - very close to the kind I dream of. Yes, I dream of dirt. The kind that doesn't kick up into the air and gets inhaled. The kind that doesn't leave a taste in your mouth after the ride. Of course the entire trail is not like this and yes, I did have a nasty taste in my mouth. I was spitting out dirt in the parking lot afterwards.
      I'm just wondering how this trail got a "E" rating? I wasn't sprinting through this trail by any means but I've seen tougher on trails marked "Intermediate" (Rocky Peak in Simi Valley and parts of Skyline/Schabarum). I went past where Marshal trail circles back and went to the gate marked "Johnson past -> Cobal" and then rode to the radio towers before turning around. I'd re-rate this one to Novice/Intermediate unless there's a way to get to the top of the mountain. I can see peaks that do go past the snow line here. If anyone knows a way to get to the top of those please let me know.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: 1200' according to Topo
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      OC Data Center a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 7000 from Rowland Heights


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there Sunday with the gang. The trails are dusty, dusty, dusty and loose, loose, loose. That trail is in dire need of some serious moisture. All in all it was a good ride.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateTrail Maps-There are a lot of trails up there and it is easy to get lost of you are not familiar with them. My buddy and I learned the area by trial and error. But if you want a trail map, you can go to the local bike shop, Foothill Cyclery. Its West of Wheeler past LA Fitness. Go west on Foothill past LA Fitness and trun right into the last driveway before the light at Damien.
      Mike T. a 17 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 90 Disc from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateSatrting At The Bottom...-Marshall Canyon trail can truly be a good ride if started at the right place. Pick up the trail at it's most southern point (just up from where Emerald turns into Orangewood). There is a flood control wash with a hard packed trail with access. This will take you up through some of the most beautiful double track in the area. Oak covered canopy with running water and plenty of wildlife to see. I ride here 4-5 times a week and not a ride goes by where I don't see a couple of deer. This is a good warm up for the next few miles until your above the stables. Then the slow steady workout begins. Once above the the stables there are several options as far as trails to take. On the hotter days I can choose to stay under the canopy and explore the many different trails that Marshal Canyon has to offer. Other days when I want rack up miles and get in a tougher workout I can head up the many different fire roads and get in a 12-20 mile ride in. Weekdays there is very little foot, horse and other bike traffic, weekends can get quite crowded. I know that Marshal Canyon isn't the most difficult or technical places to ride but it's a great place to start...
      Ride distance: 10-20 miles Elevation change: 2000'
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25% Paved Path=0%
      Fireman with 2 kids a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale Jekyl 1000sl from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateToo Fast....-Apparently there have been many complaints from hikers to park rangers about the "excessive" speed of mountain bikers especially in the wilderness park. Personally I've never had any negative encounters with either hikers or equestrians but obviously there are hikers that are annoyed enough to call the rangers.


    • Trail UpdateFATHER'S DAY RIDE-Rode there Sunday with Pain Freak,JT,Alex,Carlee,and Emilee.The rest were at home in bed having breakfest.
      [you know you kids dont really know you or you would have been there]
      3 dads and 3 daughters what can I say other then Pain Freak was solo.[his son was at Disnelyland on Saturday]
      Alex is a trooper no crashes just all smiles and mud
      all over. [we think she is riding during the week and not telling us]Carlee gets the dismount award over the bars on the trail that cuts down to the streem crossing.Good job Carlee!!!!.Emilee held back and was the leader, since the last two kids rides she was frist or second to finsh.
      All in all it was a great ride.

      Oh yes the grading in getting better!!!!!
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 5 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      Mr Bonk a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a To many from Fontana California


    • Trail UpdateThis Sux-The trail was easy all things considered.Now it's just a small fireroad with a lot of sandpits thrown in.I emailed the city of LaVerne to ask why this was done and they said the equestrians had requested it.I rode up to the stables/ring last night to ask about it and these people were irate.They said they never asked for anything but to have some of the foliage cut back.The city email also said it was an annual thing and thast they will continue to do so.It really is a shame it was developing nicely and given a couple more years with some rain could have turned into a really good ride.I*t's still pretty just not all that challenging.It is a multiuse trail so I've got no right to complain
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: Elevation change: not much
      Dirt Road=75% Truck Trail=25%
      Pain Freak from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn-It really sucks right now! they did their annual grading and it's just one level more challenging than a paved bike path. And that's only because of the deep loose areas. All the rutted tech. spots are gone. COMe ON RAIN.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: all miles Elevation change: up-n-down
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=80%
      MrNatural a 47 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a TREK Fuel 90 from Cucamonga CA


    • Trail UpdateJust Graded-Mostly OK but some really loose dirt/sand on the switchbacks. If you're an out of towner wanting to ride this trail, wait till it rains or at least a few weeks.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Peter a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateMarshall-Paradise Found-I don't miss the traffic or the smog, but I have REALLY missed riding this trail since moving to AZ. I had a chance to re-visit my old friend on 4-17 after playing hooky from some business meetings. Started the trail by seeing 3 deer cross the trail down near the flood control access. The cloud cover was a nice way to start up the canyon but once I started climing the switchbacks had to shed the shell. A few deep gouges on the S-backs from the out of control downhill skidders, but rideable to the sides. Enjoyed the Cobalt downhill and the work back up Burbank to hit the sweet spot of the ride back down and through the canyon and streams. An awesome day of therapy that I needed. I will be back my old friend.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12miles Elevation change:
      MtBikeAZ a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cdale F3000 from Scottsdale, AZ


    • Trail UpdateMarshall-Paradise Found-I don't miss the traffic or the smog, but I have REALLY missed riding this trail since moving to AZ. I had a chance to re-visit my old friend on 4-17 after playing hooky from some business meetings. Started the trail by seeing 3 deer cross the trail down near the flood control access. The cloud cover was a nice way to start up the canyon but once I started climing the switchbacks had to shed the shell. A few deep gouges on the S-backs from the out of control downhill skidders, but rideable to the sides. Enjoyed the Cobalt downhill and the work back up Burbank to hit the sweet spot of the ride back down and through the canyon and streams. An awesome day of therapy that I needed. I will be back my old friend.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12miles Elevation change:
      MtBikeAZ a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cdale F3000 from Scottsdale, AZ


    • Trail UpdateHey Carlton!-Thanks again for helping me dial in the Fuji. I'm getting a light and thinking about doing a late Saturday ride. How 'bout it? I've never ridden Bonnelli.
      Later Bro...
      Rayzorx a 46 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Fuji Diamond 3 from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateKICKED OUT 2-Thanks for the info. I just returned from Bonelli. I rode the loop with no hassle; however, there were some guys at the parking lot that were told to leave with no reason given.
      Carlton a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale from Walnut


    • Trail UpdateKicked Out-Chino Hills closes quite often after a substancial amount of rain,but I was suprised to see it closed after such a small amount.Bonelli I was told was closed till Monday as the trail was getting to rutted from the bikes and needed another couple of days to dry out.Rode Chino Hills 01/12 and trails are only getting better.I know its just a matter of time till they come and grade them all again.Just think how great it would be to let them go for a couple of years.............
      Ride distance: 23miles Elevation change:
      Pain Freak a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized F/S M4 from Fontana,CA


    • Trail UpdateKICKED OUT?-What do you mean you were kicked out of Bonelli and Chino Hills?
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: Elevation change: up-down
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Carlton a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale from Walnut


    • Trail UpdateRode Marshall this morning.It was killer!The wife dropped us off at the boys camp and we rode up Cobolt to the gate.The single track was wide open.Traction for days.We only saw 5 other riders.We rode back to Covina from there.late. SHUT UP AND RIDE!
      Ride distance: a few miles Elevation change: yes
      Singletrack=60% Truck Trail=40%
      THE PLUG! a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant XTC-AC-2 from Covina


    • Trail UpdateThey Call It Sunset Ridge-Went to Marshall Cyn today after getting kicked out of Chino Hills and Bonelli.After I started Marshall I looked to the west on the other side of the golf course and I spotted what appeared to be a fireroad that I hadn't noticed before.I turned around and rode around the course to the road and preceded to climb.After I had been climbing for about an hour a truck came up behind me.The guy passed me and then stopped about 30 feet ahead and asked me if I'd like a ride.I guess he didn't realize what I was there for.Nice guy though.I hadn't noticed any other tracks so I asked him if he knew if it was legal and he said in broken english that there used to be bikes up here all the time and he didn't know why the had quit coming up.Well, I continued on up for another 2 hours and it was all up hill till I hit the ridgeline then it had a couple of small ups and downs and then one more substancial climb and I was at the towers.I don't know what it is about these towers but everytime I see one I make a plan to get up to them.I"ve only got one more local one to go.Anyways the fireroad continued on over the mountain and looked to descend some before coming back up to the other side.I was running out of time but I know I'm going back and I'm going to ride it at least 5 to 6 hours and find out where it goes.I haven't found anything yet in the biking or hiking books I have,but they're not all the accurate or up to date.The guy at the LBS (Coates Schwinn Pomona) told me that the trail is legal you just have to go around the golf course and DO NOT cut through the homes.He said that these are mansions in a gated community and they do call the law, who responds quicker then the Beverly Hills police force.(His words not mine).
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15+ miles Elevation change: 2700-3000
      Truck Trail=100%
      Pain Freak a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized F/S M4 from Fontana,CA


    • Trail UpdateClaremont Wilderness Really-Claremont wilderness park is adjundant to Marshall Canyon its to the east.This last evening we started one of our normal rides as usual going up cobal canyon.As we were acsending a younger guy I had noticed in the parking lot came rushing down and was obviously very excited and told us there was a bear up there.This has always been an unstated passion of mine to see one of these animals in the wild and I got my wish. We got to within 75 feet of this bear who really looked at us with just as much interest.He then suantered off into the bush.We were able to watch him for about 5 minutes.I did manage to get a few pix from my disposable camera.But as I was looking thru the view finder the bear appeared very small.I hope it doesn't come out this way.I have a couple more things to see on my wish list and they are big horn sheep and an antelope.I did see a buffalo once and that was pretty cool.I wonder if they still have them over there by Azusa?This loop here at Claremont is only a 5 mile loop and we usually go around 2 or 3 times and it's amazing how much wildlife I've seen here.Today I'm going to buy a digital camera with a zoom lens.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 5 miles Elevation change: 1200
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      Bear bait/Pain Freak a really old man year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 37 pound GT I- Drive from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode from Oak Mesa School up to the Claremont Wilderness sign and back down through Marshall. The trails are pretty loose and sandy due to the recent grading. The roller coaster section is a bit loose but fast. Great morning for a ride.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: moderate
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-LA VERNE - A bear that bit a 32-year-old woman in the arm was shot and killed Sunday in the Angeles National Forest.

      32-year-old Barbara Morales, of La Verne, was with a group of women having a picnic about noon at the county-run Marshall Canyon Tree Farm when the roughly 200-pound California black bear showed up, said Sgt. Terry Matthews of the sheriff's San Dimas Station.

      A supervisor at the tree farm ordered the women inside, but Morales froze when the bear approached her, Matthews said.

      The bear sniffed at her feet and legs, then locked its jaws on her left forearm, leaving three or four puncture wounds in her forearm and possibly breaking it, Matthews said.
      More info on www.kcal.com

      a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode Friday from Oak Mesa School to the wilderness sign at Johnson Pasture gate on Burbank. Passed several runners and horseback riders going up and coming back down. Announced my presence as I came up on the other trail users and I was greeted with smiles and thank yous. A little common courtesy goes a long way. Upper fire road from the equestrian staging area to the gate was recently graded. This created several loose portions on the trail, especially on the turns. This could lead to the front wheel plowing into the dirt causing loss of control and possibly crashing. Be careful. Great day for a ride. Looking forward to the next time I can get out there again.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Macervantes a 46 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 6500 from Alta Loma


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Great day for a ride. Weather was perfect and the trails were empty. Rode up from the school to the wilderness sign and back down through Marshall. The trails are in great shape finally. The roller coaster section couldn't be any better and the wildlife is abundant. Ran into a family of deer casually walking across the trail.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: up
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateLink To Pizza-Here is the link to the mybikesite photo gallery with Camron's "pizza shop" elbow photo.

      Unit 1 a 35 year old riding a San Andreas from Corona URL: http://gallery.consumerreview.com/mtbr/gallery/files/PizzaTime1.asp


    • Trail UpdateWant Some Beer With That Pizza-Finally got the pics from the 7/2 ride. Had a great time with a big crew. Just thought I would post my favorite for Clancy. This is the cheese grater photo of Camron's elbow that Clancy spoke about in the previous posting. Don't worry he's 20 years old and had already healed up by the time we got back to the parking lot at the school. Thanks for the on trail MASH unit that helped out. My wife wasn't that mad that I broke her nephew Camron on his first ride at Marshall. He was up and riding Chino and Skyline later that week.
      Unit 1 a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a San Andreas from Corona


    • Trail UpdateHot Marshall Morning-Rode there Sunday morning, Thanks to brent's E-Mails there was a good turn-out (15 riders plus or minus) with riders at all levels. Trails are in great shape down below, but the upper single tracks are a little on the soft and silty side, Huh Cameron? OUCH! Temperatures were not bad until about 8:00AM, but probably hit 97 degrees by 8:30 or 9;00AM. Fun Ride!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Clancy Noleen/K2 crash test dummy a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Many K2's from Norco


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode Marshall this morning. Effects of grading are diminishing, trails in good shape. Parked in upper parking lot, (top of Stephens Ranch Rd.), rode and ran my , check this:, "Downhill" scooter to the wilderness sign and rolled down all the way through the lower canyon and home. Took my bike up the lower canyon to retrieve my car.
      I also rode Marshall Sunday 6/3 trails started getting a little crowded and noisy and someone got seriously injured. When we rode by the accident there was a police officer on the sceene and ambilance were on the way. The guy wasn't moving and seemed barley concious. We just passed through so as not get in the way of rescuers. Does anybody have any follow up on what happened?
      Check-out these "Downhill" scooters at landslider.com (link below) What a kick!, they manuever like a skateboard or snowboard, (don't really use the handlebars to steer). Not really a bike- but lots of fun!, good work-out.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 20 miles Elevation change: URL: http://www.landslider.com/downpro.htm


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there this morning, weather was perfect. Started at 6:30 a.m. nobody on the trail. As it starts to get hotter rides will have to start earlier. It was getting very hot even early. Trail conditions are getting better but the grading really screwed things up. Started at the school, rode up to the wilderness sign and down through Marshall. The roller Coaster section, although graded, was still fast and fun. Watch out for new wildlife. Almost ran into a family of deer with a brand new doe. Seen bears up there a few times, don't be afraid just leave them alone. Don't startle them and they will leave you alone.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: n/a
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateHeard The Same...-Couldn't go riding this am,but took the little one there(Marshall) for a little hike.We were told by some horseback people and two MTB's that there was a bear up towards the top of the singletrack The first one you start to come down.Enough said for me.Took the little one home and will be back Monday or tomarrow if I can find a babysitter.That would be the ultimate to see a bear.It's amazing how much wildlife we see at this place almost surronded by homes.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      pain Freak a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT I-Drive from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMore Danger Bear Citing-I talked to one of my riding bud`s after our ride`s today ,We left at different time`s same place and she told me that she saw a BEAR at the top of marshal ,So if you are riding there look out ,Also the trails are still loose with soft areas be careful .
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12.33 Elevation change: upndwn
      Singletrack=78% Dirt Road=13% Paved Path=1.3% Truck Trail=7.7%
      Shocktower a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Alta loma


    • Trail UpdateDanger!-Please be careful right now. Tehy recently grated the trails and there is a lot of loose dirt, some is hard to spot (like black ice). On a staight-away about 15mph I went over the handlebars. It happened so fast that I don't really know what happened although I probably hit a loose patch. I broke my collar bone and tore sholder ligament. It KILLS!!!
      Bob P a 26 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Hardroock (Modified) URL: Pics of Marshell Canyon from previous rides


    • Trail UpdateMARSHALL CYN-Rode there today with Blonde,Sonny,Snake,Mountain Goat and Alldownhill. It was a little cool when we started
      condition were good, they graded the trail it was soft in a lot of areas.
      We went up to the BWT and turned off on the Clancy Trail,I went down on the steep part and the Snake tried to take me out! then Blonde was in the line of fire!!!
      Sonny was at the bottom waiting.
      Sonny gets the crash award he cleared the first doubles but not the second one!!
      it was a good ride missed you all who did not show!!
      Next week San Juan
      Ride distance: ?miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-It was a little cold there at 6:30 a.m. The trails are freshly graded making some areas too easy! The trail needed grading from all the rains but not that much. Other than that the trail was fast and smooth. Lots of deer out this morning, be aware. Rode up to the wilderness sign and then back down through Marshall. The roller coaster section was fast and challenging as always. Not a single person or horse out this morning, didn't slow down at all. Good day for a ride.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: up
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateROLLER COSTER-Rode there yesterday 4-13-01 lots of horses
      had to watch me speed.
      the trail was in good cond perfect day for a ride
      Tommy tried to kill us on the uphill, the bus driver
      showed him what see has!!!!!
      I crused with Alldownhill,
      all and all it was a good ride
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: ?miles Elevation change:
      Dirt Road=100%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Mud Ride-Rode from Jr. HS to half way to Miller Ranch Road and decided that it was so soft that I should leave the trail to dry some. Some places were absolute MUCK SOUP, A nice consistancy and mix of horse poop and coyote urine. Thank you "Lord" for disc brakes! Was a little sketchy and messy on the way down. Thank you "Lord for front fender! Lots of horses out today! Had to watch my speed. Otherwise the weather was prefect! I rated this ride that is usually beginer to Intermediate as an advanced ride today and probably for the next couple due to the short term technical nature (The slip and slide factor, Thank you "Lord" for Geax Blades).
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Truck Trail=20%
      Clancy, K2 Crash test dummy a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a K2 Brass Monkey from Norco


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode the trails this morning, it was raining and very muddy. The trails are in decent shape, lots of torn up trails from the horses, yes horses not mountain bikes. Visibility was very low. Pretty good traction considering the amount of mud and puddles. Just put some new brakes on my machine, trying them out for the first time, no problems, great stopping power, even in the rain and mud. The roller coaster section was a bit rough but fast and fun. No more piddely ass water crossings, now we got some good size streams. Didn't see anyone on the trails, I guess they are afraid of getting wet.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11 Elevation change: n/a
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Rob a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Green Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail Update~BLAIR WITCH TRAIL~-Rode this trail on 3-3-2K1, it was a cool ride with just a few places that needed walkin', 'cause of being real slippery from recent rain. Didn't see anyone or any other tire tracks for the whole trip. Once we got there we kinda looked around and took some pics. Then headed back, that part was a lot of fun with a fast downhill. Kind of a short ride but worth it.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: Elevation change: Yes
      Singletrack=5% Dirt Road=95%
      El Kabong a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek Fuel 90 from Cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Great way to start off a new month. Rode there on Thursday, conditions were very muddy and a lot of fun. There was nobody on the trail, the gate at the entrance was locked. Lots of deep muddy puddles everywhere. The trails are getting wider and wider, we are losing the single track because instead of going through a puddle, people are riding around it making it wider. Lets keep it to a minimum. The roller coaster section was a combination of mud and sand, very loose. See ya Sunday!

      Ride distance: 10.6 Elevation change: don't know
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there today, conditions were perfect. The trails are in great shape, hard packed and fast. Rode up from the school, to the wilderness sign and back down through Marshall. The singletrack was in great shape, great traction. The roller coaster section was in great form, lots of deep ruts and very sandy but challenging. Brent, I guess I missed you at the park and ride, you did say 7:30, didn't you?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: high.
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn-rode there Sunday with the boys [yes jimmy this incs you] conditions were great hard packed and fast!!!!
      only the river trail is real loose!!!
      sorry Tommy you missed a great ride!!!
      Team GT were your brakes sticking or what???
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek 9.9 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateReturn To Blair Witch-Rode Blair Witch today. Saw some new Spooky Stuff. Sometimes I see dead people, although they are apparently pushing their bikes. Great downhill today. Only went AOTK (ass over tea kettle) 3 times! The park was rather crowded today all the way to Cobal Cyn. Rd. Things are starting to dry up and the fast sections are getting loose again.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change: yes
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=40% Truck Trail=35%
      Clancy, The Noleen test dummy a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Many K2's from norco


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there this morning, it was cold but definitely worth it. Started from the school, made my way up, the trail has gotten a good work out from the recent rains. Lots of ruts to watch out for, the trail was pretty good condidering. Lots of wildlife to watch out for, nobody on the trail. The roller coaster section was as good and as fast as ever, a little sandy and loose in some sections but fast. The rest of the ride was outstanding. Did I say it was cold?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 1500
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdatePotato Mountain-Rode there Sunday mourning, started from the bottom of Marshall. The fire road up to Potato was pretty rough due to the recent rains; many, many ruts. Lots of rocks and boulders on the trail from the rock slides. The soil itself was pretty soft and quicksand like. All in all the trail conditions weren't good but it is still a great ride up there.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: 3000 Ft.
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Rob a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail-Rode there yesterday, exellent day for riding.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: SHORT Elevation change: UP
      Greg, a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Schwinn Carbon from Walnut


      RIDE ON !!!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 3 miles Elevation change:
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail-I thought is was a bunch of BS, but it's there. I have met guys that say they have been riding Marshall Cyn for years and never heard about it. Well, It's there. But don't ask me where. Thanks
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      injured a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Schwinn Carbon from Walnut


    • Trail UpdateClaremont Hills Wilderness Park-Hey, does anyone know the story behind the heard of goats that they moved into Claremont Hills Wilderness Park. You can see them as you go up Cobalt if you look up and to your right. Or you can check them out by making a right near the water tank about a mile before you reach the top of Cobalt. This is the road to Potato Canyon.
      Mike Abel a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Schwinn 4-Banger


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail-I too have followed the great directions given by mr. bonk and finally found the trail and house. How sweet to finally hold the knowledge and whereabouts of this elusive trail. But, I also shall hold silent until Mr Bonk decides to make it public.
      Rode from the house to Mills and back over to marshall via Burbank and Miller down to the golf course and to the upper lot. Strangley enough the bottom gates were locked so I was forced to start from up above Stevens Ranch Road. Weather was perfect and not a spec of dust in sight.

      Thanks again Mr. Bonk!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=60% Truck Trail=20%
      Clancy a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Many K2's from Norco


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail-Went up the Blair Witch Trail for the First Time Sunday. I would like to Thank MrBonk,Who gave Clear and precise directions. It was just as he described.As for me it will remain a secert until MrBonk decides it is time to make it public.Happy Trails
      Ride distance: Elevation change: up and down
      TB on a GT a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT from Covina


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail.-blair witch trail is right there ,and with the rain it has to be perfect right Mr crash uhh I mean bonk I might go ride aliso tomorrow .may be we can ride it soon.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: up&down
      Truck Trail=00%
      shocktower a 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a santa cruz bullit from rancho cucmonga


      RIDE ON !!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 3 miles Elevation change:
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch Trail-Dear Mr.Bonk,
      Where is the Darn Trail and where is the Darn House?
      At least give us all a hint.Please!!!!
      From a fellow Mountain man, Thanks
      TB on a GT a 38 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there Thursday morning, can the weather get any better than this? Trail conditions were perfect as was the weather. Rode up from the school to the new Claremont Wilderness sign, there was no one on the trail. Proceeded to the right on the fire road down to the second drop down single track. The trail was hard packed and fast, sorry I tore up the trails with my lightning fast ride. E-mail me on your ride Brent.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11.5 Elevation change: n/a
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Green Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode there early Thursday morning, the trail was all mine except for one horse. Some sections were a bit loose but all in all the trail was in good condition.
      The roller coaster section, as always, was great. It was fast but a little loose in some sections. In that section you can go pretty fast so be aware of other trail users.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change: n/a
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Green Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change:
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga



      Ride distance: 10miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      The plug a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Diamondback v-10 from San dimas



      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: UNK
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateBlair Witch?-Tom... How do you get to this so called "Blair Witch" trial? I have been riding in Marshall for 3 years now and I have never seen it. If you say that it is hairier then Web then I definitely need to know where it's at. Could you email me or just write it on this page on how to get there. Thanks.
      Garren a 23 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a cannondale-just like everyone and their mothers from Diamond Bar


    • Trail UpdateI was there and some of the DH on blair witch is hairer than web
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      tom a 37 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a cannondale V-700 w/ hayes brakes from rancho cucamonga


      JUST ASK TOM!!!!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 2 miles Elevation change:
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a TREK VRX400 from RANCHO CUCAMONGA


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon/Webb-I'd have to agree with most of you guys in saying that the downhill is worth the climbing. But have you tried the Webb downhill? Now that is one of the most bitchin downhills for local trails around. If you really want to give your legs a good burn and get a hell of a ride out of it, park at the base of Mills. Ride up Burbank and when you get to the fork in the road 1.5 miles up, climb up that little trail on the left and go down the face, take your momentum and continue the climb. Once your at the top, hop on the right side of the fire road and do that single track and continue it down that face. Continue on the fire road and make a left at the next fork, climb that and enjoy the downhill to the flats with the jumps. Go down a little more and make a right and climb that double track all the way up to the equestrian center (you might need your granny gear). Once atop that, climb the fireroad back to the top and go back down Burbank. Instead of making a left and going down to the parking lot, stay straight and continue into Webb. Follow the fireroad and there are a couple of different singletracks to do, make sure you do the face!!! Continue to the tower and follow the singletrack all the way down to Thompson Creek. Watch out for the drop offs and ruts. I guarantee that this will be one of the best singletracks that you have ridden around!!
      See ya on the trails and oh yeah watch out for those horses and Incycle guys!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=55% Paved Path=5%
      GQmtnrider a 23 year old Racer riding a anonomous from Local--You'll see me up here


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Cyn-I gotta say thanks to this list, I am less than 1 mi from this trail and I didn't know about it (duh!) So that's where I be from now on, Sure beats driving further out. And morning gets nice riding even in this less than disirable heat, although we get no respect from equestrians! Peace out and keep the rubber side down! Can't say I can hang uphill to well, Downhill rocks. But I'm working on that!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      MadMex who doesn't ride enough from La Verne a 29 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose MGX from La Verne, CA


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon In July-Wow! This is one of the best rides I have been on in years! Great trail, smooth, a little loose in places but otherwise great double track. Lots of shade and water crossings (although not much water in mid summer). Only passed a few joggers and 2 other Mt. bikers on a Monday morning. I rode to the Fire Camp and turned around due to time constraints. Many other trails off Marshall Canyon to explore. I will be back!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Gary the Paramedic dude a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn Moab from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-First ride at Marshall and all I can say is that I had a blast.Six of us started the trail at 7:30am with our trail guide Craig from (TWO WHEELS ONE PLANET) in Fullerton lead us on our journey up a long uphill climb. Trail was loose in some area's but the most of the trail was in great shape.Water crossing were fun to blaze though and thought how "BITCHIN" it would be to do it in the winter months.Got to the top and I can say I earned my ride down the trail. Ride was so great that I'm going back next week to do it all over again.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: miles 12 Elevation change:
      Cliff the baldguy a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2000 GIANT DS-1 XTC from Fullerton,Ca


      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=98% Dirt Road=2%
      MR BONK a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREX VRX 400 from RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA


    • Trail UpdateMarshall-Beautiful day for a ride at Marshall. Cool in the canyon, hot on the fire road. Most of the trails in the canyon were very loose due to maintenance. Needs to be packed. Corners are going to be very chewed up.
      Keep the rubber side down.
      Ride distance: 12milesToday Elevation change:
      Timoteo a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a TREK from Out Of Nowhere


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-THE REGULATORS
      Weekly Sunday Morning Ride
      April 2, 2000

      First of all I would like to thank everyone that showed up for this ride. Once again we have outdone ourselves. I am proud to announce that we had 15 riders show up. Yes, 15 riders all together in search of the common goal of ultimate mountain biking.

      Let me list off the names of those who showed up:

      George Olivos, me
      David Lambert
      David Lopez
      Milton Amaya
      Ralph Munoz
      Tony Hernandez
      Victor Herrera
      Jose "Bimbo Man"
      Nefta KHS
      Paul Guzman
      Danny "Budd" Mandujano
      "Toro" (Bud's cousin)
      Big David (Bud's cousin)
      Bizzaro John (Bud's neighbor)

      This group of riders have what it takes to keep The Regulators going for many years to come. We should continue to support each other and our riding.

      THE RIDE
      Unfortunately due to the time change a few of us were lost about the time we were supposed to meet. At least that was the excuse given by George "Bull", Octavio and Chris Puente. Let's see what happens the next time we ride.

      The weather could not have been nicer. It was sunny with a nice cool breeze blowing through. This was my first time at Marshall Canyon, so I did not know what to expect. It turned out to be a real nice trail. It rolled easily through the canyon with a nice bunch of trees giving plenty of shade. There were some really cool creek crossings that let you practice your jumping ability as well as your climbing skills. We all had a lot of fun doing this ride. Around the 3 mile mark we came across this open plane where there were plenty of jumps and logs to play around at. After this mark is where the climbing started. It was about another 3 miles to the top climbing a wide single track. Even though it was a little challenging to climb, it sure looked like it was going to be fun coming down.

      We lost "Budd", "Toro" and Bizzaro John at the half-way point because the climb started to get a little tough. It was cool because when we got back to the cars they were there waiting for us with a cold beer.

      Once the rest of us got to the top it was cool. We had a great view of Claremont and La Verne. You could also see the trail we had just climbed. A great sense of satisfaction comes over you when you can look back and see what you have just accomplished. If you have not gone on a ride with us and finished it, you should really get out there and go with us.

      On the way back we really went balls out. I think we might have been just a little too wreckless, I hope there are no complaints to the rangers because of us. On the way down I took the nose at the start, Nefta right behind me and Tony pulling third. As we came across our first little turn, Nefta lost it. He started to go off the ledge but got his footing and cut into the face of the mountain. He went over and under his bike, plenty of scars to show what happened. I will try to post these pictures on the web as soon as I get the pictures from Milton. Tony, David Lopez, Nefta and myself were just tearing up the whole trail as we went down. Nefta practically running some other guys off the trail and into the creek. When we finally got to the base of the trail Nefta went over his handlebars once more... This guy had a bad day.

      When we were done with the ride we found out that Budd had eaten some dirt himself. After launching off a bump he got a little air and felt the bike start giving in underneath him. He decided to fall off the bike than continue into the bushes out of control. The problem there was that "Toro" was right on his tail. You have to understand that Toro is 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs about 300 pounds... this dude is big. Well the natural laws of physics would not allow this guy to stop in time before running over Budd so Toro locks up his breaks and does a superman over the handlebars and over Budd and lands like a sack of potatoes in the bushes. The coolest thing about this is that Toro then crawled out of the bushes and high fives Budd. He then tells him, "Thanks for inviting me, this is so cool."

      Now that is the spirit. As a wise mountain biker once told me, as I laid in a creek licking my wounds. "NO BALLS, NO FALLS!" Amen to that.

      Once again, Budd hosted us after the ride to Carne Asada and beer. As usual it was delicious. I f you have not partaken in Budd's cooking, you don't know what you are missing. Try to join us on the next ride.

      This coming weekend most of us will be at The Rosarito Ensenada Ride. If you are going to be there let me know so we can start to make plans to meet somewhere. I am still not completely sure of what my plans are, but I know it consists of leaving here on Friday, hopefully early and staying in Ensenada. Getting up early and getting dropped off in Rosarito then doing the ride and partying all night after the ride. Then of course, spending the night in Ensenada and go home on Sunday... The details are a little fuzzy but hopefully things will get clearer as the days get closer. If you got your information together, pass it along to me so we can find eachother down there.

      From what I can tell there will be like 6 guys that are going to keep the ride going for this Sunday... If you want to make this ride contact Chuck (airco9@cs.com) He will be the group leader for the Sunday Ride.

      THE END
      Spread the word, The Regulators are a force to be reckoned with in the Mountain Bike community. We are happy to accept new riders, we ride at all levels with no prejudice. If you know someone that wants to join us let them know about us and have them contact us...

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: ???
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      George Olivos a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT XCR3000 from Boyle Heights - Los Angeles URL: The Regulators MTB Team


      E MAIL ME
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles ROUND TRIP Elevation change:
      Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=35%
      MR BONK a 38 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateOUTSTANDING!-Road Marshall Canyon this Saturday (3-11-00) and had one of the best rides ever. Some residual mud remains at the trailhead after the dousing of rain we have had the past three weeks. Also, I don't know who did it, but someone locked the damn gate at the trailhead. If it's still locked, be prepared to lift your bike over the fence. (minor inconvenience) Once you get beyond the trailhead, the singletrack is completely dry. Marshall Canyon is the best place I've riden in SoCal yet. There must be at least 15 to 20 creek crossings that make the trip worth the while.

      I am going to try and make it out there every weekend that I possibly can! See you out there!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Bcaster1 a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant ATX 840 from Corona Hills


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode on Saturday, 11-20-99; started at 7:00 a.m. Once again -- a GREAT ride! Conditions were near perfect. Just enough moisture to provide mega-traction and keep the dust down without causing puddles or ruts. Remember to keep an eye out for hikers and equestrians. PLEASE continue to respect the neighbors. Don't make excessive noise, change clothes in public and leave trash. Thanks.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=15%
      Jimbeau a Cross-Country Rider riding a '99 Mantra Comp from California


      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      MR BONK a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a TREK Y-22 from UPLAND CA


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-Rode it last Saturday with a couple of friends and we all crushed it!!! Had a great time but the tracks were very dry and slippery. Needs maybe a good rain to stiffen things up a tad. Nontheless try riding the whole ride in second ring, that's a huge quad crushing experiance!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate


      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      MR BONK a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Y-22 WITH SPIN WHEELS from UPLAND CA


      Ride rating: Intermediate
      MR BONK a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Y 22 from UPLAND CALIF


    • Trail UpdateWe rode Marshall Canyon on Saturday (28 Aug 99). the trails are dusty and the creeks are low. While it was warm at the top, the canyon is a great place to ride on a hot day! Not too many people out there, I think they're all put off by the warm weather.
      Mtncranker a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateTheJackal-Trail was in exceptional condition after a solid day of rain (3/25). Used to ride this trail on a regular basis about one year ago and have noticed that there are a lot more joggers and people walking dogs than before. In general, there was a lot of people out on the trail that day. As always, it was a great ride. Not too hard of a ride to the top and then an awesome ride back down. Parked at LaVerne Heights Elementary which gave a good warm up before hitting the ascent. Definitely recommend this trail to everybody.
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      David a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a KHS from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateWOW! Had a blast this was my first time I started up at Stephens ranch road it was all downhill trail is in pretty good condition a little muddy. I loved those stream crossings definetly doing it again oh yeah by the way if u find a trek conputer its mine I lost it price u have to pay for eating it, I took a spill over my handle bars HAHAHAHA oh yeah does anybody know how to get up higher than stephens ranch road to make the ride longer email me
      Dirt Road=%
      lilbouncer a 23 year old Weekend Warrior from pomona


    • Trail UpdateEeneb-This is great place to ride if you just have an hour or so. in response to the guy who wanted maps Incycle Cyclyes has hand drawn maps of marshall canyon, and shirt if you don't want to carry around a piece of paper while you're riding. and it's on the way if your coming from the 10 freeway.

      Oh yeah they just cleared the trail about three weeks ago so it's really smooth. My friend and i ran into the tractor
      eeneb a 18 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateMarshall Canyon-In response to Heckler below: There is a hand-drawn map at www.citylimits.com/~rossf/localmap.html What you want are the two Mt Baldy maps; they join together into a single map of the Marshall canyon area.
      sjbarber a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateRode Marshall Canyon today (09-21-98) for the first time. This is a great trail for someone new to the sport like me.The trail is in excellent condition! I rode to the point that is just past the gate (there is a white water tank).....this part of the trail is great for beginners because the hill grade is not too steep......from here the trail can either be picked up to the left or the right. I turned around because I wasnt sure where the rest of the trail would take me. Can anyone tell me where these go and how difficult the hill climbs are from this point and back. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Oh yeah...and as I was resting just below the golf course I spotted three Deer just about 20 yards from me!!!....Also wondering if anyone had any encounters with mountain lions in this area... as there are signs posted that warn to beware of them! This is a really helpful site for information regarding Mountain Bike riding ..Keep up the good work!!!!
      Guy Stoil a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Schwinn


    • Trail UpdateHeckler-So far the only are to ride that is still prestine after all the El Nino crap is Marshall Canyon. A couple of friends and I rode there on 4/25. It has some of the best trails, including singletrack, around. I live 4 miles from Chino State Park and I still drive to Marshall when I get the chance. It's easy to get lost with all the trails connecting each other but you can't go wrong. Each trail has something to offer. Do watch out for Horses and the lazy animals on their backs. Most of the turns are blind and can cause some serious inuries if not taken with caution. Does anyone have a better map of Marshall Cyn. with the names of the minor singletracks (if they have names) I hate calling a trail by 'the one that dumps you at the crossroads down by the other twisty singletrack'.
      nEiL a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Fullerton, CA


    • Trail UpdateGT_Maniac-This is a very nice ride. It is in a quiet "upscale" neighborhood. I'm sure one of the reasons these folks moved to this area was for the peace and quiet -- let's not ruin it for them and us. A few percautions are in order -- please be aware of equestrians and hikers (although the hikers are few, virtually all of them have dogs with them). Also, you'll find some signs asking mountain bikers to refrain from changing clothes in public (common decency would dictate this), loud noise and parking in restricted areas or in front of homes. There are plenty of places to park within 200 yards of the trail head -- so PLEASE obey the signs. This is a great ride for many of us "locals" and we sure don't want "them" to restrict access to walkers/horses only. Thanks for your assistance and understanding. Ride fast -- have fun and be SAFE!


    • Trail UpdateEarly Morning Workout-you go about 2 miles on some really nice singletrack, thru Oak trees and along side of the creek. At about the 2 mile mark go right up away from the creek. If you go left it gets a little wet. junctionAbout 3 miles you come to a junction (we call it Bear Junction) I go left. You'll come out onto fire roads in about 1 mile. At 5 miles there is a gate, go right (Johnson Past). Around 5.5 miles make another right (Miller). 7 miles go right back down into Marshall Canyon. Back at the Trail head you traveled 10+ miles. Sure beats any health club workout I've ever seen!
      Singletrack=50%, Dirt Road=50%


    • Potato Mountain-- Ride up Marshall Canyon to the gate from there go left (Cobal). At 5.6 miles look for a water tank and go left (West Fork Palmer). At 6.4 miles go left again on FS IN04. At 7.8 miles go right up to the top of Potato Mountain about 8.7 miles from trailhead.
      Singletrack=25%, Dirt Road=75%


      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 3.2 miles Elevation change:
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


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