



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • La Tuna Canyon Loop - #LaTunaCanyonLoop

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Tujunga NickNames: #LaTunaCanyonLoop

    Taking the 210 freeway east bound exit at La Tuna Canyon road. Immeadiatly next to the on ramp of the 210 freeway heading towards Pasadena, California is the parking lot for this ride. Park here.

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    • Trail UpdateWatch Your Valuables!-There's been a rash of car break-ins recently so beware if you park in the dirt lot oin La Tuna Cyn Rd.


    • Trail UpdateThe downed tree towards the middle end of the single track has an old teeter totter that has been converted so that you can bypass the downed tree by riding over this. Its creates a continous flow around the obsicle, instead of dismounting. Which is what you used to have to do to get around the tree. Sick!
      mtb geek a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2008 giant trance x2 from Highland Park/ Eagle Rock


    • Trail UpdateBig Kitty-At the top of Hostetter (near the top of the climb) where there is a paved road going up to the right, I saw what I believe was a Mountian Lion just before dusk. I've seen lots of bobcat, fox and coyote and this animal was larger that a coyote with a long tail and a slinky cat like gate. I was 200 yards away on the fire road and saw the cat on the pavement headed up toward the antenne. For those of you who enjoy the night rides.. myself included, remember to bring a friend.
      zbirdz a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a IBEX Atlas Expert


    • Trail UpdateI did this around 5:30pm on Saturday, it was already dark. Kudus to the people who maintain this trail. Its in great condition. Thank You. I didnt have my lights with me and only a half moon helped me navigate through it. There is a DOWNED TREE at the bottom so its a dismount. Other than that its the same loop.
      diamondback a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdatePhotobucket

      DRH a 43 year old Downhiller URL: Link to Aerial picture with trail marked


    • Trail UpdateRode the loop yesterday with a cold and I hate to say that even the easy La tuna Canyon fire road up hill kicked my butt. The single track turn off now has a permanently mounted lounge chair at the turn off from the fire road. "Chuck" is engraved in the back of the chair. With this landmark it should be impossible for anyone to miss the start of the fire break on the fire road decent. Here is a picture with the single track trail in red. I do not know how this trail could ever be rated beginner/novice or even intermediate, the first drop on the ridge and the steep fun drop into the canyon bottom are definitely advanced riding.
      Question: Has anyone rode the fire break all the way down (yellow)?? The bottom of the firebreak looks hairball. Also how is the single track that comes down further east (closer to the LTC parking area)??

      DRH a 43 year old Downhiller riding a Specialized Pitch from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateIf you want a super, super steep decent the firebreak off of the La Tuna fireroad is now completely ridable due to the firecrews bulldozered it. After it compacts a little more it should be even more fun. Directions: 2/3ths of the way up the fire road, at a small water tank, take the firebreak back down to join back up with the road below.
      A great view of this firebreak can be had from the 210 freeway. When you are even with the Verdugo Hills Golf Course look south, it is much bigger than it looks from the freeway.
      DRH a 43 year old


    • Trail UpdateDownhill? You mean singletrack? When you get to the top "guardrail" of the La Tuna Canyon fireroad make a right and go down the fireroad towards Burbank (west)after a little more than 1/4 mile you will see a drop off singletrack on the right side weaving northbound. That singletrack will lead you all the way down to La Tuna Canyon Hwy where you must bike (go right) on the hwy back to your car at the fireroad entrance. Its a pretty easy singletrack though I am so damn lame sometimes I cant make some of those sharp turns near the end of the ride.
      Alot of dumbasses skid their rear tires in order to make those turns, I dont because lots of volunteers take their time on the trail fixing shit so I just either stop or take it slow on the corners.
      Mongoose a 67 year old riding a stinky


    • Trail UpdateI had a question, maybe one of you could help me out. People have said that his trail has fun downhills. I followed the directions, i got off the 210, i parked right off the 210 southbound exit. started the ride up the paved road. at the fork, i took the right trail up the steep hill, and the hill never really went downhill. Went all the way up to the towers, got a flat, by the time i fixed it, it was too dark to go further, so the ride back down was a great downhill. If I were to go down verdugo fire road (i think thats what it was called where i had to stop) was the downhill after that? i thought it was a loop? any help?
      elnoob a 23 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdatePoison oak and ticks up the ass!
      Johnny Gomez a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel from Pacoima


    • Trail UpdateTry This Trail-This trail is in great shape overall. The weeds need to be cut back, but I plan to weed-wack them soon. All the washouts from January rains have been repaired. Check it out.
      There are some more trail improvements I have planned, but they are minor compared to what has been done already.
      Banner Moffat a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work Update-I and a few others have completed the repairs of the upper long steep downhill section of the trail (It took @ 80 man hours!). I also cleared the Bay Tree which had fallen across the trail down in the creek and have cut back much of the vegetation along the side of most of the trail. Soon I will fix where the creek diverted itself onto the trail and washed it out and then some of the other deteriorated parts. I hope by summer 2008 to have this trail in Tip Top shape.
      Banner Moffat a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider from La Crescenta


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work Underway-I have cut back the vegetation (including poison oak) on almost all of the trail and, with some help from others, have put in several water breaks on the long steep downhill near the top of the trail, but several more water breaks will be needed to keep it from deteriorating again. I have started fixing the rutted trail in between the water breaks but there is much more of that to be done. Then the whole lower 90% of the trail can be maintained.
      Check it out.
      Banner Moffat a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider from La Crescenta


    • Re: Finding The Top Of The Trail-The best route is to take the La Tuna fire road up the Verdugo Mtns. from the parking near the Eastbound exit off the freeway. At the top at the saddle/intersection take the fire road right (west) a few miles. It is pretty much all downhill until a level section about one tenth of a mile long before it goes downhill again. A few long turns after that level section is the turn for the trailhead which nowadays is a bulldozed fire break that heads off down the ridge to the right on a slight left hand turn of the fire road. It is not obvious if you don't know there is a trail there. If you make the mistake of going down the fire road too far - all the way to a fire road intersection/saddle where the De Bell Golf Course fire road turns off to the left - then you have to ride back up. Go back uphill a couple turns to the turn off for the trail. You have to ride down a fire break a short distance to the turn off to the right where the single track begins. (The fire dept. bulldozer obliterated the uppermost portion of this trail) When you get to the bottom of the trail on La Tuna Rd., ride up the pavement @ 1+ mile to where you parked.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8+ miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=10%
      Banner Moffat a 51 year old riding a Blur from La Crescenta


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work On This Singletrack-I have decided to begin doing trail maintenance on this trail (The trail I usually dedicate my volunteer time to, El Prieto, is in relatively good shape right now). As my time permits in the next few months I hope to make some improvements in various places but the big project will be on the steep upper section which has been in need of proper water breaks for years. If they had been there it would never have become so rutted. Plus the vegetation (including poison oak) needs to be cut back.
      If anyone out there is interested in helping, send me an e-mail and I will notify you on the days when I know in advance that I'll be out there.
      Banner Moffat a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur from La Crescenta


    • Trail UpdateThat top part of the S/T was awsome, now its gone still agood ride but the first part will be dearly missed by the T.K. Boys.
      baloo a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateA trail marker has been placed to point you towards the beginning of the trail from the bulldozed section.


    • Trail UpdateMissed The Turn-off-parked my car at the bottom of the trailhead. Rode the road, climbed to the top. Did all the side action on the way over to the entrance of La Tuna. Made a right onto the BIG firebreak that use to be a nice, tight, s/t. Started jamming down the firebreak and never found the turn-off into the cyn. So I just kept on going down the firebreak until the end. Walked around the rocks for a hundred feet or so and caught the trail again.

      I believe I probably cut off a good 20-30 minutes of riding...booohooo :(

      Was I just not paying attention, or do you have to know were the entrance is?

      I only ride this trail, maybe once a year...if that.

      Happy Holidays,



    • Trail UpdateFor the last 11 years whenever I pass the old truck, I always wonder how it got to where it is today. I just look at the terrain around me, and I just pedal off scratching my head. Does anyone know the story?


    • Trail UpdateThe For Sale sign say's "60 Acres", and it's posted on the parking lot.


    • Trail UpdateOK thanks. With real estate values like they are you always worry about losing any land that hasn't already been paved over by developers.


    • Trail UpdateThe port-a-potties were for the "Verdugo Hills Community Hike" this past weekend.

      The "for sale" sign is probably for the the small lot where people park. The socal real estate market is still hot, but don't count on seeing that lot go any time soon.


    • Trail UpdateIs La Tuna Canyon being developed? I saw a Property For Sale sign at the trailhead and about 6 portable bathrooms on the asphalt road before the Edison / Hostetter fireroad. I love this trail.


    • Trail UpdateFire And Rain Damage-I hiked up the La Tuna singletrack on 10/20 and encountered much trail damage. The fire fighters cut a fire break right down the hill which cut across the lower part of the trail several times and resulted in a lot of erosion and landslide and debris on the trail at those places. Plus the recent rains rutted out much of the rest of the trail higher up. This trail needs volunteers for maintenance to dig out the slides, fill in the washouts, put in waterbreaks where it's rutted and clear the debris! I'm too busy maintaining El Prieto so you all go work on this one, okay?
      Banner Moffat a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur from La Crescenta


    • Trail UpdateIf the projected reopening of Stough is any indication, then Wednesday 10/5 should be ok to ride.
      El Gato Gordo a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Turner Flux from Burbank


    • Trail UpdateTrail Closed Due To Fire (doh!)-I came up to the parking lot by 210 and La Tuna Canyon having passed five fire trucks by the freeway exit and was greeted with a sign saying "Trail Closed due to Fire". Unfortunately, asking the firefighters didn't help me in discovering when it will be open again.
      ambrus a 21 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT Tequesta from Pasadena URL: http://tourian.caltech.edu


    • Trail UpdateTrail Conditions-Roses are Red and Poison Ivy is too! Awesome ride Saturday 9/24 in the am fog - thank goodness for the cool weather - double track in great condition and fast - some of the good work done by Corba is still showing on the trailhead - but as a whole a bit overgrown and the IVY is coming out in groves! Be prepared (long sleeves, etc)and have an awesome ride - this is an incredible trail! Note - I'd rate this adanced - but then it is only my second time out (followed a really good rider) and I made it. Have Fun!
      Yahoo Assault a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized - Enduro - Comp from Shadow Hills


    • Trail UpdateWhat Was That Angels Name...?-Team T.K. rode the Tunes, it's in great shape and the Single Track is just awsome it fast becoming my favorite local track.
      T.K. Castle a 98 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a something with two wheels from big Chino


    • Trail UpdateSmooth As A Baby's Butt!-I attended my first Corba trail maintenance day on Mar. 13th at the La Tuna Canyon singletrack. It was great. Great weather and even better friends. It was drizzling but we still had about 20 people including Michael Garcia, an ammbassador for the American Hiking Society. He was very impressed at the turnout, had a great time and was inspired by our work.We opened up the trailheadfixxed about the first mile of single track and Hans and others cleared brush further down the canyon. We left the technical sections alone. It is now very smooth and very fast. Thanks to all who sowed up. I encourage you to join Corba, not only as a member but also do your part to maintain the trails we all love to ride! What up to the TK riders! Richie Rich, TK Castle, Gwillen, Gwillen 2
      Stenmizzy a 30 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant XTC Team and Enduro


    • Trail UpdateChicken Of The Sea-T.K. riders ripped the Tunes on Sat. minus Mizzy.
      Trail in great shape, some ruts but nothing you cant handle. Lots of water running along side the F/R half way up other than that its tacky so takcy that Gwillen broke into the 40's bombing it down.
      Be safe watch for hikers taking naps on the trail.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9 Elevation change:
      Dirt Road=100%
      T.K. Castle a 94 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a liquid 30 from Big Chino


    • Trail UpdateLaTuna-We (CORBA) will be doing trail maintenance on this trail March 13th. We will do some brushing near the top of the trail and see if we can cut the fallen trees off the trail. We will also do some tread repair and add some rolling dips at the top. Come on out and lend a hand! We will probably meet on the burbank side and drive up to the top of the trail and work our way down. Lunch and cold drinks will be provided for after trail work! Check the CORBA site for all the info. www.corbamtb.com
      Hans a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Titus Quasi Moto from Granada Hills URL: CORBA


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Lives!-I rode up the fireroad last night and it was in good shape with the usual post-rain ruts, but nothing severe.

      The singletrack going down was awesomely sticky and a real mental challenge at night. In the depths of the watershed, you'll have to do a little hike-a-bike and go under or around a few fallen trees. That section is probably more rideable in the daylight than it seemed at night.


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Canyon Loop-Does anybody know the condition of the trail after the recent rains?
      Just starting a 24 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '05 specialized Rockhopper from Alhambra


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna-Did this ride today at around 2:00(had a job in the area & the bike along, so I got off the 210 for a quickie!)Man the trail condition was SWEET damp but not wet dirt, traction was incredible! I saw a bob cat & that makes 2 I have seen in the last 4 weeks! This sure is a beautiful trail & with the recent rains last week the new vegitation growth is sweet...hard to believe it in actually in So. Cal!...should be kept a secret haaa-haaa!
      GO FOR IT!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt Westlake a 45 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized-Enduro-Spynergy Wheels from SAUGUS


    • Trail UpdateSomeone Left A Bulldozer .....-Wouldn't it be kewl if we borrowed the bulldozer and helped out freeriding brothers and sisters by carving out something spectacular on the side and mark it no hikers? eh, maybe not.
      MrBlur a 136 year old riding a Mass Produced Enduro made by overworked children from Cambria, Ca 93428


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna-It's been a while since my dad and I have done this, but it is a great trail. We came over the hill from Stough Canyon, down the singletrack, and up La Tuna fire road to return to Stough canyon. What's with the abandoned truck? good ride overall.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 14 Elevation change: 1500
      Singletrack=30% Paved Path=10% Truck Trail=60%
      Steven K. a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose XR 100 from Canyon Country, CA


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Loop-Fireroad going up to the saddle is in good
      condition. Singletrack going down has some
      larger ruts with many areas of scattered and
      broken rocks. Some of these parts are also steep.
      The lower part of the ride is getting pretty
      overgrown with trail condition being slightly
      smoother than the upper half. Overall, very
      challlenging and very fun.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=10%


    • Trail UpdateCougars & Pumas & Panthers Oh My-Yes indiddly do, there be cougars in the verdugers. Hiking a canyon with my dog and came across a fresh skeleton picked clean. Red meat still in the recesses of spine, but nose chewed, ends of ribs chewed, anywhere a real rough tongue couldn't reach....at least the're well fed.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: 1/2 to Grand
      Dukepoope a 43 year old Downhiller riding a Nashbargi my friend! from USA


    • Trail UpdateLuh Toonuh Loop...-if you live in L.A. this is the perfect pre-work ride. its a fast 10 miler. good climbs, good descents, and you'll even make it to work on time...although the recent winds have left sections of the singletrack look as though some psycho traipsed through here wielding a chainsaw. i had to dismount once or twice due to topple-over-trees...

      Andy a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Los Angeles


    • Trail UpdateGooseGoose,what You Talkin Again-
      GooseGoose, your fired you idiot. You never tell other peoples about trails dat don't exist or are illegal, you dumber then a piece of plywood or my ex-wife and she was stupid. what da matter with you stupid.

      Meester Chin a 52 year old riding a Mongoose, Pacific, Microsoft and Adobe from Highland Park (come and see me for a good deal on bikes and software)


    • Trail UpdatePF--that "truck" is weird, isn't it? Anyways, next time you're up to something suicidal, try "Viper" which
      isnt that far from the top of La Tuna. I was on it on Friday, 2 days after it rained to dry it out, but its still kind of soft and is now one narrow rut. Its located a bit south of the Brand Park benches on the fireroad on the left side. Its hard to see(the entrance) because its not a regularily used singepath. There are 2 super gnarly sections that are 22 degree angled and twisty. If you are an advanced rider you can ride along the rut(Ive seen ONE tire track) but if youre lousy and a rabbit like me, ride in the rut. This 'Mr. Toad's Wild Ride' ends on a street parallel to the entrance of Whiting Woods in La Crescenta. In all honesty, I've ridden this deer and coyote path 5 or 6 times since 1998 and have never cleaned it once.
      Don't feel bad if you fall or have to walk a section.
      I've done both.
      Ride rating: Expert
      Ride distance: 3 miles Elevation change:
      Mongoose riding a Bike w/ second hand parts from SouthernCalidonia


    • Trail UpdateNo Problem-Went to La Tuna this a.m. for a group ride and I was the only one to show up.The ride had been cancelled due to rain,but what the hay,I already had drove over an hour to get here.Might as well check it out.The fireroad was okay.Didn't leave any real tracks hardly at all.Clear sailing all the way to the top.At the top, there was a few puddles,but the ground was solid enough if you stayed towards the side that had been exposed to the sun longer.Rode the ridgeline and did all the singletrack side action.The one little downhill has a deeper rut then even before.It was real hard to stay out of it.I'll admit it I dabbed about 7/8ths of the way down.Damn almost made it.Got over to the singletrack heading down.Having never rode this by myself I thought it would be smart to just take it easy as who knows what could happen or when help might arrive,if it did at all.What a cool way to really get to know a trail.I've been missing a lot on this little portion.It really is beautiful.I had never spotted the truck before till today.I even seen the car again.The trail is in good to excellent shape.Still a little soft ,but I did zero damage.It was just nice to take my time and clean most everything on the way down.Good day.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 /Quintana Roo TeQuilo from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna-The single track is great ...NO RUTS!......The rains sorta packed the trail so the loose stuff for now is gone!...tires can grip well at this point!
      Matt Westlake a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro w/Spynergy Xyclone Disks :) from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Loop-I am a out of towner, riding for the first time here. This is a nice little mountain, perfectly positioned to take in sweeping panoramic view of whole LA and San Gabriel. The trails were in excellent condition. The first fire road climb from La Tuna road is not terribly difficult. Once you make a right at the T intersection up on the ridge, you follow more fire road. But keep your eyes open for little side single tracts that run parallel to the fire road. They were fun and challenging. Just stay on the main fire road that goes downward until you see a small clearing where the single tract that goes down into the canyon starts. This single tract, probably 2 - 3 miles long, is a beautiful little single tract. There are technical sections and numerous tight switchbacks. I enjoyed the most the sections that snake through the bottom of the canyon, where you are literally riding through tunnels of trees and shrubs. With some fall colors, it was beautiful! The single tract will eventually dump you back out to La Tunal road, where you can paddle back to parking area.
      A great ride.
      Turtleman a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateViper is a singletrack that begins about 100 feet
      south of the parkbench that was at the top of
      "Brand Park". It faces the La Crescenta side of the
      hill. Slowly examine the area and you will see a
      weedy singletrack--its barely visable from the
      fireroad.The only bad thing about Viper is that
      sometimes theres people hiking up, so you have
      to be careful. Anyways its a steep singletrack that
      goes through trees(watch your head) and involves
      some technical riding. I've done it twice and the
      first time was a fiasco falling twice from hitting a
      root/stump and going too fast down a sandy area.
      It hurt like hell(no plastic on)
      So lower your seat and hang on. Make sure to tell
      someone youre doing it too in case you try it alone
      and knock yourself out or fall down a ravine. If you
      dont have medical insurance, dont try it. As for
      Scotts, I think its a bit easier.
      Local riding a diamonback


    • Trail UpdateCan you elaborate on these other trails. "scotts and the other Viper". I love this ride and would like more in the area.
      Trailwalker a 39 year old Weekend Warrior from Canyon Country


    • Trail UpdateDo Scotts Or Viper-The latuna singletrack is cool, the other viper and scotts are way more fun. The other viper is fifty yards below the bench. Scotts is a 1\4 mile below, across from the water tank.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 4 miles Elevation change: 1500
      Singletrack=40% Truck Trail=60%


    • Trail UpdateThis Ones Open-TOTAL MTB Club had a ride posted this Sunday for a light workout at La Tuna Canyon.What we ended up with was half of LA.No problem, as everyone knows everyone else.To many names to mention, but I'll try.Silent Bob,Mother Joe Truth,Carlos,Aly,Mr.Deported (Raul),Hugh,Wayne,Victor,Chris,Steve,Aaron,Conrad,
      Javier, and myself, and a bunch of others that joined us for awhile.Talk about a congested trail.All things considered it was really good.Everyone was more then willing to let another rider go by or just get out of the way at any time it was needed.Of course Paul led the side action with a lot of guys following.No real crashes,but Aly had to try it 3 times before he finally made it.Some of the guys just barely made it at all.I elected to pass on the real steep mother in the middle and everyone did the last 2.For as much use as this trail gets,it really is in very good shape.Out of all these guys and more we had not a single mechnical not even a flat.We only did the short loop this time,and I would have loved to have done more,but 4 days in a row gets the little women a little upset.So we called it a day.Great ride,great guys and a beautiful day.Now I wonder what we are going to be riding in the future till the rains come? BTW,I've never seen La Tuna so crowded or any place as much as it was today.If you do ride here remember we are all limited right now with whats available so have some added patience, or for that matter any place that may still be open.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change: 1000?
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail Updatethis is a great rid not to be missed
      a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateU Can La Tuna Piano-Rode this Today....HEY!!!!!! It's still there All!!! It is A SWEET RIDE!!!!!! Don't miss it!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Matt Westlake a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro w/Spynergy Xyclone Disks :) from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Loop-Rode La Tuna Canyon today for no other reason than I had not done it in a long while. Completed 2 loops. Primarily on the first loop, the puddles of water were iced over, a sight you don't typically see here in wonderful SoCal. The singletrack part of La Tuna has changed a little. The top section before you reach the normally technical section has a rut down most of it making it a bit trickier/better. Unfortunately, the normal technical section has either been graded or rain-flattened. Not nearly the same trail. The rest of the singletrack was the same except for a new obstacle caused by a landslide on the final portion of the ride. Mark that change in the "good" column.
      Ride distance: 10 miles (1 loop) Elevation change:
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=10%
      Matt90272 a 29 year old Racer riding a Cannondale Jekyll from Pacific Palisades


    • Trail UpdateThis is a great ride!....Have done it twice in the last 2 weeks!.....Ya gotta do this, it's to close to LA to not put this ride on your "Did That One" list! It's another world on this single track! Hard to believe its right off the 210 freeway!!! Go do it!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=10%
      Matt Westlake a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Add-on-Anyone riding over from Tujunga can now ride to the South end of Haines Canyon Rd. and will notice a path cut through the grassy field. Take this path and it is new singletrack over to a powerline rd that drops down to La Tuna canyon west of the golfcourse. It cuts a road mile or two from your ride, depending if you take it both ways or just the down hill way. It is ridable both ways but is a little more work going up with a couple of short walks. Some of this is brand new and needs a little packing down but it's good.
      DB a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a SantaCruz superlight from Tujunga


    • Trail Update"Activity" meaning higher than normal levels...since the Verdugos are such a concentrated area normal levels typically is "none". The presence of a lion in that particular range would seem abnormal and possibly lead to adverse behavior, as there is human population on all sides...no higher ground to retreat to and far less food. i was just curious. It would be the last animal I would want to encounter alone on a trail....hungry. Happy motoring.
      DiscSqueal a year old riding a from


    • Trail UpdateWhat do you mean by mountain lion 'activity?' Most
      of the trails we ride in LA County are home to lions.
      I did see some deer guts on the La Tuna s.t. a
      couple of months ago and figured it was either a
      lion kill or poachers.
      Endo Verendo


    • Trail UpdateVerdugo Mtn Area/ ALL TRAILS-Has anyone heard recent rumors about mountain lion activity in the Verdugos? Can this story be confirmed..
      DiscSqueal a year old riding a from


    • Trail UpdateThe Hostetter Fire road is in great shape leading to Verdugo Fire road. Slightly rutted due to water run off. Although it rained last Friday, only a few wet spots on the fire road remain and can they can easily be avoided.

      Great views of La Crescenta, Montrose, Glendale, Burbank & beyond.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Mr. Superlight a year old riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Eaton Canyon in Pasadena


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Canyon Loop-Yes... who missed me? This is George of The Regulators MTB Club in Los Angeles (ClubMTB.com). The ride was excellent. We had 15 riders how up this sunday and we all made it at no time at all. We started at around 7am and it was okay... the sun still kicks your ass. The trail up is very well maintained and the ride across the top is fine. There are a couple of sandy areas, but not too many. The singletrack was a sweet piece of pie.

      The ride down has a few overgrown parts but nothing to worry anyone. We had about 5 crashers but no one died, not this time. I went over once but bounced up with a scraped knee. The sun does not seem to be a problem on the way down so go ahead and hit the trail. it rocks!.

      Join us for a ride at www.ClubMTB.com The Regulators MTB Club from Los Angeles, California.

      Regulators,,,, Mount up and Ride!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=55%
      George a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT XCR 3000 from Boyle Heights


    • Trail UpdateVacation From Common Sense-Summer is officially here. Yesterday my buddies and I rolled out of the La Tuna parking lot at about 3pm, which has accumulated some new furniture since the last time I rode it. At 3pm it was about 300 degrees, and still getting hotter. Then we started climbing, climbing, climbing, shadeless for the most part, up to the top and headed down the nice steep offshoots that I love so much. Got to the La Tuna trailhead, and 1/2 the way down was a *huge* rattlesnake laying across the trail, getting his sun on. Eric and I stared at it for a few minutes, entertained the possibility of bunny-hopping it for about 0.002 seconds, and decided that throwing a pebble was the best option. That really pissed the snake off, and he scurried off into the brush sounding like a mariachi, striking at leaves and other menacing looking foliage, before finding a spot to curl in a large bush about a foot and a half from the trail. Fabulous. He was at a perfect striking range for the trail. We basically got some speed, and got past it as quick as possible. The rest of stage one was pretty uneventful, except we had emptied our camelbacks and were still probably a quart low on water.

      We got back in the car, rolled to Vons, got a few bottles of gatorade, and headed to Lowe to meet up with my roommate. This was the really dumb part. Still on the paved road (saw another rattlesnake stretched across the road, but could get around him easily), I was breathing through my nose, but was little-ringing it up (Lowe, although long, is not a little-ring climb), and was experiencing a serious loss of power. More water, more balance bars, still nothing. The sun had sucked all the fight out of my legs. I was so dehydrated on the descent that I had that weird floaty-head headache that almost feels like a bonk. It was an interesting sensation, because Upper Sam is pretty surreal to begin with, and the loss of perception made it that much more unusual, and dangerous.

      Thank god for gatorade.

      Be the ball, but not too much.
      El Santo


    • Trail UpdateBrown Horizon-First time out to this place and the options look promising. With all the wind over the weekend I was hoping for clear skies but the smog was still pretty damn thick. During the first mile or two of this ride you will see a big, steep, crazy looking fire break off to the left of the trail. I was having one of my not-so-bright moments so I thought I would give it a try. About half of this chute turned out to be rideable, but the middle was very steep, and very, very rutted. With no definite line to ride I ended up tripoding(one foot down) the middle and getting out of dodge. Once back on the climb, I usually hug the cliffside because you never know what you can find. Well, at this place I found about 6 burnt out cars. Once at the top there are a couple singletrack side shows to keep you busy, some steep, some fast. A little more fire road bombing and the singletrack drops off the right side to complete your loop. There is no trail sign but with all the tire tracks you can't really miss it. The trail is a fun, twisty, drop into the canyon, a couple tiny creek crossings, and a few tech sections. Overall a short, 10 mile loop. Good luck to you.
      Dusty Bottoms


    • Trail UpdateThat Wasn't An Update...-Just a suggestion: Post trail descriptions/updates
      here. Talk about your rides on the message boards
      where more people will hear about your experience. You
      should post things here like the North Verdugos are
      being threatened by a housing developement that will
      cut off one of the fireroads and kill many a loop for a
      lot of you. For more info, see the Spring CORBA
      Endo Verendo a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a FSR from Studio City URL: CORBA


    • Trail UpdateLA TUNA CANYON LOOP-Dear fellow Regulators and All Mountain Bikers,

      I feel like a proud father who has just witnessed the birth of his first male baby. Okay maybe that is a little to exagerated, but nonetheless, it was definitely an awesome sight to see so many of you show up Sunday March 26, 2000. The ride was a blast and the experience was eleveated even more with so many people involved. The weather could not have been any nicer than what it was. Dudes, I hope we can keep it up through the summer.

      FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DID NOT MAKE IT... Here is a recap of what we did.

      We met at the La Tuna Canyon trail head off the 210 freeway in La Crescenta at 7:00 am. There were already other cars there. It was nice to see so many people already tackling the trail. We started the climb about 7:30 am. The climb starts on asphalt and it is the steepest part of the climb. I had to walk part of it. A couple other of the guys did too, but there is nothing wrong with that as long as you dont turn back to the cars. Once the steep part is done with it is about a 3 mile climb to the summit. The climb is all fire road with a beautiful view of La Crescenta to the north. As you climb the sun is coming up on your right but with the plenty of twists and turns you are always a short distance to some shade.

      I am happy to announce that we have a new "KING OF THE HILL" Milton has had the luxury of this title for being the fastest climber in our group, until now. Our new rider Steve blew Milton away. This came as a surprise to me since I was not able to see the finish... I took my time climbing. I have not had a chance to ask Milton anything about this but since I know Milton so well, I bet you that he is going to try to get back that title on the next ride. Way to go, Steve!

      If anyone didnt know, this was Ralph Munoz' maiden voyage. He just purchased his new bike and rode it to total completion. This is Ralph's first time to reach a summit. He struggled with the climb a bit but finished it without quiting. Way to go, Ralph!

      The funnest part was yet to come, we did some fun little singletrack stuff at the top of the mountain before proceeding to the singletrack. We even came to this little hiding place where we ran into 2 other mountain bikers. They were sitting in the shade enjoying a big fat joint. Wow, talk about getting back to natures. I thought we were going to loose a couple riders to them but we didnt. We continued to the singletrack and rocked it all the way down.

      CASUALTIES... The first one to eat it was George "Bull" He locked up his front brakes and did a Superman over the handlebars. And to add insult to injury, the bike came down and hit him in the back.. ouch! The next casualty was David Lambert. I was there to see that one but from what I heard he just had a little too much speed and couldnt stop for the switchback so he went right off the ledge. David Lopez was about to call the hellicopter in for the air lift but noticed some movement. David Lambert landed in some soft rotten wood. Finally, David Lopez took a small spill. No one saw it, because he was so far ahead of everybody... That is why we call him "Downhill Dirty Dave" Give him a pat on the back the next time you see him.

      I want to thank Danny "Budd" Mandujano personally for putting together a very delicious BarBeQue for the riders after the ride. Budd was supposed to join us for the ride this Sunday but had to cancel because he had to take his aunt to the airport... Budd prepared his famous carne asada and some chicken asada. He also had a few of his cousins over, one of whom prepared this awesome Ceviche estilo Guerrero. Damn, that shit was good. And as usual, plenty of cold cervezas.

      Ocatvio showed up at the party, sure he can make it for beers but not for the ride... dude get off your ass next week.

      Guy Torres showed up at the party. Please note, when I said he had cancer of the throat, I meant he was sick but not dieing. Send him a get well soon note... ELAWiseGuy@aol.com

      For those who rode and did not get to eat with us... make sure you put a little more time aside for the rides because you should not miss Budd's cooking... ask your friends that were there. no doubt.

      Okay I am tired of typing.
      Take it easy and respond with some Ideas for next week.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: ???
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=55% Paved Path=5%
      George Olivos a 30 year old Weekend Warrior riding a White GT XCR 3000 from Boyle Heights - Los Angeles URL: PicoDeGallo Mountain Bike Team -


    • Trail UpdateLa Tuna Canyon-Starting from the gate ride until you reach a steep asphalt paved climb and turn right here to Hostetter fire road(mile 0.5). You'll notice nice views of the cities below. Once you reach the intersection of Hostetter fire road and Verdugo Fire road (T instersection) you can stop here and rest (mile 3.4, elevation gain approx 1200 feet) Enjoy the view. Turn right to Verdugo Fire road and note your mileage. You'll need to descend this fire road and locate the unsigned trail at mile 5.8 on the right hand side. Descend the trail, be careful, the trail is narrow and rutty due to the recent rain storms. Descend to the canyon and climb out the canyon to La Tuna Canyon road. Turn Right and be careful while riding the road back to your car. The people driving this road are very careless and not very courteous.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=20%
      Charles a 30 year old riding a Trek Y-33 from Pasadena,California


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