



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Gridley Trail - #GridleyTrail

    Socal - Ventura County - Ojai NickNames: #GridleyTrail

    Find your way to the quaint little town of Ojai. A good way to do that is take the 101 to the 33 to the 150. The 150 turns into Ojai Ave which is the main drag through Ojai. Park on Ojai Ave and Gridley road which is on the east side of town. Get on your bike and head north on Gridley road for a mile where the road will end, and the trailhead will be clearly marked on the left side of the road. From here it's 5 miles to the top. Thomas Guide page: 442

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    • Trail UpdateRode the trail today 4-23-11 and it was just perfect. The weather was just perfect for us ,we were on the trail around 0730,the condition of the trail was great no slides or obstacles to report. This trail is world class in my book.
      24hrdemolitionman a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2008 specialized enduro expert from castaic


    • Trail UpdateGridley 2010-Gridley has it's share of bicycle enthusiasts and I've come to know quite a few of them. For those who come up as weekend warriors; welcome - it's an awesome place to be. Just be aware there are those of us who run the trail and while we're "in the zone", we can't always anticipate your pace coming down - so please down plow us down. Right now the trail has quite a few slide areas but it can still be manuevered. It seems to fare well after heavy rains because of the runoff. We're about to see a rockier terrain, but hey - that's Gridley Trail - I wouldn't have it any other way : )
      Local Ojain a 50 year old from Ojai


    • Trail UpdateGridley, Wow!!!-1st time up this bad boy today. Should be renamed Grueling. I'm a regular with the sycamore canyon trails, but that's bush league compared to this climb. 7.25 miles to the tower. Equivalent length rides I've done include sisar and Little Pine, but this one and its rocks wins as the toughest in my mind. The view is worth it when you get to the top. The ride down is incredibly fun single track, but I've been on less rockier trails, don't even bother dodging them.
      Joey a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher Sugar 2+ from Newbury Park


    • Trail UpdateChristmas Day Ride-Rode the trail on XMAS day. Who would have thought that I would have to battle 80 degree temperatures. I know I am in So Cal but that was just crazy. Anyway, the ride was just amazing as usual. The usual sections are technical. The lower trail up to the avocado groves is very technical as usual. Not my favorite part of the ride. But once you hit the road at the avocado trees you are in for quite a treat. Rock Gardens are there and will keep you on your toes, but they are all very doable and provide just enough smooth spots in between to give you some time to catch your breath. The upper section (above the spring) is in amazing shape right now. Was able to get from the spring to the saddle with only 2 dabs. DAMMIT! So close. Came off at the first tight switchback and one rocky section. Other then that it was smooth sailing without a stop. So close. One of these days I will do the whole damn thing without a stop or dab. That first tight switchback is gonna be tuff though. Rode up to the lookout tower and enjoyed an amazing view of 4 of the Channel Islands. Rode back down Gridley while having the time of my life. Does not get much better then this.
      Matt a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider from Newbury Park


    • Trail UpdateGridley Trail-I thought this trail was pretty cool. I'm only 16 and I thought it wasnt that hard. I likes the cliffs and the rock road up. The part with zig-zag is pretty fun coming down. First half i walked like half of it. Very technical. Some parts are pretty worn out.
      a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 05 Specialized Hardrock sport disc from Ojai, CA


    • Trail UpdateGridley/Pratt-Monday I rode Gridley up and Pratt down; it'd been years.

      Both trails are in the same shape they were then. Gridley is too bumpy for a bit just after the pavement, but it does normalize into a smooth steep climb--this lasts about 7 miles. The last mile is perhaps the steepest bit I've ever climbed, it's on fireroad so you can zig zag, which helps.

      Descended a bit toward Pratt's trailhead and grabbed lunch: No frickin' fire ants.

      Prat starts out with nearly 5 miles of fast smooth rolickin' singletrack; some of the best I've ridden. The rest of Pratt is worthless, so I veared off onto pavement shortly after the thrill ride ended and rode back into town. Skip the last section of Pratt, it aint worth it. Instead, wolf down a BIG mexican dinner at one of the outdoor restaurants, or a massage and maybe a handJb at the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa before driving back to LA LA. I did.

      Have fun!
      kirec a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek STP 400 from West Hollywood


    • Trail UpdateGridley Trail A Hidden Heaven-i ride this trail all the time,one of my favs,we have it so good here in so cal sunny most of the time.trail cond is in good shape a few little slide areas but you just ride over them a nice 6 mile climb to nordoff ridge.killer vistas.go early or in the afternoon it gets hot mid day,bring lots of water.there is a couple rock gardens gets rought through them,mostly smooth and really fun,a good climb.
      love a 32 year old Racer riding a giant xtc & giant nrs from ventura


    • Trail UpdateGridley Trail A Hidden Heaven-i ride this trail all the time,one of my favs,we have it so good here in so cal sunny most of the time.trail cond is in good shape a few little slide areas but you just ride over them a nice 6 mile climb to nordoff ridge.killer vistas.go early or in the afternoon it gets hot mid day,bring lots of water.there is a couple rock gardens gets rought through them,mostly smooth and really fun,a good climb.
      love a 32 year old Racer riding a giant xtc & giant nrs from ventura


    • Trail UpdateFast Eddie-Just a quick update for all my MTB brothers.Trial conditions on Gridley are great,dry and loose but nothing new.I ride this trial 3times a week and its always sweet.Ive spotted several rattlesnakes on the trial latley so keep your eyes peeled.Bottom or start of trial still technical,but after that the climb gets easier.Ill see you on the trial,I ride a Kona Coiler and a Stinky Primo.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=95% Dirt Road=1%
      Eddie Raya a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Kona Coiler ,Stinky Primo,Rocky Mtn T.O. from Ventura CA.


    • Trail UpdateGridley Trail - Loads Of Fun!-I've heard about this trail for many years and finally had my chance to ride it! Kept hearing it was technical but found it to be fairly easy for most of the ride. There were a couple of spots where you had to dismount, but 98% was rideable. Riding downhill on the trail was a blast!! We started out at the Summit riding up Sisar Canyon to Gridley Saddle then down Gridley Trail for a 24 mile loop(?) - (We were shuttled to Sisar). I would recommend this to any intermediate rider. A beginner could handle it if they are in fairly good physical condition.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 24miles Elevation change: 3100
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=85%
      a Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlite from Ventura


    • Trail UpdateGridley In Need Of Some Repair-Many spots on the singletrack where you're on a sidehill are getting damaged from wheels going off the track. I was coming down Gridley from the ridge Saturday the 12th of October and I noticed about five bad spots. These areas will pull your wheel off the trail and cause you to crash if you're not careful. Maybe I or somebody else can find some time to do some repair soon. Be careful until then.


    • Trail UpdateGridley Trail/Pratt/Fuelbreak-Gridley Trail is the best in Ojai!
      I ride it 2-3 times a week. Part of real mountain biking is beeing in the real mountains! Half the fun is the fact if not careful you'll get hurt. Just be aware and it's no problem. Singletrack means a narrow trail which usually has cliffs and dropoffs. Gridley is not a deathride by any stretch. I am an advanced rider but when I started riding Gridley a year ago I was only intermediate and loved it! Made it to the top and went to the old lookout tower for an amazing view! I see beginners there all the time and they love it! So go judge for yourself and ignore the below post! Also don't let the first half mile scare you. It is very steep and technical! Just walk what you can't ride in that part, get to the fire road and start pedaling! For a nice XC ride go to the top of Gridley, turn left at the ridge fire road ride for 1 mile to the lookout tower, take a much needed break, get inspired with "whatever", continue west on the road 1 mile to Pratt single track on your left. Go down this fast trail 3 miles to another fire road. Turn left here (right goes to Cozy Dell)1 mile to a juction of fire roads. Keep left (east). This is Fuelbreak Road. It has 3 short but steep uphills and a few long fast downhills for 2 miles. Follow the signs to a new short singletrack for a halfmile. Then it dumps you out on a fire road turn left here will bring you to the top of the first Gridley singletrack. You'll recognize this place. It's where you started! Turn right ride down this very tech trail for a half mile back to your truck or car for all you White Collar people. Go get some Beer and think about the 15 mile loop of real mountian biking you just did! Awesome!
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: 4500 feet!
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Scooter a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT Outpost 2000 hard tail from ventura


    • Trail UpdateGridley-I rode this the other day. Extremely technical for the
      first 1/2 mile. In fact I pushed my bike up most of
      the way. Then it turns into a fire road for 1/2 mile
      then begins an intermediate uphill single track with
      lots of rocks showing( big and small), there are
      some places where the mountain a slid away and
      the trail is only a foot wide with a shear dropoff on
      the downhill side. I rode up to the old camp and
      then turned around. I don't recommend this ride to
      anybody unless they have a death wish, not alot of
      fun, your too busy watching the trail if you don't
      you'll disappear over a ledge.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 5 Miles one way Elevation change: 1500+
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      Mike10is a 47 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a rocky mountain instict from Ventura


    • Trail UpdateGRIDLEY-Too bad you got stuck in the fog Dusty because there are some nice views to be had. I would suggest riding down Gridley your next time there. You'll especially like the last 1/2 mile of rocky technical stuff. I wouldn't suggest going down Gridley for beginners and intermediates, especially if they have a fear of heights. There are portions where the trail is narrow and off to your left is "The edge of forever" (ie, hundreds of feet down)as I like to call it--similiar to Strawberry Peak but not as much of it.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 6miles Elevation change: 4000'
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Old Bones


    • Trail UpdateGridley To Pratt-I had never been to Ojai and was looking forward to the amazing views I had been assured to discover...until I got into town and found the fog had visibilty to about 75 feet. Major bummer. Got on the bike in town, rode through orange and avocado groves, found the trail at the top of Gridley road and found the first 1/2 mile surprisingly technical. Very technical. Then it meets with a road which dwindles into singletrack within a mile. From here it's moderate singetrack for about 3 miles. The last mile and a half get steeper with switchbacks and ends at a fire road at the top. This is a beautiful singetrack climb that would surely be nicer if you could enjoy a fog-free view.

      Once at the top, I hung a left and climbed 2 more miles on the steep and rocky fire road to the peak, and began searching for the Pratt Trail for my descent. Found it on the left about a mile down the hill. The Pratt Trail is a carbon copy of Gridley, lots of moist dirt, sweeping turns, switchbacks, and a few rocks at the bottom.

      As you can tell by now, there isn't much to say about this ride, which I guess is a good thing. Not much in the way of challenge, but the air sure was clean!

      Good luck to you.

      Dusty Bottoms


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