



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Five Deer - #FiveDeer

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Green Valley NickNames: #FiveDeer artesian springs

    Take the 5 fwy to Santa Clarita and exit east on Valencia Blvd. Go up to Bouquet Canyon and turn left. Stay on Bouquet Canyon for about 20 miles going thru a narrow windy road until you come to the Bouquet Resevoir, now look for a dirt road on your right and drive up it for aprox. a quarter mile and park in a flat open spot. You'll need an Adventure Pass to park here since this area is considered part of the Natioal Forest Thomas Guide page: 4281-3

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    • Trail Update3-11-12 - outstanding trail. THIS is proper mountain biking! Yes, the trail is way overgrown and the beginning has about a 3 ft rut from dirt bikes. When the trail breaks into a fork, mountain bikers should take the left. This will allow you to avoid a steep and deep rutted portion of the trail. Even with everything overgrown, I really really enjoyed this!
      Sparktheyank a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 2011 Giant trance X3 from Saugus, Ca.


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-The trailhead is just after mile marker 7.19 and immediately after "ICY" road sign on the right. We stumbled upon this trail on Saturday when we were looking for a new place to go hiking. We came back on Sunday it ride it. The trail was clear with a couple areas bumpy because of recent rock slides. It is cold at the top so dress accordingly and look out for wildlife. On the way down we turned the corner and was met by a bobcat on the trail. Tons of fun and great views of the reservoir.


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-Did it today! Man is it overgrown! Needs some SERIOUS attention..I'm bringing some shears!..Actually it coud use a chain saw at this point!

      The soil was AWESOME amd there are some new challenges and some sections are easier! Looks like they did some major chain saw/brush clearing at the bottom of the trail near the 4x road. They got rid of all the brush!! So now it is all opened up??! WHY!!???

      Also, I was REALLY bummed as they re-routed the trail at the end right befor you hit the 4 wheel drive road that crosses the trail. It really is too bad and I really would like to know the reasoning for this one?? It totally ruins the flow! We need some people to put er back the way it was!
      Matt W a 50! whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth - Moment from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateGotta Love It....-rode this trail today with some buddies - was very cold - lot of snow on the way up - not easy to ride in 12" of white powder.

      Going downhill thru Five Deer was more than challenging. Big snow patches in the upper part - Vegetation very, very overgrown in middle part / feeling more in an Indiana Jones movie than on a bike trail / almost impossible to ride - met a guy clearing brushes in the lower part. Guy is doing that for the love of the trail - great job thank you

      Despite snow and vegetation, was a lot of fun
      brunosalomon a 34 year old Weekend Warrior from valencia, ca


    • Trail UpdateWhoo Hhoo-Road on Memorial Day. Was looking for a trail that
      didnt have any weekend busyness or sierra clubbers.
      Turned out this was the place to be. Same climb as always, Top of trail, old ruts had routes beside! Fast.
      Rocky sections nice n tech. swoops in btween rocky sects
      were fast. In through the oaks was a pinch tight but
      completely doable. Some poison oak but avoidable.
      Avg+ rider took 1 3/4hrs. Could have gone faster.
      dont forget, there is some peddling in the middle of the
      downhill. Still a great & diverse trail. Perfect day,
      Perfect ride.
      httpsteve a old year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GF Sugar +3 from Canyon Country .com


    • Trail UpdateRode It!-Did this trail today! It was very fun. The trail had some puddles from the rain the night b-4 BUT the rest of the trail was 100% SWEET..no mud since the soil is pretty loamy anyhow..the conditions should be sweet for the next week or so! The only bummer was I could have had virgin single track after the rain BUT 3 motorcycles had already been thru the thing!...Sadly they went off trail at the top & were stuck tearing up the side of the hill...that was a bummer! Actually they are not even supposed to be on the trail!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth - Moment


    • Trail Update"Experience The Change-Five Deer-Did this ride Friday morning with a friend. We have bothe ridden this trail more times than we could ever count over the past 15 years. It has become a "Once Again" EXPERT ride! The challenges keep coming at ya! Big ruts, branches, rocky climbs, rock sluices, blind corners, fast sections, slow sections & gnats & ticks! (heh-heh) Five Deer will throw it all at ya! In the past we would get done at the bottom of the single track cause we cleaned it all so easy & fast & climb back up the fire road for one more loop! Today we were both going dang..."in the past we would do this twice!" Of course both of us have been a little out of practice lately but still this trail has changed...YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE THE CHANGE!
      Matt W a 47 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment-Spinergys from Santa Clarita-CA


    • Trail Update5 Deer-Was up about two weeks ago. This trail is really awesome for the die hard enthusiast. I actually chose to run it with two other friends. Make sure you get out early or the sun will nail you. You do not get much coverage as you climb on the fire road as it is most exposed and watch out for the quads. The view at the top is spectacular. Once you hit the the single track it is a combination of cross country and downhill which is great. Bit of a drive and make sure you get your permit right up and showing on your vehicle or you will be fined by the ranger.
      a 34 year old riding a none yet


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer & My Dog!-I did this trail mid-afternoon Sunday with my dog! Anyhow the trail is amazingly different than 2 weeks ago! Seems many motorcyclists have been pouting this thing. They have loosened a few sections of the trail that over the past years have been very doable! What has happened is where they get stuck they gas it & just tear up the single track! I know some people don't care BUT 5 Deer is a NON-Motorized Trail! They are not supposed to be on it! All I can say is that if you KNOW THIS TRAIL there are sections that the motor cycles have really screwed up!..You'll see!Funny I came across one motorcyclist on the trail & he tld me that he was waiting for 2 other guys. I rode on & on not running into them for quite a while! Well one guy had fallen off the trail in a NASTY section & him & his friend we trying to get his bike our of a steep ravine! It is the section that is shaded with heavy oaks & has water runing across the single track..it is the Hair pin turn section for those of you that are familiar with the trail! The guy was saying the tress stopped the bike from landing on him...I mean this thing is a NASTY SECTION! I helped them get the bike on the trail...so they could thrash the rest if the trail..(haa-haa)! Any how the trail really is getting some heavy motorcycle use & I believe it is because of a lack of riding space for them...can't say I blame them...but it really is a NON-Motorized Trail use ..it would be cool if they left it alone in my opinion! It is still a very fun trail & I have never seen as much water crossings on this trail ever!...Go for it!

      Matt W a 45 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment with Spynergys from Santa clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateFive On 5 Deer !-Well, since none of the other guys have updated this one I will! Five of us went!! AND YEA!!!!!! It is open! Bouquet Canyon now goes thru, so the Antelope Valley riders must share with the Santa Clarita riders once again!

      Any-how the trail is in very good shape considering all the rains we "so-far" have had! Caution at the top of the trail as there are a few NASTY not just wheel sucking ruts but BODY SIZE ruts! I am going to guess 4 feet deep..you do not want to get a wheel caught or accidently pick the wrong line, because if your a really short rider you might go unnoticed by your buddies as they pick the safe line!...just watch out at the top of the trail! BE WARNED! Also there is another spot after the rock section at the top of the trail that has been known to have a major rut from past rains...well it is still there but a little deeper this time! Other than that it is not as overgrown as we thought it would be, but caution still needs to be used as it is growing by the foot (haa-haaa) every day! Honestly I ducked & swerved often and still got stuck in the head or my bars almost ripped outa my hands from some of the "much needed to be trimed" trail!

      You know what, I carry so much stinkin stuff with me in my Camel/BACKPACK it would not hurt me to throw in some loppers for the next time thru that trail!...Ya that's it!!...Now if someone would only remind me to throw them in!

      Anyhow the trail is in great shape....go ride & bring something to cut the branches that almost take you out next time your tear thru that thing!...Later All! & Ride On!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt W a 45 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment On Spynergys from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateI'm Up For It..-Hey fellas, e-mail me.
      Burg a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 5 Spot from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateWANNA--GOOOOOOO!!!-NA, Maaaan! I have NOT been up there since the road washed out...BUT...if ya wanna ride up from Vasquez & Bouquet for an EPIC casual ride I'm game!

      Let me know & I'm all over it!...I gotta see the trail!
      Matt W a 45 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro Expert-Spynergy Disks from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateAnyone Been Here Lately?-Would like to know conditions and how to get past the cop at vasquez/bouquet? Looking for experienced riders to do this and other good rides with. Burg? Matt W? scottayATsocal.rr.com
      a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer or 5.5 from Canyon Country


    • Trail UpdateAs the previous rider (Mike W.) stated "Tract-ion City", I agree. Five Deer is in awesome shape. I did this ride on Tuesday,12/22. This trail rocks. I was the only mtn Bike rider on this trail (at least I saw no others). This trail is still one of my favorites.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Burg a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 5 Spot from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateSmooth Single TRACT-ION CITY-The condition of this trail is in-stinking-credible! Loamy, smooth & fast action on this trail! Because of the recent rains, altitude & north east facing location the trail is staying damp which is making for some pretty cool traction! Also there is no loose stuff due to the washing of the trail by these past months rains! I was blown away by the condition of the trail-it is worth the drive!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt W a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro-Spynergy Disks from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateI meant advanced for the rating below, not expert. whoops!
      Steve K a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose XR-100 from Canyon Country (Santa Clarita), CA


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer Loop-It was my first time doing Five Deer today and overall was a good ride. Rode with my dad and hit the trailhead about 7:30 this morning Saturday 5/29. We didn't need a Forest Adventure Pass because the last saturday of every month is a Forest Adventure Pass Free Day. For more info, check the Angeles Forest Website. Our loop was climbing the fire road (a.k.a. 6N08 or Sierra Pelona Mountainway) to Sierra Pelona Peak, across the ridge to Five Deer Singletrack which reconnects with the fire road by the Artesian Spring.
      Our ride began at the 6N08 sign just off of Bouquet Canyon Rd. Climb about a 1/4 mile to another possible parking area where forest route 6N06 goes off (this eventually takes you to PCT). Anyways, continue up 6N08 (Sierra Pelona mtwy.) with a little climb and then descend around a bend. The big steady climb begins here and is pretty steady for about 4.5 miles to the top. Great views of Bouquet Reservoir which was suprisingly very low in water this year. On the climb you will pass a 4WD/ORV path several times which goes straight up the mountain but isn't really the kinda of route you wanna climb on a bike. You will also pass some fenced area. At the gap in the fence, the Artesian Spring is to your right (it was totally dry) and the end of Five Deer Singletrack (where you will come out) is to your left. The climb continues up until the top; a burned region is still visible about midway up. Saw a rattlesnake on the way up and heard plenty throughout the trip. Also you will pass Willow Spring on the way up. The top is the Pelona Lookout Area. Trails to the right lead to some very steep fire roads which lead back to Bouquet Canyon to the south. On the left there is a fence with a gate half open. The area is closed due to fire damage but open to hikers and mt. bikers. no motorcycles or atv's or motor vehicles are allowed. We saw one ATV going down the fire road on our way up and met another friendly mountain biker at the top along with a dirt bike rider who came up there from the south. We go to our left and go across the ridge. There are two paths but they will lead you to the same place. Cross the ridge and travel downhill past some oaks and there is a small singletrack to your left. This is Five Deer. If you miss Five Deer, like we did, you will about 600ft. later find Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and know you've gone a bit too far. Do not ride PCT even though it parallels Five Deer, because it is closed to mt bikers. hikers only. Met a thru hiker on PCT and intersection with the ridge route and found we had gone to far. He started his hike and the Mexican Border and is hoping to make it all the way to Canada. We backtracked to Five Deer and entered. There is one set of posts a few feet down the trail to prevent motorcycles, but they still ride this trail anyways. Five Deer is kinda rocky at the top and rutted, but still rideable. Just watch your pedals. At the really steep section of it, we passed 5 dirt bikers riding up Five Deer. They were nice, but not really considerate in the way they rode. The next 2/3 of Five Deer is mainly a chaparrel setting with suprisingly quite a bit of shade. The trail basically travels out and in along the hillsides. It feels like you're always in a tunnel when riding through here. Conditions are fine but couldn't really pick up speed in some areas because of the thick brush. Trail is very narrow and you WILL rub bushes and brush on both sides and sometimes overhead. It was very difficult to tell how the dirt bikers made it through some of this because a lot of overgrown brush. The brush has probably grown because of the spring rains in Santa Clarita. Saw many squirrels and lizards. Keep going and eventually you cross the ORV/4WD trail and are spit out at Artesian Spring the the fire road you came up on. Five Deer is rideable all the way, but I'm not too sure if the brush is usually like it was in the lower section. It was sorta a pain zigzagging the narrow path and scraping arms and legs. Once on the fireroad, descend 2 miles to your car. These 2 miles go extremely fast! Overall a great ride. Still among the best in Santa Clarita. A lot of cool jumps like Los Pinetos, but more challenging and technical. Can also compare to the La Tuna Canyon Singletrack. The outlawed motorcycles are ok on this trail in clearing the path, but u gotta take into account the ruts they make also. Chose this route for a new, local ride and overall had a blast. Ride time was about 3.5 hours, 1 hour 40 min. climb to the lookout. and mileage about 12 or 13 miles for the loop. It is about 5 miles to the lookout a mile across the ridge, 4 miles of singletrack, and 2 miles back down. Elevation climb to the Pelona Lookout is about 1500ft. Happy riding this trail. Enjoy!
      Ride rating: Expert
      Ride distance: 12/13miles Elevation change: 1500
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=50% Truck Trail=10%
      Steve K a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose XR-100 from Canyon Country (Santa Clarita), CA


    • Trail UpdateI agree Five Deer is one of the best trails around. I did this on Monday 05/03. I know some riders don't like the motorcycles riding on the single track but I love it. The fact remains if motorcycles didn't ride on this trail, brush would take over the trail. So in a way we need them. God knows people wouldn't travel out here to do trail maintance..
      Burg a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 5 Spot from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride-I'm getting back in the saddle after a few years off. The fire road up is a great climb, my brother and I did it in just a little less than 2 hours this morning, mostly in granny gear (he's new, I'm out of shape compared to six years ago).

      We made it up to the saddle and got a big kick out of looking down to Agua Dulce and out to the Antelope Valley. Came across a good-sized rattlesnake on the way up, said "hi", declined to shake hands ;^)

      We turned left at the saddle and we're not sure we took the right trail it was labeled with a "badge-shaped" sign that said something like "Angeles Trail" (I don't remember exactly) with one of those motorcycle-stopping gates. We ran into a couple more of those gates on the way down. We ended up a couple miles north-ish from the car on Bouquet and think that maybe we took a shortcut to the road instead of the full five-deer trail. There was an intersection on the single track with a line of small rocks laid out to "block" the left option so we went to the right. I think I see that on the Topo map. Does this make sense to anyone? Fantastic single track, though. Not as varied in terrain as McGill but fun and flowing none-the-less.

      Riding my brand new Ironhorse Rogue and absolutely enjoyed it. Beats the heck out of my old rigid Park Pre!

      Thanks to those who posted this trail, it's a "keeper"!
      Will a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ironhorse Rogue from Northridge


    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride-I'm getting back in the saddle after a few years off. The fire road up is a great climb, my brother and I did it in just a little less than 2 hours this morning, mostly in granny gear (he's new, I'm out of shape compared to six years ago).

      We made it up to the saddle and got a big kick out of looking down to Agua Dulce and out to the Antelope Valley. Came across a good-sized rattlesnake on the way up, said "hi", declined to shake hands ;^)

      We turned left at the saddle and we're not sure we took the right trail it was labeled with a "badge-shaped" sign that said something like "Angeles Trail" (I don't remember exactly) with one of those motorcycle-stopping gates. We ran into a couple more of those gates on the way down. We ended up a couple miles north-ish from the car on Bouquet and think that maybe we took a shortcut to the road instead of the full five-deer trail. There was an intersection on the single track with a line of small rocks laid out to "block" the left option so we went to the right. I think I see that on the Topo map. Does this make sense to anyone? Fantastic single track, though. Not as varied in terrain as McGill but fun and flowing none-the-less.

      Riding my brand new Ironhorse Rogue and absolutely enjoyed it. Beats the heck out of my old rigid Park Pre!

      Thanks to those who posted this trail, it's a "keeper"!
      Will a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ironhorse Rogue from Northridge


    • Trail Update5 Deer Dirtbike Rut-While there are still many choice and fast sections, the previous post was right on about the dirtbike damage. It seems they apply the throttle at the worst places. G-out type turns, where they fear going over the edge and instead, apply a bunch of gas, digging a rut right on the critical outside of the turn. Or wearing a BB deep rut right in the center of the trail through the rocks, so that you fear smacking your pedals. Truly depressing the damage these boneheads do. I know it's not all of them, but damn those who aren't riding them right. Ditto for the extra rocks in the trail. Already enuff rocks as is, without adding more.
      STP a 45 year old Racer riding a K2 Razorpig from P'dale


    • Trail UpdateFive mile singletrack becoming heavily damaged from motorcycles.
      Compared to last year; many trenches over a foot deep, multiple areas where the trail is too narrow and they have gone off the downhill side of the trail and high side crashing into bushes. In a lot of the turns, high-side berms have been created. Areas that use to be relatively smooth. Motorized ATV’s have kicked much more rocks into the center of the trail… Even areas marked “No motorized vehicles” have fresh tire tracks on them.

      It’s very disappointing that this beautiful trail (that receives no maintenance)
      will be gone to mountain bikes in a few years (if not sooner).

      ET riding a Mountain Bike


    • Trail UpdateThis is one of the best trail ride in SoCal. I love this trai. The trail is in outstanding condition ! Weather was also very cooperative..
      Burg a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 5 Spot from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-A group of 5 of us did this trail yesterday and all I got to say is, start early in the morning to avoid the heat..Apparently begining at 8:00am is not early enough with the whole heat thing. I nearly fell out. All of us fininsh our supply of water(approx 100oz of water) from our Camelbacks within 3/4 into the ride..Trail is in fine shape as long as you don't get heat stroke first..
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Burg a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant AC 1 and NRS 1 from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateFive Dear-Did it! Man it is TOTALLY grown with vegitation! I have ridden this trail for over 10 years & NEVER seen it so lush & "enclosed" with vegitation! ...Because of the growth speed is totally cut...cause ya can't see as much! It is VERY beautiful though!...Took a nasty digger!...But hey got a good war wound now! Go for it....I know you will be challenged!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt W a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro-Spynergy Disks from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-Rode this trail yesterday and was PLEASED at the excellent condition. The fire road must have been maintained and the single tracks were in fine shape. A little cold at the top but not too bad.

      The burned areas remind us how fragile the environment is and how fortunate we are to be a part of it.

      While I rated this ride Advanced, this can be riddden by intermediate riders too. The fire road up to the single track is a hearty climb, about 1:15, my HRM never went below 150, but it doesn't seem that hard, and not too technical. The single track is in good condition and fun, not too technical, intermediate riders do not have to worry about places they may have to walk their bikes.

      This is a great ride, never too crowded, but careful of the motorcycles.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      PaulS a Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale HT from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer is incredible right now, with the forest's recent closure and the rain we received two weeks ago the singletrack is the best I have seen in recent memory. Very fast and tacky dirt!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Dangerous Dave a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Norco Launch from Valencia, Ca


    • Trail UpdatePrimo Conditions-WOW---The trail is in just AWESOME shape!...Fast & smooth!...Boy I do like my Enduro FSR frame as opposed to my M-4 FSR frame(former ride). That extra travel truly makes up for the added weight!....Any how go ride this trail you will be very glad you did!....This ride is rated Expert...but to those of you who like to ride, it is nothing but pure single track JOY!!!!!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Matt Westlake a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro w/Spynergy Xyclone Disks :) from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateOhhh - 5 Dear !-5 Oh Deer! :) - The trail is in great condition although untalented motorcyle trail riders have thrashed the single track in places!!!....Jeeeesh...How can they have fun if they are constantly fallin off the side of the mountain!..Man I would LOVE to be there when they go off! (just to watch the struggle)....Wonder how they get back up ...oh wait I KNOW,,, GAS IT & THRASH THE SINGLE TRACK!!! I talked to a ranger & that trail is closed to motorcyles...FYI..Any how it is sorta overgrown in places, but hey thats MTB riding right!...A BLAST TO RIDE AS ALWAYS!!!... NOW GO DO THE RIGHT THING!..... RIDE!!! :)
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt Westlake a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro w/Spynergy Xyclone Disks :) from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-Five Deer is having problems. Some sheep herder is camped out there with a hundred sheep and they are trashing the trails, especially on the lower section. While the upper section is out of reach for now, it is still a blast. But once you get towards the bottom, it becomes a powdery, silty mess, with broken branches and numerous sticks all over the trail (not to mention the little black pellets...). This made for slow riding, as the hard pack is all gone. Thank God, there's an alternative close by, because we were bummed. I wouldn't recommend this trail until the sheep leave and we get some rain.
      STP BC


    • Trail UpdateIt sounds to me like you were on a fairly new (only about 3 years old!) "Motor-Cycle/ATV" trail! It dumps you out right on Bouquet! It is a Blast to ride downhill! I have watched it change over the years & right know its the best I have seen it! The Jumps are KILLER...so thats how I am pretty sure you were on that trail!...Five Deer is pretty far away from there, so I'm wondering if you were actually on Five Deer that day! It is possible to ride "The Bouquet Motor Cycle Trail" in Loop form from a fire road further south on Bouquet! It take about 1 hour or so to Climb the fire road, Dump down the Single Track/Motorcycle trail onto Bouquet & then you just ride down Bouquet back to your car!......It's one of my favorite after work rides when I can't drive all the way to Five Deer! I live in the area & saw a mountain lion there about 3-4 weeks ago!....MAN THAT Shoot/Downhill is SOOO steep & fast! This would make a great trail for BOMBER/FREERIDE MTBR'S ...Just watch out for on coming motorcycles!!!!!!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Matt Westlake a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR M-4 from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail Updaterode this trail early this morning. real early. i was there before sunrise and it was butt ass cold. once i got climbing though, things started to warm up.
      somebody took me on this trail once, several years ago and i gotta say...i dont remember there being so much pedalling on the "downhill". i dont know...maybe i havent been riding down five deer trail...i followed the directions that are given in the first update to this trail and this is the same trail my friend took me on awhile back. but i swear...it almost seems as though there is more pedalling uphill on the downhill than actual downhill. maybe its just cause the downhill part goes by so fast. once i drop the seat...i dont wanna do any pedalling and it seemed like was doing a lot of it.
      the trail itself is in perfect condition. man is it tacky. just the perfect amount of moisture in the dirt to make it real nice. looks like some motorcycles have been through recently though. theyre startin to tear the trail up.
      there was another time that my buddy and some of his coworkers rode this area. only when we got to the top of the fireroad instead of turning left and heading over to five deer, we went right on the fireroad. from what i can remember we went no more than a half a mile to the right, maybe not even that far. at that point, we took a small chute that i think was maybe not even rideable. i seem to remember walking down it. it was short. maybe 10-15 yards long. but at the bottom, we found ourselves on another single track. we took that single track for quite a ways. i remember it being a lot more fun that five deer. i remember tearing through this single track, there were some small jumps and dropoffs. i came to a small chute went down it and the next thing i know i'm skidding to stop, sittin on bouquet canyon rd.
      anybody thats more familiar with this area happen to know what trail that might be? i later asked my friend if he knew the trail name, but he didnt.
      i saw in an earlier post something about a drinkwater flats trail or something that ended on bouquet canyon.
      could this be the trail i was on?
      next time i come here, i'd like to try and find that trail again. it was longer and way better than five deer.
      erik a 30 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a stinky


    • Trail UpdateJust rode it today. Where else can you ride in SNOW and still wear shorts and be comfortable? Yeah, there's snow on this trail! Its in great shape, a little slippery in the snow and in the muddy downhill turns, but fast, smooth, and fun! Look me up if you ride in the Canyon Country area. Scottay1@aol.com
      Scott a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Tracer from Canyon Country


    • Trail UpdateI figured someone otta update this trail!!! So I did it with 2 other buddies & when we got to the trail head about 3 other cars pulled up out hops like six guys and we all attacked the mountain together! No beginners on this run all were seasoned hardcore mountain bikers whom knew how to climb! We all reached the summit within like 5-8 mins. of each other & hit the STINKING SWEEEETEST SINGLE TRACK around! I mean what are the odds of like 10 equal mountain bikers hittin a downhill all at once!! No one biffed that I know of & we all once again were within like 60 seconds to 2 mins apart on the downhill!!! The trail is in perfect shape! I have ridden this trail for over 12 years or so & today it was just plain FAASSTT!! All the rocks that can be challenging did not seem to be out in the same number at this time, the ruts were no problem, & it almost seems to me like someone cleaned up the trail so that it would feel like you were on a rail!(He,He).....Go ride it B-4 an "Outlawed" motorcycle ruins the "smoothness"! (Some goofball, whom needed extra throttle, cause he wasn't supposed to be on the trail & it was more for him than he could handle sorta got off that skinny single track & messed it up in a couple of places!) OK IN CLOSING!!! For "YEARS" there was a section that a person(ME)at one time could clear without dabbing & then couldn't clear unless you were Hans Rey...that section, its an uphill after a downhill is once again doable, at least for me I could once again do the "WHOLE" trail without dabbing!!! GO FOR IT!!!! RIDE,RIDE,RIDE!!!!!!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      Matt Westlake a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR M-4 from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-If you want Five Deer at it's best, now is the time. It is rougher, rockier and rowdier than I've ever seen it, and I've ridden it many times. The rock gardens and chutes are a surprised filled slug fest for those with the huevo's to ride them at speed. Beware the dictionary sized rocks in the middle of the high speed rut/chutes. Just plain awesome!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      STP a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a K2 Razorback from Palmdale


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer Trail-Rode here Saturday afternoon. Not a soul around. A five mile climb up to the singletrack and then its bombs away. All blockages have been removed since I last rode here a few months ago. I recommend a longsleeve shirt as prickly branches jut out from all angles. Also try to keep your head low as a larger branch grabbed on to one of my helmet's ventilation holes and nearly took my head off. Had to use the hardtail as the full susser is in the shop which seems to be quite often these days. The $500.00 Trek 6000 handled everything pretty well. (Granted, I did upgrade the godawful Jett fork that came with it). Anyway this trail is a guaranteed 2 hour fun ride. Go do it.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: miles11 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Drew a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT i-Drive from Los Angeles


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-This trail is always fun. While it doesn't have anything really sick, the top section is both scary and challenging. Starting off as a nice easy roller, it quickly gets sick and suddenly you find yourself in the Toboggan run, bouncing over a solid bed of death cookies, baby heads and dodging the bigger rocks. Then the trail transitions to a rut that is pretty stinking fast, but very narrow. Imagine flying down a good incline inside a rut, that seems to be the width of your fist. Kept trying not to get "RFO" or Rut Freak Out, but my front wheel would still tap the sides, threating to climb up and out, for a nice endo.

      Down a steep hill, then it mellows out somewhat, with exposed rocks. A few short climbs, and you're in the midst of the trail. Fast smooth sections are interspersed with exposed rocks. The trail is getting overgrown with all of us getting swacked regularly. We stopped and moved a couple of big dead branches that completely blocked the trail. Dave pointed out we should check for tics, and we found at least a few on all of our legs. Of course, that gave you the heebie-jeebies (my God! they're everywhere!).

      Nice fast conditions, with good traction and surprises around every corner. A great XC ride, but not sure the Freeride set would like it, as it's not that technical. No one crashed, bailed, biffed or endo'd and this was good.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      STP a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 98' Schwinn Homegrown from Lancaster


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-Awesome Fall weather, made for a great ride. The toboggan run was littered 4-6 inches deep in death cookies and baby heads. The occasional saucer or skillet sized rock made for a real interesting descent through all of this. Still riding down, you turn north and there's an area where you're forced to ride in a deep narrow rut, that's about 5-6 inches deep. It's fast and it's very hard not to get "Rut Freakout". Got it once and almost lost it, but recovered. Right after this, is a sick little downhill, that I took on slo-mo. The rest of the trail rocks, literally. There are many imbedded rocks of many shapes and sizes, all across the trail. Dodging them becomes a part of the ride. Many interesting "ravine-backs", steep drop ins, accompanied by the usual rocks, then hard, fast climbs out. The trail overgrowth has been trimmed, so you're hardly getting swacked at all, where it used to be a constant contact thing. Pay attention on this one, not for the lame or the weak of heart. Esp. the Mars loop...
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 22 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=20% Paved Path=20%
      STP a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 98' Schwinn Homegrown from Lancaster


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer Trail-Rode from the bottom of the fireroad in the late afternoon with heavy clouds and misty conditions...magical. Trail surface in great condition...the rock ledges in the 'chutes and ladders' section are a hoot right now and 'sherwood forest' was eerie in the mist. The wildflowers are fabulous and it is still very green up there. The trail needs to be brushed out though, so expect some contact with the flora. Did not see much poison oak yet. Ditto on the mention of the rain rut (at the end of the bobsled run from the fireroad before the start of the trail proper). It let me live but got my buddy. Score: Five Deer - 1, Steve'O - 0. As always, challenging yet satisfying.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: under 10 miles Elevation change: enough
      Singletrack=50% Truck Trail=50%
      M Troy a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a FSR, soon to be Intense Tracer from Castaic


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer Trail-Great trail conditions Saturday PM. Many varieties of wildflowers abound. It is a challenge in more than a few areas. I crashed as usual,(sick of crashing), once on a rough steep downhill on the backside of the trail, and second, on a three foot wide chute filled with baby-heads and death cookies. Endo'd good on that one and now ordering a new helmet. We came from the back side and the long smooth descent part of the singletrack from the east deserves a warning. as there's a 18 in. wide rain washout, that may catch some by surprise. Awesome ride though, and well worth trying out, esp. this time of year.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      STP a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Well used DB Zetec from Lancaster CA


    • Trail UpdateThe trail is in perfect shape. The areas is green and
      lush. Do not, however, include the Fox 'n Hounds loop
      as listed in the trail books. It no longer exist
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Jeffrey a 52 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized m-4 2000 from West Los Angeles


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer W/Drinkwater Option-Another option is to ride up two miles from where you parked and take the Five Deer trail up. You'll see an opening in the fence on your left across from a campground. It's about five miles to the top and there's only a couple of short sections you may have to walk. Turn right and follow the fire road. After three or so miles start looking off to your left for a singletrack that parallels the fire road. It's hard to find but you can take a little bulldozer track down to it. Follow it for about two miles and when you come to a "T" go back up to the fireroad. Follow the fireroad down for another mile or so (MAKE SURE YOU STAY TO THE RIGHT. DO NOT FOLLOW THE FIREROAD DOWN PAST THE WHITE GATE) and you'll come to a sign that says to Drinkwater Flats. Take this awesome singletrack down a mile and a half to Bouquet and ride the paved road three miles back to your car. I usually start my ride from the bottom of Drinkwater so I can get all the climbing out of the way. It's a long ride but it's well worth it.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 18 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=15%
      Ed a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR XC from Saugus


    • Trail UpdateFive Deer-Start up the fire road, it starts out flat with a little down hill for about a half mile then it hits a switch back and makes a steady climb to the top about four miles away. The view is great as you can see the resovoir down below. When you reach the top turn left and follow the dirt road until just past a steep downhill section, aprox. a mile from reaching the top. Just past this section continue for about a half mile at most and you'll see a single track trail to your left that is kind of running parallel to the fire road. Turn around and get on that trail headed back towards the way you were coming from. Get ready for some intense single track with all kinds of twists, turns, steep drops, narrow sections, and having fun trying to keep up with your friends. The trail will drop you out about two miles above your vehicles on the fire road you went up on. Mow if your daring you'll go back up to get a second run down then it's an easy ride back to your vehicle. Have fun and enjoy!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=55%
      Ray Musil a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Original Klien Pulse from Lancaster, CA


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