



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Drop In Bouquet Motorcycle Trail - #DropInBouquetMotorcycleTrail

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Saugus NickNames: #DropInBouquetMotorcycleTrail drop in

    Exit at San Fernando Road off HWY 14. Go north & it will change into Bouquet Canyon road. Continue on Bouquet Canyon Road & go a few mile past Vasquez Canyon Road, which is the only major possible left. You will pass 2 Forest Ranger Stations on the right one sits off the road & the second sits right on the road!(Don't forget your Adventure Pass)! After you pass the second appoximately 2 miles or so...Start looking for the ONLY dirt road to the right! Be carefull because you will pass it up as it is hard to see going up Bouquet but easy to see going down Bouquet! (Just look over you shoulder to the right as you travel up the canyon! There is a place to park immediatly across the street of the Dirt Road...The beginning of the ride! Park Here!..WATCH OUT FOR SPEEDING CARS & MOTORCYLES COMING UP & DOWN THE NARROW CANYON AS YOU TRY & PARK...(They Fly).. Now get ready to climb!...Look straight up cause it does nothing except climb up the side of this canyon! I ride it in the middle ring all the way so its not that steep!..O.K. Stay on this Fire road & enjoy the view of the canyon below...Climb till you come to a hair pin turn & follow it around to your left! (When you get to the hair pin you will notice a concrete water tank..don't go that way, turn left on the hairpin & continue on the main road! Keep a climbing & a climbing & ALWAYS STAY ON THE MAIN ROAD it kinda gets steep & flatens & rolls & climbs & ALWAYS GOES UP!At approx 4.2 miles or so you will know you are almost at the trail head when you come upon a View of Bouquet Reserviour in the distance..(no you can't swim in it)& (if you miss the view do not worry..after 4 miles or so start looking for a motorcyle trail that drops into the canyon on your left!..It's the only one so you really can't miss it!!...NOW BE CAREFULL CAUSE THIS THING IS WAY FAST & STEEP & HAS SOME VERY SERIOUS JUMPS THAT CAN RUIN ONES LIFE! HE,HE,HE,!!!!! THIS IS A DOWNHILLERS/BOMBERS DREAM TRAIL!!All I can say is BE VERY CAREFULL AS YOU COME DOWN & MAKE SURE YOUR BRAKES WORK (just don't grab too much front brake!!!)! Follow this trail down till it pours you out onto Bouquet Canyon Rd. Turn right & take an easy pedal down Bouquet along the creek back to your car...watch out for speeding cars & such....BACK TO YOUR CAR AT APPROX 9.01 MILES..WANNA GO AGAIN ANY ONE!??? :)

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    • Trail UpdateIts STILL FAST!-I have ridden this trail about 8 times the past 3 weeks...it is in prime condition. I have been catching it after work at about 6-630. If your in shape you can do the whole loop in an hour or less(esp you young guys & gals!) w/out stopping!...Go for it as it makes for a great after work work out and coming back down the cool paved canyon next to the creek is relaxing after the mash-fest up the hill! ;>) PRESS ON!
      Matt W a 52! whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth-Moment from SCV


    • Trail UpdateThe girlfriend and I did this trail yesterday, so I felt some updating is in order. first off, it is uphill ALL THE WAY to the jump trail. unless you ride every day, be prepared to push that bike uphill a LOT. Watch out for the rattle snakes, we saw 2. since the fire there is no cover at all on the way up, so you'll be in the broiling sun the whole time. take lots of water and sunscreen. The jump trail itself is pretty well trashed. the ruts and rock make this a 10 mph trail at the best of times, and 5mph the rest. the trail has been so eroded as to make this a good trail for experts only, in my opinion. also, the trail end at the bottom has been fenced off, so be careful not to slam into it at speed. The rangers have closed the trail down to motorcycles etc, but they still just go around the side, which expplains a lot of the trail destruction.
      BadKarma145 a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose Teocali Super from Lancaster, Calif


    • Trail UpdateBouquet Trail-The ride is THE SMOOTHEST & FASTEST I have seen it in a long time!..Great Rip!
      Matt W a 47 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth - Moment from Chapin, SC


    • Trail UpdateBWAHAHAHAHA, nice video! nice bush check at about the 4 minute mark--looks like you got into a corner a little too hot? and great ending! ("spiking the bike"!)

      great trail, great video.


    • Trail UpdateVideo!-Here is a link to video of the trail!...Maybe it will inspire you to go for it!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth - Moment


    • Trail UpdateStreet Sweeper ! ??-The trail is in primo condition, in fact it seems in some sections that since it is so smooth a rockless that a street sweeper has been thru! This trail is VERY VERY FAST, fun, STEEP & technical! You need to ride this trail if you have never done it! This is also a great work-out PLUS for the really sdventursome person there is a STEALTH SECRET singla track that is 100% legal that no one rides except the forest rangers!!! No hikers NO ONE..this ride is waiting for someont to do a figure 8! Ride the Moto trail 1st then climb the fire road one more time for an attack on the secret trail!...I'm all over that the next timne...I'll fill you couch potatoes in when I get done baggin this figure 8 ride! Later !
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth - Moment from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdatePrimo Singletrack-The trail has seen a small bobcat/dozer & has made for a GREAT ride! The conditions are SWEET-RIGHT NOW!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth-Moment


    • Trail UpdateIt Is Once Again.....-The fire road up has been graded to the top--not as techy to climb as it once was which is sorta a bummer...BUT it is still uphill & the trail back is SWEET
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment on Spinergys


    • Trail UpdateMoto Trail Rocks Again!-This thing is sickly fast---ask ANYONE that has done this!...Conditions are superb!...GO FOR IT if your mommy (or wifey!) will let ya! HEH-HEH!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment-Spynergys & 6 inches of slide!!! from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateMy Apologies-Benny, sorry, you are right Vasquez Canyon Road is on the "RIGHT" as you travel up Bouquet! And when you finish the single track you want to go left at the bottom of the trail onto the pavement.....my apologies....Had a senior moment...no wait I ride a Moment that's right!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old


      Matt W


    • Trail UpdateMotorcycle Trail!-Man this trail is STINKIN FAST people! I did it twice this week & it is soooo fun! The whole ride is now doable there are no longer any washouts that cannot be ridden! You should do this in the morning or late day & the temps are getting warm up there...way worth the drive!...Go for it!
      Matt W a 46 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth Moment & Spinergys! from Saugus


    • Trail UpdateBetter Directions-The above directions are wrong; they should read as follows:
      Take the 210 Fwy north to Hwy 14, exit San Fernando Rd, and head north. San Fernando Rd. turns into Boquet Canyon Rd. after several miles. About 11 miles from Hwy 14, Vasquez Canyon Rd. splits off to the right, and three miles further up, just beyond the second of two ranger stations, the fire road 6N02 starts. It is easy to see because of the OHV icon-bearing post. Watch out for cars and motorcycles speeding down the canyon as you set up for the ride. Right from the beginning, be prepared to hike-a-bike multiple times as you cross slide after treacherous slide on this unmaintained OHV route. As of 4-10-05, it is gnarlisimo.
      Big Bad Ben a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh and The XR250R from Hollywood, CA USA


    • Trail UpdateBouqet Single Track-Did this loop Sat. Morn. Some of the fire road is washed out in places. Moved a few boulders. Got of the bike 3-4 times to negotiate some of the sections although all but the first are probably doable. The single track down is in SUPER SWEEEEEET condition. Also at the bottom of the single track was a publication stating that this trail along with many fire roads in the Angeles National Forrest has been recently closed to ALL MOTORIZED VEHICLES!! Till May 1st! I gather that it is due to many of the fire roads having major rock slides or sections completely gone as is the case with the fire road on this particular ride.
      So enjoy the riding without worrying about getting hit by a motorcycle or ATV!! Although I did run into one guy on a motorcycle that had gone around the closure...he was a bad boy! (heh-heh) Other than that guy I had the whole mountain to myself except for the 3 jack rabbits I saw! You gotta go do this loop the single track down is a bomb!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt Westlake a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Ellsworth-Moment


    • Trail UpdateDrop In Bouquet-Rode this for the first time on January 14th (After the huge rains). The begining of the trail looks completely washed out but its all good after a mile or so up. There are 5 or so hike a bike spots with big slides and complete trail wash outs just keep going. Fun trail thats worth the drive.
      BTW Boquet canyon road is closed up to vasquez canyon rd (due to a complete road wash out from the rains). So when you get off of the freeway at San Fernando take take Sierra Highway north which is your first right. Turn Left on vasquez canyon then right on boquet and follow the regular directions above.

      Have fun
      Ride rating: Advanced


    • Trail UpdateDrop In!-Did this trail today on a Tandem! The trail is in great condition! We saw about 6 or so motorcycle riders. The Maguras were working over time on the steep single track! Also the Black fork Maxed out without any problems! Go for it! RIDE!...If you think you can handle the drop!?????????
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt & Raquel a 45 whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale Tandem Mountain Bike! from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateDrop In!-I did this trail today with a budy who had not been on it, ever! He can't wait to go back, he loved the uphill work-out & the down-hill reward! His Words: I want to come back & do this again! The conditions were great as we had the rains a few days ago & the trails were dry yet felt like the tires were on rails!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt Westlake a 45whew! year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized-Enduro-Spynergy Wheels from SAUGUS


    • Trail UpdateGreat Trail-Did this trail for the first time on Saturday morning, 8-4-04. Nice steady climb on fire road then a great single track downhill. I had a blast! I was concerned that I might not find the singletrack section, but the huge 'Warning' sign about the Drinkwater closure showed me its location pretty clearly. Trail was in great shape. I wished I had a dual suspension bike for the downhill, it would have been much more enjoyable.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Singletrack=30% Paved Path=10% Truck Trail=60%
      Ross a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a old school hardtail Haro from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateFirst Time On This Trail.-The directions were good. I was worried I would not have enough daylight to finish but it all worked out(I started late). Good steady climb and then the singletrack downhill. Very nice ! I did the entire ride in about an hour and a half.
      Burg a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 5 Spot from Valencia


    • Trail UpdateDrop In Bouquet-Last thurs night after work too much fun. Late
      Steve mc a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized rockhopper fsr from Canyon country


    • Trail UpdateSmooth-Fast & Fun!-I did this ride last Thursday! To much fun! I saw some Moto Bikes at the top but other than that the trail was all mine!...Go for it people!


    • Trail UpdateWhen I saw the post for this trail I knew who it was keep pressing in brother. See you around. Have the motos been on the trail again? Late
      Steve Mc a 41 year old riding a Specialized from Canyon Country .ca.us


    • Trail UpdateBouquet Sweetness!-It is open & fast & smooth! This is one of my favorite fast after work rides! Try this & update as you do!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt Westlake a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized from Santa Clarita, CA


    • Trail UpdateDrop In Bouquet Motorcycle Trail-Went to ride this trail on Sunday, 8-24-03, and it's closed. There are 2 large signs indicating "Road Closed". It must be due to the fire danger. It's super dry out there. Not sure when this will open up again.
      Wally a 45 year old Cross-Country Rider from Saugus


    • Trail UpdateNiterun With My Niterider!-Did this last Sat night with a fellow crazy enthusiast! It was either go to the local theater & see "The Sound of Music" with my family (AAA--KKK) Or go to one of my local trails for a fun run with the ol Blowtorch & Storm....Guess what I chose!...Man I wish someone else would go do this ride & post an update besides me!....Too Much Fun!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 9 + Elevation change:
      Singletrack=yes% Dirt Road=yes% Paved Path=yes% Truck Trail=yes%
      Matt W a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro-Spynergy Disks from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateBouquet-Did this ride today! Mon. 5-5-03 ...This trail is in great shape! VERY FAST DOWNHILL RUN!
      Matt W a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro-Spynergy Disks from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateBobsled Run?----Smooth fast & fun!! 9.0 miles in 1hr. 5min. 21 sec. Go For IT!!


    • Trail UpdateBobsled Run?----Smooth fast & fun!! 9.0 miles in 1hr. 5min. 21 sec. Go For IT!!


    • Trail UpdateIT'S SOOOOO FUN !-Rode it Thurs. 8/29.......trail is soft & fast...Very fun!.......You need to put this one on your Hit List! Promised fun for sure!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Matt Westlake a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized from Santa Clarita


    • Trail UpdateSmooth (for Now) Moto Trail-U-ALL need to ride this trail while it's smooth b-4 the 1st rains hit! Jump City for all you Big
      Air Freeks!....Check it out!!!!!! O Yeah ......Remember to turn LEFT at the bottom of the trail!!! If you start to go uphill because you went right your going the wrong way!
      Matt Westlake riding a Specialized Enduro w/Spynergy Xyclone Disks :)


    • Trail UpdateMoto Trail-Rode the trail today it is a great late after work ride. Pleanty of daylite to make it, a real shame all the fire damage. If you read this update and lost a fox glove on the way up e-mail me i'll hang on to it. I'm out of shape man but this is a nice ride for getting back. The moto trail is very smooth right now the rocks and the ruts that used to be there are gone so it is sooooo smooth coming down. This is a fun ride. So GO RIDE.
      Steve a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2000 specialized rockhopper fsr from Canyon Country


    • Trail UpdateI BLEW IT!!!!!!!-SORRY! ALL! OK the Hairpin is a LEFT TURN!!! Also The Moto Trail DROPS IN ON THE LEFT!!!! I envisioned it when I got home coming from the opposite direction!! I sure hope whomever is in charge of this site fixes my mistake!!!...Ya gotta check this ride out! A good friend noticed my mistake!!


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