



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Daley Ranch - #DaleyRanch

    Socal - San Diego County - Escondido NickNames: #DaleyRanch

    To get to the trailhead take Del Norte Parkway off of I-15 at the northern end of Escondido. Head East about 4 miles until you reach La Honda Rd. Take a left on La Honda. You can follow the signs to Lake Dixon from the freeway, since the trailhead is at the lake entrance. Thomas Guide page 1110 C3

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    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Rode a big loop this past weekend, and man was it HOT! The first hot weekend of the year, great timing! Despite the heat, the ride was nice - the wildflowers are making their last stand against the summer, and were best at the higher elevations. The trail is starting to get slippery on the steeper climbs, like Hidden Spring. I recommend that you ride Engelman Oak loop COUNTER clockwise! Add in the Burnt Mountain and Bobcat short singletracks and you've got a nice ride. The Crest singletrack is nice too, but definitely not uphill! (i.e., ride it from north to south)...
      seaclasper a 99.9 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a A bitchen tricycle from Roanoke, VA


    • Trail UpdateCaterpillar, Huh?-I read an article on a web-zine today that claims Caterpillar Inc has made a behind the scenes deal with the city of Escondido to use Daley Ranch as a testing ground for heavy equipment. The site also claims that there are plans in place to pave the park over the next ten years so that it (the park)will be handicapped accesible. I believe the web-zine is called spokemag..... This must be a farce... I hope. Daley is my backyard everyday ride, after searching the web I haven't found anything else on this story. Has anyone else heard of this?
      electric03 a 28 year old


    • Trail UpdateStumpygirl--try Tire Slime. I've used it for 3 years and have only had 2 flats--both pinch flats, no puncture flats at all.


    • Trail UpdateTrails were awesome at Daley yesterday. They were fairly sandy and loose/dusty the last couple times we've ridden, but from the rains last weekend everything was in great shape. There seemed to be a few new rain ruts on the loop after the ranch house, but they weren't bad and didn't ruin the trail at all. As a somewhat novice rider, the packed dirt definitely made things a bit more rideable for me. Was fun for sure. Wish I hadn't gotten 3 flats, though! That was a first.
      stumpygirl a 24 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Stumpjumper 120 Expert from So Cal


    • Trail UpdateHubby and I took the day off on Tuesday to go ride the trails out at Daley Ranch. I'm a beginniner, so it was only my 2nd ride on my new bike. Was a lot of fun out there. Pretty warm, sunny. Lots of ruts still, but since the trails are mostly doubletrack/fireroad-ish there's plenty of room to choose your line and ride through/around any ruts. The water was out at the Ranch, but otherwise everything was good. LOTS of climbing available out there! We only did about 10 miles, but it was a lot of fun.
      stumpygirl a 24 year old riding a Specialized Stumpjumper 120 Expert from So Cal


    • Trail UpdateDaley-Rode almost all of the park yesterday. Now that the rains have dried the trails have some sand patches left over and some sections with a network of carved out ruts. With that said, it was a great ride and the ruts are no big deal for duel suspension riders, just worth taking note. Watch your speed through Boulder Loop, some of the ruts can sneek up on you and will be unforgiving if you hit them wrong!
      ICPAYDIRT a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Pacific Beach


    • Trail UpdateRutted But Rideable-The last few days have been dry giving valuable time for the trails to harden. Evidence of the rains are all over the trails in Daley but it's nothing to shy away from. In my opinion, it has actually made Daley a more exciting place to ride. The ruts are plentiful but there aren't any really big ones in the middle of the trails or anything like that. There is enough runoff to get both bike and rider pretty messy so be prepared for that. The ruts presented more challenges but a welcome break from the normally tame and wide type of trails found at Daley. Everything is green and the lakes look cool. We rode from the main parking lot to the far east part of Daley, up to the Old Water Tank, Jack Creek Meadow, up Cardiac Hill, Englemann, down the singletrack, around back to the bottom of Englemann, down Central Valley, and Boulder Loop back to the car. The worst rutting were on the Jack Creek Meadow Loop Trail and the Boulder Loop Trail was a real challenge. Signs and tape were up blocking Englemann to Central Valley, apparently some large trees fell on the trail but they have been removed, and Boulder Loop is roped off saying it is too dangerous to ride. As usual most of the singletrack is off limits due to "sensitive habitat". Today was excellent and I would recommend it to anyone looking for somewhat challenging but rideable trails.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: 1800 ft
      Singletrack=5% Dirt Road=80% Paved Path=5% Truck Trail=10%
      ICPAYDIRT a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Pacific Beach


    • Trail UpdateJerks R Us-Could GT Retro be the kind of braindead yahoo who gives us all a bad rep? Hmmmm, let me think about it... Yes, why yes he is! Thanks, buddy!

      Hugh Mann a 33 year old Downhiller riding a dh thats way too heavy for my lazy arse to peddle from The Place to Be


    • Trail UpdateDaley All Open-I'll ride when and where I want in Daley. Thanks.
      GT Retro a Racer riding a Retrofitted GT


    • Trail UpdateGT, Maybe You Didn't Understand-the singletracks are closed. Don't be an arsehole and get all of us in trouble. SDMBA sent out that e-mail (the message Ebasil posted) for a reason you know....

      BTW, the conditions are updated daily, so call the dixon lake rangers and czech if it's cool to ride.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Pickledf a KXx/R^2 year old riding a bike from home


    • Trail UpdateIf it ain't a fire, it's rain. Go ride it anyway.

      GTRetro a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Revived


    • Trail UpdateSeveral Trails Closed-Trail Closures at Daley Ranch

      Due to the past heavy rains and erosion some trails are closed until further notice. Please call the ranger station at 760-839-4345 for current conditions or if you have any questions.

      Rock Ridge is closed.

      Boulder Loop is closed from the southern most trail head to Cougar

      Coyote Run .....call for condition

      Chaparral.....call for condition

      EBasil riding a Manitou HT or a Fisher Cake from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateGreat Time To Ride-Today I rode to the entire ranch. It was very clear and the view of the ocean was spectacular. I rode the cougar ridge trail all the way to the corner of the preserve and up around Hidden Springs and around Sage and back to the East Ridge to coast back to the parking lot. The trails are perfect for riding right now. This is probably my favorite place to ride. I go there almost every weekend. It's got some good climbs and some technical downhill grades as well. I know of three single track trails that run between the main trails which are all excellent for riding as well. Great place to condition for racing.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Who knows, LIke I have an odometer on my bike... Elevation change: yeah... working on that barometer too
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=70% Paved Path=5% Truck Trail=15%
      Marty a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mt. Fuji racer


    • Trail UpdateSmuggling Raisins Part II-uh, this is somewhat off the biking topic, but if you really want to know what is meant by 'smuggling raisins' (see previous entries), may I suggest this website as a fine resource:

      Wow, I really have too much time on my hands, I better go biking or something!


    • Trail UpdateDaley-Rode this on 3-31-04, got there at daybreak, and it was so foggy I thought I would have to bag it, since I was getting SOAKED by the moisture. But I couldn't face the thought of getting back on the 15 and going to work! Glad I didn't, as the fog eventually burned off and I had the place pretty much to myself.

      This place is fairly nice though non-technical, a good place to go for a mellow ride. I did see a bunch of singletrack options that were not closed to bikes, but couldn't explore as much as I wanted due to time limits. Next time I go, I'll try some of them out. To me, Boulder Loop was the nicest part of the park.

      In response to some postings from 2002 below, I HATE not being able to ride on single-track, but I follow the rules anyway, because if we don't we're bound to lose access to the damn FIRE ROADS! When I was a kid i rode anywhere I damn well pleased - I took 'keep-out signs as a challenge. Now that I'm a little older I realize I was just being an inconsiderate slob (like some of the jerks I see downhilling on closed trails). Yes, it sucks to be told where you can and can't bike. It'll suck a whole lot more when the only place left to bike is around the parking lot at Home Depot.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change: 1500
      Dirt Road=100%
      The SeaClasper a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a rusty roller-skates from a van down by the river


    • Trail UpdateSMUGGLING RAISINS-"Two" small birds??? Is that what I think it means?
      Raisin Lover


    • Trail UpdateAs Good As Free Fish Tacos-I went right from the lot to sage 'til I got the runs back down toward the north end of boulder loop. I made my way through rock ridge back to boulder, then down trough the ranch house road/power line shortcut. Upon maximum paved down hill speed to the lot, I passed a cute blond pedestrian who was smuggling raisins going the opposite direction. All in all, the one hour trek was as good as they get. Trail conditions were perfect after the brief precipitation overnight.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 6 miles Elevation change:
      Eauxgod riding a fsr from SD


      I got this info from an SDMBA News Letter. Take a look at it and remember to ride responsibly.

      SDMBA representatives met with the Friends of Daley Ranch and discovered that they need our help.

      Some trail users have been traveling on illegal trails, going off-trail, and even destroying trail signs. This kind of activity has got to stop if the park is to remain open to the public! The land is dedicated as a conservation area and if they cannot maintain it in a conserved state due to irresponsible recreation, they will be forced to close it to the public. The vegetation and wildlife there are more fragile than they look, so it's especially important to stay on the trail. Don't Crush the Brush!

      All trail users are responsible for knowing the park regulations and which trails are open. Grab a map at the trailhead (and make a donation while you are at it). Only trails on the map are open. Contrary to popular belief, the park has not closed any singletrack since they opened in 1997. Regardless of how heavily they were used, the renegade trails were never officially open for use.

      Bicyclists in particular should be careful to control their speed at the bottom of the steep hill near the La Honda parking lot. This area gets congested with trail users and has been the site of too many accidents. The Friends have asked us to encourage users to act responsibly and to recruit new members for their bike, foot and equestrian patrols who will help the users in the park. If you have a few hours a month to contribute, this is a great way to help the park and get some exercise at the same time. Call (760) 839-4680 for details.

      If you want to help out with some trail maintenance, meet the ranger staff at the La Honda parking area on the 2nd weekend of every month at 8:00 a.m. (alternating Saturdays and Sundays-call the park hotline to check the schedule at (760) 839-4680.

      If you are interested in preserving the habitat and the recreational opportunities at Daley Ranch, join the Friends of aley Ranch by going to www.sdmba.com/ to download a membership application.

      Sailor a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateWater Tower Run-Rode all over the trails this morning. In good condition and saw lots of other riders. A good workout is to start at the parking and go right, onto the dirt, not up the pavement. Ride hard up hill until you get to the water tower, then downhill to the farmhouse. Time it. I'd like to know how fast other riders can do this. I'm just sub-20 minutes now, and working on it.
      a 21 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a rocky mountain


    • Trail UpdateDaley "Hot" Ranch-Rode Daley for the first time today, I did'nt find the maps at the Kiosk until the first short loop About 3 miles counter clockwise in +95 degree heat. Ounce I found the maps I decided to go exploring again. Found some pretty cool (short) single track "Coyote run" and others that I can't recall the name of. All in all a pretty cool place that I will explore futher in cooler climate conditions. I need more than 9 miles!

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: varies Elevation change: 900 -1800ft
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=70% Paved Path=5% Truck Trail=5%
      Clancy a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Which one shall I ride today? from Norco


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch, Creek Crossing/Sage-I was visiting friends in Mission Beach (I am from N.Y.) and I brought my MB. On my last day we headed north to Daley. We were in a hurry and we got a little lost in Escondido trying to find the trail. When we finally got to the La Honda parking area we quickly took our bikes out of the truck and started pedaling. We went through the gate and went right up the main fireroad that veered to the right (east). We never saw the kiosk with the trail maps at the begining of the trail. (Don't make this mistake.) We continued up this fireroad about 1.5 miles. The climb was prety difficult mainly because of the high (midday) temperature and the very dry dusty condition of the trail. The trail was not only very dry but parts were sandy like a beach. Not a lot of fun, not at all technical like east coast trails but a good workout. My friend spotted another rider below us on what appeared to be a ridge that looked like some very interesting singletrack. After riding another 1/4 mile on this wide uphill sandy fireroad my friend suggested we turn back and figure out how to get on the singletrack which we did. The singletrack was fun some roller like sections, some steep sections but again nothing too technical. (Making the ride extra interesting were all the rattlesnakes in the bushes. Watch out where you stop your bike and put your foot down.) We continued up and down this single track until we reached some very steep and interesting singletrack switchbacks that took us down to a huge parking lot that abbuted what looked like a closed down Mexican rodeo. The problem started here when we realized that there did not appear to be any trail back other than (1)the one we had just come down which was too sandy, steep and narrow to ride back up or (2) another very steep but straight and wider trail about 40 yards north of the one we came down. We opted for straight and steep. After riding about 100 yrds up this trail with my heart rate monitor registering close to 190 and the huge rain gulleys in the middle of the trail threatening to swallow up my bike and or destroy my allum down tube I decided to get off and walk. I turned around and saw my buddy 50 yrds back he had already been doing the same thing. As we progressed slowly this trail got steeper and the rain gulleys in the middle got wider and deeper. We hike-a-biked about 1/2 mile back up on this loose rock, sand and gravel, 25-30% grade trail in blistering heat with the bike on one side of the gulley that cut the trail in two and our feet traversing the other side of the trail. For much of this trail our bodies were forced to lean accross the gulley forming a counter balance/bridge with our bikes while at the same time performing the endless dance of suspension/balance/footing in our fight upsteam against the strong pull of gravity. When I finaly reached the top I was panting and sucking down what little was left in my camelback to try to find some relief from the heat caused by our uphill exertion. The heat was inescapable. The heat from the sun was beating from above and below as it radiated off the light beige sand and rock we were standing on. But at least we were now back on the trail we had traversed before droppig down the switch backs to the parking lot. We made our way back to the parking lot only to find the kiosk right there at the entrance with maps of the trails nicely laid out and seemingly easy to follow. As it turns out we started on Creek Crossing then proceeded to Sage which led us on to Cabollo. We never saw any of the trails up by Burnt mountain which I understand include some great singletrack. All in all it was a very hard hot 8+ miles. We loved it despite all the complaining above. The area is beautiful and we had a killer workout. I'd like to go back and see the north end. The trail we came up just north of the end of Caballo is over a 25% grade. I had my Garmin Vista GPS that tracked the altitude and distance. I'm curious to know whether anyone out there can climb this trail. Don't forget lots of water and have fun.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      a Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant NRS XTC air from New York


    • Trail UpdateThieves At The Ranch-Last week, I also had my broken into. Apparently, this is also occuring at Rancho Penaquitos too.
      Hiker Ed a 35 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateBe Aware The Car Broken In-Hi all,

      This happen on Sunday Aug 4, 2002 between 8:00AM-9:45AM. There is an attemped broken in my sister van which parked in Daley Ranch parking lot. They try UN-successful pry left side window, pry left and right door locks of my sister van. They wont able to get in but causes for both locks damage. There is full in parking lot and daylight when this happen. I reported this to ranger and police. According to ranger, there is the other broken in an hour early on the other car. They steal a valet, cash and credit card. Please, report any suspicion act in parking lot to the ranger at Dixon gate.



    • Trail UpdateFOOL!!-Thousands of riders, including myself, don't ride off trails. That's right,,,NEVER!!! There are plenty of trails out there and no reason to be making your own.
      Rick a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a San Diego


    • Trail UpdateWhoa Dudes! You're trying to tell me that you NEVER ride off trail....NEVER!!! All you have to do is look around Daley to see that theres more gonzos than me riding those extreme singles. When YOU stop riding off....I'll stop riding off!!!!
      Extreme Rider a 22 year old Weekend Warrior from Encinitas


    • Trail UpdateHey, Extreme FOOL!!-It's idiot punks like you that screw up things up for the rest of us. GROW UP BOY!!! I ride Daley all the time and if it gets closed because of some inconsiderate fool like yourself, it will be a huge loss. So enjoy the open trails or by the time you are old enough to appreciate them,,,,,,they will all be closed!! I hope you get a nice fine that will get your attention.
      Rick a 39 year old Weekend Warrior from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateHey, Extreme Rider...-Stay on the OPEN trails and maybe the people
      who ride on open trails will still be able to do that....



    • Trail UpdateExtreme Rider-Hey Dudes,
      I was riding last week with a few of my friends on the trail by the macadamia grove and we were stopped by two rangers. Man they cited all three of us for riding off trail. The same thing happened to two of my friends last week when they were on that single track that comes off Cougar Ridge. Sucks man!
      Extreme Rider a 22 year old Weekend Warrior from Encinitas


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Escondido-I don't care what anyone says, you can big, really big here. There is poach just before the start of the switch-backs on the Caballo trail which is really steep with 3-4ft deep ruts everywhere, watch yourself. Also, there is another single track which exits into Caballo which starts at the begining of the Sage. I pussed out and got off, it requires a 5-10ft huck, depending on how big you want to go to get over this rock section,--gnarly. Also, off the Sage go up to the water tank, and behind there you'll see a track which goes to the top of the mountain. If anyone has the balls to decend this without stepping off, your the man. It's steep, exposed, and just written with desaster everywhere. So ya, if you are a weekend warrior who thinks the Sage is the best trail, you should probably stay there and give the Daley Ranch your intermediate rating. If you want to do something different whaich will make you squeeze your ass, honestly try these routes, I promise there are there. If you con find them, Email me, I'll give more explicide direstion. Good luck. URL: http://www.socalmtb.com/trails/updatetr.cgi?social/daley.htm


    • Trail UpdateGraded Daley-The last poster is correct. In some uphill spots the traction has pretty much disappeared. The rain should help though. The good news is the best singletrack, roller coaster, bobcat (at least the bottom half), burnt, rock ridge, is currently untouched and better even since it began raining!
      MikekiM riding a Also riding a GT xcr 2000 from from OB


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Just rode Daley and looks as if the Grader has been busy. Most of the Primary Trails are being graded. The high spots are hard and smooth with the low spots being filled with loose dirt and sand!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: buck fifty
      Dirt Road=100%
      Brett a Cross-Country Rider riding a GT XCR-2000 from O'side


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Rode daley ranch this morning for the first time while I was visiting some family that just live down the street.I would like to thank steve who let me ride with him.Riding with a local really makes the ride easier and more enjoyable so; thanks again!!!.The rain that we had the night befor sure made for some great traction.I'm guessing that this late in the summer this trail gets sandy in some spots.Singletracks were just awsome and hated to see them end.I will make it a point to do this ride everytime I come down here from orange county. LATE !!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: miles 8.0 Elevation change:
      Cliff the baldguy a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2000 Giant DS-1 XTC from Fullerton,Ca.


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Rode the east side today. most of the offshoot s.t. are blocked by branches and signs. I don't know if the rangers are ticketing anyone for being on closed trails, but there are never any rangers up there on week days anyway. When the park opened a ranger told me that all existing trails would remain open. this is not true. The no name S.T. posted on 3/23 is now blocked. This trail has been used long before the park even opened. So whats the true story?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Beegwave a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateDaley Open-That last post about tickets on singletrack isn't true. Keep the punks off this site.


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch Sucks-rangers have blocked most of the fun single track trails, and are issueing tickets to riders caught on them.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      riding a specialed fsr


    • Trail UpdateAwesome ride for a beginner. The girlfriend and I started at the parking lot and headed SE, counterclockwise around the first ridge. However, we saw some hard-chargers go up the paved hill that leads into the parking lot, which in turn leads to the Ranch House. Once I figured it out, that would have been the express route in the trail network which starts at the top of the hill. Great ride for the middle of summer - we started at about 6:00 p.m. Lots of wide, well-marked trails. Some horse riders passed us without anything more than a wave, and a few other cyclists here and there...good time for us newbies. Might be a good place for a night ride...
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: +/- 5 miles Elevation change: +/- 1000ft
      Singletrack=5% Dirt Road=85% Paved Path=10%
      MEIMatt a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Heckler & Koch MP5-SD2 Urban Assault Vehicle from San Marcos


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch Singletrack-is good all over. On the East side there is a great no-name trail that shoots down and hooks up with the Caballo trail down to Valley center, lots of switches at the bottom. On the North there is a fun but short Bobcat run and Burnt Mt. is too short but also fun. The west has the two I posted last time below, which are rewarding eye-candy-wise and somewhat technical. Happy trails! MikekiM from Ocean Beach.


    • Trail Updategbogh, you need to look a little harder. Awesome
      singletrack is everywhere. I don't remember the names
      because the nick names we gave the trails, like Roller
      Coaster, have been replaced by trail signs with
      official names. The way I found everything was to
      follow someone riding a nice ti bike who looked like
      they were on a mission.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Endo Verendo a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR from Studio City


    • Trail UpdateDaley Family Ride-Dusty said it right, fun ride, this is a family sunday bike ride for the most part. The way to make this ride tougher, ride it faster, climb in your big ring.
      Trial is in good shape, have not found any single that real great. If you know of some please let me know.

      ge a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateDaley Rancho-Rode this trail system today. What a great sunny So Cal day! Greener than usual. The SW side of the park has lots of interesting and challenging singletrack like Crest and Rock Ridge. A fun place to ride!
      MikekiM from Ocean Beach


    • Trail UpdateDaley Wildlife Park.-Rode this place for the first time Sunday. Fairly basic riding, lots of people, and tons of animals. Horses, dogs, birds of all kinds, coyotes everywhere, and I even ran into a bee farm. About 40 coolers full of bees. Fun here for the whole family. Good luck to you. URL: Dusty Bottoms


    • Trail UpdateSweet Nothingness-rode superbowl sunday, thanks to all who just HAD to see the pregame futz. some of the most variable riding in these parts (with civilization only a stones throw away, shucks!!). words of advice - read ALL of the IMBA rules, not just the titles. horses have the right of way (and bikes really should dismount). skidding hurts ALL of us!!!! keep riding here, and if you ever want to race up the back hill, e-mail me.
      Paul a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a hardtail, hardtail, hardtail


    • Trail UpdateRain Riding-We were dying to ride but it was raining off and on so we called the ranger at the lake and he said to "come on down!" I don't usually ride when it's wet because you can damage the trails, but the usual soft sand here turned into fast, tacky singletrack! The ranger told us the soil here needs a lot of rain before you can damgage the trails. The usually crueling climbs were a breeze and we ended the ride wet but relatively clean.
      Just a reminder to all the novices, don't skid your rear wheel: remember to use your front brake when you need to slow down. Some sections are getting worn out and pot-holed by those of you who lock their rear wheels up when you approach a turn or are on the steeps. Stay in control and use your front brake!
      Ron a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from Studio City


    • Trail UpdateDaley Rocks-This is my favorite ride of all time. There are so many different combinations of trails that you could never do every path. My freind has crashed hard here twice, so watch your speed. You can get so far away from humanity, that it feels like you are in the middle of nowhere. Check it out, you'll be going back for years. Oh yeah, watch out for those stupid horses on the trails. They are VERY skitzo, so are the people riding them...
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: at least 25 Elevation change: 1000
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=20% Paved Path=5%
      Rich a 17 year old Downhiller riding a Mongoose from Escondido


    • Trail UpdateOne Sweet Trail-The trail was solid and the traction was great thanks to the rain on saturday. The singletracks do seem to get better the farther East you head out. Watch out for the landmines(doggy doo) every five feet or so. I wish the pet owners would brush them off the trail. Oh well, I hitting Daley daily if you know what I mean email me if you want a riding bro.
      Sean a 26 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a `99 Specilized Stumpjumper XC from San Diego(Rancho Penasquitos Area), CA


      Ride rating: Intermediate
      ZAIDED a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a MARIN HAWK HILL from ENCINITAS


    • Trail UpdateA Little Dusty, But A Lot Of Fun-This jewel in Escondido should be frequented by all. Not only do the many trails offer enchanting views, but the riding is supremely delightful. My caution is to arrive early, before it gets hot, and take plenty of water. Also, as it is quite dry, there are sanding pits in some corners...watch out! I recommend lowering the air-pressure in your tires before riding these great trails. Though there was talk of a snake being spotted, I did not see it. If you are ready for great fun, come to the Daley Ranch and try some of the trails that branch off of the main trails.
      The Flying Dutchman a Weekend Warrior riding a Custom bike from Ziegler-Lam Cycling from Escondido


    • Trail UpdateTHE SOFT LANDS-Beware of the powder sands and woman walking 5 unleashed dogs. Terrain is loose, but overall a good ride. Wild woman on trails walking dogs including angry doberman are the biggest obstacles! 2 bites this weekend.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: not enough
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=10%
      SCRUBS a indefinite year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-Trails are soft, due to the hot weather, have good traction on those up hills, deflate the tires 10 %.
      Watch out for Rattle Snakes... very quite going through
      the bush, go very slow and watch the grace from a distance. I saw two taking a stroll together!
      A GREAT SIGHT! respect all creatures, please
      they WERE there first
      J.S. a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Klein from San Marcos


    • Trail UpdateWay In The Back Country-I've been riding Daley Ranch off and on for about a year and every time I go there I find new singtrack, breath taking views, and awsome 40+ mph downhills. Some people say that Daley Ranch is boring and there's too much climbing bla bla bla bla!! They just don't know were to go for the good stuff. Here's a hint the farther back you go the better it gets. So leave the car/truck home and make it a killer loop!! Anybody want to ride drop me an email, I'll show you the good trails!

      Trail conditions are always top notch! We have actually seen cops out there on mountain bikes so !!beware!! and be on your best behavior(or as close as you can get).
      Singletrack=29% Dirt Road=70% Paved Path=1%
      Ryan a 18 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 98' Specialized FSR Comp from San Marcos


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch-This place is a gold mine. Never have I riden so much Excellent singletrack. Most trails were packed, alittle loose in the steeps but all around in excellent conditiion. What a dream I saw alot of people riding on 11/27 I hope they come back to help with trail maint.!I ride the San Gabriel Mountians and Daley has them beat!
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Kevin a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a CannonDale 100 SL from Glendora ,CA


    • Trail UpdateJ. S.-"They" said they did it for liability purposes.
      The city brought the "scraper" out and widen the trails.
      Well, we can remember the way it used to be.
      Beware of signs of mud.
      Those are the remains of 2 to four foot trenches from the rains
      we had.
      Also, be can to the rattlesnakes. Let them pass.
      I met up with a few, one "way too close", I must admit,
      It made me nervous. You hear the hissing, before the rattle!
      enjoy riding a Mountainer heaven from San Marcos


    • Trail UpdateChapparel Loop Trail This is an add-on for the Daley Ranch ride. Although Dan Indeirden said that it is excellent riding under wet conditions it is important to realize that when we mountain bikers ride under wet conditions the trails quickly deteriorate. A week of riding in the mud can do more damage than years of biking when the trails are dry. Daley Ranch is one of the few really good mountain biking areas left in San Diego and to see it closed due to the carelessness of a few mud bikers would be a shame. All of this aside, Daley Ranch is an excellent ride for all levels of riders and there are miles of trails to try. Let's keep this the premiere mountain biking area in the county and keep the trails in good condition. Good riding!
      JDB - Team Outcast a Cross-Country Rider riding a GT Avalanche LE, Nishiki Manitoboa, Haro from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateDespite some rutting and a little flooding, this whole park is in better condition than San clemente, mission trails, tecolote canyon. Jack creek meadow is a little boggy, but the chapparal and ranch house trails are clear. (mechanicals stopped me from exploring central valley and engelmann).


    • Trail UpdateGreat News!-Daley ranch is coming out with a new detailed map of the trails. We spoke to a ranger and he informed us as of Jan.98 the map is in the works. enjoy


    • Trail UpdateChapparel Loop Trail-Daley ranch appears to be a good choice for riding when conditions are wet. We rode this area the day after it had rained and encountered only a little mud. We took the main Chapparel loop which climbs up towards the water tower. There are a handful of singletracks that shoot off to the right towards the road in the valley below. Some are steeper and more technical than others. All of them would be a pretty strenuous ride coming back up and would probably require dismounting. It appears that a lot of people take these downhill to the paved valley road and then ride back up to the parking lot. We came back up one of the singletracks and continued going counter-clockwise on the Chapparel loop. Instead of following the main loop we took some more singletrack into the middle of the loop. These were not very technical but a lot of fun to ride. After meeting up with the main loop again, we continued until another fun downhill singletrack that brought us to the paved road right at the Dixon lake parking lot. Taking into account all of the singletracks, this place a lot of variety. Also, its a great choice in wet conditions. We only covered a small section of the trails here as well. You could easily take an entire afternoon hitting all the trails here!
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=20% Truck Trail=50%
      Dan Inderieden a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek cromally (rental) from Bloomington, MN


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://mmc.usiu.edu/sdbiking/daley/daley.html">Sa-


    • Trail UpdateEnglemann Oak Loop Trail-Nice Intermediate to Advanced ride. Has Nice views and an alternate trail for the less at heart. Some single track with mostly decent road. Its closed for motorists so the down hills are fast! and safe. Trail links into the rest of the park but start on this one.
      Singletrack=40% Truck Trail=60%
      Flava a 22 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek Y-3 from Oceanside .com


    • Trail UpdateDaley Ranch Loop-Daley Ranch is San Diego County's latest recreational gem. The City of Escondido recently purchased this 3,000 acre ranch from a local developer. The ride is all fire roads but it is still a very nice ride. It should be awesome in the spring time. There are 7 different loop trails through the park, so a variety of rides should be possible.
      Dirt Road=100%
      Greg Shorts a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Zaskar LE from San Diego


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