



- Thursday, February 13, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Crystal Cove State Park - #CrystalCoveStatePark

    Socal - Orange County - Laguna Beach NickNames: #CrystalCoveStatePark el moro canyon

    The entrance to Crystal Cove Park is off the east side of Pacific Coast Highway, about 1.5 miles north of Laguna Beach or 3.5 miles south of Newport Beach. Look for a sign (El Moro Canyon) just north of the El Moro Trailer Park. Park inside the park ($5 day use fee) next to the Visitor Center. Detail maps can be purchased at the Visitor Center. Thomas Guide page 920

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    • Trail UpdateDid Moro Canyon, to I think I can, to Moro Ridge, to Missing Link, Slow 'n easy, back to moro canyon, to the parking lot, just under 10 miles. Windy and foggy up on the ridge, keeping things cool and helping me avoid granny the whole way. Trail conditions were good, with some soft sandy spots at times. Coyote strolling on slow 'n easy. A few hikers and one biker coming down I think I can. Great 1 hour ride.


    • Crystal Lake-A complete list of hiking trails and their conditions may be found at the Crystal Lake web site.

      Ride distance: 25 Elevation change: 5600 URL: Crystal Lake Campgrounds


    • Trail UpdateAnimal Planet Moment-about 3 weeks ago, my brother and i saw a black and silver ringed snake crossing one of the paths here about 10 yards in front of us. we got off our bikes to let it pass and then a red hawk came out of the sky and tried to swoop at snake and the snake spun its head and tried to get the hawk which hightailed it out of there. never seen that before! anyways snake lazily went in to the bushes and we went on with our ride. not your every day sight.
      david weitzman a Weekend Warrior riding a santa cruz superlight from los angeles


    • Trail UpdateUpdate To Questions Re Route-Laurel Canyon is a hiking only trail so it's a no-brainer; but Big Bend is a great DH and a tough climb.

      Down Big Bend, then north to the parking lot, and up Willow is a nice loop while riding LC, or down Big Bend over to Deidrich's on PCH, the up Boat Canyon is another mid-point LC option.

      It's hard to get bored in LC and CCSP.

      Have fun

      JamR a 50 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a a few bikes from Capo


    • Trail UpdateUpdate To Questions Re Route-I just found Laguna Ridge and Boat Canyon on Franko's Map so disregard my questions below concerning those two trails. But now I have some new questions, what's your opinion of Laurel Canyon and Big Bend?
      Sweetpea a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdateQuestions Re Route-JamR, thanks for responding with what looks like a really good route. I think that I'll inflict it on my group in the very near future.

      This Saturday we have a group that probably can't do more than 15 miles or so. I was thinking about going out EM canyon floor and up S&E for the beginners, send the beginners home back down S&E, take the rest east, via fenceline, to Bommer Ridge and from there do something we haven't done before, with or without going down Old Emerald.

      Does T&A appear on the Thomas Guide map(pg 920)under a different name? There is no "Laguna Ridge", only "Night Shore", "Water Tank Road" and "Laguna Bowl Road". Does it drop off Bommer Ridge on the east side? "Boat Canyon" looks like it becomes "Night Shore" as you go up, does that sound right to you?

      What do you think about going south on Emerald Canyon after going down Old Emerald? And what about Willow Spur and Willow Canyon? Worth riding?

      Anyway, thanks so much for your help.

      Sweetpea a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdatePlenty Of Options-Under the 73 is not legal at this time except for authorized led tours, and the sections north of the Toll Road are currently fenced/gated off right now.

      But there are around 20 open trails (appx 40 miles)in Laguna Coast & Crystal Cove south of the 73.

      Plenty of nice long zig-zag rides.

      One good long loop I do every few months from the EM parking lot is:
      Up No Dogs
      Down Ticketron
      Up Deer Canyon
      Down Rattlesnake
      Up Moro Canyon to Fenceline/or Up ITIC to Moro Ridge
      Out gate 12 into LC, then Right on Bommer Ridge
      Down Emerald
      Up Old Em
      Right on Bommer Ridge
      Down T&A (Laguna Ridge)
      Laguna Canyon Road to Deidrichs on PCH (caffene break)
      Up Boat Canyon to Bommer Ridge
      Back to gate 12
      Down Moro Ridge and BFI back to the parking lot

      Makes for a nice +/- 24 mile ride with very little back-tracking over the same trail.

      I was thinking of doing this ride tomorrow around 7:30.

      JamR a 50 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a a few bikes from Capo


    • Trail UpdateNeed Trail Routes-Can anyone recommend a good trail route(s) from El Moro and into Laguna Coast Wilderness Park? I've done Bommer Ridge, down Old Emerald and back out going north on Emerald Canyon, but is there anything else? What about Bommer to Camarillo (under the 73) to Willow? Is that fun? legal?
      Sweetpea a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdateVery Real!-An adult mule deer buck carcass was found relativly close to Lower Moro Campground earlier this month. This appeared tobe a "normal kill" for an adult lion. There have been other sightings and confirmed genetic tests of lions in this park for years. Please be aware when out on the trail, it is there home.
      Johnny Dirt a 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Liquid 55 from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion-Heard that a mountain lion killed a deer out on the ridge in the last few days. Couple sightings reported before this and after. Anyone else heard about this? True?
      NoBigCats a 35 year old Downhiller riding a bike that resembles a wounded deer limping from behind a bush.


    • Trail UpdateRattlesnake!-Rode Crystal Cove last weekend. I Think I Can up to the top and across the Missing Link to the Rattlesnake downhill and back to the parking area. The ride was really fun and I was suprised at how good of shape the trails were after having the place shut down for so long. Evidence of trail work could be found all around leaving little evidence of how bad the place had been hit. There was some landslide areas that weren't there before that was interesting to see. Rattlesnake was kind of sketchy towards the bottom. I don't usually get off my bike but I didn't like the odds through some of that stuff. I had plenty of fun and would encourage others to check it out.
      ICPAYDIRT a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from San Diego


    • Trail UpdatePerfect Day-Rode the old man route Saturday AM. "I think I can" to Moro Ridge, across the top on Missing Link to Slow and Easy, and back to the parking lot. The trails are in great shape, enough sand up top to keep you on your toes, but not enough to take you off the bike. A bit crowded but all in all, everyone was having a great time. Ain't SoCal awesome!
      RoadKill Nurse a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2002 Specialized FSR XC from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateYou Know You're Outta Shape When-you have to stop numerous times during the climb up Elevator to catch your breath. Even IN shape, this is a challenging climb but I honestly can't remember the last time when I NEEDED to stop during this ascent. I guess I blame it on not riding as much as I used to (I'm gonna get back into it, I'm gonna get back into it) and recent weight gain (as I look down at my wine/ pasta gut as I type this). I also had to dab on the little (though steep) singletrack climb that connects with the very steep paved section (BFI I think), but I blame that on my worn tires and NOT crappy riding technique. Also near the beginning of this climb there is a large opening in the earth (that was never there before) connected with three railroad ties and it appears to be a very steep transition (...uhhh...when I get new tires I'll try it then...maybe). Normally on Rattlesnake, I don't lower the saddle as I finesse my way down and take time choosing lines with the help of the awesome stopping power of disc brakes, but this time, something told me I should probably lower the seat before descending and I'm glad I did. Ruts seem deeper, lines seem looser, boulders look bigger, etc. but I made it down with no bloodshed. On the last climb of the ride (West Cut Across?) I was passed by a guy walking but I showed him 10 minutes later as I passed him on the downhill...
      Eck see a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateTrails Open-We were there today and the Ranger said all of the trails were open. We rode up the left through Poles, to Teketron, past Rattlesnake, down Slow N Easy, and then down to the bottom. Great ride!!!!
      reverend a 28 year old Weekend Warrior riding a marin from Studio City


    • Trail UpdateAnyone know if the trail is open?


    • Trail UpdatePark Cheaper!-A little inside scoop... Join the California State Parks Foundation for 25 bucks and they'll give you 7 parking coupons. That's $3.60 each, cheaper than $10.
      Miker a 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Hardrock Comp from Redlands, CA URL: CalParks Join


    • Trail UpdatePaukana-I was there last weekend and yes it was closed to mtn bikers. The ranger said about a couple more weeks before they open it back.
      pablo a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Enduro Pro from Long Beach


    • Trail UpdateTrail Still Closed...-Drove out to El Moro however signs are still posted...back country off limit to bikers. Hopefully they'll open it soon.

      BTW, new parking sign reads $10.00...wow!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a n Intense Tracer from Corona, CA


    • Trail UpdateKickstand Parking-Sometimes when I ride my 46lb downhill bike to El Moro from China town, I have to pull over and make sure my kickstand is still there. It likes to fall off when I'm going down PCH at over 50mph. Then when I get to El Moro I don't have to pay that $10 parking fee anyway, so I'm ready to tear up BFI and hit some of the gnarliest fireroads that my 8" travel bike can handle. Sometimes it can get a little hairy, but I just look down at my kickstand and I know I'll make it out ok. Hey Steven, maybe you and I can hook up one day.....your Motiv Dual Suspension rig sounds pretty f-ing sweet!
      Action Jackson a 23 year old Downhiller riding a Huffy Prototype downhill rig from Chinatown


    • Trail UpdateParking, Not A Problem-When I ride to El Moro from Fullerton, parking is the last thing on my
      mind. A couple times my kickstand almost came off when i had to stop
      at Arco to refill air in my tires.

      Anyone up for shuttling Fullerton next saturday?
      Steven a 27 year old riding a Motiv Dual Suspension 21 Speed from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateParking-When I ride Crystal Cove, I usually ride from my house near South Coast Plaza so parking's not a big deal. There are days when I'm not feeling up to the road trek to get to the park so I park my car in Corona Del Mar and get a good warm-up on the paved trail through the park on PCH. It's only a couple of miles and gets me good and ready for BFI.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: miles and miles and miles Elevation change: ??
      Singletrack=lots% Dirt Road=some% Paved Path=some more%
      Pitmang1 a 28 year old riding a Voodoo Nzumbi Single Speed


    • Trail UpdateReeeeeeecycle Yo Ticket-thats right, reeeeeecycle kiddies. i think the Circle K is no longer Circle
      K, its now some form of "Stop-n-Go" or something like that.
      ivan yankinov


    • Trail Updatepark on the street behind Circle K on PCH. About a mile south of the entrance to the park. Gives you a nice warm-up before you charge BFI.


    • Trail UpdateAll Fees Are Up-AW and the other county wilderness parks went up to $3.00 in July.


    • Trail UpdateArnold?-Welcome to the state budget crunch.

      County, not so much.


    • Trail Update$10 Is A Joke!-Just recycle your ticket and go ride. How can they possibly justify charging $10 to park at that place when A/Wood Canyon only charges $2...and you can park for free right on the street or at TOW??? Somebody needs to lay off the crack pipe......


    • Trail UpdateTuesdays And Parking-EJ, Tuesday night is the historic/folkloric SHARE ride. It started in 87 as Del's Angels and has continued on. That is why Tuesday is busy.

      Yep, $10. Move your parking to a side street like the rest. Trader Joe's parking is best.


    • Trail UpdateWow, It Is $10 To Park-I thought it was just high for July 4th weekend, but went there today, but luckily the office was closed, so I could park for free. Does anyone know if its safe to park at the school? There is a sign saying you can be cited...what's the scoop?

      By the way, what's up with Tuesdays there? The place was a zoo...almost hit 2 people on the tight singletrack at the top. Parking lot must have had 30 cars in it. Never seen it that busy.
      EJ a Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateWow, It Is $10 To Park-I thought it was just high for July 4th weekend, but went there today, but luckily the office was closed, so I could park for free. Does anyone know if its safe to park at the school? There is a sign saying you can be cited...what's the scoop?

      By the way, what's up with Tuesdays there? The place was a zoo...almost hit 2 people on the tight singletrack at the top. Parking lot must have had 30 cars in it. Never seen it that busy.
      EJ a Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateWow, It Is $10 To Park-I thought it was just high for July 4th weekend, but went there today, but luckily the office was closed, so I could park for free. Does anyone know if its safe to park at the school? There is a sign saying you can be cited...what's the scoop?

      By the way, what's up with Tuesdays there? The place was a zoo...almost hit 2 people on the tight singletrack at the top. Parking lot must have had 30 cars in it. Never seen it that busy.
      EJ a Cross-Country Rider riding a Blur from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateI Just Discovered This Trail-I have been there twice this week, what an awesome view. It seems like I am the last Hardtailer left on Earth?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 3.6 Elevation change:
      Dirt Road=100%
      David Mosikian a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher Ziggurat from Huntington Beach


    • Trail UpdateNo ML Sightings-Went on a solo ride Monday despite the recent reports of a ML sighting. Went up BFI for a change, and about 1/2 way up saw a deer staring at me. It retreated into the tall brush/weeds and watched as I climbed away. Made my way to the back of the park after passing another lone mtb'r, and hit the singletrack. Conditions are getting pretty sandy and loose in some spots. Right before Rattlesnake begins on Redtail, saw about 6 large snake crossing within about 40 ft...no snakes though. Looks like somebody has done some trimming on Rattlesnake as I didn't get quite so scratched up as usual. Up Mach One and back to the car just as the clouds were coming back in.
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
      RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR, '03 BigHit Expert from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateNot Sure What Happened But...-yesterday morning I went up BFI. I first thing I noticed was someone removed the erosion control rocks at the top of the first climb on BFI. I thought it was kind of lame because they weren't hard to clear. The rocks looked more difficult than they really were. Then at the concrete culvert that goes beneath the trail about halfway up, I noticed on the downhill side of the deep rut that crosses the trail, it looked like someone went down hard. Lots of foot prints around where someone had been on the ground. I hope whoever it was isn't hurt too bad.
      Dan a 52 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Stumpjumper from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateSteveo-Anybody know what happened on the South Connector Trail (also known as "B.F.I") Sunday afternoon. I saw 2 helicopters, one appearing to be maybe a medivac dusting the area. Than a ranger nearly ran us off the trail headed up there. It hapened around 5:30 or so. Lots of action Hopefully no one is seriously injured.

      Steveo a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Rubber Ducky from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateHeader On Rattlesnake-MDA, that sounds like you were lucky. I had a very similar experience with a taco. Only it was at Band Camp.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: oodles Elevation change: many
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=50% Truck Trail=37%
      Mike C. a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn (is there any other?) from HB


    • Trail UpdateTook A Header On Rattlesnake-Friday (4-28-04) I took a spill over the handlebars on rattlesnake. Luckily I was wearing my helmet, which has a cracked shell now...Turned my front rim into a taco. My buddy straightened my wheel so I could ride out in a daze with no front brake. On my way out I see a rider coming in with no helmet...

      It was great ride with a slight drizzle keeping the trails from dusting up. Despite the header, messed up bike and helmet, I had a great ride...It wouldn't have been if I wasn't wearing a helmet...
      Ride rating: Expert
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=45%
      MDA a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a cannondale jekyll from Aliso Viejo


    • Trail UpdateGreat Condition-Sweet ride yesterday - the trail is in great shape. Started at the top of the parking lot, down Mach One, then climbed I Think I Can. From there went up the east ridge til the singletrack. Killer going through Missing Link then to the Fence Line. This is one of the best singletrack in OC. So much better going west bound on it. From there went down Elevator, then back to the car. Get out there guys. What a blast!!!

      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer from Corona


    • Trail UpdateOvergrown With Mustard-Did my after work loop yesterday, up I think I can, back to the singletrack, down Rattlesnake, up Mach one back to the car. The mustard is growing wild, some of it is a good 8-9ft tall now. The overall dirt conditions are excellent right now, not much sand. The initial part of Rattlesnake right after Redtail Ridge is getting very narrow. Be prepared to get scratched up with branches through that section. Tons of mustard growing at the bottom of Rattlesnake that has made the fireroad into a dual track. Nice evening for a ride, and not many people out.
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
      RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR, '03 BigHit Expert from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateDeep Cyn Trail-First time here. Started on No Dogs with no problems. Continued on up to No Name Spur. Found It a bit rutted. Since this was my first time I cam back down Deep Cyn to Ticketron. Absolutely in terrible shape, had to walk down portions because of all the rutts.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=85%
      WTB Phoenix a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Wtb Phoenix Ti from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateDeep Cyn Trail-First time here. Started on No Dogs with no problems. Continued on up to No Name Spur. Found It a bit rutted. Since this was my first time I cam back down Deep Cyn to Ticketron. Absolutely in terrible shape, had to walk down portions because of all the rutts.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=85%
      WTB Phoenix a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Wtb Phoenix Ti from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateTime To Dry Out!-Normally it takes a couple of days after a rain for the trails to be opened, but I find with a light rain the trails may be opened within a day. With all the rain they got last night it may take several days. You can call the park office at (949) 494-3539 to check if the trails are open. I have hiked the trails after a rain and some areas are so slippery that its hard even to walk. This past week the park office has had a recording, but leave your number and someone will call back. They've been really good about this, my thanks to them. I know what you mean having a new bike and it raining like crazy. I just got a '04 Stumpjumper FSR and need to get it out on my regular mid-week trails. Up BFI, Moro Ridge,to Missing Link, Fenceline, Redtail, down Rattlesnake, up Mach One, No Name Ridge, Ticketron, back up to Red Tail, to Fenceline, down Slow 'n' Easy, and out along Moro Cyn. It's a fun ride and a good workout.
      Dan a 51 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Stumpjumper FSR from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateCurious-How long after it rains should I wait to ride here? I don't know how well CC dries up, but I'll be down in the area on Sunday and I think I'll try it out. Let me know if this is a bad idea. I gotta ride somewhere soon; the week that I get a new bike it rains like crazy. Shite luck
      KingOfRain a Cross-Country Rider riding a 04 Enduro Comp from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateRattlesnake Brushing-If you want to get some friends together and come up with a date I will make arrangements with SHARE mtb club to provide tools and lunch. We can't use power tools this time of year so it will have be manual brushing with lopers and pruners. There is still some work to do on the technical section too if you want to make a morning of it. If you are serious and really want to get some work done, email me and we'll get it done. SHARE has so many projects that the volunteer pool gets tapped out but if you can get 5 or 6 people together we can get a LOT done.
      Robin a Cross-Country Rider riding a Wild Hare .com


    • Trail UpdateThanks....-for letting us know about the fire and thank you for the work on Rattlesnake. It is one of my favorite spots in OC to ride, and if it weren't for Rattlesnake it wouldn't be the same. Wonder if we could set up a day to trim back some of the brush/branches at the beginning of Rattlesnake as it is getting a bit overgrown and narrow there. I always come out with scratches from that part. Again, your efforts are appreciated!
      RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR, '03 BigHit Expert from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateRain Policy-Sorry about the double post below. Concerning CCSP's rain closure policy you mentioned in an earlier post, I have been working with the park management for a couple of years to change the policy to "closed to all users". I finally got word last week that this is in process. Hopefully this will put an end to the trail damage after rain in this park. It seemed like the equestrians liked to ride right after rain because they knew there would be no mountain bikers out there. Hence, pot holes on our favorite single tracks. You will be seeing new signs soon!
      Robin a Cross-Country Rider riding a Wild Hare .com


    • Trail UpdateFire-The fire was caused by a bird flaming out on the power wires then falling into the brush. Third time this has happened and only a matter of time until the big one.
      Robin riding a Wild Hare .com


    • Trail UpdateFire-The fire at the bottom of Rattlesnake was caused by a bird that flamed out on the power wires and fell into the brush. Edison is supposed to keep the area below the poles cleared but hasn't done a very good job. This is the third time this has happened and only a matter of time before the big one.
      BTW I'm the one working to keep Rattlesnake narrow and stop people from widening the trail to make it easier to ride. This is one of the few remaining legal technical trails left and I intend to keep it that way. The park is in full support of my work.
      Robin a Cross-Country Rider riding a Wild Hare from HB .com


    • Trail UpdateFire Damage!-Anyone know what happened at the bottom of Rattlesnake? Got done riding the tech section and CRAP! Everything is burned, hardly any trees or shrubs left. Was this a controlled burn done on purpose or did someone do something stupid? Otherwise trails are getting a little dusty but still good conditions.
      Ride distance: 15 Elevation change:
      RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Foes FXR


    • Trail UpdateGood Ride-was itchin' to ride on such a nice day, so around 2:30 i
      arrived in the lot, only 5 other trucks/cars there. did my usual
      ride, enter at the bottom of the lot, down the canyon, up i think
      i can, along the top to the redtail singletrack, then the fencline
      singletrack (is that what its called?) over to rattlesnake, i
      really love that section of singletrack after the fireroad forks
      and you veer left to enter the beginning area of singletrack,
      carry lots of speed (with caution) and just lean and rail the
      turns, so much fun. continue to the top of rattlesnake, down
      rattle snake, no dabs, (went down the middle too), jammed
      down that fireroad and back up to the top of mach one,
      managed to break a spoke on the climb to the top of mach
      one, not sure how that happened, after getting to the top of
      mach one, hung a left and "roller coastered" to no dogs and
      back to the parking lot.

      was a great ride, only saw 2 other riders the entire time and
      the dirt was nice, not too loose at all. finished up in an hour
      and 15 minutes or so.
      Ride distance: 10.25miles Elevation change:
      beedee riding a jamis dakar from long beach


    • Trail UpdateSunny Days-I've just returned to the sunny U.K after a couple of
      weeks riding a few trails around laguna beach (
      and one up in Death Valley) after reading about
      them on this site before I left the U.K. Any trail
      called "rattlesnake trail" had to be seen. Just
      wanted to say a big thanks to those behind the site
      which helped start the ball rolling - I brought my
      own bike with me and it was a blast.Also met a
      few good people on the trail and was given some
      good info. Did a ride back home yesterday andnot
      sure if it's something you've seen much of but it
      was 6-12 inches of mud ALL the way. more like
      skating than cycling , big contrast but that's what
      it's all about . Cheers again anyway.
      simon a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 100 from London England


    • Trail UpdateThanks For The Trail Maint.-Just wanted to thank that guy I've seen the past 2 Wed. mornings doing maintenance on Rattlesnake. Not sure who you are but it's appreciated. Trails are in really good shape, aside from the clumps of dirt that the hikers make in the mud. I see that they have been closing the trails during/after rain only to mountain bikers, but not to hikers...WTF???
      RDC a Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateGood Conditions....-I rode El Moro on Sunday morning, got there about 7:15 and the parking lot was half full already. Rode the same route as BDEE below...my usual route. I haven't seen ANY snakes the past 3 times I've been there. Must be the early morning cloud cover. BDEE, did you see any mid day on your ride? Like he said, the conditions are good and the trail at the bottom of Rattlesnake has been cleaned up nicely. Things are a bit on the loose side as of now, but will only improve with time. By the time I got out done with my ride at about 8:30 ish....the parking lot was completely full! Lots of people out, but all were friendly and courteous.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10.3 Elevation change: 800ft
      RDC a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateNice And Warm-Hit el morro today at about 12:30 p.m., brought
      along a friend of mine whom has never mt. biked a
      "real" trail or park. I took him up my usual route,
      along the canyon floor, up I Think I Can, along the
      top Ridge, over Red Tail to RattleSnake, down the
      hill, back up to Mach One and out....it kicked his
      ass. I remember those days though, so today was
      more of a "cruise" than a real workout ride. The last
      time I rode this place, it was HEAVILY overgrown,
      particularly the area after the technical section of
      Rattlesnake. I was pleasantly surprised to see all
      the cleaning up of the trails that has been done. All
      of the mustard that used to stand 5 feet plus has
      been whacked, all of the ruts that caused havoc
      while plowing thru the mustard have been filled in.

      Considering we were right next to the ocean, the
      usual breeze wasn't really flowing, it was pretty
      warm, the sun beat us down.

      This place is in great shape and it wasnt to loose
      or sandy too bad at all, a great ride!!!
      Ride distance: 10.31miles Elevation change: ???
      BDEE riding a JamisDAKAR from Long beach


    • Trail UpdateHOT, Very HOT-This ride was a sun beating down, multiterrain, getting whiped in the face on the singe track, up and down ride of pure fun. Lottsa people so had to keep the speed down, saw a snake right in the middle of the trail, not a rattler but big enough to make us stop and backup and toss a rock at it so it would scurry away. this ride would be even more fun on a weekday.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=10%
      Nick a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT Avalanche 2.0 from Arcadia


    • Trail UpdateMach One , Watch Out!-Rode saturday morning, had to park on the other
      side of PCH, the lot was full by 9:30 or so. Did the
      usual ride, entered near the trailer park, along the
      floor to I Think I Can, along the Ridge, RedTail
      singletrack to RattleSnake, bushwhacked the area
      after Rattlesnake, same with the downhill after
      Rattlesnake, did the small climb up to Mach One,
      and this is where our ride became interesting.
      Started "machin'" down Mach One, we chose the
      left side of the "dual tracks" that are currently
      available, everything was fine unti just past 1/2 way
      down where with nearly no warning signs, the left
      side turns into a pretty decent sized RUT. Panic
      just about took over as I entered the rut at over 35
      mph....I thought for sure I was going down, my
      hands clamped my brakes, i leaned back as far as
      I could, waiting to eat dirt, I waited and waited, but I
      managed to stay upright, how?, I have no clue.
      Needless to say, RoosterLegz and myself were in
      near shock as we both reflected upon the last few
      seconds of our ride down Mach One. Once our
      bodies stopped shaking, we hung a left at the
      bottom and headed back to POLES (i think) we
      turned around there, my bike had taken a beating,
      broke a spoke and my fork mounts were stripped,
      causing me to lose the upper bolt which attaches
      my disc caliper.

      Not a bad ride though, was a beautiful day, saw
      about a 3.5 foot snake cross in front of us on I
      Think I Can, it wasnt a Rattler though.
      Ride distance: 12.56miles Elevation change: i didnt count
      bDEE a Weekend Warrior riding a jamisDAKAR from long beach


    • Trail UpdateRuts Have Been Filled.....-El Moro Canyon has had some major trail work done, most all of the ruts have been filled. I only rode this from the parking lot to I think I can and the initial mile or so has seen a lot of work done to it. I think I can is getting narrower, lots of rocks in the trail also. The rest of the park remains pretty much the same from my last post a couple weeks ago. Saw a couple of rattlesnakes, one at the bottom of BFI. He saw me and put his head up high and started rattling like mad, another one on Rattlesnake near Mach One. The weeds and vegetation at the bottom of Rattlesnake are still very badly overgrown, hard to ride through some parts. Overall conditions are decent, it will take some time for all the dirt they used to fill in the ruts to get packed down....it's a bit loose.
      Ride distance: 11 Elevation change: 800ft
      RDC a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 03' Foes FXR


    • Trail UpdateGet A Clue...-
      Colonel Mustard did it with a Scapel in El Moro Canyon.
      The mustard plants in El Moro Canyon are in full bloom and in some places totally blocking the trail.
      I found myself painted mustard yellow by the end of the day.
      One can pick up alot of speed in the section of trail below Rattlesnake leading to Mach One.
      This is where the mustard plant is the most dense.
      My handle bar got hooked by the overgrowth, twisting my wheel and causing me to become airborne.
      I thought it was enjoyable at first to be plowing through the tall plants until I found myself eating some.
      I highly advise a very causious approach through this section because one cannot see more than a couple of feet in front and there is a potential of having a collision with someone else heading in the opposite direction.
      Also, there are hidden rutts, some as deep as a couple of feet!
      My day began and ended in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.
      The Willow Canyon Trail and the connector to Crystal Cove were in fairly good shape.
      Had a flat near the top of Willow Canyon.
      I want to thank the bikers who stopped to check on me and offer advice.
      That's what it's all about, having fun and helping each other.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: ~12 Miles Elevation change: ~1000 Feet
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Zombie a 45 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2002 Cannondale Scalpel 1000 from Redondo Beach, CA


    • Trail UpdateRains Have Taken A Toll....-Rode the trail on my new FXR today with my buddy Jimmy, the place has some significant rain damage. We started out on El Moro Canyon, some damage there, namely ruts and a lot more rocks on the trail and a couple of ditches. Then rode up I think I can, not much changed there just more ruts. Took a left on Moro Ridge to Missing Link. The singletrack didn't see much damage and was fun as usual. Almost had an incident with a guy coming the opposite direction. Usually if the guy in front of you stops to let others by, you should do the same (don't ya think buddy?) We then took Redtail to Rattlesnake, the best part of the ride. We both cleaned Rattlesnake, and then the real rain damage showed. From the bottom of the technical part of Rattlesnake all the way to Mach One the trail is in very bad shape. Lots of erosion, very large amounts of vegetation taking over the trail. You really need to be careful on this section of the trail. Hillsides literally have collapsed onto parts of the trail. Still rideable but speed must be reduced. Then we headed down Mach One, still fast and fun, then hit El Moro Canyon again. Headed back towards B.F.I and went up the first part of it, turned around and back down to El Moro. At the bottom of B.F.I, there is a big ditch across the trail that is not rideable. Then headed back to the car. Overall still a good ride, not crowded and great weather.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 Elevation change:
      RDC a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 03' Foes FXR from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateTicketron,rattlesnake,poles-The park is in great condition. Ticketron and Poles, cake. The trails are well packed with very little loose dirt on the steep climbs. What little water we've gotten this winter has really made a difference with the vegetation. Some of the trails are so grown over they're barely visible. This is good. Even some of the fire road trails are being encroached upon by flowers and greenery. Very good.

      I only saw three bikers and four walkers this morning -- weekdays rule -- and with near perfect weather it couldn't get much better.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 8 Elevation change: ?
      Russ a 40 year old riding a fisher from Laguna Beach


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove-is open daily from sunrise to sunset. If there is no
      Ranger on duty, there is no fee. They will put a
      sign on the door to tell you.

      Laguna Wilderness is only open on the weekends.
      Not open holidays.

      Have fun!
      Ladydirt (not logged in) riding a RFX


    • Trail UpdateGot A Question?-Does anybody knows if crystal cove is open new years day. thanks in advance.
      Ramon a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher. from Lakewood


    • Trail Update3 Parks In 1 Ride!-If you can pick out the directions embedded within the goofy stuff, here's a guide to a ride that covers El Morro, Laguna Wilderness, and Aliso/Woods in one ride! You could start from any one of the three parks, but this ride describes it starting from A/W.

      Ridin' with the Viejos

      You can do this one only on the weekend, since Laguna Wilderness isn't open mid-week without special permission.

      Have fun!

      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 30-ish miles Elevation change: 3k?
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=10%
      MTB Addict a viejo year old from Viejo-land


    • Trail UpdateCongrats To The....-....group of about 8-10 equestrians who managed to chunk up the "red tail" singletrack. I hit the park yesterday around 11:00 a.m. and it wasnt too crowded at all. The usual joggers/hikers and a handfull of mt bikers. As I rode along the top ridge, headin' towards Red Tail, a couple fellow riders told me to "watchout for the horses". So, I approached the slight downhills with caution and when I was close enough to spot the equestrians, I stopped and dismounted, paying them the respect and trail ettiquete. There was about 8-10 of them, and each one thanked me as they passed by, they were all nice people. Anyways, I made my way to the singletrack and was disappointed as I cruised along. Literally, chunks of dirt were displaced by these horses, and it was consistant throughout the entire singletrack section. Almost looked like someone with a small shovel dug into the ground.

      Anyways, I finished up my ride, went down Rattlesnake, down the next hill, up to Mach One and back out. This was my first time riding here since the recent rain and overall it helped dramatically. There were still some sandpits here and there, but not nearly as bad as before.
      Ride distance: 10.50 miles Elevation change: dunno
      crusty bottoms a 29 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateRain, Good.-Rode El Morro this morning. The rain improved the trails dramatically. Did Rattlesnake twice and Poles and Elevator. Whew, without all the sand and silt on Poles it was a cakewalk. I was tempted to ride back down, turn around, and do it again. Too bad my riding partners didn't feel the same way. Rattlesnake was fun as always. It appeared as though the rains cleaned it up a little also. Elevator was as easy as it has ever been.

      The parking lot was packed by 10:00 a.m. I haven't ridden on a Sunday morning here before and was amazed at the turnout.

      I thoroughly recommend riding while the conditions are good.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 17 Elevation change: ?
      Russ a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sugar 2+ from Laguna Beach


    • Trail UpdateGreat Singletrk Once You Find It-Had a chance to ride this trail on my way up to LA for business this morning. Got out to the Ranger Station about 10am, not too many people in the lot, parking was free. Weather was perfect!

      I had a route planned out thanks to my trailbook and previous postings here. Started out on El Moro Canyon to I Think I Can and then over to Moro Ridge Road. Man that's some serious climbing! Views of the ocean and surrounding areas were beautiful. It's what riding is all about!

      Made it to Missing Link and Fence Line. These sections made the entire ride worth it...great singletrack! I found myself grinning after every turn as I got into a good flow. Dumped out onto Redtail Ridge and now I was really moving good. Made it to Rattlesnake where things got a little dicey. Lots of ruts in this section made it hard to pick out a good line. Walked a few sketchy parts since falling and bleeding was not an option with a business meeting later on in the day, but made it to the bottom. Again, this was the best part of the ride!

      Went down Mach One and then up Poles (I may now be a better hiker than biker ;-) to No Dogs and back to parking lot.

      All told almost 2 hours. Weather never got too hot, and there was a good breeze off the ocean the whole time. Amazing all the development going on around the borders of the park, hopefully it won't impact the trail in the future.

      I hope to make it back here soon with some more time to explore a bit more.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: abt. 12 miles Elevation change: 1000ft.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      HT-Rider a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized M4 HT from Oceanside


    • Trail UpdateThis Trail Is Great.-I have been riding the fullerton loop and carbon canyon
      trail ones or twice a week, for the last 4 months. and
      yesterday I rode crystal cove. and I got to say that this isby far more a much more fun trail.went down on poles rd. and elavetor rd. and I tell you . it is fun!
      awsome work out too on east cut across rd. defenetly
      I will be coming back. the drive to get there is it
      worth it. later.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 1000ft.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Ramon a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher Sugar 4. from Lakewood


    • Trail UpdateThis Trail Is Great.-I have been riding the fullerton loop and carbon canyon
      trail ones or twice a week, for the last 4 months. and
      yesterday I rode crystal cove. and I got to say that this isby far more a much more fun trail.went down on poles rd. and elavetor rd. and I tell you . it is fun!
      awsome work out too on east cut across rd. defenetly
      I will be coming back. the drive to get there is it
      worth it. later.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 1000ft.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Ramon a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher Sugar 4. from Lakewood


    • Trail UpdateVictim Of Rattlesnake....-myself and a two friends of mine headed out this past saturday morning to el moro. this was my first time riding here, so i was pretty excited to see how fun this trail is. we started from the parking lot, along the canyon floor, up "i think i can", i'm not sure of the next trail we rode from there, there were a few more tiny steep climb sections though as we rode along the top. we weaved our way through some slightly overgrown single track, it was quite fun as many of the turns were off camber, allowing for some extra "lean" into them. my friend who has ridden here many times, advised me to watch his line carefully as we sat at the top of "rattlesnake". he mentioned that i may want to walk a couple of the sections...i thought to myself, "no way am i walkin'", so, he clicks in, and off he goes, my friend Rick follows, then i click my foot in and carefully begin my descent. i try to keep an eye on Rick, watching his line while maneuvering my way down. being the newbie/novice/beginner/rookie i am, i found this to be the most technical downhill section i've yet to face so far while riding. (i've only rode whiting, aliso/wood>dripping cave>cholla>top of the world>rockit, and the fullerton loop)i was quite proud of myself as i was making my way down this section, picking lines that may have not been the best, but i was still on two wheels. many of you may talk shiz, saying "rattlesnake" isnt that technical but like i said, this was my first time on it. anyways, about 3/4 the way down, i believe my front tire slid into a rut, and before i knew it, i was going over the bars and landed on my left side, scraping my forearm on the top and bottom, and my bicep too, my bicep is also sporting nice bruise, about 6 inches long. my camelbak saved my back from getting any scrapes or bruises. i laid on my side/back for a few seconds and took in "my first crash" (probably of many to come) mountain biking. i've only been riding since mid-may of this year, and was wondering how long it was going to be until i left some skin on a trail. well, no longer am i wondering when that day will come. it felt good in a strange way to say that i've eaten shiz now, i proudly show off my scrapes and bruises, and relive the moment when people ask what happened.

      back to the ride now, so, after my crash, i dusted myself off, not all the way though, just enough to wear the dirt wasn't caked on. we continued on, making our way over to "mach one", this section was great, my cat eye measured 37.5 mph as my top speed on this section, next time i will go even faster, i was a bit hesitant since it was my first time on this trail....we cruised back along the canyon floor, getting 10.25 miles out of this ride. i cant wait to get back, and hopefully next time, i wont get "bit" by rattlesnake.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10.25miles Elevation change:
      bretDEE a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a haro v2 from long beach, CA


    • Trail UpdateTis The Season...-Had the day off so I decided on a ride in El Moro. Got out later than usual. Started up No Name out past the campground to Rattlesnake. Rattlesnake was very loose and dusty but always a good downhill. Near the coast the marine layer was in but once I got into the park the sun was blazing. It was probably about 85 degrees without the cool ocean breeze. Summer is almost here and that means rattlesnakes. And sure enough, ironically after I cleared Rattlesnake and was climbing out, I came upon - you guessed it! A rattlesnake! I was going slow at the time so I was able to stop and not startle it. It was probably about 2 feet long and it watched me curiously. I just stood there off of my bike and hoped it would move. I did not want to ride by it nor did I want to try and turn around and climb back up Rattlesnake. After about 5 minutes he did a U-turn and climbed back into the brush. No harm done. I continued on. Beautiful day and no more encounters. Just a warning that they are out. We saw one about a month ago on the Luge out off of the Santiago Truck Trail. I had not seen one before then since last summer. See you on the trails - and remember to stop and warn any riders behind you if you do spot one.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: 750 ft.
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=45% Truck Trail=30%
      Dave a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher from Laguna Niguel, CA


    • Trail UpdateFun Loop-I have been training for an tough upcoming century, and I was getting bored with so much road riding. So I decided to have some fun and head for one of my favorite local spots, El Morro Canyon. Did my standard 10 mile loop.From the parking lot down by the trailer park, up I Think I Can, left to Missing Link, left down Rattlesnake, up to No Name Ridge, and back down to the parking lot. It was a beatiful monday afternoon with nice temperature, and only a few other riders (I try to avoid weekend mornings in this park as it gets very busy with riders, hikers, families etc.).
      The Missing Link single track section was very sandy. I don't remember it being so slippery before. I had trouble staying on the trail in some turns. I had to slow down because my tires were skidding all over the place. Maybe it wasn't the trail but my rustiness
      from too much road riding. Rattlesnake was fun as always. The loop took me 55 minutes. After all, great break from riding on pavement, which reminded me that road riding is nice, but MTB is much more fun.
      If you live in the area, El Morro is always a great after work ride.

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9.8 miles Elevation change: not much
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      Pilas a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateGreat Afternoon Rides-I have been riding El Moro a lot lately. I haven't had much time to ride in the Santa Anas last few weeks, so El Moro is a nice alternative if you live in the area.There are a couple of loops that I like. If time is short, I like to ride down Moro Canyon to I think I Can. Take a left on Moro Ridge to the single track in the back of the park(San Joaquin Ridge).Then follow Red Ridge/Rattlesnake(the most technical in the park). After, make a right to connect with the No Name Ridge and down to the Parking lot. This loop takes me about an hour.
      If you have another hour you can extend the ride by making a left after Rattlesnake and connect with Moro Canyon. Go towards the back of the park again. Take the West Loop to San Joaquin Ridge again. This time instead of going down ratlesnake, follow Deer Canyon to No Name back to the car. This second loop takes me about 1:45.
      I find out that is best to ride this park in the afternoon or early evening. There are a lot less hikers later in the day than in the morning (it can be very crowded in weekend mornings).
      It is a great place if you are a cross-country rider. There is a variety of terrain and some of the climbs will have you breathing hard. Plus, the views are awsome, especially down back to the parking lot on No Name Ridge right before sunset.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 or 15 miles Elevation change:
      Pilas a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateNice Bike Park!-As we have ridden most of the trails here in San Diego county countless times, a bud and I ventured up to Moro Ridge on a whim. It was a good thing. Rode up the north ridge trail, I think it's called no-name, to the fence. Some short climbs to test your oomph. Great views and ocean breezes. Went past red tail/rattlesnake trail to see what was up further. Went to the fence and took a right on some nice singletrack. There was one part called missing link which was great. Got to the monument benchmark. Retraced our path back to red tail/rattlesnake. There clearly are more options up by the fence but our time was limited. Red tail/rattlesnake was great! It is a classic ridgeline singletrack with great views all the way down. Not aerial, but still great. Then it drops into a technical descent for a few hundred yards. We were surprised we cleaned it. It's not that hard a section, but it is a challenge the first time. Then it connects to a fast fireroad called mach one. The name says it all. Really fun place. We'll be back. The last poster who did most of this ride on a singlespeed deserves a lot of credit. Some of the initial rolly hill climbs are hard in a regular granny gear.
      Mike Kim from Carlsbad


    • Trail UpdateEl Moro Afterwork Grind....-People bag on El Moro, but the place is beautiful. It's too bad that the tract-homes are going up right next to it! The loop that I love is to go up on the El Moro Ridge, take the singletrack at the top to Redtail Ridge, and then down that singletrack to the El Moro Canyon trail and back out. On a singlespeed, this ride is dope. The thing I love about El Moro is that there is no attitude here. Does anyone know any thing about Laguna Coast Wilderness Park? Is it open on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month? After your ride, go down to the beach and drink beer for sunset...
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Donut a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Surly 1x1 from El Segundo, CA


    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride-Rode the trail for the first time today & it was great. Some of the trails have some serious ruts happening but that just made it all the more challenging. We rode just after the fog started to roll in which really cooled the temperature and made the ride even better.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10+ miles Elevation change:
      scott a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from So Cal


    • Trail UpdateSweet Ride...-First time at El Moro for 2001. Started at the north entrance with a buddy. Climbed No Name Ridge then dropped down into Deer Canyon. Conditions on Deer Canyon were great until you start climbing and almost to the top. All the sand spots are now hard packed however they are very rutted. Walked a short section then rode to San Joaquin Ridge. From here we dropped down on East Loop - Elevator Trail. Totally SWEET!!! Again all the sand traps are gone due to the rain...mainly hardpacked. Once at the bottom climbed up I Think I Can to Moro Ridge. From here we turned right and decended towards the trail exit. It was overcast yesterday however you can still get a killer view of the ocean. Finished the ride with a nice down hill section on the South Connector. It was a little chopped up though.

      I also noticed El Moro has lowered their parking rate from $6.00 to $3.00. You now have to pay in the office as they have gotten rid of the machine that was outside. Fortunately the office was closed and there was a note "free parking for today"

      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 10+miles Elevation change:
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer from Fullerton, CA


    • Trail UpdateScan It-We don't have rain!!!!!!!!!

      Hopefully it will hold off for three days to go play in the ruts.

      Ride distance: Can't wait to find out Elevation change:


    • Trail UpdateMoro Canyon - Great Ride??!!-Let me just say that this is supposed to be a useful, informative site to help people learn about the riding in different areas of the country. All theses dudes talking to eachother is not only moronic, but a waste of time and space! Although it's been a year and a half since my last visit to Moro Cyn, I just want to add for anyone who might be looking for a place to ride in the Newport/Huntington Beach area, that if you're a X-country rider, you have to check out this little mountian bike mecca. Now, as I read some of these other descriptions of Moro Cyn, it seems as though there has been some bull dozing and some trail erosion over the last year or so....If this is the case, than some of these people out there in Sunny Southern Cal should get off their lazy butts and make certain that this Canyon does not go to waste! I am from Philly and spent about a month out here in Hunt. Beach about a year ago. Working from 9-5 each day, Moro canyon became the closest easiest get-away for after work rides. I started at the parking lot and rode the whole canyon finishing the loop at the trailer park side. There were great singletarck sections and the smell of fresh Sage was everywhere.....ahh, how I long for that scent. There were some great views of the Santa Anta Mt. range, and it was just a really great course for ripping out some hard miles after or before work(catching a sunset on these trails is really something worth doing!!! So, to all these SO-Cal Yo-Yo's who down play this trail, they need to put there time into fixing it if there are becoming problems, instead of yelling back and forth at each other via this site. The Sixers are going to WHIP the Lakers this week!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: Elevation change: 1-200 ft.
      a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateBulldozers Rule-This ride has always sucked people. Quit crying and just have fun. create new singletracks or just ride down the side of the hills where there are no trails, RIP IT UP! Who cares, ride somehwere else otherwise. This place is a cross country riders paradise, but for those who like to ride down a hill more than up it, this place bites the big bulldozer. The best part of the day at El Morro is when we don't ever pay for the parking pass and never get ticketed. Stick it to the man.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 420 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=3% Dirt Road=95% Paved Path=2%
      Han Solo a 30 year old Downhiller riding a the Millenium Falcon from Alderan


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove-Hey Nookie Boy!!! Are you talking about Sullivan as in Sullivan Canyon trail up in LA? Well I have news for you my friend, that trail USED to be an awesome single track before they DOZED it. It NEVER returned to it's original state... Now it blows!


    • Trail UpdateKUDOS-Yes, Kudos to the concerned rider that obviously has
      the intelligence to speak to NOOKIE BOY. My guess is
      that Nookie is either ignorant or a State ranger
      flunkie trying to protect the DESTRUCTION that is going
      on. Has anyone noticed the massive summer erosion
      taking place here? A nice maintained singletrack lasts
      for ages. A barren fireroad will be devastated in the
      first rain, not to mention the massive dusting taking
      place now. Has anyone called IMBA yet? Maybe we can
      introduce intelligence versus State Mandated
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Paved Path=100%
      a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Homegrown XT from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove-i wont ned to eithir.................speyll check......chec iyt owt
      yunohoo a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove-Rebut to (No Nookie getting).
      Al thought I do appreciate sarcasm as much as the next. I feel those who use it in response to something are usually covering up for a lack in knowledge of the subject. As for your love of firebreaks, I do remember Laguna Burned, and keeps flooding, and sliding destroyed lives and homes in the process. because of your love for the fire breaks.
      If you had spent nay time studying what you call “TRAIL MAINTENANCE” you would know that when you remove vegetation off a hillside either by controlled burns or the ever-popular bulldozer. It greatly increases the rate of erosion and when mixed with water (rain) causes what I mentioned above.
      Furthermore, I’m glad you have seen bobcats in CHINO. But I am talking about EL MORO. I to have seen the rattlesnakes, but they don’t often feed on rabbits, they eat the mice. Rabbits were reserved for the coyotes, as proven when studying the Microsystems of El Moro, With out the coyotes, and you would know there are no longer there if you would spend the night there maybe ONCE, Rabbits are reproducing like people in third world countries (Over Population).
      I am sorry to see that you as a 33 year old adult who appreciates the sport that we al l love, wouldn’t take the time to protect what little open space we have left in OC

      As for me not being there to get in your way. I won't ned to once everyone else reades that you support the destruction of their home trails.
      Paved Path=100%
      Concerned a 28 year old riding a Level Betty, and a pair of hiking boots from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove-its called FIRE PREVENTION and erosion control[dear cyn]!!!!ever here of fire breaks?the area is a major fire hazard zone.
      relax time will change it back to the way it was.[just like sullivan]
      question..........just how many days[not hours] out of the year do you do trail maintanence?thought id ask.

      about the rabbits..ever hear of springtime?yknow nature.nature is something that you have no control over.i saw more rattlesnakes there 3wks ago than rabbits.you should see the bobcats that i saw at chino last wk.
      anyway at least you wont be there to get in my way.
      nookie a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a big bike from so cal


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove Toll Road-What has happened to this place? It is so distressing that the rangers are acting more like the Irvine Co. than conservationists.

      After an extended leave from El Moro, I'm sorry I every came back. I felt like that Native American, PC term, who cried because of all the pollution. Also it's not just the carpool lain they put in. But has anyone noticed the number of rabbits? They are multiplying like people. What happened to all the coyotes that kept them in check?

      Anyway, I would like to know if anyone had gotten a valid answer out of any of the, want to be ranges, as to why the hell they are destroying this place?

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Truck Trail=100%
      Concerned a 28 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Level Betty from Costa Mesa


    • Trail UpdateYikes!-Rode El Moro last week. The hill just after Rattle
      snake is TORN UP! Being the beginner I am (3 mo's), I
      was real uneasy going down 4 inches of loose dirt.

      Also rode "I Think I Can" a few weeks ago, it was
      decently packed. Those after work rides have been
      amazing! Thanks to my husband for introducing me to
      this great sport
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Keeping up with the Boys! a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a FSR Stump Jumper from Costa Mesa, CA


    • Trail UpdateEL MORON (MORRO)-Rode again on Thursday afternoon. I was sure I must
      have missed the turnoff. I was sure this was highway
      73. The only thing missing, was a toll booth. No, must
      be wrong, the 73 is more technical to ride than this
      piece of CRAP that our wonderful State park people have
      ruined for us. UnFreaking believable. This place just
      plain SUCKS now. I used to love coming here. If you do
      ride here, carpool or find somewhere to park other than
      the parking lot. DO NOT support these idiot BULLDOZER
      BOZOs!! My only other request, is that we make our own
      singletrack. If OUR park representatives, Yes OUR park
      reps, will not heed to the users of this park, let us
      show th
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      MBM a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn Homegrown XT from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateFreeway Today-Rode yesterday and Deer Canyon and I Think I Can are both widened to width of 2 lane highway - 20 + feet. I can understand grading but they widended enough for 2 way traffic. Is this supposed to create a fire break?
      Jon Resnick a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateHow about that new four-lane expressway coming up out of Deer Canyon?

      If you want to have some fun go ask Ranger Mike why it is the bulldozer can go tear the crap out of the roads but we can't have any new single-track because it degrades the watershed.....then watch him stutter and get red in the face.


    • Trail UpdateMore Destruction-Rode date 3/22
      That damned bulldozed also tore up the top section of the trail that turns into rattlesnake. The top of "I think I can" is now "I wish I didn't go this way".
      jon r a 39 year old


    • Trail UpdateBULLDOZER BOZOS!!-This weeks episode of Morons on Machines takes us to
      Crystal Cove...... Someone has seen it in their hearts
      to HELP? the mountain bike community. They have now
      made I THINK I CAN pretty miserable to ride. DOZER
      tracks are everywhere and soft crappy trails are right
      there with them. Weird huh, how we make a nice riding
      trail and are called outlaws for it but if THEY do it
      with bulldozers and rip the trail as well as vegetation
      along the way, it is trail maintenence. What a joke.
      when is the state park going to support the bikers that
      support the park. Help us, HELL , use a bobcat, ...That
      FREAKING Caterpillar is ridiculous...USE your head...
      Rattlesnake is still worth going to the park for. At
      least for now. ALL mountain bikers need to support
      those who support us, and NOT the places that refuse to
      accept. R
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      MBM a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Homegrown XT from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateEl Moro-Got in an after work, New Years ride yesterday.
      Went down Moro Canyon, up I think I can, down fenceline to Missing Link, down Deer Canyon up the climbs, down No Dog and back to the car.

      I had my first hiking experiences here several years ago, saw mtn bikers here one time and that got me thinking to start this sport. I really enjoy the "Tuesday night rides" during daylight savings, and this place, although for the most part less technical than other areas in Laguna, is a Zen experience for me, the riding and camaraderie. It's also easy to get to and get in a good training ride and go hard.

      The trails are torn up and pretty soft and rutted in some sections, such as the short descent to missing link. Alternating rain and clear days are DEFINITELY needed to pack down the trails and prepare them for some badly needed MAINTENANCE. This is probably the case with most of our trails now.

      RainMan where are you.

      See you on the trails!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      DK a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Dean Scout Ti XTR from HB


    • Trail UpdateEl Moro-I pretty much covered all of El Moro's fine trails this
      afternoon on my trusty single speed. Most trails are
      in great condition to ride this time of year. The
      views are awesome and very few people are out during
      the week. Braking bumps detract from some of the
      descents, but all-in-all its worth the trip
      Craig D. a 29 year old riding a Voodoo Nzumbi Single Speed from Laguna Beach


    • Trail UpdateEl Moro-Did a loop of the park this past w/e. Rode up the cyn to I think I can, up that to Moro ridge, north to Fenceline, across to Rattlesnake, down that to Mach 1, up that to No name ridge and back to the car. Its getting kinda chopped up n silty, needs some light rain bad. The tough part of Rattlesnake is getting very chopped up, so watch yerselves......Also quite a few walkers/hikers out there too. still a great place to ride nontheless.........
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      TK a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a DEAN ti from RSM


    • Trail UpdateCrystal Cove Update - Summer 99-All trails in Crystal Cove State Park are showing the usual summer wear and tear. Lack of rain has allowed the talc to accumulate on the trails everywhere, making for a soft and dirt-coating ride. Irvine Company patrols have increased due to home construction to the northwest of the park - new yellow "No Trespassing" signs should be taken more seriously this time around. Several new singletrack trails have appeared to circumvent this problem. What was once a beautiful coastal park is now in danger of becoming overrun by trails created by thoughtless bikers who apparently think that putting up a trail anywhere is okay. The Laguna Coast Wilderness Area is still not open officially to bikes - yet. This has stopped no one. Expect more trails to appear. My guess is that this area will become the next Point Reyes. Abuse = limited access. Also note that there have been some bigtime crashes of late, with serious injuries. No doubt lawsuits to follow. Go figure.
      Scudman a Die-hard Enthusiast from The Gold Coast


    • Trail UpdateMy first mountain bike experience was here! I christened my new mountain bike here.....Crystal Cove State Park in Laguna Beach. Had a great time and definitely plan to do it again! But I am hurting in the sense that I got a few battle scars from the trail they call "Rattlesnake." The true test was the trail called "I Think You Can."........I couldn't! This is highly recommended soon! It was exhilarating along with the very beautiful scenery! Although I do not have sore muscles, I made it through 3 hours of fun and a good nights rest to go along with it! It was a rewarding experience!
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=10% Truck Trail=5%
      ARE a 29 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Klein Pulse Pro from Whittier, CA


    • Trail Update5:30 pm start time. Sunny & gorgeous, slight ocean breeze. 2.5 hr ride. Excellent trail conditions.

      To count:
      63 stink bugs
      459 rabbits
      25 'rollie pollies'
      uncountable lizards
      1 beautiful grown doe grazing on the trail on the backside of 'Rattlesnake'
      1/2 of a potato bug (sorry guy!)
      2 friendly humans
      A whole lot of peace of mind

      JT a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klien from Balboa Island


    • Trail UpdateDry Enough To Ride!-I rode El Morro with my friends on Sunday and it was a great ride. We started up 'I think I can' to the top ridge back to fence line, cross missing link and around to the single track that leads up to 'Rattle Snake' and then back to the Ranger station. This is a good climbing workout! The trail is really great right now and the mustard plants are in full bloom, some towering overhead. The shrubery on the single track climb is a bit overgrown so be prepared to be 'scrubbed' by the brush. (haha) Additionally, if you happen to have a portable hatchet you might consider hauling it to clear away some of the nettle plants that have crossed the trail paths. I have also seen a few baby snakes,on this ride and recent others. I didn't stick around long enough to see or hear a rattle, but it is a good reminder to pack the snake bite kit. All in all, these seemingly inconvenient things are soon forgotten once you shoot out into the parking lot, invigorated from a great ride.
      Jennifer Todd a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Klien from Balboa


    • Trail UpdateKory-I rode this trail on Saturday. I rode El Moro to Slow and Easy to Fenceline to Rattlesnake to Mach Drive and back to the station on El Moro. The trail, especially El Moro was in good shape! Much of the soft, front tire eating sand was gone. They've been doing a lot of work out there with large machinery so it is a little torn up because of it, but it was fun and well maintained. The singletracks were all in great shape. Rattlesnake is a little overgrown with your arms and legs getting brushed but that's 1/2 the fun! Go there! Ride! Watch out for hikers. There were a lot there on Saturday. The parking lot was 3/4 full around noon. The trails are starting to green up also!


    • Trail UpdateI just got back from riding the park and it is in great condition. I rode to the top and took "fenceline" north to "Rattlesnake". The trails are in excellent condition! The rain has semi packed the sandy trails and they are perfect for climbing or downhill. The only trail that was "rough" is the bottom of "I Think I Can". It looks like there was some severe errosion and they had to bring in the big machinery. There are also a few creek crossings on the main canyon road. Everything is starting to get green again.
      Singletrack=% Dirt Road=% Truck Trail=%
      Stevie G a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast .


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.n2.net/freemapsin3d/crystal">3D Crysta-


    • Trail UpdateChris and Yvonne Kemp


    • Trail UpdateMore Trails Open Up in El Moro
      The heavy equipment came out in force and has repaired most of the trails in the park. The last remaining damaged (and closed) areas are the bottom 100 yards of "I Think I Can" and the connector to "Elevator" from the main canyon trail. There's still a lot of water slowly seeping out of the canyon, so look out for muddy areas when riding the main canyon trail.

      Other than that, the trails are open so you can get "bored" with the rest of the park!


    • Trail UpdateThe trails look pretty good compared to some of the harder hit areas. Mising Link and Fence Line are in great shape. Fast and sandy. Rattlesnake improved? with Mr. Nino's help, filling in the ruts between the rocks. Not too many tracks going through there, I hope some more riding will improve this. The single track to the downhill is a bit slower with sand and ruts, but alot more fun. Beware of the last jump (water bar) before the uphills. It has an undercut and can launch you OTB at high speed. The fireroad after Rattlesnake is now a fast singletrack with several landslides and washouts and some hike-a-bike. Not too bad and well worth it for the ride. We will ride the full loop in a few weeks and give update. have fun, ride hard


    • Trail UpdateTrail Conditions, 5-31-98-Only the outer perimeter and a portion of the canyon trail is open. No Dogs is in good condition, as is Deer Canyon. Fenceline and Missing Link demand more attention than before (el Nino). Moro Ridge has a few surprises and is no longer the rippin' fast fire road it was. Overall, it's still an excellent ride.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Chris Francoeur a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a a blue one from Corona del Mar


    • Trail UpdatePark Update-I talked to the ranger today and he informed me of the condiotions. He tsted the park was basically unridable from the storms. they expect to get a tractor up today and start on the fireroads. They are going to have a volonteer day to repair the single tracks on the sunday the 26th. if any one wants to help be there at 8:00 am . This trail has been closed since november and it is one of the best mb parks in southern california. lets pitch in and get it open again.
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      shawn maez a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 97 m-2 specialized from mission viejo , ca


    • Trail Update<A HREF="http://singletracks.com/elmoro.htm">The Cove</-


    • Trail Update<A HREF="http://www.latimes.com/HOME/DESTLA/BIKING/mocelmro.h-


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.apc.net/maross/ocmtb.htm">El Moro Cany-


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://members.aol.com/sharemtb/crystlcv.html">Cr-


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.hsis.uci.edu/grega/rides/moro1.html">E-


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