- Saturday, February 15, 2025
Southern California Trails
- Socal(290)
- -> Los Angeles County(114)
- -> Brentwood(5)
- -> Kenter Fire Road(The Whoops)
Kenter Fire Road(The Whoops) - #KenterFireRoad(TheWhoops)
Socal - Los Angeles County - Brentwood NickNames: #KenterFireRoad(TheWhoops) 151, whoops
Take the 405 north. Exit Sunset Blvd, you then make a left on to Sunset.Proceed for about 1 to 1 1\4 miles to Kenter. On Kenter you make a right and proceed up the hilly road. This is about a couple of miles long, but it ends at the trail starting point. When you get to the end of the road, you will see a gate. Go through the gate, ride down the paved road. It will soon turn to dirt after about 300 to 400 ft.you should reach the bumps. on your left you will see the bottom of the bumps and on your right you will see a hill. you can ride up the single track bumps or ride up the hill. I say you ride up the bumps to see what your gonna ride down.It will be 1.3 miles long. There are hardly any hikers,no mountain lion sightings that I know of. Enjoy! Thomas Guide page 591 E7
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- Trail UpdateKenter Whoops-There have been two sightings of a mountain lion, by the rangers, but on the last 4 rides since the signs have been up I havent seen a big cat or been eaten yet.
a 32 year old Downhiller riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Santa MonicaPosted:05/14/2011
- Trail UpdateKenter-Not sure what all the anger is for. I've been riding there for years and the locals and non-locals are all very cool. Sometimes get a little attitude from the long time local riders but just stay out of their way and keep the place clean, and there will be no problems. Don't be stupid and get hurt - know your limits and be respectful. Give way to the locals and hard working dedicated jump makers. If you have the nuts, you can become a good jumper from practicing at Kenter (or have lots of broken bones). The place is insane and you can become addicted very easily.
a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Kona coiler from Los Angeles, CAPosted:01/20/2009
- Trail Update"Keep Out" is typical of snobs living near trailheads who think the street is their own personal property. If you don't like all the bikers coming by "your" street, you need to move somewhere else.
mikeh420 a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized from CalifPosted:11/26/2008
- Trail UpdateStay Out!-Red flag, pink flag, rainbow flag, whatever...if you don't live here don't ride here!!!
motherhuckera Racer riding a your mother from Brentwood
- Trail UpdateDa Whoops-Interesting noting the quality of the spelling and ride reports on the Whoops. DWP locks the gates during fire season to prevent nut jobs and arsonists from getting up in there and creating havoc. If it's red flag season, windy and low humidity, stay out of Kenter. The gate is locked for a reason, to keep you out during hazardous times and weather conditions. They are citing for trespassing
Denmother a 52 year old Racer riding a Intense cocksucker from RiversidePosted:11/17/2008
- Trail UpdateKenter ( The Whoops)-WoW...... not for the faint of heart. Easy to wreck ( I did , twice) but worth the learning and HUMBLING experiance. I will have to work on my stunt skills a bit longer and this is by far the most punishing suspension work out I have Rode. Must be hundredes of 4 foot steep verticle launches the locals call jumps. very intimidating. Spoke to some guys who told me the locals are tring to close down this site again after a rash of people having to be air lifted out by the fire dept. 90% are MTB'ers who have wrecked and injured themselves sometimes badly ( there are a few deep and wide crevices that look tempting ). I rode the single track to Nike and Took the whoops back a Great ride the single track just after (or before depending on direction)the " JUMPARAMA" is closing in with vegatation a little but still very ridable. This trail should offer something for everyone but should also be rated expert after the air that some other MTB'er were landing. Tabletops,Crossups, and big big air. watching these veterans was like watching a big air motorcross stunt show and I was in Awe. Check this place out before it's gone but keep your butt over your back wheel and forget about using that left hand brake ( unless you see something in front of you you want to get a much closer look at ) another great trail in LA.
Dusty Jointsa 37 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose with a blower from Los Angeles
- Trail UpdateI rode the Kenter Coaster with my Dad, who loved it so much we did it again. Someday I'll do that see-saw thing that was added recently. We spoke with a dude there who said that he had helped build the whoops; he showed us some mean-ass full-suspension jumping that made us flinch just watching. Makes me wonder what it would be like on my XR!!! :)
Ride rating: Intermediate
Singletrack=90% Paved Path=10%
Big Ben a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh MT20 and an '02 Honda XR250R from HollywoodPosted:12/02/2004
- Trail UpdateCheck It Out-Kenter has gone from 100+ little bumps to a huevo testing grounds. It has been thought out from all levels in mind. pros sometimes wont even hit all the jumps. yet there are well placed tabeltop jumps for all of the beginers. the place is going off and only getting better. just keep in mind that we are parking in local neighborhoods so respect all of the residents. KEEP YOUR VOLUME DOWN, and watch the language. then when you get to the trail it is free game. also if you ride kenter expect to put in your time on the business end of a shovel.
Cletis a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Bianchi BASS from Santa MonicaPosted:10/29/2004
- Trail UpdateRe:Where Does This Go?-". . . .very narrow and way overgrown but real fun." Yes to all, but dropping into a private landscaped back yard, to end the ride, didn't seem to be the best concept for keeping our MTB image up in the local neighborhood. Glad to hear it's getting overgrown.
Gusitar a Leap year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Red, White, Black or Blue one from S&M/BentwoodPosted:07/07/2004
- Trail UpdateWhere Does This Go?-I rode the whoops the other day and decided to take a little single track
I found. If you enter the gate from the street, follow the paved road
down a bit to the first left turn you can make (if you hit the big storm
drain you went too far). It looks like an access road but turns into a
great little singletrack. It's very narrow and way overgrown but real fun.
The problem is I don't know where it goes. I had to turn around after a
bit because my car was back at the top of the hill.Anybody know?
Ride rating: Intermediate
Singletrack=95% Dirt Road=1% Paved Path=4%
Taylor a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Enduro Comp from West LAPosted:07/07/2004
- Trail UpdateKenter Fire Road (Whoops)-Just did Kenter, through Mountain Gate homes, and up to Mulholland to connect to Tigers Tail and a climb up Caballero. I noticed construction going on in Mountain Gate, and it looked like they were building a gate across the street connecting the two dirt trails. Does anyone know if access is going to be closed? Any info would be helpful. Thanks.
David a 56 year old Cross-Country Rider from West LAPosted:05/11/2004
- Trail UpdateKenter Fire Road( The Bumps)-My dad and i took my buddy on the bumps for his first time on Kenter. Rode kenter fire road through, to development, dirt mulholland, and to Nike radar station to patch a flat from a nice spiky thorn.
trail conditions are dry, thick sand spots on mullholland, and white rock showing through on fire road, lots of dust from friend skidding around. bumps were great today, i got bigger air now that i was purposefully jumping. i will be back soon...wished we saw how the guy who was suited up in full body armor took the bumps.
Wyles a 13 year old riding a Gary Fisher Tasajara from Santa MonicaPosted:09/14/2003
- Trail UpdateMtn Boarding-I just recently started going to the Bumps and was
blown away at how long it is! As a MtnBoarder,that's an
off-road skateboard/snowboard type of ride, I am always
looking for spots to session and here in L.A. there
isn't much. This place satisfies the need. All the
bikers have been more than cool in accepting our kind
up there, Thank You. Can't wait for the rain to mellow
out so we can ride the Bumps soon!Dust
Ride rating: Advanced
spencer emmons a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a MountainBoard from L.A.Posted:04/17/2003
- Trail UpdateThe Bumps Got Bumpy-Mr Bonk pretty much said it all about our ride, but I thought I'd mention the party where we rode the downed power pole. Billy thought it would be funny to challenge the rookie, me, to something that he claimed everyone did to be initiated. I'd already been on this ride (and drew blood then too) so I didn't think I needed to be initiated...but it looked like fun, so I gave it a try...and after starting beyond the metal pole that would have meant impalement if fallen on, I made it some of the way down the pole and came out unscathed. Then Billy put his ass where his mouth is, and tried it himself. (see the video at my site). I won't tell you how he did, so you'll watch the video. Also, Josh gave it a valiant try. Later, we recorded Tom's three Canyon jumps, also on the site. Now I gotta go and nurse my hip road rash...
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
Justin a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Bianchi Wannabe from LA URL: Pics and Video clips of Justin's ridesPosted:01/23/2003
- Trail UpdateTHE WOOPS-It was a perfect day to ride, only 3 showed up at the park and ride, we waited about 20 minutes then we went on or way to Kenter the Woops! When we arrived, Billy Bob was there with Patrick, Josh, and Justin.
We unloaded and away we went up the hill, I had forgotten how steep the climb was but it was a good worm up, Once we reached the bottom of the Woops we decided to ride up them to check them out.
Since this would be a short ride if this were all we did we decided to go up to the Nike Radar Station.
On the way up we did a few short climbs, Sonny did very well as Billy Bob did too.
The radar station was cool to see lot of bikers up there.
On the way back to the Woops Justin drew first blood, the elbow guards do work!
Then on the Woops after Shocktower cleared The Canyon Jump 3 times [good job!]. I crashed just starting off
Good laugh for everyone! Then Josh hugged the side of the hill little dirty but no damage done.
Second run on the Woops, Shocktower started off in the lead then slowed he let Billy Bob and me pass
I gave it all I had left in me and Billy Bob was hanging on for over have the way. We regrouped at the Canyon jump. After that we finshed the Woops we waited and waited then Patrick came ridding up
Blood everywhere! He crasher and a stick went through the vent on this helmet. What are the changes of that happening?
All in all it was a good ride
Patrick you can ride with me anytime!
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 15miles Elevation change:
Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
Mr Bonk a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Fontana CaPosted:01/20/2003
- Trail UpdatePerhaps "class" was the wrong word. Nevertheless, the point I was trying to make was, since it's a "Brentwood" neighborhood, have the police showed up and harassed riders who were there? Generally, police will show up to neighborhoods like that, before any other areas.
Jd415203 a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant from North HillsPosted:12/21/2001
- Trail UpdateWTF?-It may be a higher "cost" area, but there is nothing higher "class" about it. Ride on.
- Trail UpdateI went to the "whoops" for the first time today. It's apparent that the neighbors don't want us there. As I pulled up, I could hear one of the homeowners complaining to his wife, that I parked on the street, etc. As I rolled up to the gate, I saw a huge "private property sign," and a "no trespassing sign."
The question is, (since it's a "higher class" area) do the cops actually show up and chase us away, or were these signs put up by the homeowners to deter from riding near their homes?
Jd415203 a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant from North HillsPosted:12/21/2001
- Trail UpdateInfo For GGod-Yes, you missed it. The Whoops are 1.1 miles long. Not sure what you are describing when you say 'DWP FR turning back to singletrack' - It really does'nt, although there are some singletracks that parallel it. You should have gone straight through the houses after the chainlink fence, then up the DWP road (paved) to the water tanks, turning to dirt FR. Up slightly to the right is the steep shaley rutted downhill Mr. Big that is fun to do before The Whoops, or take the road to the left - they meet. At the bottom of Mr. Big (another chainlink fence), climb slightly on the fire road (still dirt), then The Whoops start at the concrete wall on your right with the wire 'fence' on top, at the saddle. This is dirt FR, before you hit the next water tanks (where The Whoops end), and before the pavement starts again.
You cannot connect directly to Sullivan from here, although you can descend Kenter pavement, then cut over to Mandeville Canyon via Sunset (dangerous) or through residential streets North of Sunset (check Thomas Bros map to find the route - lots of turns).
Mandeville is a fairly easy paved climb, and then you can either climb up Chalon to Westridge then drop Bayliss to Queensferry and down into Sullivan to climb that. Or alternately climb Westridge pavement/FR to Nike. Or you can continue up Mandeville to either Hollyhock (on the right - ending at Kenter ridge North of the houses), or Gardenland (a little farther up, on the left, right at the forks - Ending at Westridge FR just South of the Nike base).
Ride distance: 1.1 miles Elevation change: 800'
- Trail UpdateKenter FR-Today I went on one serious ride in search of the Whoops. From the CSUN area I rode south to Cabellero Canyon and up to dirt Mull. Rode east to the last FR before Mull turns paved and took the single track that criss crosses the FR down to the chain link fence at the housing community. Continued on the DWP FR switching back to sigle track. Came down a somewhat steep part on to pavement and then I saw the Whoops down to the right. Scrabled through the brush down to the trail and rode the last part of the Whoops. What I rode was fun but it was at most a quater mile. Do the Whoops go all 1.3 miles up and I just missed it?
Transitioned to paved Kenter down to Sunset, west to Mandeville Canyon up to Westridge and onto the FR. Climbed back to the Nike missle site and went west on Dirt Mull all the way to Topanga. Rode the streets home for a 46 mile, kicked my ass ride.
Info on the Whoops would be appreciated. Also how to get down to Sullivan Canyon from there as well, like in the previous post. Seems a bit impossible with Mandeville Canyon between the Whoops and Sullivan Canyon
- Trail UpdateKenter/Sullivan Loop-If you're kind of short on time a nice loop is heading up Sullivan Canyon than over to the Kenter Whoops and back down through Sullivan back to your car. We did that loop today and the trails are generally in good shape with a minor amount of silt. Had a chance to watch a first timer ride the whoops who was with us and another who wasn't. Fortunately our guy picked it up quickly but the other guy--legs flying all over (didn't have clips)and one serious blow to the family jewels. It wasn't pretty. Checked out the spot Dusty did that drop on(photos on El Santo's site)--that guy has some major league grapefruits for balls to take that on--kudos to you.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change: 1000-1500
Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=10%
Dan from T.O. a Die-hard EnthusiastPosted:08/19/2001
- Trail UpdateBurbank>Cab.>Mulholland>Kenter-I had a pretty epic after work ride yesterday. I work
in Burbank, off Riverside and Buena Vista. Took
Riverside to Ventura, Ventura all the way to
Reseda. Up Caballero to dirt Mulholland. On
Mulholland past the Nike Missle Base(going east)
to the last fire road entrance before Mulholland
turns paved again. Through the gates up and over
on the singletrack to mountaingate....PRETTY
FUN!!! Not to tough...just a little loose. Through
the chain gate, on the pavement for a 1/4 mile...up
the STEEP DWP road....back to Kenter. FINALLY,
after a good hour and a half of (mostly) climbing...I
got to the Whoops!!! Man....I love this damn trail!!!!
I got more air than ever!!! Even after that grule of a
ride before I got there...!!! Through the Whoops
without a hitch, down through the NEW HUGE
Down the pavement, through Brentwood and
home just south of Wilshire. All and all it was 33.5
Quite a ride. I wish the whole ride from work could
be on the dirt...!!!
Happy trails!!!
WLASean a 29 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek FS VRX 300 from W. Los AngelesPosted:07/20/2001
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: 2Miles Elevation change:
Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
MR BONK a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK VRX from RANCHO CUCAMONGAPosted:12/17/2000
- Trail Update8/29 Rain-After at least 1/2" of rain Tue night, The Whoops are open for biz! Nice fast line & sticky dirt will hold a few days max, then it's back to summer dry.
Strange to get cold on an August ride, but a nice change. Rain washed away the smog too, revealing Catalina Island, and leaving everything clean-smelling. Speed, air and drops capped by an amazing sunset. I love this place.
Guess I'm (part of) the 'bobsled team' now (that fits).
Multiple 'new' sick-drop side-action available
Ride distance: 1 mile Elevation change: 800'
- Trail UpdateWhoops!!!!!!!!!!!And Then Some-Made a last second decision Friday to head here. You have got to ride these. After a brisk ride from the trailhead at Molholland, thru Mt. Gate and then down. Saw the retaining wall and BAMM!!! What an awesome ride. We decided to wait for the bobbsled team we talked to at nice offshoot trail. "Straight Down!!!" These guys have balls. After they came through, what a work out. Take the Whoops back. Even better workout.
I sure hope these Whoops stay around a while...... What do you think Dusty? You mentioned a possible ripout...
Later Bros.
Ride rating: Intermediate
Bonzai a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper from West Hills, CAPosted:08/30/2000
- Trail UpdateRide #2-Saturday p.m.
Hit this local spot to visit some old favorites and try my hand at some sections I had only before stared at. Fairly short ride as I climbed my way only to where the pavement begins before mountaingate. Played around on Mr. Big, a steep slope with a big fat rut down the middle. Hit the whoops which are undeniably one of the best stretches of dirt ANYWHERE. Also took a look down onto El Santo's latest discovery and creation which he has named "Coupe de Ville". I'll let him handle the description, if any, on that masterpiece.
Anyway, I thought I would finish my ride with the ever present, and super intimidating Kenter off ramp. This section makes the Westridge off ramp(Endo's local hangout) look silly. It's a nice steep, loose, rutted, ledged out, drop. What makes this one a little different than the off ramp at Westridge is the S-shape it has. 3 major turns on this guy make it hard to control speed and direction. I tried it maybe 20 times having succesful runs on #2 and #20. Also had about 6 medium sized crashes sandwiched in there. There are 2 straighter but steeper runs down this face which I have yet to try, and that's why I'll keep going back.
The satisfaction of conquering a new section on your bike, no matter what level you are riding at is second to none, and probably why we all fiend so hard to improve at this sport. Addiction is not a strong enough word to describe my condition, and I'm not looking for any cure.
Good luck to you.
Dusty BottomsPosted:08/21/2000
- Trail UpdateWhoops Update-Howdy,
I heard that the whoops (Kenter Coaster) are not in danger of being torn down! The wall is to not let water run down the canyon when it rains. I guess last year a house was damaged from mud etc. So don't panic people the whoops are safe for now. However, if you are parking at the top of Kenter, try to respect the people who live around where you park. I have seen people changing and CRANKING music. I am sure the neighbors love that! Lets try to show a lil respect, OK?
Ride rating: Expert
Chris De Mos a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Avalanche from Torrance, CAPosted:07/21/2000
- Trail UpdateA Wall?-I rode the whoops again on Sunday, 7/16. They built a large (4ft) concrete wall at the top of the trail?? I can't figure out what it is for. It's quite large for just a retaining wall. Are they trying to keep us out? It'll never work!! Still a fun ride! I'm trying to take it a little faster each time (without killing myself!) Enjoy it, while it lasts!
Ride rating: Expert
MissingColorado a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 1999 Raleigh M600 from Santa MonicaPosted:07/19/2000
- Trail UpdateAppropriately Named, "The Bumps"-A Friday afternoon (7/14), one unemployed mofo and one personal day takin mofo decide to follow up on a little Internet research.
Downhill Mayhem. Hard ruts, sharp cutbacks, loose dirt; DOWNHILL. Not exactly sure you can get into a rythem section here, but for the sheer rush, "The Bumps" is just that, a rush.
Sure, there are a couplde of spots where you and a bud can repeatedly attack the same hit. But the fun here, and from what I understand may not be here much longer, is taking, "The Bumps" from the top and handling them down.
We rode BMX 20 inchers and it was cool, so one of those mambo-jambo mountain bikes would be cool for sure.
I'm still looking for that trail spot in L.A.
But for now, "The Bumps" will serve as a trail outlet.
Eric a 25 year old riding a Free Agent from Manhattan BeachPosted:07/14/2000
- Trail UpdateWhoops!!-I rode the whoops for the first time on Sunday, 7-9-00. It was the end of a long 37 mile ride. I rode from Santa Monica, up Sullivan Ridge to dirt Mulholland. North on DM to fire road 30 in order to access "The Hub". I stopped at the hub and ate a small lunch (very small to avoid puking later!) . Took the Eagle Rock/Eagle Springs loop and then back to the top of Sullivan Ridge. From there, down to the whoops! What a great way to end a ride! Although by that time my upper body was tired and I though I might eat it a couple of times! Overall the ride was great! Trail conditions are dry and soft in some places. Bring alot of water. Careful for snakes. I saw a couple of coral snakes around Eagle Rock. I just moved here from Colorado, so I am still getting used to these trails. They are much wider, faster and less technical than most of the riding in CO. Anyways, I look forward to exploring the SM hills some more!!
Ride rating: Intermediate
Ride distance: 37 miles Elevation change: 750
Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=80% Paved Path=10%
MissingColorado a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 1999 Raleigh M600 from Santa MonicaPosted:07/11/2000
- Trail UpdateThe Beginning Of The End?-Hit up an afternoon ride with El Santo to check out some trails just east of the 405 fwy and finish up with Kenter side action and the whoop-de-doos. All went great, fat ass switchbacks on the Gettyview trail, monster climb up mountainview where I prompted E.S. to "Stop tilting the screen!!!" as the road just kept getting steeper. Hit up some nice drops and ruts and then at the top of the whoops someone decided to punch us both in the stomach...
Please be seated before reading this...
The powers that be have dug a 5 foot deep ditch blocking the entrance to our beloved bumps. One of the most famous 1 mile trails in California is in jeopardy of being castrated. By my best assessment it looks like a pipe replacement job, but why only at the entrance to the whoops? Not to mention the fact that they have completely flattened the first 200 feet(about 15 jumps) of the trail. It doesn't look as if anything can be done to salvage this trail as work is already is progress and the land is owned by the Getty museum. I guess the writing had been on the wall for a while with the freshly painted front gate featuring "no tresspassing" signs everywhere. El Santo had even spotted a couple cops in uniform regulating the trailhead a couple months ago. I do hold onto the dream of some type of pipe work as I don't think they could get the dozers over the ditch that they have dug to flatten the rest of the jumps.
My advice to everyone would be to get up there and do these jumps at least 3 times in a row before they're gone for good. Then bow your head and pour out a little liquor on this trail and bid it farewell. Is it just me, or does it seem that we are losing every trail battle on the coast?
I'm gonna go throw up now :(
Dusty BottomsPosted:07/07/2000
- Trail UpdateHidden Levels-Just like everyone on the westside, I have used the Kenter fire road mostly to access the whoop-de-doos as a fun way to finish local rides. Well, it seems that I had forgotten how many fun, challenging, and downright hairball sections there are before and after the jumps. I went up and back the last couple days, slowly combing through the many options, let's just take it from the top.
After going around the gate at dirt mulholland and entering the top of Kenter fire road, there will be a singletrack straight ahead heading over a hill. The backside to this is a nice rocky, fairly steep, off camber section. The line to the left is slightly tougher due to a couple small ledges and because it gives you a poor line into the bottom area, but it will give you a sense of greater accomplishment. The bottom area is filled with loose rock so lay back and forget about your brakes. Once done there you will hit a 20 foot high mound that you can jump... but there is no landing area, ouch. The next mile or two before the mountaingate residential area will be another couple singletracks to your left that are relatively uneventful, but still fun.
Now on the other side of the houses, up the pavement, watch for a singletrack that breaks off the dirt to the right side. The backside of this is a single-rut, loose shale type run. Concentrate on staying in the rut and you'll be fine, and the dismount is incredible. A nice six foot drop off to your left onto the fire road, or an escape ramp to your right. Another half mile and you're at the bumps. I won't bother explaining these because you've either done them, or heard all about them.
After the last jump take a breath and look 50 yards up the dirt slightly to the right. You will see a steep S-shaped dropoff facing you that must be entered from the backside. This is not for the faint of heart. Take a look from the top and you will see that it not only isn't straight but it has a small ledge in the beginning, and a 3-6 foot ledge at the bottom(depending on which side you choose). I tried it for the first time yesterday and crashed like you can't even imagine. I went OverDaBars followed by an Endo Verendo, and finished up by getting Rocktumbled all the way to the bottom. I could feel DaBreeze blowing dust into the wounds that made my legs look like Chuq(ster) ground beef. I was all jacked up! I had hesitated at the top...unacceptable. I got back on and busted it out 3 times in a row.
Continuing south towards the bottom you will see a left turn that hooks up with the base of a powerline tower. It also has this great mound that is great for dropoff practice. Either leaning back or jumping it you can get come around the back ramp about every 20 seconds for some serious reps. Continue down towards the front and you will finish the ride overlooking the front gate, but in front of you lies another steep, s-shaped, ledged out chute. I gave it a try but did not ride it cleanly, I was just too worn out and bleeding. I will be back.
This place is full of great stuff, but just like everyone's local rides if you look hard enough you find all the hidden levels. Kinda like all those hours I wasted on Super Mario 3. Good luck to you.
I would like to thank Daylight Savings for making these after work rides possible. It took long enough to get here.
Dusty BottomsPosted:04/06/2000
- Trail UpdateKenter Bumps (BMX Style Mecca)-First off let me state a bold statement. If you grew up riding BMX or jumping, this place is one of the freatest rides there is. It's a rather short trail (less than 4 miles round trip), but one of the most fun trails I have ever rode. Ride it a couple times if you need a bigger workout. A few helpful hints. Wear lots of safety gear. I broke my clavicle on one of the double jumps on 10-30-99. If not for a full face helmet, my chin and face would have suffered major damage as well. Don't get me wrong, when the shoulder strength is back I'll be there again! Ride Hard (but try to keep the rubber side down)
See you there in 6-8 weeks
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 4 miles Elevation change:
Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=10%
Russ a 25 year old Downhiller riding a Trek Y-3 from WhittierPosted:11/03/1999
- Trail UpdateWhoops Or 151s-When I was on UCLA's bike team a few years back this ride was a fvorite. I finally rode it again last weekend (7-16-99), and it still rocks! I took a couple friends who had never been there and they also had a blast. I had never heards it called the Bumps before, usually we called it the Whoops, but I have also heard the 151s (referring to the huge number of whoop-de-do's)
I wouldn't recommend riding from the bottom. We usually started at Sunset and rode up Westridge or Sullivan, then cut across on dirt Mulholland to get to the Kanter fireroad.
Kevin Flanagan a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ibis Mojo from Culver CityPosted:07/21/1999
- Trail UpdateTHE BUMPS-Rode THE BUMPS with my friend "AIR AL" last weekend 3-7-99. As usual, the trail is in exceleent condition. It appears as though the die-hards have added a few new jumps or just cleaned up a little near the bottom. We had an in action photo shoot, so I was at my best. What a great trail for those who rode bmx as kids, or those trying to defy gravity. Can't wait to do this trail over and over again.
Michael a 28 year old Weekend Warrior riding a '96 Scott comp racing cst with a quad 21R from Buffalo, NY originally, but now LAPosted:03/15/1999
- Trail UpdateMOOK-The coaster is the bomb, but the trail blows. The reason there's so many flies is because there is so much dog crap everywhere. Also, the dirty and short road up to the trail are graffittied and also strewn with dog crap. Really short trail that you'd have to ride at least two or three times to get any significant workout. Too bad becaue the bumps are pretty fresh.
Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=20%
a Cross-Country RiderPosted:08/16/1998
- Trail UpdateBumps To Mandeville???-Sorry to be using this page for my question but is there a way to hook up the Bumps to Mandeville Canyon without using Sunset or dirt Mulholland? On the Thomas Guide(page 591, D7) it looks like Chalon will work but there's a gate with guard on the Mandeville side. I park at Mandeville and get up to the Nike tower. From there I can get to the Bumps, but I want to make it back to Mandeville without going on Sunset (and hassling the rush hour traffic). Any suggestions would be appreciated and you can email me directly. Thanks.
- Trail UpdateSuperfly-Rode the bumps (coaster) on Sunday (6-28-98) afternoon. I swear there's got to be a dead body or something up there. There were flies everywhere. The end is getting a little overgrown, but nothing major. Not yet anyway.
Chris a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a department store special Nishiki from Gardena, CA.Posted:06/29/1998
- Trail UpdateNack-I rode the trail, 5th time today (June 19, 1998). My groupd and I always had a problem on this trail.
The first time, my friend called, so I had to leave early.
The second time, one of the guys in the group fell, and I was also late to class.
Third time, another person in the group fell and broke his wrist.
Fourth time, the chain on one of the bikes broke and nobody had the tool to fix it.
Fifth time, I had my fist SUPERMAN.
All that put aside, it is great trail. It is my favorite and I'll be going there again and again.
One last thing, a small portion of the trail has been washed by water and it has a channel running right through it, but it is being slowly rebuilt by passing of bikes and people. Singletrack=47% Dirt Road=47% Paved Path=6%
Armenak a 20 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant Warp DS-ONE from Glendale, CA URL: http://www.relaypoint.net/~armen/index.htmPosted:06/19/1998
- Trail UpdateI rode the bumps this morning (6-10-98), and there appears to be a wasp or bee nest near the bottom of the trail. For most people the enjoyment of this trail will outweigh the risk of getting stung, but for all of you who are allergic to insect venom, pack your anakit, because the swarm is sizeable. Best of luck.
Gus Zeiner a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Homegrown from Santa MonicaPosted:06/10/1998
- Trail Update<a Href="http://www.usc.edu/go/corba/">Concerned Off-Road-Actually the trail is known as the Kenter Coaster. It can also be reached from the SF Valley by taking Dirt Mulholland to the 1st fire gate at a small cememnt building. Take the fire road till it ends at the Mountaingate Housng Development. Squeeze through the gate and take the paved road straight across the development to a fire gate. Climb up a very steep and very short paved section. Continue for about a mile, mostly on dirt to where the trail splits. The left side is the side you'll come back on and is moderate fire road. For now, head right on the single track. The coaster bumps start right away and are a blast. Try not to get hurt as this trail is not officially open for use and is private property. If we abuse the trail, we'll lose the trail.
Michael GoodmanPosted:02/28/1998
- Trail UpdateTHE BUMPS!-The trail is nothing but whoop dee doos,jumps and turns. The trail conditions are hard dirt and some areas sharp rocks. Keep in mind this single track is nothing but jumps. So if your a wild kind of guy or girl. This is the place to get off, get air, and get bruised. If your crazy and you like to get air. Take a friend for the fact that my riding partner was knock out after getting massive air,landed a crashed. He came to after 5 or 10 seconds. He's alright now, and rides the bumps even HARDER now.
Singletrack=100% Dirt Road=100% Truck Trail=n/a%
One of the Fantastic Four a 29 year old Downhiller riding a Specialized (extream) from City of OrangePosted:01/16/1998