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Southern California Trails

  • Mission Trails Park - #MissionTrailsPark

    Socal - San Diego County - Santee NickNames: #MissionTrailsPark

    Travel east on Soledad Frwy (52) to Mission Gorge Rd. Turn right, in less then 1 mile, turn right onto Father Junipero Serra Trail. Park here on the side of the road. Thomas Guide page 1230 G6

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    • Trail UpdateGreat Ride In Spring Canyon-I went farther up Spring Canyon today, trying both the hillside singletrack and the more rideable sections along the creek. This is a fun workout with lots of variation - the hillside trails are narrow and rocky in spots, with some up and down at each draw. The canyon floor actually has 2-3 different routes, all of them fun and eminently rideable. A few sections of death pebbles and sand, but those are easy traversed. Coming back down you can get up some real speed to make it more interesting. Lots of washed out areas from the rainy season.
      FirstSarnt a 60 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Jamis Dakar XCR Comp from Encinitas, CA


    • Trail UpdateGreat For Whatever You Want-I started at the Mast Blvd. entrance, where the horses usually start. Access to lots of loops from there, mostly doubletrack but with some variety if you go far enough. Lots of sandbags in some place for erosion control on some trails.

      For climbing, try the Fortuna Saddle trail. For just up and down cross country, any of the loops in the main park area work, but watch for no bike postings, such as on the Oak Canyon Trail.

      The Spring Canyon trail technically ends at SR 52, but in reality continues well beyond that and becomes more intersting when it turns to singletrack, with some water crossings and washouts. Watch for deep sand, and one runner there warned me of snakes.

      Mission Trails is what you make of it, and it offers a lot.. I about three hours there and really enjoyed myself. Be sure to bring plenty of hydration - I went through three quarts in as many hours.
      First Sarnt a 60 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Jamis Dakar XCR Comp from Encinitas


    • Trail UpdateWatchout!-If you are by yourself near the bmx loop becareful, I was with my friend and we spotted a mountain lion, So we headed down the trail and went straight to the road, when we looked back up the hill about 200 yards away we saw the mountain lion again. I did not report this to the rangers.
      (I dont want them to kill it)
      conrad359 a 18 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a felt straight shot from el cajon


    • Trail UpdateHey Mtbix-First of all this ride is fun, and just because I ride this once a week does not mean it is the only trail I ride. Second just because a trail is easy doesn't mean you cant push it and make it a work out. So mr mtbix, why dont you stop trashing riders oppinions and support the sport and all its riders, because you were a noob at one point too.
      So if your thinking about riding this trail, it is a lot of fun and dont let this hardcore mt biker discourage you. Because after all, the whole reason we all started mt biking is because we like to have fun.


    • Trail UpdateGiant Water Pipe Breaks In Mission Trails Park

      POSTED: 11:41 am PDT May 16, 2006
      UPDATED: 11:59 am PDT May 16, 2006

      Email This Story Print This Story

      SAN DIEGO -- One of the two aqueducts bringing water to San Diego from the Colorado River broke overnight, said officials.

      The break to the 66-inch pipe occurred in Mission Trails Park. Tedi Jackson of the county's water department said special equipment would need to be brought in to repair the pipe.

      Erosion from the break cleared away a large portion of the hillside surrounding the pipe, exposing a large section of it.

      There is no word yet on how much water was spilled or how long it would take to effect repairs to the concrete pipe -- it could take days or even until the weekend. Jackson said she believed that the reservoirs are at adequate levels to provide water to customers until the repairs to the pipe can be completed.


    • Trail UpdatePyle's Peak.-if you take the 8 get off on lake murray. go to cowles mtn. road and find barker av. the trailhead there has sings you can follow. if you take the fire road, probably the easiest climb, enter the single track that has signs for mesa road and big rock park. if you follow that trail it's a 1000' decent that screams fun. BE CAREFUL!! tight single track and waterbars that mix w/ hikers can be tough. I highly recomend full sus and disk brakes.
      velochris a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a iron horse from north park


    • Trail Update52 Loop-This trail is way to easy to call a mtn bike trail. And after rain there is one puddle at the bottom of the trail, so no reason to fear mud or puddles. I would be embarrassed to call this my home trail. This guy must be a newbie to ride it once a week and feel satisfied.
      mtbix from lakeside


    • Trail UpdateLoop Under Highway 52-My home Trail, I like to ride this trail at least once a week. Beware of the mud before you get to the single track, it can get real troublesome after a big storm. Once you get to the single track don't be afraid to push yourself, the trail is not that long and it only has a slight incline. Once you get to the end you will have to climb a pretty steap hill, but it will be over before you know it so don't stop. The last climb is very tricky, I seldom make it up. The downhill is pretty fun and you rarely need to use brakes. It takes less than an hour to do this trail if you ride hard.
      P.S. There are some fun drop offs on the way up and down, so keep an eye out.
      Speicher182 a 19 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR Comp from Santee, CA


    • Trail UpdateNorth Fortuna, Suycott Wash-Went up early this morning... The so-called 'Blood Hill' (at least that's what it's called in that SD Mountain Biking guide) that runs up to the ridge between South and North Fortuna Mountains had me sweating blood by the time I reached the top. Not so much the steepness as the millions of tiny ball-bearing pebbles that make tractions impossible. North Fortuna was relatively easy from there. However, the downhill section from N Fortuna heading north towards the 52 is pretty narrow and technical in spots. Suycott Wash all the back down is in very good shape. Nice ride!
      Seaclasper a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a aesthetically pleasing swine from Sandy Town, CA


    • Trail UpdateCowles Mtn From Mesa Rd-I did this ride yesterday as described on Mtn Bike Bill's website: http://www.mountainbikebill.com/CowlesMt.htm

      The first half is great singletrack, and is definitely more of an uphill challenge than I was expecting. The water bars, God bless 'em, can be a beyotch to clear when you're biking up a 15% grade with rocks all through the trail. Not complaining at all - it's a nice change of pace to have a technical trail in SD County so close to home. I am sad to say that I dabbed on at least 20% of those bars, and had there been anybody around they would have heard some foul language to rival any sailor! This is a great place to practice those technical skills!

      After the singletrack, you hit Cowles Mtn fireroad, and figure the pain is behind you. WRONG! The fireroad gets steeper than the singletrack, and there are a couple of spots where it gets too slippery to power up without a bit of walking. Nice views from the top, though. Mtn Bike Bill's website describes a short jaunt from Cowle's Peak to Pyle's Peak, but I didn't do this in order to get down by sunset.

      This relatively short ride is definitely recommended for the pain-loving, hard-working, challenge-seeking freaks out there. Watch out for that downhill, it's easy to get careless and lose control...
      Seaclasper a 35.4 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Focaccia Bread with Pesto from So Far, So Cal


    • Trail UpdateTaken from the Mission Trails website (see website for map):

      Park staff have reopened sections of Mission Trails. Due to erosion control work, safety hazards, habitat protection, and other areas will remain closed until end of the rainy season . Father Junipero Serra Trail, the main paved trail through the park will open, as well as the Visitor Center Loop trail, Oak Grove Loop trail, and the dam area south of the river. The rim trail in the western end of the park near Tierrasanta will open with access from the Calle de Vida and Portobello Dr. trailheads only. The bridge access at Clairemont Mesa Blvd. is not structurally sound and will remain closed.

      Areas that remain closed are Oak Canyon, the Fortunas, Suycott Wash and the Grasslands. Park staff and volunteers will be working diligently to reopen these portions of the park as soon as possible, but until then the cooperation of the public is needed. Please, stay on the main trails anywhere in the open areas of the park and keep your dog on leash at all times. Due to the fire, once hidden wildlife trails have become evident. The wildlife that survived the fire is extrememly stressed from lack of food and cover. Do not access these trails, leaving the scent of humans and /or dogs along their routes will stress the animals even further. Also, entering restricted off trail areas will destroy new growth.
      URL: http://www.mtrp.org/


    • Trail UpdateHey Novice!
      It rained 11/8 and 11/9 all day. Please consider this:
      It's always better and most considerate to stay off the trails for 48 hrs. after a rain. Your ruts you left behind will probably knock another novice off his/her bike.

      Plantman1 a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer from San Diego


    • Trail UpdateNorth Canyon Loop-Very cool loop, did my first mud mission on the trail today and was very happy with conditions. The roads out to about the 52 overpass were really thick clay but once your on the single track it was very firm, wet, and dirty. AWESOME!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Gabriel Mitchell a Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant NRS 1 from SD


    • Trail UpdateMission Trail Regional Park-Most of the riding is done on wide fire roads, but single tracks are available. The trail system is well mark. Beware there are many 'Hiker Only' trails. DO NOT GO ON THESE.
      Easy- If you're looking for someplace to begin, to learn how to handle your bike, or to get someone interested in riding...this is the place. There are more then four easy loops that can be done by the most out of shape beginner.The rides are: Father Junipero Serra Trail, Oak Grove, Kumeyaay loop, Lake Murphy Path.
      Moderate- This place will teach you what ever it is you need to learn to move up to the fast paced, jump start your heart and keep up with you pals ride. One nice training ride is Rim Trail.
      Difficult- Here are some wonderful rides for heart pumping, downhilling and always gut climbing times. Try Cowles Mountain Summit, Kwaay Peak or either of the Fortuna summit rides. If you think your hot..try some of the singles off of Suycott and the north side of Fortuna..you be crying MaMa! ( I came down North Fortuna on the single to the right of the summet and crashed once, Yahoooooo. Ok taught me a little respect there for the young bucks but Granma still did it in style)
      I sugget if you are visiting the area stay at the Hampton Inn off of Convoy Street (Actual on Kearny Mesa), Get up early and ride the park each morning for two days.
      One wonderful warm up ride is to begin at Mast street head into the park and go under the freeway overpass(North. You climb easily through and along a river bed and lots of cobbles. It's rocky, but worth the ride. Ride this slow to take in the beauty, sounds and just to warm up the muscles.
      Puma J Puma a 50 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Santa Cruz Heckler Granma's freedride from Los Angeles


    • Trail UpdateMission Trails-i rode one of the main trails dropping from the north Fortuna. it was a great trail, technical at the top.
      I enjoy the technical stuff and always looking for more at this place. Has anyone ridden any of the hiking only (illegal) trails, if so email me separetly.
      I did one trail (legal) there that was ultra techno, it drops off south fortuna and has about 100+ railroad ties as stairs that is very tricky to descend (i crashed a couple times). I also want to hit the trail to the top of cowles mountain, the highest point, hopefully some good stuff there. If you know about the best trails there, let me know
      dt a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateMission Trails Park-We started at the parking lot, headed north under the bridge, then 7 miles later reach the top of the trail. Looking north we saw the military base. The trail is fine, a little wet and rocky. We came accross 3 riders from Santee, they were nice , gave us some advise and directions.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: ???
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=yes%
      Bai a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek VRX 300 from Brea URL: Jesse Muna


    • Trail UpdateNorth Fortuna Trail-The trails on the north side of mount fortuna are some fun biking trails, although they are a little tricky. Definatly not for beginners. I have ridden and fallen there several times.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Derek a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateNorth Fortuna-mountain has some sick trails on the North side. Has anyone tried riding these? I tried, not too sucessfully I might add. I did not see any tracks although it is open to bikes, thus my query. Really nice views up on North Fortuna; however, check you fear if you descend the north side to Suycott Wash. Yow!


    • Trail UpdateJumps-Lets talk about the gnarly jumps. Now quite some time ago a bunch of friends and I started this site with the permission of City of Santee. It only started with 3 jumps and NO ONE ever ever came to bother. We made more and more jumps around there, till there was about 25, from beginner to super expert. Everything was going great until about 1995, when some DUMBASS told another DUMBASS and that DUMBASS told and other DUMBASS and so on. Within a month of peace around these parts, the place has recently become a local park. NO MORE JUMPS TO OURSELVES.

      So I just want to say that whoever that stupidass person was that let out our secret, you can't find our new jumps, but they are somewhere in La Mesa. And only five guys know about them, and NO BEGINNERS, these ARE NOT easy jumps.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: they're jumps Elevation change: about 3 to 12 feet on some jumps
      Dirt Road=100%
      Jason M. a 21 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Redline SuperCompPro 811XX with 4x Cranks $1259.99 from La Mesa


    • Trail UpdateThe Marines Are Here-Oh great, just when you think the Oak and Spring Canyon
      loop is a fun and enjoyable ride, the Marines roll in
      and spoil the party.

      "It's our land, you can't ride here!!"

      Patrols by gun weilding youth in Hummers will convert
      your ride into a gulag experience. Enjoy and send my
      regards to the base commande
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Rasta a ageless year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Catamount from San Diego, of course!!!


    • Trail UpdateLoop Under Hwy52-With the added traffic of summer the cobbles are beaten
      down which is good. But, there are many new exposed
      rocks embeded in the dirt that make the trail downright
      abusive if you have a stiff hardtail. A plush full
      suspension would probably eat it up. Man, is it hot in
      those val
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Truck Trail=20%
      Morgan Cox a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh MCC-8 Carbon Frame from San Diego .com


    • Trail UpdateA good loop is to go under the 52 towards the north and loop back under the other 52 overpass. The trails are recovering from El Nino nicely and the biggest cobbles are beaten down. The Poison Oak is growing over the trail in some isolated spots along with all the other brush. This is about a 12 mile loop that is hard to get lost on. Have fun and be safe.
      Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=5% Truck Trail=10%
      Morgan Cox a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh MCC-800 Carbon Fiber(watch out for rocks!) from Del Mar


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://edweb.sdsu.edu/mtrp/">http://edweb.sdsu.ed-


    • Trail UpdateAlternate directions to Mission Trails Regional Park: If you take the 52 east when it ends turn right onto Mission Gorge rd. Follow Mission Gorge about 2 miles (up a large hill then back down the other side) you will see a large sign on the right side of the road indicating the main entrance to the park. Turn right into the driveway and you will be able to park in a parking lot. There is a visitor information center there that offers information and trail maps. From there you get on your bike and cycle down a paved road (closed to vehicle traffic) about a mile befor you get to the dirt trails.
      a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Fisher JoshuaX1 from Del Mar, CA


    • Trail UpdateMission Trails-


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