



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Chino Hills Park - #ChinoHillsPark

    Socal - San Bernardino County - Chino Hills NickNames: #ChinoHillsPark

    Chino Hills Park is in both San Bernardino & Orange County. This trailhead is off of Soquel Canyon Pkwy just west of the 71 fwy in San Bernardino County. Exit Soquel Canyon Pkwy off the 71 fwy in Los Serranos. Travel southwest about 1 mile to Elinvar Dr. Turn left and drive 1/3 mile to Sapphire Rd. Turn left and enter the park on Bane Canyon Rd. on your right. Thomas Guide page 711

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    • Trail UpdateBohemian To Raptor Ridge-Awesome, came from Baine Ridge to top of South Ridge, down to Bohemian Delight then to Raptor Ridge. A little over grown with straw onBohemian and raptor,but a fantastic single track ride, with excellent hill climb. Makes for a great cobination.
      Rocknzip a 47 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 100 from Corona CA URL: Mike Koval


    • Trail UpdatePark is open now. Some trails closed due to burned bridges.


    • Trail UpdateClosed Until 2010-The rangers advised that CHSP will be closed for about a year for rehab.


    • Trail UpdateR.I.P Chino Hills State Park-It looks like CHSP will look like a moonscape after today's/tonight's fire.
      maj from Chino Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line 05.05.07-Rode EFL on May 5, 2007. It was overgrown for about a 1/4 of the trail, but rideable. Wear long socks, long sleeves, and shades to avoid scratches and possible cuts. All in all, I haven't been on that trail for a LONG time. It was a FUN RIDE....
      King Solomon a 33 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline _is_ Good ...-In contrast to the jungle of last year, the vegetation is nearly absent. Take a look at the "East Fenceline Post" picture in the photos section.

      Trail is mostly in good shape. A little sketchy in the first canyon after dropping in; the horses have loosened up the soil. Stay on the uphill side, where the trail is still fairly hard.

      Dropped back down on Corral Trail - that was fun!

      Good time for the "singletrack epic" ride again - trails are perfect, vegetation thin, and weather nice.

      luap a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz SL from Walnut, CA


    • Trail UpdateRe: Fenceline Is Looking Good-Thanks for the update. Did you actually drop into the East Fence Line? I couldn't tell from your pictures...
      King Solomon a 33 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateFenceline Is Looking Good-I rode Chino Hills East yesterday. Fenceline and the Upper Aliso and Sidewinder trails leading to it are in great shape. Take a look at the photos here:


      Mark Warrick

      mark@warrick.net a Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose Grand Marqui Full Suspension from Lake Forest URL: 3F Bicycling Club


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line?-Has anyone been on the EFL lately????
      King Solomon a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale Jeckyl from Corona, CA


    • Trail UpdateGet Out There!!-We need to be out there riding the single track in this park more. There are too many ruts and holes that aren't MTB-friendly
      nycwinter a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher - Big Sur from Pomona, CA


    • Trail UpdateCHSP Acquires More Acres-Hey guys -- very cool news -- if you haven't heard, the park is growing. See the Hills for Everyone press release from earlier this month (link). Also, earlier this year, the Orange County Board of Supervisors allocated $22 million to buy and manage Green River Golf Club, primarily so they could start work on a flood control project by Prado Dam without having to finagle with a third-party landowner. Who knows, county ownership of that parcel may lead to opening up the SE entrance to the park again, or creating a new entrance -- that would be awesome.
      firenbones a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Montague MX from Huntington Beach URL: Hills for Everyone


    • Trail UpdateRidden 05/05-I don't see what the hubub is about the greenery. It's all rideable if one has a little skill. In fact, it's a nice change from the usual shadeless dustbowl on the ridges. My arms are mustard yellow and smell nice. Now all I need is Seinfeld to tell me to stop smelling my arm.
      Notorious MTB a 42 year old


    • Trail UpdateI Shoulda Rode A John Deere-Started at rimcrest and went along south ridge. Almost missed Bovine with all the overgrowth. Some parts are fine but majority of the trail is covered. Was like walking in a bloody cornfield! Got to 4 corners and was hoping to do Raptor but alas, too much salad. Telegraph decievingly singletrack looking. Alot of damage and ruts on the way up Diemer. Saw a coyote on the way back to rimcrest. When do the rangers start cutting the grass? Nice to see some colours in the hills but too much covering the trails.


    • Trail UpdateEast Side = Don't Bother-first time in Chino Hills last Friday. Drove in at the Bane Canyon entrance and started riding down on Bane Canyon road at the picnic tables after the road turns to pavement. Rode up a spur to Bane ridge. The spur was badly overgrown and difficult to ride. Bane ridge was impossible to ride in many areas. Did almost as much hiking/bushwhacking as riding. Took Upper Aliso single track to UA trail. Also very overgrown. Got to Raptor Ridge and fought our way through the jungle to Four Corners. Stopped there for a Power Gel and to swat the numerous ticks off our legs. Took Bovine to South Ridge - finally some decent riding!!! Planned on taking South Ridge to Water Canyon but we missed it. I'm guessing it was overgrown, too. Rode back down to the main rode and gladly called it an end to the ride. That sucked. Maybe I'll give it a try next fall or next winter. Maybe the west side is more ridable because more people get out on those trails(?). If more riders were on these trails they seem like it could be a good ride. But I won't bother any time soon.


    • Trail UpdateSingle Tracks Overgrown-Rode Telegraph from Carbon Canyon today (Saturday). The lawn mower tractor had just gone through so the trail was pretty open. Still, Telegraph looks more like a single track than a fire road in many places. Rode up to Four Corners and the single tracks from there are overgrown. I didn't attempt it because you can barely see the trail.

      Overall it was a nice ride. Saw a coyote twice, two rattlers, a hawk and a zillion lizards.
      Iguana a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Two Wheeler from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateLower Aliso Is Open-I was down that way a couple of weeks ago, and there was a couple of water crossings. Went south on Scully Ridge Trail and back up on Lower Aliso.


    • Trail UpdateGrand Tour... Anyone...-Has anyone ridden the entire park LATELY? From Carbon Canyon, through Rolling M Ranch then to Green River (and back/visa versa). I've done most of the park, from Carbon Canyon to Bane Ridge area and back; but havent gone through the Lower Alison Canyon. I've ridden the Green River area but never connected to the Rolling M Ranch.

      I'd like to know if the connection between GR and Rolling M - Lower Aliso Canyon is open or rideable. Any info would help. Thanks
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a n Intense 5.5 from Corona, CA


    • Trail UpdateMust Have Just Missed You-I also ran into the weeds on the single track. South Ridge from Rolling M to where it joins up with Telegraph is now a twin track with the mustard over six feet high. Very tough to dodge.
      stumpdriver a Weekend Warrior riding a Epic


    • Trail UpdateOvergrown-Went down the singletrack that parallels bane rd. Some parts are so overgrown that I had to walk and I lost the trail. Figured that most other trails were just as overgrown so I headed up telegrah canyon (from chino side) to find weeds as high as 5 feet in some areas. It is still possible to ride but getting smacked in the face with mustard weed constantly kind of stinks. When does the park maintain the trails? Watch for rattlesnakes too...
      rottieruff a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateSpring In The Hills-Hit Chino for the first time in a while. Perfect weather this morning, the incoming storm kept things pleasant and made for some dramatic views. Entered from Carbon Canyon, took on Northridge including the Wall, came down the McDermont singletrack to four corners, and then up Bovine Delight, and down Southridge back to Carbon Canyon. Northridge was packed down and very moist when I went but incoming rain could change conditions for the worse. McDermont is starting to get overgrown with mustard weed, but it's still very rideable with good traction most of the way. Bovine was nice and tacky (my favorite Chino singletrack) and Southridge was in good condition with a few easily jumpable ruts and some rather large puddles that need to be avoided. Spring has sprung in the hills. Everything is green, with wildflowers and birds singing all over the place. Man, it had been much too long since I had ridden Chino, and as always Chino did not disappoint. As soon as it's rideable again, get out there and enjoy it before it gets brown and hot again!
      The Flying M a Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateCAR BREAK-INS (Elinvar Dr.)-Do not leave any valuables in your vehicle.
      Trucks & Cars are being broke into. Windows are smashed, and they are stealing everything in site.
      Stolen credit cards & ATM card are being used at the Spectrum S.C. with-in the hour.
      Please be aware of your surrounding, and report any crimes to the Sheriff Department, or the Chino Police.

      mdbike a Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth


    • Trail UpdateOvergrown Trails...-Rode the Greenriver trail. The climb was brutal as it was pretty warm out there. The fire road up need definite riding. Grass is starting to grow :(

      The singletrack that skirted the base of the hillside is torn up. doesnt look like too many people ride here nowadays. that's too bad. This was a good trail. Nice 5+ miles of workout. Anyhow, the water crossings on Lower Aliso has bee filled.

      Get out there folks,this is still an awesome part of Chino Hills.

      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a n Intense 5.5 from Corona


    • Trail UpdateRidden 01/25-Dry, not too powdery and fast on the West side of the park.
      Notorious MTB a 42 year old


    • Trail UpdateI know its open from equestrian center to 4 corners.
      mark955 a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GF Cake


    • Trail UpdateDoes anybody know if the rangers have opened Telegraph Canyon?


    • Trail UpdateUpper Aliso / Heart Attack Open-- sorta.

      Rode last week, and found that the Upper Aliso singletrack (aka Heart Attack Hill) is open again.

      However .... it's really, REALLY chewed up. The lower water crossing has lost its bridge. The trail meanders offline around some heavy brush, and has two or three different paths in a few spots. Most fun of all, there are two really large washouts in the steep part of the climb, where the trail goes back into small gullys. The fisrt one I managed to clean (just barely) but the second was just too unrideable to try (and if you biff, it's a loooong slide down the chute into the canyon). The final climb, right below the high tension tower & next to the cross, has some nasty bits too.

      - Paul

      P.S. Who swiped my helmet from the table at four corners?? Geez.
      luap a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a totally embarassing POS from walnut, ca


    • Trail UpdateWhere'd The East Fence Trail Go?-Went down to ride the East Fence Line Trail this past weekend. Headed up the fireroad to catch the trail, which has a new trail marker showing the way. The first 1/2 mile was great, then the trail disappears into horse tracks. With the bike on our backs for the next mile or so, we decided to hike-a-bike back to the nearest fireroad. Forget about East Fence Line Trail unless you have SPDs attached to your Timberlands! This one sucks - stick to Tarantula, Bane and Raptor Ridge for your singletrack fix.
      a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a trekkin' fuel 90 from la verne


    • Trail UpdateCHSP - Bladed & Graded...-Rode it this week. Fire roads in great shape (who cares!) but the singletrack is in even better shape. Hit Bane Ridge out of the gate to South Ridge, where it is smoother but I swear it's steeper to San Juan Hill (is that possible??). Bovinian Delight to 4 Corners and then over to Raptor Ridge where you can actually see the trail through the grass again! All in great shape - back tomorrow to work off the turkey! Good time to hit CHSP before the rains return to close it until spring.
      grinder a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a trekkin' fuel 90 from la verne


    • Trail UpdateRide the trail on 11/19 Sat and it was nice. Up Telegraph and down Sourthridge. Weeds were cleared and fireroads mostly graded. And the Raptor is obviously been worked on and I will try it next week. Many riders came from Telegraph from the Yorba Linda TH even though it was post closed on the notice board.
      MTBrider a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a DB from Socal


    • Trail UpdateSept 17th-Entered from the Elvinar entrance in Chino Hills. The fireroads are clear all the way up to the ranger stations, however, the single tracks off to the sides which lead to the ranger station are overgrown and unrideable. There are nice new facilities at the ranger station including new bathrooms and campgrounds.

      From there, we took Telegraph and climbed the 3Bs all the way to Four Corners. Raptor has been cleared and visable. But the dead grass that was cut from the trail is now a slippery blanket which lays on top of the once hardpack singletrack. The dry grass made off camber or high speed turns feel like a slip-n-slide.

      During the time we stopped at the four corners benches, there was no one that came up Telepgraph from Carbon Canyon. Therefore, I assume its still closed from that direction. Bulletin boards did say Telegraph was closed. However, from the Chino Hills side, the fireroad was open. So I assume the post is in regards to the Carbon Canyon entrance.
      One last note: looking up from Four Corners, It was disappointing to see the singletrack descending from Northridge Trail bulldozed into a fireroad! That was the only reward for having endured that long climb.
      Squeegy200 a 40 year old


    • Trail UpdateRidden 9/12-North Ridge is mostly SOFT and very sandy in places (looks like it had a lot of horse traffic this past weekend). Bovine Delight is in pretty good shape and very climbable. South Ridge isn't nearly as soft as North Ridge and it may even be difficult to stay under the imposed speed limit. Telegraph from South Ridge to Carbon Canyon is soft in the usual places and rideable.
      Notorious MTB


    • Trail UpdateYea,-On Sat, I rode from Caron Cyn up North Ridge to Four corners, across and down Raptor ridge, across Aliso Cyn trail to the equestrian center, up Southridge back to Four corners and then down Telegraph back to the car. I’ve rode there when the conditions were better but at least it’s ridable.
      Carlton a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider from Walnut


    • Trail UpdateAny Updates On Telegraph?-Hi, does anyone know if Telegraph is open from the Carbon
      Canyon side?
      fino a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a TREK 4900 from Brea


    • Trail UpdateCH State Park Update-Update from the ranger today: EFL, Raptor, and Heart Attack are not groomed...
      King Solomon


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line?-Update ANYONE?
      King Solomon a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line?-Is ALL of EAST FENCE LINE ready??? Ive been wanting to ride East Fence for a while now, but I dont want to drop in on the Chino Hills side and get stuck somewhere in the middle and have to head back the other way... Anyone been on it yet????
      King Solomon a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Jeckyll from Chino Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateTrails Update (good News)-Yesterday's weather was perfect for a long ride, and the park is in remarkable shape given the winter damage. I entered via the Chino Hills entrance (off Elinvar) and rode up the dirt road. Car access is available into the park this way now, and Bane Canyon road is open all the way to the ranger station & campground. The southern stables & campsites are closed, although you can bike or hike onto Lower Aliso Road from there.

      Rode down Aliso Ridge trail - mostly very good shape. Rode up South Ridge to San Juan Peak, then down Bovinian Delight - it was in excellent shape! Stopped over at Four Corners, took in the fire damage to the south-west. It looks like the singletrack off of NorthRidge is open down to Telegraph, as is McDermont truck trail. Then rode Raptor back into Aliso Canyon. Top of Raptor was in good shape, although it needs to be ridden more. The bottom was pretty chewed up, but rideable - needs way more wheels on it! Don't let the heavy brush at the top of the trail dissuade you - ride it anyway. Rode back out up Bane Canyon; the singletrack is open, though it looks like a mower was used to clear it :)

      Upper Aliso singletrack (a.k.a Heart Attack Hill) is still closed, but one of the rangers said that's their next target for repair. The short singletrack from the junction of SouthRidge & Telegraph down to Aliso Canyon Rd. is also still closed due to storm damage, though Aliso Canyon Road proper and the singletrack south of there are open. Telegraph remains closed from just west of Four Corners west to Carbon Canyon Park, although the ranger seemed to think it wouldn't be long before they could open it. A hiker told me that a good part of the north end of East Fenceline trail is open as well, though I did not go that way.

      Overall, a tremendous job of cleaning things up, given the still-visible damage to creekbeds, trails and roads.
      Luap a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a sub-Huffy from Walnut, CA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills From Chino Hills-First time ever and I'm definitely going back, but will get a much earlier start than 8 a.m. Only rode Bane Canyon and Southridge. Southridge looks as if it has been recently graded, the road is in excellent condition. Tried to come back via Telegraph, but the road basically dead-ended at a high voltage tower. Does anybody know if Aliso Canyon is open?


    • Trail UpdateJuly 31st Update-I rode Chino Hills late yesterday afternoon from the Brea side. Northridge is open, however, I spoke to some riders coming down and they said it was way to sandy to ride. We ended up riding Telegraph to the first table. The place is scorched, it's no longer a singletrack ride. Also, there is a lot of sand, I'd say atleast 50% of the ride now is in sand, some if it pretty heavy. I don't recommend riding the trail until they clean up the sand or pack it down.


    • Trail UpdateNot Such A Mess-They finaly cleaned upped Chino Hills. It looked like all of the trails were cleaned up. I rode Aliso Ridge. To hot to go much furhter. The trails were in so so condition. Still some ruts in places, they used a disk to clear some of the trails, which left it pretty soft and there was straw on the trail in places which made it pretty slick.
      Jimworld03 a Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumer 120 from Ontario


    • Trail UpdateOpen?-So can we drive into park(Chino entrance-north)and ride Telegraph to FourCorners yet?


    • Trail UpdateRe: Chino Hills Is A Mess-I dont think it matters now, im sure there has been enough brush clearance done in the past few days. We'll see in a few more.


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills Is A MESS-I was up there this weekend (7-2-05) and it was a mess. If they would have just let us on the trails after the rains, everything would be ok. I don't have a problem giving a hand to maintain the trails, but that is a prison full of guys with nothing to do down the street. Put them on a chain gang and get the trails clean up. Our tax dollars should go for something usefull
      Jimworld03 a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpjumer 120 from Ontario


    • Trail UpdateVolunteers-For the trail work on June 11,
      there were 7
      We brushed up Bane Ridge from the equestrian staging area as far as we could. Not far.
      VooDoo Man a 48 year old riding a VooDoo Wanga from Anaheim


    • Trail UpdateTrail Update-I talked to the ranger at the Bane Canyon entrance on 06-25. He said Telegraph and the trails north of there are still closed and the eastern trails are closed, but that Bane Canyon, South Ridge, Lower Aliso and the trails in the southern portion of the park are open. I rode Lower Aliso to the golf course and it is in great condition.
      maj a 38 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills Trailwork-Come out and help get the trails of Chino Hills going again. Meet at the equestrian staging area near the end of Bane Canyon Road at 8:00 AM Saturday June 11.
      Wear clothing for brushing the mustard. Bring water. Your Camelback works good. Lunch and tools will be provided. This park needs our help. Go to sharemtb.com
      VooDoo Man a 48 year old Weekend Warrior riding a VooDoo Wanga from Anaheim


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-Bane Canyon Road and South Ridge are still the only 2 tails open. They have been working on Telegraph Canyon from Bane Canyon to Four Corners, and I saw a grader on Lower Aliso but both are still closed. When I ask the ranger still get the standard answer of will open more trails in a month or two.
      Tim Hammond a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 4100 from Chino Hills< Ca.


    • Trail UpdateAnyone know the condition of East Fence Line, Bovinian, and Raptor?
      Dookie a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateCalled yesterday, said only Bane Canyon Road and South Ridge are open. Also said to try in a month or two to check on others, including singletracks.
      big-D a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Big Hit Comp from Chino


    • Trail UpdateAnyone know if gate is open at Southridge to drive into ranger station?


    • Trail UpdateOpen - Bring Bug Repellent-I rode Bane to Southridge on Wednesday. Park is pretty ... but beware of the swarms of lbf (little black frickers) ... especially on Bane. Not sure what these are (hopefully not mosquitos), but my helmet, glasses, etc were splattered with these and I was constantly brushing off my arms as I went through. If you take your eyes off the trail for a second, you can find yourself in the middle of a swarm .... I recommmend pre-treating yourself with some bug repellent.
      supercuj a Racer


    • Trail UpdateJust called= Southridge is open but you can't drive to ranger station. OK to go around gate on street. Hopefully they will open soon to access single tracks.
      mark955 a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a modded Trek4300


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-FYI - just called, they said Bane Cyn. and South Ridge are open, but singletracks are still closed.


    • Trail UpdateTelegraph Canyon Status-I rode Northridge to Four Points and back through Telegraph Canyon. The way it stands: North rim is washed out in two places and muddy in number of locations. Telegraph Canyon Trail is flooded just West of four points, has three major and two minor debris flows and mud slides crossing, and washed out in seven locations. Some of the wash outs are 30 ft wide and 6 ft deep. It will be a long while before this trail is repaired.


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-Just talked to the park office, they will be closed for another 2 weeks for road repair. Providing there is no more rain.


    • Trail UpdateAny updates yet? I can imagine the first mile of North Ridge being destroyed.
      Jawbreaker a 23 year old riding a enduro from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-called wedneday, jan 12, closed indefinitely due to "major damage" i was told.
      big-D a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 specalzed big-hit from chino


    • Trail UpdateTrail Conditions-rode along: Telegraph, Raptor Ridge, Bane Ridge, South ridge trail, upto San Juan Hill, down B. Delight to four corners, then down telegraph.

      singletrack sections were nice and semi-overgrown with tall grass, made for a nice ride, except for the noticeable bumpiness of the ride due to horse tracks, , other than that, it was a nice long, and fast trek, with nice climbs and descents. nothing technical, the weather was nice and cool,really great place to ride during this season.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 24 miles Elevation change:
      Epic Mtn Biker a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a '04 Specialized Epic Marathon from Ontario, CA


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Irresponsible equestrians are destroying the northern half of the trail. They are riding on it when it's wet and causing a lot of damage, 6 to 12 inches of indentations and erosions. Southern half, after you cross the fireroad is little better.


    • Trail UpdateHorse Damage To Trails-Yea, I rode Chino Hills on Sunday as well...not EFL though and the damage to the trails from horse hoofs is pretty bad.

      I don't understand why horses are allowed on the trails when they are still soft.

      I'm not talking about a few hoof prints, but holes 4" deep in some places..it really makes for a rough trail.
      EJ a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider from OC


    • Trail UpdateEFL Horse Tracks..-Rode EFL with Boner and the Therapist on Sunday.. The trail was ridable, although was soft in certain areas, and there were plenty of divots created by horses. I had a good time on the trail, but probably wont head that way again until til summertime.
      King Solomon a Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale Jeckyl from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateEFL Condition-big D comin' atcha,

      EFL gets lots of shade in the winter and not a lot of riders ... even with the past sunny days, I'd expect the single track to be fairly wet and caking up the tires and leave you slipping around in some of the trickier spots. I've avoided lately, but its just too fun of a trail not to risk if we get a few more days of sunshine...
      SuperCuj a 40 year old Racer riding a Ventana Greenie from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-went down bane ridge, was beautiful, then aliso to raptor ridge, not so beautiful. clay-type mud, slippery, tires can't grab. the singletrack toward campground was overgrown, couldn't even see dirt. overall, a lot of overgrown brush everywhere, just held on and never once hit a ditch or a big rut that i thought for sure would be beneath the brush. i wonder if east fence line would be perfect like bane ridge or clay-ish like raptor.
      big D comin' atcha a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT LTS-3 from Chino


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Rode EFL with lil B ROD on Saturday. The first drop had some serious ruts, but manageable. The rest of the way felt as if our tires were flat, only because the ground was still moist from the weekend prior. Altogether, it was a good ride.
      King Solomon a 30 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale Jeckyl 500 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateSingletrack Epic-What a day! Rode yesterday (in some blistering heat) on most of the singletrack available in the park.

      Started from the northeast entrance on Bane Canyon Rd. Rode East Fenceline - trail conditions were outstanding. Best in years. The ridge trail - to the right from EFL, near the north end of the trail - was open to bikes for a change. I resisted the temptation, and rode EFL all the way to the overlook, then backtracked to the Corral trail. It, too, is now open to bikes. Someone had skidded most of the way down & left a huge rut, but the descent was manageable and way fun. Refilled the water container & soaked my head at the corrral.

      Took the Lower Aliso road south briefly to pick up the singletrack back to South Rim/Telegraph intersection. Decided on Telegraph, since it offered a little more shade. Passed the new campground; not sure yet if it will encourage or kill off the ranger trail that descends from the ridge behind it. Climed the Three B*tches (the last one got me again - one of these days I'll clean all of them!) then backtracked a bit to pick up the South Rim Trail. Climbed the rest of the way back up to San Juan peak.

      Dropped down from there to Bovinian Delight. It was in great shape. Stopped at four corners for a break, then continued on up Raptor Ridge. The top was in outstanding condition, from the climb to the utility road through the first few hundred yards of descent. After that, it got pretty hairy. Lots of damage to the trail, loose soil all over, hard clods of dirt, huge choppy patches - yow. Needed all 100 mm of fork travel for that descent! Careful if you're used to bombing this one.

      Finally, climed back up Upper Aliso singletrack (aka heart attack). It's in OK shape, although the trail maintenance has loosened up quite a bit of the hardpack and it's more technical to complete the climb than it has been.

      Two and a half hours on the trail, and the majority of it singletrack - 11 singletrack miles with no repeats. Anyone from the OC side know if the singletracks down from North Rim Trail to Telegraph are open? Viva to the new park management!

      - Paul
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15.5 miles Elevation change: 1500 ft?
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      Paul a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sub-huffy from Walnut, CA


    • Trail UpdateHeart Attack-Isn't that upper Aliso over where the cross is? The trail that hooks up with Bane ridge. It's rideable.
      MP3 a Weekend Warrior riding a Bamboo bomber from The 909


    • Trail UpdateUpdate-I ride CH about twice a week but I haven't made my way over to East Fenceline in a long time. Raptor Ridge is in good condition; some ruts as usual. What trail is called Heart Attack?

      My ride Monday- from Carbon Canyon to Telegraph to the first connector trail to South Ridge. Rode South Ridge to Bovinian singletrack, then down to 4 corners. From there I rode Telegraph to Sycamore, up to Northridge, and then back down to Carbon Canyon. Nothing has changed really. The tarantulas are starting to come out again.
      CubsWin a 23 year old riding a Enduro from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateEFL, Raptor, Heart Attack-This park is too fun not to keep in the ride rotation. Thinking of riding there this weekend. Does anybody know the condition of East Fenceline, Raptor Ridge, or Heart Attack?


      www.aircraftspruce.com a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateKilling The Mustard-AKA as trail work!

      Help reopen the trail you ride. Yes, most of the trails have grown over with that crazy mustard yet again. If you want to ride them unimpeded over the summer they will need your labor.

      When: Saturday, June 5th at 8:15 AM
      Where: Meet at the staging area on the Chino side of the park, just above the ranger station and at the terminus of Rolling Ranch Ridge trail. You will see signs. For more info on location, click on the link below
      Why: So you can ride these trails

      T-shirts will be given to all that volunteer. We will work until about 1 PM and then you have the rest of the day to do what you want. Come on out and help.

      Please be sure to RSVP to volunteers@sharemtb.com before hand so that we have enough swag and water for everyone.

      GC URL: SHARE/REI Chino Hills Trail Work Event


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line Loop-Went out yesterday to the East Fence Line loop as described by Roger Sorenson at the beginning of this page. Great trail, but a little deteriorated. At about the 7 mile mark when you reach Bane Canyon Road, they are building a new campground and you cannot get through to continue the trail to the Upper Aliso Fire road as described, and not being familiar enough with the trails to find another way, I headed back up Bane Cyn road back to the car. Great fun though.
      DaFireMedic a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2003 Specialized Epic from Upland


    • Trail UpdateEFL-East Fenceline is off of Elinvar at the Bane Canyon entrance (main Chino entrance). From the 91 take the 71 to Soquel Cyn. Exit and go left. On Elinvar, go left. You can park at the end of the street or in the park.

      As you go up Bane Canyon Rd, to the top of the hill, you will see a fire road that shoots down from your left. This is where the trail exits. Continue down Bane Cyn to the fireroad climb to McLean overlook (left side). Climb that road and at the top, you will see a singletrack on the left cut into the hill. That is the entrance. You will cross two fireroads but always rejoin the trail. You will KNOW when it is over because there is a hike a bike up the trail before being spit out on the last fireroad.

      It is a fun ride. Enjoy.


    • Trail UpdateEFL-What part of the park is EFL in?
      thanx in advance
      Blonchik riding a Barbie bike from Beverly Hills


    • Trail UpdateEFL-Current park management (temp until a new one comes in), although short staffed, is doing a great job and was responsible for the fire crews coming out and brushing the trail. We need more of this mindset at CHSP.


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Just rode it last weekend ... it's been cleaned up and is in really good shape. Go out and ride!


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-Fire crews from the prison have cleared this trail. Very rideable...


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-Comepletely rideable.

      Rode it two weeks ago. Some dead mustard that will brush you and the p. oak is starting to show in three spots, but it is in pretty good condition overall.

      Planning trail work for it in the future...


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Has anybody ridden East Fence Line lately? I rode at the end of June and it was rideable, but still pretty harsh in several areas.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 4-5 miles Elevation change: 500-700 feet
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      Joe a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a green ventana from chino hills


    • Trail UpdateThanks For The Har D Work!-Well, Chino Hills went off without too many hiccups and a hearty 65 of you
      worked until the blisters wouldn't allow it any longer. We were able to
      clear Raptor Ridge, Heart Attack, parts of East Fence Line and Bane Ridge.
      The amount of work we completed is staggering and all of your hard work is
      greatly appreciated. We will be going out in small crews to finish the work
      in the coming weeks and hope to have everything opened up by mid summer.

      There were lots of new faces at this trail work event and we hope to see you
      all again at a meeting or trail work in the near future. Our next meeting
      is tonight in Tustin (details: Shakey's, 365 W.First St., Tustin, CA 92680,
      714 544-9294 @ 7pm) and they tend to happen on the first Monday of every
      month. Also, if you aren't a member please consider joining SHARE, your
      twenty five bucks goes into great projects like the one we completed
      Saturday, we will keep you up to date on projects going on in the area and
      what issues are facing your access (details:

      Lastly, a few of you were interested in becoming SHARE's representative in
      Chino Hills and would like to explore this further. If you have interest in
      getting involved and ride in Chino Hills, this is a natural extension of
      your park visits and would really make a difference.

      Thanks for all of the help and hard work. It made a huge difference for all
      of the users and the park management was pretty impressed with our effort.

      Grant Curtis URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateCannot thank enough the SHARE and all the volunteers who came out to clear the trails in Chino Hills. I never saw any group of people work harder.
      The Raptor is open, along with many trails that have not been ridable.
      I believe everyone who use these trails will certainly appreciate the work done by these people.
      Turtleman a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateRaptor Ridge, "Heart Attack"Hill-Just rode Bane Ridge (a little overgrown in some spots, not bad though) to 4 corners via Telegraph Canyon (3 _itches is still not fun). From there Raptor Ridge to Heart Attack hill and back to the entrance was great. It's been 2-3 months since those trails were ridable without too much of a beating. Thanks to all the people who put in the great work clearing the trails and to SHARE for organizing to activities. I look forward to getting back onto East Fenceline.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12.5 Elevation change: As much as poss.
      Marc a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a NRS Air from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateLast Reminder...-Just a reminder about the trail work this Saturday at Chino Hills State Park.

      Please arrive at 8:30AM on the Chino Hills side of the park, Bane Canyon entrance.

      Directions are as follows.

      From Orange County:

      91 Frwy east to the 71 hwy. Take 71 north to Soquel Canyon Rd. Exit the off ramp and go left. Follow this a couple of miles to Elinvar Drive and go left again. The entrance to the park will be at the top of the hill on the right. Follow the gravel road up and into the park. This road will then descend, turn to pavement and go right. Follow the pavement all the way around to the barn on the left hand side. Look for parking here or backtrack to the available parking areas near the lookout (you passed on the way in) or the equestrian staging area which the first dirt road on your left as you drive back out on the road. Thomas Guide page 711.

      There will be a short orientation before the work and then the group will be broken up into work parties to head out to the various trails.

      Please bring water, sturdy shoes, gloves and long pants if you aren’t riding your bike. We will either carpool to the work sites or those with bikes can ride.

      If you want to ride there will be a group heading out after the event.

      Lunch will be provided by SHARE Mountain Bike Club and the event is sponsored by Clif Bar.

      For any questions please contact singlespeeder2002@yahoo.com or go to www.sharemtb.com.

      URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateClean Up...-sorry I won't be able to help clean with you folks, but please watch out for those rattle snakes. Also try to avoild those milk thustle bushes. Those are the ones that are stinking you.

      down the water also

      noone home a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek 8000 from orange


    • Trail UpdateJust A Reminder...-Trail work June 7th to clear the choked singletrack trails of overgrowth. Due to the massive scope of this project we need at least 60 people to show up.

      Please take a few hours out of your Saturday to help out if you ride this park (or even if you don't). RSVP to the email address below if you haven't already signed up so that we know how many tools to have and how much food to bring!


      Details are on the link below.
      SHARE Mountain Bike Club URL: Chino Hills Trail Work put on by SHARE Mtn Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateMess-trails are a mess. can't ride raptor because of the weeds. i will bring out three people for the work.
      mike k


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work, June 7th-SHARE Mountain Bike Club is putting on our first ever trail work event in Chino Hills State Park on June 7th. The work to be done will be addressing the severely overgrown singletracks in the park like Raptor Ridge, Ranger Ridge and East Fenceline.

      However, with the severity of the overgrowth we will need quite a few bodies to complete just ONE trail, let alone our ambitious plan of two or three.

      No experience is necessary, we will teach you what to do. Lunch will be served for those that work and possibly other goodies for those participating.

      Please RSVP to: singlespeeder2002@yahoo.com if you can attend.

      I will post another reminder as the work date gets closer.

      Grant Curtis
      SHARE Mountain Bike Club
      Grant Curtis URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateRaptor Ridge-Vegatation is gnarly and overgrown. Mustard and nettles are head high in some spots. Trail is almost completly obscured in certain areas. One person in our group last week endo'ed by hooking bars into the weeds at full speed...she broke her femur and got a concussion....(always wear helmets!!!)
      Ride rating: Novice
      Jaqazz a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR XC from Corona


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Yeah, this trail is in dire need of help! After plodding through shoulder-height mustard, stinging nettle plants, and horse-holes, I had the pleasure of picking about seven ticks offa my legs! Lots of fun, though...
      Seaclasper a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek from Long Beatch


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Capt. Dave, I feel your pain. While I narrowly avoided endos on the chewed up, over grown fence line trail, I came away with the gift that keeps on giving. Poison Oak spots - delicious reminders that when it rains it pours. I don't want to think about this trail until it settles down.


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Rode the trail this afternoon -- WAY overgrown in some areas and pretty chewed up thanks to the horse riders. Many areas are so overgrown that you really have to look to find the trail. I hit a deep hidden "horse hole" in one of these overgrown areas and cart-wheeled over the handlebars. Until some maintenance is done on this trail, pay close attention, lest you end up with a face full of turf.
      Capt. Dave a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant XTC SE-1 and a face full of stinging nettles from Corona


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Loop-My friend Rey and I rode the East Fence Loop today, this is by far the best single track in the park. The trail is a bit over grown because not many people ride the whole trail all the way to the camp ground. Because of the vegetation we picked up several ticks during the ride. Use deep woods off or anything with a high deet content before riding this one! Also watch out for a rain rut on the steep final decent into the camp ground.
      Allan a 46 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from Chino


    • Trail UpdateUpper Aliso Singletrack-Over the last day or two, a bridge was added to the last water crossing at the bottom of Upper Aliso singletrack, just before it joins with the truck trail. Makes the entire trail rideable without having to negotiate the rotting log or slog through the mud.

      Rode down Rolling Ranch Ridge singletrack (hit 32+ MPH at one point - yow) and back up via Upper Aliso. Nice morning workout.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 6 miles Elevation change: 500 ft
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=40%
      Paul a 40 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a sub-Huffy :-) from Phillips Ranch, CA


    • Trail UpdateNext Time-sounds like you guys had a great ride, i'm bummed i
      missed it, you'll have to show me the route you guys
      took. two saturdays ago was quite fun, i want to thank
      the group of guys who let us ride with them and showed
      us a way thru this park. i witnessed my first coyote,
      that was pretty cool. i am bad with names and cant
      remember all of them, but i think there was glen,
      walter, scott, and i forget the other guys name, sorry.
      thanks again for showin' us
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: dunno
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80 %
      bDEE a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a jamisDAKAR from long beach


    • Trail UpdateEasy street is illegal to ride...you hiked it, right?

      There is a water fountain and spigot at the barn.


    • Trail UpdateA Nice Long Ride...-Rode this place for the second time today (09-07-02) with my son and like most of So. Calif., we could use some rain. Started up "North Ridge" which was for the most part medium to hard pack till you get to the "Sycamore Trail" in which I almost washed out the front wheel at that corner where I hit a soft patch of the trail tagging my knee on the upper crown of my Jr-T. We continued onward on "North Ridge" in which the trail had more soft dusty patches. We then went down a short trial to "Four Corners", I don't think it was "McDermont Trail". From "Four Corners" we went up and down through "Raptor Ridge" which was really nice S/T, way fun! (my son and I had big ol smiles on that one) At the bottom, we went up "Upper Aliso Canyon Trail", I think, and up a (somewhat hard by this time in our ride) un-named trail to the other park entrance. I was wanting to try "East FenceLine Trail" but was getting way low on water. So we headed along the side on a S/T through "Bane Canyon Rd" for about half a mile and crossed over to "Bane Ridge" via a short (but I'm thinking I'm gonna push bike up this...) fireroad. "Bane Ridge" like "Raptor" is fun too. Refilled our water supply at the "Esquestrian Staging Area" wondering/hoping the water is good (not sick yet, so it must be good, 09-08-02). That water really saved us! cause going west on "South Ridge Trail" would have surely bonked us out, our legs were really burning now. Now back at "Four Corners" we cut across on a nice un-named S/T back onto "South Ridge" then to I think "Easy Street" to lower "Telegraph Canyon Trail" and out. This turned out the be one heck of ride to say the least. This place can be tailor made for most levels of riders as far as cross-country type riding and distance is concerned and the S/T is for the most part well maintained. LORD willing, I be back to ride here again soon I'm sure.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 24+miles Elevation change: 1000
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=79% Paved Path=1%
      RoosterLegz a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Old Schwinn S-20 I want a Foes Fly or Uzzi SLX from Bellflower


    • Trail UpdateEast Los-PF, there is ONE trail that is more fun than the rest. This isn't Joplin material by any stretch but it is a longish singletrack that skirts the eastern boundry and has a few steep ups and one steep up or down (depending on how you ride it). Over all, it is the best trail in the park.

      There used to be some cool trails in the park years ago but the previous rangers let the singletracks grow over and now are unrideable...let alone findable.


    • Trail UpdateI'm Lost-Not to berate what you posted,but I've been from one end of this park to the other and have never seen anything even remotely challenging.Yes,it's a good training type ride and great for a cardio type workout,and I always see an abundance of wildlife.But, technical?Not IMHO.I'm not saying it can't be fun either, it can be.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateWhat A Park!-

      There is not enough I can say about Carbon Canyon State Park. With over 65 miles of trails and 12,000 acres of parkland, Chino
      Hills has it all, from Beginner to Advanced and Pro rides. Sometimes it's just a matter of direction to make a trail almost impossible to complete. If your a first time rider at this state park you should review several of these topo maps prior to your ride. Entire Park Topo (PDF format), West and East . This link is the official State Park page and for those of you who really want some details here's a link to trail profiles. If you want to ride with a group meet at 7:30 every Saturday morning.  Meet at the park entrance. West of California 71, between the Riverside (91) and Pomona (60) freeways turn west on Los Serranos Road travel
      about a 1/2 mile, then make a left onto Elinvar Dr.

      P.S. If it has rained within the last 72hours call 909 780-6222 to find out if the park is open.

      Ride distance: 65miles Elevation change: upto 18,000
      Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=35%
      John McKenzie a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Pro-Flex 957 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateWhat A Ride!-A friend and I rode up the entrance road (off Elivar) and took the first trail head/fire raod to the right. We climbed to the top and after a short decent took a right at the first single track(where the cross is.)After the water crossing I saw a medium size gopher snake half on the trail and half in the brush. We discovered that it was stuck on something, so I took a stick and freed it. We continued on the single track to the fire road and hung a left passed the ranger house then another left on the paved road. After a short climb we hung another left and went through the equestrian area. We climbed the single track to the top and took a water break. After about a minute I looked up and to my surprise there was a hawk floating on the wind 20 feet above our heads! He stayed there looking at us for at least 3 minutes and then took a beautiful dive down the side of the mountian. We continued down the single track another 1/8 of a mile or so and saw a tarantula crawl onto the trail. This was the first wild tarantula I have ever seen. The weather was nice at about 85 deg. and trail conditions were good. Best ride at Chino Hills so far.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Paragon a 45 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from Circle City


    • Trail UpdateFor Beginners?-Not sure this is a good ride for real, honest-to-God beginners. It's relatively long, sometimes a bit technical, with either steep climbs or steep downhills. And right now, the tall mustard plants along the side of the trail will try to yank their handlebars out of their hands.

      If you enter East Fenceline from the north (Chino Hills), you'll have two steep downhills on fire roads. You will also, IMHO, do more climbing on singletrack than descending.

      If you enter East Fenceline from the south (campsite), you will have two steep fireroad-ish climbs. The one at the north end, while not really fireroad, is very steep. My hat's off to anyone who can climb it at the end of a long ride! For me it always turns into a walker. But you do get more descending on singletrack than climbing, which is why I usually go in this direction.

      But for beginners? Take them down Rolling Ranch Ridge - that will give tham a taste for singletrack, and some "scary, technical" (for a beginner) descents.

      Have fun!


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline?-Can someone tell me if it is best to enter East Fenceline from the Chino Hills side? or the end where the campsite is? I want to ride it for the first time this weekend with some beginner riders and I dont want to burn them out with steep climbs.
      King Solomon a 28 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper from West Covina


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-I rode the single tracks they where in good shape and they where hard packed and FAST the fire roads where in good shape .The weather was mostly cloudy got a little bit of mist on the way to and form the golf course the water crossing where dry. There was one water crossing off the single track that was thrashed by horses it was to deep and muddy to cross you had to use the log on the side to cross over. The fire definately burned through the golf course single track area What a shame...
      Road with my friend Jaybird and my son Sergio and his friend jack.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: miles18 Elevation change: lots!!!
      Gt serg a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 2000 gt i drive carbon fiber from Rialto


    • Trail UpdateFire Damage-Went over to Green River Golf Course the day after the fire (4/22). The fire definately burned through the golf course single track area and into the south entrance to the park. From that vantage point, it looked like it burned up and over skully. What a shame...
      Capt. Dave a 38 year old Weekend Warrior from Corona


    • Trail UpdateFrom The 91.........-it appears that it burned from Brush Canyon down to Green River. From right behind the homes up and over the ridge. I don't know how far beyond the rigde.

      mtnbikej a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateRode Northridge to Gilman on a pre-work ride this morning, trail is in good condition. I saw no sign of any fire damage from the top. Does anyone know what part of the park the fire damaged?
      Ride rating: Beginner


    • Trail UpdateMaybe-I really don't know what they regulate.It's definetly not alcohol consumption.You should ask them.You can find their site at www.clubmtb.com
      Pain Freak from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-pain freak, what do the the regulators regulate?
      tom waters from covina


    • Trail UpdateSummer Is Here-Rode a little here Saturday.A group of some Regulators and ex -Regulators.Alec,Mark,Rick and myself.We started up Telegraph up to Little Canyon.Mark and Alec took off hard up here.Mark was feeling a little under the weather and decided it was best for him to call it a day.The rest of us continued on up the fireroads and cut over on the singletrack.I know this isn't a very technical singletrack,but it's still a lot of fun and you can really get some speed up which adds to the fun.We regrouped at the table(they added a canopy here,Thanx,guys),it was getting hot,but I love it.Got a little breather here and talked about some mtb'ing.We then went up Raptor Ridge and this is still a fun singletrak as it hasn't become all overgrown yet.We rode at a pretty good clip to the Ranger station and then back to 4 corners.Rick found a tick on him here and was able to get rid of the little buger.I looked at my computer and we were at 108 degrees in the sun.I have to admit it,it was energy draining HOT!We decided to head down Telegraph and call it a day.A little shorter then usual but still fun.Got back to the cars and Mark had started to feel better and had gone ahead and rode some by himself.
      Pain Freak from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateTick Alert!-Rode East Fenceline yesterday and found two ticks crawling on me, and they were really tiny, only about 1/16". The trail has lots of lightweight punji stakes alongside - broken dead weeds - which hurt like hell when the wind blows the weeds into the trail and the points stab your legs as you ride by, so bring band-aids. Spastic morons have been skidding on the descents, so be extra careful with the rear brake and help pack down the ripped-up sections. And be nice to the rangers! I waved at the ranger who passed me heading up Bane Canyon and got a stony stare in return, and when I got to the Elinvar gate at 5:35 it was already locked, 10 minutes BEFORE sunset. We're making a bad name for ourselves out here, folks, so stop riding like yahoos, okay? I'd like to ride here next year, too.


    • Trail UpdateGreen Cattle Fench-While the wife and I were talking to Ben (state parks) on Friday after a great ride the owner of the land between Butterfield and the state park stoped by to chat. He was upset that some MTB'rs were opening his green cattle fence and riding from the park down to Butterfield. He said he has lost cattle in the park and some folks even took a calf home to care for it when they found it in the park. Long story short the owner is mad and complained to state. Now WE look bad, (he has seen MTB'rs cross the gate) and state will be watching US. We don't need the negative publicity! we need to work WITH ALL land owners and respect NO TRESPASSING signs. Lets respect others and ride responsibly.
      wayneO a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT iDrive 1500 she can't take away from me! from Corona, Ca


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline Trail-We rode on Friday after finals. The trail is in great shape. Concerning "Heart Attack Ridge" if its the trail that branches off upper alisio singletrack that goes to the power line tower I think that trail is called "Sidewinder" read the post at the bottom of this page "east fenceline loop" thats the way we go.
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=18% Paved Path=2%
      a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Marin Mount Vision Pro from Chaffey High


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-Fenceline was great! Good to see others' tire tracks and even run into another group on the trail. The singletrack down to the campground was wild and fun. Afterwards we rode Ranger Ridge which is past the continuation of Raptor Ridge on the fire road. Fun singletrack that has some nice downhills and smooth terrain.

      What happened to the kid who was air-lifted at the end of Rolling Ranch Ridge? In talking to some equestrains they said he crashed at the bottom of Rolling Ranch near the polls that denote the exit of the trail. I wonder if the ruts got him.

      Dave a 32 year old


    • Trail UpdateChino Side Loop-The name of the trail is Upper Alisio Singletrack.
      Trail conditions are great. Went from Chino Hills side to East Fenceline to Corral to Bane Canyon to Lower Alisio Singletrack up Telegraph to Raptor Ridge to Lower Alisio Singletrack, and back down to where we started. It's good to see all the riders and runners on the East Fenceline trail, it's starting to get real fun.
      See ya all there!!


    • Trail UpdateHeart Attack Ridge (cont)-I forget the official name for the trail but its on the Chino Hills entrace side of the park. Take the main road up and hang a right at on the first trail at the top of the hill. This should take you up on the ridge to the right of the main road. Once you get to the top of the first hill, hang another right on the first trail you see. Follow it all the way down and you should see the cross on your right. The group used to take this singletrack back up on their way back to their cars. Sorry I couldnt provide the trail names, I dont like memorizing trail names, I just see them and go. =)
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ty a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateHeart Attack Ridge-Which trail is now being called "Heart Attack Ridge"? I am not familiar with this. My condolences to the family of the man who died also.

      Sdr77 a 42 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from Placentia


    • Trail UpdateHeart Attack Ridge-I met the guy who was the one that put that cross there a while back. It seems like they were a group of 3 riders..probably filipino (like myself). They usually went on a ride, taking the same route all the time. But on one of those rides, their friend suffered a heart attack about halfway up that ridge. They later started to call it "Heart Attack Ridge".My condolences to his family & friends. On a bright note, he died doing what he loved to do.
      Ty a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateEAST FENCE LINE!!!!!-Rode there this morning with Paul,John and Pete.
      Went up East Fence Line, this trail is in good shape
      a little over grown in parts but over all in good shape.
      Went down the single track down to the camp ground then up to 4 corners,Then down Raptor Ridge, This is in the best cond in the 10 years that I have riden in the park.
      We went up the trail [I don't know the name of it]to the power line tower.
      This is were the cross memorial is near the top.
      My question is does anyone know the name or when the person passed away there?
      The story I was told was he was mountain bike and had a hart attack !
      The crew did very well till next week!!!
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12miles Elevation change: lots!!!!!
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Mr Bonk a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a To many from Rancho Cucamonga Ca USA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-explored east end of chino hills on monday. rode telegraph canyon to raptor ridge to aliso singletrack, crossed bane road and hopped on some other singletracks. trails have beeen trimmed back and are in good condition. total distance was 19 miles.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 19 miles Elevation change:


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-Not sure if its the same one but it sounds as if it is. You can get to the trail by heading up soquel canyon rd north towards chino hills. Right about where the concrete ends and hits dirt, there should be a fire road to your right. Head right and around the metal gate. This should be a long and fairly gradual climb. The road will wrap around to the right of the hill. If you look carefully to your left you will be able to see the single-track trail that leads to East Fenceline. Be sure to bring lots of water and expect to ride through neck-high weeds along the way. Oh and most important, I ran into quite a few kings and rattlers along the way so bring a handy first aid kit cuz if the snakes or "needle" weeds dont getcha, the steep dropoffs will. Enjoy!
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline?-I have only ridden in southwest side of Chino Hills and would like to explore east side of this great park. Can anyone tell me if the east fenceline is same as east boundary trail? or recommend any trail?
      turtlepaul a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateHot Morning At Chino!-Met Matt and Charlie @ Bane Cyn. Gate @ 7:00AM. Worked on Matt's seat post clamp for 1/2 hour, brand new bike, Hummmmm........ Naturally, by 7:35AM it was already 250 degrees in the shade. Road up to the roller coaster then down to the equestrian area, then over to southridge up to telegraph, over to 4 corners, jaw jacked for 5 minutes, up and down raptor (downhill really rutted), then up heart-attack to the ridge and back down to the Bane Cyn. Gate. Only experienced (1) good near death experience and only lost Matt once. Raptor either needs alot of TLC or I should start taking one of the full suspension bikes.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Clancy - Noleen / K2 crash test dummy a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Many K2's from Norco


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline & Razorback-Im surprised not many people ride these 2 trails. I ride the Razorback almost daily and is one hell of a ride. I just started riding back in Feb. and thanks to these 2 trails, im in the best shape of my life. Another killer ride is going from the Main Chino Hills parks entrance towards the Carbon Canyon entrance. Its easily a 10+ mile ride with some gutbusting hills. Just park at the bottom of the Chino Hills entrance and ride up the main road towards the Ranger Station. Before you make that last right to the station, there should be a fireroad directly in front of you which I believe is called "Telegraph Rd". I dont have the exact names as I dont have my map with me but I guarantee that the 3 trails I mentioned will prove to be a nice ride for anyone looking to get in shape FAST. Now im totally addicted to riding, and I hit the park 5 days a week. So if anyone happens to see an asian riding a black GT, be sure to say hi!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=80% Paved Path=5%
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdatePowerline Road?-Ganz, if you are referring to the Powerline Rd., I climb that last weekend. Coming from Four Corners the first quarter mile of the climb is pretty brutal but you can always granny it up. The rest of the way is pretty easy especially once you get to the fireroad.

      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer from Fullerton, CA


    • Trail UpdateChino HIlls-Ganz,
      havent tired to climb it...dont even know how to get around to the top to decend it. could you tell me how to get to the top?


    • Trail UpdateUp Hill From The Bench-Has anybody tried to climb that long downhill single track/fireroad combo section you can see from the bench rest area looking north? Coming down there is a blast, but going up, any ideas?
      Ganz a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Bontrager Privateer from Daly City, CA


    • Trail UpdateCHINO HILLS PARK-I rode there on 5-30-2K1 and had a great 13 mile ride. For about the first 10 miles I didn't see even 1 other rider. All the upper single track has been weed wacked, but all the lower ST (that I rode anyway) was real overgrown. Are these lower trails closed? I didn't see any signs on the ones I rode. This was only the third time I've been here, it'll take many more trips to ride all the trails, 'cause there's lots of 'em.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change: Yup
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=20% Paved Path=5%
      MrNatural a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK from Cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line Trail Project - Past winters rains, use, and gravity have taken their toll in several areas of Chino Hills State Park. Show stewardship for public lands and join us for our annual service project that will help restore sections of the scenic East Fence Trail.
      Sponsored by: REI, Trails-4-All, California State Parks.
      Place: Chino Hills State Park
      Date: May 6th, 2000
      Time: 9:00 AM-12: 00 Noon
      Sign up at your local REI store by April 30th.
      Participants will receive a gift and lunch will also be provided.
      If you have questions please call REI at
      Arcadia: 626-447-1062
      Manhattan Beach: 310-727-0728
      Northridge: 818-831-5555
      San Dimas 909-592-2095
      Santa Ana 714-543-4142
      Posted on 04-24-00

      a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateEAST FENCE LINE-Rode there today trail needs some work but good for the tech riding!!!!!
      Go Barry Go!!!!I think his brakes were unhooked!!
      The Bullit Bitit
      Brian The Mountain Goat can he climb or what??
      We did the East Fence line Trail then over to the Ranges house.
      At the stop sign you turn right to go to the ranges house look to the left about 20yards from the turn
      take that single track up its a bear of a climb but the downhill is better than Raptor Ridge.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: a lot
      Singletrack=95% Dirt Road=7% Paved Path=3%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line Trail Project-Past winters rains, use, and gravity have taken their toll in several areas of Chino Hills State Park. Show stewardship for public lands and join us for our annual service project that will help restore sections of the scenic East Fence Trail.

      Sponsored by: REI, Trails-4-All, California State Parks.
      Place: Chino Hills State Park
      Date: May 6th, 2000
      Time: 9:00 AM-12: 00 Noon

      Sign up at your local REI store by April 30th.

      Participants will receive a gift and lunch will also be provided.

      If you have questions please call REI at

      Arcadia: 626-447-1062
      Manhattan Beach: 310-727-0728
      Northridge: 818-831-5555
      San Dimas 909-592-2095
      Santa Ana 714-543-4142


      Ride rating: Intermediate
      HMARRON a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT STS 2000 from CHINO HILLS


    • Trail UpdateDan (BEING PREPARED)-Chino Hills State Park, On 3-28-99, I showed up late to meet a Web friend (Bruce) to ride with. I figured he went on and started his ride, (I would have done the same), so I took off from Bain Ridge at the first tower, on the trail over looking Bain Road which is the main road coming in to SHSP from Sequal Canyon entrance. I followed the trail all the way to the equestrian staging area, and decided i was going to Bobcat Ridge, by way of the single track that runs east of the Lower Aliso Trail. I found some very tricky trail which was only about 12 inches wide. I manuvered this short distance, and amnaged to cross, a creek to Bobcat Ridge trail, I turned right there and took on the hill, after stalling a couple times, I finally crested the hill and found my self at Scully Ridge and Bobcat Ridge intersection. There were four other Mtn Bikers there, getting their bearings and asking about the trails and where they went.
      I thought I had my map with me, so I went through my Water bag pack to pull it out. To my surprise I had left it in the car.
      I told them wherre the Scully Ridge trail came out, and where Bobcat trail were going, I went to push off on my bike and the most terrible pain told me, I had just torn something ion my right calk.
      I could barley stand from the pain, I coulnd't get back on my bike, the pain wasen't going away, I was going into shock. You know that (warm & fuzzy) feeling you get before passing out from pain.I was scared, I was miles from any help, or so I thought as I went down, I had to lay down to control the awful pain I was experiencing. As I regained control over the pain, the four bikers came to my aid, announcing they had no medical experiance, but wanted to help.
      They explained they had radio's they could call for help if I needed it. I asked them to call the ranger station and notify them I could not make it out on my own, and needed assistance.
      While they stared to call, they had an immediate responce from a Ham Operator in L.A.(60 miles away), who after a short question period, got the information this was not a life and death situation, but was a very serious one. We had to explain to him (he wanted to know if there was a pay phone close by)where we were and that we were a long ways from emergency help. He called L.A.P.D. and they called Riverside Sheriff, who got ahold of the State Park Rangers. The Nearest Ranger was not actually on duty yet, and was coming from Riverside . They said to expect a 1 hr wait until they could respond. We gave our exact location and some points of referance to help locate us better when they arrived. The Ham / Mtn Bikers optioned to stay with me (thank God) until the emergency was over.
      Now here I am, laying in the middle of the road with four strangers.They are all speaking in Ham language, and on all various subjects. After awhile I learned that two of them (Matt & Ellen)were married (to each other) and that , the other two Neil, and Ken ) were all friends with Ham radio's as there interest. They were new to the area that we met in, and didn't know the trails that well.I shared information of some of the better trails I have used. They were really nice people and I was fortunate to have them helping me.
      I layed there for about two hours and we were contacted by our LA ham radio contact that they (RANGERS) could not locate us, and had traveled the entire Scully Ridge road, and now were driving the Scully Hill roads, thinking we had given wrong locations, the Four new friends were sure where we were,(we had a Trail Marker that said Scully Ridge)10 ft. in front of us. and two of my new friend Ken and Neial, took off to find the Rangers and guide them to me.
      I was starting to go from rare to medium rare in the sun and had no Sun Screen, my legs were turning red, and I had no emergency survival blanket with me.I was laying in the dirt with nothing but a Water Pack and a Power Bar to eat. I had no idea that my two hour ride would turn into several hours in the sun, layed out crippled, unable to ride my bike back to civilization, or a hospital.
      The Ranger "Police" showed first in her Jeep (rescued) and then the other Ranger showed in her 1 ton truck. My new friends put my bike in the back of the truck and the Rangers helped me into the truck after applying cold compresses to my leg.
      I exchanged e-mail addy's from all four of my rescuer's, I was returned to my car by the two Rangers, they broke down my bike and put it in my car for me, I wanted to go to the Hospital on my own, I had been in a serious accident 5 years ago and had to be airlifted out, this wasen't in my opinion a air evacuation situation. I stopped by the house and the wife came out and took me to the Hospital.
      After many hours of the "emergency ward", I was released and sent home on crutches, to see my own Dr on Monday.
      Take my situation seriously. Be prepared, not all of you may be as fortunate as I was.. My greatest and deepest sincere THANK YOU : NEIL, KEN, MATT, AND ELLEN. and the Two Rangers who got me out. Your all the greatest. I will be back, and better prepered.
      I also want to thank the people who supply this page , for allowing me to share this important message with you.
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=30% Paved Path=5% Truck Trail=5%
      Dan McKay a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Mongoose GMX (full suspension) Series D, Chrome/B from Ontario, CA San Bernadino County .net


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Update to my previous East Fence Line Loop description - Posion Oak. Lookout for it between the 2.0 and 2.8 mile points. It grows right next to the trial in about 4 spots. If you see it, before it sees you, it can be avoided.
      Roger Sorensen


    • Trail UpdateSunday 3-14-99, just got back from Chino Hills State Park, I spent four hours there, I tried the trail on the "Lower Aliso trail". I had a ball, it was just what I needed after climbing the hills.
      A nice ride along streams, across streams, up and down the flat lands, switchbacks, wooden bridges, valleys surrounded by hills on both sides, nice roads, friendly familys out for a day, hikers, and of course a ranger on his bike, making sure that everyone was safe.

      When you enter from the Chino Hills entrance off Sequel Canyon Rd, park at the entrance. Ride up the hill, then start down until you have pavement, follow the pavement down the hill until you reach the first left turn,Look for the Sign Lower Aliso Canyon, the camp ground on the left is the start of the Lower Aliso Trail, follow the dirt road to the right and it winds down to the horse corrals, and to the fence, all you need to do now is get over the log blocking vehicles from entering , and start the ride.
      The trails are all marked, and the streams are all shallow. The first stream you come to is mostly water over mud, so you can jam it, or stop and walk across by stepping on the pieces of bark and wood that are on the right side. The next two streams you cross are shallow and have small stones, you will get a little wet, but it dries quickly, and after all, your there for the adventure, just keep to the main road, and bear right for two way bike traffic. When there is a fork, follow the trail markers, you won't get lost, there is also a wooden bridge, which is picturesque.
      I took my camera, and went through an entire roll of film. This is the first ride I didn't feel like I was going to bust an artery. Would you believe I do this to lower my blood pressure.
      I will write about any new trails I find, as I find them. So that others may enjoy using them as well. Being new to this sport is sometimes difficult, but I stop along the way, and sometimes others riders give me good advice.
      I meet a lot of friendly people in Chino Hills State Park, that share their experiences. I'm always open to hints and advice from those out there, who have the time to chat. Still looking for others to ride with, but until then, I ride alone. Hmmm........ a ride name, The Lone Stranger
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=15%
      Dan Mckay a 51 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Mongoose, GMX ,Series D5, (full suspension) from Ontario, California, San Bernadino County .net


    • Trail UpdateSoNKlined-There is more single track beyond Raptor Ridge!!!!!! Lets spread out people! There is no reason why everyone needs to ride Telegraph, then roll their fat butts back home! Your missing out on half the park if you do.

      Its amazing that for the amount of people riding Chino every weekend, that there are still single tracks that rarely see Mt. Bikes. The whole East side is virtually undiscovered. Next time your out and about, don’t just stop at 4 corners(aka "the tables") Head down Raptor and keep a look out for the single tracks that take you over to the East side. From there you can cross the road to more hairball single-mindedness. As the comments written below suggest, Razorback really has some gnarly death-fall stuff. I don’t think the riding is easy ,but, it is a departure from the standardized Chino loop.

      Most of the single track East of Raptor is roughed up from horses. Its is ride-able, but for some reason, Mt. Bikers never make it this far. As a result, the horses claim it all and we all know the results. Razorback is an exception. Can horses even make it on that trail?

      Anyway, it really would not take much more riding to get them all smoothed out. Next time your there, take a spin all the way down. Bring your map and do some adventuring along the East Side. I recommend it.

      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      NKlined a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Y-22 from Newport Beach


    • Trail UpdateWater Canyon-I beg to differ with the previous writer... Water Canyon is closed to bicyclists for environmental reasons. Please do not ride your bike there, as you endanger the many remaining legal trails in the park.
      Cindy a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale from Chino


    • Trail UpdateEast Side-The singletrack on the east side of the canyon is in great shape and needs TRAFIC to keep it nice for the spring and summer. Get out and ride the east side singletrack (upper and lower Aliso singletrack, east side boundry, etc..) The ride back is a bit of work if you are entering from the west, but that is price you need to pay for some of the best singletrack. The upper (east) tranchula canyon and water canyon singletrack could use more traffic both trails are rough and will be lost by spring. The Weather is great, so get out and ride. The ride below is a fun one!!!!!
      OAF a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line Loop-This is my favorite ride in Chino Hills State Park. It starts at the main entrance in Chino Hills. Park away from the houses so as not to bother the neighbors. Over half of this ride is on technical singletrack. It traverses across many steep drops and some cliffs. Stream crossings are plentiful. It really needs more traffic to keep the trails in good shape. If you are intermediate or above, go for it. It will take 1 to 2+ hours. Also, riding in the reverse direction is great, except for climbing up the corral trail.
      At 0.0 mi: Set your computer to zero at the park entrance gate and head up the hill (Bane Canyon Road).
      At 0.5 mi: You reach the top of the hill. Go through the gate on your left and continue up fire road.
      At 0.8 mi: Turn right onto singletrack, about 200 yards after you crest the hill. This is the "East Fence Line" Trail.
      At 1.0 mi: Bear left and descend. Bearing right puts you on "Razorback" which is not an official trail. If you take it, follow Razorback until you get to a fire road, turn left and descend down to the windmill. You can then continue on East Fence Line. Try it sometime, but lookout for the 100 ft drops on each side of a 6 ft wide trail.
      At 2.0 mi: After a few technical water crossings, you reach the park's east boundary fence, keep going.
      At 2.3 mi: The trail crosses a creek and goes up a hike-a-bike hill.
      At 2.8 mi: The trail crosses a fire road next to a windmill. If you took Razorback, you will rejoin East Fence Line here.
      At 3.7 mi: The trail crosses another fire road after going across five ravines. Great fun!
      At 4.3 mi: The East Fence Line trail ends at McClean Overlook access road. Bear left on the road. You may not have noticed, but the section you just completed traversed across the top of 30-50 ft cliffs.
      At 4.4 mi: Make a mental note of the road which bears off to the right and descends. It is marked with a "No Cars" sign.
      At 4.7 mi: You reach McClean Overlook. Take a well-deserved break at the bench on the knoll. Head back the way you came (try the stairs coming off the knoll).
      At 4.9 mi: Turn left at the "No Cars" Sign. Descend the fire road until it suddenly turns to single track. This is the "Corral" trail. Watch your speed here, it is steep. At the bottom, cross a creek and you are in the campground/corral area. Turn left out of the campground and go over a log next to the gate. This is the Lower Aliso fire road.
      At 5.4 mi: Make a left onto Lower Aliso Singletrack. It's only about 100 yards after you cross the log, so keep a sharp eye out.
      At 6.2 mi: Rejoin Lower Aliso fire road and turn right. You are now heading back. In about 250 yards you will cross a bridge.
      At 6.5 mi: Turn right to cross the stream, then turn left onto the "Shortcut" Singletrack trail.
      At 6.9 mi: You reach a stream, do not cross it. Bear left and climb to continue on the Shortcut trail.
      At 7.3 mi: The singletrack ends at Bane Canyon Road, which is paved. Turn left, then right at the stop sign. You will pass the park HQ.
      At 7.6 mi: The pavement ends at the yellow house. You are now on the Upper Aliso fire road.
      At 8.3 mi: Turn right onto the Upper Aliso Singletrack trail. It is about 50 ft past a concrete "bunker" and is under some power lines.
      At 8.9 mi: Upper Aliso Singletrack turns left and crosses a stream. Do not go that way. Instead, bear right and start climbing. This trail is called "Sidewinder".
      At 9.3 mi: You reach the top of Sidewinder, at a power tower. You are now tired, but almost done. Turn left on the fire road, go about 100 ft, then right onto the singletrack which traverses across a steep drop-off.
      At 9.5 mi: You reach a saddle on the Bane Ridge trail. Make a sharp left and proceed down the singletrack.
      At 9.7 mi: You rejoin Bane Canyon road after a technical stream crossing Turn left. You will pass the park's entrance kiosk and continue back down the hill.
      At 10.4 mi: You're done. Congratulations you just enjoyed the best singletracks in Chino Hills State Park.
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=18% Paved Path=2%
      Roger Sorensen a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Y3 from Chino Hills, CA


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.latimes.com/HOME/DESTLA/BIKING/moctlgph.h-Chino Hills State Park


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