



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Chino Hills Park - #ChinoHillsPark

    Socal - Orange County - Yorba Linda NickNames: #ChinoHillsPark

    Chino Hills Park is in both San Bernardino & Orange County. This trailhead is off of Carbon Canyon Blvd. just east of the 57 fwy. in Orange County. Exit Lambert (city of Brea) off the 57 fwy. and travel east for @ 4 miles. Park at the State Park facility and begin the trail immediately. Takes you through rivers, ruts, fireroads, singletrack and you can see all types of wildlife. Thomas Guide page 709 & 710

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    • Trail UpdateNorth Ridge Trail Still Closed-My favorite trail in the park, North Ridge, is still closed apparently due to erosion. I should have asked the ranger if there is an estimate as to when the trail may reopen, so if anyone can comment on that, I'd appreciate it. The wooden barrier/signage at the bottom of the trail looked fairly "permanent" which gives me concern. If this trail stays closed, I will be less inclined to visit the park, and I'm sure other hikers/bikers who enjoy the views along this ridge will feel the same way.
      R Herndon a Weekend Warrior riding a Intense Spider


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-New year. New attitude. Time to dust off the bike and hit the dirt. This is a good ride to make an attempt to regain the years of lost MTB endurance. I haven't ridden here in a few years, so I was having a bit of difficulty remembering which trails/route I used to do. I guess one common ride is to do the 15 mi. or so "figure 8" loop detailed in several of the Southern CA mountain biking guide books. It seems to hit up the best of the singletrack the park has to offer, Bovinian Delight, and the section that continues off to the right of 4 corners. There is one little technical jagged rocky spot/step-up, but if you pedal briskly in the granny-gear and place your front tire in the right spot, it is easily overcome. You then go under the power line tower and there is a snaky-fast singletrack descent. The fire road climbs can get tiring, but hey, it's good for me and challenges my physical and mental abilities. This place could really use some rain right now. Most of it has a brown, barren look at the moment. Bring on the rain! The color will return.
      TheInfiniteRoller a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner XCE, 2002 from Long Beach


    • Trail UpdateGreat Riding-Went out there yesterday, took a new guy with me, so we just did telegraph up and back, the majority of it is in pretty good condition. Only problem is there are some spots that have alot of sand. made it annoying going up, but more fun coming down. This place is great, lets not let it get closed.

      P.S. Dont park in the neighborhood closest to the trailhead. Some cop got on me about how the people dont like us parking there... just as i finished unloading my car and getting the bikes ready.
      E-Villa a 17 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2009 Specialized Enduro


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-We rode Bane Ridge single track (cleared enough for riding, thanks)then took S. Ridge to Four corners, Single track to S. Ridge and back to Bane fire road to Chino Hills. A little warm and dusty, but a good ride. The only area not cleared to ride is Raptor single track as of a few weeks ago. Way too over grown. This was in the Top Ten places to ride in S. CA per Mtn Bike mag. a few yrs ago, LET'S KEEP IT OPEN!!!!
      Drew a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Stumpy Pro from W. Covina


    • Trail UpdatePark Closure-This park is on the list of state closures due to budget cuts...
      JustinM a 35 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateSandy-Went Riding With The Owner Of Surf City Cyclery Today (Surf City Cyclery Is Off Of Edinger In Huntington Beach). Went Up Telegraph To 4 Corners Then Took The Overgrown Single Track Know As "Hills For Everyone" (Which Was Overgrown To The Point That The Trail Couldn't Be Seen To S. Ridge Then Back To The Parking Lot. All The Trails But S. Ridge Have Deep Sand Everywhere. Most Likely Due To The Fires That Ravaged The Canyon Back In November. And Some Spots In S. Ridge Had A Terrible Camber, Right Turn With It Sloping To The Left Which Pulls You Into The Really Deep Ruts On The Side. Watch For The Construction Which Pushes Out Onto The Canyon Road. But Overall It Was A Fun Ride, And The Wildlife Bounced Back Big Time. Big Beautiful Hills Of Wild Mustard.
      E-Villa a 16 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2009 Specialized Enduro


    • Trail UpdateI rode Chino Hills on Saturday from the Carbon Canyon entrance. I planned to ride up North Ridge and return on Telegraph, but there is a sign at the start of North Ridge saying that Telegraph is closed up to the McDermott trail (nearly all the way to 4 Corners). The Rimcrest and Bane Canyon entrances are still open.

      So, I headed up North Ridge. Conditions are fine the first 4 miles or so up to Gilman Peak. From then on, however, the road is pretty sandy in places, and there are lots of burned areas. It's mostly rideable but sucks up a lot of energy. I passed the Sycamore turnoff and came to McDermott. I started down and turned left to take the little singletrack down to 4 Corners. The little singletrack has been graded and is now a fireroad. It's somewhat sandy but still rideable.

      All the brush has been cleared away from 4 Corners and the Raptor Ridge and Bovinian singletracks are visible. I had planned to ride Raptor, but I was short on time, so I headed up Bovinian to South Ridge and back again. Bovinian is overgrown in some places, but the trail surface is excellent.

      Once back at 4 Corners, I headed back up McDermott. It's very steep and loose, and I did a fair amount of pushing. Once back on North Ridge, I plowed through the sand back up to Gilman Peak. From there on, it was a pretty fast ride back to the parking lot. Total mileage was 17.5 miles. For now, it's probably better to enter at Rimcrest or Bane Canyon, until Telegraph opens again and North Ridge gets packed down.


    • Trail UpdateI rode Northridge to Four Points and back through Telegraph Canyon. The way it stands: North rim is washed out in two places and muddy in number of locations. Telegraph Canyon Trail is flooded just West of four points, has three major and two minor debris flows and mud slides crossing, and washed out in seven locations. Some of the wash outs are 30 ft wide and 6 ft deep. It will be a long while before this trail is repaired.


    • Trail UpdateBahamut-Hello, I Just want to say that this park closure is not needed!!!
      Ride rating: Novice


    • Trail UpdateTrails Closed Indefinetly-I went to the main gate off Lamberts at Carbon Canyon Park. The ranger said the trails were closed indefinetly due to the rain damage.
      Paul a 37 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 2004 Enduro Comp from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateLong Ride...-I hit this park once again this weekend. I tried to get over to the Aliso Protest ride and got out the house too late after taking care of a few things.

      So, parked at Rose/Vesuvius and headed up the dam, thru Carbon Canyon park.

      Started up Northridge, past Gillman Peak and Sycamore trail to the end. Took the Powerline ST down to 4-Corners. This park is pretty nice. I couple of ruts at the beginning of Nortridge. Nothing back, but watch out of you headed Downhill towards Carbon Canyon park.

      Tagged along with a couple of guys (Brian and Paul) and Hit Raptor. Raptor is awesome...screaming fast!!! Climbed up to Bane Ridge. Rolled along Bane Ridge (again, fast as hell!!!) and got to Rolling Ranch Staging area.

      Took Southridge (rutted..not a problem if climbing, but be carefull if decending fast) to 4-Corners, and up Bovinian tro Southridge. Southridge, up Rimcrest and all the way to the end. Down to Tele and trhu the park..and back to the car.

      All in all a great ride. The park is really nice right now...very green and beautiful!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 30ish miles Elevation change: 3000ish Ft. gain
      Kam a Cross-Country Rider riding a Kelly SS from Cudahy, Ca


    • Trail UpdateNorth Ridge/South Ridge-From Rim Crest, rode down to Telegraph and then up North Ridge to the end. The trail is in primo condition. Took the single track down to 4 corners, then east on Telegraph, over the hill, to link up with South Ridge going west, up to San Juan Hill. There are major ruts on this part of South Ridge - be careful on the ride from San Juan Hill to HQ. The rest of South Ridge to Rim Crest is in great shape. Typical Fall conditions.
      Ride distance: 15 Elevation change:
      Hillguy a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Liquid 55 from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateRode NorthRidge/Telegraph-Wasn't sure if the trail was open on Saturday. Signs posted said closed but people were out and the ranger said it was ok. Decided to go up NorthRidge to Gilman; trail was nice and sticky. Did collect a fair amount of mud on tires that made it even more challenging a climb. GOt to Gilman. Nobody had been on that trail since before rain since I did not see any tracks or barely a trail. Hit Telegraph and it was pretty torn up and muddy. Had one run in with a coyote. Pretty short loop but nice day for it.
      Leticia a 29 year old


    • Trail UpdateSingletrack Epic-What a day! Rode yesterday (in some blistering heat) on most of the singletrack available in the park.

      Started from the northeast entrance on Bane Canyon Rd. Rode East Fenceline - trail conditions were outstanding. Best in years. The ridge trail - to the right from EFL, near the north end of the trail - was open to bikes for a change. I resisted the temptation, and rode EFL all the way to the overlook, then backtracked to the Corral trail. It, too, is now open to bikes. Someone had skidded most of the way down & left a huge rut, but the descent was manageable and way fun. Refilled the water container & soaked my head at the corral.

      Took the Lower Aliso road south briefly to pick up the singletrack back to South Rim/Telegraph intersection. Decided on Telegraph, since it offered a little more shade. Passed the new campground; not sure yet if it will encourage or kill off the ranger trail that descends from the ridge behind it. Climed the Three B*tches (the last one got me again - one of these days I'll clean all of them!) then backtracked a bit to pick up the South Rim Trail. Climbed the rest of the way back up to San Juan peak.

      Dropped down from there to Bovinian Delight. It was in great shape. Stopped at four corners for a break, then continued on up Raptor Ridge. The top was in outstanding condition, from the climb to the utility road through the first few hundred yards of descent. After that, it got pretty hairy. Lots of damage to the trail, loose soil all over, hard clods of dirt, huge choppy patches - yow. Needed all 100 mm of fork travel for that descent! Careful if you're used to bombing this one.

      Finally, climed back up Upper Aliso singletrack (aka heart attack). It's in OK shape, although the trail maintenance has loosened up quite a bit of the hardpack and it's more technical to complete the climb than it has been.

      Two and a half hours on the trail, and the majority of it singletrack - 11 singletrack miles with no repeats. Anyone from the OC side know if the singletracks down from North Rim Trail to Telegraph are open? Viva to the new park management!

      - Paul
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15.5 miles Elevation change: 1500 ft?
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Paul a 42 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sub-hufffy from Walnut, CA


    • Trail UpdateSmoking Hot-Boy was it hot out today, went riding with a couple of
      buddy's, whooo weeee, very hot. Over all a nice
      ride saw a couple of split tarantula's, I guess they
      couldn't get out of the way. One huge rattle snake, and
      almost ran into a ranger in his truck. Over all good
      ride. Ya'll be safe.


    • Trail UpdateSmoking Hot-Boy was it hot out today, went riding with a couple of
      buddy's, whooo weeee, very hot. Over all a nice
      ride saw a couple of split tarantula's, I guess they
      couldn't get out of the way. One huge rattle snake, and
      almost ran into a ranger in his truck. Over all good
      ride. Ya'll be safe.


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-Rode this past Sun, 8/1.
      Parked at Rose & Vesuvius, so up across the dam, thru the Carbon Canyon Park and to the trailhead.

      Up Northridge to 4 Corners. Rested at 4 Corners, hit Raptor to the new campground, rested and refilled the H2O.

      Headed up Southridge up to San Juan Hill, then down Bovinian/Tarantula back to 4 Corners. Then, back up Bovinian to Southridge and rode to the end onto Telegraph, back to my car.

      All the trails seem to be great. Raptor can be tricky on some of the quick downs, there are some loose sandy parts...be careful there. Otherwise, the trail work done here has helped alot!

      Get up early to beat the heat, and be sure to bring plenty of water or refill at the ranger stations/camp ground/Carbon Canyon park.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 25 miles Elevation change: maybe 2000ft or so
      Kam a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Kelly Single Speed from Bell


    • Trail UpdateKona Demo Days And Trail Work-March 14th, this Sunday, is trail work and Kona Demo Days at Chino Hills State Park. We will also try to squeeze in a short meeting as well. Trail work will be light brushing as the mutant mustard has started to take off again. We will work on Raptor Ridge only. Meet ranger station (red barn) on Sunday at 8:30 AM. We will work on the trail and then play on Kona's bikes. If you are looking for a lazy Sunday instead, just come on out and ride Kona's bikes from 9 - 4. They will have all of the new stuff there for you to try out.

      March 14th Chino Hills State Park

      Trail work from 8:30 AM - Noon RSVP at volunteers@sharemtb.com

      Kona Demo Days 9 AM - 4 PM

      SHARE Monthly Meeting 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

      Elinvar entrance off of Soquel Canyon and the 71 frwy

      (91 to the 71, exit Soquel Canyon and go left. Left again on Elinvar. Enter the park via the gate and follow it all the way down to the Visitors Center.)

      GC URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateChsp-Yes, a new campground. They will have a hiker/biker site and car camping.

      The current management direction seems positive and they will be allowing volunteer groups to come in and work on trails to clean up the few issues that are still there.

      Good stuff happening at CHSP.


    • Trail UpdateExploring The Hills...-Rode this park for the first time this last weekend. The weather was *perfect*! Would be hell in the summer though, as there are almost no trees in the park what so ever so finding shade would be difficult. Some of the best OC singletrack there is, period. And pretty quiet...I was there on a Saturday and we only ran into 1 other person directly; and saw maybe 3 others in about 3-4 hours. Many rolling hills. Good place to ride, I'll be going back!
      Sean a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized from Seal Beach


    • Trail UpdateNew Campground?-Paul, heard last night that all of that grading might be for a new camp ground.

      ..good riding with you yesterday.I'm a bit sore today after launching into the ravine, but have to agree - best trail conditions I've seen in CHSP in some time!
      Capt. Dave a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant XTC SE-1 from Corona


    • Trail UpdateMajor Construction-Had a blast riding in CHSP today. Met up with a rider named Dave at the Soquel Cyn entrance, and headed down Rolling Ridge. Noticed that there is some sort of MAJOR work going on up on the hill west of the ranger station. Had seen some work here a few weeks back, but there is serious earth-moving and grading going on. Dropped onto the main road from the equestrian area, and the road was blocked to auto traffic with big barriers and signs about the construction. We rode around the signs.

      We ran into a few other gents heading up south ridge - they dropped us part way up. I know I'm out of shape - I think Dave was being kind by waiting for me :-) Stopped off at Four Corners for a break, then headed up Raptor. Dave hadn't ridden it before, and it was a delight to show him the way. What a blast! Hit a tick over 35 mph on the way down, says the speedo. Got snagged by a dry mustard plant on the arm halfway down - was kinda bloody when I hit bottom. Dave wasn't so lucky and ran off-trail near the bottom and landed nipples-up in the bush. Cracked his helmet, too, though he seemed to be unfazed by the fall. Upper Aliso rd was closed at the turnoff to the singletrack, also due to construction, so we climbed Heart Attack & headed home.

      Trails were in really good shape, and the view east from the top of Raptor was breathtaking.

      - Paul

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: 800 ft
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Paul a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Sub-Huffy (a Motiv - about zero stock parts left) from Walnut, CA


    • Trail UpdateSouth East / Golf Course-After reading the postings regarding Greenriver for several years I finally went out and rode it. After all, I just moved to Corona and this is now my front yard. The start of the trail is pretty solid. It can definitely use more riding, grass is starting to grow on the fireroad. As you climb higher, there are some loose spots but overall smooth climbing all the way. By the towers, you are blocked by tumbleweeds due to the strong winds we are having. It is easy getting around it but you will have to get off your bike.

      Four years ago I posted on this trail regarding the Bobcat I ran into. I titled it 'Wildlife out and about'. Scroll below and you can read re my encounter. I've attached a link to the images that I never posted. Check it out.

      Pretty stoked that I have a trail one mile away from my house. Maybe someday I can ride the whole park.
      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a killer Intense Tracer from Corona URL: http://www.js3images.com/cgi-bin/images.cgi?opt=wildlife-bobcat_encounter


    • Trail UpdateCorrect-I know "Volunteering is the only way to get it done". I am glad that things have changed for the better; too bad no one posted it earlier. By the post below many stopped volunteering because of the management. Thanks for your up date. Tell me about lack of funding, I am a teacher and we have been hit hard with cut backs the last two years. Ouch!
      Greg a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-Greg,

      There has been a change in management at the park again and in our favor. This is a huge step. However, all of the emails in China won't help with funds to maintain the trails. This park and the state are broke, there is just no way around it. Volunteering is the only way to get it done.

      Drop me a line if you want to take on some projects.

      Grant Curtis
      SHARE Mountain Bike Club
      GC URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdatePlease E-mail-From the posts I see below, many of you are unhappy with the direction the Park is heading. I have just started riding again after 2 years and Chino Hills is my backyard ride and one of my favorite places. It is very dis-hearting to hear of the problems. Please take a minute and e-mail the california parks at info@parks.ca.gov Our tax paying money goes to maintain the park and our input should matter to them.
      Greg a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-ECK, Now you know why they close the park for 3days after a rain. about 10 years ago a good friend and myself rode there after a rain [or I should say walked] down to the golf course. it was so bad we rode up the 71 to get back the the cars.
      a Weekend Warrior riding a then Schwinn mesa runner


    • Trail UpdateCHINO-Since I had some good quality down time during the holidays, I was finally able to do the long, XC 27 mile loop around the park. There is very minimal tech stuff along this loop but there are several challenging climbs and plenty of fun, smooth singletracks. This loop is an excellent choice if you're looking to build endurance. The highlight being the east boundary/fenceline trail. Only trouble is by the time I got there which is probably close to 20 miles into the ride, my legs were beginning their protest and there's a couple'a short but killer steeps to climb here. Also challenging are the many off camber areas where the front tire has very little manuevering room (pick up the cadence here, momentum is your best friend...). In earlier posts it seems this trail was unrideable due to overgrowth but it's completely cleared away now (nice job whoever's responsible). It's easy to see that those weeds will probably grow back in a hurry though especially after the Spring rains. The only boneheaded thing I did was ride through a muddy bog-like section on the fireroad near the end of the ride. This sucked because I STILL had more climbing to do, I was exhausted, and the mud was that super sticky clay stuff that lodges itself in large clumps at the tops of the fork stanchions. It was weird though cuz the mud bog looked like it was merely covered with a thin top layer but as it turned out my wheels squished and sank right in there. Then when I hit the downhills that stuff whips off all over you with rubber bullet-like force. Neat. I'll probably ride it again when things get greener...
      Ride distance: miles 26-27 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Eck see a 34 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from Long Beach


    • Trail UpdateThe Writing Is On The Wall-There you have it! I suggest we all get out and ride this area before we no longer have the option. Unfortunately, even if they don't pave the place, we could lose alot...especially when there's no cooperation from "the powers that be."
      Well, Sonny's planning a ride there tomorrow morning, meeting at 7:00 at the entrance. I haven't been here in well over a year so it's time! I'll be there...

      Flying W a 43 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro from La Verne


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-Rode several of the trail options last weekend, some mud but the puddles were avoidable. Surface conditions were generally solid, the light rain earlier in the week eliminated any dust, some of the sections on Raptor were pretty rutted but we still had a great time.
      Ratraider a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT Hardtail from Altadena


    • Trail UpdateYou Hit It On The Head-Park management changes at CHSP all the time. Everytime it changes so does the direction of the park.

      Under the current park ecologist the direction will be more "wild" and less user friendly, even though the state park charter has a definate direction towards recreation.

      I know at least one of the trails you mention and that was eliminated a couple/three years ago with no mention as to why. There was also a push to eliminate one of the trails near four corners and the way that they hope to get that done is to stop working on singletrack trails (which they have done and make no effort to get fire crews out to do it) and to let it grow back. I've heard time and time again that they are going to do this or that but it never materializes.

      Park management is nothing short of hostile in trying to work with volunteers unless you force the issue. The Interpretative Association (a volunteer group who manages the volunteers) disbanded because park management was difficult to work with, and as volunteers, they didn't need to put up with it. Same goes for the, once active, park mtn bike patrol. Park management is so lax now that I even tried to camp there this past Friday night (arrived at 5:20PM) and they had shut the park down well before sunset (posted hours are 8-sunset).

      If the current managment direction continues, I say plow the place and let the residents of Yorba Linda have their wish...another shopping center.


    • Trail UpdateI mentioned trail closures because two short trails
      in and around Bane Canyon were closed. One was an unauthorized trail and the other was part of a fire break. Both were challenging and accepted trails that had been used for many, many years but both lacked proper water control and maintenence so they were blocked. I am just worried that the indescriminate closure could happen elsewhere-closure of a trail because we as users are not taking care of ride areas...and no new trails are being developed.
      And it is funny you mention the wilderness area vs recreational area. I had the same comment from a ranger yet I remember the state parks system had a plan a few years ago to open a paved entrance to hwy 71 and the creation of a huge rec area. Weird how things change.


    • Trail UpdateNot Bad-I rarely ride here anymore but I have participated in the trail maintenance.This weekend as I couldn't get away for more then a couple of hours I decided to just do a little ride out there.The singletrack portions I rode were in good shape.The beginner stuff like Telegraph was really sandy, but still very easy .I rode all the other singletrack with the exception of East Fenceline as I was told by a couple of other riders that they'd tried it and gave up and came back.The areas we cleared were in good shape.Very hot as usual out there.I can't believe with the amount of people who ride here that we'd have a hard time finding volunteers for these trails.I left my name to be contacted if they needed anymore help,but haven't heard from anybody, yet.Being this is a state intiney (sp) don't count on them to solve the problem.We will probaly have to "Take the bull by the horns" to get this worked out.They almost have to be forced into it, to get it done.Don't get me wrong, most of the rangers would gladly help, but it takes a lot of work to get approvals and they will probaly end up doing most of the work on their own time.
      Pain Freak a I dont want to talk about it year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02/Surly 1X1 (Mighty Whitey) from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateGood, Bad And Ugly-The good: The only trails being closed in the park (which hasn't happened in a long time, barring Brush Canyon) are ones that the park ecologist has closed based upon her assumption that it is a "wildlife preserve" and not a state park in which recreation is welcomed.

      The bad: Some of the trails are overgrown and bushwacking is brutal, but it needs to be done. Park management has made it very difficult to volunteer and do work within the park, by design or not (insert trail closure conspiracy here). The problem of overgrown trails will persist until this policy decision or park management changes (which it seems to do a lot).

      The ugly: While SHARE was able to get 65 volunteers to the trail work event (a one time thing), still not enough people show up on a regular basis to get things done. Current volunteers are already stretched too thin and getting more people involved is a battle, as the overall nature of mtn bikers is to ride, not to work on trails.

      The only solution is to get involved or bushwack, or both. However, you will notice that the issues that surround CHSP seem to only happen AT CHSP and not other state or county parks. Makes you go hmmm...


    • Trail UpdateI spoke to a ranger about this and its sad, he confirmed the other post...the parks system doesn't have the money to pay a crew, the park has not had a ranger dedicated to organize trailwork for a long time (he said 3 years or more), trails are being closed because of no maintenance, weather and drought has helped to fuel the out-of-control weeds and volunteer groups have not stepped up to the plate to take care of trails so the park (the ecosystem) is taking the trails back, so to speak. And this is the whole park, east and west side. If you have EVER enjoyed riding in Chino Hills, the park needs your help...look for a group and get involved before the whole trail system is gone.


    • Trail UpdateFenceline And Other Oddities-The unfortunate part is that no one really maintains the trails. The park is short of money and people which means the trails suffer. A group of people from SHARE Mtn Bike Club came in this past summer and cleared some of the trails but not all of Fenceline was completed. There just wasn't enough time in the day to get it done. The rangers were going to bring in a crew to follow up the volunteer work but it never came about.


    • Trail UpdateBring A Machete And Tweezers..-Rode Fenceline on the east side of the park last weekend (10-4-03). The trail is very overgrown with dried brush and dry dead sunflower plants. Parts of the trail are very loose and about ready to slide off the hill side. Unless you like getting hit in the face with dry brush and picking stingers and splinters out of your skin stay away. Anybody know who normally maintains this trail? The Ranger said he's hoping to schedule some guys from the Chino Hills prison to come in and work on the trail.
      Dagooche a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Steel Bianchi from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdatePlenty 'o Water Won't Cut It...-Rode here last Thu. thinking, "Yeh, well it's a LITTLE cooler than it's been lately..." Started about 10:00am and was TOAST by 12:00 but naturally (and idiotically........is that even a word?), I didn't stop there. My goal was to do 26 miles looping around the park's boundary (I STILL have not done the east-boundary trail), but I only managed about 17 or so. I thought I'd outsmart "the inevitable bonk" by bringing a water bottle full of GATORADE in addition to 100oz H20. If anything, it only mad matters worse as I forced down the vomit-inducing warm syrupy sugary swill. De-lish. Anyway, there are several small sections of deep-sand fireroad that are ride-able but they suck when you're heat-exhausted. Raptor ridge was in great shape thanks to the trailwork that was done earlier. Obviously, the time to ride here is in the Spring when it's greener or in the Fall when it's cooler instead of the Summer when it's browner. Maybe I'll finish my loop in October...
      Eck see a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateBring Plenty O' Water...-on this day, because the heat was oppressive. Started 8:00 am from Rimcrest and went west towards the treatment plant dropped down into Telegraph Canyon and headed east up to Four Corners. Getting soft in some spots. I then took Raptor Ridge to the ranger station, grinning like an idiot all the way down. For all that downhill, I knew I had to pay for it, so up I went South Ridge. Sun was high and there was no relief in site (read shade) until I got some ways up. Decided to head right and go back to Telegraph Canyon. By this time, the sun was beating down my neck, arms and back. There was a little breeze blowing from somewhere but by the time I got back to Four Corners, my shirt was soaked. Took a little breather with a few bikers and took the Bovinian Delight S/T. Some parts overgrown and hanging over the trail to whip me as I passed by. Look out for the poison oak located about half way up to South Ridge. Did the roller coaster ride through South Ridge and back to the car at 11:00 am. Be sure to rest when you're tired and keep the rubber side down.

      Happy Trails

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: ~14 miles Elevation change: dunno
      Singletrack=30% Truck Trail=70%
      Terraphilia a Weekend Warrior riding a GT I-drive from Norwalk, CA


    • Trail UpdateHotter Than Yo Mama's Chilli-Decided to venture out to Chino for a ride with my
      amigo roosterLEGZ on saturday. Entered the park
      on the "backside", off of Bane Canyon Road. Got
      geared up and the bikes ready to roll by 10:00 a.m.

      Locked up the truck, and descended down the
      paved road for about a 1/4 mile, veered left and
      began to climb, and climb, and climb a little more
      up the South Ridge Trail. Continued along South
      Ridge until the "fork" in the trail, made a right and
      hopped on Telegraph Canyon and dropped down
      into 4-Corners, saw a handful of riders there, we
      hung out for a few, then headed up Raptor Ridge,
      the highlight of this rather boring ride. At the bottom
      of Raptor, we made a left, and climbed some more
      exciting and scenic fire road. Climbed until it
      "dead-ends" and you can take that singletrack.
      Dropped into the overgrown singletrack, and made
      our way down, up and around to the next plateau
      area, just after that wooden cross on the
      singletrack. Climbed some more, then dropped
      back down and realized we should have made a
      right at the top of that plateau, I believe that would
      have taken us back to the Equestrian Staging area,
      oh well, we ended up back on Bane Canyon Rd.
      and enjoyed the 95% downhill back to the truck.

      This was only my 2nd time riding here, and I don't
      see myself riding here much more. It is a good
      workout, but the scenery left much to the
      imagination, and it was warming up pretty good. A
      whole lot of fire road, with few singletrack trails, i'm
      sure the locals know all the singletracks, but, I
      don't really care to find out where they are, or at
      least wait to fall/winter before heading back to
      Chino Hills.

      Not a bad ride, but, would have rather headed
      down to south OC for the morning.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change: up & down
      Singletrack=.05% Truck Trail=99.95%
      BDEE riding a JamisDAKAR from Long beach


    • Trail UpdateTrail Work, June 7th-SHARE Mountain Bike Club is putting on our first ever trail work event in Chino Hills State Park on June 7th. The work to be done will be addressing the severely overgrown singletracks in the park like Raptor Ridge, Ranger Ridge and East Fenceline.
      However, with the severity of the overgrowth we will need quite a few bodies to complete just ONE trail, let alone our ambitious plan of two or three.

      No experience is necessary, we will teach you what to do. Lunch will be served for those that work and possibly other goodies for those participating.

      Please RSVP to: singlespeeder2002@yahoo.com if you can attend.

      I will post another reminder as the work date gets closer.

      Grant Curtis
      SHARE Mountain Bike Club

      Grant Curtis URL: SHARE Mountain Bike Club


    • Trail UpdateBring The Weed Wacker-Has anyone other than me rode here in the past couple of months? Almost every trail except the main fire roads are over grown with weeds and the fire roads are rutted out from car traffic. Be careful some of the rutts can't be seen through the weeds. Bring a long sleeve shirt, I've been going the past three weeks and my arms got tore up from the weeds. Summer months should be better after the weeds dry up but then there's the other problem of fires.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Gezfrek a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gt from Corona


    • Trail UpdateDate Chino Hills Mtn Bike Fest.-May 3rd & 4th, 2003. It's a Saturday, and Sunday. Sign up now. Only 200 to camp and 500 durng the day only!
      See ya soon!
      Mike Koval a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 100 from Norco


    • Trail UpdateThe Festival-Hey Mike
      Can you post which weekend this is going to take place, and what Hillview Children's Foundation does?


    • Trail UpdateMtn Bike Festival Chino Hills-We will give you the best rides in the park for your level of riding. A fund raiser for Hillview Children's Foundation.
      You can stay for one day or stay for both days, camping will max out at 200.
      Along with some incredible riding is many other outdoor activities, time trials, a slow race, log pull, (yes, on your bike), rock climbing (not on your bike), a high ropes course, entertainment, and Oh! Yes!
      Raise or donate;
      $50 One day, food, entertainment, events, and event T-shirt.
      $85 Both days including camping (200 max) and all the above.
      $225 Embroidered fleese sweat shirt & all the above
      $350 Event bike shirt and all the above
      $500 Event mountain bike shorts and all the above
      $750 Cyclo Computer and all the above
      $1,000 Event Camel Back with 100 oz. bladder and all the above
      $1,500 All the above and heart rate monitor
      Get your seat ridin butt to sign up now!
      It's going to be a grea weekend for the friends and family of regulr riders.
      Mike Koval 714-448-6075 Mike@WeTotallyRock.com
      f rain out the event automatically moves to the next weekend.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: up to 24 miles Elevation change: 1600
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      Mike Koval a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 100 from Norco


    • Trail UpdateNo Closures That I Saw-I didn't see any trail closure signs at all on Sunday. There were probably at least 20 other riders we saw out there also (none east of 4 corners however). We did see the ranger truck get stuck in the mud on South Ridge near where it joins Telegraph. Trust me, you were much better of at Fullerton!
      RDC a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 01' Diamondback XSL Race


    • Trail UpdateThat's Weird...-i headed up to the east entrance off soquel canyon on mon. mornin' and the trailhead was closed. do the rimcrest and carbon canyon entrances open sooner than the east end of the park? i doubt it...are there sign for closures at the rimcrest entrance? i had to head back towards home and ride 2 laps of the fully loop instead...which was o.k.
      kam a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a custom single speed from l.a.


    • Trail UpdateChino After Rain-The trails east of four corners usually takes longer to dry than the trails west of it. If it is little muddy on the west side, it is going to be really really muddy on the east side. I am talking about Raptors and east Telegraph, and possibly east southridege. Unless you are a beast of burden don't go there.


    • Trail UpdateWay Too Wet!!-My buddy and I hit the trail yesterday 2/16. We started from rimcrest and went up southridge. Southridge was pretty muddy, a few sections were not passable. At the top we saw two wolves, then went down Tarantula, it wasn't too muddy there. From four corners we headed up Raptor Ridge, here is where the ride really started to turn bad. All the trails east of Four Corners are nearly unrideable. The clay is so thick that our wheels literally would not spin anymore. To top it off my friends chain started sticking and it eventually broke off his SRAM rear der., leaving him to pretty much hike all the way from Lower Aliso, to Telegraph, and then up cheat street. I didn't know it took this place so long to dry up, but Chino needs at least a couple more days to dry up to make it rideable. Once it dries up conditions should be perfect.
      Ride distance: 12.5 Elevation change:
      RDC a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 01' Diamondback XSL Race from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateSOUTH RIDGE-Friday 11-29-02 - Rode South Ridge from Rimcrest on the freshly burned area of the park, dropped in at Deimer trail to Telegraph Canyon to Turantula Canyon to South Ridge back to Rim Crest. The conditions were great that day, hard packed trails from all the fire trucks, no wind and only two other MTBers riding that day, plus the fearless bobcat on south ridge. The whole park is starting to green up from the recent rains, and the burned area is only about 4 miles in area,
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11 Elevation change: not to bad
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=20% Truck Trail=50%
      Jackhammer a 37 year old Downhiller riding a 96 Specialized Rock Hopper from Anaheim, ca


    • Trail UpdateSouth Ridge-All of that powder on the west side of South Ridge is from grading and all of the equipment used for the paving operation. Other recent changes to the park: the view from Glider Point now features a trash can, and the overlook above Lower Aliso being redesigned to include an outhouse.
      Hillguy a Weekend Warrior riding a GT Zaskar LE from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdatePerfect Time Of Year For Chino!-Went out this morning from Rimcrest. Great weather & quiet. Up Telegraph, then Little Canyon. Down Bovinian to 4 corners, then back up Bovinian, down Southridge, up Diemer and then Telegraph back to the car. Saw 2 hikers and 7 bikers (and a lot of fresh coyote poop!). I concur with Turtleman, South Ridge is extremely powdery - I had to kill my momentum on the downhills to avoid washouts. This made the uphills a bit more work. Over-all very nice.
      Just before Bovinian there is a gated truck trail that leads down to a natural gas pumping station. There were a couple of Gas Co. trucks parked there and I was dismayed to find that they have freshly paved the access trail with asphalt! Seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the dry conditions and in my opinion is contradictory to past policy that stresses protecting the habitat.
      Per the official C.S.P. website: "Animals, plants, rocks, dirt and artifacts are protected by law and may not be disturbed or collected." Brush Canyon & Bobcat Ridge have been shut down due to ‘sensitive habitat’ yet they turn around and allow this!?!
      The stewardship of the park seems to be taking a dark turn lately. I hope that can be changed.
      Hey DeRanger, any thoughts on this?

      PS- Yes DFO, you would have been much better off climbing South Ridge from the Ranger Station. Still a grunt, but it beats the 3 Bs.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=75% Paved Path=!!!!%
      Brown Gargantua a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from OC


    • Trail UpdateA Nice Ride..-It might be little late, but to answer Pain Freak's question.. the route I did took about 2 and half hours. I believe it's not quite 40 miles though.
      By the way the Southridge that has recently been graded has actually turned into powdery sand in a lot of areas. Be careful in your turns and watch your speed.
      Have a great ride
      Turtleman a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateCool Day, Nice Ride-With all the forests closed we decided to give Chino Hills a try. The temperature was ideal---nice and cool---this place is unshaded and not somewhere I'd want to ride in the middle of summer. All in all, it was a very pleasant ride. We started out going up North Ridge from the Carbon Canyon entrance. Took it till the end and then went down a fun singletrack to four corners. The bottom section of that singletrack is very powdery and there was evidence of a few crashes. After a 2 minute stop at four corners we took Raptor Ridge. This one was a lot of fun though at times I felt like I was riding in a big bumpy rut.

      All of us were still feeling pretty good once we hit Upper Aliso trail so we decided to head up it. Smart move as we hit some very pretty singletrack that dumped up back on Aliso. Took Aliso past the Ranger station and then headed up Telegraph for the ride back to the Carbon Canyon entrance. Maybe we should have taken south ridge. The climb up Telegraph was a bear---there is a steep section that is very soft and it ended up being a hike-a-bike. Once past the steep part, there was one more little climb and then a nice descent through Telegraph canyon back to the cars.

      There weren't many people on any trail other than Telegraph which surprised me since lots of the other trails in the area are closed. Fun to explore some new dirt.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 21 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      DFO a Cross-Country Rider riding a Cdale


    • Trail UpdateNo Offense-Turtleman ,a lot of us prefer the potholes the rocks and all the natural occuring obstacles we find in the roads/singletracks.My personel preference is to just leave it alone and let nature take its course.I'm somewhat offended when they "sanatize" a trail.I'm doing the exzct same ride as you describe tomarrow in the morning.I was wondering how long of time it generally takes.I'm not out to set any records,but want to log about 40 miles.
      Pain Freak a Cross-Country Rider riding a Renrut 02 from Fontana


    • Trail UpdateA Nice Ride-Entered the park through the Rimcrest and climbed Southridge toward east. The southridge is freshly groomed, eliminating the pot holes, but on the otherhand, makes some sections sandy.. need rain. Anyways I appreciate the work these guys do. Went down Bovinian, pass four corners, down Raptor to main ranger station. Went up Bane road, took right at fire road toward McClean Overlook, took East Fenceline. East Fenceline has powdery sections as usual, but overall not too bad. Came down near the entrance to the park and went up the fire road that leads you up to Sidewinder single tract. Passed the "cross" down to Upper Aliso (Thanks for the bridge!). Back pass the ranger station again, up Telegraph, took fire road that climbs back up to Raptor, back to four corners.
      Took a big breath and cruised down Telegraph, and walked my bike through the Easy street (Dear ranger, can we please make this short trail legal for bikes?), and back to Rim Crest entrance.
      Another great day in a park that I love.
      Turtleman a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateSolitude-Rode for an hour or so yesterday - Carbon Canyon to North Ridge to Sycamore to Telegraph Canyon and out - and saw a total of one hiker and one mountain biker, the latter as I was leaving for the day. While buff truck trails aren't everyone's cup of tea, the great views and the lack of people make this a fun weekday ride.

      Saw plenty of wildlife sign - tracks, scat - and a beautiful baby racer; he was stopped on the trail so I stopped and pretended I didn't seem him for a minute. Black, blue, and yellow - the same colors as my roadbike. Seeing this little fellow, and all of the snake tracks crossing the trail, was a reminder to watch my speed - rolling over the park fauna is not responsible trail use.

      I wonder how well this is going to hold up now that every forest in SoCal is closed...

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change: 600
      Truck Trail=100%
      DeRanger a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Rocky Mountain Blizzard from OC


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-I love CHSP but east fence line is really the only trail worth riding. What do you think?
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Matt a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Jekyll


    • Trail UpdateSpectacular Views...-...of the Williams Fire (Angeles NF) from the North Ridge Trail - the fire was creating its own weather! The rising smoke and heat punched through the inversion layer and created thunderheads on both sides of the valley where the fire was burning. Amazing.

      The park is DRY - the walnuts are barely leafed out, and even the prickly pears are dessiccated.

      Riding on weekdays here is great - saw a total of two other people in two hours. A pleasant XC cruise.

      DeRanger a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Rocky Mountain Blizzard from OC


    • Trail UpdateWhat A Shock-I did a quick ride down Telegraph Canyon this weekend, and was quite dismayed at how the park has been neutered. It's been a couple of years since I'd ridden there but I remember fondly the water crossings with the hidden rocks, and the erosion crevases that could swallow a careless rider. Riding in Chino Hills used to be an adventure. Now it seems as if every trail has been smoothed out and every river crossing paved over.

      I imagine that the powers that be are taking every possible precaution to ensure that none of the yuppie-larva from the new housing track get a boo-boo during their weekly 'power-rides'. But I'll bet that there are a whole bunch of us riders out there that wish they'd have just left the park the hell alone.

      Riders should get a new concept of what constitutes "Trail Maintenance" : if you see a tree limb that has fallen across a trail LEAVE IT. If someone ahead of you has moved it off the trail MOVE IT BACK. We should all learn to improve our riding skills and negotiate obstacles rather than pander to the lowest denominator. If people fall, GREAT; scars build character. If the trails get too dificult, TOUGH; there are paved trails by the lake.
      BIGLAR a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS-1 from Buena Park


    • Trail UpdateSaphire-No longer a trail. There was one there once but with changing management ideas some years ago, the trail is no longer in use nor useable. Basically, it is no longer in existence.


    • Trail UpdateSapphire??-My trail book lists a trail called Sapphire that supposedly runs off upper aliso canyon on the west side of Bane Cyn. and drops down onto Sapphire Rd. After searching, it looks like this hasn't been ridden in years. Does anyone know about this trail? Thanks
      Matt a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Jekyll


    • Trail UpdateN.Ridge - Raptor -Telegraph-Rode it yesterday, not too hot temp. wise in the park surprisingly. Entire trail was hardpack with loose powder sections as expected this time of year. Telegraph seems to have been recently groomed, foilage was trimmed back and most ruts have been cleaned up.
      The park was pretty much empty (usually the case during the week) and perfect for unobstructed training/riding + friendly packs of coyotes kept the small animals out of the way....bet they can't wait for the new neighborhood (W. Yorba Linda/Brea side) to fill up with poodles/pugs and other ratty little pets.

      Here is the official trail map: http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/648/files/chinohillsmap1.pdf

      Markus riding a Various Hardtails from Y.L. URL: Gilman Peak Aerial View


    • Trail UpdateBobcat Ridge-The trail heading southeast from the upper end of Bobcat Ridge is closed to bikes, probably due to a steep canyon descent (counter-clockwise loop), but it makes a nice trail run. If you're on a bike, stick to Scully Ridge. The new maps show this trail, Water Canyon, Hills for Everyone, Gilman, and Easy Street are currently the only trails closed to bikes. Since there are alternate routes for bikes for all except Water Canyon, and Water Canyon is a dead-end trail, this shouldn't be a problem for anyone. The only trail the new maps specifically allow bikes on is a dinky little trail way down by Carbon Canyon Park. All other trails are in the gray area between "specifically allowed" and "specifically closed." Park managers will decide whether to let bikes continue riding in that gray area based on how well we obey trail closures, how seriously we damage (skid) or cut trails, and how courteous we are towards other park user groups. If you want to continue riding here, like I do, ride accordingly.


    • Trail UpdateDoes Anyone Know?-I have ridden almost every trail in Chino Hills except for a single tract that seems to connect Bob cat ridge to Scully ridge in the south side of the park, according to the trail map. Nobody ever mentions riding this trail. Has anyone been on it? Does it truly exist? I would appreciate any info if you have been on that trail, and its ridable condition etc.


    • Trail UpdateForget About It-Marcus doesn't know what he is talking about.

      Fenceline, Ranger Ridge, Raptor Ridge, Bovinian/Trantula, Rolling Ranch Ridge, Upper and Lower Aliso, Heart Attack and a couple of others I haven't mentioned are all LEGAL to bikes.

      If it has a NO BIKES posted than it is illegal. Otherwise, it is.

      Pick up the Chino Hills State Park map that Gary Lyons (the park ranger) has provided at all of the kiosks and you will understand that Marcus has misinformation.

      End this argurment already and get to trail updates.


    • Trail UpdateQuestions-Markus, I have seen the no bike signs for Gilman Trail, Cheat Street, Hill for Everyone, Lower Bobcat Ridge, & Water Canyon. Those trails are definitely off limits to bikes. I have never seen a large, red laser-guided lance skewering a bicyclist on the Tarantula/Bovine Trail. Why do you think that trail is off-limits to bikes? I have been told by the Ranger Supervior that other than those 5 trails mentioned above, all other trails are multi use trails thus are available for bike usage.

      Curious a 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper


    • Trail UpdateThat Wasn't Crack I Was Smokin'-As it has been explained to me over many years of riding CHSP and many revisions to whatever law above mother nature that rules the place, the last time I was scolded for riding GilmanST I was told by the Ranger that anything less than 60" wide is off limits with a few exceptions (Raptor, etc.) . WHat I would do is look for the posts at the trailheads if you have any real questions, they will have illegal trail status indicated by a large, red laser-guided lance skewering a bicyclist. Strange things happen in those darn hills.
      Markus a 31 year old


    • Trail UpdateSimple Answer-All trails EXCEPT those listed as off limits to bicycles and equestrian use are designated as multi use trails. Multi use trails can accomodate hikers, trail runners, nature observations, equestrian functions, and mountain bikes. Hence the Bovinian and Raptor Ridge trails are legal for mountain bike travel. Note the trail right of way posts that are present at some intersections of these trails with the main fire road system - Bikes yeild to hikers, both bikes and hikers yeild to horses. If you are still confused hit the Fully Loop (by far the best trail in OC).
      Fully Loop Faceplanter a 16 year old Racer riding a Anything I can go over the bars on


    • Trail UpdateQuestion About Chino Hill (II)-

      I have a copy the of 2002 California State Parks, Chino Hills Edition, government issued map/pamphlet. All those singletracks that Hardtail Racer mentioned are all off limits to bikes. However, it doesn't show Tarantula Canyon/Bovine to be an illegal trail. How can I find out if it's really illegal? If so, how do I legally get up to South Ridge on my way back to Rimcrest from 4 Corners?

      BTW - Y-Not, I do own a copy of Mountain Biking in OC but it is so out of date. I am still not sure which single tracks are legal in the park? Can someone help me with this?

      According to Markus, only fire trails are legal in the park? Is that really true? Does that mean that Raptor Ridge is illegal then? Boy, am I confused!

      Curious a 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper from La Habra


    • Trail UpdateHoly Crack Smoking-Markus ... you be smoking the crack rock? Funny how the only closed trails are Gilman Peak Singletrack, Cheat Street, Hills for Everyone, and the South side of the Bobcat Ridge Loop. At least that's what my 2002 California State Parks, Chino Hills Edition, government issued map/pamphlet has to say. And when they say all trail except those are multi use - Hey guess what ... that means mountain bikes!
      Hardtail Racer a 78 year old Racer riding a Jamis Komodo from Carbon Canyon, CA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills SP-1) Everybody mentions riding the Gilman Peak singletrack
      - isn't that trail off-limits to bikes? Cheat Street is
      also off-limits to bikes, right?
      Yes it is. The OCMTB
      Book is a bit outdated. It USED to be legal, but not anymore. The rest of the book is the best reference to Orange County MTB anywhere.

      2) Tarantula is illegal as well. If it is not a fireroad, its
      TECHNICALLY illegal. By that I mean if you are caught, you will get a ticket,
      a warning, or a spank.

      3) From 4 corners, what is the easiest/quickest way up to North Ridge? Will Powerline take me up there? I assume Sycamore is the easiest up and down North Ridge.
      Mountain Bike is the fastest way. Powerline will lead you to a fence, the other side of which is again, illegal. Sycamore/North Ridge both will take you to the top, both are uphill and take about the same amount of time.

      4) What is the Raptor Ridge loop? What is the easiest way doing this loop? Raptor begins at 4 corners. It is the singletrack heading towards the eastern portion of the park. Clockwise is the generally accepted path, but if you want to give yourself a challenge, ride it to the ranger station, refuel, turn around and ride back to 4 corners. Its do-able.
      Markus Headlaunch


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills Answers-Get the Mountain Biking in Orange County book at your
      local bike store. All your questions will be answered.


    • Trail UpdateQuestions About Chino Hills-

      1) Everybody mentions riding the Gilman Peak singletrack - isn't that trail off-limits to bikes? Cheat Street is also off-limits to bikes, right?
      2) From 4 corners, what is the easiest/quickest way up to South Ridge? Tarantula or East Tarantula? What trail is Bovine?
      3) From 4 corners, what is the easiest/quickest way up to North Ridge? Will Powerline take me up there? I assume Sycamore is the easiest up and down North Ridge.
      4) What is the Raptor Ridge loop? What is the easiest way doing this loop?

      Curious a 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper from La Habra


    • Trail UpdateGolf Course Singletrack-I just wanted to say - if you haven't done the Golf Course Singletrack since the fire, you are missing a great 'E' ticket. Short downhill but what a blast! Up and down, up and down.
      Catch it at the end of Lower Aliso, climb the deceptive ascent to the left turn, and then strap down, hang on and let'er rip!
      A small bit of exposure here and there, so be wary.

      I rode South Ridge this morn. Still pretty firm trails, nice and empty. Blazing hot as soon as the fog broke.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Schecky a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR from Brea


    • Trail UpdateNormal Loop-The group was 9 the plan was to do 20-30 miles. Started on the Carbon Canyon side @7:00. Up Telegraph for the warm up, 6 miles of hardpack studder bump small pot hole trail. Regrouped at 4 corners. Raptor ridge was fairly smooth. Lower Aliso was a challenge as always, but this time I made it all the way, paid my respects to the marker of the biker that died there.
      East Fenceline was a powdery mess and all the off camber turns makes for a fun singletrack. Coral trail is also very loose and studder bump infested. Continued on the short singletrack that is on the left side of the main road, doubled back on the main road. The start of the singletrack that parallels the main road is closed. To ride this you have to use the creek crossing.Southridge is its usual hardpack fireroad grind. Up and over the ridge and back down to 4 corners, where we regrouped and decided that we had enough for the day, exited down Telegraph.
      There were a lot of riders out there today, but not enough to make it like rush hour. The sun didn't come out till we were almost back to 4 corners. Thanks to those that put up the shade there. The trails are super dry.
      24.91 miles total distance.


    • Trail UpdateMake East Fence A Loop Ride-After reading some of the ladder post I decided to take a bro up and ride the notorious East Fence. We found the trail to be in good condition a bit overgrown but still safe. After trail empties out into campgrounds rode up bane canyon road to the first single track on your left. I believe this is Coyote run. Rode up and down this rollercoaster loop that dumps you back at the campgrounds/horse stable. Then rode the single track that parralles bane road to the street in the residential track. Total miles = 12.6 with some 35+ mph sections. Good fun didnt see an soul the whole 3 hour ride.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12.6miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=10% Paved Path=5%
      Mighty Whitey a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner RFX from Brea


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-This is the best trail in the park by far!!!
      Most people don't know about it or were it is.
      Any one want to ride it this Sunday morning
      Let me know
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=98% Dirt Road=2%
      Mr Bonk a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a To many from Rancho Cucamonga Ca USA


    • Trail UpdateFenceline (again)-Nope, trail is legal. The trail you are speaking of is Brush Canyon near Scully Ridge. As of the last Trails4all meeting and SHARE gathering, that baby is toast. Signed, soon to be sealed and closed. E. Fence is open and signed as such. It just needs some serious traffic to make it great again. If we don't ride it the rangers may just close it down to cut their work load. Why wouldn't we ride the best trail in the park, though? This may very well be the ONLY really good ride in the park, too.

      For more info on the Brush Canyon closure go to the link below. The section titled "latest news" or somesuch has the details on the closure.

      Dave a 32 year old URL: http://www.sharemtb.com


    • Trail UpdateE. Fenceline-Not sure, but I think I recall someone saying that they were closing down that particular trail to protect a certain plant or animal. Thats probably why noone rides that trail anymore. The park has a lot of closed trails that are not marked. I remember going up some old trail a few months back and ended up in neck-high brush blazing a trail trying to find an extinct fire-road it was supposed to cross. You might want to call the number for chino hills park and ask about it. I would love if they started to maintain that trail again.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ty the crashtest dummy a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateFenceline (con't)-The gunshots you heard are from the rifle range on the other side of the 71 near the paintball park, not the ranchers. I did hear the bees but upon further examination they were sucking pollen out of some flowers on the tree itself. Although, perhaps a hive on one of them. Not a big deal, though.

      So the rangers won't take care of this one. Why can't we? Just knock over some of those tall, dead plants next to the trail on your next ride. Or better yet, bring a pair of shears and do some gardening. 10' at a time would make a big difference and only need to be done every few months during the spring. Perhaps less than that with lack of rain. This trail is too good to let go.

      Dave a 32 year old


    • Trail UpdateEAST FENCELINE-Ive ridden E. Fenceline many times, and it is a very nice single-track. The unfortunate part is that the park will no longer maintain this trail for some reason. Its too bad. It takes you right along the border of the part and right next to the trigger-happy ranchers next door. You can hear gunshots everyday, do they ever run outta ammo?? hahaha .You better watch out for the huge swarm of bees next to the bridge also. Oh, and there are some really nasty plants with syringes for thorns in that area too. Has anyone ridden Northridge down to 4 corners lately? Hows it holding up? I havent been up that way since summer.
      Ty the crashtest dummy a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline...great Trail!-I have ridden Chino Hills as a weekday "quicky" many many times. Today I ventured in to uncharted territory (for me) to do some exploring off of Bane Canyon. Saw some trails up on the ridge and heard of the elusive "East Fenceline" from (the legend) Bike Mike. Holy smokes, Batman! Why was I riding the fun little Raptor when this long-long-long single track exists? Roughly 4-5+ miles of (almost) uninterupted singletrack with some steeps, exposure and a one or two slightly tech sections. Hands down, THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST TRAIL IN CHINO HILLS. I normally wouldn't cough up this info freely but this trail needs a little more riding and TLC so the Rangers don't happen to "see" three-eyed squirels mating and decide to close this down, ala Brush Canyon.

      Bane Canyon entrance, climb the hill to the top. At the crest, hang a left and climb another fireroad that quickly reverts to singletrack. Near the top of the short climb is an old ranch fence post. Hang a right here and enter the singletrack. About a quarter of a mile on your left you will see an off-shoot on a saddle. Take this left and let the fun begin. It is a fun and steep ride down into a valley facing the 71. As I rode here I ran into a family of deer (doe and three youngin's). Continue on the trail for a couple of miles until it spits you out at a fireroad (Butterfield Ranch Rd I think). Watch the one section with the little bridge as the poison ivy was everywhere. Perhaps a little trail work next ride.

      At the fireroad continue on the trail directly across from where you were spit out. This takes you to some truly remote parts of the park (enter coyote sighting here). This will add another two+ miles and empty you out near McLean Overlook. Once you hit the fireroad, go left for a short jog and take the singletrack at the turn out on your right. This will become a fun and steep downhill that drops you at the campgrounds.

      I can't even express just how great a find this was. Ride this baby. Yes, it is a little overgrown in sections but not terribly bad. The climbs were short and not terribly steep (except one or two). The remoteness of the park added to the greatness of the ride (not another person in sight the entire time). The exposure on the middle section of the park was a nice change. This trail begs to be ridden.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=98% Dirt Road=2%
      Dave a 32 year old from over there


    • Trail UpdateBodies Flying Left And Right!!!-Went on a nice 3 hour ride on Saturday and a 2 hour on Sunday at the Chino Hills side of the park. For some reason, the paramedics seemed to show up on both days. Looks as if someone hung a left when he should have taken a right during a downhill and broke his collarbone on Saturday. No idea on what happened on Sunday. Other than that, it was a beautiful weekend to ride and even got to see the famous bobcat that just loves to say hi to everyone!
      Ty a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateI SAW A BANTHA FROM TATOOINE!!!-Who imported those beasts to brea? It scared the s out of me!


    • Trail UpdatePretty Darn Good-The state park is in really good shape for having just rained a day or so ago.Went there with another fellow MTBer and we did Northridge over to four couners and the raptor ridge.Nothing bad.A couple of mudholes but it looks like the park rangers have been driving through them and hardly any bike tracks.Conditions were great for riding ,temp and tackiness of the trail was all good.At one point we had four coyotes around us.Got really close to two of them and then they just disappeared as usual.Did 20 miles and called it a day.First time I've ever rode up that way.Long climb but a good workout.Funny the gate said closed but they told us it was open,they didn't explain the sign.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 20+miles Elevation change: Not to much
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Pain Freak a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized F/S M4 from Fontana,CA


    • Trail UpdateTrails OK-After calling the State Park Office I was informed those signs had been a mistake and would be removed! Those trails are open as they have been and should be.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      rick a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek8000 from anaheim


    • Trail UpdateMaybe They're Motorcycles-I'll have to look closer, maybe those signs are for motorcycles. I'm also going to call the Chino Hills State Park office at 909-780-6222 to try and get info. This is also a good number to get park closure info after a rain.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      rick a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek8000 from anaheim


    • Trail UpdateRolling Ranch, Con't-There are signs at the boundries you speak of but the have a motorcycle pictured (I thought it was a bike, too). Did they add the bike to the sign with the motorcycle? I think the sign says closed to motorized vehicle traffic.


    • Trail UpdateRolling Ranch Ridge-Recently saw "no bikes" signs at either end of Rolling Ranch Ridge, as well as the top of Corral and the fireroad that leads to East Boundary. During the ride we were climbing up Upper Aliso Singletrack back to Rolling Ranch when we came upon a ranger who just greeted us and didn't say anything about being off limits. I've been riding Chino Hills regularly for 4 years and these trails have always been open. If any one knows what's going on, please post it here.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      rick a 45 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a trek8000 from anaheim URL: MyBikeSite.com


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-Just rode this trail on Wed Nov 14. Stayed on telegraph up to 4 corners. Trail is in decent condition, some wet spots with small mud ruts. Not dangerous, but need to use care. Ranger mentioned that if it rains a 1/4 inch, that they would inspect and decide whether to maintain. No rain in the current forecast
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      In2friday a 46 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn rocket 88 from Diamond bar


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion-I saw what looked to be a 70-80 pound mountain lion on telegraph around the 4 mile mark on Friday the 26th. It was not interested in watching us ride by but ran off into the brush. Got my adrenaline going. It was a good ride anyway.
      Sdr77 a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR from So Cal


    • Trail UpdateDOH! ,I Meant Fauna-Oh well,my humble pie for the day.
      Martin a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateLearn Your Flora-A 35 pound mountain lion is a pretty skinny critter. My guess is you had an encounter with the resident Bobcat (or cats) that are seen often @ Chino.There is at least one that is so acclimated to the park cyclists that it doesn't even react to your passing.As the Ranger noted though,I wouldn't stop to get a closer look.
      Martin a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 8500 from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion On Telegraph Trail-The cat was about 35 pounds and hanging out on the trail right near the mile 4 marker on telegraph. The cat did not seemed bothered at all by bikers as I passed within a foot of it on the way down and back. It just stood there and watched. Another biker coming the other way said he experienced the same.

      Both cool and a little scary (10-28-01)



    • Trail UpdateHeads Up!-Was riding down razorback towards the chino hills side entrance when I was sort of chased by what may be the same mountain lion me and my cousin saw a while back. I dont think that he really wanted to catch me (which he could have easily) because on the way down from the first drop, I looked back and he was trotting along behind me. Needless to say, it was enough for me to almost piss my pants. Riders stay alert!
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateTelegraph Canyon....-Took Telegraph Canyon up to Gillman's Peak via the single track. Rode North Ridge to Sycamore Trail and back down to Telegraph Canyon to head back to Carbon Canyon. The trail was clean and their were only two other riders out when I was there. Since it was on a Tuesday morning, it was great to enjoy the outdoors in peace.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 16 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=49% Paved Path=1% Truck Trail=40%
      Nik a 27 year old riding a Specialized FSR XC from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion Part II-Me and my cousin were back towards the Chino Hills entrance and ran into a pretty nice sized mountain lion crossing the main road. A little too close for comfort. I dont know if its the same one but I suggest everyone keep an eye out.
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateScary Encounter-Went riding this last Saturday on Telegragh Canyon Road & a little bit after the South Ridge split (right where the 3rd stream is in the spring) there was a mighty large mountain lion right on the trail. Needless to say I cut that ride short since I was by myself...Riders beware!
      KewlKat a 24 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateMore Hairy Beasts-After climbing the main entrance (getting easier for this beginning rider)I took the first fire road on the left and headed for the electrical tower on top of the hill. I passed 5 tarantulas going up and 6 going down.
      Saw a couple more on the main road for a total of 8 on this 20 minute ride. I mentioned this to my wife last evening and she no longer has the desire to go there with me anymore.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ed a 51 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek 6500 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateItsy Bitsy Spider - Not-Looks like all the critters are out. Thanks for the Tarantula updates! Nephew's gonna love the ride this Saturday.
      Tarantula Tom a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Loco Moto and HT Marin from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateDeer Sightings?-I've been riding Chino Hills two to three times a week for about two years now. In the past month I've seen 4 deer right on the Northridge trail, which seems odd because before a month ago I'd never seen any. I've seen a few bobcats, and even a mountain lion, but never any deer. Anyone else experiencing this?

      I rode Northridge to Gilman last night. The trail is in pretty good condition; a little soft on some of those turns. Look out for tarantulas as well.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 7.5 miles Elevation change: 1000
      Dirt Road=100%
      R dawg a 20 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateBovinian, Raptor-Rode Southridge, Bovinian, Raptor, Telegraph. The trails are dry and dusty, With dry conditions the stalks of the weeds that overhang the singletrack are like little leg spears.
      FOR TARANTULA TOM: Take the nephew, saw 8 of the large spiders last evening.
      One doing battle with a Tarantula Hawk/Wasp. The Tarantula was losing.
      Have fun
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Longboard1998 a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Money Pit from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateGreat Evening Ride-Left for a early evening ride. Took northridge to Gilman where I took a little rest. Trails not bad but spots have some soft sand. Rode around and took the single track to four corners. From four courners rode
      the single track to southridge. Saw 2 hairy tarantulas
      walking along the trail. After seeing them didn't want to stop anymore (arachnophobia i guess). All in all a great ride. This place has a little of everything!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=20% Truck Trail=80%
      lgee a 49 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Joshua F4 from Diamond Bar


    • Trail UpdateTarantulas-Saw two of them last night in the higher elevations. We were up by Scully Ridge freeway (above Lower Aliso) and saw them wandering across the trail. Big boys, they were.
      Dave a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a eye for the spider from OC


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-I haven't ridden CHSP in a few months and am interested in getting out there with my nephew when the tarantulas are "on the loose". If I remember correctly the last time I saw them was around this time of year. Can anyone confirm?
      Tarantula Tom a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Loco Moto and HT Marin from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateEverywhere!!!!-Poison oak abounds in Chino Hills State Park. Anyplace you see bushy vegatation there, you are likely to find poison oak. On North Ridge, South Ridge, Telegraph Canyon, and certainly on the singletracks - most of them, anyway - you will find poison oak growing in abundance and with great vigor. Where did you get it? Where DIDN'T you get it, is the better question!

      You might want to find out what poison oak looks like the next time you're out there.

      Mtncranker a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Loco-Moto from La Mirada


    • Trail UpdateWhere's The Poison Oak?-I rode up North Ridge Saturday and took a singletrack down to just south of the tables at 4 corners...my new riding buddies were tired so we went back down Telegraph. I was'nt quite done though, so halfway down Telegraph I hooked a left up the Southridge cut-off hill and went to the top and then finished at the bottom of Telegraph. Where did I get the POison Oak on my arm? It was on my right arm. I did not go off into the wilderness....Any ideas?
      RG a 46 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT-iDrive from Buena Park


    • Trail UpdateScully Ridge-They may be trying to rehab Brush just on the other side of the hill but they are doing the environment a disservice by making Scully Ridge fireroad 30' wide in some sections. They have graded this into a small freeway. Sounds like great erosion protection for sure. It seems to me that fireroad would be much more destructive to habitat than singletrack. Does this park have a plan or are they winging it? Did they just give Jr. the keys to the tractor?
      a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateSouth Ridge\Raptor-Road these this morning and came back on South Ridge. I read the notice on Brush Canyon Trail. Seems like they are going to take out the whole road. I've never ridden Brush, gonna try to ride it before it's gone.
      Opus Kat a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized FSR XC from Placentia


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-The info on rehabing the area and returning it to its' natural state is posted at the visitor's center on the board in front of the picnic benches facing the parking lot.
      Dave a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider from OC


    • Trail UpdateCHSP Green River & 71-Reading through the posts I notice referances to the parking lot at Prado Dam on the 71. I have parked there a few times and have been ticketed. It is actually the CHSP Rangers that ticket that parking area. It really isn't meant to be a parking area. Also there have been problems with vandalism and cars being broken into there. I wouldn't recommend it. Riding through the Golf Course parking lot I have been hassled by security. They are not biker friendly there. Freight trains have a nasty habit of stopping on this portion of track as well. One evening I ended up having to climb over a stopped train to get back out. I recommend Brush Canyon. See my previous post.
      DJ a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Corona


    • Trail UpdateCHSP Brush Canyon-I have been riding into CHSP for many years using Brush Canyon. I hadn't heard of any plans to bulldoze this entrance but I am riding it early tomorrow morning so I will see if anything is posted. Exit the 91 on Gypsum Canyon. Go north (across the Santa Ana river) to Lapalma Ave. Turn Right on Lapalma and follow it around and under the RR Tracks. Brush Canyon Dr. is the right just after the tracks. Park in the lot at Brush Canyon Park. You have 2 choices to enter CHSP. To enter through Brush Canyon continue down Brush Canyon Rd to the wooded area that is the drainage for the canyon. There is a white post/rail fence on both sides of the road along this section. At the far end of the fence on the left side of the road you will see the trail heading in. There is no gate you have to jump the fence. This is private property and there is a posted no trespassing sign. I don't know anyone who has ever been hassled. Just be cool and respect the home owners. The actual CHSP park entrance is about 3/4 mile up the canyon. Your second option is to take the right just after the park and ride along the RR Track access road out to the golf course. At about 3/4 mile look for a road going off to the right. It becomes paved for a short distance after the gate and takes you along and onto the hill above the tracks. From there you can go down to the golf course single track or up Scully Ridge. The climb from this point up onto Scully ridge is challenging. Our group of riders has dubbed it the BFH (big f'in hill). Enjoy!
      DJ a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Corona


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-In response to the last 2 posts:

      1) Yes there are Golden Eagles in the park. they may not be where you are when you are there. Two years ago I made a water crossing a mile south of the Ranger Station and came upon a breeding pair drinking at the water's edge, not more than 25 feet from me. Startled me more than them. They flew off a couple of hundred yards and watched me from the branches of a large oak.

      2) If you are keen on trail maintenence, have a go at it yourself. I used to live near the park and volunteer groups would organize occaisionally to do upkeep on the trails, particularly after rainy season. This is a great forum to get the word out.
      Scott Johnson a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a k2 4000 from hacienda Heights


    • Trail UpdateGlad to see the rangers at CHSP so friendly to their most popular users. Water Canyon closed, Easy Street closed, Golf Course Singletrack overgrown, East Fence Line overgrown...do I see a pattern? Only a few singletracks remain. This park is becoming down right unfriendly to mountain bikers. We should either 1) start writing letters to the rangers there letting them know our dissatisfaction with their trail management 2) bring lopers on your next ride and clear 25' of East Fence Line at a time 3) ride the heck out of these overgrown trails. Anyone up for a 50 person leg whipping on Saturday? We could ride East Fence Line up and back a few times...
      Dave a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider from OC


    • Trail UpdateBrush Cayon-The park will be bull dozing this entrance. The park ranger posted an environmental impact report 7-3-01. Because of the Golden Eagles habitat.
      I've been up this entrance no less than a 100 times. I know there are No Eagles. More CRAP from our bureaucrats.
      Also the park ranger said that they would not clean the east fence line single track in hopes that we would all stop riding on it. Use It Or Loose It.
      There's a lot of poison oak on this trail.

      Ed a 52 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Tracer from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-Take a look at POST 47 as well


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-For specific directions on entering CHSP through the Brush Canyon . Scroll down to POST 46. Please remember to be respectful of the residents. This is not a "official" entrance to the park...according to the ranger...although by the signage it appears to be "official" to me. The local residents have created access problems in the past. I have been using the entrance for more that 2 years without issue.


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon...-I didn't see the sign when I rode in (selective vision I guess) but that is the park and the entrance. I ran into security along the tracks and they just waved. Follow the tracks towards the golf course (access road that parallels them) to the Green River entrance (riding choices are Skully Ridge which is brutal or Golf Course Singletrack, very over grown). I haven't tried the Brush Canyon entrance but will check it out later this week. Is there a gate at the entrance of the CH at Brush Canyon?
      Dave a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider from OC


    • Trail UpdateCHSP-Re: Dave's post re: getting into CHSP from Brush Cyn Park. Dave, are you talking about the opening at the east end of the park onto the rr trax that has the no trespassing sign? I work in OC and live in Chino and would love to find a way into CHSP from that location but checked the park out (I think I was in the right location) and saw the sign. Did I miss a gate? Is there another opening? Thanks
      thrillofdownhill riding a Muddy Moab 2


    • Trail UpdateRode from Soquel Cyn rd entrance today.. single track very overgrown. Did come face to face with a juvenile mountain lion coming down from Scully Ridge.. lots of fun.
      Doubravsky a 35 year old Weekend Warrior from Riverside


    • Trail UpdateGreen River ...more-I checked out the trail from Green River. The golf course doesn't seem to be too friendly to bikers riding their parking lot. Found a park off of Brush Canyon that has entry to the access road parallel to the railroad tracks. 1.5 miles along this road to the opening of Green River access of the park. Ran into security along the tracks and they were friendly and waved.

      Also, when entering at Green River, both trails are bad. Scully Ridge is one STEEP climb for 1.7 miles and Golf Course Single Track is so overgrown it is painful to ride.

      What about the 71 entrance at Prado I tried there but a "No Parking" sign was prominently displayed on the east side of the 71. Any ideas?

      Is Brush Canyon entrance still open or have they sealed that one up too?

      Dave a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a SLR from OC


    • Trail UpdateMore On Green River Entry-Mtncranker is right. You ride through the parking lot of the golf course, across the rail road, and there is a gate to the left. The gate is closed but there is an opening next to it that you can go through. I was just there, and took the single tract immediately to the right. It is however, terribly overgrown, and my legs look like they have been whipped pretty good. As I was coming out, I did see a golf course worker who seemed to be trying to close the sliding gate between the golf course and rail road tracks. So they may close this route in the evening. Never ride into golf course itself. Lets not give them a reason to close this access.
      Turtlepaul a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant Yukon from Anaheim


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-I rode a portion of this trail as part of a big loop Sat 6/30, and the trail is still overgrown and has not been cut back. I connected at the half-way point from the windmill to the scenic overlook fire road. I ran into some other riders that had just done the first section of east fenceline, from the begining over to the windmill, and they reported the same thing on that section. They added that the poison oak is pretty bad still, lots of the stuff in the corners overgrowing onto the trail.

      The east/west Lower Aliso singletrack is also still overgrown and not much fun, all the weeds and mustard plants on these trails make you travel at about half-speed.

      The rest of the park is in good shape, trails are dry and dusty but lots of fun. I did about a 23 mile loop from the east side over to lower aliso st's, to the ranger station and over to raptor, up raptor to four corners, up tarantula/bovinian to south ridge, west on south ridge then down to telegraph for a ways, connect up to north ridge, east on north ridge and down the single track down to four corners, out and down raptor to the fire road, back to the ranger station and start out bane towards the park entrance, right on the fire road up to razors edge, down razor to the fire road and out to the car.
      Ride distance: 23 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=35% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=5%
      Bizango Boy a 36 year old Racer riding a VooDoo Bizango from Rancho Cucamonga, CA


    • Trail UpdateEast Fenceline-Anyone been down there lately? Havent been on that trail for about a month now. Any heads up on the conditions?
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateFence In The Golf Course?-Don't ride in the golf course!

      Ride into the golf course car entrance, through the parking lot, out the back, across the r/r tracks (which, last time I was there, had a warning sign we rode past) to the fence that surrounds the state park. The state park is just that - a state park. As a tax-paying citizen, it's yours. There used to be a gate there. If not, I'd probably hop the fence.

      There's another access off the 73 (?): Park where the fishermen park above the river, ride back under the 73 for a mile or so, you meet the end of lower aliso canyon fireroad.

      Good luck!

      Mtncranker a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Titus Loco-Moto from La Mirada


    • Trail UpdateGreen River Entrance...con't-Fence in the golf course was shut and posted No Bikes...etc. Still cool to cut that?
      Dave a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a FSR from OC


    • Trail UpdateGreen River Entry-Thanks Mtncranker. I will try it.
      Turtlepaul a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Mongoose


    • Trail UpdateYup!-Get off the 91 at the Green River exit, go past the Carl's (on your left), and head down the road toward the golf course. Parking option A is in the wide area on the right side of the road before you make the right turn into the golf course. Option B is the golf course parking lot - works best if you're driving a Benz or Beemer! Ride through the golf course parking lot, cross the railroad tracks, and look for the small gate in the fence. Go through the gate and either head straight up Skully Hill on the Skcully Ridge trail, or make an immediate right onto the singletrack, which will eventually drop you off (after crossing a riverbed) on the south end of the Aliso Canyon fireroad.

      Mtncranker a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Titus Loco-Moto from La Mirada


    • Trail UpdateDoes anyone konw if we can enter the park through southeast end - near Green River Rd or the golf course?
      I drive by that area everyday on freeway, and it would be nice if I can enter through there.
      turtlepaul a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateRE: Beware Of Coyotes-Did a nice 20+ mile ride this past Saturday starting from the Brea side of the park on a very HOT day. To make it worse, we started off at 2:30pm...dont ask why. Anyways, we went up the usual telegraph Rd till we hit the nice shaded picnic area about a mile or so before the 4 corners tables. From there we back-tracked to the north ridge. We saw the lone coyote that Biglar was talking about just sitting in the middle of the trail about 2 or so miles before the final descent to the 4 corners area. We came up on him pretty fast but to our amazement, he waited till we were about 20 feet or so from him till he decided to take off running. That was a little bit too close for comfort. We all have to be careful, that guys gonna grow some major balls and might give someone a nasty surprise one day. Oh and I also saw 2 rattlers and a bunch of snake trails up there too so keep ur guards up and make sure you get a snake bite kit just in case. Im looking to hit south ridge starting from the chino hills side this Sunday if im still in one piece depending on how Saturday goes. My cousin/riding buddy just picked up a Cannondale Jeckyl 2000 and is starting to foam at the mouth at the thought of hitting some serious downhills at Big Bear this Saturday. I dont know about him but I ride a hard tail and the thought of my noggin bouncing off some rocks just doesnt bring a smile to my face. Wish me luck!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=5%
      Ty a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Agressor 2.0 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateBeware Of Coyotes-Did a short ride on Saturday (Telegraph from Carbon Canyon Park to 4 corners) and was suprised by the lack of fear that the coyotes seem to be exhibitting as of late. I've ridden the park weekly for the past 5 years and have only seen the back ends of coyotes as they dart off into the bush as riders approach. On Saturdays ride we watched a coyote trot down the trail right by the oak tree benches completely oblivious to the group of riders watching. Later, the same(?) animal was spotted just off the trail in the bushes watching us as we rode past.
      As this behavior is rather un-coyote like, riders should be careful to keep their distance from a potentially sick animal(s).
      BIGLAR a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS-1 from Buena Park


    • Trail UpdateRimcrest, Bovinian, Raptor-Rode on 6-9-01. Overall trails are in fair condition. The weeds and brush are clearly overgrown in some sections of bovinian, so watch your head. As I was making my way back via southridge, almost ran into two guys riding without helmets, sorry. Overall great ride.
      Turtle paul a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Mongoose pro fairlane from anaheim hills


    • Trail UpdateTelegraph And Raptor-Coming into Telegraph at Rimcrest is a pretty simple ride, I think the best part is the single track rite when you come in. Since the ride mostly consists of fireroads, not to challenging though. To add a challenge going onto Raptor, the single tracks are in allrite condition, but some of the brush is pretty thick, so expect to get whacked in the head. Its nice to be able to ride the single track for awhile, saving up energy for the trip back up. On the way back up to 4 corners, that really sucks!!!! Just when you think its over, there's that damn steep hill, and its soft too, after making up it 3/4 of the way it was just too much, but it was a good burn. The brush on the second part of telegraph is really overgrown unfortunatly, but maybe someone will cut it oneday. Ride though still gives more challenge than "The Loop".
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 16 Elevation change:
      t man a 25 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a G.T. I Drive from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-I went up to chino hills park on wed. through the dam entrence of corbon canyon and road all the way up to the spings in chino hills then came back down the trails were in very good condition. i would like to find a person to go riding with.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: miles 10 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      carl holt a 17 year old Weekend Warrior from placentia california


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-Rode from the Carbon Canyon side Wed. evening.If you have the time ride this area before the browning of summer changes what is now verdant grasslands to the usual drab.Not a lot of technical challenges but a time trial up the North Ridge climb is guaranteed to get you anerobic.Rode north ridge, down to four corners,up Bovinian to Southridge,connector down to Telegraph and back to car. All trails in good shape,maybe to much grooming on Southridge,but Northridge has not seen the dozer for awhile and is actually developing some character.The canyon through which the Bovinian single track passes is a beautiful ride right now and the views from the ridges are pretty cool.Ride it before the smog and summer change the character.Wildlife? Almost hit a coyote who stepped out of the brush onto the trail as I was coming round a corner, bit of a surprise for us both.Ever seen a Jerusalem cricket? Big ugly alien looking critters that usually stay underground.Out and about today,must be the season for gettin' frisky.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: miles 15 Elevation change: enough
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=85%
      Martin a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek 8500 from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence,Chino Hills-East fence is really choked right now Im looking forward to the next trail clean up. It was so choked I ran over a rattler before it was too late to stop. It was pissed. I saw his twin brother about half a mile up the rode and I was like this trail is in very bad shape. I powered my way up to the first windmill and said forget this I rode the top back out. be careful the snakes are out and working on their tans this summer.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 2.5miles Elevation change: 200 feet
      Singletrack=99% Dirt Road=99% Paved Path=0% Truck Trail=1%
      Henry Marron a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT STS 2000 from Chino Hills


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge, Bovinian, Raptor-Rode Southridge to Bovinian to Raptor, the lower part of Bovinian from the Dual Track down has had some maintenance work done. Basically, the grass and weeds have been chopped back...so no more leg whipping. The same is true for Raptor. Although I did not go past the first Electrical Tower via 4 Corners. The trails are in great shape but watch the newly cut grass on the trail it hid some well placed rocks????.
      I saw no sign of the Ranger or his vehicle. Actually I did not see another soul today.
      Has anybody been on Gilman Peak Trail?????
      why is it still closed to hikers.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: ??
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      Longboard1998 a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 4 Banger w/ Goodies from Yorba Linda, Ca


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-East End-I agree with Mike, watch out for the Ranger. My son and I were going up Upper Aliso Cyn Sunday when I heard him coming up behind us (we weren't going very fast). We turned around and blasted downhill (great day for a ride) As we were leaving we noticed the same guy heading up Telegraph so he's out there and about so watch out. Robert 05-01-01
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 5 Elevation change:
      Dirt Road=100%


    • Trail UpdateNorth Ridge-Rode this trail for the first time this season on Saturday. Temps were cool, so the climb was a little bit easier. Actually saw the ranger drie his Jeep up North Ridge. He took up most of the road, so it could have been a bad incident for a high-speed downhiller coming around a blind corner! The trail was in good condition, with no bad ruts. Decided to do the full length of North Ridge, all the way to four corners. The single track going down had lots of breaking bumps, but then again, that is to be expected. Headed down Telegraph, back to the west entrance. Boy, Telegraph is beat up! It made North Rigde seem smooth...almost paved. Losts of water in the crossings, so look out! As usual, lots of traffic on this trail. Good to be back out in Chino, especially w/o all the heat!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12.75 Elevation change: ??
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=50% Truck Trail=40%
      Mike a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a FSR which was happy to get out of the garage from Whittier, CA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hill`s Park-I was a nice day a little humid ,But not to hot rode up the entry in Chino to the first trail on the right,We ende up on top the San Juan peak (highest point in the park)rode down to four corners the down rapture ridge at mach 3 +or- a few it was a great day to ride to bad senior bonk could not make it some thing about diving ? right
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12.53 miles Elevation change: up`n down
      Shocktower a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Alta loma


    • Trail UpdateRE: Southridge And Beyond-Hey Longboard1998, that was me and a buddy of mine that passed you while you where assending Trantula. After reaching 4 corners I headed west on Telegraph. Just before the water crossing, I did a superman and face plant that broke my hand, sprained my other, injured my knees, ribs, and got a new face for my wife to look at. The park is in great shape, and I'm sure it will be even nicer in 6 weeks when I return. The grass on raptor ridge has been trimmed and is real fast.
      Rick the nice guy a 30 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a an upgraded RALEIGH M-60 from FULLERTON


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge And Beyond-Rode Southridge to Tarantula(Bovinian)and out Raptor Ridge. Trails have a lot of grass and weed growth, but are in decent shape. The equestrian community needs a lesson on when to ride. Tarantula has huge sink pit holes up and down the length of the trail all about the size of a hoof print.
      I also saw a couple of riders on East Tarantula Canyon coming down from Southridge near San Juan. The trail is overgrown and needs some riders as well as some TLC.
      If you like riding in waist high grass....then this is the place
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: ???
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Longboard1998 a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 4Banger from Yorba Linda, CA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-East Fence Line Trail Project - Past winters rains, use, and gravity have taken their toll in several areas of Chino Hills State Park. Show stewardship for public lands and join us for our annual service project that will help restore sections of the scenic East Fence Trail.
      Sponsored by: REI, Trails-4-All, California State Parks.
      Place: Chino Hills State Park
      Date: May 6th, 2000
      Time: 9:00 AM-12: 00 Noon
      Sign up at your local REI store by April 30th.
      Participants will receive a gift and lunch will also be provided.
      If you have questions please call REI at
      Arcadia: 626-447-1062
      Manhattan Beach: 310-727-0728
      Northridge: 818-831-5555
      San Dimas 909-592-2095
      Santa Ana 714-543-4142
      Posted on 04-24-00

      a Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-Most of the fire roads in the park are open and have been graded. Watch for soft, silty spots as well as large chunks of dirt along the edges of the trails.
      Singletracks including Bovinian, Raptor, Upper and Lower Aliso and Brush Canyon are in good shape but due to the rains are getting overhanging grass and bush growth. Wild Flowers are blooming and the stream crossings are fun....Get out and ride the singletracks. Before a weedwacker is needed to complete your ride.
      BTW: For all the Gilman Peak Poachers the S.T. is still closed but not sure why.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: ?? Elevation change: ??
      LongBoard1998 a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 4 Banger w/ goodies from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateMore Wildlife...-I hear ya MR BONK...I'll take that advice. Rode from RimCrest to San Juan hill then down to the end of South Ridge. A couple of cayotes jumped out in front of me and headed for the hills in the southeast direction. I snapped a few shots but the animals were from a distance. From the end of S.Ridge, I got on Telegraph heading west. At the 'Hills for Everyone' intersection, I climbed on the connector to Raptor ridge. Took this fireroad/singletrack to four corners then down Telegraph to the last connector to S.Ridge. Climbed heading east then back down to Rim Crest entrance. At the last downhill I cranked it hard and hit 43.5mph!!!(whoopie, a tad faster than last time). Overall, a good day for a ride. The weather was pretty warm but the breeze was a nice relief.
      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 14.5miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from Fullerton


      RIDE ON !!!!!
      MR BONK a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a TREK VR400 from RANCHO CUCAMONGA


    • Trail UpdateWildlife Out And About...-Great day for a morning ride. Started @ the Rimcrest entrance...headed east towards San Juan Hill. Just as I reached Tarantula Cyn., a nice buck jumped out from the left. It ran/jumped towards the bottom of the canyon...it sure had a nice set of horns on his head. Continued the climbed to the top of San Juan Hill, took a quick rest and headed back towards Tarantula Cyn. Went down the singletrack, I must say the second half of this singletrack towards four corners is in great shape. Ripped through this fairly quick, passed four corners then up Raptor Ridge. This trail was in awesome shape too!!! This has got to be one of the best NON-technical singletrack. Ya I know there are way killer singletracks in O.C. but today was pretty dope. Blazed through Raptor Ridge then onto the fire road towards the ranger station.

      As I got close to the ranger station, I spotted a Bobcat in the middle of the trail. Immediately I stopped and took a picture. I was probably 20feet away from it, close enough but somehow I didn't sppok it. I've ran into bobcats on the trail before and they spook very easy. I stood there for a few minutes trying to decide what to do as it was not planning to move. I snapped a few more shots and decided to move in closer. Five feet away from it and it still sat there...must have been eyeing a prey off the trail. What the heck - I decided to ride next to it and snapped a couple of shots. TWO FEET away from the bobcat, WOW...it barely moved, got up and walked to the side of the trail and sat back down. Approx five feet as I passed it, I stopped and turned around. The thing just wouldn't spook, so I took a couple more pictures and headed off...pretty exciting. Got to the ranger station, turned onto Telegraph Rd. and headed west, towards four corners. Passed 4corners and climbed the first cutoff to South Ridge (right before Gillman's Peak) and headed west towards RimCrest entrance. Awesome ride...Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Just cant get enough of this trail!!!!
      Rode there today exelent cond with lots of riders
      weather was perfect

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12.1 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateRimcrest-Where is the East Fence Line? That sounds like a blast...
      I started at the Rimcrest entrance today. Heading eastbound was more than a workout when your riding against the WIND!!! It sure was blowing today...As I reached the other ranger station I started heading back towards four corners via Telegraph road. A couple of hills before you reach Four Corners was very loose and sandy. Traction was unobtainable at some point. The plan was to ride to 4corners then to Northridge but with the cold wind blowing I decided to stay on Telegraph until the last conector to Southridge(westbound). At Southridge, again the climb was a little bit harder cause now I'm facing the WIND again. Overall it was a good ride, nice cool weather despite the strong winds.
      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride distance: 15miles Elevation change:
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from Fullerton, CA


    • Trail UpdateEast Fence Line-Chino Hills Best single track and no one rides it
      I did today it was great
      try it sometime !!!!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-Took Telegraph to Southridge (eastbound). As I approached the long downhill(towards the residential), I started cranking it hard - 43MPH downhill!!! I'm sure alot of guys have gone faster, but for me I've been stuck @ 40 for a long time. I dont normally try to fly through the trail but it was getting dark and I wanted to make it to four corners and back to the starting point by sundown. Overall it was a good ride. I saw a few snakes and tarantula.
      Ride HARD, Ride FAST!!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      Big Joe a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from Fullerton, CA


      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=80% Dirt Road=20%
      MR BONK a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek vrx400 from Rancho cucamonga


    • Trail UpdateFun Trails!-Rode Rolling Ranch Ridge, then Fenceline (East Boundary Trail) today - about 8.5 miles of singletrack! The trails are in great condition, and, in spite of all the vehicles parked at the entrance, we didn't encounter many other riders. Great weather, great conditions, great ride!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8.8miles Elevation change: 1620
      Singletrack=90% Dirt Road=10%
      Mtncranker a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Titus HCR from La Mirada


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-Just a quick reminder that the voting season is approaching very quickly. One of the issues that's of particular interest to those of us that ride here is Measure N. This isn't the appropriate venue for the voicing of a particular political view-point. Instead, users of the Chino Hills area are encouraged to READ the measure, and then VOTE based on your analysis of what's best. Ride on.
      BIGLAR a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS-1 from BREA


    • Trail UpdateSouth Ridge To North Ridge-Trail was awesome today!!! Started at Telegraph to South Ridge. From South ridge I took the first left (after the downhill by the residentials)that leads you back to Telegraph Rd. From Telegraph I rode towards 4corners and turned at the first left towards North ridge. Climbing in the heat was a pain, but thank God for the cool breeze that came from time to time. As you connect with North ridge, turn left towards the entrance. You will pass Gillman's Peak shortly, then it's continuous downhill from there. Great work out - the climbing that is!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change:
      Dirt Road=100%
      Big Joe a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT Hardtail from Fullerton, CA


    • Trail UpdateEverything is awesome compared to two years ago the last time I was out here. I rode on Memorial Day in the Heat 90+ degrees and everything seemed fine. Just bring lots of WATER. My 100 oz camelback almost didn't hold me over. I'm not familear with ride names so I'll describe the course I took. I parked on Rimcrest and upon entering the park climbed the first long hill and then had a great downhill. There are some minor washouts but not near what they used to be. Then making a right in the valley I made the climb up to I believe four corners. This was a bumpy ride and I didn't see hardly any wildlife at all. There were a few watercrossings, or should I say puddles (wasn't very deep). Then at 4 corners I made a right up the single track which was so much nicer than it used to be. the dirt wasn't loose at all and the technicality fits my novice experience about perfectly. On this trail there is a sharp turn and then some thick bushes THE BUSH HANGING FROM THE RIGHT IS THICK POISON OAK so watch out. Then the trail pops out at a wonderful picture spot. Then the awesome downs and ups begin. Be careful about the minor washouts there are a few that could hurt. That is how I dislocated my shoulder 2 years ago @ 35mph. This ride ended up being perfect for my ability level. Time with breaks.. 1:30 actual ride 1:15.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9.5 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=45% Truck Trail=45%
      matt corrigan a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a TREK 6000 from Costa Mesa, CA


    • Trail UpdateRode southridge up to five points and it's beautiful right now. The animals are out, saw a couple of rattelers, bobcats, and had a coyote come within petting distance..Enjoy
      Ride rating: Novice
      a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized 2000


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-Brush Canyon is not an authorized entrance. If you ride the entrance, please keep a low profile and be kind to the residents.

      I have watched many jewel spots in Orange County close.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: manymiles Elevation change: lots
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=55%
      thenightrider a 90 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a habnero from OC


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills Mini-tour-Took advantage of the rain's end to do my favorite tour of Chino Hills on a beautiful Sunday with enough breeze to temper all that glorious sunshine. Start at Rim Crest, heading east on South Ridge. Up and down and up and down to Tarantula Canyon to fly through its twists and turns (though I had to pause for a stream of about 20 riders climbing up the trail on this crowded day), zip straight through Four Corners and take Raptor Ridge over to the Raptor Ridge singletrack for a bumpy but exhilirating downhill. Take a rest at the ranger station for a Clif bar and to fill up the Camelbak, then it's up Bane Canyon Road a short ways to the fireroad up to the East Boundary Trail, one of the most remote and scenic areas of the park. The winding but mild singletrack past cow pastures and small canyons comes to a steep fireroad heading up to a ridgeline, where a singeltrack undulates up and down along the narrow spine, ending at a short fireroad that empties at the top of Bane Canyon. Cross the road and head over to the Rolling Ranch Ridge trail, an up-and-down singletrack that's one of my faves in park, back down to the ranger station for another break. From there, it's back up Raptor, through Four Corners and up Tarantula Canyon to South Ridge for a hard-pedaling speed run back to Rim Crest. 21.5 miles total. The park is simply stunning right now -- nothing but green everywhere you look.
      OverDaBars a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Placentia


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-oops i meant to say look for skull hill on your RIGHT. sorry
      spiderman a 24 year old


    • Trail UpdateBrush Canyon-91 fwy E. Exit gypsum canyon turn left. Take to La Palma turn right.left at the endand make your first right under the RR tracks onto brush canyon. park at the park and start riding east. On your left you will see a small concrete fence. Hop it on the far east side where the singletrack starts. Follow this along the back of the homes and cross the paved access road. Follow the single track (brush canyon)to the state park gate and climb the hill. Turn left at the top of the hill and follow the fire road (bobcat ridge) all the way to the bottom. make an immediate left onto the singletrack (unnamed)and follow it to the paved road. turn left and follow the road past the visitors center to the fire road on the far side (upper aliso). follow the fire road to the singletrack on your right marked by a trail sign (rangers loop) take this to the next "T" and continue to the right up the singletrack to the powerlines. Make a left up the fire road at the top and a quick right onto the singletrack (bane ridge) stay to the left and follow this to the equestrian center. turn right down the pavement and retrace your singletrack now on your left where you came out earlier. follow this to the end and turn left down the fireroad. look for the trail marker on your left marked "skully hill" take these swichbacks to the top of brush canyon and retrace your path to your car.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: unk
      Singletrack=50 % Dirt Road=45% Paved Path=5%
      spiderman a 24 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 97 zaskar comp series


    • Trail UpdateTelegraph Canyon-Just a little update on road conditions for those of you who haven't been here lately. I started the ride down on Carbon Cyn Rd. and took the Telegraph Cyn Rd. up to four corners then did some of the Raptor Ridge single track and back.

      Today I thought the roads were a little less sandy and dusty than usual suprisingly becuase of the lack of rain. One good rain would sure do this road a favor. For a monday there was a good crowd out here, I must have passed or met up with 20-25 riders, and it was the friendliest crowd I've seen out here. I did encounter one group of horse riders which I rode by at 1 mph and was curtious (but they weren't) and I saw a few hikers that were friendly (maybe because I didn't dust them out!). I also didn't encounter any wildlife or snakes today which is odd, maybe another earthquake is coming!

      I had a few bonzai psycho riders fly past me in a blur and leaving me in a dust cloud! No matter what anyone says I think this is a fabulous place to ride for any level of rider. With all the side trails and many options you're only limited by your imagination and drive. I'll be back.............
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 600
      Dirt Road=100%
      MtnBikerDave a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Gary Fisher Joshua F3 from Corona


    • Trail UpdateTarantula Cyn-In response to the inquiry about the location of Tarantula Cyn Singletrack:

      From the Rimcrest park entrance, ride east on South Ridge for 2.5 miles. Tarantula Cyn Singletrack will be on your left. (Don't be confused by fire roads that drop off to the left before this point.) Tarantula Cyn drops down to Telegraph Cyn through a series of sweeping turns and bumps. It ends at 4 Corners at the picnic table across from the entrance to Raptor Ridge. You could certainly ride it up from Telegraph to S. Ridge but it is definitely more fun riding it downhill. (Just keep your eyes open for those that are climbing since there are several blind turns.)
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 1 mile Elevation change: 200 ft
      SS a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Catamount from Orange County


    • Trail UpdateRE: Park On Rimcrest-If you would have read both of my posts you would have seen my correction. And I don't appreciate your telling me to do some research. My parents live on Rim Rd., which IS a private road. There is designated parking on Rimcrest. A friend of the family also lives on Rimcrest, and despite my defense of the mtbr's and the trailhead there, does not like the parking situation. So you are correct in saying that people need to be responsible with parking there. However, my parents have had several discussions with the Brea Police Dept., regaurding the parking problem on Rim Rd. and they said that they are constantly giving tickets to trailusers who park in resident only parking on Rimcrest. Also, the city and residents of Rim Rd. have posted a private road sign at the opening of Rim Rd., and any violaters WILL be towed. Again, everybody please act responsively, and be courteous of others if we want to keep these tralheads open. Thank you.
      TheMann a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge, Tarantula, Telegraph-All the trails are in great shape. The rain has firmed up the soft stuff. Things are starting to green up. Saw a bobcat sitting in the middle of the trail and he watched as we pedaled past.
      Perfect weather for a ride.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 15.5miles Elevation change: ??
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Chris Pomidoro a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn 4 Banger or a Schwinn Carbon from Yorba Linda, CA


    • Trail UpdatePark On Rimcrest-I live two blocks from Rimcrest and it is not a private road. You may only park on the right side when going up the hill. If people are changing and leaving trash then it will be banned. Please know what you are talking about before you post, it only takes a few extra minutes to do some research on a street.
      OAF a 28 year old Racer riding a GT Zaskar LE / GT Lobo from Yorba Linda


    • Trail Updatei don't have much time, must shave legs so me and the little woman can ride chino hills tommorrow. p.s. to d.t. i think you are silly!!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 12 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      tommy a 54 year old Weekend Warrior riding a huffy from covina


    • Trail UpdateSorry about the last post. Actualy, it is Rimcrest that you should park at and Rim Rd. that is a private road. My mistake. I am sorry.
      TheMann a 24 year old riding a FSR Sport from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateDO NOT USE RIMCREST!!!!-Chino Hills State Park is a great place to ride. I ride there every weekend. However, I noticed someone say in an earlier post that you can start from Rimcrest. WRONG! Do not park on Rimcrest. It is a private road and your car will be towed. You need to start from Rim Rd., where this is sectioned parking on the street, or go to Carbon Canyon Park and pay to park. The residents on Rimcrest get angry when people park on there street, and I don't blame them. When people start gathering, they leave trash and get destructive. Not that most mtb'ers are like this, but other people are, and the residents have to pay to maintain the street. So as I said, do not park here, there is plenty of legal parking elswhere.
      TheMann a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR Sport from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills State Park-last Saturday I was there for the Wilderness Experience Day.
      It was great lots of fun !!!
      The trials were in great cond everyone was freindly
      the raffle was great!!!
      Shamino was there they even tuned up Barry's Huffy
      GT bicycles had at both for test rides .
      Incycles also was there with bikes for test rides.
      I can't wait till next year !!!
      There should be more fun rides like this.
      I did the Extreme ride.
      Ride rating: Expert
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=90%
      Mr Bonk a 38 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Y-22 from Upland CA


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills-This was another pointless posting from DT. We have removed it because that is not what this site was made for. So please let's not fill up the pages with this crap! DT if you want to post that's fine but let's not rag on other riders. Keep the negativity to others to yourself.
      Thanks SoCal TrailBoss


    • Trail UpdateRimcrest - Southridge-Started off going east on Southridge(good cardio workout) to Tarantula and it was in great shape (just plain fun). 4 Corners east on Telegraph to Southridge(cardio) to San Juan Hill(nice view) back to Southridge and finish with some really fast downhills. Lots of riders out today. Trails and fireroads are in good shape.
      Saw a couple of Tarantulas today and Mountain lion tracks.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Longboard 1998 a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn 4 Banger from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateNorth Ridge To Gilman STrk-Been riding here quite a bit around this holiday weekend. North Ridge is a really nice sustained climb, good for aerobic/cardio conditioning and sees much less traffic then Telegraph. Theres a couple of short downhill sections before Gilman Peak.The Gilman Peak Singletrack is really well groomed and =FAST= just a blast to ride. You end up going up Telegraph anyway about for about another 3 miles or so. Today I came to four corners then went up Tarantuals up South Ridge and then came back down Tarantual--really fun-then back down Telegraph.I'm gonna try the east end and fenceline trail since Water Canyon is closed and overgrown now.
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=55% Paved Path=5%
      DKing a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Dean Scout Ti from HB


    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-Southridge trail east from Rimcrest is in great condition rode to Telegraph on through the park and home. The area seems to be in great shape and all trails are fast and fun.
      Many thanks to the trail maintenace crews.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 17 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Longboard 1998 a 38 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Schwinn Carbon from Yoba Linda, Calif


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills Tour De Force-I rode in Chino Hills last Saturday. It was hot but the trails were all in great shape. Many thanks to anyone who helped w/ maintenance. The singletracks were all cleared of the overgrowth. Below is a lengthy description of my route. I tried to piece together my favorite trails and ride them in the best direction. Trip stats are as follows: 36 miles, 4700 ft total elevation gain, 5 hours, 120 oz of water, and 1 large king snake.

      (0.0) Enter at Rimcrest Dr in Yorba Linda. Turn right and go east on South Ridge Trail.
      (2.5) Enter Tarantula Cyn singletrack on left. Drop down to 4 Corners.
      (3.6) At 4 Corners, cross Telegraph Cyn and enter Raptor Ridge singletrack.
      (4.2) The first section of Raptor Ridge dumps out onto fireroad.
      (4.5) Turn left onto Raptor Ridge.
      (5.4) Merger w/ Upper Aliso Cyn Trail (fireroad)
      (6.0) Turn left onto Upper Aliso Cyn Singletrack
      (7.0) Cross fire road and enter Rolling Ranch Ridge singletrack.
      (8.0) Cross fireroad and head up towards powerlines. Look for singletrack to resume at top. This takes you to an equestrian staging area. Look for singletrack on left. This drops you onto Bane Cyn Road.
      (9.1) Turn right on Bane Cyn Rd.
      (9.6) Enter Lower Aliso Cyn Singletrack on left (just before South Ridge)
      (10.5) Merge w/ Lower Aliso Cyn Trail (fireroad). Go straight, then left at the intersection w/ Skully Ridge. Follow this trail for about 3 miles. (Ignore trails that go to the right up to the ridge.)
      (13.4) Turn right onto Golf Course Singletrack. Follow this to its terminus at Skully Ridge Trail. Take a break here 'cause there is climbing ahead. Wouldn't it be great if you could ride through Green River Golf Course here and connect to the Santa Ana River Trail? Too bad it's off limits.
      (14.3) Turn right and climb up Skully Ridge Trail. Stay on Skully Ridge while ignoring Skully Hill Trail to the right. Cross over Brush Cyn Trail (to the right and left). At the intersection with Bobcat Ridge Trail, go right and drop down to Lower Alsio Cyn.
      (19.1) Turn left on Lower Aliso Cyn and make a quick left onto the Lower Aliso Cyn Singletrack.
      (20.0) Turn left onto South Ridge Trail.
      (21.4) There is a fork in the trail. Take the right fork which merges with Telegraph Cyn. Stay straight and descend almost 7 miles to the intersection w/ North Ridge.
      (28.2) Turn right onto North Ridge Trail and begin climbing again. Pass Gilman Peak.
      (33.2) Take fireroad to the right (Sycamore Trail). This is a fast and furious downhill back to Telegraph Cyn.
      (34.3) Turn right on Telegraph Cyn.
      (34.8) Turn left on Little Cyn Trail and climb back to South Ridge. (Relax, it is the last steep climb and it is short.)
      (35.1) Turn right on South Ridge and drop down to the Rimcrest Trailhead.

      I recommend taking plenty of sunblock, food and water and riding with friends. You'll be in some of the most remote sections of the park with few humans in sight. Have fun.

      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=67% Paved Path=3%
      SS a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Catamount from Orange County


    • Trail UpdateOAF's Killer Loop-This is a variation that I made up and takes you through parts of Yorba Linda. From the Rim Crest entrance go to your left to Gliders Peak. From Gliders there is a singletrack that takes you down into the Nursery. Stay to your left as it forks and you end up on Fairmont Blvd, cross Fairmont and you will go across an empty field to Village Center Drive. A hole in the fence will be on the left of the locked gate! Go left up Village Center to Pepper and make a right. This will take you straight into a horse trail. Take the horse trail to the left fork and cut across the park until you hit the main road San Antonio. Make a left on San Antonio go up the hill to Casio Ridge. this is the entrance to the park again known as Boatyard. Don't worry about the No Trespassing Signs we have been going up and down this way for a while now. Take Boatyard until hit hits Southridge. Once on Southridge take it to Trancula singletrack to Four Courners. Take Raptor down to Upper Aliso Road down past the ranger Station to lower Aliso Singletrack take this to the T in the road where the singletrack dumps you. Go left down Lower Aliso Road and take the right fork in the road. Keep looking as you will see a road to your right which is Scully Ridge. Go to the right and this is an easy climb to the top. Once at the top go straight for a short distance past the sign that says Brush Cyn. There is a single track to the left take that (it is Brush Cyn) that will drop you down into a housing track and you might be locked in at the bottom. Hop over the gate to your left and you are now on the street. go down your first right and this will take you to the main street. Go right and follow it until it ends go left and take it strait until the turn. Go straight at the turn and get on the bike path. take the bike path to Yorba Linda Blvd go right and take Yorba Linda back to Village Center Drive go right then make a left on Fairmont and go up to Rim Crest and make a right back to your car. That works out to be about 22.5 miles with plenty of single track
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=50% Paved Path=30%
      OAF a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Zaskar LE from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateTelegraph Canyon-Did my usual Wednesday "EZ ride" up the telegraph canyon fire road yesterday. Road is in great shape, hardly anyone there on weekday afternoon. Saw no snakes, but did see one coyote and one tarantula. Most creeks are nearly dry (still wet enough to be fun to splash through), but big creek by lemon grove is bottom-bracket deep and COLD! An absolutely perfect ride.
      Dirt Road=100%
      Crashmaster, a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Univega, from Planet Earth,


    • Trail UpdateBOBCAT CYN/SCULLY RIDGE TRAIL, finally finished my ride from April injury, some very dry brush up the park walls overlooking the Aliso Canyon walls, from Scully Trail at Bobcat Canyon the trail along the ridge to the south is in good condition, you could see most of Orange county and Parts of Riverside county, the Rattlers are out and Sunbathing, no shade, roads are dry, trails are being kept in good condition, saw several other bikers out in the heat of the day, but not a soul on the ridges, Watch out for the THISTLES (Ouch). people seem to be staying on the double tracks. Those beautiful streams I enjoyed going through are now dry or mostly mud. Its still beautiful riding , always a differant trail to check out. Plenty of room for everybody..Still looking for ride buddys.

      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Dan a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Moongoose from Ontario, CA




    • Trail UpdateSouthridge-I came in off Rimcrest, I went East on Southridge to Tarantula to Four Corners. Tarantula the weeds were getting high. On Southridge clean up crews were tossing bunches of cut thistle on to the road. I also saw 9 Rattlers. Keep your eye out for them they were all sitting in the middle of the trail. Next time you are up take a spin on Tarantula before the weeds get too bad.
      Singletrack=30% Dirt Road=70%
      Longboard a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Schwinn S-30 Carbon from Yorba Linda


    • Trail UpdateRaptor Ridge-The Rain today 4/6 will keep the trails closed until Friday 4/9, please don't ride in the park if it is closed. This park does not handle rain well. Raptor ridge and some other single track are in need of a trim. April 24 and 25 are going to be days for trail maintence, get out there and help maintain the trails and help MTBers look good, the F@$! hikers and equestians are constanlly bitching about us up there.


    • Trail UpdateChino Hills East-Rode Aliso ridge to the ranger station and then up Skully's ridge. The trails were in good shape. The weather was great and you could see for miles. Not to many people ride the east side and it is nice and quite up there
      Singletrack=35% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=5%
      Jim Lott a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Y3 from Chino, Calif


    • Trail UpdateRode Lower Aliso Cnyn. road and singletrack, South Ridge Trail to San Juan Hill, singletrack down to McDermont Spring and then down Raptor Ridge. All these roads and trails are in excellent condition! And as the saying goes: On a clear day you can see Catalina!
      Can't wait to go back.
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=75%
      Karl Reiser a 39 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT-LTS 1 DS from Cherry Valley


    • Trail UpdateTried to ride Chino Hills on 12-20-98 and it was closed due to rainfall. I was told by the attendant at Carbon Canyon Park that the trails will be closed for 48 hours following rainfall. Call 909-780-6222 for closure information before you go.
      Jim a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Litespeed Ocoee from La Crescenta




    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.latimes.com/HOME/DESTLA/BIKING/moctlgph.h-Chino Hills State Park


    • Trail UpdateNorthridge-Climbed Northridge this morning, conditions were perfect. The trail is hard packed and fast. Decided to take a single track that was off limits to bikes, sorry, it was fast and intense. Rode down to four corners, climbed the single track to the rolling fire road and back to the car. The trails were vacant at first then started to get crowded. Perfect day for a ride. Happy New Year.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 13.5 Elevation change: n/a
      Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=80%
      Robbie a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Green Specialized Stumpjumper from La Verne


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