



- Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Southern California Trails

  • Whiting Ranch - #WhitingRanch

    Socal - Orange County - Lake Forest NickNames: #WhitingRanch

    Take the El Toro Or Bake Parkway Exit from I-5 heading east. About five mile will be Portola Road. From Bake Pkwy. or El Toro, turn left on Portola. You will see a supermarket shopping center on the east side of Portola. Turn into the parking lot and park in the north section of the lot. There is a bike shop named "Canyon Cyclery" there...park close to there. Or towards the far left end of the parking lot you will see the entrance to the park and designated parking. Make sure you put money in the box. The trail head is clearly marked, from the lot to the canyon. The park is shared by hikers, bikers, and horse people...be careful. There is one very, very challenging climb and descent, but mostly graded fire road and a little singletrack. There are some nice side hikes that can be taken and you can even ride some sections. Thomas Guide page 862
    P.S: The driving directions for how to get to whiting ranch are inaccurate. you need to turn left from both bake pkwy and el toro road (or lake forest drive, also). the ralphs shopping center will then be on the right. also, people need to quit being such chiselers when it comes to the $2.00 parking fee. if too many mtbers park in the shopping center parking lot, the shopping center is likely to take action. come on people, it's only two bucks, plus the money goes to a good cause. how can you continue to ride all of these nice wilderness parks and not do your share to contribute to their maintenance? i admit, i didn't really dig the fees at first when they started them last year, but since they did, every orange county wilderness park i've been to has improved greatly. trail signs, restrooms (or outhouses), information centers with maps, water stations, and don't forget the conditions of the actual trails themselves are all in a much better state than they were before.

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    • Trail UpdateA rare weekday off so I thought I'd hit up the Whiting Ranch/Luge loop and see how this one holds up these days. Haven't ridden here in at least 8-9 yrs. It did not disappoint! The only dab was right at the beginning of Borrego trail due to a nasty sand-pit that I wasn't expecting. In fact there are many sections of sandy washout along the trail, but just about all of it is ride-able.

      Mustard Rd. is rocky and rutted which makes for a fun, challenging climb. Santiago Truck trail is a fantastic mostly singletrack climb. I took my time here savoring the cool, clear morning air and was greeted by two low swooping raptor/hawks. They were quite large and I could hear the swish of their wings as they flew overhead hunting for rodents. Awesome.

      The Luge was just as I remembered it. Extremely fun with about a 1/2 dozen rideable rocky drop-offs. Such a treat to really feel the full suspension at work on this trail. The ride ends with some more singletrack through a small, shady oak forest with many dips and a lone, bold deer just hanging around off to the side, obviously accustomed to mountain bikers. Grabbed a giant burrito at Chronic Tacos.
      TheInfiniteRoller a 44 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner XCE, 2002


    • Trail UpdateXs11-I rode the trail yesterday late afternoon and it was a good ride. The entrance is messed up and the first section is nothing but sand which I walked through in a few minutes. Once past that the trail was in great shape. I rode up Mustard and down Cactus. Cactus has some small changes but is noticeably better because of trail maintenance. Overall the trail is in great shape despite the small inconvenience at the beginning.


    • Trail UpdateApril 2011-They reopened the Portola entrance a few weeks ago, so I gave it a try. There must have been a lot of damage from rain last winter, because the beginning of the trail (Borrego) was in bad shape. LOTS of deep sand, like an 1/8th mile of it, made pedalling difficult. The climb up Mustard had a lot of ruts, and water running down much of it, even tho it hasn't really rained in a long time. Once past Four Corners, the trail was awesome as usual, making it all worthwhile.
      Tombiker a 52 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Santa Cruz from Orange


    • Trail UpdateCrazy.-This area is pretty cool, alot of uphill @ down hill. Challenging workout, riders tend to take Borrego up to Mustard [a cardio workout] from there you'll hit 4 corners where there is a pretty clean rest area/water stop. From there bikers fan out to Cactus, Wighting, Water Tank Road, or Dreaded Hill. I personally took Cactus Run, to Santiago, to Saige, to Santiago, to Raptor. Pretty Much downhill from 4 corners, nice and clean. Sandy at times. My buddy ate massive $h1T at this v-dip, he plowed right through it thinking it was okay, but didnt realize here was about half a foot of sand. haha. good times. but yeah, its a good place to go early in the morning, as the day goes on, it becomes a dry desert.

      Good Luck, and ride safe.
      nrmeach a 16 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek4500 from Cypress, Ca


    • Trail UpdateBeautiful!-Hiked the trail Saturday from the front loop and out and down the back to scout it out to ride next week. The bottom third was very sandy so there are some spots that just about every mountain biker I saw had to carry their bikes through. After that it was nice. A very nice job of fixing a lot of the rougher parts. On the back side what was once a very technical cactus run was definitely less rutted then it used to be. Surprisingly not as burned out as I had expected. Recap: except for the first sandy mile this was back to where it was if not better before the fire. I will definitely be adding whiting back onto my regular visit loop. Enjoy!
      a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a low-end hard-tail Trek


    • Trail UpdateWhhiting Ranch-Ok Whiting Ranch was 95% burned. It will be closed to the public indefinatly.Several groups (Warriors etc.) have volunteered to do trail maintenance in the future. I will update when I find out more info.
      Everett56 a 50 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Enduro Comp from RSM


    • Trail UpdateSantiago Fire Damage Update-I have the sad duty to report that our beloved Whiting Ranch Trail has been damaged by the deliberately set "Santiago Fire" of Oct.22,2007. The damages are uncomfirmed at this stage but it appears that the beautiful Borrego Canyon section roughly somewhere between the Portola Trailhead and the Borrego/Mustard Rd "fork" is damaged by the fire. This is purely a guess based on news reports and TV coverage of the fire but it's likely most of the fire damage is around Cattle Pond Loop on lower Mustard and perhaps west into the Borrego Canyon trail. Let's hope it's not extensive but it is likely we've lost a few of our beautiful Like Oaks and certainly a hillside or two of chapparal. As more is known I will certainly update this post. Pray for rain!!!
      Muddking a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Trek Fuel 80 from Lake Forest, CA


    • Trail UpdateWhiting To Modjeska Grade-Got to Whiting at 830ish last Sunday. Great day for
      a ride, not too terribly hot. Discovered a mountain
      bike group congregating in the Sav-On parking lot.
      I took off in the direction of Mustard hill. There
      were many hikers and individual bikers heading up.
      Had to make a pit stop and get my bike situated, and
      got passed up by at least 20 mountain bikers. Most
      belonging to the mountain bike club. I noticed a
      few hardcore riders on single speeds. Good to go. I
      figured I'd push myself up Mustard and try and
      catch some of the riders. Got the legs and chest burning at the top of Mustard. Continued on to
      Modjeska Grade, and decided to ease up and become one with my granny gear. Encountered quite a few more
      riders over at Modjeska, heading out to Old Camp. I
      took the Luge, down to Cooks, back to Whiting. I hadnt
      been down Cactus in quite awhile. It seems to change
      up each time down, watch out for cactus. This is a good ride if your strapped for time.

      Ed Huffaker a 35 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Santa Cruz Bullit from Mission Viejo


    • Trail UpdateYea!-Just rode this trail last weekend! It was my first time riding a trail of any kind and I had a blast! The way up was fun, but tiring (out of shape) the downhill was amazing though! Riding Partner fell face first into mud creek while trying to cross plank, i couldn't stop laughing.

      Good trail to learn on, apparently to short for many experienced riders, but if it were any longer, i probably would have passed out. GREAT excersize! Going again this weekend!
      Danny Mardikian a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a 99 Trek Y3 from Irvine, CA


    • Trail UpdateRode Whiting today for the first time in several months. The Cactus Hill trail has been re-routed in a couple places and is much better now. Trail surface is excellent. Sage Scrub is getting a little bumpier but is still very rideable. They've also graded a new section of fireroad where Sage Scrub joins Whiting Road. Serrano and Live Oak are as fun as ever.


    • Trail UpdateCactus Hill Trail-Many thanks to the volunteers who came out from SHARE and Team Basso last Saturday to repair the DEEP "V" on Cactus Hill Trail.

      This trail will be much more sustainable than the original one!

      Good Work!

      Very Much Appreciated!

      Ranger Tom a Cross-Country Rider from Limestone / Whiting Ranch Park .com


    • Trail Updatecheck out thecyclingforum.com its brand new!


    • Trail UpdateRode the standard loop today. Cactus and Sage Scrub are in excellent shape - the best I've seen them in a while.


    • Trail Update4 Corners-Good news!

      The water fountain has been repaired and re-pressurized!

      you can now drink and fill water containers easily again!

      zorgum a 30+ year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail Updatetheres a new cycling website that started up last month.
      feel free to check it out



    • Trail UpdateNice-Good times riding the trail last weekend. Took the Mustard and then Cactus back around. Some of Cactus and "Little Cholla" had a thick layer of dirt that briefly made it harder to ride. We had enough fun the first time around that we rode it again! Thanks to those doing the trailwork, keep up the good work!
      ICPAYDIRT a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Pacific Beach


    • Trail UpdateCactus & Sagescrub Etc.-Greetings,

      Thank you all for your interests in the park's trails.
      And thanks again for all those who invested some "Sweat equity" to get the closed trails re-opened.

      After the first rain (of 1/4 - 1/2 " or more) we will schedule some trail repair (re-routes) of a few of the worst sections of trails.

      I suggest those riders who really want to assist in improving the park trails contact SHARE Mt Bike group to volunteer and come out and help create more sustainable park trails.

      Certain volunteers will be given permission to enter the park immediately after a rain with the expressed purpose of draining trails, re-routing runoff, clearing out trail drain berms, etc.

      Long range sustainable trials is the ultimate goal.

      Again check with the SHARE Representative for Limestone Canyons and Whiting Ranch Wilderness Parks for details.

      We can make a difference by working together.

      Ranger Tom a Cross-Country Rider .com


    • Trail UpdateTrail Conditions-Rode Whitting on Wednesday and they have been doing maintenance work. The shelter at Four Corners is no more and Santiago Ranch Road at the bottom of Cactus Hill has been bulldozed and is now very soft and loose


    • Trail UpdateWhatever..-A little thanks are in order to those that did the work.

      Those in charge of the OC parks need to rethink their pansy-a**ed approach to closing trails every spring because of a few ruts. Until then I will not pay a dime to ride them.
      The riding the trail would have received in the months it was closed would have groomed the trail just fine.
      Kbot a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Heckler


    • Trail UpdateCactus Now Open...-Trail has been re-routed right off the main trail, and several sections have been "improved" this past weekend. Sorry for the sarcasm, but it's one of the worst sections I've ever seen around here, and I've been on several trail workdays. The steeper sections have been filled with 6-8" of loose dirt from the top of the sides, so now it's loose and narrow on top of the braking bumps. A suggestion: have a knowledgeable person in each work crew to advise on following the natural line of the trail, instead of well-meaning people doing things that don't necessarily work (water management, smoothest line etc.).

      limitedslip a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Enduro Pro


    • Trail UpdateNeed Help To Open Cactus-SHARE Mountain Bike Club is holding two trailwork projects to reopen Cactus Hill and Sage Scrub trails. We will bring tools. Meet at the bottom of Sage Scrub or the park on Saddleback Ranch road and bike or hike in. Date is this Saturday Aug 13 at 5pm. We are working in the afternoon because of the heat.

      Also, we will be working on Cactus on Saturday Aug 20. Meet at Four Corners or the top of Cactus at 5pm.

      Please RSVP to Volunteers@cox.net

      krands a 57 year old Weekend Warrior from Mission Viejo


    • Trail Updatehttp://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=120909 some info on what you are looking for. Did you head up to the Luge since Cactus was closed?
      LBBD riding a 05 Santa Cruz Heckler


    • Trail UpdateCactus Is Still Closed-I went over to whiting over the weekend and Cactus is still closed (fenced off). Quite a dissapointment after going all the way up Mustard...

      Does anyone know what is going on with it? Are they going to open it back up or?
      BlurLT OC a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Blur LT


    • Trail UpdateCactus?-Anyone know if Cactus has opened up yet? That whiting road or whatever it is called is too damn boring. Give me my singletrack back.


    • Trail UpdateTom, Welcome Back...-...to a wilderness park!


    • Trail UpdateNot Two Bucks-Just went today, its 3 bucks now, still a good price for this fun trail. I enjoyed it alot, boy is this a challenging up hill though.
      charmito a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a blue bike with shiny things on it.. haha im a noob from Irvine CA


    • Trail UpdateTrail Maintenance-Just for the record, the group doing the trail work on Saturday was Team Velosport and the Trails Angels. The trail maintenace event was coordinated by SHARE.
      Angliru a Racer


    • Trail UpdateWhiting-Rode on 4-23-05. Still quite wet with many creek crossings, although none that are unpassable. There were quite a few people with the Trail Angels working to fix the rain damage. Just want to say Thanks to you all for all the great work you are doing! Cactus still closed:( Back side of mustard(not sure of trail name) in pretty good condition, only couple of ruts and one washed out area. At the bottom where it joins up with cactus there is a pretty major creek dug onto the trail. Very muddy and very rocky! Evertthing else in pretty good condition considering the damage that was done.
      Albie1200 a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Weyless XP from Newport


    • Trail UpdateWhiting-Think I'll wait a while before riding Borrego Trail again, still a bit too wet for me. Trust me, I don't mind getting my bike dirty, but it's a bit annoying to hear your gears grinding 10 minutes into the ride. Lots of (very small) stream crossings. A better bet is to come in from the other side (ala Edison/Live Oak/up Whiting Road) and enjoy the new trail features on your way to STT/Luge. It's all ridable, (I seen it with my own two eyes!)
      Ezyrider2 a 42 year old riding a spot from da beach


    • Trail UpdateCactus is still closed. No idea when it will re-open.

      The rest of the park is in pretty good condition. The only area that is really bad is the lower fireroad and it's pretty much un-ridable at this time.

      No less that 12 water crossings now. Lots more exposed rocks and roots. All in all, a fun ride, even without cactus.
      SilverSpot a 41 year old


    • Trail UpdateCactus Run Open? Trail Condition-Does anyone know if all the trails are open? If so, how are the conditions?
      jcjacob21 a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Jekyll 1000 from HB


    • Trail UpdatePark Open-The park reopened on 4/2


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Closed?-Last weekend we went to Whiting and found the trailhead by the shopping center was roped off saying it was closed to the public. We went around to the left, down the driveway to check the other entrance and found a puddle of nasty looking pondwater blocking the trail. It looked like mother nature's way of saying 'none shall pass' 8-) or at least shouldn't. I'm not expecting it to be any better for at least a little while, call ahead.
      a 32 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Santa Cruz Superlight from Pacific Beach


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Returns?-Has the trail opened yet, and if so...what shape is it in. I'm tired of my road bike, tired of my fluid trainer.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 0 miles Elevation change: 0
      thecronkfamily a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2003 FSR


    • Trail UpdateMajor Damage!-So, I did a damage inventory hike through the park. For those that have been in here since the rains, you will be blown away.
      The one way trail in is a rocky technical hike let alone a bike ride. The creeks has over ru its banks and made sharp edge mini cliffs everywhere.
      Musturd has the past mentioned mud slide, no big deal.
      Cactus on the other hand is an awesome site to see.
      At around turn 3 of the trail there is a 100' wide by 100yds long NEW canyon. This inturn feed the NEW lake on the sleepy hollow trail, which drains into the NEW canyons that make sleepy hollow a mini grand canyon 50-60' deep in places. A couple oaks have fallen also.

      Now at the intersection of the fire roads on the exit trail there is NO road or trail. There are several oak trees blocking the trail making it impossilbe to walk or ride.

      In the parks defense, it's doing what mother nature wants it to do, evolving. I don't see the parks dept. opening this park in full for a couple years. It's that bad or that changed however you look at it.
      nature freak a 37 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Nike cross trainers


    • Trail UpdateRode Whiting yesterday and it's not as torn up as I expected. Some of the trails are closed due to erosion (cactus, vulture view, cattle pond) but the main fire road loop is open for riding.

      Borrego trail (the singletrack on the way in) is 100% ride-able although it has changed a good bit due to erosion from the creek. There is still water flowing so be prepared for numerous cycles of water crossings followed by sand and rocks. The water is only a few inches deep and the crossing are not too technical, but if your looking to keep your drive train clean.. I would wait a bit longer.

      The slump on mustard road that has been mentioned by a few people is pretty minimal (at least it is now). You can ride up and over it without too much effort.

      The whiting road downhill is in great shape with not much wear and tear, but once you reach the bottom of the downhill and turn right on Sage Scrub, be prepared for some very deep erosion ruts (some as deep as 5 feet !)

      The single track on the way out is in good shape with no surprises other than the usual small stream crossings.

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=60% Truck Trail=50%
      Shleppy a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Hoopty XL 2000 from Rancho Santa Margarita


    • Trail UpdateVolunteer Day-The parks phone message mentioned a volunteer day on Sat. 22nd. I stopped by at 8am and it turns out I was the only one who showed up. The Ranger was there and he mentioned that they decided to cancel the volunteer day. Anyway, I bailed and went and rode Santiago TT(in great shpae btw).

      The Ranger mentioned that Mustard Rd (the hill) had a 10 ft wide by 4 ft high mudslide covering the entire trail. He wasn't sure how to best fix the situation. He said they will probably just cut a groove through the middle. I suggested that they open it up and let the path just become what it becomes. A nice extra hump in the middle of Mustard wouldn't be a bad thing. Whiting is a great "after work" trail because it is so easy to get to, but it could certainly be made harder, in my opinion...


    • Trail UpdateThe Bridge...-I believe that the bridge was removed (not washed away) about the time the first big rain came through the area. It was so low over the water that it was probably damming up the area with all the debris that was washed down the stream. I'm sure that they'll replace it eventually.

      JamR, as soon as you have a date for trail work at Whiting, let me know. I'd like to pitch in.
      SilverSpot a 41 year old riding a 5 Spot from OC


    • Trail UpdateBridge-I noticed the missing bridge also. Must have been washed away by the rain or taken away if it became unstable.

      You're right also, the last climb up to four corners should be like climbing hardpack once it gets a few days of sun-baking.

      Cactus and Sage really need some work. Spoke with Ron (Ranger) Friday and he agrees that it's probably time to put together a large work crew for a possible re-route of some sections.

      Contacting SHARE today about this.
      JamR a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a A few bikes from Capo


    • Trail UpdateBridge?-Nice Pics JamR!

      I was also there over the weekend. The last hill to four corners on Mustard is returning to its old self again. That being super tacky like glue in some places.

      BTW anyone know what happened to the tiny bridge that used to take you around the first water crossing?

      Dagooche a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Whichever isn't dirty from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateBridge?-Nice Pics JamR!

      I was also there over the weekend. The last hill to four corners on Mustard is returning to its old self again. That being super tacky like glue in some places.

      BTW anyone know what happened to the tiny bridge that used to take you around the first water crossing?

      Dagooche a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Whichever isn't dirty from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateBridge?-Nice Pics JamR!

      I was also there over the weekend. The last hill to four corners on Mustard is returning to its old self again. That being super tacky like glue in some places.

      BTW anyone know what happened to the tiny bridge that used to take you around the first water crossing?

      Dagooche a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Whichever isn't dirty from Garden Grove


    • Trail UpdateWeekend Ride-Rode through Whiting to Old Camp on Friday.

      Many of the Whiting trails could use some maintenance help, but the scenery's still spectacular.


      JamR a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a A few bikes from Capo


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Loop-I picked up a pretty decent pair of sunglasses today in Whiting. If you lost them and can describe them, send me an email at vanscheik@hotmail.com
      Bill VanScheik


    • Trail UpdateWhiting_STT_luge_whiting-met up with 4 others around 8:30 in the ralphs/arby's lot and
      headed out. noticed a few changes right off the bat, first one
      being the little bridge over the water crossing, and second
      change being the ruts all filled in the ENTIRE way up
      Mustard. got to four corners where there were about 6 riders,
      then in a matter of minutes, close to 20 riders, had the
      displeasure of turning my head right as someone tossed their
      cookies, YUK!

      so, we go up and over the hill next to the water tower, over to
      Mojeska and up to the STT. the STT is pretty much always in
      the same condition, never that dusty at all, but one thing i did
      notice was an unusual amount of CRAP in the middle of the
      trail. i'm not expert, but it didn't look like horse crap, more
      along the lines of a cow or a bull. anyone know whats up with
      that? so, we get to the luge, head down, it is VERY dusty,
      with a few softspots with some little baby-heads hidden
      within' the powdery ruts that line the trail. head up and out,
      back through whiting, where again, more ruts had been filled
      in along the bottom fireroad before beginning the fun
      "sleepy-hollwish" singletrack.

      good ride, wasn't too hot, and met a couple new riding buds.

      Ride distance: about 15 miles Elevation change:
      Dirt Klaud riding a Specialized Enduro from Long Beach


    • Trail UpdateGood Ride-Sunday morning this is a great trail to ride for a good workout. The new bridge built helps with the early stream crossings. The trail has some sandy ares on the crossings before mustard hill. The red rock loop is in great condition for a nice addition. Went down catus to vulture view back to the main trail it has a fantastic view. The serrano cow trail is quick little single track but be wary of hikers ( a bell works well here). Enjoy the ride.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change: 900
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=99% Paved Path=1%
      ZULU a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Spec. Stumpy FSR Comp. from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateA Few Trail Changes...-I just rode Whiting yesterday afternoon and discovered that they have made a few changes to the trail. When entering via the Portola entrance, the first water crossing has been dammed up a bit. Water is now minimal. They have also installed a small wooden bridge on the far left side of second water crossing (the largest one). I rode through the water not knowing it was there. Dammed up #3 water crossing as well.
      Still lots of sand at the first rocky section makes it almost impossible to clean it. The rest of the trail is in really good condition with some soft dirt and sand here and there. Cactus is in great condition as well with some 'well placed' ruts. Loads-o-fun.
      Ride distance: 7-9 mile loop Elevation change:


    • Trail UpdateFather's Day Update-Hit the trail on Sunday 10:00 a.m. for a fast 9 miler. For those leaving from PH, the entry path from the park has been grated and is still packed enough to climb back up... Trail for the most part is pretty dry and packed, some parts are loose and sandy. Did Cattle loop, mustard seems to be grated as well as there aren't too many ruts going up. Cactus is RUTTED as heck, with a lot of sand (knee high ruts). Some of you guys need to lay-off the skidding. Lot's of poison oak out, but I didn't get bit (just be aware of it and you'll be okay). Lots of friendly hikers out, be respectful of them and let em' know what side you're passing on.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      LouiSurfer a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a HardTail that rolls from Portola Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateKiller Bees!-Well Dirt Klaud and I headed out here for the 1st time since the attacks. We weren't in the mood for much climbing so we just did 2 loops instead of heading up to the Luge. Conditions are decent, there are a few water crossings and a couple spots of thick sand. The part right before the technical rock climb is practically unrideable because the sand is so deep. First loop we did Borrego to Upper Cattle Pond, up Mustard and then Cactus. Cactus is pretty rutted and you will find yourself bunny hopping over a lot of pretty deep ruts all over the place.

      At 4 corners we were resting in the shade at the bench, and heard what sounded like a strong breeze coming up from Mustard. We looked over and saw a HUGE swarm of bees coming up and then the went up and over Dreaded Hill. We were both tripping out at how many of them there were and how loud it was.

      Finished up our first loop then did the second loop minus Cattle Pond and skipped Cactus. Only saw a couple of small snakes (non rattlers), a ton of lizards and only 1 other rider. Nice weather and a nice easy ride. Hit up Arby's and then headed home.
      Ride distance: 13.5 Elevation change:
      RDC a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a '03 Foes FXR, '03 BigHit Expert from Westminster


    • Trail UpdateWhine-free Trail Update-I rode Whiting about a week ago, and it was pretty great! Lots of water in that first creek crossing, and lots of sand in a few spots, but all in all, very rideable and fun. Curiously, not much water in the little creeks at the back of the park.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 7.5 miles Elevation change:
      Tombiker a 45 year old


    • Trail UpdateIf You Encounter An Elephant....-Went out for a lunch ride both Wednesday and today. The trails are in great condition and there's very little traffic as many people still seem to be afraid to ride here. We saw three deer while exiting the park on Serrano Cow Trail.

      Enough with all of the postings trying to place blame for such a terrible accident. No one's to blame. Be happy that you're alive and healthy - and shut up and go for a ride! Enjoy life while you're still able.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      E-Man a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateIF YOU ENCOUNTER A LION-

      * DON"T RUN !
      * Hold your ground, wave your hands, shout !
      * If the lion behaves aggresively, throw stones.
      * Convince the lion that you are not prey and that you may be dangerous to it.
      * Do all you can to appear larger. Pick up small children and place them on your shoulders if you can.
      * Don't crouch down; the lion has seen you long before you saw it.
      * Report any mountain lion sightings, IN DETAIL, to a ranger as soon as possible.

      These suggestions are among the lessons learned by people who have encontered mountain lions. There is no guarantee that these suggestions will work every time, but they are based on the best current information. The best plan of action is for you to avoid the lions. You are safer hiking or biking in a group than alone.

      Be aware of your surroundings, ride to your skill level, and enjoy the wilderness that you came to visit and ride in!!


    • Trail UpdateOnly In OC-I lived in OC for a year. What a scary place. And from the posts below you can see why. I would live in Baker or Needles before I will ever move back to OC.

      Just stupid responses to a very good post. What I really like is how many of the posts feel that humans have a god given right to rule over all. We are just one of many species that should try to live in a symbiotic relationship with the world and many idiots here don't see that.

      Bring God into it if you want, Call me a Greenpeace loving hippie freak if that will make you feel better. Your Narrow minds can't think beyond that. Lable if you must. What is so hard with accepting the fact that humans can and should be eaten by other animals just like every other animal on this planet. We have a right to protect ourselves if an Attack happens and I would do my best to survive. But we do not have a right to go out and move the animals or kill them beforehand because it may happen. Those that believe we do are the lowest form of life on this planet today.

      And unfortunatly many seem to find their way into OC. Not all of you are bad and I am sorry to the exceptions. Sean I think what you had to say was very good. Thanks.

      And as for not understanding the post about the stats. Wow! stay at home where you will not hurt anyone. I imagine walking is quite the mental challange for you.

      One thing though Sean. What is wrong with Trader Joes? That is the best food place ever created.
      Not a Hippie Greenpeacer


    • Trail UpdatePart II - Post-Ride-Well, I'll start off by saying...some of you are dumb. I'm a philosophy major, so I could come up with stronger words, but there is no need since this one more or less says it all in a way even you could understand. =P

      My "rant" was in rebuttal to the "kill all the wild animals that threaten us" mentality. I think that's an incredibly ignorant attitude. That is all.

      I'm not a Greenpeace freak by any means...I don't shop at Trader Joe's and my car barely passes smog. But to blame the animals and bit@h and moan that there are so many "wild animals" near our populated OC areas just seems so hypocritical. They didn't ask to be shoved off their turf. It makes as much sense to me as tying up and then shoveling Twinikes into a kids mouth and then making fun of him because he's fat. And who said anything about Cougars being near extinction?! I certainly didn't. It's just stealing their land and then asking for a gun to shoot the rest of them that remain seems so...well...ignorant. And I do believe that attitude (or suggestion) was mentioned in a few early posts.

      Thanks to those of you capable of intelligent conversation rather than grade school level wisecracks (Supernova, etc).

      That having been said...the trail is in pretty good shape I guess. A small makeshift memorial and a nice poem adorn the trailhead. First half up to the top is pretty smooth and rut-free, save for a few good puddles here and there. The back side of the park seems to have a few more ruts. And GOOD GRIEF...look out for the cactus patches!!! It's overflowing and is so close to some of the trails you'll nail it if you aren't riding in the middle!

      Weather was perfect, trails were good, and met a new riding partner, and I didn't get eaten (though I did almost get run over by the Park Ranger truck 3 times as they drove around the park). 'Twas another day in paradise!


    • Trail UpdateWell I'm sure your statistics are real consoling to the families of the dead and the dozens of people that have had their bodies and emotions scarred for life including several young children. Do you remember the 5 year old girl attacked in San Juan Capistrano 10 years ago...well she's a teenager now. Imagine what her life is like today.

      Let's look at your stats. Death by lightning...hmm, maybe stay off the golf course during electrical storms? Death by bee sting...hmmm, maybe have allergy serum handy if you are allergic, hunting accidents?? I don't understand your point? Deer attacks...gee maybe you shouldn't pet bambi? 3 million visitors to Yosemite...hmmm how many fatsos in RVs do you think walk more than a mile on a paved trail?

      This isn't Yosemite, this is OC and there are too many mountain lions near populated areas. If a mountain lion kills someone's pet goat, it can be legally hunted and killed, but we can't do anything to protect our parks' visitors...we have to wait for an attack to happen before the animal can be hunted. That makes no sense. Cougars need to be pushed away from populated areas period.


    • Trail UpdateSomething To Think About...-As previously posted on the website: According to the California Dept of Fish and Game - Encounters with cougars are rare and the risk of injury or death from an attack is infinitely small. In fact, your chances of being attacked or killed by a domestic dog are much, much greater. DFG statistics show that, in the last 20 years, hunting accidents killed more than 85 Californians and injured 700. In the last 100 years, only 13 fatal cougar attacks occurred on the entire North American continent. In that time, more than 15,000 people were killed by lightning; 4,000 by bees; 10,000 by deer; 1,300 by rattlesnakes. Yosemite National Park has cougars plus 3 million visitors a year. There has never been an attack in the park’s history. More visitors have died from rockslides. On the list of daily "dangers" faced by Californians, cougars are but a footnote.


    • Trail UpdateSean,
      You might want to do some research before your next rant.

      Mountain Lions aren't even close to extinction in California. They were close to extinction about 100 years ago when hunting them was legal and there was a bounty on their heads, but today mountain lions are more populous than they ever have been in our country's history.

      They have no natural predators and as a result they are competing with each other for territory...that is why they are moving closer to populated areas. Why else would mountain lions be roaming around in Whiting Ranch near so many people?

      Mountain lions need to be chased away from populated areas and if that is not successfull, the population needs to be thinned. Human lives and public safety require this be done.

      In your liberal fantasyland what would you suggest...that all humans leave because the mountain lions were here first? You first Sean!


    • Trail UpdateC'mon-Sean, it's obvious you too have been spoon fed this liberal gibberish of how we have destroyed all that was right with the world.I don't believe for one second that it is all our fault.Extinctions have been going on since the first single-celled animal came to life.If the mountain lions do become extinct that would truly be a sad thing,but if another human being (yes,one) was killed that would be far worse.It's called survival and if we have the ability to outlast them,in my book that makes us winners.
      A human being advocate


    • Trail UpdateHey Sean-Let me guess. Your current abode sits atop an area in which wild animals used to live? Just a guess.

      Let me guess. You ride trails that are located in areas in which wild animals currently reside? Just a guess.

      If not, I beg your forgiveness. If yes, then STFU, put your head down, and try not to attract a lion's attention.



    • Trail UpdateI'm Not Lion-I have ridden the ranch a couple of times lately and the trail is in great shape. It is a bit strange riding down cactus now. Saturday we saw a group of ten deer roaming around in up by the homes in Portola.

      That was indeed a bit of a rant Sean. A little too "Susan Sarandon" for me. That would've made a good Oscar acceptance speech. So we invaded their turf and must deal with the consequences, fair enough. It almost sounds like the victims were "asking for it" in your post. Are you a lion defense attorney?

      I'm not Marlon Perkins, but the self-defense angle seems far fetched. Cougars are the top of the food chain. It sounds as though Mark Reynolds was attacked from behind while off of his bike. Anne was attacked while riding because of being a perceived threat to the cougar's fresh kill.

      I'm not for over-development nor do I favor extinction of valuable wildlife; however, human lives are more important than an animal's. That's my world view.

      If Mark and Anne were crass poachers or hunters or had directly and intentionally gone out to destroy cougars I could get worked up about that. But because they were bikers trying to enjoy some of the remaining "wilderness" in OC they don't deserve what happened.
      TF a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized from Foothill Ranch


    • Trail UpdatePart I - Pre-ride-Hey gang,

      I've been reading the posts since the attack (defense?), and have a few thoughts. Many people still seem to blame the mtn lion in this situation...someone else added this: "that have overpopulated their habitat and now hunt freely in our foothill neighborhoods, feeding on domestic cats and dogs and sometimes people as well."

      Well, I'm sorry, but you have it backwards. The lions have NOT over-populated their habitats. The fact is, we humans have under-habitatted their population. Period. And this was THEIR neighborhood FIRST, remember? You make it sound like THEY are moving in on US. It's the other way around. How could you argue this fact? It's been happening to tens of thousands of animal species for hundreds of years, hence the creation of the term "extinction." We kill off entire species so we had top make a word to describe our actions.

      Of course I feel for the two victims and their loved ones...but this is as much people's fault, if not moreso, than the mtn lion, and here's why. I grew up at Whiting Ranch, and I can remember once upon a time when it actually felt like a wilderness park. You wouldn't see many others there. You felt like you were in nature's house. But over the years, "Foothill Ranch" was built. Shopping centers sprung up literally a stone's throw from the park. Now expensive homes line the ridges of the park, and it's actually hard to find a spot on the trail where you CAN'T see into someone's bedroom window. The trail can have more traffic than the 405 at times.

      With all of this, the newer crowds of trail-goers are NOT as outdoor-savvy. Simply because for them, Whiting Ranch is NOT a wilderness park...it's just an innocent little walking trail literally right outside their back yard, next to the supermarket and coffee shop.

      People become oblivious to the fact that there are STILL wild animals trying to survive in the park because of all the residential growth in the area. And yes, that includes mountain lions.

      I think that the lion could have been out, maybe crossing the trail, and acted defensively after being startled. Mtn lions do not hunt people. Period. If he was looking for food, he would have eaten something. And I can assure you a mountain bike, with all it's clicking, rattling and squeaking on approach, doesn't look or sound appetizing to any animal. It probably scares the crap out of them.

      We do this to all sorts of animals...invade their territory to make a few bucks in the name of "progress"...then blame them for whatever bad happens. Good grief. Humanity is destined to be retarded for all eternity.

      Anyway, that's my rant. Best wishes to the victims (all 3 of them), and I'll let you know if there's anything noteworthy about the trail after the ride this afternoon.
      Sean a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Stumpy Pro from OC, CA


    • Trail UpdatePark Reopens 1-27-04 At 7AM-
      Per OC Parks website:

      Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park Reopens Tuesday, January 27, 2004.

      Results of DNA Tests Confirm Suspected Mountain Lion Made Both Attacks

      TRABUCO CANYON – Orange County park officials will officially reopen Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park tomorrow, Tuesday Jan. 27, after California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) announced today that it has obtained positive DNA results linking a suspected mountain lion to attacks upon two mountain bikers earlier this month.

      Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park will resume its daily operating hours of 7 a.m. until dusk. “Now that Dept. of Fish and Game and the Orange County Forensics tests have returned with conclusive evidence that officials removed the animal responsible for both attacks, we feel it is appropriate to reopen the park under normal operating conditions,” said Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director Kevin Thomas. “However, we remind park visitors to always remain cautious and alert, and comply with the directives of park rangers when entering any wilderness park,” Thomas said.

      Safety Guidelines When Visiting a Wilderness Park

      · Watch for signage pointing out dangers and alert notices posted throughout the park.
      · Be aware, stay alert; your safety cannot be guaranteed when entering wilderness areas inhabited by wildlife.
      · Contact the park office for special advisories or park updates.
      · Practice the buddy system – travel in pairs or groups and carry a cell phone.
      · All minors under age 18 should have adult supervision.
      · Mountain lion sightings should be reported to the park ranger or other appropriate official immediately.

      For guidelines and tips on handling encounters with a mountain lion, visit www.ocparks.com or DFG at http://www.dfg.ca.gov/lion/index.html.



    • Trail UpdateWhiting To Reopen Tomorrow-Whiting to reopen Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00 AM. See ya out there. Enough said.


    • Trail UpdateA Message From Above...-Minutes after reading the recent opinions on this board, I stumbled upon the following holy scripture (without intending to find something related to this thread) Ecclesiastes 3...

      18 I also thought, "As for men, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals. 19 Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath [2] ; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. 20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal [3] goes down into the earth?"
      22 So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

      [Hope this isn't taken as a stab by anyone - just thought it would be good to post]


    • Trail UpdateCome North OC-First...bad jokes.

      Second, for all of you out there Jonesing for a fun ride, I would invite you to come up to North OC and ride the Fullerton Loop. There are always lots of people out and about, and it gives you a longer ride than Whiting!
      Loop Lover a 35 year old riding a M5 Stumpjumper from Brea


    • Trail UpdateA Little More Tact Please-People need to relax, take a breath and be patient until the park re-opens. While it is a great place to ride and hike; realistically it only has an easy 5 to 7 mile loop, or thereabouts.

      Orange County has approximately 700 miles of natural surface trails for people to enjoy. So if you feel your riding is so severely impacted by the temporary closure at Whiting; you might want to think about expanding your riding horizons to other parks and trails.

      Let’s try to remember that there’s no humor in the events that transpired at Whiting, so try to be a little more tactful in posts regarding this situation.


      JamR a 48 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Few bikes from Capo


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch's Name Has Changed-To Lion Country Safari. Please update all of your trail maps and postings.

      Supervisor Leo B. Catt
      California Dept. of State Parks & Recreation


    • Trail UpdateRaven Infestation-Just witnessed a group of 4 mtbikers get their eyes poked out by a mass of wild ravens. Supposedly all the attention at whiting ranch has propelled these ravens to hunt human eyeballs. So, just as a precaution, make sure to where a full-face helmet with goggles AT ALL TIMES whenever riding at whiting ranch.

      TEAM WUSS a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a 91' yo eddy from torrance


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch Temporarily Closed-In all probability, the park will reopen in the next couple of weeks. All other parks in the area are open so enjoy riding in those parks untill Whiting Ranch reopens!

      The California Department of Fish and Game needs to complete DNA testing of the Mt. Lion killed the same day in the park and a second lion that was struck (and killed) by a car a few miles away.

      Disregard the rumor concerning the park closing permamently and housing being built on the land. It is just a rumor like the previous posting of a grizzly bear attack in the park. It did not happen.

      Per the OC Park website:

      Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park remains closed until further notice according to Orange County park officials. Park officials will keep the park closed until current California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) DNA testing underway reveals evidence that confirms the suspected mountain lion that killed one person and injured another in the Serrano Canyon area of the park last week was responsible for both incidents.

      Results of DNA tests are expected to take up to two weeks.

      “Although California Department of Fish and Game has completed its investigation at the park, we feel it is appropriate to keep the area closed until final DNA tests are in,” said Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director Kevin Thomas. “The goal of reopening is to allow the Department of Fish and Game to state with as much certainty as possible that they removed the animal responsible for both attacks,” said Thomas.

      “The safety of all park visitors is our primary concern,” said Operations Superintendent Tim Miller. “It is with this concern that our department seeks the cooperation of area residents and park patrons during this park closure. We also want to remind the public to stay alert and be aware of potential dangers when entering any wilderness park,” Miller said.

      For guidelines and tips on handling encounters with a mountain lion, visit www.ocparks.com or DFG at http://www.dfg.ca.gov/lion/index.html.


    • Trail UpdateHow Much Longer?-What do you know about the closure?

      How much longer?

      Is it true they have developers looking at the park for future housing since it's now "too dangerous" for bikers and hikers?


    • Trail UpdateStill Closed-As of 7:00am on January 21st, 2004. the security gaurds are still enforcing the park is closed.
      ZULU a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Spec. Stumpy FSR Comp. from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateOut of respect for the dead and injured, Mark and Ann, let's find it in our hearts to stop with the BS story telling (and personal opinions) and try to bring this board back to it's intended purpose of trail updates.

      Hopefully the park will open soon and we can all get back to riding. Untill then, peace.............
      EMan a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Bianchi SISS from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateFalse Storytelling-The previous two posts are in the wrong place for such patently false storytelling.


    • Trail UpdateBEAR ATTACK UPDATE-Recent post was a little exaggerative. Here's the latest and most accurate info on the bear attack today:

      WARNING: This is not a joke and is pretty gross. If you are faint of heart or stomach don't read any further.

      This is why you don't mess with Grizzly bears!

      The following details are of a guy who works for the Forest Service In California. He was out deer hunting at Whiting Ranch. A large world record Griz charged him from about 50 yards away.

      The guy unloaded a 7mm Mag Semi-auto into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The thing was still alive, so he reloaded and capped it in the head. It was over one thousand six hundred pounds, 12'6" high at the shoulder. It's a world record. The bear had killed a couple of other people. Of course, the game department did not let him keep it. Think about it. This thing on its hind legs could walk up to the average single story House and could look on the roof at eye level.

      G. Davis a 48 year old


    • Trail UpdateBear Attack!-Just found out that a 4 ton bear attacked a group of four mtbikers. All dead. Whiting ranch is the greatest.
      saddam hussein a 62 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a merlin extra-light from whiting ranch


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch Still Closed-But, you will find excellent riding at all other local wilderness parks and forests, including Aliso/Wood which was closed for a couple of hours to investigate a possible mt.lion sighting last Saturday!! Happy Riding!!



    • Trail UpdateBack At The Ranch.....-Funny to visit this site after a few weeks and see what has transpired. I curiously read some posts after hearing about the lion attack in the news back on Jan 8th, some 56 posts back. Some psychology major should do a paper on the evolution and lessons learned of disagreements. Go back to Jan 8th and read every post to date, just like a Hollywood script you can predict the outcome by Jan 10th. One thing in common is how peoples own agendas surface in text conversations and opinions turn offensive requiring feedback and retribution. Nobody mentioned the fires in the Cleavland forrest and surrounding areas. It's entirely possible that wildlife is freaked out and stressed in ways we wouldn't understand. Their habitat has been compressed causing competition, injury and fear.

      Lets focus again on what we all have in common, that is a love for mountain biking. With it comes an appreciation for nature in some, for pure exhiliration in others. The fact is a fellow mountain biker has lost his life in an unspeakable tragedy and another was severly and permanately injured. Lets take out all the negative dialog here and get back to the basics of this forum. There is another message board created for following those opinions and further discussions.

      This is the place to express our heart felt compassion for those hurt by the loss of a good person and to understand what we can do to be safe in the future. I'll never look at a trail side bush the same.

      I want to hear more about the trails. I am dissapointed that they are closed, all the way to Aliso Woods? I hope they keep their promise and reopen after their research is complete.

      Any suggestions on where to ride in the meantime?

      Ride distance: miles and miles Elevation change: some ups and downs
      Frank Kip a U'd B Suprised year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant NRS Air from Brea


    • Trail UpdateRE: Webmaster-Wait a minute. I agree that some of the banter going back and forth on this trail update has been pretty pathetic. But I also agree with the last post. Let's just stick to trail specific stuff.

      Closing this thread to only Rangers or D.F & G officials is just as bad as the Rangers closing the riding areas because of all the hysteria about the recent ML attack.

      What next? We close bike shops because they sell us the bikes that we ride on the trails?? Come on people.

      Let's all take a deep breath and count to 10. Level headed assessment of the situation is better than a knee jerk reaction.


    • Trail UpdateDO It Somewhere Else --C'mon guys and gals...

      I appreciate everyone's opinion. But let's all agree to leave this board for TRAIL REVIEWS.
      We should all go the message or dicussion boards.


    • Trail UpdateWebmaster-Can you please close this trail update to the public?
      This update for right now should only be allowed to Rangers or D.F & G officials. This back & forth crap has gotten entirely out of control and the important messages from the authorities are getting lost in their junk. Please consider it!!
      Since the trail will be closed for a while until the DNA testing comes back the only updates should be from the officials. Please consider it, thank you.


    • Trail UpdateKMA, you make alot of sense. Ted "Wango Tango" Nugent is the right man for the job. Also, cats are not human (good observation).

      As for the rest of your post, I believe its, "You have a sick mind with which I will not put" not "You have a sick mind which with I will not put up." In fact, it is--as it is with most posts--your poor command of the English language is with which I will not put. And, if we're going to stay with Sir W. Churchill we should honor his belief that, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

      Just ride.


    • Trail UpdateDriving Defensively-I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm gonna start riding in groups of at least three, and maybe pack a jack knife with me on my outings- that way, i can give mr. lion something to think about while he's eating me!
      the DMV a Cross-Country Rider riding a a bike worse than yours


    • Trail UpdateHA HA-Didn't Ted Nugent put a chain saw blade through his thigh the other day?
      KMA - I suggest you take up golf.
      a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateHey You Liberal Freaks-To the hater haters. You are the ones that I fear. I hate you. To compare an animal life as equal to that of a human is sick.

      A sensible approach to managing wild life is the key. Since our liberal state will not allow tags to be sold to keep the cat population in check, maybe we should let Ted "Cat Scratch Fever" Nugent have his own hunting show in O.C. Then you can add the new "OC reality" show to your "must see TV" as Ted hunts down cats with his bow. Then none of our kids or fellow riders will become cat food.

      Cats are not human. To the person that wished the lion hater to be killed by a cat, you should be spayed/neutered (like my cats) and not be allowed to procreate. You have a sick mind of which with I will not put up.

      To you gun haters, ask Ceasar about gun control.....



    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch Remains Closed-
      Per the OC Parks website: Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park remains closed until further notice according to Orange County park officials. Park officials will keep the park closed until current California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) DNA testing underway reveals evidence that confirms the suspected mountain lion that killed one person and injured another in the Serrano Canyon area of the park last week was responsible for both incidents.

      Results of DNA tests are expected to take up to two weeks.

      “Although California Department of Fish and Game has completed its investigation at the park, we feel it is appropriate to keep the area closed until final DNA tests are in,” said Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director Kevin Thomas. “The goal of reopening is to allow the Department of Fish and Game to state with as much certainty as possible that they removed the animal responsible for both attacks,” said Thomas.

      “The safety of all park visitors is our primary concern,” said Operations Superintendent Tim Miller. “It is with this concern that our department seeks the cooperation of area residents and park patrons during this park closure. We also want to remind the public to stay alert and be aware of potential dangers when entering any wilderness park,” Miller said.

      For guidelines and tips on handling encounters with a mountain lion, visit www.ocparks.com or DFG at http://www.dfg.ca.gov/lion/index.html.


    • Trail UpdateYeah, what Lance below said. Lance is always right on the money. He's Lance, afterall. He's won the TDF 5 times in a row. He speaks the truth. Go Lance!
      JJ III


    • Trail UpdateHater Kid...-Let me preface by saying I am by no way an animal rights activist. The logic here is simple. We are taking over these animals territory, homes, and hunting grounds. Is it so hard to understand that something like this could happen. It is called instincts and hunting is what mountain lions do. Somehow I don't think the mountain lion thought "Hey, I'm gonna eat this kid so her parents will be upset".

      Again, it's an animal. How about a little common sense. I have an idea: Let's find a way to stop it from raining too since people are being killed by floods.

      Your reasoning capabilites are frightening. Do us all a favor. Lock your doors and watch TV.
      Lance a 24 year old Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateGod-Even without God there is a purpose to all of nature. And the Lion has a purpose with our without him. I have created a new forum in Messages for those that wish to continue to talk about this.
      P.S. Harping on someone for placing these posts in the trail updates section is no more appropriate then the posts themselves. Instead of making a useless statement, creat a forum. I love how many people feel they are the traffic cop for this web site but don't do anything productive to correct it.


    • Trail UpdateFor those who do not believe in god, your argument holds no credibility regarding purpose for every living creature. However, I don't think hating a species because we've encroached on its land and it in turn has responded has any merit either.

      Regardless, this is a forum for trail updates and posts related to mountain biking in this particular park. An angry argument regarding god, hate, and hunting is not appropriate for this forum. Please exchange emails and continue your rants privately.
      El Jefe a 34 year old riding a Blinging V10, ghetto Stinky, Azonic P, & a SS Kona Cowan from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateTwisted Logic-By ML Hater's logic - Since there are 495 Americans dead in Iraq - we should eliminate the Iraqi people.
      Trail Bait a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateHater Has A Limited Mind...-there are no villains here, only victims. The people hurt were victims of odd circumstance. The cats were victims of our contempt for nature. Anyone who "hates" is a very simple minded person indeed ...why on earth would you hate any living thing, unless you were simple (read as: stupid) or afraid. Technically we are visiting and trespassing in the lions home... now I'd understand if the lion came up to your door and attacked you then you could hate it... but to hate something that is only doing what GOD created it to do is stupid. The lions are a danger, but so are cars for roadies. Trust me as a bike commuter, I'd much rather deal with the outside chance of a lion, over some jack-off on a cell phone running me off the road because they were jotting a note or fixing make-up... the stupidity of your ranting has got to be addressed. Lions do serve a purpose in the wilderness (believe it or not) otherwise the creator has made a mistake... so you know better then GOD what belongs in the woods? Please stop your simple minded rants on the conservative "Bush like" view of the environment as being something "made" for people... we are part of the ecosystem, not the reason it exists. I'd bet you also believe that global warming is not happening? In the face of science, some people think we can just keep burning oil, and destroying the environment, and everything will be ok. Oh yes the planet will be fine, but it may not support human life for a whole lot longer if we don't stop with the self centered view that the earth was made for man. EVERYTHING HAS A PURPOSE OR GOD WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IT HERE! thanks for playing...
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: as far as we can go Elevation change: attitudes have to change
      Mtnbikerman a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Giant MCM Team from Long Beach


    • Trail UpdateLion Hater:-
      Your suggestions make about as much sense as you do. "... exterminate all the lions..." That's a real plan. We should use you as live bait. Oh wait, Lions don't eat junk food.

      Another Lion lover


    • Trail UpdateMt Lion Hater...-The girl was attacked at Caspers Park , not ONeil Park. Statistically speaking, more people have died from poisonous plants so should we remove those too?


    • Trail UpdateDept Of Fish And Game Says:-Encounters with cougars are rare and the risk of injury or death from an attack is infinitely small. In fact, your chances of being attacked or killed by a domestic dog are much, much greater. DFG statistics show that, in the last 20 years, hunting accidents killed more than 85 Californians and injured 700. In the last 100 years, only 13 fatal cougar attacks occurred on the entire North American continent. In that time, more than 15,000 people were killed by lightning; 4,000 by bees; 10,000 by deer; 1,300 by rattlesnakes. Yosemite National Park has cougars plus 3 million visitors a year. There has never been an attack in the park’s history. More visitors have died from rockslides. On the list of daily "dangers" faced by Californians, cougars are but a footnote.


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion Hater-Hater. There are two animals that stalk and kill humans - not one. The second are people like you carrying 30-06 ammo into the wilderness and looking for an excuse to use it. Sounds to me like you're a bit scared of the woods - perhaps the Santa Ana River Trail is a bit more to your liking. Close to home too.


    • Trail UpdateHATER-Weekend Warrior - says it all.

      Hey Hater - time to eliminate cars from the roads, guns from the homes, lightning, raging rivers, earthquakes, sharks, rattlesnakes, etc..
      Mountain Lion Lover a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateStop Mountain Lion Hater...-Your making way too much sense. You should know that never works.


    • Trail UpdateMountian Lions Should Be Hunted-The replies to my message yesterday are just about what I expected. What is it gonna take for you lion lovers to realize that they serve no good purpose? Are you people aware that a young girl had her skull crushed by a mountian lion in O'Neill Park? Now the girl is a vegetable. Is that why O'Neill Park was built? Are we living in Africa? I like animals, but the fact is that there is only 1 animal that stalks and kills humans in the Cleveland National Forest, and it needs to be eliminated. Even for the extreme animal lovers, this isn't even an animal that can be viewed. It stalks us, and we never see it until it's too late.

      To the loser who wished it was me that the lion had gotten, you're a twisted sister aren't you. Why don't you go destroy some Hummers at a dealership or build a fence around Glamis or some other constructive thing that you freaks do.

      As far as the donations go, I'm willing to donate about 1000 30-06 rounds in the Cleveland National Forest when this State decides that no more little girls need to get eaten during a family camping trip.


    • Trail UpdateHello.....-the homepage has a link to donate... just click on the link and the info. and option to donate is right there.


    • Trail UpdateTrailangels.com-Instead of arguing with each other over this trail map update why don't you visit this website and click on the "click here" below the picture. As mtn. bikers we should come together to help this survivor, what's done is done. It's no one's fault it just happened and it could have been any one of us. We risk it every day just like she did. And for those with suggestions on how to deal with mtn. lions thank you, I will take your suggestions to my bike rides, definitely!! Via con Dios & happy trails to you...


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lion Hater-Dude, get a grip. You didn't know about Mt. Lions in OC? Do you live in a pothole in the middle of town? There won't be much left in the world, animal or plants, if you destroy everything that kills people!! An that would make your walks in Trabuco Creek rather dried up!!!


    • Trail UpdateThanks... I'll gladly stand corrected if I am in error.


    • Trail UpdateThanks,FRR-Really well written post.Covers it all in a nutshell.The only problem is that I've read from numerous sources that the mountain lion population is on the rise in all of CA and the southwest.I'll try and locate where I read that the Santa Ana mountains have seen a marked increase in mountain lions.Maybe we have conflicting studies, although I would tend to believe the later to be true with the number of sightings and the recent events.Once again thank you for some very good information.
      Pain Freak from The 909


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lion Hater-Why don't you move to the city and stay there? You obviously have no respect for nature which I think I can safely say for most of us is the best part of off road riding. Your attitude suggests to me that you are a FAR greater risk to the trails than any Mt. Lion. Please buy yourself a road bike and stick to your element.
      WOODWARRIOR a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2 WHEELER from THE VALLEY


    • Trail UpdateMt. Lion Hater-Why don't you move to the city and stay there? You obviously have no respect for nature which I think I can safely say for most of us is the best part of off road riding. Your attitude suggests to me that you are a FAR greater risk to the trails than any Mt. Lion. Please buy yourself a road bike and stick to your element.
      WOODWARRIOR a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2 WHEELER from THE VALLEY


    • Trail UpdateTypical Orange County-You my friend are the worthless life. If only the lion could have got to you. Then the world would be a better place. YOU are not my people.


    • Trail UpdateTerminate The Mountain Lions-Animals that kill people should be terminated. Those mountain trails in the Cleveland National Forest are there for us to enjoy. Now many people will not enjoy them because of an animal that we have the power to get rid of. To me, this is a no brainer! Mountain Lions do nothing good for us. Instead they hide in the bushes and stalk us, and attack us when we least expect it. Since we cannot even carry a gun to protect ourselves, like you can in many other states, we need to send professional hunters in there to exterminate these killers. If I sound angry, it's because I am. 6 months ago I hiked for 2 hours alone along the Trabuco Creek Trail. I had no idea that these things were even in the forest. I'm pissed off that the State of California, with it's wacko gun laws and crazy environmentalists, values a worthless lion's life more than it's own people.
      MOUNTAIN LION HATER a Weekend Warrior from Huntington Beach


    • Trail UpdateSomewhere on Cactus Run.


    • Trail UpdateLocation Info-What part of the trail did the attacks occur. I can't find the info
      Gary a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail Update
      Ratraider, You made some interesting points in your post and I do not disagree with all of them. Thank you in any case!

      Wildlife management is a daunting task. It is like a puzzle that has no end and each piece may unknowingly be more important than first realized! Historically, we haven't always made the best choices.

      Public policy on the other hand, can be the result of a "quick fix" and thus may not achieve it's desired and well-intentioned goal. On a rare occasion, good wildlife management becomes public policy. But, mostly, it is a compromise.

      We need to look at what the purpose of a wilderness park is. Is it so we can save a place for wildlife to live in or is it a place for us to ride our bikes on a dirt trail? These are not always the most compatible uses of wilderness areas and with our local wildeness parks, we attempt to combine recreation with with wildlife sanctuaries. This competition creates the problem we are experiencing. The smaller the wilderness area, the greater the competition for it's use. People vs Wildlife and People vs People!

      Mountain lion attacks are a rare occurrance, but they have terrifying and sometimes deadly, consequences. They are powerful predators that instill fear. More people die of bee stings each year than we have had mountain lion attacks in the past 100 years yet, we do not fear bees.

      Public hunting is not the way to go. It does not instill fear in all members of a species unless all have been shot. If that was the case, no animal would attempt to cross a paved road because it would instinctively know that we will run over it with our cars. Public hunting has other safety issues as well that may not be compatible with large tracks of housing built next to wilderness areas.

      Selective "professional" hunting can help as part of wildlife management, but it too has to consider many factors such population numbers, availability of prey, health of the animal, age, gender, aggresion, birth rates, proximity to urban areas and land use. Proper planning is essential.

      Though population numbers vary from year to year, I understand that the number of lions in the Santa Ana Mountains have been in a slow decline. That decline has been offset by the vast development in Orange County. Whiting Ranch borders both the Cleveland National Forest and major housing developments.

      These border areas will always be the hotbed with competing interests of how to use land. Wild animals will seek food from available sources. Our local parks were not designed with the best habitat in mind, development has disected open spaces into small plots surrounded by homes. That makes a great view for the homeowner, but not good living conditions for many animals.

      On the same day that the lion that had attacked the riders was destroyed, a second lion was killed by a car a couple of miles away from the first cat.

      I love to ride my bike in the wilderness and Whiting Ranch is one of my favorite places to explore. I enjoy the conquest of the trail, but also have a deep respect for the habitat I am visiting. I enjoy being in the wilderness and, as a former ranger/naturalist/interpreter, teaching others the about the beauty and dangers within every wilderness park and forest.

      Safety does come in numbers so lets ride with a friend or two. Be aware of your surroundings and follow the safety suggestions that have been posted previously on this messge board.

      I look forward to the park re-opening, but also know that I will look at it more cautiously.

      Thanks again.



      take your converstion to the message boards.
      Gee a Racer riding a GT special from Highland


    • Trail UpdateWrong Information-Rat Raider, I don't mean to attack you but most of your information is wrong. I am doing studies on Lions in the Santa Monica Mountains and Cougars are very afraid of people. In fact they are more afraid now then they have ever been. There are exceptions to the rule and especially with young male cats as in this case there is the curiosity to play and experiment with different kinds of prey. If you question this just look at the actions of a house cat. It does the same exact thing. More neighborhood pets are killed by Coyotes then cougars. It is estimated that about 1 out of every 2500 attacks on pets are by a cougar in southern california. Some of that is based on the fact that for the most part Pets are to small to be a concern of the Cougar. They like bigger game like Deeran Coyotes. But the rare attack on pets is much more because of the FEAR of man. How many times have you seen a cougar in the local mountains? Most have never seen them. In fact other then tracking them, I have only seen 2. And I would say that I spend about half my life in the outdoors. Cougars are the most rare sightings in the local mountains and it is estimated that over 75% of reported sightings end up being Bob Cats or Coyotes. People have the potential to be food to other animals. The animal should not be killed because of this. Attacks are rare, even with these two recent attacks. You stand a better chance of being killed by a Bee or Tick Bite then a Cougar attack in the outdoors. You are going into what little is left of their territory. If you don't like that then you can go get a road bike. The chances of you getting killed by a car are much greater then ever seeing a cougar. I'll take my chances with the cats anytime.


    • Trail UpdateFRR, the big cats were hunted by special permit into the 80's, at which time a bill was passed by the anti hunting crowd under the auspices of wildlife preservation. It was a shame that the actors and public officials that supported the ban didn't have a clue as to the true meaning of wildlife management. Under the provisions of the ban, only "professional hunters" were allowed to thin out the cougar population and the state had to pay them. This so called attemp at managing the cougar population was futile at best and the state discontinued the program due to the cost, shortly after it was begun. We now have cats that have no fear of man, that have overpopulated their habitat and now hunt freely in our foothill neighborhoods, feeding on domestic cats and dogs and sometimes people as well.

      Just a footnote: when the cougar was still considered a game animal the percentage of tags alloted each year that were actually filled was about 15% to 25%, this in no way endangered the species survival, however, it did help to weed out the older cats allowing for the younger healthier ones to thrive. The hunting also enstilled a healthy fear of man and attacks were almost nonexistant.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ratraider a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT from Altadena


    • Trail UpdateFRR, the big cats were hunted by special permit into the 80's, at which time a bill was passed by the anti hunting crowd under the auspices of wildlife preservation. It was a shame that the actors and public officials that supported the ban didn't have a clue as to the true meaning of wildlife management. Under the provisions of the ban, only "professional hunters" were allowed to thin out the cougar population and the state had to pay them. This so called attemp at managing the cougar population was futile at best and the state discontinued the program due to the cost, shortly after it was begun. We now have cats that have no fear of man, that have overpopulated their habitat and now hunt freely in our foothill neighborhoods, feeding on domestic cats and dogs and sometimes people as well.

      Just a footnote: when the cougar was still considered a game animal the percentage of tags alloted each year that were actually filled was about 15% to 25%, this in no way endangered the species survival, however, it did help to weed out the older cats allowing for the younger healthier ones to thrive. The hunting also enstilled a healthy fear of man and attacks were almost nonexistant.
      Ratraider a 45 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT from Altadena


    • Trail UpdateSimple: They see other animal's - a woman or a man, to a lion, is an animal - enchroachments as competition; meaning, the lion thinks they might be trying to steal their food source. Probably what this lion was thinking...instinctively, of course. That said, the lion was just "protecting" his food cache...a standard survival tactic in the wild. You need to watch National Geographic Explorer and Animal Planet more often. ;-)
      Jeff Jarvis III


    • Trail UpdateAny Mtn Lion/wild Cat Experts?-What seems unusual in this attack is that the cat attacked and killed, and then attacked again in a very short span of time. I may not have the correct information, but the news media was saying that both attacks took place on the same day. Mtn lions hunt for food. And after the first kill (of that poor gentleman), he would have no reason to hunt again for food. So why did he attack again? He had no rabis. Can any animal expert shed light on this? I am just trying to understand the behavior of mtn lion, so the future attacks can be possibly minimized.


    • Trail UpdateWHITING RANCH-Come to think of it, I would never expect a diver or kayaker, much less a sensible one, to be on a mountain bike trail in the first place.
      Jeff Jarvis III


    • Trail UpdateQuestionable Lesson-"....No sensible climber, hiker, diver, kayaker etc. would have
      ignored the extremely unusual sitiation of a $2000
      abandoned bike....."

      What would a sensible hiker, diver, kayaker do in that
      situation then? You sound like a monday morning
      quarterback to me guy.
      joseph montana


    • Trail UpdateImportant Lessons-This unusual mountain lion attack should teach all trail riders some very valuable lessons. Mountain biking is only one of many outdoor activities I enjoy. I have spent countless days in remote wilderness and have NEVER seen a mountain lion (only many tracks)in these areas. My only two sightings have been in the hills of Riverside,CA and the Santa Ana River Trail in the SB mointains. Riders in So Cal need to accept this fact. They also need to pay attention to each other and the situation at hand. My understanding of this event is that two male riders had stopped to investigate an unattended bike on the trail. Soon after, two women came by and they told the women of the unattended bike. The women evidently acknowledged the guys and rode off. The mountain lion attacked one of these women just down the trail.

      Riders must remember they are still in the wilderness, even if it is a "park" on the edge of town. No sensible climber, hiker, diver, kayaker etc. would have ignored the extremely unusual sitiation of a $2000 abandoned bike. We all need to pay attention to what is around us. I applaud the two male riders for doing the right thing and putting themselves in a sitaution to help others.

      Don't let your familiarity with a ride replace caution, safety gear and preparation for the unexpected.
      DGD from Riverside


    • Trail UpdateImportant Lessons-This unusual mountain lion attack should teach all trail riders some very valuable lessons. Mountain biking is only one of many outdoor activities I enjoy. I have spent countless days in remote wilderness and have NEVER seen a mountain lion (only many tracks)in these areas. My only two sightings have been in the hills of Riverside,CA and the Santa Ana River Trail in the SB mointains. Riders in So Cal need to accept this fact. They also need to pay attention to each other and the situation at hand. My understanding of this event is that two male riders had stopped to investigate an unattended bike on the trail. Soon after, two women came by and they told the women of the unattended bike. The women evidently acknowledged the guys and rode off. The mountain lion attacked one of these women just down the trail.

      Riders must remember they are still in the wilderness, even if it is a "park" on the edge of town. No sensible climber, hiker, diver, kayaker etc. would have ignored the extremely unusual sitiation of a $2000 abandoned bike. We all need to pay attention to what is around us. I applaud the two male riders for doing the right thing and putting themselves in a sitaution to help others.

      Don't let your familiarity with a ride replace caution, safety gear and preparation for the unexpected.
      DGD from Riverside


    • Trail UpdatePopulation.-You are right, the cat population is at an all time high. Guess what so is the human population. And there are a lot more humans then cats. This is bound to happen on ocassion. FRR knows what he is talking about. Thank you for your well thought out and very educated post. I agree that something was probably wrong with the cat or that the cat was young and was experimenting with it's available prey. The fact that it was not afraid of humans is strange. I have worked with lions in the Santa Monica mountains. Currently there are 3 being tracked. They are so afraid of humans that an attack is unlikely. But not impossible. The cat was a victim here as were the people. The cats population is finally rebounding after nearly a century of uncontrolled hunting. I for one am happy that the cats are on the rebound. I too am sorry that the people were attacked and understand that the lion had to be killed. But that does not make it right. If that were true, everyone that has had a bite of steak or chicken should not be walking today.


    • Trail UpdateYou're Both Right..-Housing development and more people have decreased the available wildlife habitat and the mountain lion population has increased.

      The cat population in the Cleveland National Forest is approximately 15-20 mountain lions. 4000-6000 in California. A female cat will have a pair of cubs about every two years. Several cats are killed every year to road, etc.. The cat habitat used to go all the way to the ocean!

      The cat in question was a young 1-2 year old, small male weighing 110 pounds. He was probably attempting to establish a territory which would 100 -200 square miles. They can travel great distances in the course of a single day. They do not live in in Whiting Ranch 100% of the time.

      This cat was apparently acting abnormal... He did not want to leave the area even with police cars, fire trucks and helocopters making plenty of noise and activity. The usual behavior is to hide and flee! The cat was killed by a Fish and Game Warden later that same day. While currently unknown, the department of Fish and Game will is assessing the health of the cat prior to the attacks.

      Cats can become more agressive for a variety of reasons such as being sick and/or it's hunting skills are not sufficient to kill it's regular prey, deer. Lions do ambush their prey as described in an earlier posting. A lion that attacks people is prone to attack again.

      The cats stopped being "game Mammals" in 1969 and
      legally cannot be hunted for sport. They can be killed to protect oneself or livestock.

      There are dangers in wilderness parks that we as park users have to understand. That includes wild animals, poisonous plants, trail conditions and our own riding ability. Be aware of your surroundings. Read any posted warnings of cougar sightings and follow the advice posted earlier on this message board if you encounter a mountain lion.

      I like Ranger Tom's idea of eye decals on the back of my helmet... I'll give it a try. A cat that think it is being watched is less likely to attack.

      Quick thinking and bravery saved the woman's life. Her friend and the other riders that joined her are heroes!!

      Our safety as riders in wilderness parks is dependant on our skill, knowlege and awareness.


      FRR a Cross-Country Rider riding a GT URL: Living with Mountain Lions


    • Trail UpdatePlease ...-Get your facts straight.The mountain lions population is at an all time high!That's what is causing a problem, not the loss of habitat.
      sl from


    • Trail UpdateThe Other Victim-I feel for the woman and the man that were attacked by the lion. But the lion was only doing what we do every day. Trying to eat. In no way am I trying to make light of this situation. I do feel very bad for the people. But I also feel for the lion. Probably even more so. He had very little land left on which to live. Much of his natural prey has been destroyed because we have taken over so much land. When we are all that is left to eat, this is what happens. I ride 3 to 4 times a week. Many times at night, and often by myself. I understand the inherant risks that I take, one of which is the very small posibility that I may be eaten by a mountain lion. If by chance I ever do, I hope that they do not hunt down and kill the lion that did this. I understand that the lion is just trying to survive in a terrible situation that man has put him in. Kudo's to the lady who saved her friend. You are wonderful. And I too wish the injured rider a speedy recovery and hope that she is riding again soon. Also my prayers are with the rider who died. But do not hate the lion for trying to do what we do everyday, and that is eat.


    • Trail Updatesar


    • Trail UpdateDealing With Mtn Lion-Mtn lion attacks are rare. But when they do attack, it is likely that you would not have seen him until he has made his first strike, probably from behind. He will try to knock you off of your bike or your feet, and will immediately go for your throat or mouth area. Once he latches on to your throat or mouth area, he will not let go until you pass out from being out of air. Some good suggestions were made in prior postings about deterring attack. Only thing I would add is what a hiker once told me. If you are suddenly knocked down from behind, immediately protect your neck area by locking your hands behind your neck and wrapping your elbows around your neck and mouth area. And only once you get your bearing from the first blow and can see the lion, you may let go of your hands in order to fight him off.
      Wishing you all safe rides.


    • Trail UpdateMtn Lion Story Update-Check out www.cyclenews.com, they have some information about Mark Reynolds, the guy who was killed. He worked in the motorcycle industry. Sounds like a great guy.


    • Trail UpdateBravery & Courage...-My thoughts & prayers to the man they found dead, unfortunately I do not know his name yet. Also the woman who saved her friend, God bless that woman. That is the epitome of a brave soul and a courageous one at that. Surely she made the difference between that womans life and death situation. Everyone can follow those guys examples of getting involved, they made the difference too. Without all of those peoples help her fate sure would have been different. You all are an inspiration to mountain bikers everywhere. One last note if anyone else has information regarding how to deal with mtn. lions I sure would like more info. on that. Please post it!!
      a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateKudos to the mountain bikers who took appropriate action to thwart the mountain lion's attack on the female mountain biker. I pray for her to make a speedy recovery and back to mountain biking. My prayers go out to the family of the other mountain biker they discoverd dead. This unfortunate soul who had nobody with him in his time of need. Very sad when you think about it. Hard life lessons to realize from this episode. Thank goodness they killed this predator. To the mountain bikers who helped: You are heroes. I hope I bump into you guys on the trail to shake your hands in person. God bless you.
      abmtnbkr a Cross-Country Rider riding a nrs 3 from Orange


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Tragedy-FYI, too soon to say if it would have helped the victims or not, but in parts of India the locals go around with masks with large eyes on the "backs" of their heads.

      The Tigers (like our Mt Lions)hunt from ambush If they see the eyes they are apt to find a different victim without a mask. It has resulted in less deaths per year.

      Maybe fake eyes on the backs of your helmets? Decals?
      I figure it could not hurt.

      The other info is also very good.
      RangerTom a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateThings To Remember!-
      1. Mountain Lions live in this area and frequent Whiting Ranch year round.
      2. Riding without a partner is not a good idea.
      3. Riding after dark is not allowed in any county operated wilderness park.
      4. If you encounter a Mountain Lion make yourself as big and loud as you can. If it is aggresive use rocks, sticks or even your bike to use as protection and scare it away.
      5. Do not turn your back on the animal or run. It will attack!
      6. Call the park office and report all sightings of Mountain Lions.


    • Trail UpdateMountain Lion Attack-
      Today a Mountain Lion attacked and killed a 20-30 year old man riding alone in the park. His identity is unknown.

      The cat also attacked a woman (who was riding with others) who saw the bike and began looking for the bike's owner. She was was saved because her friends fought off the cat. She is in the hospital with serious, but not life endangering, injuries.

      The cat has been found and killed by authorities. Whiting Ranch is Mountain Lion country!!! Please be aware of your surroundings at all times and ALWAYS RIDE WITH A BUDDY!!


    • Trail UpdateLion Attack-Myself and some friends were on a nite ride starting around 5pm. Nothing much happening at this point. we saw a group of 4 girls hiking out, but nothing major.Then we hit the top of mustard! There must have been 10+ police,fire,animal control cars at 4 corners.
      I was the first to the top of mustard and did a U-turn thinking "all these people to stop nite riding." very strange, we hauled tail out of there backwards.
      There were at least 6 helicopters buzzing by the time got out of the single track.

      What a horrible night for all involved.
      My thoughts are with the injured.


    • Trail UpdateMTN BIKER KILLED BY MTN LION-MTN BIKER KILLED IN FOOTHILL RANCH.Other Mtn Biker was attacked. 150 LB Mtn Lion Attacked Mtn Bikers. Man Found apparently was there for weeks... Mtn Lion has not been found yet....
      a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT ZASKAR LE


    • Trail UpdateNice Ride-with a little encouragement from RDC, i got off my ass and
      decided to go for a ride(it has been about a month and a half
      since my last ride). Knowing that I hadn't rode in a while, i
      was kinda dredding Mustard Road, and then the Modjeska
      Grade climb portion to Santiago Truck Trail, and then the
      "steepest" section on Santiago while heading to The Luge.

      We got to the parking lot next to Arby's around 12 noon and
      headed out. Perfect day for a ride, sunny, not too hot, not too
      cold, but a brisk wind did make it a tad cold if you stood too
      long in the shade. Anyhow, the trails were in great shape,
      nothing too muddy, just the usual water crossings with
      maybe a bit of mud surrounding them. The more protected/
      shaded area of Mustard was pretty tacky and pretty slick in
      some areas, i found myself spinning my rear wheel slighting
      while climbing. I was surprised that I made it up Mustard
      without having to stop, same with Modjeska and the Santiago
      Truck Trail. Portions of the STT had some frost patches in the
      shaded area, along with some frozen mud puddles, this held
      true for the Luge as well. Luge was in great shape, not
      muddy at all, pretty tacky overall, a few slick mud spots
      towards the top, but, nothing major. I did see a couple deer
      just off the side of the trail on STT on the downhill part before
      the Luge, that was cool. We continued our way up the steep
      little section after the Luge and made our way out to the
      highway, hauled ass down the road and carefully cruised by
      Cooks Corner, (there were easily over 100 motorcycles
      posted up) and made our way back into Whiting. It was nice
      to have that studder-bump downhill section to be packed
      down finally, when it is powdery, it gets kinda scary if you
      carry too much speed. Cruised our way through the "sleepy
      hollow" area and back out to Portola, two a-holes tried to fly
      by us on our way out, that last right hand sweeping turn
      before making the left and ending up on Portola, it was great,
      the first guy almost ate sh!t, he swung way wide into a sludgy/
      muddy section and i sped up just to piss him off because he
      didn't "alert" us that they would be "on our left" or passing us.

      Overall, it was a great ride, my butt hurts and my legs are a
      tad sore. Arby's after the ride was a great call!
      Ride distance: around 14 miles Elevation change:
      BDEE a Weekend Warrior riding a JamisDAKAR from Long beach


    • Trail UpdateSmooth...-Just rode here on 12/18. Mustard now either smoothed or filled in- either way the huge rut is gone now. Cactus in good condition as well and my hubby went flying down balls out. Saw at least a dozen deer scattered throughout the ride as well:) No fly problems.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Masher Mama a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Turner 02 from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateFace Flys-They're baaa-aaack... Just before four corners, the face flies attacked. I almost swallowed one. Right now they are heavy only at four corners.

      The trail conditions are OK. Could always use some rain. Trails are fairly loose but still very ridable.
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      SpecialEd a 39 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Dezilaiceps FSR XC from The Ranch of Foothill


    • Trail UpdateSurf's Up-Rode the Whiting Trail on Sunday, surface is kind of loose but nevertheless fun. Lots of hikers as usual. There will be some maintenance done on the trail during the week, so read the signs before you ride.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 5.8 miles Elevation change:
      Swiftracer a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a K2 Launch 4.0 from Anaheim


    • Trail UpdateOrange County Trails-It just added one more (OPP).
      The Professor


    • Trail UpdateSki Suit-Anybody see that idiot riding at whiting with the blue full down ski suit on during the 90 degree heat on sunday?

      truly bizzare. orange county has a lot of idiots


    • Trail UpdateTechnical & Beautiful-From the Foothill Shopping Center to the top of Mustard Hill is a fun but technical ride. That hill is a killer! The ride down the other side makes it all worth it. I'd call this ride an intermediate level. Its in great shape with a few water crossings and plenty of baby's heads to keep you on your toes. Very crowded though. Must have seen 20 people in just 1 hour.
      Easyrider a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized StumpJumper FSR Comp from Tustin, CA


    • Trail UpdateTrailblazer-I rode Whiting this weekend and it was great!

      I have one request for some of the other regulars...Please spread the word...

      There is only _one_ trail in Whiting Ranch that is one-way. It starts at the Foothill Shopping Center and ends well before Four Corners (the water tower).

      It seems there is some confusion about this and people are assuming they have right of way in other parts of the park. I even had someone yell at me the other day for going the wrong way!!! Riders need to remember they are on a multiuse trail with hikers, bikers and horses. Please, please spread the word before someone gets hurt and the rangers start hassling us all!


      a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateSnakes Are Out....-rode whiting yesterday, did two "laps"...my first lap
      i did the usual, borrego, upper cattle pond,
      mustard to 4-corners but i didnt do cactus, i dunno
      why i didnt do it...so then, i looked at my odometer
      and it said only like 6 miles or so, so, i decided to
      do another lap, this time i did the same route but
      hit cactus this time, its not too rutted at all, (kudos
      to the trail matainence crew!!!), the borrego trail
      (first part of trail) is awesome now, almost a dozen
      little creek crossings, and tons of those little
      "baby-head' rocks, its way more technical and fun
      now, before it was pretty bland, but now its cool.

      I saw 4 snakes and one deer, i had to stop once
      on Upper Cattle Pond and tossed a couple small
      twigs near the snake to make it move off the trail,
      the other ones, i was haulin ass (on the downhills)
      and had to bunny hop over them, they werent
      rattlers, they were the gopher snakes ( i think), but
      still they startled me.

      Was a great day for a ride, saw a handfull of hikers
      and other mt. bikers. Amazing to see how much
      the bottom half of the trail has been eroded away,
      nearly a 4 foot ledge lies to the left of the trail
      before heading in to the "sleep hollow" area.
      Ride distance: 13 miles Elevation change: dunno
      bDEE a Weekend Warrior riding a jamisDAKAR from long beach


    • Trail UpdateDreaded Hill-I am for leaving the rain "enhancements" -- these trails are now mountain bike trails! But watch for snakes. Tuesday around noon, I came across a green 4 foot rattler down in the Borrego trail area and stopped out of harms way. Yesterday, on the way down Dreaded, I saw what I thought was a reddish stick in the trail and found it was a good sized rattler (never seen a red rattler). As it was not pleased to be used for traction, it took a shot at me and got the rear wheel -- I didn't stop to see what happen to it. At a safe distance, I stopped and let my heart slow down -- that was close!

      I guess there is a trail maintenance day soon, hopefully there will be a good turnout as
      Cactus needs a lot of work....
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 8 Elevation change: 900
      Dave a 39 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized M2 from Dana Point


    • Trail UpdateCow Trail-First time I've posted this trail!

      I came here after work to pre-ride Dreaded Hill with Jesse who will be competing in the SHARE event this Saturday. I have not been to this hill since I was a begginer in 93ish. Now I know why. It's a lot of work! Anyway, after we got lost from the Glen Ranch enterance(went right insted of left at the fork) we finally realized we were going North on the Cow Trail. We turned back and road down to the fork. The Cow trail is much more challanging with the rain enhancements. Then we did the hill as planned. Once at the top, we wanted to do the Cactus to the Cow. CACTUS CLOSED!! I could only wonder what rain enhancements this trail had experienced, so we went over the top(forgot the name of this trail) and back to the Cow. What fun the second time!! This trail, in this condition requires much more active riding than normal, and I loved it.

      I am going to come back soon to ride B-4 the rain enhancements are smoothed out.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change: 900
      Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=30%
      Eric a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Diamondback Hardtail from Laguna Niguel


    • Trail UpdateNope-It was wide open - The Cactus and Sage signs were up, but that was it.


    • Trail UpdateHmmm.....-I went ot ride this trail on Saturday afternoon.....there were signs posted everywhere that the park was closed. Cactus and Sage Brush were definately closed due to severe rain damage. Where there closed signs at the entrance to the park? I tried to enter through the back side near Madjeska Canyon.
      mtnbikej a 30 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a SC Bullit/SC Chameleon from Tustin


    • Trail UpdateTale Of Two Trails-I did the standard loop yesterday afternoon.
      Borrego is a whole new trail after the rain - lots of exposed rocks, water in all the crossings and a fair amount of erosion ledges. A much more challenging ride than before, which is good.
      Mustard has held up fairly well. It's rutted, but has a nice run-off channel that has contained most of the damage.
      The other side of Four Corners is surprisingly good.
      Whiting road is rutted, Cow trail and Live Oak are pretty much the same as always. Good fun.
      The weather is beautiful right now - KIR.



    • Trail UpdateA Little Muddy-Rode out about 9:00 am on a beautiful sunny Friday. Things are still a little wet out there as normally dry areas have some water flowing through, turning them into stream crossings and mud puddles. Mustard Road had a lot of deep ruts, but the rangers were out there in large trucks filling them in. Thanks! When I got to Four Corners, I found Sage Scrub Trail and Cactus Trail were closed so I had to continue down Whiting back to Portola Pkwy. The ground was fast and tacky and I enjoyed every minute of it. Stay safe out there and don't forget to thank your park ranger for keeping the trail in great shape.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 7 miles Elevation change: dunno
      Terraphilia a 27 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT I-Drive


    • Trail UpdateA Pleasant Ride....-Russ,
      Are you talking about the first "fork" in the trail you
      come to after the "no turning back" spot? If so, that
      left turn you are talking about is "Cattle Pond". It is
      a short, somewhat steep climb that wraps back
      around up and to the right, then snakes down to a
      very studder bump filled descent which meets
      back up at the "base of Mustard Road", (there is a
      picnic table there too for landmark reference).

      Anyways, my friend recently bought a mt. bike and
      wanted to "get his feet wet". He had never been on
      a ride before, and wanted me to take him for a ride.
      I thought, hmmm, where should we go, anyways
      we ended up here at Whiting. I was surprised to
      see how nice this place has held up. The first
      creek crossing was at its fullest point that i've ever
      seen it, and I was pleasantly surprised to see
      other small "creek" crossings as well, usually they
      have been laying dormant for almost the past year.
      Mustard was nice and solid, the last time I was
      there it was quite moist in many areas, it was nice
      to see how good the dirt settled. Due to this being
      my friends first ride, he did the ol' hike-a-bike up
      just about all the way up Mustard. I did not go my
      usual route of hitting Cactus after 4-Corners, we
      just went right on by the Cactus entrance and
      proceeded up and down the trail. We only got 6.5
      miles out of the ride, which was plenty for him, but,
      I was ready for more!!! Needless to say, he had a
      blast and is already asking me where we are
      gonna ride next. We came across "ART" the trail
      volunteer and he was very friendly, offering my
      friend pointers and assistance when he needed it.
      All in all, it was a beautiful morning and an
      excellent ride!!!!

      Ride distance: 6.5 miles Elevation change: dunno
      bDEE a Weekend Warrior riding a jamisDAKAR from long beach


    • Trail UpdateLeft At Albuquerque?-A left turn takes you up to Vista Lookout, with a great view of Bolero Peak, the Santa Anas, and (unfortunately) the newish tract of homes across Santiago Canyon Rd. From there the fireroad drops a few hundred feet into Posion Oak Canyon, then climbs back up the next ridge. The fireroad ends at a locked gate - the land beyond is private property and closed to riding.

      It's all fireroad climb and descent, but it's a decent workout with some great views from the top of Vista.

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 2 miles Elevation change: +/- 400 ft.
      Truck Trail=100%
      DeRanger a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Rocky Mountain Blizzard from OC


    • Trail UpdateConditions Good-Rode Whiting today. Conditions were excellent. I usually ride El Morro and Aliso Woods. Whiting was a bit of a ride (20 miles from Laguna Beach) but I enjoy the shady trails and slower pace. The best part of the ride though was the ride home. AAAALLLLL down hill (almost).

      At the foot of Mustard Road you can either turn left or right. I turned right, as usual. Can anyone tell me where the left turn leads? Does it connect with the top of Mustard at Whiting Road?
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 6.5 Elevation change: ?
      Russ a 40 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Is A Mudpit.. But Hey...-Monday the 11th... Whiting opened at noon. As expected.. SUPER muddy.. but hey.. if it's all you time for...
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 6? Elevation change:
      EWxlt a 26 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a a big one from Costa Mesa, CA


    • Trail UpdateThe Usual-Typical Whiting is always a good loop to hit if you can beat the sunset at this time of year. Most people don't seem to make it and the trail isn't very busy at 4:30.

      Mustard hill is very smooth with some loose patches, but I look forward to a good rain to shake things up and make it more challenging again. It should be intersting to see how the trails do in a heavy rain after the big dry spell. Some ruts are ok. I'm ready!
      ST Treky a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Tracer from RSM, CA


    • Trail UpdateUpper Pond-My most frequented park got a new trail recently. Upper Pond. Starts behind the water tank and joins upper cactus. Quite techinical. I did it from Four Corners to Cactus direction. The only bit that I couldn't ride was the flight of stairs near the end. I rode them down as a consolation.
      G riding a Sugar 3+ from The Santa Ana foothills


    • Trail UpdateWhiting/SantiagoTT/Luge/Whiting-My good friend and I are back for our Friday after work rides. He has been out of town a lot lately and I spent most of the summer doing a lot of training rides,due to my newly acquired adiction to XC racing. Yesterday, we set up for a nice leisure ride in one of my favorite short local loops. The weather was awesome as we started our ride, around 4:30. As we were cruising along that section with all the oak trees, we spotted a family of deer, six all together, munching by the trail side. Continued our easy pace up Mustard, acroos Santiago Canyon Road and up SST. At this point, the scenery was beautiful, there is something special about that time of the day before sunset. Had a blast down the Luge, it had been a while since I had done it in my FS bike. The Luge is in fair condition, a bit loose and rutted in some areas, but not bad at all. As we were riding along Santiago Canyon Road back to Whiting, we saw a couple more deer by the side of the road. Got back into Whiting and took that steep and sandy single track and then, right at the beginning of the Borrego trail, we saw two more deer, this time a buck (full antlers and all)and his puppy. I had never seen so many deer in one ride before. I wonder if the lack of rain and vegetation is pushing them down into the Park.
      Anyway, overall a great ride. I know most of us always want to push it hard in the climbs and descents because the harder you ride the better it feels. But sometimes, you just need to go out for a mellow ride with your good friends, take it easy and enjoy the scenery. Nothing better to end a hard week at work.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 14 miles Elevation change: ?
      Pilas a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale Hardtail/ Schwinn Rocket from Irvine


    • Trail UpdateStuck Up-hit whiting last sat 9-14-02 a little warm oh well.
      cant figure out why the xc guys talk sh!t a friend and went riding as usual we take some light armor,these two chuckle heads say "freeriding is bullsh!t".where does that come from?i respect all forms of riding.i've shreded enough skin to wear pads,same as a helmet.anyhow ride for fun,exercise(for me escape from
      the cars and concrete)ride on
      bungle riding a squishy bullit


    • Trail UpdateJacka$$-Dude, that was Jacka$$ from MTV shooting for next season. They are filming all new episodes in orange county. Didnt you see all the cameras and crew? He must of took off from the crew to just mess around.
      Lagwagon a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2002 Specialized Enduro Pro from Aliso Viejo


    • Trail UpdateJacka$$-Dude, that was Jacka$$ from MTV shooting for next season. They are filming all new episodes in orange county. Didnt you see all the cameras and crew? He must of took off from the crew to just mess around.
      Lagwagon a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 2002 Specialized Enduro Pro from Aliso Viejo


    • Trail UpdateScary Conditions!-Hey stupid with the speedo shorts on, you are the reason people think bikers are queer. That was a far scarier sight than any technical downhill I've ever seen. you may think people are laughing with you, but they are laughing at you. You are not funny, don't be stupid. Oops! Too late. Let me guess, you are the guy who never got a whole lot of attention growing up.
      Kevin Mabalzitch a 3 year old Racer riding a Bike not from Supergo from Tibet


    • Trail UpdateThursday Nights @ Whiting-Join Team Basso for Thursday Nights at Whiting. Rides leave at 5:45 from the Outback Steakhouse parking lot off Portola.

      Riders of all skill levels welcome - be sure to bring a good sense of humor!

      The ride last night was great. Conditions at Whiting are a bit loose and dusty (of course, what did you expect?). There are some new bridges over a few creek crossings, apparently courtesy of a BSA troop. Place was fine without them, if you ask me, but whatever.
      Chris a 28 year old riding a DiSSco singlespeed from Aliso Viejo URL: http://www.teambasso.com


    • Trail UpdateFRACTURED FAIRYTALES-Don’t try this at home.
      Last week I found myself intimidated by a pack of Wed. 5:30 PM hard-core regulars. As the amber glow of the setting sun and the smell of sage along trail blended with the stench of sweaty riders with mildewed bike shorts, I pumped my way past everyone to become the first to the top (4 corners). What a show off!
      Down the fire road that crosses Santiago Canyon Rd, I lead the group to the gate that begins the gradual 3-mile ascent to The Luge cutoff (Vulture Crags).
      As the fire road makes the first curve to the left, there’s a jump on the right hand side. I remembered that jump and went for it. As I was air born, I discovered that the landing had completely eroded into the embankment and I was in for a major header. My friends describe the sound of the incident like the combination of a watermelon being dropped from the Empire State Building and the snap of a broomstick.

      Upon regaining consciousness, I looked up to a “football team huddle” of concerned faces and untangled my bloody limbs from the frame. I felt a sharp, electrical pain in my right wrist and saw that my hand was twisted away from the joint. “It’s E.R. time,” Tom said. “Dude, your wrist is screwed.” Paul moaned. “I’m going back for the car, don’t even think about moving from here.” Bill warned as they rode off, backtracking down Mustard (the wrong way) to Ralphs.

      Sitting there waiting, I became board and decided to un-hitch the brake (so the wobbling toco’d wheel could turn) and peddled (one armed) down Santiago Canyon Road, turned right on Portola (all the way looking for Paul’s car coming up to rescue me) and continued up to Ralphs. Once in the parking lot I noticed the car was gone.
      Dang! I missed them! Well this sucks! I was beginning to feel like that poor bast**d in the movie Deliverance! As it turned out, the crack rescue crew of schmendricks retraced their route looking for my dead carcass on the highway and finally found me lounging in the coffee shop next to Ralphs with a bag of ice on my wrist.
      The moral of the story? Look before you leap.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10 Elevation change: 1000 ft.
      Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=40% Truck Trail=10%
      Sesheff a 41 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Cannondale from Orange URL: The John Galt Store


    • Trail UpdateBoy Scout Bridge-So then...let's find some Girl Scouts and tear that sucker down!!!
      Tombiker a 43 year old


    • Trail UpdateThe Boy Scouts-To answer the question of who built the bridge, it was the local Boy Scout troop, with permission from the park Ranger.
      E-Man a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a '00 GT XCR LE from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateWho Ruined The Trail?-I know I'm overreacting, but someone built a little wooden bridge to cross what was once a fairly technical downhill-uphill right hander out in the back of Whiting. It was usually muddy right at the bottom, and always somewhat tricky to make it through- but not anymore, sheesh, a kid on a pink Huffy could do it now. I hadn't rode Whiting in a month, and see what happens??? The rest of it is still cool, tho.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 7 or 8 Elevation change: some
      Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=20% Truck Trail=20%
      Tombiker a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Jolly Green Giant


    • Trail UpdateNightspook-Thursday night the OC Sheriff cited and released # 6 individuals for being in the park after posted hours.


      a old year old Cross-Country Rider riding a old from OC


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Just an early morning loop and I a have to say the trail from four corners down and lower cactus is in the best shape I have seen in along time lotsa FUN.
      Karmataburn a 30 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Intense Uzzi slx from Trabuco canyon


    • Trail UpdateBig Beautiful Buck-Great ride through the Park this evening, few riders.
      Came across the biggest Buck I've seen in Whiting - 5 or 6 points, I think. Surprised him on the trail, just past the bridge on Live Oak singletrack. I got a good look at him. He stepped off the trail and went about his business - beautiful!

      I saw him once before, couple of weeks ago, with a family of Deer including 2 "spikies".
      MTB Fiend a 43 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ventana El Saltamontes from Portola Hills


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-I rode there for the first time ,boy what a nice ride ,the single track which we did down into a canyon was sweet , I don`t know the name ( I think it was the luge ,but I could be wrong )
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: miles 14.25 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=35% Paved Path=20%
      shocktower a 38 year old Downhiller riding a Santa Cruz Bullit


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-The trail was fun going down with the single even though it was quite bumby and was washed out with ruts and grooves. There was only a couple of water holes(they were pretty deep). The overall trail was mostly dry, considering it is summer that is obvious. Just don't wear really dark glasses because in the shadows those dips jump out and bite you. We were dropped off by the Wash. Mutural where we road behind the ralphs and onto the trail. Pretty good trail for my first time!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      MTBing Matt a 14 year old Weekend Warrior riding a cheap one, looking for better one from Dove Canyon


    • Trail UpdateJust Cant Go Fast Enough-Just went the other day, and out of most rides it really is not that bad, the hill, and you all know what im talking about is about the most challenging part of this ride. Once at the top, hitting the single track is always great and the best part of the ride, but before you just had to watch for those cactus, now the single tracks are full of new deep ruts, which sucks because now you can not go as fast as you use to, but ohh well just a new challenge to overcome. Weather as always was great.
      Ohh yea if you ride Fullerton Loop, read up on it, just so you know and have a heads up on the mess.
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: to short Elevation change: ?
      t man a 25 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a G.T. I Drive from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateGrading!-Did the typical loop, Mustard to Cactus, Saturday afternoon. Perfect weather and no crowds. I rode here two weeks ago and noticed that Cactus has been worked on extensively. No more studder bumps, new lines, and a lot of the ruts have been filled in. Quite a bit faster, but much less technical. Overall I still love this ride.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 5-6 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=60%
      DaveD a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT LTS from RSM


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-The perfect weather to ride any trail in. The slight breeze to cool you as you work on the hills and the clear view from up top was awsome. The trail is holding up very well (must be from a lot of use lately). I didnt notice any large groups blocking any of the trails except the normal crowd on top of the climb waiting for their slower friends. All riders in my small group of four were all very courtise to the few hikers that we came across and all but one elderly man had a plesent response. We even got off the trail to let faster riders pass (not one thanked us). All in all Whiting Ranch is a great, close place to get in a ride after work or a quickie fix any time you need to see, smell and taste the dirt. The trail is in good condition and the main climb is not getting any shorter (I guess I need to hit it a few more times a week to really make a difference). Keep on ridding and be kind to others.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 9 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=40% Dirt Road=90% Paved Path=10%
      ZULU a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Pro-flex from Trabuco Canyon


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Hey, Jim, sorry we got in your way. But ya know, I've never failed to see a hiker or MTBer at Whiting fail to step aside with a well executed, "Excuse me, please."
      One of the many groups a Die-hard Enthusiast from nearby


    • Trail UpdateA Ride In Hell (Whiting)-The trail was great! The experience was horrible! Gaggles of riders ("clubs") impolitely stopping and blocking the trails at crucial choke points. People pushing bikes uphill refusing to yield to riders trying to pick a line. Other riders blocking blind corners by laying their poser bikes down to repair poorly maintained drivetrains. Other riders who were totally lost, over their heads and without water. Beginners led astray by "riding buddies" who didn't bother to help them pick good lines or work on improving technique. C'mon people! We all need to share Whiting so watch your or your group's behavior so that we can all "just get along". The technical sections were cool, Cactus was as gnarly as ever, and the Mustard uphill still doles out puke attacks to those who need more uphill strength! Temperatures were near ideal with a light breeze.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 6.58 miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=50% Truck Trail=50%
      Jim a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a FSR Enduro from Huntington Beach


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Wednesdays-Man, the trail was busy. There were at least 3 big riding groups on Whiting last night. No wonder, with the park being in such great shape. It looks like someone has come along and filled in many of the ruts along the Borego, Mustard, Cactus loop. This has decreased the technical challenge a bit, but makes for some nice social riding or physio training opportunities. Lone riders may want to stay away on Wednesdays to avoid the crowd congestion. Lots of poison oak as well, especially on Live Oak.
      El Jefe a 31 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Sugar from Lake Forest


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Went out with the TeamBasso group this morning. Good bunch of friendly folks. Al planned a leg burner, which is very available at Whiting.
      There has been trail work in the park recently and no more having to climb over railroad ties for entry and exit. Gates are open or there's a ramp at the Portola entrance. The lesser used trails are getting very overgrown, even in the middle of the trail. Mustard Road up to Vista Lookout and to the Limestone Canyon gate have lots of cover. More riders would keep things in check. Great climbs for those who want strong legs.
      Poison oak is also abundant and becoming profuse in most parks this year. Thank the heavy rains. And just stay on the trail.
      Advanced rating reflects doing all the big climbs.
      Ride rating: Advanced
      Ride distance: 12 miles Elevation change: 2300
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=85%
      RangerJay a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Klein Adept Pro from RSM


    • Trail UpdateWest Mustard Trail-I decided to work on my hill climbing and headed west on Mustard towards(and past)the Vista Lookout. I took along an altimeter and later checked a topo map to correlate the elevation gains/losses. The Whiting trailhead at Portola is about 750' and the junction of Borrego and Mustard is 1030', about 1.5 mi. The first hill climb tops at 1365' (.4 mi uphill) and from there I went up to the viewpoint at 1560' (another .5 mi uphill). You blaze downhill to Poison Oak Canyon (gorgeous!) which is about 1100'. You then climb back up to 1440' near trail's end at the wilderness preserve gate (4.5 mi from start). Too bad that trail isn't open all the way to Bolero! Now you get to reverse all of that which makes the Mustard trail uphill to Four Corners (1455') seem easy. I should have climbed up to to Dreaded Hill but opted to save time down Whiting Road to Portola Road. Total mileage back to my car was 11 miles. Trail conditions were fair with a little water in the stream beds.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 11 miles Elevation change: 1855' total
      Jim a 47 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Enduro Comp


    • Trail UpdateWhiting/Santiago/Luge, Cactus-Rode Whiting to the Luge then back down Cactus today, then took a left turn before the bridge and grinded up another fireroad to ride more of the bottom.

      The trail is really fun and in good condition. Cactus is bumpy with stutter bumps, like always, but there isn't too much water in the gullies. The bottom of cactus is really fast, twisty, banked, fun. Watch out for the pedal-catching roots and rocks on the trail, especially if you're tired and your awareness has decreased! Threw me today--ouch! Keep those pedals level!
      Best to park on the other side of Portola and get an early start--especially if you're going to do Santiago loop.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 15 Elevation change: 1000+
      Singletrack=60% Truck Trail=40%
      dk a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Sub22 from Huntington Beach, Ca


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Where else can you blast to for a 50 minute chug right after work before it gets dark. Wednesdays seem to be the big day. It gets crowded, and "snobbery" is mainly a matter of your own karma, kiddies. A good place to practice your etiquette. I never pay $2 or park at Ralph's; there's public streets around the corner.
      -Captain James Brock, ATB Commando of the Ozarks, USA

      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 5.6 miles Elevation change: 900'
      Singletrack=50% Truck Trail=50%
      Captain James Brock, ATB Commando a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a L'il 853 steel hardtail from Mission Viejo


    • Trail Update"Big Ride"-Had so much fun on my Santiago Truck Trail ride yesterday, had to find a way to better it. So this afternoon it was "Big Ride"
      Up through Whiting, out to Modjeska Grade, up to Santiago Truck Trail, down the Luge, back in to Whiting and back to parking lot.
      Once again, a spectacular ride and sunset. Not many riders at Whiting, fewer on STT. Even saw 3 deer at the bottom of Whiting! Deer are so cool when they are "bounding" down the trail in front of you! They run so effortlessly.
      What a great weekend for riding! Fall is in the air, that means riding will only get better!
      MTB Fiend a 41 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a ProFlex Animal from Lake Forest


    • Trail UpdateHarder Route?-Rode the standard loop Saturday (Borrego to 4 corners to Cactus to Sage Hill to Sorreno). Fun but really short (the ruts are getting pretty deep...).

      Does anybody have a suggestion (other than Whting/Luge, which is great but too long for some days) for lengthening the ride, but still incorporating the good singletrack?


    • Trail UpdateWhiting/Luge-I rode the standard Whiting/Santiago/Luge loop on Saturday morning. Santiago Trail is eroding more and more into a genuine singletrack each time I ride it. Hopefully, no one will clear it back to fireroad status anytime soon. The Luge and Cactus are both in decent shape - but a little powdery. There are several steep, rutted singletracks that cross over Santiago Trail on the way up to the Luge. I have never seen anyone riding these; however, they look like they would make a pretty gnarly descent alternative to the Luge. They are pretty obvious to spot. However, downhill specific nuts be warned - these singletracks also go uphill. You'll need to pedal occasionally. I did take one interesting singletrack side route on the climb up. It was only about 0.5 mile long and nothing extraordinary. However, it adds variety on the way to the Luge. It needs more bike traffic to keep the weeds and brush clear. My computer isn't functioning, so I can't give precise mileage directions. However, I'll provide a qualitative description. It starts about 2 miles up Santiago Trail from Modjeska Grade. After the first real climb (when you pass a few eroding slope sections) you turn left and descend for a short stretch. Before climbing another hill, look into the canyon on the right. A singletrack drops sharply off of the trail and winds through the vegetation. It climbs back up to Santiago Trail and connects at the top of the climb (before the trail turns left again). Sorry if that sounds vague, but if you look for it, you'll find it.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 15 miles Elevation change: 2100 ft
      Singletrack=67% Dirt Road=17% Paved Path=16%
      SS a 32 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Catamount from OC


    • Trail UpdateWhiting To Mustard To Cactus-Whitings always a fun little trail to ride, crowded with hikers, but just be polite. It's fun to hammer up Mustard as fast as you can. The cactus run is fun, sometimes rutted or bumpy--so what. The bottom singletrack section is fairly twisty and fun.

      It's a pretty place. yeah, some hikers are assholes. so what? Maintain your integrity, slow down, tell them you're coming and say good morning or whatever. If they snub theyr'e noses at you--fuck em'. At least they'll have the perception that a mtn biker was polite and courteous, lest our rigs go the way of motorcycles around here!

      I prefer more technical, challenging trails in the Santa Anas and Laguna, but always enjoyed whiting.

      I'm out.

      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 5 Elevation change: not much
      Singletrack=45% Dirt Road=45% Paved Path=10%
      Flowrider a 36 year old Racer riding a GT Idrive from HB


    • Trail UpdateDT Here!!-hey everyone!!

      its your favorite asshole whiting hater!!! lets see how long this post last. i'm getting a kick out of all thesae whiting posting, about trail maintence, etc. bottom line, this place sucks and always will!! yes my opinion does count!! (i'm mr hardcore baby!!!!)
      i was bummed that i haven't read any new news about new homes going up in this area!! (better here than elsewhere!!)
      Ride rating: Beginner
      dt a 31 year old Weekend Warrior riding a who cares


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Whiteys?!? I rode the trail today, and as is often the case, Asian hikers were in abundance. I guess if you're looking for black people, you should try mountain biking in, oh, I dunno, Compton?? Oakland? I found the trail very easy today, with the creeks on the back side just about bone dry and simple to get across. Some of the sand is getting deep, but other than that, it's about the easiest I've gotten through there. Watch out for the cactus, though. It jumped out and caught my buddy.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 7 Elevation change: yes
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=10% Truck Trail=40%
      Tom a 41 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR from Orange URL: TMBiker@aol.com


    • Trail Updatenovice-if i had a problem with white folks? i'd stay out of orange county !!!!!!
      longboard from covina


    • Trail UpdateWHITEY Ranch-The trails are cool, but only if you can handle the arrogant snobs riding around with their noses high in the air... Hence the name Whitey Ranch.

      Ride rating: Novice
      a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Does it matter?


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-I road this trail in the evening yesterday and the trail crews must have working or the amount of traffic is really increasing. The creek crossings in the begining of the trail (if you start from Bake pkwy) are a bit smoother and the climbs out are just a little worn down, not deep ruts. The climb up the hill is just as long as last time I rode it and just as refreshing when you reach the top at four corners. I was riding with some friends after vulture view single track and passed a couple of riders (some passed us too). We were really suprised when on the fast downhill section after the bridge crossing, two riders forced they're way past the three of us. There really was no place to pass and we were not going slow but they wanted to pass us. Now I have no problem letting anybody faster and better pass but you have to say something like "on your left" or "passing" or "hey". Anything, any warning that you are there and your ready to pass. It really pissed off one of my friends, so it spoiled a good ride with friends. Ok? Ok, the trail is still a great ride and close to home. A great way to unwind at the end of a work day.
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 10miles Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Zulu a 32 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Pro-flex from Trabuco cyn


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Loop I Think-I made the old trip out to whiting after two years. The last time I went I ended up walking up most of every hill for lack of being in shape. We entered from the Bake Parkway entrance and started through the one way trail It has some sandy areas that I dont remember, but everything was much less rockier than before. 5 minutes into my ride I had a pinch flat in my rear tire. So my bicycle education increased by leaps and bounds. and my spare tube had a presta valve. If it wasn't for another Mtn Biker I would have never figured that one out. Then the climb began. I ran into a Ranger and chated a bit, that guy was an animal he was hiking up the hills faster than I could bike, granted I was 2 shifts from granny gear, but he was amazing. The uphill still killed me but I made it up much easier than I did two years ago. I think knowing how far you have to climb is most of the psyche about doing this for a casual sport. Well on the downhill my friend got a flat, but we fixed it in about a third of the time it took me. The ranger told us about Live Oak trail and said it was shady and cool so we looked for it after the cool downhills. Watch the washouts my friend wrecked and aquired a mean stawberry on his side hip. We missed the trail that the Ranger mentioned, but I decided to turn around and attempt to find it. We saw a bobcat or something like that which was kind of cool. but we found the trail and rode it backwards and it ended up being a real nice gradual downhill with small dips and turns through the trees. and then it dumps you back on the usual trail to hang a left and head back towards the gate onto Bake Parkway and back up to the Parking
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change:
      Singletrack=15% Dirt Road=43% Truck Trail=42%
      Matthew Corrigan a 23 year old Weekend Warrior riding a TREK 6000 from Costa Mesa, CA


    • Trail UpdateEco-Freaks-It's better to have some shitty trails than have no trails at all. If you have been a SoCal resident for any period of time over 15 years, then you know how wide open this place used to be. It was a freakin' MTB and motocross paradise. But that always comes to an end when the eco-freaks come in and close land down because some frog or lizard lives there...and then guess what happens. Usually no one gets to use it or they build fucking houses on the land that we used to play on. I'll tell you one thing, those little vermin animals have a better chance at dodging a skinny bike wheel than a bulldozer blade and cement trucks. So just be thankful there are still some places to ride. And if there are some lame asses on the trail, stop and educate them in a polite manner. Like, "You guys might want to go single file, I wouldn't want anyone to get hit by a biker," or "Watch the blind corners," or "Put that dog on a leash." You get the point.

      Death to the Eco-Terrorist and their underhanded tactics. Keep the people's land open so the people can use it.

      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: whatever Elevation change: some
      Singletrack=ya% Dirt Road=ya% Paved Path=no% Truck Trail=ya%
      Grinder a 28 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ratty GT from Capo


    • Trail UpdateDT Here!!-to the previous poster

      i was lying about the joplin trail. i really love this trail and was just being an asshole to keep people off this trail. its a great ride, people who like technical, slidy, bushwacky rides, go for it!!!
      i've become spoiled as a rider, AW kicks ass, and many santa ana trails kick ass, but whiting and chino hills are very borring!!! (i've ridden in Ill. and its the same as whiting, borring!!). i'm glad people like whiting and chino hills, do whatever is fun for you!
      dt out!
      Ride rating: Beginner
      dt a 31 year old Weekend Warrior


    • Trail UpdateHas anyone been to Whiting after all of the rain? How is it?
      Bcaster1 a 24 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Giant ATX 840 from Corona Hills


    • Trail UpdateRob's got a point. i for one only use whiting ranch as a starting point to access Santiego due to parking being prohibited now on Mojeska Grade Road. Actually i find the best access from Silverado, up Maple Springs to Main Divide. This way one can cut all the way accross to holy jims.


      a) Im riding something better. Which is often.
      b) Cant hang with the posers.there "superstar"
      1. Theres only one SHORT climb there "superstar"
      2. You call that technical? "Superstar"
      3. There's little there period IT'S FLAT "Superstar".
      4. A Intermediate rating?..wow U R a "superstar"
      arent you?

      PS: when i say "on your left" i mean on your left.

      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 6 miles Elevation change: 250' maybe
      Singletrack=who cares% Dirt Road=who cares% Paved Path=enough%


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Whiting may be for "beginners" but it's a great place to get a quick ride in when you live about 500 yards from the trail.
      Heather a 40 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a specialized FSR


    • Trail UpdateI rode Whiting Ranch twice this weekend. The trails are in great shape. The rain helped pack them down. My biggest concern with Whiting is the amount of traffic that it is seeing. Both days, Saturday and Sunday, there was heavy mountain bike traffic and foot traffic, especially on the Borrego trail section. The traffic, in one aspect is great! People are getting out, riding, hiking, and enjoying themselves. However, the traffic also causes congestion and can be dangerous. One speedy mountain biker almost ran a couple of kids on BMX bikes down today who were out with their moms because he wouldn't slow down. He never stopped, never asked if anyone was okay, and never let the kids know he wanted to pass them. Whiting is in a neighborhood. There are families who bring their kids who I'd love to see out mountain biking.

      The traffic is only going to increase. If you are riding, be aware of others around you. Slow down when there is traffic. Communicate with other riders. The time you run someone down is the time they start closing the trails to bikers. If you want to ride your bike without concern for others, find some trails with less congestion or head to the ski lifts. Whiting is a gem for beginners and intermediate riders and a blast to mess around on. Don't ruin it for all because you are being inconsiderate. Also, if other riders, let the jerks know that they are being jerks maybe they will get a clue. Bikers who are polite and positive stand a better chance of keeping trails open and safe than the ones who won't let anyone mess with their flow.

      Kory a Die-hard Enthusiast


    • Trail UpdateWhiting / Santiago/Vultures Grag-
      From the park trailhead proceed to Four corners. While the posers are sitting around gabbing after "the" climb of the park turn left and follow the dirt road towards santiago canyon road. There is a gate once you reach Santiago Canyon Road. Once you get to Santiago canyon road go right and follow it to Mojeska Grade Road which is signed and off to your left. Climb up this till you get to the Santiago Truck Trail gate. Proceed up Santiago about 3.3 miles according to Randy Vogel's book Mountain Biking OC. Buy this book if you dont already own it, its a great guide. The santiago /vultures crag segment of this ride is outlined on page 161 of this book. After a slight descent youll see a a somewhat concealed singletrack leading off to your right. This is Vultures Crag singletrack. it follows the contours of the canyon. its a great trail and in pretty good condition. Follow this for one mile till you come to a fork. Go right and follow the trail as it meanders through the trees unitl it ends at a paved road. Go left on the road till you get to the gate. This is live oak canyon road. Go right to cooks corner. here make a right and follow santiago canyon road back to the four corner gate on the eastern border of whiting ranch. Once back in the back at Whiting ranch follow whatever way back to your car in the portola pkwy parking lot. The ride total is about 14 miles of dirt. its a good one, but there are better ones out there. you just have to find um///
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      Ride distance: 14 Elevation change: (+) or (-) 2000 ft.
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=25% Paved Path=25% Truck Trail=25%
      me a old enough year old Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Rode this trail on Sunday 1-9-2000 and as a beginner, it is a fun ride! It's approximately 8 miles, depending on what trail you take. The first mile or so is where you share the trail with hikers (some good looking girls) and horses so be careful. After the long ascent uphill, it's all single track downhill. Not really technical, but challenging for any beginner or novice... beware of the cacti! The final mile or so is a mix between single track with some fun water ravines and fire road. My friends and I really had a good time, so feel free to say "WHASS GOIN AWWN?!?" when you pass us by! TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL & SPREAD THE OSG LOVE!!!!
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 8 miles Elevation change: easy
      Singletrack=25% Dirt Road=50% Truck Trail=25%
      Bitter Brian a 27 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized FSR XC Stumpjumper Comp from SurfCity USA URL: BitterBrian's web site


    • Trail UpdateWhiting "Flats"-I rode here last Saturday on my way down to Noble and most accounts of the area are accurate. I will not bother you with any descriptions since everyone and their mother has already been here. I will say that we need places like this to use as a measuring stick for more extreme rides. Without these places it's all the same. Besides, if you're strapped for time just take a couple laps and you're outta there. It's better than nothing at all. Good luck to you. URL: Dusty Bottoms


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Nice trail, I even got to see four deers when I here on 11-5-99. They were pretty cute. As far as the
      ride, it's not the most brutal of rides, but it has a litlle of everything. It does have a lot of
      annoying hikers who like to block the whole trial and act like mountainbikers should not be
      there! damn hikers
      Ride rating: Beginner
      mevans a 27 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized FSR Expert from LBC .csulb.edu URL: http://www.meatycheesyboys.com


    • Trail UpdateGrow Up DT-You know, I've only ridden Whiting once and I am a beginner rider, but I thought it was a nice trail area and saw terrain that I thought would suit many different rider skill levels. I met several friendly people there who could tell that I was a beginner and helped me along with advice and warnings of which trails to stay away from. If you don't like the place, then just don't ride it. Don't take up space in a pathetic attempt to sound cool by bashing a trail area and the people who ride it. AND LEARN TO SPELL!!
      Ride rating: Novice
      MCD a 29 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek from HB


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Has Been Good To Me.-I now find Whiting Ranch to be boring and only ride it once in awhile with my buddies, but in Oct of 98' when I began riding, I thought it was the best. It is a great trail for begginers and for riders who want to get a good quick workout. I'd think some of these "hard core" riders would be glad that their more extreme trails aren't crowded by begginers. I bet there was a time that they though whiting was cool. Just be glad your past it and let other people enjoy it without bagging on them. Review the trail based on the skill level of the people who ride it. Whiting Ranch helped me get into the sport along with many of my friends and I'm greatful for that.

      If you like Whiting and your looking for something a little funner and dryer. Try riding hidden ridge to Oneal park. I just found that route a week ago and I've ridden it 3 times. Very fun.

      (Time for a litte attitude myself) As for you hard core wanna be, Whiting Ranch bashing, potty mouthed, insecure, disgraces to our sport, come with me to the Laguna down hills some time and try to keep up if you can even keep your rubber from pointing skyward.

      good day all!
      Ride rating: Beginner
      Ride distance: 6-12 Elevation change: moderate
      Singletrack=85% Dirt Road=15%
      Rob Brown a 26 year old Downhiller riding a Intense M-1, & Specialized FSR from Portola Hills, CA


    • Trail UpdateRegarding Whiting Ranch-Yea, it is a little basic, however, it is a cool training ride or a place to get in a quick workout. Mix in a few of the Edison roads and you can make a 13 mile loop.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 7 Elevation change: a few feet
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      DT2 a 33 year old Die-hard Enthusiast from OC


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Plain and simple, this ride is FUN! No, it's not 15 miles of technical single-track. No, it's not a 40 mile an hour downhill. Yes, it can be a challenge. Yes, it's very nice. Yes, there are some pretty views. Most of the trails can be handled safely by a beginner. There are a few spots that require additional skill but the beginner can easily walk um. This is a great place if you want to enjoy being out and get in some miles. If you are an advanced rider, don't expect it to challenge you or improve your skills. I really enjoyed it. You can make it as FUN as you want. Please ride with care and respect.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: 12 Elevation change:
      Singletrack=75% Dirt Road=25%
      Jimbeau a 44 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a ''99 Mantra from San Gabriel Valley


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-Rode it just the other day, all trails are in good condition, but cactus getting a bit chopped up, some of the chutes are eye openers these days, but overall still the fun place that its always been. And for the egotistical poster from WEST LA below......STAY at home and dont clutter up our super so. county trails!! Why dont ya go ride Sullivan canyon, sounds like your speed.............limited indeed! HAH!
      Ride rating: Intermediate
      TK a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a DEAN from Rancho Santa Margarita


    • Trail UpdateSo This Is Whiting Ranch?-I'm down in OC alot during the week for biz from West LA and often told to do Whiting Ranch...which I finally did. I would discribe it as a "cute little trail". Very short, nothing really technical and hardly any climbing (one 6 minute hill). I followed some locals through a few off-shoot sections. For me the only place it gains any real interest is the blind corner speed stuff on the Cactus section. Its a short loop but you can reverse it when done and make it a decent putt. Do up and downs (at least 3) on the 1st hill at Mustard, turn around at the end of Cactus and come back up the longer fire road climb and you'll get a decent ride in. Otherwise, like most the other stuff I've seen in OC, its limited.
      Ride rating: Novice
      Ride distance: Elevation change: ?
      Singletrack=65% Dirt Road=35%
      a 35 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale from West L.A.


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Is Fun!-Funny how different riders can have different experiences on the same trail. I've been riding Whiting for about 6 years, and I always have a blast. The long climb up Mustard lets me know whether I'm in shape or not, and there are so many off-shoots and combinations that it's always interesting. Cactus trail is fun, if not super-technical, and the whole backside singletrack, with its creek crossings and a few switchbacks, is always a good time. If you're beyond novice status, combine Whiting (go left at Four Corners) with Modjeska Grade and The Luge, then stop at Cooks Corner for a drink, and finish up the backside of Whiting. That's a great ride.
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      Tom a 40 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR from Fullerton


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch Update-I ride this trail about 3x/wk. It has been maintained and the ride is not as technical as it used to be, so anyone can ride cactus trail again. Props to those who pay at the park entrance and bad karma to those who park across the street or in the Ralphs market parking lot. I dont think two dollars is too much for you to pay to use the park and have others maintain it so you can enjoy your ride. For all of you who dont pay the two dollars; you all suck!!
      fakau'i a 34 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Uzzi SL/Schwinn Homegrown HT from Rancho Santa Margarita


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch Loop-Rode the main loop today, with the cactus run option. The loop is in good shape overall, but cactus trail is another matter, its getting butchered by lots of ruts n nasty braking bumps, its definately in need of some work. Watch yerselves on that one.........
      Singletrack=50% Dirt Road=50%
      TK a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Stumpjumper from Rancho Santa Margarita


    • Trail UpdateCactus Canyon: Once you get to Four Corners, you can take the Cactus trail that has been open since May '98. When you reach the top of Four Corners, make a 180 turn and go down the trail about 75 yards. The single track begins on the left side making sure to slow down so you dont miss the tril head. Follow the single track until you get to a fork. The left trail will take you up 1/4 mile to extend your single track adventure. The right trail will be rolling, the a single track climb of 100 yards that will burn both your lungs and legs. This part of the trail is very steep with only advanced riders able to climb it(most hike but still a leg burner). If you take the right trail, follow the single track to your rightand back to the start of the trail head.
      fakau'i a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Intense Uzzi SL from Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca.


    • Trail UpdateCactus Canyon-Take Borrego Canyon to Mustard Road. Turn right and head up to Four Corners. From there turn left(east). A short up and then down will take you to Santiago Canyon Road. Make sure you slow down - there is a metal gate at the road. Turn right onto the road (stay in the bike lane) and proceed south for about 1/2 mile. Turn right into the equestrian center. Stay to the right and you will see a doubletrack heading up the hill behind it. When you get to the top of the switchback, stay left and loop back around. Follow the ridgeline, and eventually it will drop into "Cactus Canyon" and turn into singletrack. It will meander into the canyon, and there are many berm-like turns. Be careful, as it is usually deeply rutted, and if you spill, there are severe cactus consequences (hence the name). At the bottom it will intersect with the Serrano Canyon trail. A short, but very sweet diversion to the mostly fireroad experience at Whiting.
      G-Ride a Cross-Country Rider


    • Trail UpdateBorrego Canyon-The main trail from Borrego Canyon winds gently through oak and scrub trees for about a mile the you can branch off into some other terrain. Dreaded Hill is a monstrous mile and a half of climbing rutted, singletrack. I prefer to go down it.You can follow the trail around to the back of the Hill and do some fast downhills in a couple different directions.
      Bring lots of water...there is no water in the park, it's very easy to pick some liquids up in the supermarket where you parked. It gets very hot above the tree line in So Cal, so hydrate. It's a great place for beginners to learn basic skills and some fun for the weekend warrior too. Have a blast...and keep the rubber side down.
      SingleTrack=15%, DirtRoad=60%, PavedPath=15%, TruckRoad=10%
      Tony Brock a 39 year cross-country rider from Costa Mesa, CA [ TBrock28@aol.com ]


    • Trail Update<a Href="http://www.hsis.uci.edu/grega/rides/whit.html">Wh-


    • Trail UpdateWhiting Ranch-


    • Trail UpdateUp Borrego Canyon And Down Serrano Canyon-7 miles, After you enter the park you'll be riding on Borrego Canyon trail and this trail is one way only. After a mile or so of great single track you'll reach Mustard road trail, which will take you up to "four corners" trail junction.
      Before reaching four corners you might want to try the climb up to Vista Lookout. Vista Lookout is one half mile left or northwest on Mustard road trail. Vista Lookout offers great views (elev. 1500') of central Orange County. On a clear winter day you can see for miles.
      From four corners you can see Modjeska Canyon east above Santiago Canyon road. There are several great rides there, check out Harding truck trail and Modjeska rides. Now, begin your descent down Whiting trail. After a mile or so of steep sweeping downhill you'll connect with Serrano trial. Take Serrano all the way the park boundary.
      After crossing the railroad ties that mark the park boundary turn on to Portola Pkwy and continue right (west). This will take back by the shopping center and to the parking area where you began. This ride is great except for the street ride back to the parking area.
      Mountain Dave Mountain Biking Adventures


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