



- Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Southern California Trails

  • Monrovia Canyon To Monrovia Peak - #MonroviaCanyonToMonroviaPeak

    Socal - Los Angeles County - Monrovia, CA NickNames: #MonroviaCanyonToMonroviaPeak monrovia canyon, white saddle

    210 Freeway to Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia. North thru downtown to Foothill Blvd. Right. 4 streets to Canyon Drive.Left. North on Canyon Drive to Monrovia Dam. Parking for a fee available at the Ranger Station. However, if you park at Canyon Drive and Ridgecrest, you can avoid the fee and ride the extra 1/2 mile in to ranger station and parking area.
    After passing the Ranger hut in the middle of the road, proceed a few hundred yards. At fork, take road to right over the bridge and proceed up the road to the east , or right, side of the massive Monrovia Dam. You are now on your way. 2 hours later, turn left on Rincon Road, then 15 minutes to the unmarked peak turnoff, scramble to the top in 20 minutes.
    This ride can be done in it's entirety, or in pieces based on ability. It will take an advanced intermediate about 2 1/2 hours +/- to sign in at the remote Monrovia peak summit after some scrambling. Your reward is one of the finest views of the front range. This is a remote destination not often visited, with a great sense of being away from it all. A SoCal classic! (except for some electrical transmission lines)

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    • Trail UpdateGood Conditions-I rode this yesterday as far as White Saddle. Road is in good shape. The gnats are out, though.
      climber1 a 60 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Carve(Pro) from Alhambra


    • Trail UpdateCold Ride-It was cold on Sunday morning around 7am. I got about 1/2 way to White Saddle but I had to turn back because my toes and fingers are numb because of the cold. Ice on the road where the puddles were. Really dried and nice forest though!
      calicokid a 46 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Cannondale F100


    • Trail UpdateMonrovia Peak. Does It Exist?-This is the second time I rode this trail. The first time I ran out of hydration & nutrition before I could find the peak. Plus I was distracted by the beauty & history of the canyon. Long sections of oak covered trail making it easy to find a place to recover. Trail conditions are excellent (more like fire road) but i would say steep. Some hikers on the paved section, few till the end of Ben Overturf Trail and remote thru 2N24 Rincon Shortcut. I was better prepared this time. My GPS showed two points to access the peak, but both were inaccessible by bike. I was not going to leave my bike near route 2N24 and hike to the peak. I rode route 2N30 thru White Saddle and west on route 2N24. The downhill is very fast and long. If anybody knows of an access point to the peak please post. So much fun, I would do this again hopefully with a way to get to the peak.
      gtoffmycld a 53 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek 6000 from Montebello, CA


    • Trail UpdateMonrovia-April 4. This was my first time on this trail but my mountain goat riding buds had done it before. What a beautiful place to ride. We started below the park (cheap) and went up the canyon to the White saddle (about 5.7 miles). Then on 1N36 about a mile and a half and back. The road is in great shape. Not too many hikers today.
      old gringo a 56 year old


    • Trail UpdateMonrovia Cyn 12-21-08-left a buddies pad (600 ft) about 9:30 am. and jammed past the dam (1390 ft at the top) and the police gun range (2200 ft) to white saddle at about 3200 ft. (about 5.6 miles up from canyon and ridgecrest). there we stopped to snap a couple pics and fix a bothersome pedal. then we headed for rincon road. a ways up, near the powerlines (3600 ft) we met a couple bikers coming down who warned of snow ahead. thanking them we proceeded and sure enough there was snow...just a little at first, but it soon turned into a slog fest. probably pushed a mile up to rincon (4500 ft) then took a right and headed for azusa cyn. even downhill the snow was too soft and would stop you cold. another 1 1/2 miles of pushing got us to where we could actually sit on earth rather than ice. now it was after 1:00 and though the weather was great, we had been pushing through 8 inches of snow for the last hour and a half and our feet were frozen. we rung the water out of our socks and blasted down to azusa cyn, then cruised down the 39 to town and headed back to monrovia for a total ride of about 35 miles.
      baljoint a 40 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a 1999 santa cruz heckler


    • Trail UpdateThis Park closes at 5pm.
      baloo a 31 year old


    • Trail UpdateWas Such A Great Day!-I rode this trail yesterday (04-16-06).
      Change in elevation: approx. 4609 feet (1404 meters)
      from the park entrance to the peak. Could not find the
      trail to the peak, but not a big deal. (-1000 feet)
      Being after a rainy day, the humidity was very high,
      and rather cold up there.
      Two and a half hours of climbing, but was well worth
      it! 30+ minutes of downhill on the same path.
      I only saw 2 couples hiking.
      See a couple of photos and a map here:
      (copy and paste both parts of the link if it's broken
      Drop me a line if you'd like to ride.
      rbagany a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Specialized Enduro from Sun City, CA URL: Pictures


    • Trail UpdateMonroia Canyon Road Rocks !!!-I ride this at least 2 times a week, It is as great as ever, I rode it yesterday (april 5 2006) in the afternoon (4.00pm) there was a bunch of riders but not too many for comfort. It is open and it is as beautful as ever, there is a lot of water though.. Slow down when you cross the paved water fall area or you are going to soak yourself good...
      Kailani a 31 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Marin - East Peak from Arcadia, CA


    • Trail UpdateRoad Con Stuction Till 2-7-06-went to ride today and found trail closed due to construction till 2-7-06 was turned back by park worker just past the dam
      a Cross-Country Rider riding a marin mount vision from la puente


    • Trail UpdateWhat Happened-I rarely see anyone on this ride anymore. If anyone wants to do this ride with me, please E-Mail me before I move to Colorado in July.
      jfeaz a 23 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ibex from Duarte, CA


    • Trail UpdateMonrovia Peak-After passing the Ranger Station/ Parking area, proceed a few hundred yards to a fork, take a right (left goes up Sawpit canyon) turn over the small bridge. Stay to the east of the big dam. The first mile or so is on asphalt and a bit steep but doable, then levels out on to dirt fireroad as it passes the Boy Scout Camp. There is a shooting range ahead closing the road certain weekdays, weekends there are no restictions.
      Continue through gorgeous canyon scenery for about an hour to White Saddle. ((Here a trail intersects to the east up to Mt. Bliss about 15 minutes up. We sometimes hit it on the way down, and exit out to the San Gabriel Canyon down Van Tassel Trail. (this is a challenging uphill ride for another day in the opposite direction!))
      However, stay straight, or north as it snakes over oak covered passages cut into the canyons, for about another hour, until you meet with the Rincon Road. Go LEFT, or west about 15 minutes. As you enter deep oaks, after a saddle and small climb, there is a slight clearing on the left as the road makes a turn to the right in covered forest. There is no sign, just a slight trail to the south. Park your bike, scramble the trail up to the ridge, then turn right and go west up dirt and scree past a false summit. Continue up and west to the true Monrovia sunmmit (20 minutes total from bike dropoff), sign in and say hi, break for lunch, then return for a very very long fun downhill. Be safe and under control, especially down lower, as there are hikers sharing this wonderful trail into the back country. You will love it! Bring spares, food, clothing, as you are out a ways if you break down.

      Ride rating: Advanced
      Dirt Road=90% Paved Path=10%
      Fasteddie a 52 year old riding a old hardfork from Glendora, CA


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