- Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Northern California Trails
- Norcal(27)
- -> Mono County(4)
- -> Big Pine (nearest)(2)
- -> Crooked Creek Station
Crooked Creek Station - #CrookedCreekStation
Norcal - Mono County - Big Pine (nearest) NickNames: #CrookedCreekStation
From the town of Big Pine, on Hwy US-395, head east on Hwy CA-168 to the top of Westgard Pass. Go left (north) on the White Mountain Road. Continue up to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest and park at the start of the Crooked Creek Road. Parking and camping can be had by driving down Crooked Creek, but high-clearance vehicles are recommended.
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- Trail UpdateCottonwood Creek Trail-From the Crooked Creek Road, ride up the White Mountain Road and pass a high saddle at 11,800' (37.5369N, -118.2060W) and down into a broad valley. Leave the main road and go right on a faint jeep trail about 0.75 mi. past the saddle. Drop steeply down this jeep trail into Cottonwood Basin. At a 'Y' intersection (37.5548N, -118.1882W) go left (north) and ride across a sage flat. At another intersection (37.5633N, -118.1828W) go left, then right a few yards further. Drop into the creek at a shadeless campsite, then cross the creek. The singletrack starts in the willows on the east side of the creek (look for tire tracks or wood 'water bars'). Continue down the faint singletrack for many miles through beautiful meadows and aspen groves. At an obvious trail junction (37.5496N, -118.1683W) you can choose for a shorter but more pleasant ride by going right (southwest) and through Granite Meadow and on to the Crooked Creek Road. For a longer, tougher ride, continue down Cottonwood Creek for several more miles to a subtle side canyon (37.5322N, -118.1427W). A GPS unit is very handy here! Go right at this point, and after a few yards of bushwhacking an obvious trail appears. Continue up this trail and merge with the Crooked Creek Road. Pass some cabins at McCloud Camp and climb steeply up to a saddle (37.5164N, -118.1513W). Descend to a junction (signed) and go right (west) and ride up the canyon to where you parked.
White Mountains 9-14-02 pictures by SilentBob
More White Mtns pics by Tom Kenney
Hike-A-Bike in the Whites by Tom Kenney
Ride rating: Advanced
Ride distance: 20+ Elevation change: 2400' (net)
Singletrack=60% Dirt Road=35% Paved Path=5%
Tom Kenney a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider from Reseda, CAPosted:01/20/2004