



- Saturday, January 18, 2025

Southern California Message Boards

 Cannell Trail Rider or $$ Driver $$ needed 11/10
I'm in a bind and need to either ride the Cannell with someone 11/10, Tuesday, or pay them ($50+) to drive me back to my car at the trailhead when I get back down to Kernville at the end of the day. My friend bailed, but I have the days of f work and REALLY wanna ride it. erikqjames@yahoo.com I need to hear back from someone with a suggestion ASAP. THANKS!
Posted by Erikqjames a 38 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Trek STP 400 from West Hollywood on 11/07/09

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  •  Re: Cannell Trail Rider or $$ Driver $$ needed 11/10
    post it on socaltrailrider.org
    Posted by Diamondback a Cross-Country Rider riding a Hp Quad 8400 from Sunland on 01/08/10

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