



- Friday, July 26, 2024

Southern California Message Boards

 Paging CFIT
Do any Condor Peake rides recently?Was thinking of a Condor Peake /Trail Canyon loop soon.
Posted by Jmomma a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Newbury Park on 03/13/09

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  •  Re: Paging CFIT
    He's on a smoke break...and will be right with you.

    Posted by GhostRider a 31 year old Downhiller on 03/15/09

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  •  Re: Paging CFIT
    Try posting over here. But don't tell GhostRider...that dude's a crank! :)
    Posted by Louis Wu on 03/25/09

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    •  Re: Paging CFIT
      I hear a sucking sound....and it aint comin from here...
      Posted by GhostRider a 31 year old Downhiller on 03/26/09

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  •  Re: Paging CFIT
    Well, this is a very late reply but I must have since you'd posted. Hope things are going well for you Jmomma. Saddly, now that area is burned out. I was just reading a post on another board that was describing the peaks burned. Condor and Fox Pks are toast.

    I was fortunate enough to have moved from Tujunga 2 weeks before the fire. Had I stayed I would have been just outside the evacuation area by 2 blocks. I would have still had to get out because of the smoke.

    I do want to get up there and check things out. Over on SUmmitPost there's talk of new ridges and gullies to climb. No bushwhacking! I'll check back and post if I'm headed up that way.

    Guess my mind hasn't been on riding much because I haven't been around MTBPost either.
    Posted by CFIT on 09/21/09

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    •  Re: Paging CFIT
      HA!. I did get up to Mt Gleason for TOC this year. Got a few pics of the riders coming up over Millcreek Summit. i then tried to get back home via the Fall Creek Rd. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Snowy death march. I got back to the hwy just at dark.

      Posted by CFIT on 09/21/09

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      •  Re: Paging CFIT
        Im thinking barring any heavy early season rain storms that Trail Canyon might be pretty nice.Im sure there will be some debris that needs to be cleared but all the thick overgrowth will be gone.If we get lucky and get a couple light fall rain storms things will start growing back quick.Amazingly things re-generate pretty fast after a fire.It will be interesting to see.Might take a couple group rides to clear the trail out but in the long run it will be nice.
        Posted by Jmomma a 47 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Santa Cruz Heckler from Newbury Park on 09/26/09

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