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Southern California Message Boards

 If I build it, will you come?
I have some land in California City (Kern County), for which I have received offers to purchase for commercial buildings, etc.

But I have something else in mind: an indoor or outdoor mountain bike jumping/"air-field"' or ladder park, or a BMX park. I am from the Los Angeles area, and have had limited exposure to Kern County, so I am not familar with the ridership or level of interest in that area.

So, here is the question my friends: If I were to build such a thing, will you come? How often, and how much would you pay for 1) A year pass or 2) a per-session run?

This is a risky business venture for me personally, but that is where my heart lies. Depending on what kind of feedback I get to this post, I might write a business plan, form a development company, borrow money, and let a rip on the idea. There are 9 million obstacles for me to cross to get it built, but I'd like to make it happen if the interest is there.

My vision is to create a place "by riders, for riders" - so you would have substantial input on the design and layout.

Your thoughts?

El Contador

Posted by El Contador a Cross-Country Rider on 03/23/08

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  •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
    Depending on how many other mtb sites you posted this, I would say you'll probably end up with the smallest response from this one.

    Although, your post might just pull some of the lurkers out of the woodwork.

    Bottom line: If you build it (and advertise it) WE WILL COME.


    Keep us updated if your business venture continues.

    I myself would love to see exactly what you propose. A legitimate "North Shore" style MTB park would be awesome in SoCal.
    Posted by Crzyridr33 a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a very light bike on 03/24/08

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    •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
      Other than Socaltrailriders, what other sites should hear about this? This post was the first one.

      I am familiar with North Shore-type ladder parks. What qualities would make the proposed California City park legit and special?

      Thanks for your input.

      Posted by El Contador a Cross-Country Rider on 03/27/08

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      •  Re: If I build it, will you come?


        There are a few others....but I think those two will hook you up with a little more feedback.

        As far as being legit, I think you just have to make sure you are taking the right steps legally to make sure any liability issues are dealt with before you open the park. You're gonna end up probably having riders signing release forms before they roll into the park at all.

        As far as 'special'....well....we don't have anything like it (year-round) so the 'specialness' of it speaks for itself.. :)
        Posted by Crzyridr33 a Die-hard Enthusiast riding a very light bike on 03/27/08

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  •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
    Are you going to model this park after Ray's Indoor park? Will it be indoors with a/c. Cal City is extremely hot during the summer. If it was an outdoor park you would not get many visitors till late afternoon. Also to remember Woodward west is about 45 minutes away and can attract the BMX crowd. I would offer 1 day passes, monthly and yearly. I would come if it was built. I would also ask Frisbee's bike in Ridgecrest to help stir up business.
    Posted by Danmtchl a 33 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant Reign 1 from Bakersfield on 03/25/08

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    •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
      Modeled after Ray's Indoor Park? Possibly.

      I know that Kern County is hot in the summer, so that is certainly a consideration. Tell me about Woodward West. Is that a BMX park?

      Posted by El Contador a Cross-Country Rider on 03/27/08

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      •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
        Here is a link to Woodward West, It is in Tehachapi. It is kinda of a neat place.

        Posted by Danmtchl a 36 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Giant Reign 1 from Bakersfield on 03/28/08

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  •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
    I'll come test it for you ;)
    Posted by Unrealtrip a 32 year old Downhiller riding a Superstring from The recesses of reality on 04/01/08

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  •  Re: If I build it, will you come?
    Ill come, Im a local to cal city.
    Posted by Josea1952 a 29 year old Weekend Warrior riding a mountain cycle fury on 07/14/10

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