



- Friday, February 14, 2025

Southern California Message Boards

 Worst Bikeshop Experience Ever
Note: This is my own personal experience ...your experience may vary.

Last Thursday, I was looking around for a size small full suspension bike for a birthday gift. I didnt want to buy a super
high end bike, nor a cheapie Wal-mart full suspension either. So I stopped by a local shop, Glendale Cyclery. Its a very small
quaint shop that sells Trek and Specialized. On the floor I spotted a used Kona Stinky, size small. It was in fair condition and the best part, it was a size small. Great for beginners, has tons of suspension and is easily resellable if necessary.

So I asked the shop owner how much and asked for a test ride. I took a spin in the parking lot, just noticed a either bad left pedal bearing or perhaps a crank problem, but no biggie I can fix that. The shop owner said the bike was on CONSIGNMENT and the owner was asking for $900. I said OK, I'll take it.

The shop owner said, well you can't until he contacts the owner. I said, what does that mean? I have the money, cash if need be. He said he will call back Saturday. So I left my name and number. Never called back. I called Saturday and he said he couldnt reach the seller, I said OK.

Tuesday comes along and I call back, eager with $900 cash in hand. The owner said that he couldnt reach the seller of the bike. Great. I told him I needed to buy it for a Wednesday birthday gift. I told him I have the money.
Here's the weird reply: "better get one somewhere else"......WHAT!?!!!!? You have something on the sales floor for sale
and you don't want sell it?

I said when will you be able to contact him.
He said, I don't know.
I laughingly said, oh he's a slug, eh?

He said, no not really. Look he's probably busy.

I said, what? Youre kidding, right?

He said, people are busy.

I hung up.

Posted by Mongoose a 67 year old riding a Bullit from Hwy 2 on 10/23/07

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  •  Re: Worst Bikeshop Experience Ever
    I'm more impressed with your continued tenacity; random story telling to an audience of like 14. Although admittedly, I show up every few weeks just to read your American Splendor-like blather. Keep it up.

    Posted by OPP riding a 5.5 Karate Bullit from a bunker deep within Colorado on 10/25/07

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    •  Re: Worst Bikeshop Experience Ever
      Some people only get themselves out of bed for natural disasters....thanks for your concern, Opie. Now, go back to that hovel you call Colorado.
      Posted by GhostRider a 31 year old Downhiller on 10/26/07

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    •  Re: Worst Bikeshop Experience Ever
      you were a skoosh late on the draw on this one. Your reaction was like Bush
      visiting the fire zones in so cal, not too late but worthless nevertheless.
      sort of like that bikeshop, glendale cyclery
      Posted by Mongoose a 67 year old riding a spider xvp from Hwy 2 on 10/27/07

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      •  Re: Worst Bikeshop Experience Ever
        forgot to read that, thanks Ghostrider
        Posted by Mongoose a 67 year old riding a Bullit from Hwy 2 on 10/27/07

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