



- Friday, July 26, 2024

MtB Message Board

 Mountain Biker Print Ad
Hi, CastPartner is looking for:

Expert Mountain Bikers Wanted for American Cigarette Company Print Ad

Dirt Jumpers - Trial Riders - Stunt Experts

Shoots Decembers 2nd - December 15th in California. Talent will work 1 Day and be paid $1500.

Please contact LosAngeles@CastPartner.com

Please send a photo and description of your mountain biking experience if you wish to be considered.

Must have you own Bike and Gear
Posted by Fgeisinger a 24 year old Downhiller on 11/09/12

Responses: (1) Post Reply  

  •  Re: Mountain Biker Print Ad
    The teams both feature “key re-signings, important new additions, and the retention of three national championship jerseys holders”, and both hold onto the majority of their riders from this year.http://www.zorromall.com/
    Posted by Happynicky on 12/06/12

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