



- Saturday, May 18, 2024

Road Message Board

 Sunday Morning Cruse!!!!

Rode this morning with Closet Rodie and Pain Freak.
PF showed up 15 mins early, I was ready to go so we headed down Cherry to Baseline our normal route. It was nice to be out with no arm and leg warmers and the weather was perfect. As we went out Baseline we spotted CR, normally we is about 5 miles down the road but not this morning. You see he had 78 miles to reach the 10,000 mile mark on this bike so it was like Christmas for him. I had not been on the bike all week so I was like a kid going to Disneyland. PF and the other hand did a 40 mile mountain bike ride Saturday and got lost. [If you every rode with PF you know what I mean]
The pace was a bit fast around 19mph down Baseline through Claremont La Verne and so on. PF said the ride was like all downhill no real hills and the pace contuied on.
Downtown Pasadena traffic was really light all the way through. Right turn on Orange Grove then a quick left and to the Rosebowl. once around the bowl then we started back.
PF was starting to feel it and earlier someone mentioned Starbucks PF said it was a good idea but where is Starbucks in Pasadena? On every corner when you don’t want one.
So we found one and CR is not a big fan but he tried one anyway.
After we left Starbucks and was cruising down Colorado Blvd and what did I see Incycle has a new shop there. It was 10:30 and they did not open till 11:00 so back down the road about 10 miles PF said this is like all downhill again [if you every ride with PF when he starts to bonk he repeats himself] CR and I just tell him of course it is all downhill it is like a shuttle mountain bike ride. We still cruising along through Arcadia and Helen’s bike shop was open so we stopped and checked it out. This is a nice shop and these guys know a lot. They did not have the stuck up attitude we have [just kidding] after about 45 mins there off we go we see 3 more Starbucks in the next 3 miles, like I said earlier there on every corner when you don’t want one.
We back in San Damas and this older guys passes us then a young one we just said they must be fresh we had almost 70 miles at that point. They made the light at Baseline and we could not cross the street in time. Now the chase is one we have two rabbits to chase down and PF is starting to feel it. So off we go we pick up the speed to 20 mph. [no we could not keep that pace up all day] they did not make the next light so we thought we got them for sure. Wrong we did not make the light eather and there was lots of traffic, so there was no running this one. Now there about two blocks ahead and we have a hill coming up [anyone who has rode Baseline knows this one] I’m pulling and ask CR and PF if they want to go in for the kill???? No answers ….. PF said NO WAY CR was silent
I could tell be the look on his face he was going. I stayed back with PF we still had 20 some miles left, CR hammered up the hill and caught the young guy before the top.
He waited for us but it was not for long. Down the hill the young rabbit ran the light
We had to stop, but not for long, be for the next light we caught the young rabbit and we
Did not see the older guy anywhere, he must have turned off at Towne.
From that point on we just cruised along and CR was counting off the miles 3 more then 2 more then 1 more we reached Euclid Ave and he had .2 more PF would not let him turn so just past Second Street he did it 10,000 miles on his bike!!!!
Congratulations CR now you can tell your Wife you need a new bike. [I never said it had to be a road bike] PF and I had two small hills [after 80 miles] and 12 more miles left.
91 miles perfect weather good friends what more can you ask for?

Next weekend the Davis Double.
Hey PF Tell Tom to come along next weekend for the ride?
I promise I will not hurt him.

Posted by Mr Bonk a 43 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek 5200 from Fontana California on 05/15/05

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  •  Re: Sunday Morning Cruse!!!!
    What more could I ask for? How about some sweet forest single-track and a full tank of gas? Braaap-- I mean, Brrrmm!
    Congrats on the 10 thou', though.
    Posted by Big Bad Ben a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh & The XR250R from Hollywood on 05/16/05

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  •  Re: Sunday Morning Cruse!!!!
    Speaking of singletrack, we are going to do some sort of MTB epic on June 5th, after PF and Mr Bonk get back from the Davis Double. If you know either of them, "epic" means that they're going to hurt me! We'll probably do Mt. Wilson the hard way....PF just found some secret trail we're going to try. The 10,000 miles on the road bike is pretty cool, but having to look at PF and Bonk's lycra-clad rear ends while I was a wheelsucking fool racking up those miles was a mighty high price to pay for that odometer clicking off another digit!

    I have acutally convinced my wife that I "need" a carbon Trek Fuel 98. She also thinks it is only going to cost $2,000........that's what she gets for letting me balance the checkbook!

    Posted by Closet Roadie a 52 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specialized Trek from Upland on 05/16/05

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