



- Thursday, May 02, 2024

Road Message Board

 Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
The SM's kicked my @ss last Saturday!

Pulled into the Goodnight Inn 5 AM Saturday and the place was crawling with an assortment of goofy looking roadies. I think half were wearing Discovery Channel full team kits. Anyhow decided I better clean off the mud and road slime from last weeks ride or face the humilliation of being labeled "damn mtn biker". Got the bike clean, signed in, peed and rolled up to the start line. Felt like crap as soon as I got on the bike. Crash last week at Castaic must have messed me up more than I thought - still have bruises and scabs from knee to shoulders. Figured hiding in the pack for a while to get the legs warmed and revved wouldn't be too shameful. It was a perfect morning with just a thin film of fog laying over the hills keeping the road cool and the colors vibrant. There was water running accross the road everywhere and of course kicking up into my face. The cruise down Malibu Cnyn to the beach was smooth and fast with just the whirring of chainrings with a few whining ratcheting Chris Kings thrown in to keep your attention on the ride. The canyon is spilling over with Amazon-like growth and flowers of colors and types I'd never seen before. At PCH, the oily smooth mirror of ocean reflected the face of the morning back at us, the occasional low lumpy breaker a knowing, ironic wink. Yes a beautiful and perfect day for pain. And that promise began to be fulfilled immediately. Topanga Canyon, pretty easy climb, Old Topang heh, not so bad - rail the banked smooth hairpins back down to Mulhulland, yeah I'm still smiling. A bit of a climb, a bit harder and then up and over and join a sailing, soaring 25 mph group back toward Las Virgines. Man that's not fast enough, gotta get on the front and pull at 30, 32, 30, hold at 30. Cross the Canyon damn this hill hurts - guess I shouldn't have taken the front so fast, so long - I'm cooked! The old shriveled dudes are passing me, the 50 year old ladies on a tandem chant their sweet yet infuriating mantra as they spin past "you're doing fine, don't give up sweety". There's no place to discreetly pull of the road and hide in the bushes. Must keep riding... Mulhulland keeps going up and gets even tougher at times but with a enough pulse-diminishing downhills to give a false sense of hope. Little Sycamore Canyon. It's 8% , 10%, 12%, 16%, 12%, 13% the computer spits out the damage to my shrieking quads and straining knee joints, tendons and menisci. Thank goodness it's only 8% again, what a relief! On and on this insult continues but then there is the climb to Cotharin. Only 3 miles, I CAN M-A-- K--- E it. Only 3 miles average grade 13.2% steepest section 21% for 200 yds. I know what's after this and the thought picture keeps the tired burned matchsticks that used to be legs, jerking out their ugly, erratic mashings. Heart rate 98% of max, breathing in small rapid birdlike whistles, chills. Oh God, I'm almost weeping as the beautiful, gorgeous blue mantle of Goddess Mother Ocean flows up and over the curving green bosoms of earth promising succor and warmth and sanctuary from this hell of suffering. Deer Creek Road is nirvana paved, 2000 vertical feet of hairball descending from the top of the mountains to the sea in less than four miles. But I find myself alone. PCH finds me alone. Las Posas, alone. Hueneme Road, solitary. Portraro Road - thank God no-one's around to see me. The first miles are just steep but enough to wreck all but the last shreds of my writhing corpse. The corner is coming and it looks like the road goes vertical; just as always, it does. I'm riding (?) at 2 miles per hour! I'm still on the bike but can longer tell if going forward/up. I see a few riders ahead in the shimmering black heat, zig-zagging accross the road and tired brain emails tired body-draped bike to do same. Cars are zooming and by dumb luck refuse to squash me as I careen in and out of the lane. Sob........
I did, apparently, make it over the top and over many more painful rollies to the Westlake Village ravaged cadavre depository and lunch stop. And that was it. 96 miles suffered and 8000+ feet painfully ascended. I gratefully accepted the SAG back to the start hotel and puked immediately after falling out of the car.

Just wasn't my day.

PF - 3, FFW 2.5 PF is the man!
Posted by FFW a 46 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a never again from a state of utter exhaustion on 04/19/05

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  •  Re: Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
    Looks (sounds/reads) as if whatever you did to prepare for that... ride? helped. I got tired just reading about it. Congrats on the finish.
    Posted by Big Bad Ben a 36 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Raleigh & The XR250R from Hollywood on 04/19/05

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  •  Re: Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
    I got the email today that the results were posted. I immediately went to see how you and another friend of mine had done. I started in the top 10, nothing.I searched the next 10, nothing. WTF? He said he was going to do this, "ride from Hell double". I looked down a little further, then I got to the DNF's, and lo and behold there was your name. I am so freekin glad I didn't sign up for that death march. What you failed to mention is that all my doubles were 10,000 feet and less of climbing.You were attempting 16,500. Man, what the hell is wrong with you? And this right after a weekend of HARD racing. Nice try though,brah.You'll get em next time. I'm probably going to do Eastern Sierras double along with the Grand Tour and maybe Davis. You got any plans for some more suffering? My other bud finished in 17 hours and has sworn off road riding forever, or till the next interesting ride comes along.
    Posted by Pain Freak riding a Surly Turner from The 909 on 04/19/05

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  •  Re: Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
    Ouch brah,
    and I thought Castaic was a beeyatch.
    Paz Afuera
    Posted by Papisimo riding a Bike on 04/20/05

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  •  Re: Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
    Hey Y'all

    Guess I replied to myself but thanks for the kind words! I too have sworn off the road riding for a couple weeks. I found out why my knees are wrecked, my saddle slid all the way back about 2" to the end of the rails. Wasn't the saddle though, just didn't have the juice. Sure wish I had of finished the other half because I like the mulhulland/Stunt combination. Beautiful scenery and a Magic Mtn. thrillride down Piuma.

    PF - I am registered for Heartbreak but may not ride it if my knees haven't healed. Will do ToTF in the Fall but can't fit Eastern Sierra in my schedule. Eastern Sierra is totally bitchin though - take a camera and lotsa film/mem cards. Beware the wind though, it's in your face the entire 200 miles!

    BBB - thanks man! I was sure wishing for an XR250R on Portrero. By the way, I was thinking... you could change your handle to BBB XVI ;-)

    Hey Papo - it's paz adentro for a week or two. You racing Brian Head National in the Fall?

    I still am planning an Angeles Forrest/Crest loop June 11 if anyone's interested. Won't be a flog - I promise;-) Wish I could race Firestone Walker this weekend but no way to take my kids and know they're safe while I race. Oh well.

    Posted by FFW a 46 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a SWORKS from Palmdale on 04/20/05

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  •  Re: Mulhulland DC / 2 - long and melodramatic
    Damn good writeup with FFW's characteristic good humor! I'm glad I did one Double Century, because I'll never do one again after reading this excellent 'thrasher' tale of horror!
    Posted by STP a 46 year old Racer riding a K2 Razorpiggie from P'Dale on 04/20/05

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