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 Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
So I went to Black Star Canyon trailhead today. I wanted to ride up to Beeks place before the rains hit. Some guy had just come back down to his car as I was about to leave. He said one of the locals up near Hidden Ranch let his German Shepard loose on him. He also warned me to watch out for some guy in a red pickup. On top of that, he said one of the locals that goes by the name "Black Star Bill" like to SHOOT at riders.

What the hell is up with this place? Apparently these guys have been put in jail, but continue to attack riders. I am curious if anyone here has been personally assaulted. I would bet a news station like OCN would just LOVE a story like this. I am thinking of contacting them, but need a lot more information about this.

Now, I realize that there are plenty of good trails to ride, but if someone does not do anything about it, someone is going to get seriously hurt because they did not know about these hicks.

I don't think I would ride up there alone.

Anyway, would like to hear more about these guys.

I opted for Silverado...had a good time in the drizzle!


Posted by Jeff Hall a 28 year old Cross-Country riding a Mongoose IBOC from Irvine on 10/29/00

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    Silverado is better anyways.

    Stories like this have been coming out of Black Star for decades. I personally have never experienced any problems.

    There is this to consider, for years Black Star was an open road to the Cleveland Natl Forest. Then after a massive rain in the 70's that gully washed out the road. In less than a blink of an eye - they closed the road and put up all those fences. Apparently, they have the right. Obviously, they have no desire to allow access and have done everything they can to impose their position.

    Also, there is a CHP or Sheriff who lives in one of those houses along the paved section. Apparently, he does not take to kindly to access either.
    Posted by MTB Fiend a 41 year old riding a ProFlex Animal from Lake Forest on 10/30/00

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    •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
      Anyone know anymore about this guy in the red truck? A girl i know was chased last night for about 5 miles by a guy in a red single cab 89-92 pickup (maybe an s10) before he actually ran her off the road and she crashed. He then stopped with his lights on her wrecked car and watched her struggle and then left. Luckily she escaped with minor injuries but please this is no joke if anyone knows who this @$$hole is please let me know.
      Posted by Llivermore a 27 year old Weekend Warrior from orange on 08/24/07

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      •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
        Considering this post is 7 years old.....I'm not sure you'll get all the info you need from here...
        Posted by Crzyridr33 a 35 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a very light bike on 08/24/07

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    You punks on your shiny bikes! I only have 30% lung capacity (due to them damn cigarette companies) and I'll be damned if anyone else is gonna have fun ridin them damn bikes on my property while I'm wheezin' to get to the fridge from my lounge chair! Punks! Unless you've got some free smokes to drop off, stay off my property, ya' hear!
    Posted by Black Star Bill riding a box of ammo and a shotgun from the canyon where you better not come! on 10/30/00

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    •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
      black star bill.. if it realy is u.. shut up.. i'm doin down there w/ my friends. and i'm not afraid of you and you damn shot gun, cuz my friend is in the military and has an arsenal license.. we'll take your ass out and your satanic friends.
      Posted by XXXXX a XX year old Weekend Warrior riding a XXXXXXXXXXX from Orange county on 08/03/01

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  •  Jeff Hall?
    Hey Jeff,

    You're not by any chance from Minnesota, are you?
    Posted by XcChris a 26 year old Weekend Warrior riding a FSR Enduro from Aliso Viejo on 10/30/00

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    •  Re: Jeff Hall?
      Nope, never been there!
      Posted by Jeff Hall on 10/30/00

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  •  Dueling Banjos
    Boy,you sure are purty on that Mongoose! I'd like to ride that Mongoose for five minutes.Say,wasn't that bike made by a company that makes bowling balls and pool tables? An' you callin me trailer trash?
    Posted by Ned Beatty a 49 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Magna Electroshock Therapy from The Bayou on 10/30/00

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    Black star bill has been booted out by the powers that be,he was a squatter. Riding blackstar has always been legal
    if you hear some crap from anyone either call a cop and they will escourt you or just ride through dont argue
    Posted by K on 10/31/00

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    Go to warriorssociety.org for real info. on Blackstar Canyon. Be smart, be respectful,follow the advice.
    Posted by Martin a 47 year old Cross-Country riding a SpecializedFSR/ from Irvine on 11/01/00

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  •  Black star canyon
    Well...tonite bunch of my friends are gona go there tonite.... its June 3, 2001 it about 12:45 at night...I'll post a message of the experience..... Lets really find out if this is real or full of crap... i've heard of missing arms, cults, some iddiot hick named black star bill who probably is o.d. on vigara shooting at bikers....yeeee haaaaaa! lets find out what happens.
    Posted by Cirrus a 19 year old Cross-Country from Irvine on 06/03/01

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    •  Re: Black star canyon
      What the hell happened out there? Just read a news brief about some serious brutality and rape. Can you say "Deliverence"?
      Posted by Geoff Chaucer a 27 year old Weekend Warrior from Boston on 07/06/01

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      •  Re: Black star canyon
        It wasn't the canyon folks. Can you say meanie Mexicans gangs bangers that have no jobs, no life, no brains and leech off of society and ruin everything they come in contact with. Somebody needs to go find Blackstar Bill and move him back in, see what happens when you mess the balance of nature? He would have chased them off with his sawed off 12-gauge before any trouble started.
        Posted by HerrPoo a 30 year old Racer riding a Schnell Bicycle from TheFaderland on 07/06/01

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    hey man, i'm glad i saw your thing you posted up. My friends have been up there and i know others that have been up there too. its is some CRAZY sh*t! my friend got shot at and chaced by a bunch of KKK people. they also saw a dead body of a mexican in the bushes.Thats wack isn't it? This kid in my summer school class told me that his and his budies would go up there but only when they were drunk cuz its so damn scary. He told me that there is satanic cults up there and when they see you they wait for you and then attack you and have guns. They also got chased by KKK people. Me and my budies will one day go up there and explore. but we will be armed. i'm a thrill seeker.. i want to see this sh*t.
    Posted by Kamran a 16 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a GT from laguna niguel, CA on 08/02/01

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    i know that people have been shot at i know this for sure because i talked to a helicopter officer that i met in my r.o.p class and he actually had to search black star canyon for a sniper that was shooting at people or bikers. this is no joke but they got him. hearing this and a whole bunch of other stories i have heard about through my high school its pretty creepy. check this out http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040613/news_1n13region.html kind of reminds me of a real life situation of "the hills have eyes" me and my brother went through the city of black star or what ever them hicks call it down there and man you get the wierdest feeling. its a little city of a two lane road going through it and just the people give your the weirdest and dirtiest looks . i thing i know for sure is the only people that live out there are poeple with meth labs and then the inbreds that try to kill people.
    Posted by Mealin65 a 16 year old Downhiller riding a k2 from laguna niguel on 06/10/07

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  •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
    About 15 years ago, I rode my bike up there with my boyfriend, son and two dogs, a Border Collie and a poodle, as we passed this trailer area, a big arse crazy man with red hair and long beard came out of nowhere and started shouting at us to put our dogs on a leash, (my poodle was in my bike basket) he rushed us so fast and started chasing our dogs (my poodle got scared and jumped out of the basket) he wouldnt stop chasing my dogs so I could catch them-it was so all so chaotic and surprising & crazy this crazy smelly big fat man doing this. I kept telling him to stop chasing the dogs so I could catch them, I finally got mad and threatened to gouge out his eyes with my long finger nails, he had a gun sitting along the fence, I told my son to get on his bike and start riding back, my boyfriend grabbed our Border Collie I grabbed my little dog and we started riding out of there (the gun was scarey, the whole incident was scarey) as we riding down we heard a truck driving down fast towards us-I thought he was going to shoot us all-and no one would know what happened-
    The people in the truck turned out to be a man and a woman who lived up there, heard the commotion, and said they came to make sure we were ok- I felt very learey of them, by the time they caught up to us, there were several other hikers & bikers around-I'm not sure what their true intent was, but didnt have a good feeling about it-
    As the man did to you, I warned people starting up of the crazy man with the gun-
    When I got home I called to make a police report about it-an police officer came to my house to take the report, he knew about "Blackstar Bill"and said he usually scared people so bad they took off running and he liked to keep their bikes and sell them, but, because he didnt do any body harm he was only going to give that nut case a warning,
    In the meanwhile, I've gotten married and yesterday was the first time I've been back there, we hiked up to the water falls, very steep hard trail for just a trinkle of water, but, I'd do it again.
    This time, no incident what that idiot, but, I was ready in the event it happened again-I hate that feeling being afraid-when the trails are open and legal for everyone to enjoy, that there are kill joys like him around.

    Posted by EXP W STINKY BLACKSTAR BILL a 56 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a regular from Anahiem on 09/06/11

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    •  Re: Black Star Canyon crazies - Your experience?
      I had a weird experiance there when i was in high school. In 1996, a few a my friends and I went to that area at night because of all the weird stuff we have heard about. We drove to the end of Black Star Road and came to a dead end. We jump over a white gate and kept on walking. About a mile down we came to a bunch of junked cars and a bus. When then saw a trucks head lights driving toward us. Thinking it was the sheriff we started walking back toward our two cars. We then heard the racking of a shot gun. We stopped and a man in the truck said "stop right there." This guy made us put our hands up, take off our shirts and turn around as if he thought we had guns on us. He then told us to start walking toward the gate. About half way back, the guy In the truck told us to walk to the side of the road. At this point, I thought we were going to be excited. We then realized it was not a Sheriff vehicle. The truck then quickly drove past us and left us at the side of the road.

      After we walked back to our cars, we noticed that two of our tires on our two cats were flatened. There were six sixteen year old kids stranded there on Black Star at 1200 at night. One of my friends and his girlfriend decided to walk to the main road (Santiago canyon Road) and hitch hike. When they got to the road, a big guy in a truck (don't remember the color) with red hair and beard picked them up. He drove them back over to us and helped us pump up our tires.

      He was a nice guy but he told us that three teenagers had been killed there a few weeks prior. He said that he was driving his truck at night and hit a big bump in the road and just kept on driving. The next morning, he was driving back on the same road and saw some Sheriff cars blocking off part of the road. This guy asked what happened and the Deputiesmtold him that three kids were run over by a car the previous night while looking at the stars on a blanket in the road. This guy told us he was sure if he had anything to do with it.

      This guy called himself Big Red and was weird. He almost sounds like that Black Star Bill that I've heard about.
      Posted by Neo417 a 33 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel Ex7 from SB on 10/06/11

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