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Southern California Message Boards

 Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
What is top the XC hydro out there ?
Posted by OCD on 08/12/04

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  •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
    Avid Juicy 7's. Ride them, love them.
    Posted by Upchuck on 08/13/04

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    •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
      Those little red dials on the lever body are fragile looking. I think I would be seeing broken pieces all over the trail.
      They should be aluminum knurled knobs like fox fork dials.
      Posted by OCD on 08/13/04

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      •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
        Better yet, they should be small, recessed roller-wheels. All you need is one-half of the wheel exposed to adjust the brake.

        That being said, among the systems I have used, I still like the superior performance of the Avid's. Hayes are second, Hope are 3rd, Magura HS33's 4th, and Sh!tmano are last.

        Posted by Upchuck riding a TurnIFreeMondDynGT1x1 on 08/13/04

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        •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini

          My XT's and XTR's work great. I found the Hopes to be a bit weak. The Marta SLs are great, but pricey and not quite as strong as XTR or XT.

          Thank you.

          Posted by ZG a 34 year old Weekend Warrior riding a XRCFEX, Etc. from Studio City on 08/13/04

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          •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
            Other than trying to slow your voluminous self to a stop on a graded fireroad, your experiences with disc brake systems seems to be waisted here. (pun intended)

            I'm sure a nice set of V-brakes would do just fine for you.

            You're welcome.

            Posted by Upchuck riding a TurnIFreeMondDynGT1x1 on 08/13/04

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    •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
      Have you gotten enough miles on your Juicys to work out any bugs?

      I've got them with the "polygon" (not wavy) rotors, and have had 3 issues with the FOCKING things:
      --a warbling, harmonic shriek (not a high squeal) that scares dead men. I can't wait for the damn things to do it when I'm near a horse. Sheit.
      --sticky caliper pistons.
      --the DOT 5 fluid degassed when I went to Mammoth...giving me large air in the lines. Pumping the brakes worked fine to deal with it. Got to travel with the bleed kit, I guess (no shop in Mammoth had one), because I'd degassed and bled out the system to have zero air before we left.

      They brake really well, though, as you know.
      Posted by EBasil riding a Manitou HT from San Diego on 08/17/04

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  •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
    Don't forget XT and XTR.

    I love the stopping power and the modulation of the Hope Mini, but when they heat up on a long dh run, they do start to fade a bit. The Hayes seem not to have quite the stopping power initially that Hope has, but hold up a little better on the long dh runs where the brakes get really smokin'. I don't have experience with any other hydro brake, but for XC racing I'd go Hope, and for trail riding where there are a lot of long downhills, I'd go Hayes.
    Posted by El Jefe on 08/13/04

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  •  Re: Hayes Mag/Marta SL/Hope mini
    He added that helping the Qhubeka project to develop and provide more bicycles to children was also a plus for it, in terms of giving back, and that it synced with a project it already has in place.
    Posted by Happynicky on 12/06/12

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