



- Friday, May 03, 2024

MtB Message Board

 Chino Hills Bonk - Thanks Chuck and John
This is a BIG thank you to Chuck and John, two riders I flagged down while trudging up the South Ridge at Chino Hills yesterday afternoon. I'd drained my Camelbak by the time I hit the bottom of the North Ridge and soon started having serious leg cramps. My two water bottles didn't help. I had to get back to the Rimcrest entrance, and my partner had gone ahead because the sun was so intense. Had to stop three times pushing the bike up from Telegraph to the South Ridge. My legs were locking no matter what position I had them in. This was due to heat, poor fitness and inadequate nutrition/hydration after doing rides the previous two days. I was struggling, inching along and getting very concerned about collapsing. Never had ANYTHING like this before. Was starting to seriously consider 911. A couple of riders passed me going the other way, and a bit later I saw two more coming and flagged them down.

Chuck and John gave me electrolyte capsules, fluids, and a packet of Gu. We talked about bonking and the sudden heat, they gave me encouragement. They weren't impatient with my interruption and were overall totally cool. It took a bit, but I started to feel less like a statue, so I thanked them and headed off. It was a slow process with more stops, and simply getting on the bike for the last steep hill down to Rimcrest was a feat, but I made down and to the house. I saw no other riders after Chuck and John.

Lot's of fluids and nibbles of salty chips, fruit, cheese, etc. and by 10 PM I wasn't having many random cramps. I'll be carrying those anti-bonk aids on every ride from now on.

Thanks Thanks Thanks Chuck and John!

Posted by Klh a 47 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Trek Fuel 80 from San Bernardino on 03/29/09

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  •  Re: Chino Hills Bonk - Thanks Chuck and John
    I hope I'm not being mean here for totally going off topic, but is riding the South Ridge a lot better than taking Telegraph all the way?

    I took Telegraph from the entrance opposite to Carbon (right where it starts on the other side of the map at the Equestrian Staging Area) and it was a decent ride; a huge climb at the start, a decent that lasted forever all the way through telegraph, a hard ride back up that long long decent (now ascent) and a really fast 15 mins down the huge climb.

    I was wondering what South Ridge was like because they've got the "highest area of the park" (San Juan Hill) right there.

    It was my first time there last weekend, so I'm still exploring the park. :/
    Posted by Jimmycudo a 20 year old Downhiller riding a Specialized Stuntjumper Elite from Orange County, CA on 04/04/09

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