Anyone own a 'ParkPre' mt. bike like myself? I bought an original 1993 Scemptor Comp in showroom condition. I did change out the tires to road, trued the hubs and changed the brake pads. I would like to hear from others. Posted by Fastrax a 48 year old Weekend Warrior riding a '93 ParkPre Scemptor Comp from LA on 12/20/07
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Re: ParkPre Mt. Bike Owner Here
WITH THOSE EXTENSIVE MODIFICATIONS THAT '93 MUST ROCK....JUST KIDDING......RIDE ON Posted by Mongoose a 67 year old riding a Bullit from Hwy 2 on 01/06/08
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Re: ParkPre Mt. Bike Owner Here
This is the second non-intelligent posting you have made. Do you not have anything better to say, or is age or senility just catching up with you?... Posted by Fastrax a 48 year old Weekend Warrior riding a '93 ParkPre Scemptor Comp from LA on 01/10/08
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Re: ParkPre Mt. Bike Owner Here
your dog just die? lighten up Posted by Mongoose a 67 year old riding a Bullit from Hwy 2 on 01/12/08
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