Don't know if you're interested in stuff further afield, but you might try the north side of the Gabs. I've done Manzanita, Devil's Punchbowl, and Burkhart twice each this year, and all 3 are in top shape. Manza has seen recent trail work, and is in the best shape I've seen in 15 years! Also, Burkhart is great, but they did an overzealous brushing job...butchered some of the most magnificent manzanita trees. :(
Thanks for the tips. I have never ridden any of those trails. Is there info on this site? Posted by Old gringo a 57 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Truth from Chatsworth on 04/26/10
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Re: Open Gabs for Old Gringo
By "this site" you mean socalmtb...are you high or old...scratch that. Methinks you haven't ridden any trails....that you can remember! Posted by GhostRider a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast on 04/26/10
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Re: Open Gabs for Old Gringo
Want to ride with me and find out how old I am? Or are you just a cyber stalker? Posted by Old gringo a 57 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Truth from Chatsworth on 04/26/10
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Re: Open Gabs for Old Gringo
Okay, you win. Posted by GhostRider a 36 year old Die-hard Enthusiast on 04/26/10
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Re: Open Gabs for Old Gringo
Rack up one for the old guy. Posted by Old gringo a 57 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Truth from Chatsworth on 04/26/10
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No page for Burkhart, but if you go to Punchbowl parking, go uphill on Burkhart Trail (starts right at parking lot) and join the dirt road, keep riding up to the junction, then go right (west) for Burkhart, or left (east) for Devil's Chair.
Thank you for the information, LW. Posted by Old gringo a 57 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Truth from Chatsworth on 04/27/10
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