



- Friday, July 26, 2024

BMX Message Board

 need advice for what bike to buy
i need some opinions for what kind of bike to buy. i have been riding for about 5 months and im thinking about buying a fit trl 1. but idk if thts a good bike for starting bmx. so if anyone could give me their opinion tht would be great thnx
Posted by Gimpy1164 a 15 year old Weekend Warrior riding a nothing yet from erie on 07/09/09

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  •  Re: need advice for what bike to buy
    Go to MTBR.com....you'll get much quicker and varied responses than here...this place is dead...hence my rider name. I am not a shill for MTBR - for the record.
    Posted by GhostRider a 31 year old Downhiller on 07/09/09

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