



- Saturday, February 15, 2025

BMX Message Board

 Girl aspiring BMX racing: HELP!
I aspire to start racing with BMX to fulfill a very hard task. I have not only been fascinated with the sport but with the things it could bring to my life. I am competitive by nature and love challenges and extremes, but recently have found myself stuck in a bit of a pickle feeling like I have lost my sense of identity and self worth. With this sport, I believe that I can finally start gaining some independence. Not being dependent on someone to help me find my own identity will help me realize my real potential in life of extremes. I've been involved with sports my entire life, but it seems as if not a single sport has taught me the value of finding myself as an individual. I finally feel like this calling to become a BMX racer will help me find an answer for what really makes an independent individual.
Sorry for such endless rambling, but if you could so kindly help me in get a clue to getting started on my dream, I will be forever grateful. ANY TIPS WILL HELP! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! :)

Posted by Alina a 18 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a BMX from Parker on 12/14/08

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  •  Re: Girl aspiring BMX racing: HELP!
    BMX racing can do all those things and more for you, if you let it. I became a BMX racer in 12 short weeks this past summer. I was doing it as something to connect with my stepson with, as I married his dad in September. I found out quickly that it was going to do far mroe than just that task though. I gained a ton of new confidence, new friends, and had some amazing road trips and experiences that I never would have without racing. What exactly do you need tips on? Did you get a bike yet? Are you wondering what you should race, 20 inch or cruiser?
    Posted by GG704 a 28 year old Racer riding a Crupi cruiser from The Glass City... Ohio on 12/23/08

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